1. GAWKER IS WEAKENED. HIT IT IN ITS WEAK SPOT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE (same for Vice) >>>/gamergatehq/319806 p.teknik.io/AjPB2 2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors: - medium.com/@TrojanHorse711/salon-s-list-of-atrocities-and-a-list-advertisers-to-contact-gamergate-7c5cdeb9f2aa 3. OPEASYONEHOURSALVO - pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE 4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG: paste.teknik.io/2491 || itmb.co/ts09w || up1.ca/#OLF7pVJJzk9ci56FwzveAA || twitter.com/McDermie/status/677627235386437633 5. Continue Digs on 8-4 and Nintendo of America: >>>/gamergatehq/312947 6. PARTICIPATE IN OPERATION DOWNPOUR - REVENGE THE BUTCHERING OF FE:FATES BY MAKING IT RAIN SHIT ON TREEHOUSE - imgur.com/a/X2w49 7. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT
• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later; • Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted; • Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags; • Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5
• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers); • Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest); • Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines); • Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage); • Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption); • Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating); • Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker); • Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page); • An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).
We always knew the time would come when the eagle would face off with the snake
Hunter Rogers
I'll be honest. I'm surprised the GoP didn't go full cuck and lock him out. I guess this is it, then.
Bernie won Indiana, so it's pretty clear people are not in lock-step behind Shillary.
Robert Morgan
Bump limit is 300 so go easy on shitposting at least on the beginning. Here's a treat for your consideration
Jaxson Gomez
Adam Cruz
Not bad, nice and thick, not fat at all.
Colton Wood
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Being on the wrong side of history ☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise ☑ Molesting people in VR
Hunter Richardson
those fiends!
Brandon Powell
We really need a new webm of all of them up to this point.
Now I wait to see trump call out everything shillary has done right in her face during the presidential debates
Jason Price
Logan Wright
Better yet, do it right now. Hillary's still stuck on primary money and that's in low supply.
Michael Morgan
Who else are you gonna vote next time? Democrats?
Jordan Stewart
Please don't respond to bait or shit up the thread with offtopic politics too much.
Michael Wilson
Nigger Cruz just dropped its all Trump now.
People are gonna talk about politics regardless.
Dylan Wright
Well I'm wondering if Rapp is still working under a new name.
If someone finds her pay her to dress up as Vivian and take photos.
Aaron Jackson
Aaron Hughes
I never knew I wanted this till now.
Thomas Rodriguez
Reddit may be more your speed.
Jose Cooper
You failed goon.
Michael Young
Jesus Christ are people this insane today? I swear I saw someone on a news article about some tragedy comment section saying "This is what happens when Donald Trump supporters are in the population"
I'm like WTF is with these people. It's like this Trump thing makes people think Trump is everything wrong with the world. What Nationalism? Protectionism? Not doubletalking about everything?
How can people still be fine with things the way they've been going? They would be happy with Cruz vs Hillary? Really? Like choose your brand of corporate paid-for mountain dew? Jesus fucking Christ.
Chase Brown
Also these goys posted about some of the stuff we talked about yesterday
I wonder if there was anymore since this stuff was interesting.
It's annoying but unavoidable, since the Trump train really seems to have no brakes.
I await the neverending salt from normalfags and sjw circles.
You tried
Thomas Price
Too bad these tumblrinas are all talk, none of them would actually off themselves and make the world a better place
James Foster
It's that "for us or against us" mentality, combined with a reluctance to actually think about things. What do they care that the establishment on both sides is bought and paid for? In their minds, they have to be on the winning team, no matter what the cost.
Dylan Clark
They don't really understand the real issues, Trump has gotten has far as he has because he built his campaign on anti immigration and putting America first, the fact that he has been completely unstoppable should really send a message of how sick and tired people are of lefty rhetoric and the perpetual string of bullshit they've been pulling, and with good reason, illegal immigration is a fucking huge issue.
Problem is dems want illegal immigration, they make it possible for them to vote, for dems an illegal is a cemented vote for them, probably the main reason monkey king wants to start importing syrians now, illegal immigration is a boiling point in politics right now, like people are fucking ready to snap over it.
Its really now surprise Trump has gotten as far as he has, people think Trump is an idiot but cmon, everything he's done has been a shrewd business move, he has an entire PR team and the like, hell his press secretary is a black woman, you don't think that was a calculated move on his part?
John Ramirez
Well here's why Trump keeps winning, liberals think it's the signs they put on front lawns that vote.
Jeremiah Gray
I can't even talk to people anymore about things, because no matter what it is, feminism or trump, or amy schumer, everyone I talk to take the mainstream news as fucking GOSPEL.
If you even attempt to say something differing of opinion you are called a weirdo or racist or sexist, and even if you link them to stuff they'll say its fake or biased or paid for or whatever, and their sources are beyond reproach.
I've fucking given up talking to people at all now. Like it's literally painful to discuss things with people that don't want to know that news usa.com isn't the pinnacle of journalism.
Michael Green
That's why I come to Holla Forums where…
Oh wait it's the same.
Josiah Lopez
I think one of the worst policies to ever happen is the sanctuary policy. It prevents state law enforcement from actually reporting anything to the federal level. Out of my hispanic in laws, the few that actually tolerate or like me can't stand illegal immigration because it makes them look bad and also nullifies any reason why people should immigrate legally like they did by learning the language.
Kayden Young
Yep, the immigration progress is absolute shit and completely broken but the people went through it fought and long hard for it.
Meanwhile someone comes over the border and they don't deport them back, its shitty and gives pretty much any hispanic a bad rep, not even mexicans just straight up hispanics.
Samuel Lee
Colton Baker
Which is which, anons?
Which is written by Kyle Orland and which is written by Anthony Gramsci?
Nicholas Long
I hope Lena Dunham starts packing soon. It's going to be Trump vs Hillary and he is going to fucking EVISCERATE her. He's been distracted by the other GOP nominees this whole race, but it's just Kasich left now, and he's a non-threat. I'm getting hard just thinking about the verbal beating she's going to get.
Colton Gonzalez
Can we make a list of how many subversive academic bullshit they're using?
Noah Murphy
bring the politics talk to after the 300th post
Thomas Wright
>the former considers mainly whether a game is fun, the latter whether it is worthwhile
This reminds me of when that one comedian said that he only makes fun of topics worthy of being made fun of. Harmful opinions talked about him. What's with this rhetoric of "worthy?" Do they really see themselves as the judge?
Anthony White
Reminder that many of the border jumpers are actually not mexican but Guatemalan and such.
Josiah White
If you can user, do it!
Leo Hall
Better check the dig and DiGRA threads, and academic marxist shitlist and their usage by the clique, wish me luck.
Connor Rogers
Give us a direction then leader. This is hot topic now because this just happened. Vidya's been a little quieter lately.
I'm subscribed to think big. When I saw that I thought he was full of shit and realized that think big really took a nosedive and started getting the sjw crazys to appear on their channel.
Liam Russell
Somebody's getting defensive. Is it time to post another article about how Trump's over, Ben?
Charles Green
of course he's not over the jews always win
Angel Reed
Better get packing, then. You can either go to Canada, or you can be relocated forcibly to Mexico.
Carson Wilson
you could take me into your shtetl, maybe?
Jason Smith
I never understood those people who think "if we place arbitrary restrictions, it will be better for the artist" when it comes to the creative process. It's not even limited to political correctness, I've seen people throw a shitfit over things getting more open-ended in Minecraft, like being able to resize Nether portals, claiming that it would stifle creativity somehow.
Benjamin Hughes
There's a wall around it unfortunately. UUUU.
Isaiah Scott
All the diehard conservatives are saying this guarantee's hilary's victory.
John Martinez
this is why people put you in ovens
Michael Scott
Make the holocaust great again!
Carter Rodriguez
Anyone noticed the asshurt furries who are jumping out at everything on twitter? You got a ton of them asshurt because some furry artist drew GG furry porn a long time ago and apparently some artist is a transphobe dirty Gator as well. The drama is lolcow worthy at this point.
Daniel Fisher
It can be a gamble. We got some great things out of pushing the snes to its limit, but limiting other m to just the wii remote made the controls clunky. I learned plenty of anatomy stuff by making a 3d robot using only hard surface modeling when I could of took the easy way out and used soft surface modeling. Its knowing why you are using limiters and pushing what you are doing to the limit. That said, using sojus as a limiter in comedy is the same as a runner trying to run with broken legs as a limiter in the olympics.
Liam Adams
it's amazing how many furries are in GG
inb4 yiff orgy magic is what's keeping us alive
Dylan Howard
inb4 someone posts Electrocuted Fuck
Angel Walker
video games
Jose Hughes
So is GG meme magic where we save the world just so we can play vidya coming to pass?
Caleb Miller
Luke Edwards
Just as a heads up, Gamergays, Mother's Day is coming up on Sunday. Be sure to call your mother and say hi, and give her a hug if you can! She could really use one.
Well, either that or meme magic.
Gets me every time.
Ryan James
What does hacking even mean anymore?
Tyler Foster
my mum is dead
Ryan Baker
Looks like I'll be up for some time with you guys.
Jaxson Mitchell
What if my mother is a shit person?
Matthew Adams
Did you know tomboys have high chances of evolving to aras at lvl 35, if you marry and have kids with them?
Noah Cook
Lincoln Hernandez
I know that feel bro. This is going to be my first mother's day without mine.
Lucas Harris
It's an event where a bunch of complete hacks gather
Jack Reyes
I know that feel
Carson Brooks
on Holla Forums
I don't really care for the election so I'm just playing vidya
David Evans
Some of us have to work, I'd be on more but gotta get mo money fo dem mecha construction sets
Dylan Torres
James Lopez
u the kinda nigga that takes the bins out in a hurricane smh
Connor Sullivan
I'm not murrican so I don't really care either. I'm playing vidya too.
Ian Williams
What do you want? If there is nothing to discuss, find a topic or suggest a new op.
William Evans
Hunter Allen
The closest thing I have to a mom is my mother in law who hates me and nuns who helped raise me.
Caleb James
Aren't you guys kinda bored of beating this dead horse? Why do you still hang around these threads? Barely anyone cares about this any more
Blake Scott
Andrew Morgan
Then send the nums thanks. They sound pretty damn close.
Ryder Perez
That porn video with her and the fish was fantastic
Camden Nelson
I was an oprhan. No bully pls.
