Persona 5 Thread

Who else here is super fucking excited for the potential GOTY? Who here is hype for the livestream on Thursday? Less then 36 hours remain until we go live so until then lets talk about what we want to see in the new game and expectations for the stream content aside from a repeat of Teddie molestation and delays, I'm pretty sure they didn't rent out Tokyo Tower just to use as a sex dungeon for a costumed Japanese man.

Countdown Timer (Change to Tokyo/Osaka Timezone for accurate clock):
NicoNico Stream:

Other urls found in this thread:


it's time

I still love the velvet room music




She confused me so much during that first stream. Now it wouldn't be the same without her.

So a giant pink dildo. okay atlus.

It's Moonman's Japanese cousin.

wait a minute
brash loli has done porn games
i recognize that VA

The new Item shop lady is an ara.

Was that it?
Or is there another thing later on

Can't wait for all the loli doujin

Hold on is it done? Was that really it?


Its a ruse, the Tower will probably go red and then the real stuff will go on.

Also someone just talked, was that Nana?

Morgana just talked
It's not over yet

No. The wouldn't have gone back to the "tower feed "if it was.


So many ?! and wwwwwwwww's in nico nico

The tower is going to get allahu akbar-ed



Is that the Cat speaking, sounds an awful like Chopper from One Piece

My sound cut out for a minute. Why's everybody freaking out about cops?

Police sirens happened for a bit and then stopped.

that is the cat

Yeah its the same VA.

I feel like this is going to happen

Got here late. What did they show?

Unlikely. And Persona is still not mainstream enough, don't expect 5 million sales.

Moonman's japanese cousin and atlus mom

Nothing yet. Just the usual pre-game cock-teasing.

The jailer kids chatting and that old lady.




now this is funky

Oh shit new music, that beginning section sounded almost like the SHAFT theme song.

I'm really enjoying Japanese Moonman here.

game looks like utter gook shit tbh, even worse than 3 and 4, which were already super-dweeb gookshit.

what if phantom is in the pink moon suit

The cat is getting clearer and clearer, maybe by the end she'll show up

I'll laugh my ass off if that's true.

I want to fuck the cat's voice.

Come now you know that's not possible





Its because the angels experiment that gave their ancestors demonic genes its explained in the DLC where Nanashi goes and kills everyone in Mikado
Same situation as Flynn reincarnation


Morgana's getting excited.

Making a US PSN account is simple and buying US PSN cards is easy too. There are tons of places that send you an email with the code in just a minute after the creditcard payment is through.

It is however very expensive, you basically pay double what Burgers pay.

Did I hear that right?

The cat shares Chie's eating habits?


She's a big cat Erin Fitzgerald subtly confirmed to play her in the dub. Kill me.


well cats are meat eaters

Well cats are carnivores.


Wasted potential.




Ron Paul time




Shit is finally happening


Grandma get arrested for drug possession










do not like

9/15 for Japan

Glasses-chan is cute

15/09/2016 GET FUCKED FF15


Is this a worldwide date or just for Japan?

XV is globally so I'm just trying to compare.


holy shit all those best girls
holy shit that music
holy shit that igor


Holy shit that loot scene.

Just Japan sadly, no idea when it'll be in the west

So this trailer introduced three new waifus:

Shorthair, who seemed the most boring

Glasses navigator chan who seemed pretty fun.

And weird girl who was with Morgana who I…I don't know yet.

This game continues to ooze style with just it's UI

Stylish results screen!
Smooth battle transitions!
Navigator is a hot chick!

They said simultaneous last year before the delay. I find it unlikely that will change.

So, 3 guys, and 5 girls this time around

Its Jouji Nakata

I guarantee that this mascot character will have an infuriatingly annoying voice in the Western release.

Did P4 showcase Naoto as a party member prerelease or was she kept as a surprise?

We might have at least one more character.

I think that was the same girl as the navigator

They said simultaneous release for year not time its like SMT 4 where they released it 3-4 months after the Japan release

We still have a character voiced by Jesus Yamato


I'm riking it,i thought there would be more "persona" than shadows to fight though.
And also Atlus will release their special edition one year later,fucking greedy fucks.


quad quads



Inflation hit Japan hard, its why console games are expensive and why people prefer handheld and mobile

Japan has high game prices
a lot like Australia

This is painful.

damn son

Will all that shit be available for the PS3 Special Edition? That's showing the PS4 edition.


