Gun to your head, tell the truth or die:

Gun to your head, tell the truth or die:
If you could completely erase every trace of just one game between either Overwatch or Battleborn, which would you pick?

Other urls found in this thread:

Battleborn, it's a corporate shitpile and the curvy Eskimo in Overwatch is a QT.

It is more likely to be successful and therefore more likely to create trends and, more importantly, retards who think its a competitive shooter. You'll see people bitching about the ladder and matchmaking and balance before long, and talking shit about other games. You already see people from the beta trying to say how bad TF2 is.

Battleborn will fade into obscurity, like Dawngate.

How about not making this thread when there are already two shill threads up. We don't need a third where they discuss how much better their game is than the other.

Overwatch, I have nothing against Gearbox aside from them not being all that good, whereas Overwatch is already proven cancer.

She's Chinese, as evidence by her ridiculous fucking accent and obvious oriental hairpin.

Also I'm pretty sure she's actually quite thin under all those layers. She doesn't have a fat face.

I think its how much shitter one game is than the other in this case.

I'd rather have them try to outjew eachother rather than giving either one a monopoly on the tf2clone-assfaggot market

Also, filename.

Didn't care about the game at all untill this ass started popping up everywhere.

also I forgot to sage the shill thread, my bad

competitive is whatever the PEOPLE deem competitive.

good examples are SC2, promoted to be "THE" new esport

GW2 also promoted as THE new esport,

WoW was promoted to be an esport

In fighting games, MK9, X, Killer Instinct, promoted to be esports.

Whilst you have Super Smash bros a casual party game where the designers intentionally put in un-competitive stuff still generates a competitive scene.

Whatever nerd.

Overwatch. Stillborn already erased itself.

Shame to lose some decent porn, but it's a small price to pay to spit in neo-Blizzard's greasy corporate eye.

Thin I don't know, but she's clearly the fat fuck some peoples think she is.

Battleborn. Gearbox and Pitchford need to fuck off forever.

At least Overwatch will lead to great porn.

Now that you mention it, it even goes as far as with games that have speedrunning modes in them not getting speedrunning streams or anything. Even a game like mirror's edge doesn't really get a mention.



I mean who really even gives a shit about Battleborn? It'll fade into obscurity.

I don't even know what Battleborn is.

Battleborn, Overwatch has nice porn.

I'd rather you pull the trigger so I don't have to hear about either anymore.

How about you stop making shit threads?
We really have more than enough with the fucking shills mate.

But answering your question, I'd prefer to eliminate Overwatch by far. Porn I can find anywhere since its the only positive point of Overwatch and Gearbox is a lesser evil compared to ActiBlizzard.

The most I've seen is that Jojo avatarfag, but when I called him wrong he just screamed FUCK YOU I AM RIGHT

Yes you totally have the face of a kid, you are one after all.

I want to see him naked


I want to see Pitchford and his shitty company suffer.



I'd flip a coin. I don't give a shit about either of them.


I don't care about these games, but I would never erase that ass

I'll be buying Ovalwash to play with friends, and I've already played in the betas.

That said, I'd pick Overwatch to erase. It's like playing with Fisher Price toys more than it is a decent shooter.

Probably Battleborn, the aesthetic seems weirdly cartoonish, almost to the point of abstraction. I can't tell what half the shit on the front cover even is. Is it a mushroom? Why is everything so freakishly out of proportion? Why are that lady's arms so short and the sword so long? That dapper robot must be 30 feet tall with those legs!

And why does the title look like it was drawn by an 8 year old in paint?

Battleborn. Anything Gearbox is cancer

battleborn would probably die in the water even if overwatch didn't exist

overwatch annoys me because i would like to give it a try but i hate blizzard

None. I don't really give a shit about either game, and I don't want to ruin the fun of a bunch of casuals being casuals.

let's not forget Evolve


Because Gear Box still has the rights to Duke Nukem and they shouldn't

OK guys, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

I swear I saw an owl guy in one of those games and I can't find it now.

Where the fuck is the owl guy?!?!?


