Looks liek shit already

looks liek shit already

Let this picture shut everyone up so it can be the last thread about this

Other urls found in this thread:

games-workshop.com/en-CA/Warhammer-40-000?Nao=0&Nu=product.repositoryId&N=102268 4294967176&qty=12&sorting=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440130a-flat

I don't mind it.

What is this, Bionicle RTS?

Looks great, so DoW3 thread then?

Let's hope we get Tyranids sooner rather than later.



textures looks incredibly shitty, as does the lack of lighting and shading. plus those incredibly bad terminator animations.

That artstyle is fucking horrendous for a Warhammer game.

I haven't played the previous two, is the series any good for singleplayer or is it all multi?

dow 1 and 2 with all their expansions have good singleplayer modes, well worth playing.

Single player mostly. Only play DOW1 & 2 + expansions and leave it at that

right? I totally agree with you two

First one has a good singleplayer.
First add-on as well. Second and third add-on depends on how much you like risk.
Multiplayer-wise all of them are good.

DoW 2 is more like CoH. Singleplayer is okayish I guess, if you like CoH.
Never tried multiplayer with it, but I think it resembles more a MOBA with specific hero units and such. But again, not really sure on that one.

Play the first with the expansions. Can't make a mistake really.

Part of me is hoping that those textures are pre-alpha but hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

heres another

I've never played company of heroes either

The only RTSs I've played were C&C generals/red alert 1-2, Total Annihilation and Stronghold

and swarm assault but I'm embarrassed to say so

By the Emperor, that looks awful!

go play men of war then. Git gud at that and you'll never lose an RTS again. You'll learn valuable tactics skills

I know, have some more


I am sure you are talking about the last stand mode in retribution. The regular Multiplayer in DOW2 has base building.

They look like legos or something

That is just blatant.

Well I guess that leaves us no choice…..

Most likley, yeah.
Irememebr some news not that long ago for some Necro"hero" released, that's why I thought about it being more MOBA.


Dawn of war is pretty easy to get into, nothing complicated. I highly suggest you play supreme commander after though, not a big RTS fan but that game makes my dick diamonds

You say that like they never have before

thought exactly the same when i saw the trailer.

i cant get into it after playing Men of War and Homeworld


That would actually be pretty cool. But this doesn't look right in a Dawn of War game. Hopefully these aren't the final textures.


Here's a reminder for anyone who didn't "get" the new trailer, anyway. Same nameless marine in both. Really good shit

end me now

what's wrong with it

Anons are excited for it.

looks liek a cartoon

The more I look at the screens, the more I think the problem is with the environment and not the units. If that was more detailed, atmospherics, texture quality, less wow-like geometry then the units would look better too, and still be visible due to their bright colours. Hopefully there's screens of a gritty urban map coming up.

a bold move.

a bald move

How are they the same marine ?
The skull implants or whatever they are not in the same spot. The new guy has hair.
Face doesn't seem similar.

How did you even come to the conclusion that they are the same ?

That looks pretty nice tbh

so its good and going back to the first games?


You, uh, know how hair works right?

why do they all have giant tanks of milk on their shoulders?

The models themselves often tended to be pretty damn colorful in contrast to the lore and concept art.

it's fucking nothing
with no gameplay
and just a cinematic trailer

Everyone is going batshit like the retards that we are.
And we are speculating based on some screens from a promotional website about a game that is still in development.

So this is the third threads of people jerking it ro stupid shit, like the SoB guy above your post.
Or the guy who believes the marines in dow1 trailer and this one are the same.

Most marines don't have hair as a byproduct of the holy operation/geneseed implantation.
And even if you ignore that the face is not the same.

Put some fucking glasses on.

TENDED to. The age of the early editions, much less Rogue Trader, is over.

We have IDs here newfag

We have 3 threads in the catalog retard.
I'm not even pretending to be a different guy.

Yea but the guy is dead and hair doesnt grow when dead.
Inb4 people jump on me for believing the myth of hair and nails growing after death

You're right about that too many threads about it already due to neefags not reading the rules

I saw the images but didnt read the post.
My mistake, I apologize

Why is there so much shilling for this game?

Do you have brun dumug?

Because DoW 1 was good, but really all we can do is hope it's not shit.

Is this game being done by the people who did DOW1? Because DoW2 was absolute dogshit, so I don't see how anyone would have hope of the series actually improving after that disaster.

The graphics are meh but I don't give a fuck. If it's like DoW1 I'm sold.

Man I don't know, I hope it is, but check this: archive.is/b3QEN base building and shit.

other races will probably be DLC though ;_;

Well, I did always play as Spess Mahrines and Spess Mahrines only

I thought it was going to be on a galactic scale? I expected something like soulstorm. Also, switching between factions during the campaign is one of those things that make me drop a RTS

Nah I think it's going to be more like galactic conquest in star wars battlefront

Oh god, the more I read the worse it gets

What aboot guardsmen?