That works too. Most of them were pretty shitty people though to be honest. Some were cool.
Dominic Kelly
You kidding me? I bet this trump stuff is gonna get tons of salt from the usual suspects. Besides, we have to sit on standby and wait to see where they try to attack next.
Hudson Martinez
Michael Price
Were the nuns nice people?
Christopher Nelson
Some were ok. Others were not.
Sebastian Miller
Speaking of ancient happenings, I forgot to mention to the OP to replace the Tracy Fullerton line in Ongoing Discussions with > Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269
Xavier Robinson
Good luck cutting all imigration. At best, h1b1 visas will be restricted and reduced, but you wont stop all immigration cold. And the chinese are really awful, look at canada. That japanese and not muslim lebanese are cool and good entrepeneurs.
Aaron Clark
Dude that's only a recent thing. Yea Mexican immigration has been a negative the last few years, but still doesn't make up for all the illegals still here. The influx of Guatemaltecos and other Central Americans was due to them believing Obongo was going to make every illegal a fucking US Citizen. Reason the US saw a huge surge of illegal children.
Even if we stop Mexican/Central American illegals, we need to also stop the chinse, they are fucking flooding the US in droves and no one speaks about it, and these are not your educated Chinese either, but your shit tier version. All fucking immigration needs to stop until all this bullshit gets sorted out.
Logan Barnes
Deleted post since it read like shit.
You don't have to tell me about the Chinese man.I'm under no illusion we are getting the educated ones, but the bottom of the fucking barrel. I though hispanics areas of town where hostile, but I was wrong once once this gooks moved in and set up their chick zones.
Adam Cox
Unrelated and a bit old.
Grayson Martin
Yeou should see them flood western canada. They come in 2 types,dumb ones who dont want to assimilate, or ones that youd have to ask if they are jews since they buy propert then hike it up to greedy prices.
Ayden Allen
I need the archives we dug up back in 2014-2015 on EDGE magazine and the early members of the clique.
I know its ancient, but it may contain background information suddenly relevant in light of new findings.
Can anyone supply?
Austin Baker
Where's the porn
Mason Smith
Here's the porn.
Cooper Perry
Doesn't do anything for me. Where's the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation?
Ian Perry
I might ave something from the early Bad Angler build, but it would be more around early 2015.
Is this what the future holds? I go and buy something it had little girls on it? GOD DAMN IT NO
Chase Perry
That nigger on the left is in MGSV.
Leo Thomas
If you want to learn to program I recommend a hands-on experience, that's how I started, doing script for RPG Maker XP in ruby when I was a teenager. Set yourself a small goal like a calculator or chess game and try do it.
If you need help or guidance feel free to ask.
Camden Moore
go away faggot, it's an arduino board that's like 5 years old
Jordan White
Let holiday-user know next time you or somone else sees him here.
Grayson Garcia
what? no he's not
Thomas Garcia
Oh look, just when this thread is posted, SJW shills came to sage the board like clockwork.
Every. Single. Fucking. TIME!
Kayden Taylor
Sorry Acid, the earliest I have is august 2015 and nothing from EDGE.
James Bailey
Right now I'm fooling around with coding C++ on Code::Blocks, which I hope is good enough practice. This is my best work thus far: long long int det = 3; cout
Caleb Barnes
I would suggest to couple computer science with something else. As a software engineer I got pretty far but I was able to get promoted further because I took some more time in university to get a master in human resources management. This prevent you from being stuck as a code monkey forever.
I think holiday user is on vacation or something, he wrote about being gone for some time a while ago.
Carson Bennett
Yep, happens every single time.
Jason Thompson
None that I know of. Could add a notice for him in the OP.
Jose Price
I know my property, dammit!
Camden Ortiz
Also this
Cameron Brown
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't know what else I would couple CS with, but I'll think of something.
A bit much in my opinion. I'd rather just refer to the slashdot link whenever a mega.nz link comes up.
Wyatt Williams
You guys should prepare yourselves, I suspect NC is interested in getting in on the "help gamers are attacking me" gravy train.
Gabriel Richardson
These people need to get some new bait.
Jace Price
Is that tweet bait? No moron actually would think that people LEARN how to fuck from Video games. Right? Right?
Xavier Ortiz
Nicholas Moore
It's their constant "cheeto neckbeard" joke thats 5 years old that they continue to use to claim moral superiority.
All the while she just uploaded a 45 minute analysis of the Phantom of the Opera Stage movie.
Like she can talk about being an autistic fantard.
Jayden Stewart
She's not even trying.
Noah Fisher
Feminists probably learn how to fuck from fifty shades. Would not suprise me if they think men learn how to fuck from Off Screen Sex.
Asher Clark
what took her so long?
This is very neat, they offer email, git, pastebin, blog and more. Where is this from? Some shady place like russia? china? america?
Robert Cruz
Only decent one was cinema snob. "And personally, I only like his "watch me eat weird shit."**
James Price
She still had a shred of self respect, although her drinking, low pay and hanging around with these guys probably made her lose all sense of self.
Brody Hughes
How dead is dougs site?
How braindead do I need to be to mess up my spoiler that badly?
Jace Wilson
No she does not. Ever since she became a fauxminist she's a lolcow
Mason Hill
dougs site is okay, her site is gone. "undermaintenence" forever
Shes uploading her old Nostalgia Chick videos to youtube to make some money. Since her website bombed and her Mary Sue articles don't dbring in much.
Cameron Sanchez
Uhh, they were always cows kinda. They just kept on getting worse/ more funny.
Chase Nelson
Then she would've made more on MFC ages ago.
Henry Sullivan
Christ I remember when this bitch was somewhat funny.
And why edit the tits out, I don't get it.
Samuel Hernandez
She's making a new series called "Loose Cannon" 2500 dollary-doos in hipterwelfare in patreon.
Best to ignore her, she's following Joshnita's lead on bullshit, she'll bait people and ask for more money.
James Sullivan
Shes "friends" read parasitic with anita. Saw the money she was rolling in and wanted in.
Shes currently asking people to Patreon her Bar Crawl through Disneyworld.
Jordan Price
I bet he punched the kids he keeps in his basement 2 times harder out of anger
Oliver Perez
Before or after taking his cp photos?
Ryan Flores
More important things.
Easton Rogers
Ah, Leigh Alexander didn't get invited?
Link Mayers some futa mods, and then xhe'll shut up, maybe :^)
Gavin Gomez
You guys seen this shit yet?
Good stuff. Really hits a lot of familiar notes.
Caleb Price
I don't really care, Trump wins, the establishment shit themselves liberals shit themselves. Riots, maybe civil war at best.
Hillary wins everyone gets rounded up and sent to the "Happy Camps", if you donated to the Hillary campaign you become one of the American Land Barons and collect the taxes from the farmers.
Alexander Bell
that pic should say : You'll cowards don't even GOOGLE for CP
James White
before fucking the kids in the ass obviously
Jason Young
can i get some background on this
Michael Butler
If you've seen this person or watched his videos you know he's literally a walking pedo stereotype.
Carter Gutierrez
This channel has written content. Quite informative.
Ayden Lewis
She's actually making more shekels off of Patreon than Spoony?!
I checked Noah's Patreon today and it was below 2000 dollaroos. Every time I check on it, and the number is lower, It brings me joy
Connor Gonzalez
Why did you even leave cuckchan if you turned out exactly the same way in just 2 short years? The only thing this place has going for it is the moderation and even that is sketchy at times. You guys are seriously fucking reddit-tier at this point, circlejerking over your supposed vast intelligence in your dead general doing fuck-all. I miss 2014 GG, really I do.
Well of course shes making more moneys, look at her network of friends
Zachary Parker
And the question how much of the patreon money is just a circle jerk rears its head again.
Luke Baker
technically he came over Holla Forums searching for CP (even though it was laurelai who dumped and then gave him the tip)
Dan Olson downloaded and edited pics that aren't considered CP on the US but are on Canada (where he lives). This was back then when they tried to fuck HW over saying the site was full of CP.
Dan ended up not getting v& but had a visit from the feds
Noah Price
Wasn't it also on an unlisted board?
Christian Bennett
The gov should atart taxing pateron transactions. It would be entertaining to see the money circle slowly shrink.
Connor Bennett
Ah, the Four Cuckmen, they were pretty salty when their message about taking Holla Forums off the internet backfired spectacularly, the salt really flowed that day.
Matthew Wright
yea I think so
Michael Long
It seems to me that /hebe/ has come under heavy attack from cp spreading retards. Wouldn't surprise me if goons and/or the clique were behind it. Every time I go there to check, I have to report more posts. Just glad the global mods are up to the task.
Ian Martinez
Technically speaking, isn't Patreon money taxable income in the first place? If they aren't reporting that shit, the IRS would eventually crack down on them as hard as that one panhandler from Chicago who had a mansion in the southwest suburbs.
Logan Robinson
Honestly, I dunno. Are "donations" taxable?
Luke Morales
This chick made a documentary about her having an abortion. She never had self respect.
William Foster
I'd think you'd have to have it go through a registered charity organization for it not to be. And knowing them, it's likely going to them personally instead of their "non-profit" orgs.
Isaiah Sanchez
The nasty boards like /hebe/ are probably even worse now because of the lack of traffic. Easier to post cp there without being caught and it takes a while to get nuked
Cooper Sullivan
It's obviously people trying to raid the board. Anybody actually interested in CP is either in jail or using the darknet.
Parker Cox
Ugh, are these the same jerks who spam /christian/?
It really pathetic they post links to cp to falseflag, but defend pedophiles.
Zachary Cooper
Then I got no clue. I doubt they are claiming the money as income. Pateron is probably a greyer area. Regardles of how it is, all recived money should be taxed as income though.
Jackson Baker
was browsing my pics folder and found this
Caleb Sanders
Carson Sanders
2-3 things are confirmed on that thing, plenty of sites reported on supposed leaks, but we won't know till E3 is here and we'll see the console in the flesh.
Noah Rogers
Technically Patreon money is not a 'donation'. It's more of a 'tip' and it should be marked as income and taxed.
That said, if someone reported them to the IRS, it could possibly create a neat little shitstorm.
The people recently inundating /hebe/ keep posting download links and very borderline images. They seem to explore the borders of what they can get away with. Last time that went unchecked, /teen/ got nuked off the board.
Aiden Turner
FF and CON don't have their income taxed because they are non-profits. I don't know what Patreon needs to pay as taxes for the money they handle though
What sort of girl sits like that? She has absolutely no manners
Grayson Hill
Goddamn, those are some report worthy hexes.
