(((The Nation))): With the help of Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump will make America white again.

How Donald Trump Will Make America White Again - His plan for fixing the legal immigration system is simple and disturbing: Bring back 1890.

These policies had their intended effect: a precipitous drop in the nation’s foreign-born population, from a high of 14.8 percent in the 1890s to its lowest level on record—less than 5 percent—in 1970. These pre-1890/post-1920s levels are presumably the “historical norms” to which Trump was referring on the campaign trail. In short, he was pledging to halt the demographic trajectory that the country has been on since the 1970s. In 2013, 13 percent of the US population was foreign-born. Current projections suggest that by 2065, nearly one in five people in the United States will have been born outside the country.

Trump’s reference to “historical norms” is a phrase that ought to worry many. But slowing this trend will require Trump to do more than simply deport people who are here without authorization: It will mean slashing the numbers of those who immigrate legally as well. As it stands, there are two main avenues by which people can apply to become US residents. The first is through family: reunifying with family members who are US citizens already living in the country. The second is through “merit”: by happening to have the education and skills deemed attractive by US employers. After the election, Trump again stressed which of the two groups he’d prefer the legal-immigration 
system to serve. “We’re going to have people coming in,” he told Time (in the same issue that anointed him “Person of the Year“), “but we’re also going to have them coming in based to a certain extent on merit.” That would mean inverting the current legal-immigration system. !!!!!The immediate relatives of US citizens made up 41 percent of the roughly 1 million green cards issued in 2014.!!!! Those who came based on employer preferences? Just 15 percent of the total.



Other urls found in this thread:



> theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/01/thoughts-from-the-daughter-of-a-chinese-mother/69286/

Chink immigrant's daughter pouting because no more chink immigrants, and I doubt a single mention in the article.

I sure fucking hope so.

1000 year American Reich.

Holla Forums has gone to shit


The fuck is wrong with you.

But White ethnic genocide isn't real.

Reported. Is this the best you shills can offer?

Ever heard of sarcasm?

Memeing irresponsibly there, Gerry. You probably want to be careful with appeals to tradition given the American love of whipping commies with log chains

As if the current flooding of the country with millions of shitskins doesn't crush wages, bankrupt municipalities/States and as an added bonus drives Whites out of existence.

Holy shit nigger, can you read?


Although this is the true believer commies at The Nation writing this crap, the establishment is obviously fully on board with it. The big media outlets are only slightly more deft in articulating their desire to make it permanent.

Wanna put odds on that now, Ezekiel?

That's not a good enough reason by itself?

It was obvious sarcasm, though. The quote is acknowledging that whites are being overrun, the end result of which, as any Holla Forumslack knows, is genocide.

Oh, I see. You're just pretending to be retarded.

4th most autistic post on Holla Forums. Well done, Aspie.

Oy vey, we cannot let the goyim try to reverse their genocide, it's like I already feel the ovens heating up!

One more comment.

And there you have it. They consider the 1965 Immigration Act and every adjunct immigration law since then to be inviolable. If you think simply enforcing the current immigration rules on the books has gotten them assmad, just wait until bulldoze the 1965 Act into the Potomac. At least if we can get the Republicuck wing to pull their heads out of their asses.

Please hurry Mr.Trump and AG Sessions. We're fucking dying down here in the border states.


It was D&C shilling. There's a great deal of it. Their shills wouldn't do any good attacking Trump here, so they try something else. "The cancer that is killing Holla Forums" as it were. Probably Jews. Maybe SJWs. Could be both.

Yes, not breeding white people out is very disturbing. Fuck these kikes.


Everytime they post that pic, post this. It's not an edit.

No. YOU are the cancer killing Holla Forums.

You are from cuckchan.

Go home, cuckchan filth.

Pretty sure he was brainwashed by some evil tyrant like Trump. It's a leftist attempt at allegory you see.

Styx put out a pretty good video on this the other day.

No this was during the SJW arc where they were replacing all the old guard with new fat nigger bulldyke jews instead of the all white cast it was forever. New cap was a nigger IIRC.

"Cool, here's the laws they originally wrote an-"
>"None of that anti-semitic, racist, xenophobic stuff though goyim."

These kikes really do irk me.


hi styx

Was that the arc with unintentional redpills from the "villains"?

The way I see it, we have three issues to deal with on immigration:
Illegal Entry
This is both the easiest and the hardest problem to solve. On the one hand, it's typically covert and secretive. Stopping people from moving across lines in the desert is hard to do when millions of attempts are made each year. On the other hand, it's really easy to motivate the public on this front. Nobody who matters wants people in the country whose first acts as "Americans" is to break the law. Deportation is totally an option here as long as the president isn't a pozzed faggot.

