4 AM

Losing control?

When was the last time you played a video game?

Other urls found in this thread:

8ch.net/player.php?v=https://media2.8ch.net/v/src/1462352103053.webm&t=Fun time with kawaii-chan.webm&loop=1

Evenin' folks.

Shoo shoo gays

Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)

A reminder that /4am/ is a thing again, but needs you to give it life. >>>/4am/ Yes, you know who is the board owner now.

i meant to play video games but i didn't

now i'm watching japanese melty blood


Evening folks.
Ritsu is still a fag

Morning everyone~

Enjoy watching Rato get blown out yesterday?

I'm so happy today
I feel so smug
Trump won Indiana by a landslide and Rato dropped out
I'm not even a burger and I can't describe how great I feel


I crave dong and man ass :^)

Well I have a retainer now
I have to learn how to talk again

You beat me this time! Damn captcha.


Was feeling a bit depressed the last few days (apparently Cruz lobbyists managed to poach nearly every delegate Trump won in my state earlier this month, and we're a fucking winner take all state; effectively tells the voter that Trumps win and their votes don’t matter), didn’t get to sleep at all last night, and had to get up early for an appointment. Have to say that between catching some nature documentary about animals killing and eating each other for an hour (why can’t Animal Planet show documentaries like that more often?) at the doctor’s office, having a great lunch, and coming home to news of Rato dropping out, it’s turned out to be a pretty good day. So thank you to any Indiana-anons that voted Trump.

Saturday night.

Damn Tomboys.


At least you have nice teeth now.

It was great
I heard the news that Trump won Indiana at work but then when I got home I heard Rato dropped and I have been beaming the whole day

I've been playing dark souls daily this past week. I don't know what's wrong with me. At least I started making neat webms


Its more fun watching you get bullied tbh fam.

Just remember tomboys are pure love fam.

I used to have braces. By the time my retainer was made and shipped my teeth had already shifted too far to use it. What a fucking waste of time and money that whole ordeal turned out to be.

Tomorrow's a new day.

You are just jealous I'm the best cowboy.

How old are you?

I've been doing nothing but upgrading weapons to use in pvp, using them like twice then getting bored, and starting over again.

Just doing a fresh backup of my most important stuff and watching a movie after, I guess.

I have a very bad lisp now
I can't say s anymore

Well, some good news happened. I found not one but two drawfags that might be willing (Though the tumblr guy will probably take a century to make the art considering his post rate, but its better then relying on a dead man) and the other guy from Tor that I don't even know who the fuck he is, all I know is that he's an artist and probably degenerate enough to do it

Other then that I don't have anything

I play shit on emulators at least daily, I'm addicted to Tetris Attack like crack

These threads are cancer.

Today its a Dance thread because Cruz lost though

Please help me make 4am great again.

You better be here tomorrow then.

Watching Shapiro have a fucking meltdown was great too.

And there's nothing you can do about it. Perhaps go to reddit, I hear they take their discussions about video games very seriously.


I had one of those in elementary school. Not as bad as the expander I needed for a year beforehand, though. Any chance I had of making friends went away when they strapped a chunk of metal to the roof of my mouth (which made it almost impossible to talk) and kept it there for a whole year, gradually tightening it whenever I got used to it.

I just hope Texas has enough sense not to vote for him once he comes back here.


4am aproved discord

It's that time again


Apparently That Gay kike Fag Milo has done something useful for and absolutely 2nd shoah'd Ben


Are you a Penn fag?

Won't take long. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Top kek, biggest faggot maybe.
If you stopped mixing your whiskey you could become a cowboy If you try hard enough at least

I had fun too

You know your chen got finished right? Wheres the chen posting?


Daily reminder to watch Patlabor.

I am real super sand.


just a 4am approved discord nigger, don't join

Do it, rip the bandaid off, smash dat mf boot-up button.

It'll be fine.

A Chen got finished yes. Not all of them though.

Weird, my sister didn't have that problem when she got a retainer.

This is bs! I've been lied to and used

Does that mean more avatarfaggotry?

These things are last resort types of shit.


Double trips

I'll try me best laddy.

I don't get your deal. Especially with the cytube. People just chill there. You don't even have to log on to post videos or voteskip things.

I gotta finish my backup first. It's gonna take a while, probably. Music, h-manga, text documents, a fresh bookmark backup, and my reaction pictures.

No fun allowed for fags.

I have all the downloads for that ready for when I move back into my house.
Hopefully you are not lying to me about the tomboy greatness in it user.

Don't forget your 4am brand whiskey and 4am brand cigarettes goy.

Remember to relay that shit back.

Nursing school fag from yesterday.

I made it boys, I start August 8.

Super pooper scoopers are just legend

Came on Holla Forums because BDO is down for maintenance.

But I'm always having fun in 4am.

I knew you would! Congrats user! Hit on some qt nurses for me. Seriously scrubs are hot

Man I've been saying this the entire time. Castle is making me a Chen as well.

I look forward to it.

Noa is love. Even if you don't end up liking her, it's an amazing show. I hope you like it. Make sure to watch the Early Days ova then the movies first. TV is a different timeline.

It's true I am super sand lesbian.

Nah wait fuck this, I'm going to sleep. Don't forget to play video games

Then smash dat mf boot-up button at your earliest convenience.

At the very least you guys (your state overall, I mean) voted for the rat and thus he got the delegates. We here in AZ voted Trump in majority, winner take all for fifty-eight or so delegates, and then the delegates went Cruz.

"Good ground game," my ass.

Nope, AZanon.

Why kill your self when Trump has become the Presumptuous nominee

Get ready for a level of pee pee and doo doo you never thought was imaginable.

Night, Reg. Hopefully you can cool down.

Good night then.

Cya reggie~

Sleep well

I really need to ask castle about Ritsu.

Every time

Don't forget the two steam groups and the occasional skype call! Blame Mark banning everyone and then unbanning everyone

What the fuck

there was a steam group too, wasn't there

turning 4am into an official 24/7 thing seems to be a violation of the spirit and you got five of them

grats nigga

That and smut, I'm really happy about it considering that its been months with the artist presumed dead. I really wish that I thanked that guy more even though I already did after every commission.

Ciircuit? You out there buddy?

Only because you are an M bastard who enjoys being bullied.

I am a Weeb fag so if its a good show I will enjoy it anyway.

You're going down. Probably.

What the hell
At least the rat is gone though


Please don't remind me.

You do. He's making a secret 4am picture.

I can understand that. Still, it makes people happy. 4am is more about comfy these days.

It's a slice of life with giant robots. What's not to love?

Most likely.

You could have prevented this.


Just wait until I make the 4am website.

But he's our fag

Mornin senpai. I was laughing about it and a wild negress demanded to know why I was voting Trump. Her angle was she somehow thought that Trump has no political skill.

Also Dr. Pepper and Vodka is the shit.

Sucks balls user.

Monin Yaku

What's it about? I have a friend that tells me to watch it.

Sounds lewd. Also I'm sure the guy is fiiiiiiiine. Probably just started under a new name with more professional shit to post.

Why do you think I bully texas constantly?

Morning ae86~

I prefer whiskey and dr pepper. Hows school going?

This pretty much.

Yeah, I'll admit it, I'm a degenerate

I want Bloatfly-chan to bloat me!

It fucking does, I can't even talk
And all the saliva in my mouth make it hard to keep my mouth closed and drink
I hate them and I have to endure 8 weeks of this shit

Don't blame me, I went and voted. I blame the old fucks. The youngest guy there besides me was in his 50's. The average age had to be 60-something.

He's been quiet for months now…

Because you're jealous?


In the future giant robots are used for most manual labor. The story focus on a police force that uses the robots as well. It's mostly fun, and will often make fun of how impractical using giant robots would actually be. Like a slice of life with giant robots. Good action too. Movies are a lot more serious.

Maybe he's dead. Like hotwheels.

Giant robots and tomboys are always a good combo.

I am almost as disappointed in you as your family is.

Nah Homoko is our fag, Ritsu is our disappointing sad pile of degeneracy.

You bullying anything is the same as a kitty attacking a wolf, with none of the cuteness.
Amusing but ultimately futile.

Maybe with a little bit of pushing you can get him to ban everyone again. Make 4am great again.

I'll keep blaming you.