Battleborn Marquis has an Owl pet, which seems one of the few good character designs from that game.

the guy in the front has a ridiculous stance, made more ridiculous by the fact they probably just took his splash art from a loading screen, then pasted and tilted it for this banner



Maybe you're thinking of one of Zenyatta's skins?

Holy fucking shit I actually had trouble finding the mushroom man in that splash art.

see this is what sucks, i WANT to play as this dude but i don't want to give blizz money for something that could be dead in the water in 2 months




Play the open beta nigga. Zenyatta is fucking fun.

You're thinking of Gigantic, homie.

don't you have to pre order to get in the open beta?

It's alright, he's a healer and the weakest one at that so you're not missing out on much.


oh that's fuckin' gary, you would think a robot monk would have superb CQC

sheeeeeit, he's not from any of those games then

I feel pretty stupid right now.

Zenyatta needs to be played with a Lucio or Mercy to be really effective but he's less of a healer and more of an offensive support. He can shred anyone if he puts a discord on them.

At least he's not as shit as Symmetra as a support.

Did you really expect something good from Blizzard?
Battleborn and Overwatch are both shit, but at least Battleborn has better gameplay (still shit) meanwhile Overwatch only has porn to get it going.

oh yeah and then there's "battleborn, the even more dead on arrival version"

jesus christ, calm down you sperg

It's ok, all these fucking games are morphing into themselves anyway. I don't blame you for getting any of them mixed up.

She's some anime-white girl with a retard mouth

No kidding, I'm looking into it now, they even have another one of those multi armed characters.

at least someone got the porn right

I don't even know man.

I got carefully hyped for Overwatch and now I'm playing the closed beta but it's like I'm trying to force myself to have fun with it.

The art is good, there was work put into that, but the game just feels so overly simplistic that I feel I won't even be able to stay interested in it till friday.

Is modern gaming really becoming that boring, or is this really what growing old feels like?

It's just like HOTS, and D3 shiny and visceral, but the gameplay and mechanics behind all the polish is boring crap

That's because their fanbase is on a different level of autism

Who is that semen demon?

Neither because why the fuck would I be so petty that I'd eraser a game that someone else might enjoy just because I don't care about it?

Gods user I don't know, stop wanting to fuck everything

I guess I was just foolish expecting something easy to learn, hard to master. Something different from their previous games.

too bad fuckboy

Looks like one of those cats from monster hunter

I'll play it when it goes F2P.

I'd suck those fat titties.

But that's like… muh hormones n'shit

(((Someone))) really wants Holla Forums to be aware of Overwatch and Battleborn.

They're both downright retarded, like you

Lost cause, nobody here is buying them anyway. They would have more luck shilling in a TF2 or Dota forum.

You're giving Holla Forumstards too much credit.

fuck off. Some of us actually want to talk about the game and the actual shills make it hard enough without you retards screaming about them too.

I'm still pondering wether I should buy it or not, and I'd like feedback from other anons on how the maps are, how the diferent mercs play and how well does teamwork help winning.

Instead I get retards screaming that it's the second coming of christ, or retards like you screaming that it's a conspiracy.

Some things are just not meant to be

Of course they're aware. This site isn't your only communication channel to the web, you'll hear about these shitty games one way or another. Over here you'll just easily hear how shitty a game is by listening to the criticism and just ignoring praise. And you'll know not to buy them.

why it's almost like Blizzard artists draw things the same way they dress themselves ie slap a bunch of random shit together that only a child with ADD would think looks cool.

Don't feel stupid, these games are all very similar and all have generic, mundane titles.

funny how you really want to talk about the game but only bothered to start posting when you got a chance to bitch. fuck off.

Why are there so many fucking Paragon/Overwatch/Battleborn/WHATEVER THE FUCK threads?
Jesus Christ, we get it, they exist. Stop spamming the catalog with them.

Yea, some of you should also fuck off and never post here again.

I'd go back in time and off the guy who started the WC3 DOTA mod and eliminate this whole stunted mutant of a genre

Then you should also kill the guy that came up with the idea of controlling a single guy with some abilities in an rts engine

Literally what is there to talk about? Super leet tricks and deep strats?