Legal Entry
This is a political battle, but the political will is there. Do what the (OP) article is worrying over – roll back the '65 act and impose strict quotas. Basically take infinity from white countries, zero from everywhere else, and hire right-thinking agents to make the on-the-spot decisions (think paper-bag test).

Born Here
This is a tough nut, but we'd better get cracking. Spics who were born here have as much legal right to stay as normal people, and thanks to half a century of public Judaism, the normies think it's just fine. Unfortunately, this is where the demographic holocaust is happening, what with beaner birth rates. We have to barge into their schools with lots of abstinence+free IUDs+subsidized abortions/Catholic adoptions that just happen to always place the babies with nice Mexican families in Mexico.

As for limiting the ones who are bound and determined to shit up our nice country, and whom we can't find a plausible excuse to deport, we might have to bite the bullet of assimilation, fam. Plenty of Hispanics are racially white, they're just culturally and ethnically inferior. Make it embarrassing to be a spic, and the Louis CK types will magically become Irish. Enforce English-only with a violent passion. The majority already supports this; only a handful of retarded SJWs think it's a good idea to have people in one country speaking a bunch of languages. So that's a start. Cut welfare and food stamps, housing aid, the lot.

Demographics are no more merciful than mudslides, fam. We must close our hearts to pity and act brutally, or else the future will be tacofied at levels that shouldn't be possible.

Possibly, I don't read comics so I don't know the whole thing. It definitely happened very close together though.

No its actual with you.

Trump could be the person that advances demography into the public consciousness. If he alludes to the Nation Origins Formula – even in a Twitter shitpost – everything changes forever.

Whatever you say, Chaim.

I love this timeline.

I hope you cuckchan migrants really take it to heart that this isn't cuckchan, and your version of """"contributing"""" is little more than noise

Even if there is something of use, the walls of text are an immediate filter. You're as useless as the no-context faggots.

Well, a bunch of anonymous shitposters on an Atlantean radio relay meme'd a man into the highest political office in the country, and some would argue the world. Is it really so surprising that this same man could shitpost in turn and better the nation and/or world

There are really too many of them , its is the same wave of redditors that were moving to cuckchan Holla Forums getting caught in GG, and are now posting on 8/pol/ I don't think that there is a possibility of changing the culture back, because of how many of them there are.

It's not the greatest OP in terms of how the formatting made it through the posting - in addition to no commentary from the OP.

But it is a real article on the current immigration situation from the perspective of old guard commies. It's about a two minute read tops. Is it really that difficult?

Just call it out. I have been every time.

Don't want to be a wet blanket, but nothing short of forcible, corrective removal of non-Whites – including those with citizenship and who were born here, even if they have valuable employment skills – will be sufficient.

I'm not holding my breath for any of that from guys like Trump or Sessions. They will be satisfied with simply slowing it down.

That really isn't too farfetched even with a Trump presidency (at least with my pessimistic views of the potential of his administration). I think if this ever did happen it would force an awakening into our people like none of our current propaganda ever could. Obviously it would be terrible, but I couldn't think of anything else that would force us to wake up like learning we are now a minority in the country our ancestors created.

It would be possible to adopt a series of policies which encourage folks in the "born here" category to willingly emigrate.

I wanted Reinhard Heydrich cloned and installed as Attorney General but we'll have to settle with Sessions. We're miles ahead of where we were prior to January 20th but still have a long slog ahead.

I want to add that at that point I think it would still be possible to make a comeback, but obviously it would be a lot more work at that point than if we rose up and began the mass deportations/exterminations tomorrow.

I like how they say "undocumented immigrants" instead of what they really are, here illegally and they have to go back.

This is literally the only thing I ever wanted that badly in life. A good family in a good country.

I'm fucking hard as hell.

sounds like a plan

Sadly, it won't work.
Germany & England are all Mudslimes & dot-heads now.

Dubs confirm, extreme vetting will be required.

Styx is a sheltered basic bitch libertarian who doesn't do nearly enough homework before opining on anything. Good on him though for making a living through patreon shekels and his novella occult whathaveyou.

Which is why he has his goons spam his bullshit vids on every imageboard and alternative forums in order to increase his view count.

styx is redpilled on jews, his channel is blocked in israel and germany

The EU and the UK are the only countries that have a chance of staying majority white you nonce. None of them are sub 70% white.

I've been thinking about that very thing. What if we had a JobCorps-style program, crossed with the Peace Corps, that connected nonwhites with either cushy jobs or free gibs overseas (say, in Liberia or Sierra Leone), on the condition that they take out citizenship there?