At least it isn't tiles or backpack cucking. Speaking of backpack cucking, I was talking with the guy in a thread a week ago or something and he actually tried to fit himself in a backpack just to see if he could do it. He also wants to make art of it.

True enough. But honestly, what the fuck. Trump resonates pretty well here, being a border state that has to deal with illegals directly. Only one county in our state had more Cruz votes that Trump, and the reason being Mormons. And then we basically get told to go fuck ourselves. First Presidential election I've paid much attention, and it honestly made me feel like not voting again if this is what they do when the locals don't vote the way the GOP wants people to.

Again, at least your state actually voted for the rat in majority, whether you like it or not. If Cruz hadn't dropped today, I wouldn't have been surprised if AZ wound up as another black marked state on that election progress chart. Instead, we stay shiny and gold since that move isn't going to amount to anything.

Still, it provides an interesting question for those in the future. What if a state votes Trump, but the delegates get sent to Kasich instead? Do they remain gold on that since the citizens proved to be uncucked, or what?

You know just how to hurt me

t. smokeanon 20 minutes ago

fuck i hate the culture war

This. He's our annoying brother that gets into trouble for no reason.

Or maybe they're planning something big…

Your call, not like I'm gonna feel bad about it.

I haven't played vidya in over two months.

Are there any new releases that can run on a toaster and are fun?

Am I a big or kid brother?

Found your problem

I'm still disappointed in you.

You can probably run a handful of emulators.

The truth will free you, From being a turbo fag hopefully.

He is more of the annoying brother you punch in the face constantly because he is a retard.
No wonder ritsu isn't cute with all those face punches

All I know is that this is one fun shitshow to watch.

I heard Grim Dawn runs well, pirate that and see, its a fun ARPG.

The thing that helps me cope with it is remembering that there will always be somebody more degenerate then you.

Fallout 4 mods with CK soon so you dont got much longer to wait.

Old people seem to be notoriously naieve. Prolly on account of all the mainstream media . My mom and dad voted trudeu as an example

Doubt it. Sounds like court stuff.

It doesn't matter.


The annoying one which people try to leave behide but always follows anyway.

They are. They go well with scifi in general. Like Dominion Tank Police.

If we get him to ban everyone maybe we can all move to /4am/.

I doubt mark is smart enough, and that hw would even care enough at this point.

Court stuff?

Better to be degenerate than super degenerate.

It'll be fun.

Grim Dawn is pretty great, only problem I had with it was it seemed to end too soon.
The class combo is great but putting the points into the class level can't be reversed which is a pain.

I said it gave some good proto-cowboys.

I tried to boot the game up and it said I needed to redownload shared content from the main game. Verifying the cache and now I see this. Maybe that's why my computer blue screened?
I forgot it was the expansion I was playing, not the main game.

I know, it's hilarious watching Trump turn everything to his benefit and sweep while people that support other candidates have mental breakdowns over the prospect of him winning.

The amount of OC surrounding the election is also great.

It better be fun.

Good that they don't care. It's better this way.

I still need to buy a MAGA hat

That's why I stopped paying attention to any of it.

And now I forgot my picture. Maybe it should be bedtime.

It was in the sticky.

Just now. My new code isn't working to resize the webm under 8MB though so I'm going back to my shitty code to try and get it to work.

Evening, Smokes.

Yeah. Those threads reached post cap real quick. What's going to happen to all his delegates now that he's out?

I'd buy one if I could actually wear it. Haven't been able to wear a hat in years.

Firetires not caring was the worst thing that happened to this site.

I should try that sometime. I don't usually keep sodas in the house though. Schools actually going great. I finished two finals, got both my film projects turned it, now all that's left is an easy final the day after tomorrow. I'm chillin. Tomorrow I'm gonna try and spend some time with friends and maybe get DS3. How are things with you?

Is it cute?

But we all are here.

I cannot fucking wait for live debates between Trump and Hillary. If she's dodging Bernie on the debate floor, she'll be under her fucking covers hiding from Trump.

If Dark Souls can run on my computer it can probably run on anything.

Body Count: Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, Megyn, virgin anuses of liberals everywhere. At least Carson was smart enough to switch sides.

Why? Are you bald?

The sticky?

Wait you are canadian too?

Nothing happens to delegates during the first vote, and Trump is going to get the magic number 100% now so.

I doubt it will.

I really think HW stopped doing everything with the site because people stopped worshiping him.

I have one and it feels great. Even if I can't wear it for shit because I have to wear size 62 because I have a fat head and a shitload of hair.

I haven't seen Dominion Tank Police before, should I add it to my watch list after tomboys and mecha?
I am watching through Planetes at the moment, slice of life with space travel really nice but tomboy doesn't get enough love in it

No one can be more disappointing then ritsu sadly.
Sadly for Ritsu at least.

I'll try Grim Dawn, danke.

It's because everyone in Texas is like "lol why vote." Not because they don't care, they do, it's because they think there's no point. We've had republicans completely dominating all public positions for over 20 years now, so the republicans are like "why vote when I know my team is gonna win" and the democrats are like "why vote if my team is gonna lose." That's why the average voter age in Texas is 65.

It'll never happen because Bethesda has that Bethnet shit and they'd never let a get gangbanged by Bloatflies mod fly. Damn shame too, FO4 Bloatflies have the best asses

Is there a difference to be honest

When the site was broken as shit. Now it KINDA works.

Sad. This community seemed like something.

i think rato's delegates are still bound for the first vote, which trump will probably have enough delegates to take, and if he doesn't then the delegates become unbound and the briefcases full of cash and offers of minor government positions come out.

Alma lives in your computer. You gonna die.

It's going to get worse. Not only did jew york vote for trump, without cruz in the race commiefornia will too.

I've been alright, just been relaxing the last few days. If you get DS3 I'll help you as much as I can!

Also when are you going back to your home state?

Medication I've been on for a decade or so had the at-the-time unknown side effect of killing my hair while I was still in high school. Had to wear a hairpiece ever since. And with it getting so hot in my state, it's a bit hard to where both that and a hat at the same time and not overheat. Plus if I took off the hat, the hair would likely come off with it.

I hope they have the spend a full day covering how and why Crux was compared to a fucking rodent for months online prior to him dropping out.

First world country with third world standards. Even a basic google search will tell you all you need to know about the trashiness of the nominees.

I hope the libertarian candidate is really good at debating. I really want this to be a big fight.

But Alma loves her children. She just has trouble controlling herself. My real mom left me at a bus stop. If Alma was my mom she wouldn't willingly give me up.

top kek. Worst that it's definitely true.

You'll have to dig but it's there.

I have a feeling Next would have actually worked out if they actually worked on it, but HW throwing a fit pretty much killed any chance of that working out. That was around the time he hid in his IRC hugbox and set up a filter to block out all those meanies who want the site fixed

Some of the characters are pretty cute. There's a mix of action and comedy. Like I said, the movies are more serious. Only seven episodes long, so it's a nice little package.

Read dominion then watch. Everyone loves and old school Shirow girls.

Yeah, KINDA.

Hahaha is that second picture real?

Coming from another balding guy, just wear a hat instead

Next was a pile of garbage anyway, people would have left even if it were working.

Reminds me, I can't wait to see more California riots over Trump. If memory serves that guy up there in the news chopper last week or so that Holla Forums was watching a stream of was a former cop and surprisingly informative about how they were being dealt with. Shit like how police horses are trained to kick out at aggressors.

What's good friend?

You mean Josh, right?

Hey it isn't ridiculously broken like it was from Fall to Early Spring.

Isn't it moderated? I really don't care how many hoops I have to jump through, if some guy is willing to finally make the mod after three fucking games, I'll jump through as many pain in the ass installs as I have to.

The memers will be forgotten. It will be the resurgence of racism that will be credited with his rise, which was the ultimate motive for the (((EU))) to go to war with us. To fight racism.

You obviously haven't seen my browser history.

It'll be fun to co op. I think I might wanna do the first runthrough without summons though. And I'm going back friday. I'm gonna play some smash with my little brother, shit's gonna be cash. I also found a car for sale for 2k, which I'm gonna take a look at.

Nah, m8. If Ron Paul couldn't win on an independent ticket, no one in the game now can. It's just gonna be Trump shitting on Hillary from now on~

Might try and watch it tomorrow.