Complete ost for all the mainline persona games

Alright, I guess.

The relative Japanese cost is irrelevant to other regions.

What, again? What the fuck is happening with their economy over there?





Its been that way for a while

You can always count on Atlus to fuck up


Wait DLC?? Just why?

Is it just costumes?





The just showed a cast grouping. They are two different people.

It seems to be only cosmetic so it shouldn't matter.


Cat said nine party members.

Looks like that's all of them.

actual blonde rise version of ann

There is a new guy he's face is being covered

Shin Megami Cashcow

There is no rest for the ruined franchises.
Literally every atlas IP has been ruined by DLC now

Fuck capitalism.

Yeah you can see the guy on the left, so that's the final character?

Are Orpheus and Izanagi reskins for Arsene, or do you just…. actually have them?


have we seen the guy behind the words yet?

is that a lunchbox?





Anime confirmed for September.

What the fuck.


Oh, an anime.


anime already fucking christ this merchandising

Ah c'mon that was predictable.

Kek,a shame we never adopted that banner


I can't take any more of this shit.

hopefully the anime is good. P4 didn't really have any hope of being anything but a cash-in SoL, but maybe 5 will be different.

That's a live voice actor with automated lip-sync, isn't it?

Consume all of the merchandising son of man.

It's a cash in confirmed.


Youre joking right?

Maybe? I know it's the bitch that does the reindeer in Wan Pisu.

Its a cash in anime, Sony has to make money on the anime and merchandise.

I thought they were going with a remastered collection of Persona for the 20th


Persona orchestra tour.

Never going to come to the west. Just kill me already


Persona 5 - A cat is fine too edition

The pacing is way too off for it to be edited, and she stuttered in a way that doesn't make sense for it to be a character quirk.

Sometimes nice things happen.
It'll never be recorded and released in a decent quality.

Looks like it. Would explain why it's not more animated and the occasional pause.

New Igor is voiced by Goto from Raidou and Sugita voiced Raidou in Soul Hackers.

Cats are best

at least the music is good

dammit marche

i have the live mayonaka tv concerts on high quality dvd so i'm sure it'll be fine

a cat is fine too

Waifu game looks strong at least. I'm sold.



Fixed that for ya.

Marie will always be in our hearts user,but it's time to let her go

The short hair girl looks kinda like Marie I guess. You never know, user.

More at E3, the man said

More at e3.

Whelp, gotta wait till E3. Looking pretty solid though

Damn son
that bald guy is styling

Why is this thread in rotation?

it's a stream and therefore things happen a lot



Honestly I don't know what more there is. I know basically everything I want to. Now I just have to wait for it to come out.

Because Mark put it on rotation. I guess since he figured a lot of people might discuss it.

pls let there be dual audio

There is zero precedent for that, just FYI.


That's true, they've showed off quite a bit now. Guessing at E3 they'll have it playable to properly show any new combat mechanics.

The bosses we've seen seem to be following the 7 deadly sins

isnt there like 12 deadly sins now and the pope sucks cock?

I don't know moon well enough to follow these interviews. Anything interesting?

"Please understand"

It seems like damage types are back, bullets and physical
though that's probably all we're getting


Is her persona a motorcycle?


Buzz off, stop shilling your stuff

Has there ever been a game in the series that's had multiple types of physical damage AND guns at the same time?

looks like theres a higher res version of the box art now on the website
I think the guy on the far right is the one who had his face hidden


I hope you get to bully the ginger.

why is the girl on the top left cosplaying the poster squidling

Worldwide release.

Wait a minute… Nuclear is coming back?

where is all the cat porn at

Holy shit, cannot unsee that now


it's almighty damage, it was in 3 and 4

Isn't that supposed to be for sick/poison ailments and the target sign for mind ailments?

Almighty damage?

wasn't that just the icon for almighty damage?

The persona is Necronomicon and the new ones are almighty and status effect

It seems we might actually get well designed and interesting dungeons this time, at least compared to that watered down garbage from P3 and 4.

That would've been my 2nd guess. The icon always trips me up.

I want that magatsu teddie.

Yer have a Persona Harry

True.They seemed a little more thought out instead of P3/4

they can't keep getting away with it

Isn't almighty the moon and star? I'm pretty sure those have to be ailment skills because everything is normal to almighty in all SMT except some bosses in Nocturne.