I was too shit at micro to play Guardsmen, but they're cool.

Meh, either way I'm pirating since I don't have moni


When a developer uses the word accessible to describe their game, it's instant warning bells that they meant "casual".

This looks like some shitty mobile game with the the bright colors, what fucking happened.

Yeah I know, though PR is one thing, the actual game is another, besides I'm not buying it here.

i dont dig the aesthetics either

The best you can hope for is that it goes back to being about base building and away from the assfaggots tier garbage from dow2.

It does go back to base building, there are some giant red flags though

Looks like a fan made skin for SC2.

Welp. Might pirate it I guess.


The models could deal with a biiit more detail but I actually like the colors

Just wait until the shills/fanboys start using pic related to defend it.

I don't see a problem. I mean it pretty much looks like the tabletop units except videogames.


This does not look grimdark as fuck
The textures are fucking shiny and not gritty
Goddamnit, Relic. don't drop the ball.
I want a new Dawn of War game.



I want a GOOD and new Dawn of War Game.

They said they wanted to take a step away from the "dark and doom-laden tone". Another red flag right there

My friend who plays tabletop would be triggered out of his mind by this.

the original aesthetic was in line with heavy metal magazine.
every time GW moves away from that just makes it looks worse

Really? I need a link to this so I can lambast them for saying so batshit retarded.
The Trailer was so fucking 'lolsodark edgy'.
And the entire point of Warhammer 40k is a grimdark "we're all fucked" level of shit.
If the aesthetic doesn't look "Grim, Dark and battle-worn" then what's the damn point?

I am so sorry, this article contains many more red flags.


Other than the aesthetics of the game, I just realized that with the inevitable inclusion of guardsmen, we're also going to get the fucking autistic techno-orangutangs.

What other retarded units have seen the light of day since the last Dawn of War, the Grey Knights?

Normally I would dismiss shit like what you pointed out, but KoF released dozens of trailers with different levels of shaders/lightning, I think that shit is here to stay, rather than having 1 year of marketing shilling with bullshot made in beta, we get 2 years of marketing shilling with bullshot made in alpha without lightning and shaders because fuck making a first good impression.

In 10 years we'll probably get wireframe meshes with an intern making the sound effect with his mouth.

Kill me now.

The fuck. An RTS, strategy game or whatever is not a game to move away from that in; something like rogue trader or the Cain books could get away with it. An RTS should revel in the grimdark mood of 40k, maybe to the point of satire, because you are sending people to their death, often for no other reason than incompetence on the part of the commander. If you want to sneak in humor, dark humor is the best thing to do.

if you want bright and colorful with lighter colors at the edges, white primer
if you want grim, gritty, and self-shading, black primer
and holy shit, thin your paints. a drop of water for a drop of paint creates a nice workable ratio. you're looking for right around the consistency of milk

and if everything's fucked, get some simple green or la's totally awesome (ridiculously good cleaner you can find at dollar stores)\, mix a solution with water, and soak the model for a few days to get the paint off

the jokaero were in 1st edition 40k. No joke

You guys are bitching like always. This looks a shit ton better than the other DoW games.

I am the devils advocate for DoW2 and CoH2 since their conception.
I can calmly discuss game mechanics under any torrent of shitposting.

Of all the abhumans to make a return.

you can stop shitpostign anytime


You must have been dropped on your head as a child.

DoW2 is alright but it's another beast entirely. I liked the Campaign. It's more of a tactical RPG and less of an RTS.
CoH2, however, is fucking trash.

Surprisingly mods have fixed coh2. While you can't add models, you can now fuck about with almost anything else.
Spearhead makes it play like the Blitzkrieg mod for CoH1, only fixing some of the more annoying shit in Blitz.


Tell me more

What's the use of arguing with someone who is dedicated to defending a shitty game?

I don't know.
Wasn't the point of Holla Forums to bash other people with your own point of view?

Fuck off.

It was a nice and fast action RPG using the MP interface similar how CoH third expansion did its SP.
MP plays entirely different.


We are in hype inflation phase.
There is nothing to go by but our imagination.
Once the beta starts, so the hype deflation will and the shitstorm is bound to be immense.
We have 2 separate fanbases under DoW trademark with some cross-pollination.


You've never played Dawn of War have you?
The one here is actually more complex than that.
Cover grants you a damage and armor boost with ranged.
It decreases your units melee resistance however.