At least a bunch of OC came out of it.

Josh a gud boy dindu muffin. Both of them are to blame really.

Good thing I have popcorn for the show.

you should mention that the movies are mamoru oshii gigs

i don't think you need to train horses to kick anarchists, they'll kick anything that surprises them and horses are dumb as shit

I miss being able to post music on next.

I just want to see how ridiculous this can get honestly.

But what if she doesn't think you're her child, but a pedophile trying to dick her kids.

I don't look at FO4 mods because I'm not dumb enough to play it, but there's probably a page for it on Nexus. I was referencing degeneracy having differences.

I miss being able to play flash files on Holla Forums


I still love seeing this thing I whipping up in about a minute make the rounds occasionally when josh gets brought up.

Might be wrong, but I think it was. Think she was part of Rato's campaign, but I could be remembering wrong. Holla Forums immediately jumped on it for a "rodent's hungry for cheese" comparison.

>Coming from another balding guy, just wear a hat instead
I would but I've worn the other for so long now it would probably be a real big change to just shave it and wear a hat, especially being a regular at various stores.

Either way, still better than hearing the news guy either knowing fuck all or supporting whatever the rioters are doing.

I fucking love horses.

If you have a link to the manga I will get round to reading it otherwise I will forget completely.

Yeah but think about your browser history but 9000x worse since you are "Ritsu" then bam instant disappointment.
Clear recent browser history works wonders too fam

Because it's good.


Be really careful of cheap ass cars like that. My ex gf always bought those and they'd break down instantly. Better to invest another couple of grand and get something thats not going to break down in a month.

And yeah I tried the whole no summon thing for a while but eventually started using them on bosses. Just let me know if you need help!

WHAT. Is it attached to your head?

And shes the woman that was heavily speculated to be the person rato cheated on his wife with.

Point Man and Fettel are both in their 30s or so if I had to guess. That makes me the baby of the family. I can't be a pedophile for guys older than me. And I'm not gay, either. I just want a mom to hug me and tell me she loves me. I have this constant feeling of being alone and not knowing where I come from.

I didn't say win, I said debate. I know for a fact there's no way a libertarian candidate is gonna win with this election, I just want to see them debate.

Yeah it's not bad. Got some rum, some coke, only bad thing is the clouds.
Supposed to be a decent meteor shower tonight and tomorrow but as my luck has been for the past 4 years of trying to watch meteor showers it's overcast. At least I got to see the star that guided the wise men to the birth of christ that showed up last year.

Has someone told codemonkey about flash being disabled?

post it?

No, not completely bald yet, but mostly. Not good to walk around looking like some frazzled nutcase with what little still grows sticking out. Strikes me as better to appear to have it all or take it all off.

That's what I was saying. HW stopped caring and the site fell into disrepair.

Cool. I hope you like it.

The ova is Oshii as well. I think Oshii should have stuck to lighter works. I like GITS, but not nearly as much as Patlabor and Gosenzosama.

That hurts. No flash is painful.

It's pretty good. Dem Masamune grills.

Whats with you tonight smoke? You drinking?

How are you gonna afford an apartment?

Were all a little Canadian on the inside

I figured it was on account of most thinking its just a bread and circus show like I do. Course your idea is less pessimistic and more plausable. Especially with how long the previous gen seems to live.

Bethnet shot? This something new?

Yea when the nigger was dropping interracial porn cause everyone laughed at his mini-me dick.

once the webm is done being made I'm going to post it here, then in the artifical girl 3 thread.

It's been disabled for at least a year and a half because HW decided to disable it instead of actually fix the issue because Bui used it to fuck up the site.

Hobo, stop losing control

Wait when your mom left you at the bus stop she never came back?

Yeah, but what about now? Is it in despair?

Oh I thought you meant shaving the hairpiece.

I'm not the tiniest bit canadian. I hope Trump builds two walls.

A rugga thread? Did I miss a thread where we shat on him?

Guys I just got offered an Interview for tommorow Morning
I feel like Trumps win has powered me up

Not that you need to worry, your entire life is degenerate so browser history shouldn't worry you in the least.

Where's that pack from?

I remember the glory days of /fl/. So much zone-tan.

Mornin. Did you still get to check out the apartments? And post the video.

If I had any more money I would spend more. I'm a little desperate to get a car because I'm going to have to drive myself back to college in the fall, but my dad's pretty good with cars and he's gonna come along to check it out. But yeah, I'll be careful. Worst comes to worst I'll get one from a dealership and pay the jews off the next couple of years. And will do.

In that case, I wish Ron would show up just to talk shit. But it's also fun to see Trump steamroll people.

I fucking love meteor showers. Most amazing thing I ever saw was just one shooting star when I was out for a walk.

This shit, translated: No porn more, no degeneracy, nothing that can't work on console, FUCK YOU.

No? Why does it matter? I said hw not caring was the worst thing to happen. The site failing and next made is bleed users like a motherfucker.

I didn't say tn was the best state


Congrats! Where?

For me? No. Raised in government care. Was a little before I turned 4. She took me out for the day and we had dinner at a nice restaurant in town and she bought me a stuffed bear and then told me to wait at the bus stop and just left. She moved somewhere and I haven't seen her since.

Maybe someday it'll come back

Apprentice Chef near an Art Gallery

Take that back you dirty bastard.

No brakes on the hype train user. Let us know how it goes.

Man, I miss the glory days.

If only you knew some of the more pervy things about me lucy.

If you are that broke, why not get a motorcycle? That'd be fun and you can get a decent one for 2k.

Another pro of smoking outside is seeing them all the time. I've seen hundreds of shooting stars and tons of meteor showers.

Biggest one I ever saw was huge and looked like a green fireball shooting through the sky before exploding into 3 pieces. Was crazy.

That's how most people I've met view it anyway. Just a waste of an afternoon to go out and vote.

Quote of the thread.

I should've said in a moderation sense. Fuck my communication skills. I mostly meant Mark.

I'm still living with my mom and like always I pay my part of the rent.

8ch.net/player.php?v=https://media2.8ch.net/v/src/1462352103053.webm&t=Fun time with kawaii-chan.webm&loop=1

Nice! Sounds fancy. Is being a professional chef something you wanna do?

dominion tank police is on mangago. i don't have a link because that manga downloader that got posted in the share thread is too nice.

i'm glad oshii did GITS because i don't think anyone else could have done the atmosphere he did but yeah i wish he did more everyday stuff

fuck em like they owe you money

Knock 'em dead motherfucker.

Yeah, think we're going to need that great Northern Wall of Trump as well.

Nah, he started a spamming spree when he noticed no moderator activity, to the point that when mark got back from the doctors he stickied an apology, calling it completely unacceptable that no one at all was around at that time to clean it up (apparently he tried the same shit on Holla Forums but their hotpockets got that shit cleaned up fast).

You're actually incredibly so. Its kinda disturbing really.

Mostly just him posting lots of threads on Holla Forums of interracial shit and posting it in what seemed like every thread, which didn't get deleted for over an hour. On account of no mods in house at the time. Apparently the report que was over 200 by the time mark came running in.

Oh. Never thought I'd see the day Bethesda would deny money and opt for a loss. Guess all the smart people left huh.

Not like it matters anymore with him dead and Jim assuming full control.

You especially. Probably French.

I want Jesse Ventura to show up as the nominee. He won't win, but he'll go down guns blazing.

What the fuck

Name 3 canadian things about me

Did any news of the fire come out yet? Someone said it might be mussies.

God damn user, that must have been rough.

Too many trips


Do you still have the bear?

Oh man, I am about this close to a diabetic coma. I woke up hung over as fuck and heard the trump news. I was feeling all shitty since I have been sober on two weeks so I tried to drink some water and relax. Unfortunately I got this deep craving for sugar and walked to the quik-e mart. I ended up eat and drinking so much trash that I think I might end up losing a leg.

Totally worth it.

I checked Nexus and there wasn't a mod for it. Maybe someday.

Someone good at math give me a basic rundown on the costs of a server + hosting +etc. for a website equivalent to Holla Forums

If I knew it would simply prove my point even more so.
You are only proving my point every time you say something just so you know

If only I had dubs or trips to prove it even more.

Only 6 chapters?
Should be a nice read but doesn't seem like its enough out for an OVA still will get round to it however.