Xavier Cook
And Patreon has been on hot on heels by the IRS and FTC, just like kikestarter.
Colton Roberts
Ian Diaz
Lincoln Ramirez
Can't argue with those repeating digits. Nice get.
Zachary Robinson
and there it is
Jose Baker
Julian Carter
(checked) It's a sign
Noah Bailey
Nice numbers.
Anyway, isn't the IRS poorly funded, understaffed and largely incompetent because of bureaucratic hell?
Jackson Thomas
Yeah, pretty much. It's kind of why I mentioned that panhandler, it took a fucking mansion for them to crack down on him not reporting his income. If they aren't reporting it, it might take a few years for them to notice, even with LW moving to and from five of the most expensive cities in North America in the span of two years.
Justin Nelson
It's pretty fucked up from what I read, debtor's prison are gone, lots of welfare hounds evading, and ect.
Kevin Gray
Doesnt matter, you dont mess with the IRS
Chase Williams
checked and on such a lovely day
Adam Walker
Some of it has happened, but the fef not being cucked for europe is probably not happening.
Oy, dont call me dense
James Wilson
True, but if you rub the government the wrong way then they will drop the whole bureaucracy squarely on your head and you will be in audit hell for the rest of your natural life.
Luis Bell
The point is that they only go after people if they have a strong suspicion or after a thoroughly investigation.
Did we ever tried making a patreon dossier to send to the IRS?
Ryder Powell
Luke Jackson
Yup, only becomes really active when some head honcho in Washington tells them that someone they don't like is tax evading or lying about his wealth.
Matthew Foster
These numbers are a sign. Begin sending the IRS reports.
Carson Campbell
I dont think we did. The real issue is if money received through Patreon are donations or tips, and if it is reportable income. If it is reportable and certain persons didnt report it….
Guess we have our next project.
Christian Cox
we should probably make a dossier for the cp defense squad that tries to false flag this family image board
Grayson Adams
We kinda did dossiers on pedophiles twice: Butts and Valis. Nothing came out of it though, SJWs even doubled down on defending them.
Jonathan Collins
Blake Smith
if they were sent to the right agencies they may be doing their own digging and setting up honeypots like neverchan or whatever its called…
John Wood
That's what they want you to think.
Piss off an army guy, you might get into a barfight.
Piss off a Marine, you might get into a full body cast.
Piss off the IRS and
Anthony Lopez
Idk, the feds have bigger fish to fry. They won't waste time and resources on nobodies, unless Butts was part of a ring
Who knew Fox News weren't totally off the mark back then. If only they worded it better, if only we knew the full of scope of things ahead of time…
Brody Turner
Isaac Gonzalez
Jackson Wilson
You ask this after almost two years?
Most of us went away and just check in time from time or get a clue what's happening from Niche Gamer or Usher.
GG is "dead", I'm not sure what you think you can still accomplish other than these threads.
Michael Nelson
Fapping and playing vidya. Sorry user.
Brody Martin
I do that at the same time too AND lurk here to watch shills
Jose Rivera
I don't like playing windowed and I've got limited resources as is.
Carter Watson
There's only one "shill" that still might come here and we all now him. Pretending otherwise is not healthy.
Ryan Taylor
Christ is the legal system slow. I can't wait for Eron to finish up in court along with the conclusion of Gawker's appeal followed by Hogan slamming them in court again for leaking him saying "nigger".
Michael Long
I got what I wanted after the Hogan verdict. All those death declarations conditioned me to never let go. JUST
Jose Carter
Oh right I donated money to the freeze peach fund. I still have a stake. Existential crisis averted.
Gabriel King
I wonder if Eron will sue anyone at anytime. It would be nice to have so under oath testimony. Maybe Hogan's case(s) will convince him.
Benjamin Cooper
Eron is too much of a nice guy and a cuck to do anything else.
I did too, but life is life.
Landon Hill
Shit there's also the court case between the Calgary Expo and the Honey Badgers. If all three make it, the outcry will probably the best thing until Trump wins the election in November and is sworn into office on January. The fireworks will really begin then as a new era dawns 10 years after the accursed year of 2007.
You just know they'll have us to blame for what may be the biggest ever "fuck you" to them. Nothing short of spectacular to see their world view being obliterated when that time comes as they're left to wonder what went wrong, do soul searching, lose their cockyness and finally have meltdowns surpassing even Scalzi's.
Ethan Price
2016 may go down as the saltiest year of our lifetimes.
Julian Garcia
I don't see that happening. I see them losing their minds and going so self-destructive that they start launching attacks on anything they deem inappropriate while waving their banner so fucking high like it's all they goddamn have in their lives. Which is fucking accurate because they don't even have themselves, they're just allies of convenience.
Jacob Sullivan
Please don't ever post pictures of my waifu again. thank you.
Jason Clark
And all gamergate needs to do is simply exist
Jordan Moore
Noah Gonzalez
Have another
Adam Bennett
Evan Thompson
Jackson Cox
What a sissy Cruz is.
Jaxon Morris
Come on now. Cruz had America's best interest at heart. snigger
Liam Sullivan
That's a vivian I haven't seen. Is it rare?
Don't you know user? GG is dead! The media told me so over and over for years but finally it's now automatically dead, despite it being in a permanent constant flux with gaming culture & news! Sorry!
2016 has been a pretty good year for me, both in GG and outside of it.
Benjamin Perez
I think it's an elaboration of that Golden Boy gif
Julian Hughes
Gabriel Carter
How the fuck does Gawker still exist?
Dylan Robinson
Hidden offshore funds.
Austin King
You're telling me he has more water bottles hidden elsewhere?!
Samuel Bailey
That's what he gets for being the Zodiac killer.
Brandon Flores
You might need that water to dissolve all the salt user.
Wyatt Allen
She's exactly the thirsty neckbeard she makes fun of.
Caleb Butler
Chase Reyes
They still haven't paid shit since they're trying to legally get out of it. They're still figuring out whether they have to or will be allowed to wait for the retrial before paying.
Matthew Reyes
I've always had a soft spot for this meme.
Hunter Garcia
Yeah, life is pretty confusing.
Julian Davis
I do wonder… girls have so many opportunities to look good, and when you're going outside with your friends, in public, with lots of people and shit, male or female, you try to make yourself at least look clean. You dress a bit better or something.
Why is she trying to look bland ? She could let her hair go and wear a cuter top, and those pants are a fucking insult to shortpants, which are a bastion of hotness, and those shoes make her look like she's too fat for anything to fit…
I'm not saying she's ugly, she isn't even repulsive, she's just "here, I had five minutes to get ready today". Why do that when you go out with friends ? Why want that ?
[spoiler]The answer is simply that like too many women in America these days she is terrified of the way people look at her so she's hoping to make herself look invisible yet still shows off pictures of herself online to her friends/fans, so she's only working towards getting the benefits of being seen and demanding she isn't given any of the difficulties "Please look at me, LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME, but look at me like someone who totally doesn't care about being looked at, LOOK AT ME LIKE I DON'T NEED YOU TO LOOK, PLEASE[/spoiler]
Sorry I fucked my spoiler tags so I deleted my post No billy
Isaac Ramirez
Well guess it's fucked regardless of me trying, no linebreaks in a spoiler, just like redtext I suppose Fuck me over with a rake
James Baker
Zeus once took the form of a mare so a stallion could fuck him. Greco-Roman mythos, like a lot of old tales, is a hell a lot more insane and "triggering" than decade-old video game franchise.
I stand to reason my undergrad writing skills going 28k words on the Mega Man Legends series is better than slogging through a video about how she creams her panties about villain badguys that look pretty while claiming it's sexist somehow.
Elijah Torres
Or talk in glowing terms of how brave she was of getting an abortion.
Gavin Morris
No wonder he set a firework off on his head.
Dominic Cruz
he's that Gaston?
Lincoln Gray
When you see it, you'll get annoyed.
Christian Roberts
That's fake it better fucking be
Austin Hall
Injustice Gods Among Us I'm guessing, latest issue?
Jeremiah Stewart
Is it the right side of history or is there something more obscure I am not seeing?
Mason Fisher
Are there any feminist buzzwords that those shitty writers haven't shoehorned into comics?
also, is she telling another woman that she's not on the right side of history? Are they actually admitting that they don't speak for all women, only the righteous ones?
Jackson Gonzalez
Why the hell does her costume and hair change color between panels
Robert Brooks
also hold up her lasso isn't knotted, it's just gonna slip off
James Sullivan
One the reasons Wonder Woman is a staunch supporter of Supes in that series, is because she wants the D.
Blake Price
Is this satire of Social Justice?
Elijah Moore
No, that's "normal" comic book writing, and its an old issue, thought it was new.
Golden Boy anime was hilarious if I remember correctly, but I don't remember that screencap, unless you are talking about a different golden boy.
Luke Bell
Seriously ? She killed a baddie who was trying to kill her and the baddie's buddy is mad at her for that ? Like… this is retarded. Like, "oh shit, tightening a noose around someone's neck killed them ? What have I done ? I could've NEVER expected such an outcome !" Are the writers literally retarded ?
Val, those baddies are normal non-superpowered vigilantes that are Batman's allies, but yes, its pretty retarded, and the death toll on Gods Among Us is fucking huge, shock value on who's gonna die next kinda wore thin after 5 years.
Justin Miller
Adrian Wood
but shes saying they can't be tyrants because they're on the right side of history. I guess its just a lack of self awareness.
Jackson Jones
i have nothing against that if those critics had actually insight or something interesting to say but they don't. the "criticism" they deliver are nothing more than shitty, shortsighted, click baity, lazy reviews sprinkled with "that's racist, that's sexist".
Ethan Morris
Easton Bailey
Would work wonders, but I bet both sides, the Anti and Pro militarization groups are foaming at the mouth at the prospect of Japan getting atom bombs.
Benjamin Nguyen
Not that anyone stays dead.
James Moore
if fukushima didn't shake up best korea, what hope do they have?
Ayden White
If the japs are anything like yuropoor nations during the cold war they probably have nukes already. Just not actually assembled.
Oh, right, makes sense. How sexually frustrated are you that you don't get to plow her ? I always suspected people who fill those pages secretly wanna fuck the person they write about
Did it seem like bullying ? My bad, I was just curious.