I see what the problem is now

Cover system and changing environment is part of the tabletop, so why not? It was lacking in the first DoW, and could be cool before the all out war when you hit the last technologies, it could benefit infantry that die like flies against vehicles, and that was athing even with the cover system in the first DoW.

Writing a large line of text is not visually pretty, user.
I was called newfag once for doing it.

Don't scare me user. I have hope. Even when the game turns out to be shit, I hope I won't be able to run it.

Show my post, cripple

whats the problem? im sure it looks good in action

Why does everything look like a toy?

Sure the textures in DoW1 were blurry shit but everything had a grittiness to it. It looks even more colourful than DoW2.

I just want them to go back to DoW1 era and stop with this attempt at Real Time Tactics bullshit like DoW2.

There better be some sick sync kills. Those were the icing on the cake in Dawn of War 1 and the UA mod

As if their RTS games weren't easy as fuck to get into. This pisses me off, no matter how dumb down you make an RTS you'll never get the gookclick normalfag crowd into it. I don't know how anything could be more accessible than games like DoW and CoH one, if anything they made it more fucking complicated with CoH2 with all the different commanders that are behind pay walls.

The colours are somewhat too bright. But the main problem is that everything looks too damn clean! Where's the battle damage on the units? Why is everything so damn shiny?

The graphics are mostly fixable, I guess. I just hope the game itself isn't shit.


DoW is really fucking easy to understand. Most of the appeal I found in the game was how ridiculous and over the top everything was. How much simpler can it get?


Im hoping the gameplay is kinda like the first dawn of war, but Im not keeping my hopes high

Right, the actual game is most likely worse than the PR wants you to think, so…


take it how you want it, i guess


well thats not how half tracks are supposed to go

I-I like it

It's pretty aesthetic, it looks badass, but it wouldn't even move.

Notice how there's a lasgun pointing straight at the side hatch.

What was the name of the Space Wolf aircraft that looks like a wolf head?

*Space Wolves

that way you wont get hijacked. you can just shoot the mother fucker

cant be worse than retribution - one campagin for every race- right?

That seems like something orkz would think of


What else?

Never mind I found it. Behold the aerodynamic wonder of the Stormfang.

Look at those tiny widdle wings it has.

Thats pretty kawaii nigga

How does it fly?

Is that Quiet?

You're part of the elite few, user. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Is that some buildings in the background?

Wouldn't even get off the ground.
Based on my experiences in KSP

A rugged defiance of all the laws of aerodynamics. Or as the Space Wolves user manual states: Wolf wolf wolf wolves wolf Praise the Allfather!

It has five, check it: FIVE fucking wolf skulls if you take into account that the entire craft looks like one.

But the dark tones are part of the whole grim dark future mood. At least tone it down so it isn't so shiny.

It's every race in one campaign.

At first I thought the engine was in front and then I saw those wings.

Good God, even the Ork fighta-bombas look like viable flying machines compared to that monstrosity.

new starcraft?

it's too colofull, get it?

I have to wonder why they chose to go with that style in the trailer. Everything looks weirdly organic in the trailer, especially the Eldar. I didn't think Wraithbone looked that organic. Especially when the current screenshots look nothing like it.

It'd be pretty cool if there was a rts that took place in hell where the setting and units looked like that though, like a video game adaptation of God's Demon.

lets get this thing awoooving

Not just the stormfang
Ork bombers look more viable compared to every other fucking flying vehicle in 40k

I like how the Eldar have what looks like deployed cover, but none of them are using it

This has to be some kind of divine retribution for wanting a sequel

Obviously it's a wraithguard play pin that just so happen to become under attack from the Space bullies.

What if Orks have been with humanity this whole time? Their planes are sorta similar to some previous warbirds.

Does relic still own the Spehss Muhreen ip?

Why does it look so much more colourful and bright in comparison to the trailer?

It's all owned by Sega now

Because they want to move away from the dark and gritty looks.

What if Orks are Humanboos

The style difference really is odd. Why do the grimdark trailer when they have done perfectly serviceable over the top trailers previously. The style difference wouldn't be as jarring then.

Then there is this bullshit. I think the anons calling it punishment for wanting a sequel are right.

Who the fuck hired these retards?

This is a special kind of shit design.

well you never see orks salvaging eldar or tau equipment do you? lootin is their method of importing

Isn't GRIMDARKNESS the entire appeal of 40k?

I need someone to post that pic of "now presenting the movie adaptation of RED" and then the entire thing is blue

Oh look it's borderland syndrome again.

At first look it look like an original graphic style, then a drawfag with a bit more than the average knowledge pops in and find essentially CARBON COPIES of the same art-style, proving it's just a blatant rip-off of someone much more talented, that the studio didn't even bother to pay…

well not the entire appeal. but its certainly part of its identity. but i think more important is how ridiculous over the top things tend to be.


