Holla Forums Is the ratchet and clank movie worth watching?

Holla Forums Is the ratchet and clank movie worth watching?

Consensus last time was that it was not

Star Fox Zero anime short > R&C movie

heard it was shit, seemed like it was.

game's good for what is technically a movie game

take a guess, idiot

only if you are a furry

that shit is out?

dude, the movie buissness is fucking DYING!

nobody knows what's in theaters anymore and no one cares to look it up.

you wanna go bankrupt? go make a movie

No but the game is good.

It's eh. If you watch it either matinee or do a rental. Game is better.

im more interested in the sly cooper movie then this one

Because of the rumors the sly cooper movie is going to be PG-13 and dark ?

Where did you hear that from?

From what I hear the game IS the movie(at least the cutscenes are). So just play the game, if that's good.

Source that shit or shut your ass.

Man I don't fucking know go ask Holla Forums or something.

Nice meme

It's a focus group retcon to turn Ratchet and Clank into a generic kid's movie into other to rake in some money from that trend.

What do you think?

No, its an hour and half of condense bullshit, the game sold more than the movie, let that sink in.

Of course it'll be dark, thieves steal things at night.

The only thing I liked about the remake was how much it made me appeciate Ratchet's character in the original. He was an absolute shit but I only recently realised he was a guy from some back-water planet who wants to go out into the galaxy for fame, success and status. Of course he would want to make something of himself. He didn't really give much of a fuck about saving the galaxy besides what it would net him. It was only when Drek started threatning to nuke Hoven did he actually start to care about the bigger picture then finally put aside his differences with Clank and saved his homeworld and the whole galaxy which punched some humility into him.

I liked it and I really would've liked to see that attitude in Deadlocked since I feel Insomniac held back on that angle in fear of making Ratchet unlikeable.

Now we get this innatly good person dreaming of adventures in the stars. It fits for the kids but it loses that spark the original had plus loses the conflict between him and Clank. It's all too static.

I liked the movie. It is a very generic film, but as a Ratchet & Clank movie I liked it. It does a good job with all the references, it has a fucking ton of great references for fans, more than the new game does maybe (unless you count those cards you collect, but those are cheating). A lot of the changes made to the story make more sense than in the new game because of the differences in pacing and scenes that aren't in the game.

The game does use cutscenes from the movie, but there are major differences. Pacing is the biggest factor. Stuff that happens near the end of the game is pushed forward to much earlier in the movie. Then it takes up a lot of screentime. But there is more focus on some important bits. This pacing does make the movie have a slow start though. Once it gets going it's more enjoyable.

Frankly, the new game, while fun, just felt like the first game with a bunch of content cut out. The movie, on the other hand, was a logical adaptation, and when it cut stuff, it made more sense and the loss of it didn't feel as bad. I don't need to see every level from the original game if they're adapting it to a movie, important plot stuff didn't happen in every level, and we want to keep the movie moving along at a nice pace. Which this movie does after the slow start. In a video game remake though, I want all the fucking levels and hopefully then some. If I play a remake video game and it has less levels than the original, I'll be disappointed. Even iff it is still one of the best games in years (only because good games don't come out anymore so the bar has been lowered).

Original game > movie > remake game

Overall, it's still the best video game movie, except maybe Mortal Kombat.

nefarious can suck my balls

he's not funny and he completely undermines an actually good villain like drek who was shit in the movie

qwark hasn't been funny since R&C2

the franchise's humour has reached rock bottom but it was already near the nadir anyway

Shit, you hit the nail on the head.

However, if it went down Deadlocks path, we could have gotten more "child friendly edgy" (swears cut off at the last second, more suggestive moments. But not done cleverly, just blatant) and less exploration (though Deadlockeds combat was better).

Still, Insom were dumb enough to team up with EA on Overwatch Fuse so maybe they have some jews in the department.

Qwark was great in Up Your Arsenal. The first three games were basically his arc, and it's after that he stopped being as great. His story was done. I liked him in All 4 One though. But that story is greatly improved by reading the comic, where Qwark is great, but nobody reads comics, even though this one is by the writer of the games and actually ties in incredibly well.

The movie did nerf all the villains though. Drek doesn't feel nearly as fulfilling as the original game, and Nefarious doesn't at all make up for it. They just want to set him up for sequels.

With Qwark, they tried going in another direction with him and making him actually sympathetic, and while that adds some interesting stuff that wasn't in the original, I don't think it's as powerful as the twist in the original and the way it changes the whole direction of the story.

I liked nefarious, but I agree on all other counts.
He was better in RC3 (and should have stayed there, give each game it's own main villain), but had the better boss battle in 4.

The second game throwing qwark in at the end was curve ball, it set up his reappearance cleverly and well and would have been a lot fucking better if they didn't proceed to bring qwark back super dumbed down in every single piece of R&C media, he became a shit insomniac meme and drove the smarter or at least more subtle plots away from the games

I don't hate nefarious but i sure as hell don't think he's a good enough villain to warrant the shoehorning in he gets.

His best part was his fuckin butler and he's not even in the sodding movie

But he's not even important in the later games. He's there, in most of them at least, but the plot no longer revolves around him. His most important role after that is All 4 One, and that's saying something.

The really stupid part is that Drek has this robot assistant who could have easily been Lawrence, but they fucked that up.

Yeah, don't give people what they want at first.
Make them BEG for it, then have it turn up just as they give up hope.

Works for stories and sequels, but obviously not gameplay (bar games where scarce resources are part of it)

What odds the sly cooper movie gets carried with sly implied fetishism with women putting guns on his neck?