What is it?
Also it seems you have competition this time.Persona 5 the Cuckshed

Light and Darkness

Also, what the fuck is Catherine mc doing locked up in the velvet room?

in order, it's Physical, Bullet, fire, ice, lightning, wind, posion? Almighty, light, and dark


Getting tortured by lolis

It's true.
He's wearing his black and white stripped pijamas/prison suit.

The dev interview that had the footage of the 'loot screen'

Anime before the game comes out
i'm pretty excited

Pre-orders are out on 5/6 in Japan right?

Isn't that in literally 50 minutes?

Yeah also depends on the time Amiami does it a bit later in the day

E3 confirmed!
I could've sworn I'd heard them mention it in the stream, but I didn't want to bring it up then 'cause I can't into Japanese for shit.

Can't wait to see their reactions to the gender-neutral bathrooms.


Marche, you had me with Kat at the end, but lost me with Miranda.

As in slash, pierce, blunt, and gun? Nah because gun is roughly the same as piercing really hard.

Commiefornia is going to praise the game for being so progressive for having gender-neutral bathrooms and lament that the rest of Japan needs to get with $(CURRENT_YEAR).

If only Tojo had a caring onii-san, maybe Pearl Harbor could have been prevented.

Wait, what? Really?

I think he was jojoking

Jokes are usually funny m80.

It never fails to amaze me how much shit the Japs can put on a screen without it being too busy to look at.

I wonder if there'll be a western special edition
No, I was dead serious.

that's old news
why were you saying the game has gender neutral bathrooms

they probably won't praise it due to other things being problematic.

They EXPECT games in CURRENT YEAR to have DEGENERATE FOTM in it.


It was impossible with the term America imposed..America should have stayed the fuck out and cash in on selling shit to everyone,alas the ((((((high-top)))))) had a different idea.

They distorted Persona 4 until Naoto was a tranny and Kanji a fag.What i want to see is the bitching about muh sexualization.

Oh, I wasn't. I was going off of what someone else had said about there being gender neutral bathrooms.

What's this ((((((meme)))))) I keep seeing?

It's just that guy doing some gay shit

It's just Holla Forums way of saying jews and criptojew now.Not much as meme as using your fingers to imply something.

Why? "Air-quotes" are called that because they're literally miming the shape of quotation marks. Using parentheses is retarded.

Now that's dedication.

I want to inseminate that blond guy

Of course it is.Didn't stop it to be used though.But if you want i can stop user.Only for you.

I may not know Japanese, but this UI speaks my language.
Also, it just works.

I don't particularly care, I just don't see why someone would want to add a level of abstraction to a direct reference to a grammatical concept.

It writes itself.

I'm just glad demons are back and not those shitty shadows

Because i have deep issue and i want to integrate so i use memes to do it.And i'm a retard.



is this some sort of joke?

None of the characters in P4 have overbearing flaws that define their whole personality besides Marie and Adachi.

P4 was loved by everyone,sure as hell wasn't one of the best.

You're new?
That's not how it works. Be yourself and adapt to the culture naturally as you gradually understand more it. People will tell you if you're doing it wrong. You will.

It's the objective truth. Where have you been? Whether or not it's the most deserving, it's the most popular by far. I like it the most, tonally. Unfortunately, I think that's also what draws normalfags in.

why do people even use that shitty site

Welp. That's a silly interface but I guess it's slightly better than cycling through 6 menu options and mashing X the whole time.

It has two anime series and spin-off games. It's the most loved, that doesn't mean its the best though.

More like it's not a grand adventure but has the feel of a slice of life with Personas like Part 4 did. Also the main villain is a murderer.

What does this have to do with the thread? Also, link to it.

I thought persona 3 was far better, its a good compromise between the completely dumbed down bullshit in persona 4 and the cryptic bullshit in persona 2.

it's a gif from one of the persona things, i'd like to show you but i cannot

No i'm not new,but i am a memelover and you caught in a moment in which i was being a retard.I panicked.

>I like it the most, tonally. Unfortunately, I think that's also what draws normalfags in.
What did you liked about it?

mad because bad at SMT games, I bet Shin Megami Tensei is too hard for you huh?