It's shallow enough for the mobile crowd to play for gods sake. The only "Strategy" is you've got your friends on vent and they don't. You win.

There you go, the entire in depth strategy guide.

ok i can go with that

Same goes for TF2, and noone calls that game shallow. And they should.

I'm torn. On one hand Overwatch is the bigger title and Battleborn is nigh irrelevant so I'd pick Overwatch.

On the other, Battleborn is the most soulless, disgusting game I've seen in a long time.
Gearbox should be thrown in a volcano for this. Is this what being triggered feels like?

Yes people do. Holla Forums has been calling TF2 shit for ages.

Do we live on the same plane of reality right now?

Are you new?

i fucking hate this shit so much

why put in cool impact physics or animations, or add gore or gibbing when you could just make the ticks come out but bigger depending on the gun you use

i pretty much instantly dismiss any shooter that uses that shit


I know hardly anything about either, but apparently Battleborn has some kind of single-player PvE mode and isn't just fighting the same evenly matched PCs in the same few maps over and over and over, which isn't my cup of tea. I like being the one hero mowing down all the badguys singlehandedly and I like progressing to new virtual landscapes.

So I'd get rid of Overwatch, I guess. Assuming I have the titles straight. For some reason, I can't really keep them connected to their games, anybody else have that problem?


that's cause you came here from reddit yesterday and everything's already been said a million times before.

What controversy?

Though Blizzard folded to SJW's long ago. How they started to cover midriff on females because it was triggering some faggots little girl.

All the Overwatch girls are so fucking ugly, people only draw porn of them because the game is forced down everybody's throat.

That's the only upside to this, all the porn coming out. Shit I have yet to see anything for BattleBorn.

one of tracers taunt poses involved turning her back to the camera and taking a wide stance pose

one person complained that it was too sexual on blizz forums and blizzard changed it to an arguably more racy pose that was seemingly traced (heh) from an old pin up piece

it's incredibly sketchy

You'd have to be a scrub to get killed by either without team multi-ults like 76/McCree + Zarya/Reinhart. I bet you think's ult is broken as well.

why would you want smut fro battleborn? the designs are for shit

They said they wanted to change it either way since it was a victory pose that multiple heroes had and victory poses are unlockables so having multiples is already kind of shit. I'm pretty sure Kaplan latched onto any feedback he could about the pose to turn it into good PR but didn't realize how negative the fan reaction would be. Kaplan has always been a retard.

People who pre-ordered got into it 2 days early. It's public from tomorrow.

Yeah his healing's not great, but he can shred people with those orbs, and good luck to any tank with discord on them.

I feel there's just a bit too little depth for each character individually, but a lot spread across a large number of playstyles, maps, and all characters together. I've seen enough people abusing characters like Reaper and Mei and destroying teams by themselves, and being adept and understanding how the whole set of characters work together and how each character on each map works is the challenge.

I tend to believe that when people say something is too simple, they're not looking at what they believe isn't complex to them, and if you're coming from an arena shooter background it'd seem fairly simple. To a Battlefield, CoD or Counter Strike player, it's probably way too fast and/or unrealistic to them, and it makes no sense. Things like lack of hitscan weapons(only 8 out of the 21 heroes have hitscan weapons, 3 of them using shotguns) or lack of grenades for area denial or flushing would be weird to them. If you're used to it, a lot of mechanics click instantly and don't really need to be explained, which can make it seem shallow.

As far as overall depth goes, it's there I think. The learning curve is different, but equivalent to, TF2 and Quake and is largely transferable. You'll find any "They play X so I'll play Y and win" strategies will probably die when people learn how to shore up defenses and counter counterpicks.

I wish more characters had varying playstyles, or potential possible abilities, like different selectable ults or skills before the game. I also want to see Bastion nerfed into the ground, I've had retarded teams rush into last point against 3 of him, and never got the idea to switch to another character. Why he can kill me from across the map as easily as any sniper could reasonably is beyond me.

Here's the original

Play the game, idiot. Noone has aimbot instagibs.

all i can see in this is some clown who wasn't involved in the development telling the modelers and animators how to do their job

which makes me thing it was a crock of shit to get peoples attention some more

None of this will happen except for the nerf which will happen right before the release of a new hero.


