Greetings Holla Forums,

This is the group who is trying to "train" the local commies/socialists at the University of Central Florida.

w - ww.facebook.com/kfsocialism/?fref=ts

Why not troll them and also report them to the local UCF police force? They have photos of innocent people ANTIFA has attacked along with the anti-America La Raza movement.

Remember, UCF and all colleges are BUSINESSES. Strong voices of condemnation can see this group shut down.

If you're an UCF goy please be at their event tonight to document membership.

Let's have some fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



You can call the Chief and various Brass here to report your concerns.

https:// - police.ucf.edu/contact-list


Where were you when Commies, who killed Christians and made it illegal to not be an Atheist used Christian Icons to push their bullshit?

Almost makes me want to move back to florida and kill some commies. Easy to get away with it there, in fact, the cops might provide the rope.

lol, that guy was literally just a Trump supporter, kek

…Are they purposefully using the shitty Swastika?

These guys beat people up and you guys write angry letters. It doesn't get more pathetic than this.

Stand your ground state.

And why doesn't this happen more?

beatings are a half measure. we are patient and we want war. continue down this road please.

Simple assaults like this mean we get to file a class action against their financial backers and destroy the political carreers of anyone who supports them, inevitably leading to a completely legal purge. We are on the side of the law and the USGovernment, we have all the cards, and every fucking one is a trump.

If the election went differently, we'd be shooting them.

They attack basic bitch conservatives, pushing the right further right. This sort of thing is great for us,

It's more like "these guys get away with this stuff because Soros owns the justice system and if we fight back, we get 20 years in prison"

Just look at the /k/ user who shot in self defense after being chased down. Or the journalist in Portland who is facing multiple felony charges just for pulling his gun out on some antifa about to attack him.

Yeah its basically WBC tactics.

Because it's not Neo-Nazis who punch people nowadays.

fuck I meant for this

Could you imagine the lawsuits we could file if we were to get Kekism legal status as a church in the usa? Temple of Kek now!
maybe I want too deep during chnology…

Contact the school and point out how, any 'training' or other shit that's done on school property, makes THEM legally liable for the violence these fuckers commit. If you get hit by one of these nutcases then you can sue the school for $50m.

Is there video of the punch? I needs to be set to this music.

You are a sly legal man

This tbh. Florida law enforcement are about as traditional as one can possibly get. Redpilled beyond belief in most cases and even the nignog cops here are old fashioned. They dont take kindly to communist scum especially when the majority of these officers are Veterans.

Truth be told user, this is the shit that needs drilled into people's minds more. It might be a hard wake-up call to swallow but cleaning your guns isn't a bad option either.

Tax Exempt Status sounds great, however we'd quickly become the David Koresh target of the Fed

This makes me want to wear a swastika tee and armband and gey punched by Antifa on campus. Just to become a martyr for the cause (and for shekels)


And yet we've got Trump in the White House and they've been playing revolution for decades now.

it probably triggers them too much to use a real one, but they ruined their image's effect by doing that

Cultural Marxism is REAL.


Please. You had every incentive in the world to start shooting since 2011 at least. Leftists actually fight when their backs are to the wall. You make memes and participate in flame wars.

You don't understand political violence. Violence like this silences and shocks people into the closet. Institutionalised leftist violence is what created the silent majority. That's the reason leftists say "make nazis afraid again" or whatever. They get it. The use of the "if you kill your enemies they win" is just the flacid justification of domesticated Rightists.

Everyone here should be jealous of the Lefts Left-Wing Death Squads. Every conservative/rightists since Burke has been.


Also, I'm not on this side. This is the faggot domesticated right side. I'd rather be a leftist barbarian than a soccer mom rightist.

Do it faggot

keep fishing, faggot

Another one

They really don't understand symbolic representation and memes.

Oh man. Here we go.



It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.


heres their leader
Name: Dylan J Tyler

Organization: Knights for Socialism & Orlando Antifa Chapter (leader)



Phone #: (407) 247-2203

Email: [email protected]

FB: archive.is/5hyzQ