GW has the final say on all design choices of any games with their IP. If anything, they're probably the ones that made the decision to make it look that way.

I had hope for a second there, it wasnt another last stand announcement and the trailer was pretty good. Then came the info

Its like Im on a normalfag forum or something

Where are you getting these from, out of interest?

Was there a gameplay trailer or just still images?

Only images

Looks like planetary annihilation at first.
Then I realized this was DoW.

It's shit

That's a shame. The gameplay interests me more than issues with the artstyle but it's looking worrying so far. The fact they advertise that all three factions get a big death-walker as some sort of feature makes me think rushing to them might be the only goal in the game, for example.

i just hope theres base building and all that other good rts stuff

Its a good time to bitch about it now so that they can take the feedback and make it look better.

But the visuals look downright unfinished, theres no fx and it doesnt look worse than Dawn of War 2 in its early stages.
I just think people who think this is final are really fucking stupid.

Game might be shit, but its certainly not because of the visuals, Im sure those will look good.

Remember the relic units in Dawn of War? Maybe not every faction, but I know that at least the Guard, Edlar, and Necrons rushed theirs Tau are probably the only faction who didn't use theirs.

Fucking chill you retards.

Early screenshots are never indicative of the final look.
Games usually get a texture/llighting/shading passes in the final stages.

why are video games so bad


The Imperium of Man bows only to the Emperor.
The law of nature exists to bend their knee to humanity.

So what if we need extra-powerful engines to make bricks fly?
We will make them fly and the atmosphere will scream in it's impotence to stop our divine progress!

Retards like you are the reason for all the bullshitting that is happening with bullshots and trailers thast show shit that never existed in a playable form.
Fucking idiot.

Becasue fucking retards with no standrards need to trivalize and downplay everything they don't like, making themselves indistinguishable to actual shills, who together are capable to drown out everybody else who actually wants a good, quality game.

you might have spent the last 10 years in a coma, but nowadays pre release screenshots and videos always look better than the final game

I don't think it looks so bad. Textures are kinda bright and not as pretty as I'd like but it's important to gameplay for the units to stand out at a glance and I think it achieves this. It's not Dawn of War but it's also not another mobile title so I think I can live with it.

Do you honestly believe that pre-release material - the material that influences whether or not some people will decide to buy the game - would be intentionally displayed in a subpar state?
Can you name a single instance where showcased pre-release models and graphics are better on release?


I like the style, so long as it's a RTS game rather than a shitty moba or whatever. Doesn't look promising with no buildings, but the OP pic at least has larg-ish armies.


textures are too much solid color, too little details, I hate saying this but it needs to be more gritty

Grimdark Beksiński stuff.
Bionicle RTS

As a Beksiński fan I am fucking pissed.

Normally I wouldn't mind such graphics but in 40k game, where there is supposed to be more blood than grass on the ground? Especially after cinematic that is 180 degrees different.

its a RTS does it really need to look good?

Is it really only 3 races? Couldn't they at least throw in fucking Chaos?

Art style looks like someone mixed that No Man's Sky shit with Starcraft.

Hey, I guess it IS a Starcraft game then.

They really should have waited to release those screenshots. I know they are just a alpha build, but they need some serious work to look good or like the trailer.
I remember reading that. The way the author described stuff definitely sounded like it could have been made into a strategy game of some kind. The closest I can think of to it is Solium Infernum, a tbs I heard about when I still read rock, paper, shotgun

If they can't even make the game look good, what are the odds they even attempted to add gameplay?

Oh yea, what do you guys think of Arch's theory/off hand comment that this takes place in a Daemon world? Would explain how weird everything looks.

RTS game absolute don't need better graphics.
Game about purging heretics, greenskins, elfs, loyalists, random people and speh marines, should be little more detailed.

Absolutely not.
Now they created separated cinematic and game but at least they didn't try to convince anyone the game will look like the cinematic.

Just wait till they announce it as day one DLC.
Total War made it, nothing that would speak against trying it with DoW3 as well.

Now this is normalfaggotry


You know what that looks like? WoW terrain. That really really looks like the terrain you'd see in WoW.

As much as I appreciate Beksinski, this is just blatant copying. Also interesting how they would pick Beksinski and then have the ingame stuff look like Fisher Price.

If you base your game on a pre-existing IP, you are expected to at least try to keep to the atmosphere of it.

If I made a game set in the Conan universe and it had WoW-tier high fantasy crap, would that be fine?

Wouldn't surprise me because they just rebooted (and ruined) Warhammer Fantasy to appeal to children.

Expect a console release, I guess.

They managed to make dow candier than cnc4. This is not going to be good

So are tabletop simulators considered video games?