It would work like this:
Step 1: Set up a foreign holding corporation as an "employment agency," and also use an IMF loan to bribe General Nigger Dictator of Blackistan to start up a "fetching home" operation that promises a free luxury home, no-strings-attached stipend, and cheap groceries to our native unemployables.
Step 2: Aggressively market in Spanish and Ebonics to sweep up the dross of our society. The honest ones will sign up with the "employment agency," while the laziest ones will take the "fetching home" giveaways from Liberia and Guatemala. The only condition is that they have to sign papers to take citizenship in their new countries, even if they only plan to be there for a short time – legal technicalities, dontcha know.
Step 3: Actually come through with the jobs and gibs at first. Whatever it costs to pay a few million niggers to buy menthols and 40-ounces for a year or two is peanuts next to what we'll start saving on court fees and criminal justice later on. The high standard of living will draw out ever more of our native losers. Let the wastrel NEET whites go too – they're also a drain.
Step 4: Declare Liberia and Guatemala "enemies" and revoke the citizenship of the "traitors" who gave aid and comfort to them by joining these programs. Close the employment agency, call in the IMF loans, laugh like motherfuckers when the inevitable Gibs Wars start.

Boom! America gets to be 90% white again in just five years. Cost: Maybe $10-50 billion, or roughly equal to the amount of enemy property we seize from Microsoft and Google in the antitrust actions. We might even turn a profit if those loans ever get paid.

What does Holla Forums think? Workable?

Heil our God Emporer!

Proudly Reported + Filitered.

How is Pepe wearing a maga hat "cuckchan pepe"? I can't wrap my head around this.

Can't see your post cuckchanner.
You have to go back

WTF? I'm Holla Forumsack, I want to have ranch, 12 white kids and I love funs and hate communism. Meanwhile skandinavians and german are top cucks, and anglos are, basicly eternal anglos.

Shills are attempting to derail threads and D&C by calling everyone a cuckchanner.

Kill yourself faggot,these cuckchanners have recently flooded this board because of HWNDU.i and others won't stop calling them out until they are finaly rooted out.
You can thank me later.


You're probably the same faggot. Assimilate or get your throat slit cuckchan.

Hello, 47c938



I tried not to celebrate and meme too hard until he was actually confirmed, because I know little movements make big ripples in the pond sometimes, but now that he is officially in.. everyone needs to read pic related. Easily as big of a win getting him as AG as it was to get Trump in as president in the first place, I cant wait for this guy to ream the Baltimore niggers and BLM apes assholes out with the legal system, backed up by the general in command of military defense. Snipers at BLM rallies? I dont think so. Waste them all.

Replace the Samuel L Dindu with Mattis.

Reported for cuckchan

Implying that's a bad thing…


Sounds like it could work. Tricking niggers into self-deporting back to Apefrica.

This commie faggot may well be right. When I first heard
I was hoping for the same thing. He clearly fails to understand that he's only helping to meme it into reality by spreading the idea at all.

No, you're clearly the retarded one here.That was extremely obvious sarcasm and you were too autistic to pick up on it. What a waste of dubs.

You've already been found out, just stop. All you are doing is D&C. It's irrelevant whether or not it's intentional at this point. If you aren't a faggot shill then stop acting like one.

I think about this a lot. It's sad how little people understand about our founding fathers' vision for this country. It truly was the greatest country on earth until kikes got involved. This is why MAGA is so powerful and necessarily divisive. It's a dogwhistle in an of itself, and one that you can't argue with without exposing yourself as an un-American marxist faggot.
Thank for for having the decency to spoiler that fucking nightmare fuel. One topic though, I like the way you think. We haven't had enough realistic problem-solving discussions on Holla Forums lately with all the new traffic.

Illegal entry I think Trump is already determined to take care of which will be a great start. I think our options for solutions to the born here problem will be largely dependent upon how we first handle the legal entry problem. If Trump's comments really are alluding to repealing the immigration act of 65 and returning to something like the national origins formula a man can dream then we could set there too. Hell, if that happens, the overton window will be unrecognizable compared to our current situation, and will have more momentum than most would be able to understand. Between that, this redpilled new generation starting to vote soon, the death of the modern left, and the new demographics, we would be set.