3 canadian things??
Your a fag
Your a fag
Your a fag.
Done what do I win?

First time I ever saw one, I thought it was just a helicopter flying by in the distance. Then it started going super fucking fast and I thought it was a jet getting ready to land at the airport. Then out of nowhere it shifts towards the ground and I was thinking "Oh fuck it's a plane crash." It wasn't until I saw a green streak of light from behind it did it finally click that it was a shooting star. I'll never forget it.

Don't worry. Through dick, unity.

Traffic for 8ch is going to run you at least a grand a month.

At least recommend good exercises.

I need something to move my shit. Believe me, I've thought about it.

It's kind of kinky I guess

French Canada is the Canada of Canada.

In all seriousness, it's about time for Trump to announce a running mate. Does he have any political allies other than Carson?

Well, the mark stuff is true.

I love it too. Wasn't saying that it was bad, just that his lighter works are a lot better in my opinion.

Damn that's awful. Holla Forums needs some better mods. I feel sorry for Mark this time.

Holy shit.
That's true. I wonder how long things will last around here.

I fear that my degeneracy is too obscure for modders to ever do, plus I'm too retarded to mod something like that

Not like they're wrong IMO. Things won't change by voting anymore as I see it. Tho I only think its gonna go downhill and then change will find us.

And a love of being bullied
Hell just as a freebie, you're polite all the time
And You like offroading

Sounds like a fun tim e IMO.

They're the black lives matter of Canada.

Through dick, unity.

The worst was when I was a kid. Had other kids getting dropped off by their parents and getting hugs, or having loving notes left in their lunchpails, and I'm completely alone. It's not as bad in adulthood.

Yeah, he sitso n my bookshelf. If I had a bad day, I sleep with him and cuddle him against my face. Something about the way he smells makes me nostalgic. It reminds me of being little.

I don't know, I just saw a thread on Holla Forums about it being an oil fire. I figure if anything is found out, it'll show up there.

Considering Cuckdeau said something about helping illegal Mexicans get here from the northern border if we close the southern one, a second wall would likely be wise.

Yeah, he said they'd be trying to hire more people for evening EST.


I ate a ton of candy earlier and have felt like dog shit ever since. I'm afraid I'm going to end up diabetic if I'm not already headed that way.

Damn what the fuck kind of shooting star are you talking about. Most of the ones I see are tiny streaks for a second or two.

Just rent a truck, cost like 50$ for a day.

I am polite aren't I? Thanks user~

Also I don't like offroading. I like driving fast and you probably got confused cause I probably mentioned owning a jeep.

Well you got them now!

It's 2016, we need those illegal immigrants and weed

I have it somewhere

Think its just an oil field fire that got outof hand. (Someone in the thread for it mentioned that the town had recently cut the budget for the fire department)
Really hope we get some high resolution pictures from this, they would make an awesome desktop wallpaper.

Japan was best /int/ shitposter back in the day.

Thats nice user, glad you have it.

Have you ever considered trying to find her?

Look I'm not sure but either this, fight for Israel or join a $100,000 Marxist Indoctrination Facility
As long as I make a solid wage By Which I mean I get a wage instead of commission, if you remember me I'm the Vacuum user, this'll go better if I get it I'll be happy

Will do, I will hope that I get filled with the energy of Trump

Whats the difference between the Free version and Full, I had the free version and it went pretty good

If Jim wants to monetize us prolly a bit. Things have been getting better too. If he doesn't who knows.

That phrase always sounded homoerotic to me.

Probably. You are very Canadian tho. Keep in mind don't go to Canada. It sucks here.

Well I do crave it, I just hope that someday, it'll happen, it'll probably be the best fap of my life, if they can mod Skyrim into a sex paradise, why can't they do it for Fallout 4

through dick, unity

I wish he'd come here.

It'll happen soon.

The heart of the dubs is with me.

Japan best!
At cute girls doing cute things in cat bra's

I did find her. I work with a guy whose uncle knows a good private investigator and he put me in contact. She's living about 12 hours north of me with a new last name. Husband and two kids. Scared to go see her. Didn't want me when I was 4 and mostly normal. Why would she want me now, you know?

no idea fam

Keyhole Cat lingerie is the best.

God I hope so, they didn't for FO3 and FNV (Checked) but maybe the upgraded models will peak some people's interests, I heard they turned Skyrim into a sex paradise even for the most obscure stuff like random bugs so I'm just dreaming of the same for FO4, it might make the game almost playable


Bit more if anyone wants it.

Well you know she might have just been in a rough spot then. If shes got 2 kids now she is probably a completely different person. I'd consider writing her a letter or something. I wouldn't show up randomly or anything but its probably been what 20 years since then? People change a lot. She probably thinks about you all the time.

Ooooh yeah I remember you!

Hey being a fancy chef wouldn't be so bad. You'd learn to cook great food, which will help when you have the ladies or guys whatever over for dates.

You couldn't pay me to come to canada.

Something like 20%~ of Texans actually vote user. If more people voted it would at least tip the scales in terms of delegates.

But what if I need to live in my car or stay at a friends and need somewhere to put my stuff. I want to be able to move around.

White people don't have enough kids. Social Security, the economy, and the banker's pockets depend on an increasing population. Unfortunately, if you overpopulate a people, the smart ones will stop having kids because it costs too much. So the government pays the niggers to have more kids and lets the beaners in. That way, everyone pays into social security, everyone takes out loans from the bank, and everyone's happy.

Keyhole cutouts are best in themselves.

Best animu, best games, best waifu's.

More cutouts for you too.

Ask Kek for help. He will grant things for you if you meme hard enough.

I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I'm guessing you never knew your old man either?

Thats because only 40% of Texas is White

Saw one a while back on a walk home with a mate. It was massive and exploded part way through the air. Crazy shit. Looked like it almost hit the ground too and made us both a bit worried that a meteorite could hit anywhere on the earth at any time and there is nothing we could do to stop it.
Chances might be low but paranoia doesn't listen to statistics.


Anyway I finished mine.

All this did happen in a few seconds.

Thats very true. What car are you looking at anyway?

I'd be fucking stoked if a meteor hit near me. Money money money.

If she abandoned you why want to see her other than to spite her? She obviously never cared about you if she left you at a bus stop. Fuck her. You deserve better .

Unless its all rigged. But would be fun to figure out . or interesting at least. Too bad its damn near impossible to get everyone to vote.

So keep avatarfagging until something comes of it?

That was already my plan

And only half of that doesn't have a felony.

It's been 21 years. I think about going a lot, but I never do. Writing a letter might be okay. It's the age-old problem of worrying so much about rejection that you do nothing.

Never knew him, no. I know his name, but I think he moved to another country. That bothers me less. I never knew what it was like to have a dad, but I still remember having a mom, so not having one now hurts more. It's like having the most amazing pizza of your life and then trying to go back to the kind you regularly eat. It seemed like a perfectly fine pizza in the past, but then you had the AMAZING pizza and now you can't go back.

I want a mom. I want someone who will hug me and kiss my cheek and tell me she loves me and she's proud of me and that I'm a good person.

Don't let your dreams be dreams

I hope they do. I can't imagine moderating Holla Forums is a very fun job.

Only time will tell at this point. As long as the site works again.
This'll probably be a double post.

Not like white people care about voting here either.

let them transform into nightmares to entertain you.

It's a 2000 ford taurus with like 100k miles.

Do you enjoy hurting me?

Who else makes animu?


Ain't that the fuckin' truth.

Maybe. Yes

She probably would because I'm the only guy into her

Do it some time. Hell sit down and write a letter tomorrow. Doesn't matter if you send it or not, its good to put your feelings down on paper like that. And if you ever do decide to send one you'll be ready.

Canada has a BLM

Kill me.

Have a big family so I can laugh at you for having such shit taste and her being so desperate.

Not having a mom is different than not having a dad man. If your dad's gone you can say he was a deadbeat and that you don't need him, but it's different for a mother.

I'll try to at least start one sometime. I always have trouble with starting writing. Once I do I can go all day.
Time to see if the FEAR expansion will work without crashing my PC now. I'm coming home, mama alma

I recently looked up some suicide statistics.
Someone kills himself every 40 seconds.
The true number must be higher since some countries don't have statistics and you can't always know if someone killed himself.

