I'm loving the PS2 modding, but there's a bit of a pickle I'm finding myself in...

I'm loving the PS2 modding, but there's a bit of a pickle I'm finding myself in. The most up to date tutorials are relying on methods that are from software written in 2005, and have terrible compatibility. The tutorials available for more up to date solutions, like OPL and FMCB are full of broken links and garbage.

So, what the fuck is the deal? Why is the significantly less popular Xbox destroying the PS2 in the convenience of the modding scene, despite the PS2 tools being cheaper and more available?

Is there actually a good tutorial that fills you in on how to install OPL, Free McBoot, and any other essential applications?

Other urls found in this thread:


Doing this shit on Linux is fucking suffering.

Please help me.


you're really just better off not using linux if you want to actually do anything, man.


Here's what you do, OP. Find any of your old PS2 games you already bought and let your desktop's optical drive read them. if you find that one of the games uses an .ELF file, you can then follow the steps in this video's description to install FreeMcBoot. You're going to have to find some way to block the sensors on the PS2 slim or PS2 fat (Video shows what I believe is a drive key for the fat) in order to swap disks.

I got scammed with my modded ps2. it can read burned dvds but can't play games from a flash disc.

hdd loading.

what said, I used the demo disk that came with the PS2 to install mine, you might have that.

I'm at the point where I've successfully and comfortably figured it out, instead of swapping or screwing around with stuff like that, I managed to get the files onto a HDD and now use HDD loading.

I may not have free mcboot set up, but I've got a HDD I can transfer files to, and now I just want to get FTP working so I can manage my games from my PC, like I do with my Xbox and Wii.

I kind-of prefer to just run the PS2 standard, pop into the browser, then HDD, and select my hard drive loader. OPL is running tremendously, and I'm feeling more comfortable understanding how the PS2 homebrew software is designed.

But fuck whoever said that modding this console is easy. So many crashes, things that can go wrong while opening and closing the case, incompatible games, wrong md5 hashes, trying out hundreds of different app versions, compatibility modes - it's a nightmare.

Do yourself a favor and get the gameshark for the PS2 and a 2GB thumb drive. This is literally all you need, you just transfer the freemcboot files from the thumb drive to the ps2 memory card via the gameshark cd's built in file transfer thing.

What do you mean? The USB ports on the PS2 are 1.1, which means they can only process 12Mbps (i.e. slow as fuck). It's why any game With FMV cutscenes are choppy as fuck and lesser compatibility with games.

This, or loading games through your computer's hard disk have the data being processed over the network though an Ethernet cable. Speaking of Loading games through the network, has anyone got POPSLoader to work with OPL? I really want to try playing PS1 games without burning a disc and using PSXLoader.

Also, in case there are anons that don't know, OPL is still in active development

There's also POPStarter, which I believe is an interpreter for the PS2 that allows you to play PS1 games without burning a disc

Also, the latest version of FreeMcBoot for people that want to update

I have thought about doing it in a VM, but I firstly wouldn't know if it would work, or where to find a non-shit Windows install.

I just want it so I can:
-Boot games off the HDD using a loader (OPL is the best it seems, although not 100% perfect)
-Boot the games that don't work off of DVDs, to minimize DVD usage and prolong the life of the drive
-FTP games to the system from my PC

that's all

Here, use this guide

I only have a slim, but I found this Video tutorial.

To any anons that want to play games out of region you're going to have to burn the disc, find the Swap Magic CD & DVD .ELF Files (Swap Magic DVD for DVD games, Swap Magic CD for CD games), and configure FreeMcBoot to not Immediately boot straight to the game when you have it in the drive on startup. You Put any PS2 game in the PS2, load up the respective Swapmagic ELF file (SwapMagic DVD only works with PS2 DVD discs and SwapMagic CD with PS2 CD discs), swap to the desired out-of-region game and select the 'special' option. pick whatever video mode that you believe would make the picture better. I just choose default.

Vid unrelated

or just HDload it and use GSM switcher to force NTSC through OPL.

Much easier.

I should probably think about getting one, But Everying's good right now with setting up a shared folder for OPL. All I need to figure out now is configure POPStarter though the network and I'll be pretty much golden.

you should get a fat, slims are pretty shit.

For a non-shit Windows get an XP or PoS2009 ISO. There are precracked ones from pirate sites, and you can disable Internet access in virtualbox so Chinese botnet isn't a concern. Windows 7 might work as well but good luck finding a version of Windows Loader that isn't botnetty, because the original dev took it down.
Install it in Virtualbox, install the Vbox guest additions, add your user to the vboxusers group in Linux and reboot. When you log in everything should just werk. I haven't done a PS2 like this, but I needed virtualbox to make a USB stick with the Xbox's Splinter Cell exploit. Adding yourself to vboxusers lets you use USB from your virtual machine, at least in Ubuntu and it's derivatives.
If you need FTP use Filezilla in Linux. You don't need Windows for that.

You could invest in a fat BC PS3. Modding it and downgrading it is very easy. Then its drag and drop or FTP and you're set. You can play both from an external or internal USB and you also get access to PS1 and PS3 titles. Plus everything is well documented unlike the PS2.

Since when was downgrading ps3s easy? Last time i checked, you needed to buy a bunch of extra shit and open up the ps3.

I will try hooking my PS2 up with an ethernet cable and use HDL Dump Helper, if that doesn't work, I will try this.


fug, how?

for what purpose

Fat ps3 ylod like crazy, and when you buy second hand you don't know how much time it has left.

What's the difference?

Any specific torrents you would suggest for an XP install?

The framerate.

PAL is capped at 50FPS.

It hasn't changed because it doesn't need to, Its super easy to do, i modded my own ps2 in less than 20 min after i found out i could use my Swap Magic DVD or CD to hack it and that includes the time i spent reading the tutorials.

Oh and i used the links in the freemc boot page and they still work at least up to last november when i downloaded the files again because i lost them on a hard drive fission

Language reasons?

I'm starting to understand why some people burn down orphanages.

HDD OSD installs OPL and HDL straight to the hard drive, no FCMB needed