There is no "culture". This board was founded two years ago by people who were mad about San Franciscans and ex-SA forum members. If we were actually being true to "Holla Forums culture", we'd be posting Holla Forums waifus and speaking in Turkish. As for Holla Forums's fabled "culture", if any of the people who currently post here saw it as it was, they'd call it meme shitposting cancer (((dubs))), and stomp it to fucking death, just like the mods did back on halfchan. Imageboards are dead. 2chan is dying. Even your own memes are from Reddit.


come on, how is anyone supposed to fall for that?

well I am referring to the core SMT not the spin off.

Just the laid-back, comfy retro vibe to it. So many games felt the need to be super grim, dark, or "deep" in that time-frame that it was super appealing to just enjoy Japanese Scooby Doo. Not everything has to be philosophical, a social commentary, or a deconstruction. Sometimes you just need fun.


Instead of engaging with a post, it's more efficient to reply with a meme cropped from a popular manga. Writing anything, unless it's a one-line insult like "get out" or "kill yourself", is pointless, because bandwidth is cheap and the ROI for the other is better.

The internet is fucked.


and the reason why i was saying that because c9a said persona 2 was cryptic bullshit. I interpreted it because of its gameplay? I mean Persona 1 and 2 are kind of close to the SMT series in the sense of talking to demons and weaknesses. So that why i said that.

Oh look, I got quads.

SMT games aren't even remotely difficult. I'm saying that persona 2 has too many moments where the flow stops dead in its tracks and you have to wander around looking for the plot. That and the random encounters are fucking broken, you get assfucked every 10 steps and they always have the same pattern when you fight them.

I beat digital devil saga and i'm working my way through strange journey.


That i liked it too.I know people hate the word,but it was comfy.And in a way it felt a bit more real,you don't have people with impossible problem or everyone is fucked up,just problems people of that age could have.The dungeons and the simplicity of everything put me a bit off.

The game tells you where to go, the only reason i used a guide was because i stopped playing for half a year and i needed to know where to go.

Thats one thing they should have fixed. Make the dungeons actual dungeons. I wanted to go looking for keys and shit in yukiko's castle resident evil style. I wanted some kind of video game related gimmick in mitsuo's dungeon. So much wasted oppertunity.

Well like I said, I liked it the most tonally and stylistically. The dungeons and battle system very much left something to be desired.

ohhh okay okay. That explains it much more, plus thats a great picture im saving that.

The random battles are annoying on top of needing to grind cards, but the story isn't really hidden. They tell you where to go, you just need to actually find it on the map.

The game doesn't tell you who to talk to for weapons so the first hour of the game you'll start wandering around the map wondering what the fuck you're doing since you can't go back to the school since lisa will say "we need weapons dude!".

At no point do either of your party members clue you in about the rumor system, in fact the game barely gives you a hint, it was fucking annoying to figure out you have to talk to the detective dick in order to get the weapon because at that point in the game they never fucking explained to you what was happening. They never explained why there were demons in the school or why no one seemed to care. That's what annoyed me most, the plot wasn't consistent with the setting. The idea of spreading rumors to cause events is really cool but they don't explain why its happening until you're already half way through the game and by then you've already suspended your disbelief.

I hated the laid back crap in persona 4. All your party members act like melodramatic ponces and crawl all over you like you're the second coming of Christ, it was infuriating. I didn't like the murderer plot because it was so low stakes compared to the powers they had.

In persona 3 your party is far more down to earth and when they get emotional it makes sense since the fucking worlds ending and all. Even despite that they still managed to get a grip before the end. I liked the characters more too, I find Junpei infinitely more enjoyable than yosuke and Yukari was way more developed than the meat goblin.

My biggest grip with the whole thing though, is no demon fusing. And the music want that good either. The battle theme started grating on ke after the 2nd dungeon.

Garrote yourself with your quads.

What a waste of quads.

I am a lot of things.

Wrong doesn't happen to be one of them.


Man, Japanese PS1 fans were/are fucking smart. Excellent taste, and good memory too.

And if only Persona's original localization wasn't such a disaster, it might have met worldwide acclaim alongside Wild Arms, Chrono Cross and the like. Bummer.

At least use a decent image. Here.

Persona 1 is still the best persona game. Why did they remove first person dungeon crawling?

I thought this was the effect of the "Wild Card" that Igor always mentions, people with this attribute in the Persona universe typically have people attracted to them. I don't remember if it was P3 or P4 that hinted at it.

So, is it over?

quick question anons.

so i have a ps3, but not a ps4 (and don't want to get a ps4). is there any noticeable differences between the versions that are known? or should i be good to go.