Last I played was 5th edition, how's the tabletop now?

It's to allow the quick execution of any guardsman trying to abandon the vehicle

Well there was Supcom…

I am more concerned about none of these shots showing off melee or kill animations.

Im not sure if my inner /k/ is telling me to hate or like it.. damn it.


Glad I'm not the only one who caught that, or knows who Beksinski is
Question is: Why? Much as I like Beksinski and 40k, this was… a weird mix-up

That chaplain in terminator armor fucking shit up tho

whatever, I'm sold

-Bjorn the Fell Handed

This just looks like a modern rendition of Dawn of War 1's graphical style.

The Orks and shit are cartoony as fuck in that game.

they should make DOWIII black and white.
stop the toy colors



Blood ravens are the official relic chapter.

Blood Ravens are Relic's chapter.

This. I don't see the problem.

40k was never good and only decent when they painted everything disgustingly bright.

I don't like the art style and hope they improve it but at least there's a shit ton of units on screen.

Imperial Knights, very nice.

Too bad it will never ever come to linux.

I don't mind this at all. Then again, I'm not a graphics fag like you, OP


DLC goy :^)

They sure have a lot of relics :^)

My life is fucking empty

Yeah they do. They make a point of looting every relic they can find no matter if it belongs to an ally or enemy. It's their thing.

The property of the Blood Ravens is solely their own and nobody else.

How do you even steal loot from the Custodes tho

Dude a nog looted the royal jewels of the Princess of Sweden. If a braindead chimp can get into a palace open a safe, steal a 250K tiara and throw it off a bridge I think a spess muhrine can steal a bolter.

Late to the party, here, have some new memes.

Well, the Sweedish royal guard isn't made of genetically modified 10 feet tall bronzed half naked bodybuilders.

Lost and found bin

*I move away from the mic to FAIL DA EMPRAH*

Are you implying you're not paying the machine spirits of your gear proper respect?
Do you not lovingly maintain it?
Do you not polish it with sacred oils?
Do you not let the artificers mend the damage of battle?

HERESY most foul

Kill yourself op, you're trying way too hard to fit in with le Holla Forums hates everything meme.

Rogal Dorn lays down the mother of all burns.

I raff

Good luck with that, newfriend.



There's not really a need for an argument - your post speaks for itself.

Your post speaks for itself

Who gave a shit? They're obviously going to release a shell for DLC yet again.

The game literally got announced a few hours ago, i'm not going to complain about a game that looks this bad years before release.
If it still looks like this a few weeks before release sure, but atm i actually think it looks pretty good.

That's not theft goy! It's merely re appropriation!

their helmets look photoshopped on

Don't even bother.
The damage Tortanic did to Holla Forums and it's desire to irrationally hate on everything is now perfectly normal and to be expected.


How fucking new are you?

There are only two conditions under which they would have agreed to release those screenshots:
1. They honestly believe them to be representative of the final game
2. They think they are good advertising material (i.e. that they look good enough to attract players to the game, which means they either look as good or better than the final game will look).

Either scenario is awful. This game will be DOA.

Fuck, the past 10 or so years should've shown even the biggest retard, that pre release pictures of games, unless clealry labeled as concept art, are already far better looking than anything the game will look like on release.

The bullshots look already like shit.
The finished game will be even worse.

I am officially triggered.

SEGA wants to ruin the franchise just to make it accessible to an audience that enjoys glitter and Lisa Frank artwork.

You guys fucked up hard. Hard.
At least Eternal Crusade is turning out to be pretty good.

How fucking new are you, retard?
This entire thread seems like a bunch of twelve year olds trying to emulate how an average Holla Forums poster behaves, throwing brimstone and fires on a game that is at least year and a half away from being released, with absolutely no thought or reason behind the hate other than to be "outraged" and "in".

This is a sick joke, right?


DOW1 fans are so fucking desperate for another RTS that they will defend this with their lifes blood. There is no getting through to them yet. They will see when it releases what modern day devs do to the RTS genre.

From the looks of it, they went with the painted model look. It's especially apparent with the Eldar.

No, nigger, the game devs are actually listening to players. The game has dramatically improved over the last three months. Patch 16 fixed connection issues and more content will be added soon.

Wanna know how I know you're a newfag and probably underage?

There is no way in hell anyone who has been following this shitheap of an industry for more than 5 years is so naive as to think that the game will look any better, if anything it will look even worse.

This isnt 3 months from release.
We have no release date.

Theres lots of games that were announced at an early stage which lacked in the visual department.

God I hate you so much.

You're an idiot.
You do know that games tend to look worse than the early screenshots usually right?
They already stated that the art direction has shifted to be more stylized. Moving away from the lore of 40k.

