Great vidya OST thread?
Great vidya OST thread.
Great vidya OST thread?
Great vidya OST thread.
Anything from mgs2 tbh fam
God dammit those feels at the end of DaS3.
Xenogears time.
here's one you probably don't see often
Klepacki is a genius
nor this one
>entire Payday 2 soundtrack.wav
I wonder why Sega never bothered to put this as the intro song with Yakuza 3, I think they stopped doing it after Yakuza 2 for some reason. Instead they put the track "Fly" in place for the US intro, which just isn't the same.
I've never heard this version of the song. How groovy.
Why do I never recognise the games posted in ost threads
do I have to?
It means you're a huge weaboo
How are soundtracks that change between two tracks depending on context called? Like in the fire emblems
I beat it today.
Good stuff.
what a waste of trips
Mah nigga
I fucking love this one, you can feel every single emotion that snek felt while listening to eva's confession
my favorite song on any OST
I'm still mad about the Poseidon fight in golden sun 2.
I could never figure out where to find the trident so I gave up
My roommates who just skipped to DS3 had no idea what the last boss fight meant.
You don't know Streets of Rage, Spyro, Vib-Ribbon, Yakuza, or fucking Bomberman?
That's fine, even if they played the entire series they'd still be the same fucking way. Retards don't pay any fucking attention to what the characters actually say or keep track of names/lore, they expect the game to hold their hand through all that shit too.
Yakuza I can get because it's not well known in general, but not recognizing Turok or Bomberman is a pretty big deal. He still should look into emulating them.
No FFT either.
user, you need an infusion of gud games, stat.