Now as for the third I suspect most did a TLDR on your post or most the autists would have flipped shit at your suggesting we may have to absorb some spics. This might not be all that bad, depending on how it plays out. Hear me out. We are going to see 10s of millions of illegal Mexicans deported over the next few years, and we're going to see Mexico forced to pay for a wall that will likely destroy its economy and throw it into a civil war. Mexicans and leftists are getting increasingly violent and uppity every day. See where I'm going with this? There is a good chance they are going to get themselves purged. I am not joking in the slightest. The rate at which things are escalating I'd bet it's more likely than not at this point, it's just a matter of time. Once things calm down we wound be looking at absorbing 17-25%. Remember most will have already been deported. Most of what remains will have been purged. We'd be looking at maybe a 5% spic population, and they'd be more of the mostly-white and well behaved spics at that. And we don't exactly have to 'absorb' them, not really. Culture will have changed by then. No one will want to have a fucking thing to do with Mexicans anymore. They'll be mostly self-hating half and quarter tacos who will self segregate and we'll strongly discourage them from having children. I think it will work out.

True, but so is:

Things aren't always back and white. He's not exactly /ourguy/ but he can still be a useful idiot for us from time to time.

Definitely worth exploring. America is too pozzed to accept anything too overtly racist, which is why this is exactly the kind of thinking we need 'right now'. First we drastically cutback all gibs. Then, when they're desperate, we kick this off. Throw in some clever marketing/PR to make it look like it's some sort of minority outreach program designed to help people of color connect with their cultures to help further minimize any serious public pushback and this could actually work. As far as money goes, it's a complete non-issue. It could cost us another trillion and it would still be a net gain in the long run.


Too long,didn't read :^)

Hi Styx. What's it like being a male Gretchen Grundler?

Your windmill of fire doesn't even rotate the correct way.

Sessions is so based that he thinks the KKK is degenerate.

Not to drug dealers, pimps, and the corporate jews who depend on a low minimum slave wage.

One day I think it would be fun to enter a liberal's home who supports open borders. I'll just start eating their food, watching their TV, etc. And they'll come back and tell you to get out of their house and I'm breaking the law by being in their house. Then I'll tell them no one is illegal and walls are racist.



their population spread is more boomers than brats. Their youth will be minoritized. In Sweden the gender ratio between men and women is now in the favor of men. Even if they were Europeans, this imbalance is volatile.

Reminder: Shills like this are trying to divide us and punch right.

tip top lel
The opposition seem to be taking the stance that the reason Trump's "Muslim ban" is illegal is that the use of a power given to him by the unamended Constitution violates a law passed by Congress. The 9th Circuit just shot their whole movement in the face.

user stop I can only get so erect

We either put policies in place now to curtail this while we have some semblance of political power, or we get what we deserve for standing idle. It's now or never, we're not digging ourselves out of that hole as a minority by that point.

The best part and worst part about Gorsuch is he's a textualist. This means, he'll read the law as is, and not apply current times or context of the creators of the law to it. He will simply go exactly to the letter of the law and nothing else matters. The bad part of this is he won't then look at what the writers of the 14th amendment said about foreigners having babies here becoming citizens. They laughed at the idea that they'd even need to clarify such a thing legally because it was obvious to any country that wanted to remain a country. Gorsuch won't look at those writings. In the end, I think his brand of textualism is much more to our benefit than not though.

Dick, go home, you're drunk.

I don't particularly have a problem with non-white people coming here, but I think the National Origins system would be best as well.

What's up with all the crackhead shills today?

I didn't say it shouldn't be mostly white, faggot. It should also be enforced. But it's retarded to want only white people to be in this country ever.

*A white majority should be enforced, that is.


Too many of our people have been subverted. By raw numbers, we probably have more whites pushing for white genocide than kikes and shitskins.

It just means that we should overhaul our laws after overhauling the tax code.
Taxes get reduced to one page, why not reduce our federal laws to 25?

What about Australia

Proper border controls fix the demographics. >11 million illegals out and all of a sudden demographics shift massively as their cousins self-deport, this then affects the elections as well.

Not in 10 years unless things change drastically. Nobody's having kids. Things need to change HARD within the next two years for us to have a fighting chance demographically. Trump was last second last ditch effort, without him we'd be irreparably fucked.

We've got 50 years of immigration fuckery to clean up and that starts with understanding that casual acceptance of non-White immigration is a non-starter. Not asking much is it?

Why? Letting nonwhites live here has already caused enough problems.

That's not true. ~10% of the US population is here illegally but 40% of the legal population have to be removed.

Ask people why enforcing strict demographic homogeneity is not considered racist for the Chinese or Japanese but whites are considered monsters for even suggesting it.

This will make them think, most of them have never even considered that.>>9220441

Shoo shoo, Shillberg.

Fuck off



No comments on the OP?

Oh and is it not racist to have an immigration system that explicitly minimizes the white population? What the literal fuck is wrong with these people?

The problem is they actually believe this shit.

Whoa there, race isn't real. The "white" "race" was invented in the 1600s as a tool to oppress people from non-Northwestern European cultures. Destroying the social construct of the white race will destroy the social construct of race and free the world from racism, an irrational/classist/capitalist hatred taught to useful idiots based on an arbitrary set of physical features.