A game is always shit until proven otherwise. You'll live longer. Getting hyped or defensive is just stupid, its Stockholm syndrome.

So the game is shit. What they've shown us confirms its shit. What they haven't shown us is not proof of anything to convince us otherwise of the game being totally shit.

You have no proof. We on the other hand have proof.

Just like KoF14?
Almost makes me wish this site would stop working again so that reddit mongoloids like you can go back to r/Holla Forums and circlejerk around screenshots from here, rather than shit up this place with threads like these.

No it hasn't. I was an idiot and bought into their 'founders program' in the vain hope that the game might actually be decent. Instead it has absolutely crashed and burned and is now the most generic and bland multiplayer shooter with a 40k skin on it.

Most of the original development team abandoned the project, its optimization is so bad its at the point where most of the people who are supposed to be testing the game for them can't even run it, and they've gone back on a large number of the original promises made when the project was announced.

Eternal Crusade is one of the more obvious catastrophe stories of the last year or so.

SEGA, CA and Relic keep making this stupid mistake. Pre-Alpha is not an excuse to release terrible shit. If its not ready.. DON'T FUCKING SHOW IT.

Their PR/Marketing people are all fucking retarded.

It's amazing how you people don't understand the pattern after getting burned again and again.

Not to mention, graphics are probably the least of the problems, is the big one. If the cover system was too complicated, you can imagine what's going to happen to the rest of the mechanics. DoW never even was a complex game to begin with.

No they've made them look like actual painted models from their store page. That stuff can look pretty cartoony depending on what you use to paint them with.

games-workshop.com/en-CA/Warhammer-40-000?Nao=0&Nu=product.repositoryId&N=102268 4294967176&qty=12&sorting=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440130a-flat

Compare this Night Spinner with the Eldar from here

The cover is more complex than DoW1 and its a step back from DoW 2 cover system so it doesnt become micromanagement hell

Read the fucking article

Im not saying it wont be shit, Im saying we cant tell for sure until gameplay footage is shown.
The info we hae is skin deep.

I've seen some amazingly painted 40k stuff though. Why can't trained professionals give us that. They should be looking at the best paint jobs for 40k table top and going based on that. Because there's some amazing shit out there, really talented people.

Why can't game artists pull that off. Why the fuck do mods have to fix everything.


I wish you were right, that would mean DoW3 would have a slim chance of being good

I almost can't believe we're getting fucked again.

My first reaction to this stuff is just utter disbelief. I'm just stuck thinking "This can't be real, can it?" And then I remember that I'm not dreaming, I'm wide awake - this isn't a nightmare, it's cold, hard reality and this is the future of my favourite video games. The child has grown; the dream is gone.

Its still released in stupid circumstances.
They are the biggest idiots for even putting it out this early. You're saying basically "Don't talk about it.. Don't criticize it".. Shut the fuck up shill.. Discussions prevent people doing stupid shit like pre-ordering. Actually contribute with evidence to convince people this will be good or fuck off.

Fuck's sake.

5 factions, with an expansion that adds three.

A multi-faction, lengthy RTS campaign featuring four factions.

A fucking DOW-2like campaign playable co-op for Fanfic Ravens with all the bullshit Wargear in it.

There you go. The fucking formula is there. That's all you fuckers had to fucking do. Relic proved that they understood 40K with both DoW 1, 2, and Spesh Mureen, wtf has gone fucking wrong with this pile of dicks?

These are no-brainer decisions that would have taken anyone who has actually played a Dawn of War game about fifteen minutes to figure out. If they wanted to make their shit fucking RTS-lite, fucking make an original game already.

The worst thing about this is they know this isn't what we want. They know exactly what we want, because their pre-release cinematic teaser trailer showed exactly what we wanted. The mood, style, and presentation of it was spot-fucking on. Bodies on top of bodies on top of bodies in a mad race to genocide each other to the highest pile of bodies.

If we wanted a cartoony RTS we'd go play Planetary Annihilation or fucking Starcraft 2 or something.


They're not going to overhaul the art style, it's a deliberate choice on their part. And it looks like shit.
That alone doesn't mean the game is going to be terrible, but from what we've seen from Relic over the past years, it's a safe bet that's it's going to be terrible, shitty graphics are just a bonus.

Graphic whores.

Who the fuck cares if it's isn't super-extra-duper spiffy?

I still play DOW1. I play Dorf Fortress, FFS, so you can go fuck yourself, your colossal faggot.

COH2 man.. Remember COH2.

That game was total shit. Which is why no one should have confidence in them. And Sega are fuckwits.. Look at how they handle Creative Assembly. There is no way in hell this will be a good game.