Daniel Lewis
good. he seems to understand that only headshots work against zombies.
Kayden Nelson
It's more of a fascination of how these people function. Although I thought she was attractive in the old days, now her benders and weed smoking is catching up with her and shes looking more frumpy by the day.
Asher Perry
you are always quickly calling people out. Sometime i wish you would just drop your police behavior.
sage for off topic
Caleb Perez
Was just looking for an excuse to type like this.
Cameron Morgan
Can someone tell my who this character is? A game character or anime character of some kind? The doujin artists can't seem to stop drawing her.
Nolan Carter
Granblue Fantasy character
Lucas Cox
Some semen demon from the mobile game Granblue something
Lincoln Morales
Anyone have any of images of the Shit NISA pulled?
David Hughes
Thomas Cruz
I'm going to repost the new Santiago digging to KIA, they should at least know about it before any articles.
Do people think it would be better if the title was modified to mention the 20k? Or is the title without it or with some other structure better?
Also I was thinking of using a self-post instead of just a direct link to the pastebin so the new additions are clearer, would this be an appropriate post?:
These are the most recent discoveries from the pastebin, showing serious financial and personal conflicts of interest. Fullerton provided the company Santiago founded $20,000 (presumably a decision made as part of her job at USC) and Satiago described her as a friend. While Santiago was chair for Indiecade (an influential position that among other things involves advising all the jurors) Fullerton then won an Indiecade award.
As we already knew Santiago was also chair when Fez won the Grand Prize in 2011, despite Santiago being a Polytron investor with a direct financial interest in Fez.
Dominic Hernandez
Jaxson White
This has been discussed before, Patreon requires you to provide appropriate tax information.
Who cares, these people give each other money all the time. They don't give a shit, they'll just cry cis male harassment if you even ask them about it.
Shit like this has been goin on for 2 years. It's like sitting around cataloguing what shirt Bush was wearing when he told everyone Saddam had WMD's.
We know everyone's corrupt, and I'd be perfectly fine if I just died right now so I didn't have to be on the same planet with these people.
Parker Flores
At least they say it's just for the rating rather than being voluntary.
It's okay user. Remember to focus on doing things you enjoy if focusing too much on these people is making you unhappy.
Brayden White
This is why I can't get excited for things from Bamco
Tyler Flores
Government is screwing you over harder than ever. SJW has invaded every type of entertainment media.
Whats left to enjoy really.
Cooper Miller
Being a boogeyman
Samuel Price
The dream of the end.
Jonathan Hernandez
holy fuck this made me realize we have the fucking 10 mil get coming up soon, and 9999999
Christopher Perez
Nothing, except the salt.
Vidya is dead, let's just salt the earth instead.
Isaac Smith
Alright, the new Santiago stuff has been posted, hopefully it's distinct enough since it has a better explanation to not be removed as a repost.
Have people been spreading it around on twitter or anything?
Juan Moore
give us something to FART and anons with twatter accounts will all throughout the threads existence
Cooper Miller
Looks like the digger already did, though it's complicated by the fact the pastebin was updated with the relevant info after being posted.
I seem to have come across the Japanese Stefanie Joosten
Sebastian Robinson
Her boobs are much too big to be joosten-tier DFC-godtier
Adam Price
Yeah, those might be good to spread because they make it clear without someone having to read through the pastebin.
Joshua Peterson
Egyptian official blaming videogames for violence. At least there's no talk of censorship but western moral panics seem even more ridiculous in countries with much worse concerns.
Presumably, the people in charge said they wouldn't accept Trump as the candidate but that may have just been to discourage people from voting for him. If people are dropping out despite the chance that they'll get the nomination that might be sign that they are worried about a civil war within the GOP and alienating the voters.
At this point they'll have to choose Trump or face a massive backlash. It's far from impossible that he'd actually make it as a independent choice where people would vote for him on principle and split the republicans.
Thomas Butler
That's good I guess. Now people just have to tick the box instead of disclose it in the review itself. It's not like unethical reviewers would suddenly start ticking the box though.
Connor Wood
I was thinking the face specifically.
Chase Roberts
Ryan Hill
The #NeverTrump idiots keep saying that never means never. One said, he left the party as a registered republican. Shit will go bonkers this year.
Jayden Bailey
Because the bot was a GGer since day one.
Kotaku, a day from now: ""How Steam Reviews Became Even More Problematic", by Nathan Grayson"
Oliver Bell
He made Fiorina drop out twice.
Nolan Ramirez
I think KiA is becoming retarded. Most upvoted comments in threads about Bandai Namco saying it was censored for ESRB reasons are apologetic as fuck.
You should also stop being apologetic. There's nothing the ESRB wouldn't have rated T or at max, M.
Carson Powell
He still needs to secure the delegates so the GOP can pull any bullshit on him
Elijah Miller
blaming it on the ratings is the oldest trick in the book. Stella glow had a loli in a v-string bikini along with other shit and got away with a T and take a look at the shit Agarest was able to get away with and still kept the T rating.
Nathan Watson
With no one left to run against him, how can he fail to secure them? It's not like the other parties will make huge rallies to sway the fence sitters anymore and everyone else seems to have already made their decision. The only thing I can think of is if they fuck him, but then they will have lost the presidency already anyway.
Cameron Carter
Rating systems are often based on stuff like quantity or prominence of content though. And we don't even know what was changed, all we have is the guy saying there were minor alterations to stay within rating.
Mason White
Stella glow needs to be banned. Look at this ending CG and tell me how this filth is on the market.
Blake Brown
Maybe it'll just be record low election participation? I'm betting the republicans still won't vote for shillary but rather hand her a walkover if they really don't like Trump. Maybe Trump will actually put on his charms and get some of them to reconsider now that the nomination race is over and he's up against shillary? I take it Bernie's out?
Aiden Edwards
… what ? Why look at the face ? She's naked.
Xavier Martinez
Hilda best girl
Levi Mitchell
They running on the hope that nobody will go out an vote for trump now that he has no opponents and he doesn't reach 1237. Plus all the dropped nominees are still on the ballets
If he doesn't get 1237, the can shove in another nomination to try to pull the rug out from under him.
Ian Allen
Because some of us aren't 12 Val.
Nolan White
Bernie's still running. If Trump does stop being a candidate for whatever reason assassination being most likely, I suspect that half of Trump supporters would vote for Bernie to stop Hillary while the other half would simply not participate.
Oliver Perry
But' he's not beating Hillary?
He's is french though.
Gavin White
Bernie's in, however he needs like 80%+ of the delegates to win and Hillary only needs 181. It's over for him.
Black racist SJW is a meanie to white girl. Girl starts crying. SJW doubles down. Now people want that he loses his scholarship, which is worth more than $100.000 due to his actions. He also was the leader of the Rhodes Must Fall drama last year, that burned paintings and sculptures of whites.
Juan Howard
It's reddit, the entire format promotes populism and truth through consensus. TBH I'm surprised it hadn't imploded on itself already. What with sockpuppeting and brigading on there. It's practically a business venture these days.
Charles Cruz
This. Shame since I liked god eater on the psp, but it took too bloody long to come west. And now the needless censoring and digital only first game. No thanks. Maybe the jap pc vesion can get an eng sub mod if they dont censor it.
Isaac Rodriguez
Jesus dude you're not on neogaf
Luke Martin
As if you could possibly get more nigger than that. Holy fucking shit.
Julian Wood
You should try telling one next time.
Sebastian Sanders
Like my life
Benjamin Myers
Hey, Val. Find any use for that fucking spoiler magic yet?
Jordan Long
Now that's a real joke. Just like mine;_;
Alexander Morgan
Yeah, sure, the issue is that the "popular" opinions are now apologetic towards censorship.
Without actually seeing that that's just a bullshit lie.
Chase Ward
This is from Injustice, in which WW is on Evil Superman's side. So for her to say that, when her side is beaten in the games story, is pretty funny. In the comic and game, she's a bad guy.
Christopher Hernandez
No use honestly, I just missed it. Had been a long time since I'd seen it anywhere. Really glad.
Hudson Morales
Asher Collins
Hey Val: Heyhowareyoudoing?
Gabriel Richardson
C'mon user, you know its gonna be censored
Jack Stewart
Ratings are a real concern and can often seem pretty arbitrary, just assuming any developer that mentions them is lying doesn't seem like a very useful approach.
Mason Cooper
Those titzippers are terrifying, they make me think she must zip her tits every fucking time and this shit must hurt like hell
I'm doing alright, got kinda sick a few days ago but it's been so sunny and warm today I could enjoy a nice pipe. How about you dear ?
Dominic Ortiz
Well except in most cases they're just flat out lying. Remember how NISA claimed they had to censor… what was it criminal girls or some shit game, and it turns out they never even got an unofficial screening on it?
From this we can basically conclude that receiving swag does influence review score, even though journo's say it doesn't.
Tyler Long
Did something good happen today ? Or is it merely the trumptrain that gots no breaks ? I swear you guys better not fucking allow hillary to be your president
Luis Baker
The latter. It's going to be funny as fuck when Trump goes to the debate and outs everything Hillary has done.
Charles Campbell
He could just focus on her signing a bill that literally funded ISIS and he'd win a good majority of people.
Angel Reyes
Trump after yesterday and today.
Parker Martin
Some things never change
Connor Ward
I'd personally prefer Bernie over Trump but I'd vastly prefer Trump over Clinton. Make her feel there is a true rape culture and she's in the middle of the field.
Thomas Cooper
That is one hell of a semen daemon.
Luis Nelson
Granblue has a ton of them
Julian Davis
New Action Pts It looks like he didn't like polygon's shitty "it's 2 hard :(" articles
Colton Wright
Trump is clearly just being a sexist by showing what she's done.
Ian Watson
I think this is happening at like 7am for me.
Christopher Reed
Of course it does, it's common sense anyone who says otherwise is just fooling themselves or doesn't give a fuck and wants the swag bags.
The ESRB made mistakes before, yes (even some intentional, e.g. DOA), those are an incredibly small minority of cases though.
It's impossible for God Eater to not get a T rating. I can show you so many cases of material WAY WORSE than God Eater (the first got a T rating) could EVER have in its context.
