So yeah I forgot this game came out today. Did anyone actually buy it? If so what are your overall thoughts?
So yeah I forgot this game came out today. Did anyone actually buy it? If so what are your overall thoughts?
borderlands without anything thats enjoyable from borderlands
how is this anything like borderlands aside from being an fps?
You can tell who has more money when shilling.
Both games are shit, but at least I don't see Battleborn 24/7 on the front row of the Catalog.
It's by the same shitty developer with the same shitty sense of humor.
Other than that, they're nothing alike.
I unno, they pop up in couples, so check out my doubles!
Gearbox needs to up it's shill game.
Request something not too complicated and I'll go for it.
I don't know how I feel about this.
You know OverWatch is going to crush this, just look at all the NSFW art based on OverWatch. I seen next to nothing on anything based on this trash.
maybe if it wasnt a 60 dollar moba itd do alright
Gotta cover as much ground as possible, goy
Alright, sketchin'
is that the villain from teen titans?
slade? yeah i think so
Game looks meh from what I've seen so far. I just want a toy of this glorious fucker.
You know this game is shit since it can't even break 10k viewers on Twitch. Which is fcking sad since new games usually have 10's of thousands viewers when they come out, since everyone wants to see if its worth it.
Why do the viewmodels take up the entire fucking screen?
i was thinking more of this guy
Those are reeeeeeal people Goy, trust us.
Please buy my game goy, I haven't bitten a baby's dick in weeks
motherfucker forgot image
The better question is
Does it fill the hole that Monday Night Combat left?
is this some chinese overwatch ripoff?
That better be a rhetorical question.
What if this is actually a blizzard antishilling Battleborn and offering Onlywatch as an alternative? But this is just a theory A GAME THEORY!
Now that's some tinfoil shit right there.
not really it probably a combo of anti battleborn and drones doing it for free.
out of all the assfaggots/moba/hybrid fps/Tf2 clone overwatch seems to have the attention of the masses. now if overwatch had some depth and less console focus limitations removed it could be a lot better but its blizzard we are talking about now and they will hamstring their own game most of the time to make extra buxs.
battleborn is overall decent for being a shitbox memeland game.
but the battle banter and such got old pretty quick. as well as beta burning me out on the vs modes pretty quickly
shows what i know
The term is CRAPCUNTS
No, I will not stop pushing it, it fits too well
What does this one stand for?
Why are shooters trying to be MOBAs or anything besides shooters? Can we get back to arena shooters now? They probably wont have to sink millions into this shit.
Roster of
I got an alternative. How bout neither.
That's some jew logic to think that if you offer a shit product and and a similar, shittier product people will automatically buy the shitty product.
You'd be surprised how well that trick has worked over millenia.
Look at all that character variety. You can just tell there's something in this for everyone. You got giant buff mcbaddass in the back. You got flying skirt wearing cuntstress you got that wicked ass sword wielding.. You know, I just can't do this. i fucking can't. This game looks so fucking uninspired and such shit I can't even pretend to be retarded enough to say that it has anything of value in it. This pile of horse shit is so by the fucking numbers, checklisted trash you'd think "Popular video game motifs" was thrown into an algorithm and this pile of busted code was shitted out.
not bad
Apparently steamcucks like it so much it made top sellers twice
Also doom(ed), this is what's wrong with vidya
basically this
but overwatch has been in everyone's eyes for months now as well as all the news surround it.
battleborn had like a open beta once like 4 weeks ago
Its a shittier version of LoL that costs 90 dollars.
I hope it dies and takes gearbox with it.
At least Overwatch has good porn.
I saw that shit
They can't shill this shit hard enough.
This game has shitty problems with all AMD cards, I'll wait until that's patched since the beta was cool****
fuck me sideways, messed up spoiler tags
Is that why playing the beta made my computer screen turn into a vaporwave album cover?
I have no goddamn clue how that is supposed to happen, the issues are moreso related to low FPS on more than capable machines.
People like you are why the Holla Forums hates vidya meme exists.
shit, i keep forgetting to spoiler pics
Took me a little long and I'm not happy with how it looks, but if it makes someone's dick happy, I'm ok with that.
This isn't even my fetish, but that's some good shit right there user.
yeah battleborn was kind of sudden
truly the kino of vidya
I'm sure it'll sell by the doubles
thanks, satan
Also Overwatch without cute waifu"s with detailed ass models.