Catherine was fine on PS3, so it P5 should be fine too

The personality of the Wild Card's holder adapts to any social situation, hence their ability to develop an affinity with and use of any arcana. They literally have the power to be liked.

because it was superfluous and didn't add much to the overall experience. Persona was marketed to Altus as a friendlier SMT game and persona 1 wasn't, it was just a regular SMT game with the word demon replaced with persona.

Persona was never meant to be like the mainline games, from day one it was always supposed to be a user friendly game. That's why they added S. Links to persona 3, it removed the need of the player to hunt for quests. That's why they added shuffle time too, it removed the need to grind for cards. All the changes to the formula were done with accessibility in mind.

Hell, you can even see what they were doing by making it so your party members acted on AI, they wanted to streamline the gameplay and make you wade through fewer menus. The only problem with that change is it backfired and actually made the game more strategic and difficult which wasn't exactly what they were going for.

I don't remember igor saying that in persona 3, especially since in persona 3 you don't have people crawling all over you. That's why I really liked the dorm too, its sort of like a low key firelink shrine. Your party members have lives outside of SEES so they come and go, sometimes they'll be away and do their own thing a lot of the time.

I really liked that about persona 3, you aren't the center of the universe for these people, if anything you really don't spend a ton of personal time with them outside of the girls. I like that Junpei is actually secretly jealous of you for crushing puss while he's sitting dry. Hell, a key plot point is Junpei is so tired of being left out that he goes pussy hounding and the best he can find is chidori.

I absolutely hated the female protag option in p3p though, mostly because it breaks the plot in a million ways. The fact that you can bang junpei breaks his character and makes his quest for fur utterly pointless. You can date shinjiro and probably most sinful of all

prevent his fucking death

you know, the most pivotal moment in the whole fucking story? Fucking ruined.

you dont bang junpei though

I never understood anyone saying that playing as a girl in P3P was magically a better experience. The original protagonist worked well with his teammates, being the silent but strong leader. The girl is just a smart mouth. I don't remember if she even gets other dialogue choices other than snark. Not to mention her music isn't better either.

That' doesn't make sense though, you can complete his slink well before he meets chidori. Its been a while but I remember the focal point being someone took creep shots of the protag and junpei helps you beat them up or something.

the city music is godawful but I liked the battle music if only because its a nice departure from mass destruction which got way over used in p3.

Kill yourself fam.


just cause you do his friend link doesnt mean that you bang.

I'm fairly certain it's heavily implied that you bang all the boys as the girl, instead of the guy getting 'tender moments' with the girls. Haven't played in a long time though.

junpei isnt a romance option is he a friend. the 3 romance options are shinji akihiko and ken

and yes you can ss ken

Since no one else did it.

I expect absolutely nothing.

The game's not on a Nintendo system, pal. I'm not worried.

The way the industry and localizations are right now I refuse to get my hopes up for anything.

Best of luck though.

Atlus has been pretty good with localization, they do them in-house

With how unstable the industry is, they cant afford to censor this without MAJOR backlash.

I'm aware of that, but I've been burned so many times that I'll wait at least a month until I pick up any sort of localized weeb stuff just to be safe. Times are fucking bad.

I don't know about that. Maybe the Tokyo Mirage #FE shit will be an indicator of how much shit people are willing to put up with.

The thing is though is that this is a trailer. And Atlus just reuses Persona 5 trailers at E3. Assuming they reuse it again this year and that cutscene is still in there. Then they HAVE to include or risk being sued for false advertising.
This isn't like the Tharja curtain, this is being advertised as having that in the game, they can't simply remove it

Very few people care about that game and Nintendo is clearly the one forcing the changes.

Trust me, #fe is going to flop even harder than fates over here. People are not going to put up with the censorship, and the people that do buy it were going to buy it regardless because nintendrones. I trust atlus to not censor it after how well done dungeon travelers 2 came out.

Plus, there has been literally NO marketing over here, it's going to be like that Laura croft game, it just flopped out of the anus of creation and no one noticed

He'd like nothing better.

What planet do you live on? E3 is a downgrade parade every year, I don't see them getting sued. I know where you're coming from, I just don't have the faith anymore.

It's most definitely solely Nintendos fault, I was just implying that there are still enough faggots that are weak enough to cave and buy butchered shit.