Just check out some ratings yourself, it's really easy, esrb.org/ratings/
All platforms. Rating T. Then check every case if you want, but I think it's best if you pick "Sexuality", since that's the worst. Then look through any title you want, you'll see a lot of T rated games with shit you'd think would be M rated, yet this game is T rated:
"The game contains some sexual material and dialogue: a giant, green humanoid creature with exposed breasts; phrases such as “[Y]ou let me fondle and squeeze your boobs for a while,” "I want to make love to her like crazy," and “How many times have I imagined caressing her body and becoming one with her?” During the course of the game, several characters are comically depicted suffering from diarrhea; one prolonged sequence references the use of a suppository. The words “sh*t” and “a*shole” appear in dialogue."
- The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
Lincoln Scott
Holla Forums has thread up on the shit she's done in case anybody is interested >>>Holla Forums5885756
James Hill
God the propaganda is actually getting to hotties now.
Game over man.
Hudson Jenkins
now in technicolor
Lincoln Long
Girls like this can still be saved
Just got to pull them away from whoever or whatever is making them turn, fuck them good, and then redpill them as you lay together in bed
It's not over until they dye their hair some ridiculous rainbow color and let their body go
Matthew Russell
Narumeia, Danua and Alicia, those are the semen demons
Matthew Rodriguez
Crimson skies had sex kinda and full tit nudity and swearing and only got teen. Jesus, the ESRB needs to make detailed rating reviews available to the public, and change so when localized games are submitted, but the original and localized versions must be sent to determine if the changes lower the age rating, and be reported if they would not.
Austin Sanders
Extremely unlikely, given who's involved. It's one of the few games this year that has hope.
5am for me.
Cameron Howard
Today's looking like a pretty damn good day. I'll have to give this a watch later.
Thank you very much.
Jonathan Peterson
Healthily Curvy, yes, but only a 6. And shes taking a pic in either a bathroom stall or a changing room stall. Have some respect.
Aiden Thompson
Read this in yesterday's thread and thought it was interesting. Of course, take it with a grain of salt.
Jason Reyes
At least its not the original pic. And the chikia nipple edit is the best
Juan Hughes
Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning got M rated and it has actual sex.
This is the M rated released version on Steam, COMPLETELY UNCENSORED.
Thomas Morris
Cameron Brooks
Excellent! I also edited it slightly to not have the title since the picture kind of speaks for itself, but I saved both versions.
Jeremiah Bailey
And m for games that even talk about sex is alright, teens want m rated games. Not neutered games.
Grayson Brown
really? post a 10
Julian Butler
Jacob Ramirez
I do not believe in perfection in subjective opinions. If shes your 10, fine. For me, shes a 6. She would be a 7 if she had metal glasses for non accesory purposes and did not take selfies.
Camden Hernandez
It's not ok. M rating for sex talk is stupid.
Logan Ortiz
but that is a 1 user. :^]
Jose Robinson
jesus dude, get a grip
Jackson Cox
My thought is not processing into words well. Implided sex with partoal nudity for m is fine. Better uncensored m than censored t.
Isaiah Peterson
Fine……and don't say that pic related is 2 in binary.
Jace Gonzalez
And I'm saying that you can have T rated games with partial nudity and sex talk, there are some out already.
Owen Williams
Loving that subtle dig at major game bloggers at the end. So far, this is the best review that I know of due to the succinctness.
Landon Barnes
I care about personality too. I hate it when people take selfies. And my god, some thing is off with the young girls face, but I cant put my finger on it. Is it the eyebrows? Is it the expression?
Cooper Flores
And do they have bloody violence too? That tends to up the ratings as well. Both bloody violence and sex with nudity together tend get a m.
Michael Wood
…so is it good or not?
Anthony Carter
Assuming you put effort into learning the game, yes.
Hunter Harris
You don't seem to know how ratings work. Every grouping gets a rating and then the highest rating gets chosen.
E.g. you can have violence at E but nudity at M, you'll get an M rating, no matter what other ratings you have.
Connor Phillips
What happened to all of the concerns about framerate drops and whatnot?
Luke Sanchez
I must admit, I've never heard of framerate drops until today, or, if I did, then I forgot about them.
Kevin Perez
Josiah Wilson
Doesnt bloody violence and gore usually land an instant m anyways? And none of our convo changes the fact the ESRB needs more transparency, and should need submission of all versions of the game for rating, original and localized, and allow the public to see detailed rating documents that show hoe the ratings were given for each and if the vidya companies are bullshitting about the esrb or not.
Caleb Stewart
I think it may also depend on how "realistic" the violence looks as well as how "brutal" the violence is.
Ayden Bennett
I hope you guys don't start to think the ESRB is a fair and unbiased entity.
Oliver White
None of that means they or anyone else who claims to have been concerned about the ESRB rating is lying. At most it indicates inconsistency on the ESRB's part, or guidelines that don't match your intuitions on what is "worse", or even developers having misconceptions about what is required for a rating. Hitting ratings targets is very important to developers, so it's ridiculous and counterproductive to just jump to "they must be lying" any time they say that motivated a decision.
Ian Cook
Hm. Intredasting. Still, I don't think I'm willing to drop full price on it. I'll wait for a sale or buy it 2nd hand.
Adam Campbell
No, why do you think I want their processes to be available for public scrutiny? Why do you think I want policy changes where regardless of the localization, where the original must be submitted for rating too? Because I don't trust either end.
>Hitting ratings targets is very important to developers publishers Say that to gtav and cod which both got m ratings and are the top selling game and series of all time.
Easton Diaz
Yeah that'll happen
Hudson Sanchez
Is that who I think it is?
Liam Price
Nope. That's just a cardboard puppet.
Jacob Rivera
Obviously neither of those games target a T rating but that doesn't mean it isn't important for the games that can potentially get one. Unlike movies games aren't nearly everyone aiming for PG-13 and ratings are probably less important in general, but that doesn't mean they aren't significant.
Ian Baker
It's funny, I remember in the last days on halfchan, there was a thread dedicated to finding out where she disappeared to.
It was hilarious, no one came close to the right answer.
Elijah Howard
She got a job. Was married and wanted a new life. The end.
Luis Wilson
Duh. I've met her. She's open about having that old Youtube channel, but doesn't enjoy talking about it much.
Caleb Campbell
Proof or GTFO!
Logan Morris
Censored teen vs uncensored m, id h Go with the uncensored m. And most of the censorings are bulshit and would not have gotten m, like xenoblade x and tms for example. Hell, senrans should not even be getting m. The "nudity" has h-doujin teir convinent covering for comedic purposes, and dressing them up should not warrent an m anymore than dressing up a barbie doll should be an adults toy.
Dylan Barnes
She was my friend's TA back in first year university. That was the only way/reason I knew her. I haven't spoken to her since, but bumped into her on campus a couple of times.
I'll GTFO now
Nathaniel Hall
She probably married to a rich autist by now and never wants to speak of being a famous spreg because now she never has to worry about money anymore.
The ESRB is biased because it's based on voting and because it's restricting art based on age, but it's not unfair most of the times.
Shill somewhere else.
Or that you have no argument yet you keep on continuing this.
If it's not an AO rating, then the rating does not matter.
You mean "reasonable and right".
It depends on the level of violence and how graphical it is.
And sure, it should be more transparent. PEGI for example gives a comprehensive list on the matter.
Elijah Scott
This thread still bumping, or do we have a new bread?
Grayson Rivera
So if I ask to see or go to pegis website I can get a document as to why they gave say, senran its rating?
Jackson Ross
harmfuru-kun has a new channel and video
sage for off-topic
Cooper Powell
Yes, if you search properly…
Charles Phillips
James Davis
Jesus tittyfucking christ
Gavin James
left no, right yes
Landon Sanders
meant for
Luis Williams
Still doesn't change my answer
Asher Johnson
Gabriel Perry
So I'm not sure how many of you guys knows about this but apparently Vince Canfield the guy behind cock.li is a member of the Goonswarm Federation on EVE, a major goon hive which the leader has been know to rent out his giuld members to invade other games for real life cash. Well the fact that he and hotwheels made cock.li the official 8ch email provider. You know hows goons always tried to take the site down and how the most of the cock.li servers got raided by the cops? I think it might not be a coincidence.
It could be that the guy has connections to SA and the rest that are trying to take this site down.
Vince is a faggot but don't you think you're jumping at shadows here? If you think goons are a hivemind that all think the exact same way then you must be underage or something.
Jace Lee
I thought that was goon standard practice, try and muscle in their guys into high spots, mods, janitors, etc then when you've got control of everything just take the place down from the inside.
The typical Goon EVE playbook. Plus they get the thrill of feeling like a super sekret club.
Matthew Brown
ERSB and PEGI have been tight lipped on what gets ratings (partly so some can play politics and protect the "children" from problematic material, others so they aren't swamped by nit-picking soccer moms and SJW picking their own rules apart), but what is know that aside from genitalia, penetration and gore, everything gets a teen rating. Anyone claiming the ERSB or PEGI was going to give them an AO rating is lying.
Question is- what to do? - Make infographs to wide spread how the ratings boards ACTUALLY rate shit (risk of narrative spinning to ratings boards being hypocrites or not very good, so it needs to be replaced with SJW approved boards)
- Bombard ratings boards with questions to make the process more transparent (risk of them being transparent means more nit-picking and co-opting. Also, would need to wait for them to official declare things, rather than "leak" replies, otherwise they might double down in the other direction to save face and avoid bad PR).
- "Blame" ratings boards for being too strict- forcing them to reveal the companies lying (risk of ratings boards becoming much stricter in retaliation or narrative spin of bad gamers wanting all games to be murder rape simulators, and hate of family friendly games)
Dylan Martinez
Seems awfully far to go for trolling. I can see how a swarm of them might get kicks from shitposting here and causing drama to destroy us but infiltrating in order to leak e-mails to the cops is a big step above that. That's pathological.
Gonna need to see more than him shilling for goonswarm first.
Robert Perry
That's like saying not all 8ch users think alike
But there were enough thinking alike to make a baphomet board.
Sebastian Green
Dude, PEGI released a chart ages ago, just search for it.
Xavier Harris
Partly why I bumped the thread- thanks man!
As was said in the Holla Forums thread:
> Shit, makes too much sense. Even more if you believe Holla Forums's theory on how goons were basically created for use by intelligence services.
So anyone who can dig- the ant nest has been rather unceremoniously kicked over. Find what you can before it's deleted.
Also, since Vince is fishing for people to join… anyone who wants to play double agent could get some vital intel (both on Goons- the SJW's attack dogs- and on major SJWs themselves). Goons are the dumbest link in the chain and that's saying something. More details here:
Sebastian Phillips
Considering he's paying out of pocket to host his new server in fucking Iceland or whatever, it seems like paranoia to suspect him of doing this intentionally just to destroy an e-mail service for someone that can be contacted elsewhere.