The whole thing reads like a PR person trying to come off as a normal person. How does this person know how Blizzards art pipeline works?

Monster Musume is my favorite anime


shit taste



user let's be reasonable here


Unfortunately yeah, they'd rather introduce more characters to the sandbox than change existing ones. I think it undersells characters a bit, but then again they're trying to be superheroes, who are typically known for their "one defining power" motif anyway. It makes them easy to identify, which is one strength I guess.




Yeah another thing, as they add more stuff the artstyle is going to look like it's trying to be simplistic but is actually cluttered.

Yknow, like TF2 after the hattening

So, is this considered /monster/ ?

Get the fuck outta here

"Monster"girls are just chicks in costumes, not monsters.

Now that's just furshit.


It looks like Borderlands.

that's just creepy


That's because actual monsters like the one in your image are fucking creepy instead of being cute.

Oh god stop it I just wanted to talk about how much I hate videogames


Same studio, that's why.

Well, user, you've invoke the wrath of the gigantic horse vagina. Nice going.

I'm trying, but these ain't even my drawings

Can't we all just get along and enjoy some 2D?

the wrong half of that is horse


That's one ugly ass pussy

hmmm, maybe we need a $999 dollar skyrim mod to fix it.

So have you guys actually played either of these games yet?

I haven't played battleborn yet, but overwatch was pretty fun
And they said the only micro-transaction shit they would be doing is for like, loot boxes, which you can get really easily in game

Neither. I'd disarm you and put a bullet in your kneecap.

why would I waste my time on games with microtransactions? My backlog is huge enough as is.

gimme the big thighs

… Scar?

Judging by the maps, and some skins already in the game, I don't think they're too fussed with visual clutter. It doesn't seem like too big an issue given their design limitations, but it seems like an issue might arise if they start introducing too many characters. Most enemies in sight also have a red outline around them anyway, abilities seem pretty easily identifiable by colour and effects, and team composition is public knowledge, so general awareness of teamplay and maps seems more important than strict visual outlines.

Aesthetic discrepancy didn't really hurt TF2 in the way Valve expected, and I think that's why you see more of the outlandish hats that were added. The aesthetic was made for gameplay first, looks second, but it never got to a point where you would mistake one class for another, or that any hats gave a significant disadvantage. I can't even think of any situation where a taller hat or unusual effect actively gave away a players position and gave me an advantage when I played. For the most part, snipers are still awful regardless of headwear, demoknights existence is regrettable but not game-ruining, and hats haven't made the game substantially easier or harder to play. I think that visual clutter won't be as obtrusive unless someone is completely new to the game, which is something matchmaking tries to address anyway.

If the game manages a steady influx of newer players, so that it never completely locks people out of feeling like they can progress, then it probably won't matter at all. That said, FPS games are probably the easiest games to start progressing in from a baseline: Punishment for death is fairly insignificant, kills are relatively easy to get (nobody is unkillable), and the skill cap starts relatively low (if you can land shots, you're probably doing well). Everyone goes into an FPS game knowing what is expected of them. Where the specific game adds depth of mechanics is where things get more nuanced (map spawns, rocket jumping, character capabilities / counters, the list goes on).


Oh, no! He said I was a shill, in greentext! It must totally be true!

What ever will I do now that my reputation has been ruined by this anonymous accuser who is correct?

I study design and have opinions on things. If I could get paid for saying shit on an anonymous image board I'd gladly do it. I'd live the dream and just shitpost all day.

You got balls, mate.

Go play Thief shill

Is that the PC version? What settings? Looks like console version.

Its the PS4.5 version

Battleborn, because overwatch has some pretty good Waifus. And rule 34/of them

*Gasp* He even knew my favourite game! I love the adventures of Gerrit, the cool, edgy, stealy man.

I just took 3 screenshots off google.

You are cancer and part of the reason of why lately fullchan quality is dropping.

It's a cat species from one of the greatest non capsulized series of all time. Monster hunter.

This user did me a solid:

Some skins in Overwatch just look very confusing the first time you see them.