I was on a suicide reddit and watched how pathetic some tried to encourage suicide candidates and they never answered back most of the time.
Funny and sad at the same time.

I'm playing mistery dungeon sky and I like it more than the main games.

It's not the cruelty that hurts, it's the kindness.

If it's been on your mind a lot then maybe you should find her user.

Good luck! Hope your dad does know what he is doing. Most dads say they know cars but few do ha

Good luck on your game user~

well today instead of not posting a finished message I posted an unfinished message.

Anyway I finished mine. The quality of my new script is really good but the old one gets the size down really low. This was supposed to be a test of how small I could get the new script but it wouldn't go below 8.86MB no matter what values I changed.

I meant death death death but yeah that too.

So how have you been keeping, Smokes? Finish all your exams?

You monster.

I doubt it is. Back when the site was shitting itself, some Holla Forums hotpockets apparently showed up in the "fix the site" threads on Holla Forums, complaining about how not having access to all the tools they needed (due to site currently shitting itself then) was making an already annoying task borderline impossible.

W-why are you bullying me like this,though you were right on the big family part considering that she constantly shits larvae, already admitted that I am a degenerate


I'll take either honestly.

Plus thats a cool way to go out.

You'd settle down and have a huge family and your kids would love you until the end of time. Your kids would also get into a better life than you and you'd have many grandkids and great grandkids
You have to go back

Because you could have gotten a better waifu. But no. You chose literal degeneracy.

Suicide is fucking tragic.

That's true, but he usually fixes the problems with the car. It's a rare occasion we have to take it to the mechanic. I hope it works out, I don't want to have to pay off a car and insurance at the same time.

I want to go back in time to /int/, those posts are godlike.

Man, I haven't seen that shit in a while. Are cunts like that guy in the pic still there? If I recall correctly he was an underage poster back in 2010. Facepunch is like SA without a paywall.

You really think that someone who ditched you at a bus stop to die after one hot meal is capable of that? She abandoned you remember? All she'll do is either not want to talk or try and assuage her guilt by humoring you. Find something better without her and be the parent you didn't have.

Well you're certainly more chipper nowadays. That's good to see.

I know the feeling. I can't even post with pics.

Listen to a French guy from Quebec sometime. Its all we WUZ great. We WUZ amazing empire before French abandoned us to l'anglos. We be in held down by them. Wed be great if French was alone. Gib independence but let us use your money, political ties, infrastructure , protection, etc.
All our problems are your fault gib money
Etc etc etc. I wouldn't be surprised if the blacks learned the victim complex from them.

Doubtful. A good dad can be just as good. Begging for a mom who abandoned you to come back just gives her an inflated sense of self worth. Especially after abandoning the one person she's supposed to protect.

alright, time to force myself to bed. laters fams~

fug. swore I linked to

Whats up with you and getting dubs today holy hell

(This counts)
But I don't think it'll be too fancy, by Art Gallery I mean that the most important thing they've had there was a Monroe And unfortunately not the Monaro Convertible Concept display

Let's be fucking real here, you only like your waifu because you're attracted to her, saying she "talks" to you or some shit is insanity

hey are any of you assholes interested in Overwatch y/n?

I've been alright, that book report I did got an A, started laughing like an idiot in class thinking it was a typo, but nope, it was actually pretty good. Exams are next week for me, only have to worry about two, the other is an english essay that I just walk in and turn in. Gonna have to find a job over the summer, I hope that one smoke shop is still hiring.

The numbers flow where they flow.

Like what you do?

No argument there.


reminder this doesn't have to be physical.

Things I like:
Things I don't like:

Yeah sounds good then. At least he knows how to work on them some in case tiny things go wrong. And with cheap cars, you'll be fixing tiny issues a lot so.

Cya bel~

Thanks for all the checks user!

Still should be able to cook better than most people with the skills learned there.

there's still kc/int/ if instead of good jokes and fun times you want angry autistic germans and Веб-бригады

It's not that, what I'm saying is, it's easy for someone to shrug off having no dad, everyone knows someone who grew up fatherless, but when you're without a mother you have no one you can relate to.

That was hobowizard.

Modding is an odd job in the first place. But modding Holla Forums is an entirely different beast. I still feel a bit sorry for them.

It eats bigger files for me now. Causes double posts to happen.

Dunno mang

Sleep tight pupper.


I recently looked up some suicide statistics.
Someone kills himself every 40 seconds.
The true number must be higher since some countries don't have statistics and you can't always know if someone killed himself.

I was on a suicide reddit and watched how pathetic some tried to encourage suicide candidates and they never answered back most of the time.
Funny and sad at the same time.

I'm playing mistery dungeon sky and I like it more than the main games.

Dubs of Trueth

Forgot to say night.

Night Hobo.

I might try it next week.

Night me.


This isn't a feel that I thought I'd feel

Night. Thanks for sharing the nightmare fuel.

Thanks, but I already wasted 1000 hours in tf2, I don't need to get back into it.

Good luck dude.

Hopefully whenever it breaks down I can just call him and he can kind of tell me what to do to get it fixed, and I can learn how to fix it myself. It's a great skillset to have.


It is, you simply cannot feel personal connections with something you haven't personally talked to

It's krautchan. It's only claim to fame that I even know of is the autistic German wanting serious discussion and wojak.

Preciate it hombre.

I never related to my mother . she was a backtalker and spiteful. I always identified with my dad . You're overvaluing the importance of a mother. Plenty of people turn out just fine without them.

And it worked so well a few days ago too. Its a shame.

Oh wait you're actually bullying.
Hahaha. Oh wow, the BO of /4am/ who's also gone full /soc/ is talking bout degeneracy now. That's rich!

Fucking stop with that shit.

I'm going night night.

You guys have a good one!

I mean you can't relate to others who have mom's. You feel really left out from some of the stories I hear.


yakuza pls

look at his picture dummy

I've always wanted to learn too

My grandpa has been pretty sick lately, and he owns like 6 beat up pick up trucks so I'm going to learn how to work on them when I get them after he craoks

night quads

CHECKED I am not an anime girl.

Night nigger.

you forgot unteralterbach

Dream of semon demons.

Are you going to teach yourself?

Alright, let me say another for hopefully dubs of truth

/tulpa/ is by far the most insane board here.

I KNOW! Ugh, if anything it might go back to normal soon. Hopefully.

don't spend your whole paycheck there each week.

I'm sure he'll appreciate it if you ask him to give you some pointers before then.

Should I get an Everdrive for my Genesis or should I mod it first?

These numbers need to stop

Too bad the art is so shit I could never understand the appeal. Besides, western loli a shit.

There is literally nothing wrong with having conversations with you're waifu


Ah ok I gotcha. At least you can relate to dad stories at least. Seems guys without dads would have that issue too. Tho missing dads are quickly becoming the norm from what I can see.

Nite yak. Nice digits on the way out.

I'm sure its something to do with pph too. Shit seems to work better with it turned off.

I don't remember Fry ever saying this. Is this from an episode I didn't see?

I'll try to fight the urge.

Probably using youtube and guides online but yeah.

Hes a crotchety old alcoholic who yells all the time.

It's a Simpsons quote.

It does. I could really do without it to be honest.

You're having conversations with inanimate, non sentient objects. That's by definition insane, you might as well talk to yourself, that'll at least achieve more.

It's /vr/-tan with a Simpsons quote. I'm not shocked you don't know it because it's a dead board here and it was a dead board on 4chan.

Even their games are a bit shit. Never buy anything related to Garry Newman.

Simpsons quote with /vr/-tan as the character in the edit.

No, that's Fry. From Futurama.

Same guy made the Simpsons so I can see how you're confused.

Yeah, but he didn't have that either.


No, it's literally /vr/-tan. Look it up faggot.

Mario's a nigger LOOK! HE'S A NIGGER!

We know Futurama and The Simpsons were made by the same person. That's /vr/-tan in the image up there though.

Sounds good for some banter at the very least.

You have figured out he's not serious, right?
or are you rusing me too?

For some reason I don't have those panels but I have the rest of the comic

How is it that he has the same EXACT hair and outfit as Fry..?

Well, the game seems to work so I think I'm going to bed too unless we have an interesting movie planned for the cytube.

