A Fox in Space is a fan made animation series about Star Fox. It's worth checking out.
Star Fox Animation
how about you check out of life for thinking this bait will work
If you don't like Star Fox, fine. I just thought it was interesting enough to share here.
The only fan made material of an existing IP that you should ever consume are doujins.
Thank god for Sindoll
Wrong board.
He's come a long way. Why does Holla Forums hate Star Fox again? Is it because of Melee?
Already been talked about for a week now, especially Nintendo's kikery of them shutting down his patreon after he agreed to change the name of his show in good faith.
If you said that this was furfag shit, you would less like a fucking retard.
Anti sage, because the current set of threads are no better
starfox is shit
Already knew about it, but never bothered watching it until now.
The animations could be better, but it was okay as a whole. I'd say it's a 7/10, enough to make want to watch another episode.
We had a thread on release already, To summarize it:
All interspliced with FURRIES MUST BURN posts and porn of course.
I think the Holla Forums thread is still in their catalog.
I haven't even seen much if any Star Fox threads at all for several weeks at a time, let alone any active hate.
Sage to not bump a garbage thread shilling retarded shit.
age to counter your triggering XD
Stop shilling this shit here.
Writing gave me a chuckle, its mostly due to how well the voice actors handle it. Without these VA's I dont think I would watch anymore.
Honestly I'd like to see more of it.
Not entirely sold on Wolf's faggotry though of course.
You can get dubs with that, but you will never get good.
webm or fuck off jew.
you seem upset
Fuck it, this is dubs thread now.
And i'm desperate to check 'em.
Why do we seem to have this thread every day?
because we are being raided by /furry/
They are indeed big dickheads.
He draws pretty good shit eating grins.
You can always trust a furry to know what eating shit is like.
you aren't even trying anymore.
Ive watched the episode and i fail to see how wolf would be gay. Care to elaborate on that?
The only scene that was remotely gay was the robot legs stuff and that was played for humor wasnt it?
I keep seeing this shit getting shilled here
retards who haven't touched star fox at all wouldn't know the series joke/rumor that star fox have their legs replaced with robot legs because of the cover of star fox showing those
ftfy, retard
this is the first time I've seen it here
Nice shill, now check my trips
Shame, you can do better with your shitposting and you know it.
It's a bunch of furfags trying to project their favorite porn on it really fucking hard.
How many times am I going to see this VaporWave effect in animations now
I see it used ironically and unironically and just another retro setting like photoshop filters
The animation is fine by itself. Smooth line work nice inbetween frames but god damn so much vaporwave effects
until the neo-80s fadstalgia wears out
This meme is cancer
If were going to do that. Treehouse will make Wolf Bisexual instead of gay. Just for he both hit on fox and later cuck him by sleeping with crystal.
Report and hide, likely they're the same types that will actually complain of board sliding (flooding the board with useless threads) on Holla Forums.
I had to look up what the hell "sliding" was in forum terminology because of these sage addicts, I'd never seen the term once before.
Not only are the shitty parents bringing their fucking children into this to speak for their twisted spciopathic world view, they also shit on John Lennon's lyrics, Lennon's song "Revolution" was actually supposed to shit on Leftist extremists/SJWs of the time
Fucking idiots.
All i see is just Wolf being a regular mercenary type guy who just happens to have some personal story with Fox and his father.
Why the fuck has this video been on the front page of my youtube for weeks now?
The only related thing I've watched in recent history was a starfox zero gameplay video like a month ago.
fucking furries
It's Krystal. This is how I know you don't care about Starfox and are only here to shitpost.
Huh, that was actually pretty decent. I've been skipping over it cause the screenshots looked like ass. Shame it probably ain't gonna continue and just be a one off like that fan tie fighter film.
Huh, what do you know. Don't let the furry thumbnail discourage you.
Don't know why this is getting passed around everywhere though. I'm seeing this everywhere even outside of 8ch.
Stop pushing this god damn animation, jesus christ.
did they just stop making good things in 2009
looks like something made for furfags
imma fuck you in the ass
Here's the real redpill:
Shilling isn't real. No one's paying randos to shitpost on an irrelevant imageboard. What's actually being shilled is the concept of shilling, as something that can viably influence tastes, increase sales, etc.
When paranoia is at its height, and everyone is assumed to be in the pay of X company…
Who benefits?
I'd argue that shilling is real, but we became too good at picking it out so now the concept is used to divide and conquer.
No, most people here are paranoid. I've been accused of shilling multiple times just for starting threads on upcoming games I was excited for and wanted to talk about. If you're not bitching about something, everyone assumes you're a shill. I've even seen people accuse those who dislike certain games of shilling for those same games.
Paranoid as fuck. Very few people know about Holla Forums or give a fuck about us if they do.
I can't name one time anybody has ever pointed out an actual shill here.
Internet marketing firms are paying people to complain about shills on the board so that people think shilling works and will pay them for their services.
How about when evolve rolled around? Their marketing team looked like they had a crack at it.
The existence of Shills has been proven on multiple occasions.
However, people are unnecessarily jumpy about them.
Get the fuck out of here, Mickey O'Starvigan.
I don't know, but I smell boiled potatoes.
Maybe on cuckchan
Your jedi mind tricks won't work on me.
Complain about the British some more, Chuchu.