Also there's that whole leveling thing tied into the cosmetics that's there for no good reason that I can see. Why do I have to look at this dumb uncrating animation? Just give me my random free stuff I don't want a 5 second cutscene every time this happens.


If only because it's going to die out faster than the other game. Plus you know, it's going to be like HOTS in terms of sustained content..if not worse.

When half the maps are fucking de_dust and the other maps are Nuketown, this game is pretty fucking boring.

PS: Don't give characters vertical lift via jets and hooks then immediately declare invisible walls all over the fucking place. Fuck off.

They're telegraphed so clearly and take so long that you'd have to be terrible to die to them regularly.

Who fucking cares? This place has never been good. Any kind of discussion about vidya is completely fucked, unless it's some meme-shit or about censorship.

There never was a community here and if you think there is or that this community of yours is dying, you're out of your fucking mind.

Currently playing the Overwatch beta, pre-ordered for the early beta code lel.
I'm finding the game so fucking frustrating. Its fucking well optimized and everything feels good.
The problem then? It has like 3 fucking buttons, im literally hammering WASD just to be doing something other than holding the mouse button. This game is for disabled people who can't press many buttons.

I played Battleborn beta on the steam weekend. That game has few buttons but is more or less the same issue. I like that there are towers to upgrade on the map but the combat is arse.

Fuck 'em both. Trash.

Come back when you know how matchmaking works. It's been two days. Lots of shitters.

Based on what?

Based on what?

They are? Seems designed to make it competitive but not serious.

You alright?



Boy I wonder if it's because people respond to bait like the retard dick licker you and are. Have you considered discussing or engaging with people who are putting forward meaningful discussion, rather than simply calling everyone who argues a point about something a shill? Is your idea of a shill someone who likes something you don't? If you expect any meaningful discussion by saying I get paid to post, I'll post as much shit as I want then and rake in the cash, and what are you going to do about it? See? It makes no sense. Don't be a retard.

It's something most players would adjust to seeing after seeing it once or twice, I think. Carrots on sticks, such as leveling, also keeps people playing. Not everyone likes the systems or their implementation (myself included), but assuming their not too obtrusive to gameplay (like locking weapons or characters until a certain point) they're usually not absolute cancer, or they adversely affect gameplay by hiding the game winning weapon until you play for 50 hours (or in EA's case, locking the best weapon in as an early pre-order bonus. Thanks for that one with Battlefront).

But hey, at least the crates are free to open, right?

Blizzard Circa 2016.

and it's not even fun, minus Hearthstone. Marvel Heroes does a better job than Diablo 3

Being put against the best Overwatch player in my first 4 games isn't good matchmaking. Plus I know how it works. Invisible MMR number that dictates how good/bad you are, and blah blah blah.

Combined with the "open beta", the matchmaking reset just shits up everything. Not even worth trying to learn the game if 90% of matches are all one-sided stomps.


Not having custom servers is fucking stupid.

Never watched it. Time I got onto this moster girl business.
Where do I start?

Rollan to see what I get.

Prediction: This doesn't last.

Game goes F2P December 2016/Spring 2017 if the game still is alive and kicking by then. Those who bought the game prior will have some kind of temporary membership Those who bought the Origins Edition will have a permanent membership that allows you free crates and premium login access or some shit.

shit was dead before it left the gate.

so i guess overwatch is really the only moba/fps/shooter/tf2/assfaggot clone that is going to have players

There should be a function that autosages every reply if the OP mentions Overwatch.

It's a shit thread, ofcourse I'm not going to actually discuss shit.
These kind of shit is reddit tier, you should consider stay there.

First two months after the first exodus felt like 2006, quality was top tier, discussions were about videogames and about good vidya. It was truly golden age that came back, for redditshit to ruin once again.

Battleborn, it's just bad fam.

Didn't even have to say anything

41,853 viewers
still in beta

3,866 viewers

Yeah see I just expect to happen.

I guess it doesn't inconvenience me too much but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

You know what the worst part of this is? I really want to play one of these games and enjoy them, because I think the concept is pretty neat. It just that somehow every game of this genre seems to be bogged down by shit

Battleborn reeks of burch, while Overwatch has that Blizzard air freshener that goes bad after a month.