Adam Perez
So then?
Ryan Clark
I'd say it was more than trolling.
Goons spam CP across the website, and then spread rumours/disinfo that Cockli was being used to send CP.
A bunch of Holla Forums users and mods go to jail, less users and less moderation.
Then goons capitalize on that to make the site bad and drive it under.
At least thats my theory with the evidence at hand. However, as you said more digging is required. It could be that post-Cockli getting raided, all his bridges got burned so now he HAS to work with Goons for a reason. I find that incredibly unlikely though.
Dominic Bell
Cock.li got raided for a school shooter threatening to shoot up a school using the email service. This has nothing to do with CP. Plus that strategy already failed once when that tranny and Dirty Dan tried it. How in the name of fuck does that happen thanks to an e-mail service? Read 47 U.S.C. § 230 before going off on these insane theories, dude. Users and board owners are untouchable unless they permit the posting of CP, and that's one reason why global volunteers exist.
Caleb Parker
Well, someone is trying to get the pedo boards shut down by spreading cp and links to illegal material there. Only a matter of time until the board owners give up and get the boards nuked.
Brandon Cox
My bad. Was there ever a shooting after/before that? Or is there a chance someone posted that to deliberatly get Cockli investigated?
I meant more the anons and mods using the email services on the side. But yeah- unless they literally posses CP (in which case fuck em) or Vince planted CP in their inboxes- but thats if we want to demonize him with no evidence then they can't arrest them for whats in their emails either.
Choose ex-daily show the biggest cultural marxism indoctrination since the 60's
Over the greatest living comic alive, who would have killed at 11:30 and held Letterman's audience as well.
It didn't have to be this way. But, vid related.
Joseph Diaz
Oh, if we're linking Heat Street, then anyone interested in the continuing garbage fire that is the University of Missouri may be interested in seeing the continuing damage.
Remember to push gnu and voat as alternatives to twatter and reddit.
Luke Nelson
Wha… so now in Injustice world, there have been at least 2 superhero deaths by "accidental" neck breaking?
Robert Howard
Adam Cruz
Better than breaking backs
They think that people play cod for their campaigns. Kek.
Landon Hughes
They do, only 30% of CoDs total fanbase across all platforms plays multiplayer.
Connor Perez
Samuel Reyes
This is the laziest, dumbest thing I must've read from someone describing a CoD game. "Okay so you shoot guys because they're bad… how the fuck am I gonna spend fifty minutes pretending to word that ?" Seriously this is what a bratty highschooler would writer in his homework. That's frankly the same level of eloquence. Not even kidding.
Easton Bell
Really? I thought that number would be smaller.
Juan Stewart
Yea others buy it purely for Zombies to.
Ayden Scott
Jesus Christ. Really?
Nathaniel Cruz
Guys. Read the file name. It's the press release but with the adjectives removed.
Ethan Davis
It have the backup of Patreon and Twitter, of course they would be there. They probably were given special benefits too
Jackson Perry
Im fine with this, let them isolate themselves in their hugboxes.
Grayson Cook
Bentley Wood
Brand recognition+ he's popular with young people.
Austin Parker
I think this will be the new hugbox/re-education center– heavily moderated for wrongthink.
Reddit has too much differing opinions for their liking. I expect reddit to be sunk from the inside and this new site to be promoted.
There will be some fine shitposting and salt over this in the future, no doubt.
Jace Edwards
Fuck's sake hotwheelz why did you embed the video again for fuck's sake
Dylan Campbell
And when they ask where yo go, push voat over the hugbox.
Oliver Hall
No, the structure of Twitter needs to die completely. No alternatives.
Brayden Harris
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as gnu, is in fact, GNU Social, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU+Social. We need more people to be active in Holla ForumsKiA. It's a ghost town over there.
James Long
Elijah Russell
Is this some randomly generated word salad or something? Looks like RPS at least thinks it's real. archive.is/4RTuF
Joseph Collins
I know it exists. But how twitter is structured it will just turn into Twatter again if it get's ground.
Twitter is a social media platform that in my opinion can't work. It will always be garbage.
Grayson Mitchell
Charles Cooper
Or the solo player campaign.
Isaac Ward
I think a big issue of twitter is how short messages are, making conversations and clarity absolutely impossible, on purpose. You cannot understand someone's point in just 140 characters, and anyone sending you twenty replies to get ther point across, even if it were sane, would be annoying. You cannot debate or discuss opposing viewpoints on twitter. And that's the point.
sealion.club's got a 1500 character limit, though. It's much more practical and allows for actual ideas and discussions to be shared. I think it's a bit too much myself, but eh. Still better.
now lets just hope Brandon's autism don't ruin it.
Benjamin White
James Long
I hope you've all memorized the localized names because changing every page's name to the "correct" one is probably the first thing on his agenda.
Colton Barnes
I'd rather have an autistic news source than a corrupt, ideologically driven one.
Liam Watson
I've been slammed since the semester was coming to a close. But most of my exams are done, so I'm looking to get back into things. I've got a few stupid questions.
Any major happenings in the past few weeks? Things I need to get caught up on? Also, unrelated but, why doesn't "save as original filename" work anymore? Am I just retarded?
Kevin Brooks
Nothing huge.
It's been pretty quiet.
Pretty sure it's busted for everyone.
Tyler Foster
More censorship fro god eater
Zachary Gray
Alright, thanks. I figured that was the case with the filename thing, because it used to be broken on other boards, but still worked on Holla Forums.
Grayson Wood
We closed the gate.
Alexander Edwards
I don't think they'd be where they are now without his autism.
Isaiah Flores
shut up and just post the Erin porn
Christian Rivera
keep up the summoning user, we all deserve this
Jacob Moore
Nathan Butler
You guys think that Trump could win the general election?
Ethan Ross
Honestly…no clue. It's going to be one of the strangest elections in a long while.
Jose Jenkins
Hillary is already elected. The voters just don't know it yet.
Grayson Fisher
Jose Young
Trump will never be the president. They will suicide him the moment he steps in the white house
Adam White
Way to much effort. They'll do it before that happens. Soros will make sure of it.
Parker Collins
Robert Mitchell
Of course not.
He might get the popular vote, but the people in power now have been doing everything they can to stop him from reaching office. And as we saw with the Cruz-Kasich "truce", they're not above using shady tactics to undermine democracy. It's only going to get more blatant from here on. They will pass a law specifically targeted at Trump if they have to.
Dylan Wright
Yes, because that delivery is hilarious.
Robert King
Ok, let me clarify.
If say, these "people in power" weren't a thing, would Trump win the election?
Conspiratards, pls go.
Lucas Martinez
I just can't believe that they're telling me they censored blood.
Dominic Scott
people said the same thing about the primary. Now he has won.
Though, whatever the result it will quite the ride.
Jayden Wood
That's why it's imperative that Trump selects a VP that makes him look like a cupcake by comparison towards globalists and others that would want him dead.
Kevin Davis
If say, these "people in power" weren't a thing, we wouldn't be having this conversation. We'd live in a better, more happy and future positive world.
Jace Morales
Am I supposed to disagree with them, or…?
Daniel Hill
Nigga, you're avoiding the question. The joke doesn't work this way.
Parker Lopez
esrb.org/ratings/ratings_guide.aspx TEEN Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Owen Walker
Thanks for the guide, now why are you telling me this?
Evan Bennett
So when the game gets out, both outfits shown will be available?
Liam Robinson
If you want to believe them, then sure.
Carter Walker
I think he can. One thing that elites are forgetting is that the more the general public hears Hillary Clinton and the more they learn about her; the more they hate her. The opposite is true about Trump; the more people hear him talk and the more they learn about him, the more they like him.
Feels like another case of a publisher not wanting to deal with the hassle of the PC police. Makes me want a Trump presidency even more.
Jace Rivera
There's no need to answer my question anymore, I'll just take it as if you think they're right. Now I'm a nice guy and all, and since I know how the ESRB works:
Yeah but, for example there's CNN's tracker and shit showing that he's losing quite hard.
Then again, it's the Internet, the Internet does not really show how much support something has.
Carson Sanders
Well, I have no plans on getting it considering I can pirate for pc an probably get mods. The only games this summer that I want are corpse party 3ds and zero escape 3 Yeah, I know that the loc will probably be botched, but it is getting a global release and maybe odin spere for vita.
Julian Thompson
Oh, and maybe p5 for the ps3 if its still coming to ps3.
Hunter Stewart
Yeah, I don't give a shit anyway. I keep the appearance with the normalfags that I'm the goody two shoes that pays for all his games.
I pirate everything instead.
Josiah Peterson
They probably want to stay on the 'T' rating and not 'M'. That's why they're censoring blood.
Probably. I don't get why they would censor shit. The game is rated CERO-D in Japan which is equivalent to an 'M'-rated game. All the storefronts this game would be on carry M-rated games, too. It's stupid. Do Japs think 'M'-rated games don't sell well here? I don't get it at all.
Evan Walker
Hilary is already being groomed as the winner. They won't throw out the occasion to havr thr first fwoman as president. I fear you murrican will have to endure her running your country for a while.
Oliver Stewart
Also, their "M ratings" for violence are harsher than ours, and M rated games also sell better than T rated games, even if they're smaller in number.
Easton Torres
Hillary may not live to the election. Her cough sound like lung cancer.
Camden Green
The lead-up to the general election is going to be a bloodbath. For normalfags, the cards are on the table for Trump. Everything that can be used against him was deployed in the primary. Bernie held a whole deck of good cards when going after Hillary, and Trump won't have the same hesitation when it comes to using those. Scandal after scandal, huge Washington insider and crony, and detestable to most people (although the same is true for Trump, I guess). She's also going to be dashing to the center after leaning left enough to snatch the regressive left from Bernie, so Trump will crucify her on these points.
What really interests me, and what makes this at least somewhat relevant to the thread, is that political correctness is the strongest tool in Hillary's arsenal. It's going to result in the decisive battle in the current culture war. She has already used it to great success against a man who bent the knee to it, despite him having an infinitely stronger track record with minorities and gays. There's no way Trump is bending the knee, and if he wins the election then the momentum is truly in our favor.