There is an archive link

You aren't entirely wrong but, what matters here is that genetic differences have a huge impact on how people behave. If you want to live in a north European style high trust society then you need genetic north Europeans in your society. If you don't want to live like the middle east or Africa then you don't want genetic people from the middle east or Africa in your society.

America worked as a nation of mostly north west Germanic then later Celtic and Mediterranean with a few Slavic immigrants because they were genetically similar enough to assimilate over several generations to a dominant English culture. There were still problems and crime and violence of course but, it was no where near as bad as the modern immigrants who are so far genetically distant that we and they can never peacefully live near each other. The only way for the White race to exist is if you are referring to Caucasoids or more specifically non-semitic caucasoids and even then there is a huge difference between Chechens and Armenians compared to Scots and Swedes which many would not consider the Chechens or Armenians "White" even though they would be non semitic caucasoids. Many problems if you actually try to say "The White Race exists"


Or maybe even more specifically Non Semitic Caucasoids who's ancestral lands are Europe. That gets rid of the Chechen and Armenian problem and other non Semitic Caucasoids who live in the middle east who have dark skin. Even then its just a general use identifier.

The most pessimist views put it at 2017 though that was before Trump

Chechens lost the ability to call themselves white as soon as they adapted Islam and developed a nigger-tier culture.

The problem of marginal cases in differentiating races is also seen between species and breeds of other organisms, and between cultures, and between languages. The only problem with defining a white race is that so many people have been taught it's impossible to define. But it's pretty easy to spot with genetic mapping.

At least they gave up the pretension that immigrants "help the economy". Weird how libertarians never called using foreign workers or investors to buy up franchises for what it was, the broken window fallacy.


I'm feeling a bit insulted tbh

2017 was never going to be the year the white pop dipped below 50%, not even with Hillary winning. You can't import that many people that fast.

I sure hope so.

I mean, he's not wrong. I've got Italian heritage, and I still see a certain chaos in my family members' memeosphere. Sometimes it's tiring, sometimes its vivacious and appealing. But it's there. It doesn't take much imagination to see how it'd turn to disruptiveness.

Literally nothing wrong with being Italian. I'm part Italian and my DNA tests don't even score me with any Italian DNA. And my great-grandfathers family litrally came from Italy. I'm apparently 51% North European and 21% North Slavic, 8% Balkan Hungarian, and then like 3% Aryan I couldn't remember the rest, probably unassigned. And I look like a wop too so it's not like I don't have his blood.


Apples came from Chyna. Just sayin.

No, we won't.

No, they aren't.

No, we want them to be as obvious and obnoxious as possible. We want to root them out and expel them.

The 14th reads "subject to the jurisdiction thereof [i.e. the United States]." Birthright citizenship rests on how that phrase is interpreted; whether it means rationally that it refers only to citizens, as it was interpreted for a century, or whether it means anyone who steps foot in US territory. I honestly don't think it would be too hard to declare birthright citizenship to be retroactively unconstitutional. Considering the "letter of the law" to be open to either position, I'd say the fact that the 14th was never interpreted give birthright citizenship until the '80s/'90s and the fact that that SCOTUS ruling overruled two previous rulings finding the exact opposite makes birthright citizenship the weaker position. I just hope that it is retroactively struck down as unconstitutional and not merely struck down so we can strip anyone unlawfully holding US citizenship merely by virtue of having been born in US territory.

Frankly all US laws need to be burned so we can start from scratch.

Why is nonwhites existing a desirable or even acceptable situation?

Italians are white, but that doesn't mean they're needed in the US. The US was and needs to be an explicitly Anglo-Saxon nation.

You better not kick me out motherfucker

I'm German, Polish and Italian so shit nigger I'm not going anywere. I kind of count maybe.

You have to go back.
then we will trash both the UK and the USA together to get rid of the Anglo menace. Then you can live in the US.

I think it's a little late for anglo purity.

At this point I really don't think that's possible or worthwhile. It is merely future immigration that will have to be managed; I'm starting to agree with the arguments that the US should shut down immigration entirely. We don't need immigration anymore; I find myself doubtful it was ever needed. I'm also starting to find the argument that American tolerance for big government and a shift away from the spirit of the Founders was due to non-British immigration somewhat convincing, but not wholly. I suppose we'll see in the future what sort of government post-Reconquista America has and whether it is of the same Anglo-Saxon character.

On the plus side, since I advocate a long-term policy of nonwhite marginalization, minimization, and reduction, there will be plenty of land throughout the world to be settled by non-Anglo-Saxon whites.

How do you feel about being a pioneer?