Its month isn't up yet.

Don't remind me. This game albeit how teamstacked and shit it was in matchmaking, was actually kind of fun.

K. You shoot yourselves in the foot, Motiga.

That, and unless some private server comes out for fucking Dawngate, there is still no "best MOBA" / Multiplayer Mandated Cancer to date.

Oh god dawngate, why did that have to die

Shit the game had so much detail they had lore for skins.


Good. Put another nail in Gearbox's coffin.

Wait, are you saying TF2 isn't terrible? The game has had serious fundamental flaws from the outset that never were resolved (like Pyro and Spy being completely worthless). All the updates only add to the mess. It was at its best a simple casual fun shooter.

Of all the ASSFAGGOTS Dawngate was the least cancerous
But come on, it was published by EA, can't say we didn't see it coming

It just released, Steamspy takes time to update their numbers.
Wait 3 more days before using them

Should probably sell around 100k/200k

Battleborn because fuck Randy Pitchford.

i guess that's why? otherwise you've lost me.


what ass? all I can see is legs entering a torso.

Just take a look at the fucking figures included in the Battleborn preorders. This kind of shit is what Gearbox cooks up for their costumers.

holy fuck that is a new low

I'm sold, preordering two sets.

Holy shit, it's combination of shitty designs meeting half assed sculpting and painting.

If it wasn't for the name being right there I'd have thought it was LoL due to how generic it is.

LoL has better character design

no one's going to play battleborn, so i guess overwatch

battleborn basically already doesn't exist

let's not compare turd varieties here

Overwatch. Because I don't even fucking know what Battleborn is.

no one does, its a marketing fucking kamikaze

Battleborn has some excellent PvP. I'm talking on the level very, VERY close to Tribes 2. I haven't had this much fun with multiplayer in a long-ass time.

The story mode is boring and mundane as fuck. Though, the unlockables are cool and the boss battles are pretty nifty.

Sorry for the late reply and the bump, but I kind of want to talk more Gigantic/dawngate with the other user

I liked a lot from dawngate. Like I mentioned above, the music and details are pretty cool, but there was a lot in gameplay that I liked compared to say Dota or Smite

For example I liked the whole role system. After picking a character(What did they call them, Shapers?) you were given a choice of five roles, support, hunter etc etc and each of those roles prioritized a certain playstyle and rewarded it by giving extra experience and currency for playing to that role(For example if you were a jungler you got more gold for killing jungle creeps, a roamer you got more for getting kills, I think supports got some for either being hit or supporting your lane mate

There was also a pretty neat secondary objective, although I'm not going to lie to you I do not remember much of it besides that it gave extra currency to the entire team or something. I liked the item system too. It was pretty simple but it offered a lot of options and none of the characters were restricted to use any item. It was kind of rare but I remember seeing and even using the fire aura armor item on carry characters.

The characters were pretty okay for the most part, but I remember Dibs, The King of Masks, Fenmore and Desecrator fondly. Desecrator in particular had a really cool voice and a really neat ultimate that reminds me a lot of launching dead cows in Stronghold.

I find that hard to believe user.

Hyperbole: the post. There are 5 more guys per team, it's not 1v1. And if you are that stacked, stay for the next match. The game automatically scrambles people.

That almost nobody has yet, since it's in beta and recently release. If there was such a thing, why would you, with 0 "invisibru mmr" be put against someone with "infinite invisibru mmr"? Shit make no sense, niggah.

No such thing, mate. I've quit many games with no problem. And this shit ain't even like a MOBA where the game is decided at the 15 minute mark but you still gotta "play" for 30 more minutes so the other team can have fun.
Matches last 10 minutes at most and you always have the oportunity to win. I've turned around (and have been turned around) many times from certain defeats\victories.