I wish for nothing more.

Maybe we should start sueing for false advertising, especially for prerendered trailers.


Well, it kinda worked for the Aliens/Gearbox case, but I really doubt that that shit set a precedent.

I hate those huge stupid problem glasses. They take up most of her face.

Just saw the new trailer, it looks very bad.
The colors are shit, they remind me of that one shitty artsy wii game. Just the trailer gave me a headache, can't even begin to imagine what it'd be to play for half an hour.
The characters look boring as fuck the designs are very plain.
I'm not feeling those heists neither, they don't belong in a persona game.
hope the soundtrack is better than what we heard in this trailer, this is possibly Meguro's lowest level.

I was looking forward to this and I'm very disappointed, will probably get it when it drops to $20 if it has dual audio which I doubt.

i'll give you the benefit of the doubt

I respect your opinion, but if thats all you came in here to say, then leave if you are not going to contibute to this discussion.

Just saw the new trailer, it looks very bad.
The colors are shit, they remind me of that one shitty artsy wii game. Just the trailer gave me a headache, can't even begin to imagine what it'd be to play for half an hour.
The characters look boring as fuck the designs are very plain.
I'm not feeling those heists neither, they don't belong in a persona game.
hope the soundtrack is better than what we heard in this trailer, this is possibly Meguro's lowest level.

I was looking forward to this and I'm very disappointed, will probably get it when it drops to $20 if it has dual audio which I doubt.


The company guessed a more story-driven experience would be more popular on the market. They weren't necessarily wrong, but here's the thing:
As we know, Hashino happens to be very good at catering to plebs. He knows what they want, and his perversion of the series was met with great success. In contrast, Okada and his team were traditionalists at heart, so back when they made Persona 2 with the intention of breaking some ground with the more casual market, the game turned out more or less just a mechanically stripped Persona1 while also lacking in mainstream-reeling gimmicks to compensate. I guess this put the series in somewhat of a limbo at that point, and Hashino took his opportunity to swoop in and do his thing.

Igor's new voice made me hard.

I don't think we have any performance details yet. I hope I'm wrong, though.

I have a feeling a good lawyer could argue that a trailer doesn't meet the legal standard for "advertising". Or that it can't be "false" in the context of the final product, since it is necessarily drawn from early production assets.

If it was this easy to sue for false advertisement and win, it would happen far, far more often.

People just put *Not representative of final product* on the bottom
problem solved

But isnt the main purpose of a trailer for advertising? How could they claim its not for advertising?

The NFL's token weeb weighs in.

Trailers aren't paid placements, for one thing. Consumers seek them out of their own accord rather than the company paying to display them alongside other, more desirable content.

I'm honestly done with Persona, I think. I was replaying Soul Hackers and plan on replaying Devil Survivor 1 (aka true SMT4) and I can't stand the tone of the Persona games now.

I find myself scrounging for maturity in the trailers, instances of adulthood, some images of death, blood, etc. which demand the writers treat the story with respect to earnest reality. The theme itself is supposedly mature too, but so was P4's theme and the best thing in that game revolves around the secondary characters instead of the main cast (like Dojima, Adachi etc.).
But no, I have no problem with sneaky anti-hero capeshit; my favorite comic was Spider-Man before it was raped to death. But I need more than just LOOK WE BROUGHT BACK DEMONS AND THE PROTAGONIST GETS ARRESTED AND MAYBE BEATEN!


Then the character designs are all awful too, except for the protagonist hurhur Arry Porrer. You have not-Ginko the English/Japanese hybrid, then there's not-Yosuke who's what you get if you smush Yosuke and Kanji together (who was a weird rip off Eikichi, like how Chie was a clear rip off Ginko), and then there's not-Jun lookin' exactly like Jun but more morose like the P3 protagonist.

That girl with the over-the-top dork glasses is built like a skeleton, which is what makes that scene in the gif here hilarious, as if she's supposed to be attractive somehow. Then there's that other one who is as forgettable as her design. Hey, maybe the characters will be interesting.
Or maybe not, since they continue the trend of P3 in recreating the Persona cast archetypes in each new iteration.

I'm going to be 30 in a few years 26 now and I just can't be bothered with high school hijinks and lel anime humor. The concept is interesting but everything about this screams shit to me. I need more in RPGs, I want story telling and characterization beyond fucking animu rehashes. Soul Hackers had a unique an interesting near-future cyber-punk world and Devil Survivor 1 was genuinely written almost like the script was for the next mainline SMT game.