My mother wasn't that bad, but always started a sentance then left the room halfway through.

You sure know alot of cheap things, considering you yourself are a cheap whore.

I wonder why anyone would yell at a fag like yourself all the time…

Their games can be fun but they do lack a lot of polish.

Don't think so, but sleep tight if you do head off.



I'm doing what I do best.

Because it was a design choice. Besides, if you get a better quality image you'll see they aren't the same.


Yeah it always seemed pointless to me. I even remember it being mentioned it was causing errors way back when tho I can't recall why now.
Would be better off and gone IMO.

The quote is simpsons. Skinner says it. Fry doesn't. this as well. Its not fry.

True. That'd have to suck. Trying to recapture it with someone who doesn't care about you seems worse somehow. I'd just make all those memories with my kid and be the best dad possible.

I wouldn't mind that. That just seems adorably addled. Mine is backstabbing. Once you're gone she tears you down and shit talks you. Then tries to get money when you're back.

There is nothing low quality about spaghetti westerns, except for the low quality.

wew lad


I laughed a little too hard at that I think.

Wondering why they left you, the thought that maybe it was all just a mistake. Maybe they regretted it immensely and were just worried that you wouldn't forgive them for it. Plenty of reasons.

lol what a gay

They have that one really awful news board that filled with communists, right?

Have you watched Gran Torino yet?
Pretty good western style movie in a modern setting.

Damn right I like them.

Nah its not adorable, its mind numbling annoying.
Still yours sound worse best to cut off contact if you can hopefully it she would get the message.

This should shed some light on my posts

Says the man who's state voted for the Zodiac Killer

is she the blind one?

Because I can't see any reason why she would dress herself in a skirt that short.

Yeah, it was great. The same way Unforgiven tied up Clint's westerns, I think Gran Torino closed off the story of the "Dirty Harry" type character.

Never in a million years.


Doesn't change the fact that what you said is dumb Huey. But I'll forgive you for those trips.

I watched it recently, it was pretty good. Didn't really shove anything down your throat, and everybody cared about being rational fucking human beings over racism.

It hurts

It's true and you know it.

Do you expect anything better out of me at this point?

Were you here for that shitstorm? It was fucking great and I hope it happens again real soon.

As long as you aren't a marxist you're fine. If you read the original Marx and Engles shit it's just internationalist garbage with a bit of proto-feminism sprinkled in. I had to read that shit in school. Their views on family are absolutely awful.

No one does

I can hope.

Too forgiving IMO. A traitor is a traitor. Nothing ever changes that. And they have a lot of chances to see you. They just dont. They move on. And replace you. Better to replace them too. And tell them to burn if they ever try crawling back.

I have a big family, itd cause more issues than solve. I'm not shy either so her shit don't get far on me. Its more annoying than anything else.

Well he did argue an online planned road trip wasn't /soc/ so…

Heading to bed, night everyone.

I suspected it was you. I was just waiting for shit to hit the fan.

I actually expected worse.

Until Mark says otherwise with a ban, I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing.

It'll never get better.

Wait for October.

Don't die.

It's really easy to spot Hu.

I'm telling you man, when it's your mom, it's different. That's the one real exception.

Later fam.

I can hope.

>It's really easy to spot Hu.

I know, I was just waiting for someone to get buttblasted by him.

You might have shit in the shower, have have you ever shit yourself?

Is it really wrong to believe in freedom without wanting to allow the predatory private sector free reign?

Norway seems to be doing fine.

08th MS Team in 5 minutes.

Feel free to join us.

Night user~

Mark won't ban you, he's too dumb to figure out who you are

I'll do my best.

Night smokes. Best of luck.

norway's got oil money though

Yeah, but that's not Marxism. Marxism is pretty totalitarian even by his own words.

Norway is not doing all that great at the moments since their government is trying to move them towards the EU and pushing for more immigration. The only reason they are doing well so fine is because of the oil they have.

Webm got a giggle out of me.

As long as you can put up with it, it should be fine.


I-I wasn't butblasted. I was just s-shitposting!

I appreciate it.

Just like how it's easy to spot Australians.

That's misplaced hope.

Last time was at least a decade and a half ago, but that's because my parents never actually took care of me and would just stick me in front of a computer and television and I didn't give a shit because I have brain issues.

I'm going to laugh my ass off if he bans everyone, and then ignores me for weeks because I didn't use an avatar.

Gonna head out. See you guys later, everybody take care.

pic related

Night, Smokey!

Have a good one.

Sure you weren't.

Bye smokes

Seems fine. Also, plenty of other places could do what they do


Doesn't that place all the power into government however? Which then requires the government to not Want to abuse their power and seek more power?

Nite user

Maybe. Might be I'm just not the forgiving type to traitors anymore and I hate bad parents. I've always been of the mind once you're a dad or mom its never just about you anymore. No matter how hard it gets.

Oh yea I'll live. Its been going on years.

Nite smokes

No, she's the one that can't hear your objections.

Don't think I got around to watching Unforgiven. Remember you recommending it to me a while back though. Might have to add it to the list.

National syndicatist?
Anyway, marxists and other assorted nation destroying subverters have hijacked just about everything. Wouldn't be surprised if socialism could actually work if you cut out the marxist shit. Haven't looked into it in very much depth though it's a shame that the blatantly non-functional and harmful version is the mainstream.

night man. Keep an eye on the skies during your walk tonight.

Eh, depends on the Aussie. You are right though.
I can still hope.

I do smoke butts.

I can only hope I wasn't.

That's one of the places I might move to

Hope for a better tomorrow, not one less shitposter.

Isn't one less shitposter a better tomorrow?

That means that I'm no longer in the threads. Would you really want that? The only reason I even show up in the threads at this point is to shitpost.

But isn't more shitposters a good thing? Why can't I hope for a better future with more shitposters?

That's what I'm saying.

amateur mistake

Then that would just be shit
Too much of a good thing is bad

Blame people not actually looking into things when making edits.

I'm glad we agree.

I fucked up my sentence. I meant to say a better future with better shitposters.

All you need to survive is shitposts and ethy-chan Alcohol

Nah. More shitposters is always good. Keeps things fresh.

I want to live in a world where everyone has Australia tier bantz and shitposting ability

Nothing else matters

I miss when this thread had less shitposting and more depression tbh

Pathetic lives, every second someone dies
Delightful is the sight of repention
No destiny, just a certainty of death
In pain inducing lies of salvation

That's what you get for making more avatarfags and trying to take over.

What about road trips?

I quite like it when less anons want to die. Many seem to be chirping up. Might be a side effect of summer

Says the avatarfag.

Lead by example user

Our only friend

I mean I don't want anyone to be sad, I just miss helping people instead of shitposting mostly like I do now.

Why do you think I tried to make a pact with the devil?

The fuck is wrong with you

Only because your existence takes up all the depression and disappointment for these threads.


Life has no meaning, unyielding obsession
Grasping at strings of a life I once knew
Death by my own hands, achieving objective
Blade to my throat, I calmly greet death

Too bad it's the same 50 people every night.

Y-you too? I think mine worked I can not be saved

Truly our greatest ally.

It'll happen when it happens.

Depression is gone

I don't like bants. I never saw the point tbh.

There was plenty of depression yesterday.

Look on the bright side, maybe they dont need help right now and are chirping up. At least till finals are over soon.

Like I said I don't want people to be depressed, I just see far less people talking about their problems like they used to.

Maybe thats just it, thanks user.

Did you wish for a cute imouto demon?
if so you are already in heaven and don't need to be saved.

That was before Ted Cruz dropped out

Whining about your problems is not a good thing

The bantz or depression?

It's just a new name for trash talking. It's not for everyone though

I'm quite enjoying how shitter shattered Huey is about yesterday that he's entirely ignoring me. This shits hilarious
You need to embrace the bantz. The bantz is good.

Venting can sometimes help.

Visions that no mornings
Light ever will come
I'm too old now
The dark is so near
Will I ever reach the land beyond
This is where we go when we have to die

Nah. I just didn't want to have a modern job ever again. Thankfully the economy imploded shortly after and I haven't worked since.


I know what they are. Like I said, I just don't see the point. I'm too tired these days.

I guess.

Wandering out of space
Wandering out of time
A world out of light, death at the end
Only silence can be heard
Silence of peoples fears
No one knows my grave
Buried by time and dust

Trump won't save you, though he is a step in the right direction.