And retards like you are overly-judgmental and overreact to the smallest things.
Is your life REALLY, REALLY so shallow and empty?
I don't give a fuck about screenshots. I don't give a fuck about alphas.

The only thing I care about - the only thing anyone who calls himself a gamer should care about - is if the final product will be good.

The WIP screenshots and Alphas can have little to do with the final product - for better OR worse.

Fuck hype and the retards who fall for it. But fuck retards who immediately pounce on anything even more.
Both of your kind is cancer.

Dude never mentioned graphics, and even if he did, there's no reason to have bad graphics.

Do people just forget Supreme Commanders existence?

Im not complaining about people talking about the gameplay and accessibility.

Im complaining about newfag redditors who never played the first game complaining about graphics and a cover system thats more complex than the first one and is only less complex than the small/Hero unit focused micro heavy sequel.

The game might be shit for all I know, but posting about graphics and complaining about mechanics you dont know is a sign of normalfaggotry.

Most publishers dont even release footage during these announcements.

the only thing you have is shit for brains.

Being a negative nancy or super-pessimist doesn't make you smart.
You're just an opposite extreme of blind fanboys, but equally a citizen of Retardville.

Graphics are the farthest thing from my mind user. I'm just saying that a lot of DOW1 fans have desired a new game for so long that they will ignore or justify any flashing red warning signs until they get the game in their hands. I have no faith in modern day devs and their ability to make a good RTS. I hope to be proven wrong.

You unbelievable fucking sperglord. We've got plenty of reason to complain because this is a clear case of fraudalent fucking advertising. The teaser trailer was everything we wanted and then now we're shown this that looks nothing alike. Now argue that the trailer and the screenshots aren't representative of the product all you want, but if they didn't think either one was representative of the final product they WOULDN'T HAVE RELEASED THEM OR TALKED ABOUT THE GAME AT ALL.

If the cover system works the way cover did in COH2 its probably a bad idea. COH1's cover system was fantastic. Give me that I mean DOW1 was very similar in that regard. I don't know why they can't just base their design on what worked with their earlier games. We know that works. The only things either of those games needed was expanded feature sets, a better engine that could handle more shit on the screen (because DOW1 ran like crap once everyone hit unit cap) and for the love of god.. a Tyranid expansion.

But yeah I don't think Relic knows what its doing anymore. I apply the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" cliche- because there wasn't anything massively wrong with the way DOW1 or COH1 worked. Relic are just being stupid.

Goddamn you are even more of a faggot than I thought.

So you're a retard who is so delusional he just covers his eyes and ignores the evidence, alright.

English isn't your first language, is it? Please re-read the article.

No son, I think you're the retard here.
If the gameplay itself is shit in pre release it should be shat on lile it deserves.

Visuals mutate over time, this isnt your E3 announced consoleshit game.

shitlord pre-ordered. That's why you're butt hurt.
Did you go to gamestop for your exclusive pre-order DLC? I hope you bought Disc Insurance you massive faggot.


Theres no preorders avaiable and why would you buy a disc for a Steam key?
You obviously dont know what the fuck you're talking about.

Keep posting about how the visuals will be final thought.

Then what the fuck would you release bad footage for then?

Either the company is incompetent or malicious or both. Neither one bodes well for the product I WANT TO SPEND MONEY ON but am now cautious about BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING LYING.

Would you buy a fucking car that looks great in advertising videos but looks nothing alike when you're actually staring at it in person? FUCK YOU.

Also I'm not your "son", you shilling, two-bit toerag. I actually earn money and pay my own fucking bills so I DESERVE TO KNOW IF A COMPANY IS TRYING TO CONVINCE ME TO SPEND MONEY ON A FUCKING LIE.

They showed us the graphics, the graphics look like shit so we criticize the graphics.

Relic's last somewhat good game was Space Marine (5 years ago) and it wasn't an RTS.

The ONLY good thing we know about it so far is that it's going to be more like DoW1.

Man, I miss Chaos Gate

Here's a question:

Why is basing your opinions on released official media supposedly bad, but defending the game based on purely imaginary future changes and improvements fine?

You faggots are literally counter-arguing evidence by saying "YEAH WELL IN MY IMAGINARY FUTURE ALL THIS WILL BE FIXED SO THERE".

Ok wow you're even more stupid than I thought lol. Game will be 25% off in the first month. Sega does it all the time. Pessimism is always superior to Optimism. If they release something decent I'm sitting here going "hey I got a cool game to play and I was wrong.. who gives a shit"… whereas you on the other hand, game comes out, is totally shit.. you're about ready to kill yourself.

The only thing I stand to loose is being wrong
You however stand to loose a HELL of a lot more because of your stupid blind optimism.

Shields up boys! Don't let em get an inch.