Why not bring back Devil Summoners into Persona? Oh right, because then things would be varied and interesting again.

I guess I just grew up. Have fun if you guys want, and I do have fun with "anime" games once in a while, but I can't waste my life on hijinks and shit anymore. Even if it's just for a pass time it's still a waste of my life to rewatch the same shit with different skin.


These screens are so stylish.

Calm your tits. If you don't like it anymore, fine, it's not for you. I started with the first game some months and and have moved up from there, but I never made a blog post about how shit Persona 3 was. Just stick with other SMT games, Persona doesn't have the same sort of darker themes that it started out with or that most SMT games have. I certainly like darker stuff too, but I don't think it's bad for a spin-off series to become its own thing and try for different themes and game types. Despite hating Persona 3 I'm actually going to give persona 4 a shot because, despite my love of dark fiction, the more lighthearted tone seems interesting.

And September 15th, huh? Damn, I was actually hoping it would be a bit longer before it came out.

That's a funny way of spelling Strange Journey.

However, a cancerous at the fanbase might be, Persona has a niche that was pretty unoccupied: friends dealing with supernatural happenings in a modern setting that plays slightly more like a mystery than pure exploration or an overwhelming sense of dread. So by making it be another SMT game you gut it of the one unique thing it had, rather than also just making another normal SMT game and not calling it Persona. If they can do that and not royally fuck up Final like I feel like they will, then it might be cool.

High School hijinks is getting kinda old though. I would love to see University/salary workers dealing with Persona/demons more.

Japan views high school as the last time most people are truly happy, since the university world is just preparing for jobs and jobs just crush your soul and make you want to jump off the roof of your high-rise office.

Damn, I didn't even watch that whole trailer, since I like playing games as blind as possible, but that really hyped me up to play this.
It's kind of funny they're releasing it right before FFXV. SE already was asking people in surveys which they would buy if they came out around the same time and why, so I wouldn't be surprised if they crank up marketing to make their characters look more interesting or whatever answer it received the most as the reason why if you selected P5.

Is SMT4 that bad? I have a 3DS. I just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Other games looked more appealing so i've been playing those first.

No sound? What the fuck user?

"GREATBLACKOTAKU"? Is he pretty popular in the NFL? I wonder what the normalfags following him think of this stuff.

Thanks, now I can't unsee that. Splatoon's character design reminds me of some autistic furry tier shit. I can't believe the shit people like just because Nintendo made it.

It's from the staff interview. The sound in that scene is just the director talking about something unrelated in moon. The gif I made of it turned out looking worse than the webm, so I used the webm.

Calling dibs on the ginger. She's mine.

Okay, you're lucky. I've got my eye on you!

Well I know that, but that wouldn't stop the possibility of a western dev to make Waifu Wars 2017 with a different setting. Let a man dream, user.

SMT4 isn't awful, it just feels off. The characters are just a little too forced, the overall setting is okay, combat is fine and they removed randomness to getting skills for demon fusing as well as adding a few quality of life changes. It got incredibly boring to me and I haven't picked it back up in a long time.

Man, I like a lot of Japanese entertainment, and some other facets of Japan, but their culture is mostly shit. I'd love to visit sometimes, but I don't think I'd like living there unless I could live alone far away from people in someplace like Kyoto.

This is fucking awful.

All nickle and dime cancer is shit faggot.

No one cares about your shitty fucking waifu.

So where did everyone go and where the fuck did all the shills come from? I swear it wasn't like this last night.

On the bright side, there seems to be bullet count in the game, which would be a first for Persona.
I don't know Japanese, but I looked up 残弾数 and it machine-translates to "The number of remaining bullets"

From what I gather, he wasn't there very long, and he has moved to wrestling recently.

Are you the guy who made threads about that? Those were good.




I know the graphic and number already made it obvious enough. That's exactly why I looked up the text, it seemed odd to have it there.

Yeah, it's called Persona.


He's a wrestler now trained by Booker T

I'm with this nigger

The only thing the stream got me interested in is that we might get a pretty looking smt game on a console now since they made all those demons
But then again with how dull SMT4 & Final are I hope they go back to pre-3ds era

And dropped

k fine

Glasses-chan is Futaba Sakura. Her persona is Necronomicon and her arcana is Hermit.