Nice bait.

Not sure if sarcastic. A-alright I guess.my dad was also Anglo but I don't even know him so forgit

Not sarcastic. I'm just thinking worst case scenario you would be given new lands to conquer throughout the Americas, which personally I don't think would be so bad (I'd be up for it) and I thought I'd ask.

Don't look down upon yourself.

Around anglos never relax

Don't use the same arguments as Jews. Just as I support Italians remaining Italian and the British remaining British, I support the US retaining its own ethnic character, which should be overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon, although I suppose nowadays we'd have to accept large amounts of German, Polish, and Irish admixture. Such is history.

all the ways the state is allowed to lawfully make America less non-white is good for white birth rates. Fewer immigrants reduce cost of livings, raises wages employment, combine with natalist tax incentives only people that plan ahead (whites) respond to

Without neutralizing the (((Deep State))), Trump will achieve nothing.

So far, he just licked their asshole, pretty much the opposite.


Definitely not a nigger. Nope. No niggers here, ah reckon!

We could retroactively remove all their citizenships and their childrens too.


"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you, should've waited for Hitler, POL HAS GONE TO SHIT ELECTING DRUMPF A JEW PUPPET XD" -JIDF, six million seconds before Israel was nuked to glass

you know he was being sarcastic right nigger?

he's entirely wrong

Oh, well – why didn't you quote MLP earlier? All that success he had in unpozzing America can't be argued with. Just look at how effective he and the other skinheads were at cleansing our country and ensuring a future for white children!

I respect and admire the words of Dr. Pierce. I think he saw more clearly than most, and someday an eternal flame will commemorate his efforts. His excellent talks are also practically a redpill pharmacy.

But don't confuse his realism on race and his clarity on the Jews with effective politics. He was too idealistic – and given his age, maybe desperate – to know the way forward to actually getting what we want. The way is not to put boot-clad ruffians in the streets or to publicly jerk off over terrorist atrocities, but to point straight at the shits and explain to perfectly normal people that blacks cannot be better than they are now. Convince white voters that mestizos have a genetic problem that makes them halftarded at best.

The Constitution is a perfectly capable document. Wherever it isn't, such as the whole birthright citizenship thing, it can be fixed. The idea that whites need to cut down all the laws in England*, as it were, as if the United States was Haiti and in need of a coup, is absurd and borderline crimethink. We're white; we can talk through our issues. Niggers and spics are an issue. The approach will be carried out within the law and carry the full force of society with it.

If Pierce had seen this, or if he had been able to believe that America wasn't past the point of redemption, he might have gotten something done in his lifetime.

* Look it up, nigger.

Did you know that Charles noted in his writings that his mind was beginning to change, unvoluntarily. After his autopsy, the pathologist discovered a brain tumor.

He created the largest and most influential organization in the world combating white genocide, exposing the jewish global agenda and creating a group in the mountains with the intent of being a breeding colony to replace our numbers. He died young. Since his death, his organization was mismanaged, but you wouldnt know anything about that being a TRS faggot shill whos only listened to a couple broadcasts. It now has 1/10th the membership, and has switched leaders to someone who is running it reasonably.. but none of that is WLPs fault, and your likening him to skinheads is just ridiculous, amazingly ignorant. Im reporting you, youre not one of us.

Vote. Your answer is vote. White children under 5 are the minority in America, as of 2014, which means they are 8 now, which means they vote in 10 years, and at that point not only will whites be the absolute minority, but they will still be split. Youre going to vote us right into fucking South Africa, people like you need a flaming tire around your neck, because thats what youre asking for by saying vote. You dont respect WLP, you dont even know the man. He called skinheads defective.

Now the more initiated TRS shill will read a bit further and see that he spoke out against things like walking around in SS uniforms, goose stepping and heiling eachother… and then they will go and make a blog, like the one I read yesterday "enochwasright" that pointed this out, saying clearly the 8/pol/ stormfags are degenerate scum WLP wouldnt support.

Meanwhile, said more initiated TRS dummy is still nearly as dumb as the rest, and fails to read into the fact that WLP had his own National Socialist magazine, which he worked together with George Lincoln Rockwell on, called "NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD"

Youre not one of us, you dont understand WLP, you dont understand what it takes, you are a coward - and you belong somewhere more like cuckchan, where you can find good company complaining about the black people Dylann Roof shot, and what will the jewish media say about this!