HotS keeps getting new heroes. Assuming they do the same business, we can expect more heroes as well.
For everyone complaining about "custom server", there ARE custom servers. You can set one up for you and your friends, fill the slots with AI and pick any map you want.


le epic borderlands "humour" needs to fucking die

Gave me a hearty chuckle

Shit, really? What were they thinking? I defend Overwatch because it really doesn't look like a MOBA, but I can't say the same about Battleborn.
I hear the campaign is kinda neat but that's not why someone is gonna pay 60 bucks for it, and playing first person moba when Smite is out and about doesn't seem like a good choice…

Why would anyone want to get rid of overwatch?
It has good porn and that not-pixar thing they've got going with the trailers could be neat
This is a really dumb thread

Overwatch is at least good mindless filler to play while listening to podcasts or shit
Battleborn is just garbage.

Battleborn because fuck Gearbox.
Overwatch has generated porn. It's also a fun game to dip in to every now and then.

But overwatch is good

Gearbox is over.

Overwatch is passable but in no way a successor to games that have come before it, and it's no way in hell worth $40


Played Overwatch for 2 days, almost 15 hours in total. Probably never gonna play it again, even if it goes F2P. People who like MOBAs and shitty modern shooters might like it though.
At least it made me reinstall TF2.

I was expecting Battleborn to be the next tortanic, but looks like it's already dead. Some people can't even play it because it's so badly optimized.


You can see her ass at certain angles and it's twice as big as Tracers.

Which isn't saying much because Tracer is a stick insect wearing a jacket, but still.

Reminds me of the old bootleg threads.


Shit, even Might No. Never's figures have more work to them than this shit.

Need to see more of those abominations for confirmation.




Say what you want about Blizzard, but Battleborn is made by Gearbox. That should say it all.

Reminder not to preorder, buy into hype and do other stupid consumer normalfag shit because even your best friend can be a shill!

Reported for shitposting.

Vanilla TF2 was the greatest thing to ever grace multiplayer.

let me think for a sec ….
dayum! the porn is too strong !

either way blizzard is dead since hearthstone

This, Overwatch is bound to do more damage because it's just the right mix of good and bad.

Are you gonna complain about the Goldrush update next? Faggot

Overwatch's artstyle is mediocre pixarshit

Battleborn's artstyle is a gigantic mess of first year animation student tier overdesigned characters

Without playing either and assuming that they're both more casual versions of TF2, I guess I'll go with Battleborn since at least overwatch could have some decent porn.

I have no picture to convey the spiritual exhaustion I feel every time one of these characters are trotted out.

A fat Chink environmental scientist is literally the exact opposite of reality, as admitted by Leftists themselves.

You can't fucking have it both ways.

Is Paragon gud?

Vanilla Quake was the best thing to ever grace multiplayer

How communist of you.

Heard it wasn't very good, and still has a lot of work to be done. One of the heroes (that giant reaper thing) still has a skin that's not even textured.
It had a cool mechanic with harvesters to give your team an extra point to fight for, but it's not THAT different from jungle camps. Just a bit more passive.
Out of all 3, I'd still go with Overwatch, since that's a brawler where you fight with other people, while Battleborn and Paragon are actually a first person MOBA, with the 3 lanes, the towers and the minions. Nothing wrong with that kind of decision and the presence of vertical movement in Paragon is kinda neat for the genre, but if I wanted a MOBA in (sorta) first person, I'd play Smite.
But since I want an actual shooter with class-based teamplay, I'll stick with Overwatch.

Overwatch has better porn so i rather keep that one.
Inever heard of Battleborn until one week ago so i dont know what is it about.

Battleborn barely has any porn. There's like 1 good picture of that witch


What a fucking retard.

I will give that Bastion needs a nerf. Like make his turret have to rev up instead of INSTANT fire. Or prevent him from being able to headshot in turret mode.

I had hope that I wouldn't get bored of overwrought by the end of the weekend, but it's about halfway since when I started and the end, and I'm bored as shit. There is no unifying vision for this lukewarm mess of ideas, and there is no emergent gameplay since the abilities do only what they say and the only 'combos' are based on multiplying/decreasing damage, or zoning, like with mei's ice wall. There is no crazy interactions between abilities because they're meant to have minimal player control; the grappling hook on sniper AUTOAIMS at ledges 10 feet in front of me and 5 feet off the ground, and half the time it doesn't even pull me up in the first place. This is a problem because if the ledge I was aiming at was out of range, it would give me the charge back so I could try again.