Are you some kinda idiot
that isn't her persona, that's just a boss enemy

That's a level up screen, retard.


Can anyone translate the stats? I want to know if they changed them in anyway.

She's also a fujo because of NEET, and voiced by Y.Aoi

Nothing is changed same stats as always they just decided to put back almighty and status effect icon

I'm not saying I'm pro-DLC, I'm just saying its more bearable since it doesn't seem to affect gameplay whatsoever.
By all means fuck off then.

Nyarlathotep is the protagonist.


… Not bad at all. I'll happily put her in the same party as Anne. Doesn't hit my fetish as hard as Anne's glossy catsuit does though.

Or wait, is she the "Operator" of the group?

Calling Anita right now

I love english shirts in anime and stuff.

I watched the trailer again because I got suspicious and his shirt actually says "No Mo Rules." So I was rused, but I have to admit it's a pretty good shoop on short notice.

She's the navigator, yeah.

Fusion and Cooperation were on top of my list of things to see. I guess they're saving the best for last.

Oh, that sucks. I'd love to go to Japan and open a shop where I sell shirts with stupid english sayings on them. I could help them get the dumb saying they're looking for have it made and only use quality material. I'd even wear one myself.

She's the navigator, yeah.>>9238839
Ahhh, good call.

Fusion I would imagine being very similar to 3 and 4. Persona acquisition is the real question.

And yeah, I want to know how different cooperation is from s-links. My guess is: not a whole lot.

You get personas like in SMT and shit now, you convince them/seduce them/bribe them, from what we've seen

The biggest question is: can team members change persona? If they can im seriously considering preordering mainly for any physical extras


It looks even better than I could have hoped for, seriously. Now I'm only concerned for the soundtrack and the length. Doubt I'm going to be able to keep myself from buying the JPN release now.

We haven't seen that, though. We know we fight demons/personas this time around but all we saw was the protag getting a mask with the words "Persona Get" (which I desperately hope doesn't change in translation even though I know it will). We have absolutely no indication that negotiation is back. For all we know there are Persona Pokeballs.

Sadly, I highly doubt demon negotiation and/or party-wide Persona choices will ever return. I'd love to see it happen, but they just aren't realistic things to hope for.
Maybe just if we get another PQ.

Don't listen to that guy. Imagine was one of the best games on the PC. He probably just played the bad localization.
It deserves a sequel.

And while I haven't played NINE, it seems to have interesting lore at least.

The Great Lord Kek works in mysterious ways

Don't know why everyone likes demon negotiation so much. Feels tedious.

I know how you feel (though I'm just going to pirate the PS3 version and buy the enhanced edition next year assuming I like the game). I started the series a few months ago. I thought the first one was great, it's my favorite so far. Both Persona 2s were cool too. I had a really bad time with Persona 3 though, there's not a lot of good things I have to say about it, which hurt my interest in the future games in the series. Still going to give 4 a shot though, I might end up liking it. Though I need to do it fast since I know know that Persona 5 will be out in four months, it looks quite a bit more interesting than 3 and 4.

Also, Igor's new voice is weird, I did not expect it to be deep as fuck. I know his old VA died, but I thought they'd try to get someone who kinda sounds like the previous guy.

test post pls ignore


Not even fucking hiding it, except all the people calling this out mysteriously vanished.

Because it's more interesting than 'PICK A CARD ANY CARD EXCEPT FUCK YOU!' And needing to fuse to get demons that don't come from cards. In SMT, if you can talk to a demon, you can negotiate which means you can get it as an ally, and when it works, it's nice. It's also a clever puzzle in some games (if they don't randomly generate which answer you have to pick like in some of them) so you get a little bit of extra thinking. Plus, if you want to talk to a demon, now you have to play strategically and eliminate all it's other allies before talking to it.

I'll admit demon negotiation is far from perfect and could use a lot of improvement, but to explain it simply, there's a primal satisfaction to playing mind games with the enemy.

its just cosmetics, calm down

No fuck you.
You jewry supporting cunt, that nickle and dime shit is never OK.
Holy fuck all of your posts are defending purse owner. Do you do it for free faggot?


Yes, all defending Persona and calling all dissenting opinions bait. Can you fucking read?
Fuck off shill.

By the way, if anyone here is a MegaTen Wiki editor, there are some demon article updates to be done.

there's subbed trailer out now