I really hope this is finally the year of the Libertarian Party though. If there was ever a battle between a giant douce and turd sandwich, this is it. The GOP and DNC are fractured and public approval of them is at an all time low. No better opportunity than this.
Daniel Barnes
The point is that that Americans don't live in a democracy.
Al Gore had the popular vote but we still got 8 years of Bush Jr to start a war and make his buddies rich, monkey king got into office under the pretense of being the first black president but he to was put there as another puppet so we could have more spying bills, less freedoms, more overstepping of government oversight, more restrictions on owning firearms, more illegal immigrants, same economic policies that have fucked everything, Hillary would be 4 more years of that and chances are, far worse since she's such a warmonger.
I don't know what things would happen under Trump but Hillary would be a disaster.
Carson Cox
M Rated games sell better.
Jayden Hernandez
The problem is that no one has been willing to go hard at Hillary yet. Not the media, not Bernie Sanders – no one. Trump is going to hang her dirty laundry out to dry, brand her and expose everything about her that the average American is ignorant about. And he's going to do it in a way where the media won't be able to just ignore it like they do with us and our grievances against the games media/SJWs/feminists.
I think most of it is SJWs and feminists making the environment surrounding western gaming hostile enough that it isn't worth the trouble to keep things untouched but I also think part of it is that the series is super niche (especially in the west) and Bamco is trying to reach as large an audience as possible to maximize sales. Honestly though, that doesn't make sense to me since the people who give a damn about this game aren't going to give two shits about ESRB ratings.
I think Trump's presidential run is also coming at a great time because the silent majority is getting fed up with political correctness. The more Hillary tries to appeal to SJWs and feminists, the more she's going to alienate the average American and it's going to be great.
Grayson Reyes
Shes already stated she wants to go to war with both china and russia. I dont think america or any country is ready to fight against those 2. Russia I doubt dissarmed their nukes, and china has so many people it can zerg rush, and cut off most food and manufacturing supplies. She is very dangerous.
Not always though for these kinds of games it would not hurt to have a M rating.
Aaron Reyes
This is all so fucking overwhelming. I can't believe how there's explicitly only 2 sides of this whole thing now. You're either against esjaydubyas or you're part of the menace to all society and intelligence itself. And this all started over a decline of quality in the industry so bad Quinn's shit was allowed to exist much less be bribed for and let the cat out of the bag.
Hold me, anons. Why couldn't videogames just not ever became shit?
Justin Williams
Come on milo, its Holla Forums.
Your going to tsee turd inviting him to canada too.
Hudson Gutierrez
The problem has fermented in the games media and american society in-general for years. It's not going to go away overnight. On the plus side, once it goes away, it'll probably be replaced by something that's the extreme opposite of it.
Sebastian Mitchell
I agree, the 140 character limit is no good for any platform, it's good that Sealion doesn't have that restriction
Yeah his sperg outs constantly makes me worried.
I don't want him to start lashing out on his own consumer base because of it. I hope he pulls it through.
The landscape not only shifted in gaming but in our entire culture.
This is only the beginning, and things will keep escalating I feel. We are in a new age in our culture now when the topics we cover on gamergate, sjws, and such are a natural part of the discussion instead of being discussed by fringes. The line has been drawn, and people are taking sides.
The next couple of years I think are going to get ugly.
Camden Bennett
Let Milo name halfchan, they can be our retard filter.
Joseph Bennett
I just wish this shit didn't infect Japan and localizations.
Jonathan Clark
Cuckchan gets credited for some of our victories but they also get blamed every time antigg gets triggered. I guess its fair
Nicholas Reed
I take a more optimistic view, new hardware, weakened sjw gatekeeping, outrage industry nearly destroyed, desperation of consoles etc.
I've often thought a mini-golden age is viable soon. All that is needed is AAA to step-up and do their part (which they won't over here, but overseas they will and perhaps that will spur the chickenshits over here)
Ethan Ward
Where the fuck is MainEvent's video.
Alexander Morris
So the problem is something like right?
What I don't get is why the companies don't ask around when they hear about some large backlash or when something flops. You would think the word would get around eventually.
It is going to be another cold war.
The ones the will step up and are will be the AA companies and eroge. AAA ain't going to suddenly get it's shit together for a while.
Levi Barnes
Adrian Gray
>where even Hitler tried it when the Soviets were in charge and it crippled his shit
Citation needed, because surely even Shillary isn't dumb enough to do that.
Asher Gray
What else can we do to shill their PAX fundraiser? He said they wanted to try to arrange everything within two weeks almost a week ago.
No you clearly don't. That trailer is far more cartoony and doesn't feature humans, of course cartoon violence is going to be given more leniency. "Try to cherrypick an example that seems worse to 'prove' everyone else is lying" is a terrible way to evaluate the ESRB's activity. The ESRB isn't going to evaluate games the same way as you and assuming they is just going to make you wrong all the time.
Instead of spilling your spaghetti and accusing the official account of lying to you for no reason about something that'll be easily verified when the game comes out you consider that maybe your assumptions were wrong?
Austin Sullivan
I've seen a lot of blood in some T-rated games, so unless the ESRB has really clamped down, I'd also be inclined to believe it's bullshit.
Carter Smith
Anyone gonna stay up with me tonight?
Nolan Perez
Damn, 600 dollars to go, should shill it heavily in the next few days.
Make a thread about it along with the stream link.
Benjamin Rogers
Yeah, sure, I guess I'll be up
Camden Perry
Yeah, Portal 1 comes to mind when seeing this kind of shit. And in fact, Portal 2 was darker than the original, yet got rated E10+ because of no blood.
Julian Clark
Persona threads on Holla Forums always get inundated with the butthurt SMT fans mad it exists…
Jackson Martinez
Oh, you're right, the amount of shills with "rollan!" shit has been on the rise lately, especially with halfchan images.
Blake Watson
Portal 1 got its rating because of the rest of the Orange Box, no?
Levi Ward
I have no idea when this shit is starting for me. The countdown on the site says 24 hours and 32 minutes, so assume it'll be 9:30pm TOMORROW, 5th of May.
It's 8:57pm now
Michael Morgan
Yeah, the last donation was 3 days ago. What else can we do to shill it? Are there any prominent twitterfags who might spread it? I already posted it to KIA so I won't do so again but maybe someone else could do it, especially if they can get a mod to sticky it?
While I think unsaged "rollan" responses need to be banworthy just like unsaged dubs posts, they're less annoying becauses one Post+ or ID+ is enough to filter all of them.
Parker Torres
KiA's pretty distracted with off-topic crap, dunno, but doesn't hurt to keep on trying.
Bentley Lopez
I've mentioned that to mark a few times and have reported every one Ive seen it is clearly a shill or new four channel derail maymay
people using dubs as a downvote really needs a kick in the ass also though
Angel Reyes
why haven't you gotten a drawfag to make a miranda endit of that pic yet, marche?
Brayden Watson
No draw thread and every time I ask for Miranda images in them I get bullied I try not to ask very often for shit in them though because I'm not a mokotofag or fucking that retard with the animal crossing ocdonut
Ryan Martin
There's literally nothing wrong with a doubles derail. It was the way 8/v/ was kept clean from shitty threads in the early days, and people are quick to forget that. I despise the rule limiting the amount of said posts that can be made in one thread even if it's never enforced. Call it a le downboat if you wish but if it's not "check my dubs," it's "shit thread" or "cancer" or some other trite phrase to signal disapproval.
"X is not a downvote" is more cancerous than just about any shitpost. Downvotes hide things from view, and there will never be a feature approximating a downvote on an imageboard because it is so antithetical to the way we do things. People use the "not a downvote" argument for anyone signaling disapproval with a shitpost. It amounts to an argument of "either be respectful with me or don't respond" which is far more a Reddit attitude than a saged shitpost of any variety.
Grayson Sullivan
nice try shill
Dominic Williams
Whatever comes first.
Aaron Butler
I mean 13
Isaiah Carter
This is why your waifu is gonna leave your for a black guy
Wow, what a bunch of filthy casuals
How do you even sleep at night with so much semen between your butt cheeks
Tell your waifu to clean all that yeast up
shit is nasty
just like your face
What a bunch of gaylords
Blake Taylor
So, when is the wall being built?
Robert Long
Someone stole something important to me right out of my driveway. Fuck thieves, and fuck these SJWs that glorify stealing when they get on tumblr with their bullshit Fucking worthless pieces of shit. Fuck anyone who steals anything physical.
Leo Anderson
say whatever you want I know my waifu loves me.
Josiah Cook
also here is a snake with a stocking
Liam Torres
Gentlemen, Enjoy Hell
The moment gamergate started, the universe send us to the worst possible version of existence.
Camden Richardson
Carson Martin
Luis Perry
Why? why?
Sebastian Cook
100 rupees are orange. Silver are never currency. Just used in challenges.
I was offered an internship at Zynga before I even finished high school. Thank fuck I saw them for what they were and turned down the internship.
Evan Hall
No I like stockings, I just don't like snake girls.
Austin Lee
Christian Sanchez
Nolan Myers
I trust that this kind of bullshit can be used against him at the next inevitable case against him?
Jace Reed
Wew, look at the cancer, and on the anniversary too.
Lets get a dramatic reading session when it comes out for the memes.
Thomas Ortiz
So the movie is actually legit now? Will our memes be spread to theaters around the world?
I just wanted to play video games.
Logan Garcia
nope. For this price I could get better fiction novels.
Charles Watson
Jesus Christ, Zoe, acting a bit too desperate for attention there.
Asher Wright
oh how about some semen demons then
why is the ebook version more expensive than the hardcover?
Robert Reyes
Waiting on Scarlet Johansson to star on it and maybe Paul Feig to direct when he's finish attributing to "misogynerds" on his Fembusters failing in the box office.
Patreonbux, CON donations, and speaking fees failing? we're gonna have literature/writefags to check her entire writing structure if she didn't ghost-write her book.
Xavier Flores
Eventually it will fuck him up but right now they still have the help of other admins so this will take a while.
Kill yourself, shill. There are so many examples that you can search yourself it's not even funny. The first game itself got a T rating and it had sprays of blood from both the monsters (red too) and the characters.
Maybe you should stop slurping on Bandai's cock now, they won't give you another Dark Cucks.
Now I get it, you're a fucking retard that doesn't understand what "They're lying." means. The blood will never be enough of a reason for them to get an M rating. Or they're a bunch of mongoloids, I guess you guys group together.