Can't stump the Trump.

At this point there's no reason to do anything.

Stop with the pretentious poems, it just makes you look like a faggot.


You seem tired today sakuga. Rough night?


what a terrible wish, think of all the head pats you are missing out on due to it.

Captain Moe-gan is mai drinkfu.

Me too. Peacetime is worsttime.

Nice poems, Suicide-sama

Second time's the charm.

A dream of another existance
You wish to die
A dream of another world
You pray for death
To release the soul one must die
To find peace inside you must get eternal

I am not a leader, but I have been pretty good at inspiring others to embrace their own nature and pursue their destiny.

You did it Satan.


Well done tor

Well can't recruit without leading. So let's see a video! Remember. You need to cut up, not side to side. No smiles on the wrists!

Sounds like a good drinkfu, haven't had that rum before just Bacardi and Jamaican rum.
Vodka, russian standard is my drinkfu

Thanks bro, nice dubs

There are some fun things. Watching Gundam is a thing worth doing.

I'm always tired.

This is the faggiest thing I have ever seen.

You a what mate I'll smack you down mate
Banter is the words of the big guy to the small guy
You just canneah handle the bants matey

You're favorite Gundam a shit

Should try walks. They might help ennergize you.

hey jeb

Very accurate image

Oh m8, no need to be a cunt. Isn't a cunt a nice thing in ausland?

No u.

I do.

At least jeb tried.

Hmm. I'm outta ideas. Other than more sleep and eating more but you sleep a lot as is, and you can't eat much.

no u

Cunt means many things in aussieland.
If you have a friend he is your cunt.
if someone is being a dick he is a cunt.
if some slag is ignoring you she is a cunt.
one word many meanings, its why its such a great word.

It depends on the context

I don't sleep much because all the nightmares keep me awake.

Yes me.

Man, that's almost as versatile as fuck.

That is just the tip of the iceberg really, an aussie should be able to tell you all the meanings of it, if they are not to busy trying to get their baby away from the dingo.

Don't make me rub your knuckles while holding both of your hands without protection while cuddling you.

Are abbos cunts?

Don't make me post more butts.

Yeah you are forgetting usages relating to Cars and Footy team,
Up the Roos these cunts are Undefeated you cunts, I bet you cunts like crappy broken cunt Falcons, you cunt
For example

Oh, I feel you there . I just had another last night. So you get a bit of it like castle eh?

Abbo's are abbo's, not even humans.

Sports things
On an image board.
I wonder why I don't know about them

Makes sense. He said I was his replacement punisher.

That's true. I hear they never actually invented anything. Not even the boomerang.

Wait are there abbos in nz?

Are there a different kind of native there?


Look we were discussing Australia an its culture and you can't mention Aussie culture without mentioning Ariel Ping Pong

I understood all of that . guess Aussies are like Newfies.

That was prolly cause of the smurf posting tho.

The coke is necessary for me to enjoy it but it's a godly drink.
As much as I used to love it, I can't stomach it anymore. Even a sip makes me dry retch. No other spirits (except maybe tequila) does this to me.

They haven't figured out how to ride planes yet so no. We have maoris and pacific islanders which are pretty much exactly like native americans but look like gorillas.

Give me a bit to prepare for you.

Maybe. I hope his new job is ok. He seems a lot more busy now. Have you given up avatarfagging?

On phone and tired. About to get up for coffee and vidya tho. And like I mentioned before I can't seem to post pics so I've been going incognito. I was posting some boss pics before but then it all went sideways.


What once was is now away
All the blood
All the longing and pain that ruled
And the emotions that could be stirred
Are away forever
We are not dead
We have never lived

Well at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. I ain't complaining.

They aren't mine so don't credit me with them.

You have to ask what the function of attaching an identity to your posts is. Are you doing it with a clear purpose, perhaps to weave a narrative that spans multiple threads, or are you just doing it to masturbate your ego?

I wish I didn't delete my gore folder because I would have given you lots of examples. Unfortunately I only have a bunch in incompatible formats.

So Are you Holden or are you Ford Not that it matters because the US kikes shut it down because making cars in Mexico is way cheaper

I see. You have an obvious posting style too.

Just wait patently baby.

Can't it be both?

They invented a way to cut their dicks to look like Mushrooms

no abbos in NZ, thankfully.
We have Maori's who made shit and are decent nowdays.

Isn't getting stabbed by stingrays part of their culture too?
Or is it just bitten by every other creepy crawly.

I haven't had that problem with any booze no matter how much I drank of it in my teenage years.
The smell of bourbon still brings back bad memories however.
And I can still drink absinthe even though the shot of that made me throw up instantly

If they did invent something all they invented was a Curved stick and a Hollow stick

It better be worth it.

No thats just Steve Irwin
Insects actually aren't that bad here"
What gets you in 'Straya is Swoopin' Magpies, Hoppin' Mad Roos, Rock Solid Wombats and Stammerin' Buck

I thought maoris were some form of hawaiian or from easter island or something. But ok thats neat. Did they ever build anything cool in the ancient past?

I still remember watching that out of Africa documentary and dying when the chink says Africans don't understand that you can't be in front of cars. And can barely understand headlights. Let alone cars.

If I was on pc I could supply you. Sorry buddy . I let ya down.


I think its just the usage of buddy. Not many of the canucks here seem to like using it too.

Dicks already sort of look like mushrooms. Fucking why.

Sounds difficult to make. I should be nicer to them. What's an abbo's favorite pastime?

Just a little longer. It'll feel better if you wait.

I'm not your buddy guy. It is that.

So you're a Valiant ya bloody wog man, ain't that right

Once There Was Hatred
Once There Was Cold
There is Only
A Dark Stone Tomb
With an Altar
An Altar which
Serves As a Bed
A Bed of Eternal Sleep
The Dreams of the Human in Sleep
Are Dreams of Relief

It can, but one is productive and the other is akin to masturbating in the public square. You have to ask yourself, is the quality of 4 am in decline, and if so, why? Not just you but avatarfags in general.

I let myself down too tbh onifam.

It better be worth it

They made amazing jewelry out of jade, and pretty houses out of wood craving faces into the side.
But they traveled from hawaiian islands to NZ ages ago.

just because they look like it, doesn't mean you need to cut it, tip to base, to make it look even more soo.

So what you are saying is that I'm productively masturbating in public? I'll take it.

I know the feeling.

They never left the stone age but their equivalent of castles (Pa) gave the english a real run for their money even with cannons and guns. Their trench-like fortifications built into small mountains worked pretty well considering their best weapons were spears and clubs.

I really wonder if they are actually human. Lots of evidence to support that we've misclassified them as human and the only (really fucking strong) evidence against is that crossbreeding produces fertile offspring. Subspecies maybe?

OK Look how wet it is.

That's why I asked WHY. Who would even do that.

My eyes immediately went to Mugi's eyebrows in that pic.

Nice! I'll have to look those up. Have you visited one before?

They are Abbo's, they don't think.
Thats why.

Holy Jesus.

I never considered it. They really do seem subhuman.

Oh no. It's getting everywhere.


I figured hermano.


Its ok well all try harder next time.

Who knows, they could just be extremely primitive compared to others, especially when you get into the sciences of it. I still remember that shit saying Caucasians are closer genetically to cavemen of their race than africans.


They're all gone now. I used to live near the site of one. You can see the terraces where they would have had houses, walls and trenches but everything else is gone. Being made out of wood and getting fucking murdered tends to do that.
When I said small mountain I meant really fucking small.

Their maraes are still around though if you like looking at carvings of tongues and penises.

Ahhh ok, I pictured stone castles my bad.


You broke the cycle.



I cannot fall in love
love is for them
Lusting for the sky - Heaven
Why did I come to this world of sorrow
Where is my dagger of sacrifice
I will open the gates to Hell one day…

If you were to actually masturbate in these threads in Homoko fashion you'd give your avatarfag fans what they wanted. It would, in that sense, be productive masturbation. But the quality of the threads would continue their decline as long as the root problem of avartafag circlejerking is not addressed.

I really shoulda known to call quits on training yesterday. Bah. On the bright side. Pictures.

Kinda disappointed tbh oni-fam.

oh god you're a Magna/380 fag

I can't do this much more. I'm falling apart.