His books were also the inspiration to thousands, it is considered the "white nationalist bible" - the turner diaries. Mcveigh is regarded as being inspired to hit the FBI building because of it, despite the differences like him using a different type of bomb… and Bob Mathews, another person youve never heard of, started an actual order, robbed armored trucks for millions of dollars, assassinated a jewish race baiter named Alan Berg who taunted white people about how they are afraid of blacks, and how white women fantasize about niggers.. and it even spawned a movie by oliver stone.

this is kind of weird
i literally JUST wrote a short paper on the 1920s immigration laws for my college (((history))) class
i know many of you were content to just get rid of the 1965 law, but reinstatement of this series of 1920s laws is literally the best possible scenario we could have other than RWDS
non-white immigration was almost non-existent after this law was passed.

Your days are fucking number meds and slavs

It continues to amaze me, from my coddled modern viewpoint, how openly militant and aggressive white nationalism and natsocs were in the 70's. I'm surprised you don't hear more about things like the Order on Holla Forums.

Notice how the article writer never uses the word 'illegal'.

Holy fuck my sides are in detention

Pic related, one of the best money I ever spent. Worth grabbing in physical form, I highlighted the shit out of mine… all sorts of great information.

People who know about Mathews should meme him into greater recognition, hes an inspirational figure, the type of guy who sees a problem and fixes it himself.

Stone cold
This guy really took the ironpill

all you have to do is convince them to go to make africa great again.

I'm sure the dozen of >100 IQ negros along with all the others can bring civilization to Africa, or else they're afrophobic pieces of shit.

On December 7th, the FBI had the whidbey Island house surrounded.They'd caught up with Bob again. He was alone in the house. This time they were going to be sure he didn't get away.One hundred agents surrounded the house. They cut off his electricity. They attempted to negotiate through a bullhorn- "Come out and we won't harm you."

He wasnt coming out of there. His hand mangled and throbbing(took a buckshot to the hand days before), he opened fire with an automatic weapon.
The standoff went on through the night and into the next day. By this time, the press had converged on the site. The FBI lofted in tear gas. Bob must have had a gas mask. He continued to fire- da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da.
They issued an ultimatum-"Give up or we're coming in to get you."
More automatic weapon fire from Bob.
At 3:00pm. on that day, December 8th, a SWAT team went into the house. When they got inside, bullets rained down on them through the ceiling from the floor above. The SWAT team returned fire as they retreated.
Later that evening, after it had gotten dark, a helicopter flew over the house and dropped white phosphorus illumination flares onto the roof.The house ignited, and flames shot one hundred feet into the air. Bullets came ripping through the walls from inside the burning house- Bob was still firing away! The agents kept down as the slugs whistled through the night air and split the trees above them.
Then everything was still
The next morning, in the charred ruins of the house they found a body burned beyond recognition. Dental records determined it to be that of Bob Mathews.

Vid related is Bobs famous speech.

As for more on WLP about his opinions regarding National Socialism, there is video related, where he describes a back and forth with George Lincoln Rockwell about the medium detracting from the message, the brownshirts with Nazi armbands part, not the actual ideology part. Rockwell replies that when he puts on a business suit, and cuts out the theatrics.. no one pays attention, he gets no press, and no one hears what he even said. He puts out a press release and no one cared etc.

He didnt appreciate "germanophilia" but he was not anti-national socialist. "Everything in moderation" would probably do justice to his viewpoint.

williamlutherpierce.flawlesslogic .com/thoughts-on-recruiting-part-two/

www.counter-currents .com/2012/07/i-remember-dr-pierce/

Both those links also have more of his views on National Socialism. He wasnt against it, but he wasnt for scaring people off with needless theatrics - at least in his organization, at that time. National Socialism as a concept was absolutely fine with him, the only issue he took was with the skinhead types, who took the jewish smear that was put onto any white man who wanted to have white children - and adopted it as if it was a good thing. Putting cigarettes out in babies eyes or whatever, being "brutal" because its cool, or fun. That type of thing disgusted him.

america doesnt owe them anything. if anything, they owe america. i'm sure most of us would be fine with them simply leaving peacefully and never coming back, and that would be the end of it, but of course white generosity is always taken advantage of and abused

Also thats part 1 of 7 I believe, Rockwells speech starts in the second clip. Amazing speech on its own, well worth the listen. Has a couple people giving golfclaps at the start, and by the end the crowd is yelling in unison "SHUT UP" at the jews heckling Rockwell, and begging him to keep speaking.

He is Valhalla now.

Where did you read that?


I'm Celtic, born and raised in a historically Confederate state which my grandfathers fought for, and for which the South has a historically Celtic culture. What do?
Not saying I disagree with you. Your statement holds a moral value which the Founding Fathers established in their literature.

I wasn't implying any of that.

We gave them jobs, education, security and healthcare, an insignificant fraction of them used those as intended and we gained nothing; the rest abused those and we lost an ever increasing amount of resources.