To show a proof of product and to show the unit size
Plenty of games have done that.
Read my other posts you underage faggot, I never defended the gameplay aside from the cover system misinfo.

even that could be shit talk since their definition of "more like dow1" so far is that it has base building and larger armies and simplified cover

When did I imply I was buying the game?
Are do you have brain damage son?

I think it looks good. Not graphically impressive, but aesthetically pleasing (probably because I'm not a shi/tg/uy).

The comments about consolisation of the game is worrying, but its hard to judge at this point what it really results in.

Verdict: It might be great.

Don't let him get to you user. I recognize this guy. He wanders over from /tg/ and posts in 40k threads here like a pretentious twat who condescends constantly and feels the need to announce he is filtering when someone disagrees with him.

Do you eat less if your video game isn't defended from "the underage redditards"?

Well there are bases, so it might not be consolized.

Did you play DoW 1?

the fact that you're defending this shit. The only people that do that are either people invested in the product or are paid marketers…

you're either one or the other… so what is it shill fag.

So, for how long will Sega have you guys shil this time?

simplified compared to 2

Eh, it was alright. Goes to show you how far they've fallen if I used it as their last somewhat good game.



I'm personally betting on a console release either at launch or a little down the line.

Well, gee, don't let me stop you from losing weight. Keep going, I'm sure you'll convince someone.

When did I do that? When did I defend gameplay aside from the cover system?

All that accesibility talk is a big red flag and Relic and Segay should be shat on due to it.
Graphics and the cover system which is meh are nitpicks at best

So? DoW 2 was about small units and Heros.
This many units and its cover system would make the game a micromanagement nightmare.

The game might be shit, but it wont be this.

It's called IDs Redditor.

40k is the most shitlord mainstream IP there is by far

The dildo was bound to come for it eventually

Stop this meme please

And why would I want this?

Kill yourself fam.

why would I want to do that. Seeing you faggots suffer from frustration is what I live for.

Is this even surprising?
They're not even talking about the gameplay and they barely know anything about the first game.
"Accessibility" aka casualization and DLC whoring will make the game shit, not unfinished visuals and the cover system.

Oh look more shitposting


Underrated post right here.

lol we're now down to "No the game will be shit because of this. You're wrong because of your reason for saying the game is shit".

Lets look at it from this perspective.. The game will be shit for ALL of the reasons mentioned.

But everything they've said is massive redflags. And their track record is shit too. They'll never recapture the magic that was Winter Assault. When that expansion hit.. Holyshit was DOW1 amazing, but then I've always been biased for pew pew Imperial Guards and Plasma Rifle rushing.

Really a shame THQ had to die in the end, Their business model for DOW1 was fantastic.

What the fuck is with all these apologist redditors?

Oh, user.


Kill yourself fam

Believe whatever help you sleep better at night

You can still play it with a fix.
DO IT. It's still good.

You lack reading compehension

No, I'm just not an idiot that reads too much into things and considers fucking nothing to be "insourmountable evidence".
Hell, I bet you want it to suck, just so you can act smug.

And a lot of them will react completely the OPPOSITE (they will see monsters everywhere). Anyone with a lick of brain knows that.


By that logic, most WIP screenshots would never be released. You idiot.
Things like this are there to raise awareness.
To say "we're alive and working on it!"
Have you any idea how many people put out early, ugly screenshots and test builds?

Dude, shut up.


Get told what?
That games in alphas and betas are not the final product and that they can improve?

were crude and honest, not smart

Answer me this, dear redditor:


Stay triggered.
I won.

Don't show it then.

I have seen the future

Its finished now
"It looks like shit"

Why are people still saying things like "relic don't know what they are doing anymore"?

Relic aren't looking to make a good DOW game you retards, they are looking to make money. Sega is not looking to make a good DOW game, they are looking to make money.

If they can market their game to the most number of people; children, 40k obsessed neckbeards, RTS fans, normalfags, then that is how they will sell the most number of units.

Profit motive is what kills art, why would ot just be down to stupidity? Sega execs are rich as fuck.

Wow arent you a genius? This is literally what every company does, sometimes they make good games because good games sell.

You have to go back, fucking apologist

u did it champ

Game's gonna be more casual than coh2.

Yeah I'm a fucking genius except a shitload of people in this thread still can't figure out why companies make crap games and market them to a massive audience.

More often than not they make bad games, not because good games don't sell, but because good games appeal to niche audiences.


ITT: filthy secondaries who never played the tabletop game where colorful paint schemes are commonplace

I like the top image better

Did some Imperial Knights voluntarily joined the Blood Ravens or they have been "Gifted" to them

also I hope the Cast from DOW II and Chaos Rising

*Cast from DOW II and Chaos Rising are back