Who's to say he's not. He might have a dual monitor and be good at multitasking.
Hell with a vibe and a willingness to stick it in dark places he doesnt even need to use his hand.

Show the dark part.

You're going to keep giving it.

An Abo's Favorite Pastime is sniffing petrol and drinking metho

Pretty much the maori equivalent of a catholic cathedral in that they poured their best effort and works of art into it though they were always (and still are) used as meeting houses more so than houses of worship.

Keep in mind they hadn't developed metal tools so they didn't have anything that could quarry and shape stone in massive amounts. They were damn good sailors and somewhat noble as far as savages go but still primitive. Everything large is made of wood, tools were made of stone, and their best weapons and jewelry were made of jade and limestone. They sit well above niggers (and nigger sit above abbos) on the advancement scale though.

Nigger, that isn't buddy, guy, or friend. I know what a hermano is, but it was the wrong word.


Look at what you did. This is all that's left!


So they're brainless and high all the time. Or most likely dead? Is it true they sleep in the road?


Psht fine i'll let myself out then.

Show chens.

It's still enough for me.

Yes, however that's mainly up in Darwin

I deleted all the chens.

I'm glad you enjoyed the meal~

Max comfy.

replacing them with QUALITY gundams then?

I feel comfy.

But I don't avatar now. What's the point.

Not for long

I've gotten back into wurm unlimited

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What are you guys even talking about at this point

link it properly or fuck off back to 4chan

I'm comfy for a long time. I have comfy nip music.


Did you miss Huey enjoying my butt? Real answer is nothing. We're also watching GUndam in the cytube. A group of us are here all day now.

Pretty soon you wont be comfy.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums pedo

Why? Also don't you underestimate my nip music. You like comfy nip music?

You'll see.

I'm impatient. Tell me now. You didn't answer my music question.

No. It's no vaporwave


I'll have you know I unironcially love it. I'm going to burn a shitload to cassette tapes if I can find a lot of blank ones and listen to them

Why would yo intentionally make it lower quality? Do you listen to vinyl too?

spiders have feelings you know


Fuck off pedo Holla Forums, we're full.

show up earlier next time wolfspider.

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You know it fam

Please kill me.

It's ok spider. I don't think you're a pedo.

#wow #triggered

yeah but sleep is 2 guds

this is why you're best 4amer asides from my self

You're upset and it's because I have a superior taste

I'm just ashamed that you're a lo-fi plebby ass bitch boy. I bet you have a walkman.

Even better, I have a cheap one that converts shit to a digital signal. But I never use it because I have a player that connects to a stereo system.

You're the kind of guy who would use Porta Pros in public aren't you?
If you really seek A E S T H E I C S you should invest in a portable STAX sytem.
Do it. I believe in you.

How much of a faggot are you?

But why?

If I had a pair I'd use them to death. They're cheaper than the pair I use

As much as you want me to be~

It's so you can rip them onto your computer.

W-what's your pair?

Man I bet that sounds like ass.

I use a pair of MDR-V6 because the last pair I used of that model lasted for a decade of daily use before breaking. I haven't actually tried it much since it's only used when I'm moving from place to place and I barely leave the house

Ayy, those are some good cans.
I use a Sennheiser HD 25-1 II, Sennheiser HD600, Grado SR325, and a Fidelio X2. The Grado Sucks ass. I like headphones more because of the personal sound. The clam and sound fucks with my ears and makes my tinnitus worse.


Going deaf just means you wont have to listen to people at all.

I like music more than people fam. If I ever go deaf I'll kill myself on the spot. I'd rather go blind.

I'd do the same, but I just want a reason to actually kill myself.

I do too. Life isn't fair, but my life isn't really worse than most. I just don't have all the same problems. My life is so common it disappears.

I just have so little in my life that I don't have any reason to live. But at the same time, I don't have any reason to die.

It's a real dumb and numb feeling isn't it. At least it leads me to trying new things. I might fins a reason to live or die doing new things.

My life is better than most but depression makes me feel like it's worse than it actually is
I can't get rid of this fucking feeling

I wonder how winter will be
with a spring that I shall never see
I wonder how night will be
with a day that I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a light I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a pain that lasts eternally

You need a reason to die as much as you need a reason to live. You need no reason at all.

Better to burn everything trying to make things better than not build anything trying to burn everything.

I'm not going to listen to anyone who puts out shit that you'd find a 14 year old shits out on wordpress trying to sound deep.

all these abused spoilers

Maybe you should take pills. It didn't work for me, but it might work for you.

You are the worst 4am. When I made the signature joke I didn't expect you to actually do it.

It's already burning.

I can't wait.

Fuck back to Holla Forums pedo.

I don't know if I can get qualified for em
And my mother controls my life, so probably not

4 am is already dead. I'm just trying to help people realize it. Plus I hear people name you specifically as one of the worst posters of nu-4am.


Nigga, it's already happening.

Only one way to find out. Go see a psychiatrist.

Sure it is fam.
Oh? Like who?

Don't fucking ruin what we have, it's shit, but it's ours

I can't, my mother controls my life decisions
I fucking hate it and I can't wait to abandon my family and move to America if Trump is elected

It needs to happen faster you faggot.

I ain't a narc.

It was ruined long ago. Now it must burn like everything else so that something new might take its place.

Like what? A 4PM thread?

That sucks. I's just do general things like exercising and getting as much sun as possible. Is there any way to convince her?


Sometimes it's better to remove the entire system than remove the individual tumors, like with what's happened to 4am as of late.

I'll bump up what I have planned.

I can not predict the future, but something will fill the void.

So you're a bitch who can't back his shit up.

She finally starting to let up but I can't make major decisions like getting a job or getting a bank account yet
I'm fucking tired of it, I'm a fucking adult now, I'm not the depressed and sick 6 year old I once was

Terrible pic to use their buddy. Vivec did everything wrong.

I look forward to it.

Man, get her to let you have a job. Get out of that hell. I can't even imagine what that must be like.

No, Vehk did everything wrong, but Vehk did nothing wrong. It's all right.

I have a feeling it's going to be a horrible disappointment

I'm getting one next year in secret
I plan to move away and never go back, maybe for visits though
Minimum wage is all I need

You keep saying that. I'm already disappointed.

I hope you do it. Ans still shitpost with us after you make the move. Sounds like a good story for later.

I'm already disappointed


Nobody cares about the opinion of a pedo Holla Forums user.

If vekh didnt use the heart, they never would have abandoned the gods, tiber wouldnt get Anumidium, The empire never wouldve been made and morrowind never would have suffered the collapse and subsequent destruction by the argonians.
Vehk 100% wrong.

At least both of us are content with what we have.


It will be a good story
Bye now I still have a fucking curfew, save me from this hell

Man, it's like you never even read the Trial of Azura. Vehk did nothing wrong unlike that fucker Vehk.

Sleep well user. Good luck

Everyone knows vehk lost his mind when he was raped half to death by mehrunes dagon

Man, do you even read the lore? Vivec had consensual sex with Molg Bal.

I wasnt talking about his preggers time with the rape king. I was talking about him getting raped by the former leaping demon king.

Youre gettin rusty.

Since when did he go crazy after that encounter?

Have you met Vehk? He's badass, but he's undoubtedly crazy. Its part of his charm.

Vehk is a true and noble god. I wish he would come back.

He will eventually. He did off azura from mundus.

And if C0DA is anywhere near lorethentic he'll be back. Tho I have heard he is in the mmo, though I havent played

I miss Sotha Sil too
There needs to be more quests and games centered round the clockwork city and Sotha Sil

I know he comes back when he Marries the Nerevarine and their child slays the Numidium with a word. I was just pretending to be a dunmer.

The dunmer hate the tribunal now, you s'wit. The old pantheon are the one true gods :^).

I still have faith. The Neravarine better come back tho. Better not just be dead in Akavvir

Snake Herpes.

My Neravarine was pure.

Not with me she wasnt


also are you implying you're a snake woman?

all these spoilers, murdered in the winds

It was very lewd


That makes no sense.


Whelp, im tired and desire energy drinks. Have a good one everyone. Was fun.

You wouldnt believe what she asked us to do with the tail

Wait, not only did you imply you were a snake, but that you also have an std.