I guarantee that Scarlet Johansson herself never heard of this.
Aiden Bailey
Well, its become routine, we'll be seeing a huge amount of shilling from the usual suspects.
When someone gets a copy, dramatic reading sessions, can't wait till she mentions the danknet, TFYC, that GameJam she ruined, and lying about Eron again, her professional "nudes", SVU episode, and the UN.
She'll either sleep with some Hollywood execs for the green light on the movie and budget or she'll turn into crowd-funding, we'll see :^)
Leo Nguyen
She ststed russias the enemy because muh isreal and turkey.
Jack Roberts
At least karma is going to bite aggros in the ass some day
The bloodsprays are exactly the fucking same. Seriously, faggots just love to be wrong.
Alexander Parker
If she did take the role, and the film depicts LW as anything other than an opportunist goon with a personality disorder– then Scarlet's career is purposely being sabotaged…
Brandon Phillips
Karma is some kind of mememagic as well, we just need to create a meme based on these guys receiving karma and they will suffer it.
Ryan Nguyen
I think I never preordered a book, a game yes, but not a book.
Hunter Ramirez
Pre-order it's turning into a cancer.
Colton Rogers
Just saw ratchet and clank. Painfully mediocre. Do not recomend it.
Joshua Ramirez
(checked) you meant her "hacked" nudes
This really kills me, I wonder why is she so prized by the SJWs. Everybody throws themselves in front of her to protect milady, it's ludicrous. I would bet she's part of a huge journo prostitution ring but even then she must have some mean tug
soon you add more pages to your book with dlc
Chase Brooks
I wouldn't be upset if it was limited to the Literally Crew, but people I know who act just like them get everything on a silver platter.
She has to have some dirt on some people that could be considered "high up," there's no reason why someone like this would have so many white knights when she has expressed repeatedly that they're a bunch of useful idiots who will be thrown under the bus once they stop being of use to her.
Christopher Bailey
We (or was it Holla Forums?) found out she was rwlated to old money. I am willing to gamble 2 degree seperation from soros.
Landon King
They're being enabled by their own circlejerk, don't fret, we might have another UN Cyberbowling fucked up this year yet, meme magic it.
Joshua Rogers
Na it would be something like
Jayden Fisher
I was fucking around on halfchan the other day, and it really astounds me how little they know about the exodus and the events leading up to it. This shit happened on their own website and there's public records of it but every time they mention it they sound like they're arguing about vague ancient history passed down through oral tradition.
Christian Morris
Don't give them ideas.
Wyatt Clark
Have you seen the janitor log leaks? luggage lad and his hotpockets made sure they were on the right side of history when they managed to cover all of their bullshit up.
Zachary Wilson
I once got linked to a halfchan post where someone implied that Notch left Mojang over GamerGate. It's just astounding just how many people there seem to solely exist to make GG a boogeyman.
Levi Russell
Please shitpost I need to go to sleep
Thomas Peterson
that's actually rather good by video game movie standards
reminds my of some artist that was sympathetic to gg who broke down saying how she could not provide for her family on something like $200 a month. I remember she went on some sort of rant on how evil it was with the wus were faking how much they were struggling. I wanted to commission her at the time but I didn't have the money for that.
Easton Cooper
I do think you got baited.
Joseph Mitchell
The moment GG started disrupting cuckchan with thread locks and shit they decided it was a bad thing. GG was the last straw that made Coot sell it and the leaked logs proved what everybody suspected all these years about the moderation. All of this was too much for the regular user so they lashed out against GG as in shooting the messenger
Lucas Anderson
if you say so
David Lee
That motherfucker akinator is beating me at every turn.
Blake Roberts
You got it.
Chase Lewis
It would have been if they did not stray from the first games story and make 2 of the added characters on quark's team dumb muscleheads. Watching them speak and act was painful. It did not feel like 2 hours long.
And yes, we are dealing with people born with silverspoons up every orifice.
Owen Gonzalez
Some autists also hate GG because they thought results would come instantly. The amount of shilling and overall crapfest that comes with every time you mention GG also contributed to the hate
Logan Brooks
Charles Bennett
They took the Blue Pill and shoved it right into their anus and sucked moot's cock some more.
Ethan Barnes
Henry Watson
If anyone wants to request that some part of a YT video be turned into a shareable webm, feel free to ask.
Landon Green
slow day GG? hows your day going?
Brody Thomas
Calm, writting my book while I wait to drop the bread
Blake Williams
I woke up and went inside to go to the toilet and there was a random cat in my house then I did a wee and there was a bit of blood in it at the end
Josiah Hill
Finishing a WH40K novel, they can't stop teasing about the Blood Ravens, and also checking the vast amount of autism on May the Fourth Day.
Eli Collins
Landon Cooper
Not bad, I'm about to go read a little before going to bed.
Drink more cranberry juice, it might go away.
Aiden Thompson
and some people putting their expectations too high. It is not like were going to drive sjws out the west.
Jaxson Flores
the cat or the blood?
Benjamin Scott
SJW are a tool, they will go away when their usefulness come to an end and they get discarded.
The blood.
Kevin Sullivan
Parker Harris
Marche you gotta stop fucking cats man, it's not healthy.
Andrew Nguyen
Just relaxing for now, waiting on the next CS assignment.
If those reddit aliens from the first flash game are given a voice, I'd imagine they'd sound somewhat like servbots with downs. I miss .swf posting.
Dylan Martinez
oh I'm not worried about the blood
Nicholas Perez
Well you should be.
Adam Morgan
You literally don't even know what they changed, maybe there's more blood in some cutscenes, maybe it's something with some enemies, maybe the ESRB changed their mind, who fucking knows. A few hours ago you were calling them liars because you assumed it was related to the outfits and now you're calling them liars based on another baseless assumption. They have no fucking reason to lie, they didn't have to say anything at all.
How about you try not to jump to conclusions and spill your spaghetti all the time? Aren't you the same guy who got the Fire Emblem fan-translators to quit? That one guy was dumb or whatever but your own actions were part of that. Try to not be so pointlessly hostile to everyone (especially when there's no evidence they've done anything wrong yet), and realize that sometimes you can be wrong or not know something.
Adam Barnes
I know, and I know they're bullshitting. And so are you.
No, I always called them liars for having to change anything to fit another rating. Stop shilling now, faggot.
If they were found out, they would have gotten a lot more shit.
How about you kill yourself, you apologetic twit?
What if I were? Will you suck my dick like you're doing for Bandai? No thanks, I don't need that type of attention.
No, really, I don't need a dick sucking.
The censorship is enough to blame them.
Yeah, when you're a complete twat that lacks any type of self awareness or self reflection, you can eat up anything the gaming industry gives you. No wonder supports nowadays is so minimal, you're not only lazy, but you're apologetic as fuck.
Easton Rogers
**I genuinely thought this was a Katherine Cross rendition for a good while but apparently this is actually from prison school
Jaxon Miller
busy making games watching Brote streams and occasionally making a note in Geany
Kayden Edwards
My hope was that we'd make SJWs a laughingstock, not so much that we'd "drive them out" as render them inert. Largely I think we have made some big strides in that score. That being said, they still have more power than I hoped they would two years hence.
Logan Morgan
Well "she" is a dude with long hair, so I can see why you'd think that.
Nicholas Mitchell
We will drive them out with the sheer force of people's laughter.
Samuel Martinez
Shitpost to 700?
Luis Hall
Anthony Bell
Roll to 700.
Justin Taylor
Is the page number even updating? still at 12 at 680+ posts.
Aiden Edwards
Where's this from?
Matthew Long
Landon Murphy
Opps, meant to ask "Do you like Deus Ex?"
Leo Flores
nice to see you anons doing well
except got you
you should get that benis checked out user
here is what im working on
can you guess what it is?
Chase Rodriguez
Looks like I'll have to shitpost harder. Your ID sounds like a rifle cartridge that was invented by someone obsessed with Future Funk.
Jacob Sullivan
Seen a lot of military and feudal type emblems, and "Yellow Squadron"?
Benjamin Sullivan
Can you beat Shillary?
Daniel Sullivan
A Smash tourney logo?
Brandon Campbell
i forgot to block the file name fug
Zachary Lopez
I guess that's that.
David Gray
Bentley Robinson
Donald, is it the current year?
Chase Stewart
Bentley Morgan
release the kraken Erm bread. Release the bread.
Justin Cooper
Delete this thread, Goober Gateslide. Delete this thread, Goober Gateslide. Delete this thread, Goober Gateslide.
Isaiah Jenkins
Doveryai, no proveryai or trust, but verify wasn't a staple when going against a new power that you thought was inferior, still, great book.
Lucas Jenkins
I forgot to look at the file name. fug
Speaking of the Ruso-Japanese War, I still have this open in my tabs: >>>/his/29369
Gavin Howard
did baker die?
Jayden Jones
Still got the links to the books if you're interested. I can post them in the next thread.
Nathaniel Butler
Ryan Nguyen
user we have all been dead from the start
Hunter King
I'm dropping it, hold on, the internet got slow at this very moment
Ryan Cooper
The bread is on, but the Catalog doesn't work for me, someone look for it and post it
the have corporate dollars backing them in some cases for various reasons
lots of stuff going on behind the scenes no doubt
things like ladder climbing and throwing money at those that helped them get there, tossing dollars to make them go away etc
Nicholas Miller
I would like the links, thank you very much.
Aiden Harris
Jackson Harris
No you don't. If it actually comes out and it was actually some blood/gore in a cutscene or the like will you continue to act like this? Because it literally took hours for your assumption it was about sexual content to turn out to be wrong and you never slowed down.
And why the fuck would they needlessly alter blood and then lie about it? Do you think SJWs give a shit about blood and pressured them? Or they got taken over by 90s era concerned parents maybe? What's their motivation here? Even if all your assumptions turned out to be true and they changed something that was identical in the previous game I would assume that's the ESRB being inconsistent because there's no fucking reason for it. Ratings agencies are the only people who care about blood in the first place, even if they had said literally nothing I would assume something with blood is because of ratings.
Really? How many games mention changes like "change to blood/gore for ESRB" in an interview beforehand? It was literally just an offhand comment, lots of games don't mention that sort of thing beforehand.
Having people act like you seems like a pretty good way to alienate people, especially normal people. It's like when SJWs accuse people based on assumptions and twist everything to fit their assumptions and act badly for a "good cause", all it does is convince people to never listen to you or the people with similar concerns to you.