None of the characters have ANY appeal to me as characters, not even as archetypes. Remember part of the flavor appeal of tf2 is that characters would have hundreds of (uncompressed, file bloating) voice lines for dominations, capping, fucking anything? The only character interaction we see is at the start of the round, and it's fanfiction tier at best. All the characters speak in >SELF AWARE pulp cliches and every single voice actor is obnoxious, forgettable or both.

I want it gone because of the massive amounts of undeserved hype and acclaim it has and will have. Battleborn would never fill that theoretical power vaccum.

Yeah the one thing I give mad props to valve games is the banter. Even DOTA has like 40 minutes for each character. I love that sorta thing. It doesn't sound like much, but it just adds to my enjoyment.

Nice double dubs!
Also, is there more of that porn?

Also, you FUCKING FAGGOTS better not be giving actiblizz money. I am getting softly estranged from friends by not buying this, and, I fucking swear, if you let me down again like you did with FO4, which I'm sure you bosher kosher circumsized cockshort niggerloving honkey-enablers all bought, I'm going to do something like get angry or feel nothing


Every video I look up on that shit is literally just a guy holding down left click occasionally using an ability off cooldown and running away for a health pickup every 5 minutes.

Is this what modern "gamers" are all about?

I choose the option where video games never "recovered" in the late 80s and it stayed a niche hobby.

I don't know what either of them are, so sum their gameplay up in a memorable, simple abbreviation.

well shit I fucked that up

There's something deep inside me that cant' help but see her as a WoW female Panderen model without the fur. That's deeply disturbing to me.


Overwatch is closer to Team Fortress. But it does draw some elements from mobas like ultimate abilities. But beyond that there is no similarity. If there was I probably wouldn't be playing it.

Every single character in battleborn has a really small head. Very bad art direction. No decent girls either.

Who cares.

Not mine.

Battleborn. Because at least Overwatch has a bunch of porn and semen demons a-plenty.

oops, thought I spoilered that.

Help, i'm actually liking overwatch.
Pic related is amazing.


I care and know nothing about both of these games.
Keep the one with better porn.

This is what happens when you don't send them back.

it's a MOBA? I thought it was an Arena Multiplayer shooter.

I feel like the power to erase a game completely is wasted on this autistic e-peen measuring contest

The only Arena Shooter on the market is the new UT.

Me too
The experience would improve tenfold if played with friends.
I am seriously considering both buying it and shilling it to my m8s.

Have I become a filthy casual Holla Forums?
Should I kill myself?

no it's fucking awful honestly.

lots of the game isn't textured, it's an actual alpha

No one likes Battleborn, so I can only show companies what not to do. Overwatch is much worse because people actually are playing it, however if Overwatch never existed then we'd never get all the porn. In my professional opinion, the quality of pornography more crucial than the quality of the game industry, and because of this, I would choose Battleborn.

I lol'd

The one spazzing out isn't the one playing Reinhardt.

Well there isn't a lot of alternatives for class based FPS nowadays. Vanilla TF2 is never coming back, Dirty Bomb has pants-on-head retarded developers and it doesn't help the game runs terrible for what it is (and it pisses me off because I know a good game is hidden in that pile of shit). ETQW is kill and so on and so forth.

I mean buying a Blizzard game on day one is pretty bad in itself but I find it pretty sad that no one succeeded at making a fun, relatively skill based team shooter since what, 2007 ? And I'm not saying Overwatch is gonna be it, from what I played of the beta there's still some unbalances and it wouldn't have hurt if a few characters were more complex to play. At least it's the start of something, there's still a lot of room for Blizz to fuck up (cash shop, idiotic balance updates …).
Don't forget, we lived long enough to see the day when the gaming industry would forget how to make Doom.

I've shilled UT4 to people I know but the learning curve and lack of advertisement and normalfag support stops them from trying it. That and the Australian servers are empty 90% of the time.

It's so damn refreshing to be able to load the game and start playing within 10 seconds but I don't want to contribute to the cancer that's killing gaming.

yes, kike-enabler

Blizzard is merely a company of humble merchants user.