The government funding directed towards helping the working nigs stay the same shouldn't have been used at all, or directed towards improving whites; welfare sent to enable the dindus' lifestyle instead of letting natural selection do it's job woulda been great at uplifting the poorest whites.

Giving niggers the ability to vote was a mistake as you now have to cater to the needs of these pseudohuman zerglings whose vote's worth the same as a white man or woman.

Convincing them to self deport through propaganda is the nicest idea I can think of regarding these subhumans.

Styx is the most basic bitch shekel begger on youtube.

You wrote all that to say you're not a Holla Forumsack and disagree with what this board is about, what a waste of your time.

Clearly you havent been around long enough to know suggesting that gassing kikes is a joke is enough to get you banned here. The "muh PR" stuff alone shows youre D&Cing and in the way.

That alone shows complete ignorance, and is the total opposite of what happened. He had plenty of highly influential people, and went after the winners. You didnt even watch the first 10 minute clip of his back and forth with GLR. GLR went after losers, because he argued they are the ones who are available, and willing to make a difference, to put their lives on the line, who arent afraid of losing what they have… WLP went after doctors, scientists, donors with lots of money. He made plenty of change, your whole argument is "WLP is ZOG" tier garbage.


Thanks mods. These kiddos who bitch about you have their heads up their asses, you prevent this place from turning into cuckchan.


The EU isn't a country.

topkek m8

hope this means it will be easier to come in and get a job as a leaf with an accounting degree.

from what I know the big problem right now is the huge burden put on a sponsoring employer.

It's painfully obvious. They need to rethink their strategy.

*I liked your post a-user*

Which is why attention should already be turning to the 2018 midterm elections. We need some of /ourguy/s in Congress, especially if it means booting out some kosher Republicans.

One hell of a great speech, listening now. GLR is a real inspiration.

It's in the Wikipedia article, the part on his death

"Until the system was reformed in the 1960s"

Unrelated to this thread; I'm looking for an American who would be kind enough to ship a MAGA hat to me here in Europe. I really want a genuine made in America one for this summer.

Add Biten0 on Skype

Everyone sing along.

Even though it counts as a political donation, they don't actually check. Folks in canada at least have been able to receive them without any problem.

Mind you, it's going to cost $30 even before overseas shipping.

Do I have any chance of going to America if I'm a crippled Russian translator?

How do i do it though? On the checkout page there is a drop down bar where you can select country but it only has the States as an option.

Just checked, looks like you're right. They must have closed that little loophole. Could always try to email them, tell them you work overseas or something?

Interestingly enough the credit card form doesn't load for me any more, is something wrong with it or is it just my potato acting up?

As compared to your erudite opinions and thoughts expressed through insulting other posters, user?

If you live in US and want to help me i will make it worth your while :)!

I was thinking about it, but I can't get the payment form to load. There could be some money to be had flipping authentic maga hats on ebay for our eurofriends. If I can figure out why their shop is shitting the bed I'll be back with a link to the auction, if not maybe someone else will step in.

So much far-left bias and disinformation about Republican perceptions and motivations. Typical of The Nation.

Here's hoping Trump succeeds. Actively destroying your own country by importing dead weight isn't smart policy.


Why are all western cartoons so disgusting looking

Birthright citizenship's history is a little more than what you've written. In particular, the Supreme Court found in Wong Kim Ark that it is to be offered to the children of legal residents. This was important because it was previously only being applied to the children of citizens despite the fact it was clearly written to make slaves citizens, who themselves were the children of legal residents. Slaves were made citizens immediately, but for about 30 years the amendment wasn't equally applied to everyone else.

The problem came later. I don't know exactly when, but at some point in the early 1900s the US State Department changed their guidelines to provide birthright citizenship to the children of illegal residents. There was no mandate to do so either in the Constitution or from the Supreme Court; the US State Department made this change unilaterally. Donald Trump could, if he so chooses, direct his State Department to rescind birthright citizenship for the children of illegal residents as they are not "subject to the jurisdiction [of the United States]". This would result in an immediate legal challenge from the Left and it would most likely trickle up through the Ninth Circuit to get the decision they desire before it heads to the Supreme Court for a final decision.

If Gorsuch is approved by the Senate and Trump further gets to replace at least two of Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer, he could fairly reliably push such an agenda and get the outcome he desires from the Supreme Court.

It is my suspicion that the composition of the Supreme Court is exactly what has held back opponents of this State Department policy in the past. Once the Supreme Court rules against you, convincing a future Supreme Court to overturn the decision is very difficult (unless they are left-wing activists). Amending the Constitution to reverse a Supreme Court decision is even more difficult.

The Atlantic is owned by a gay jew. Keep that in mind when you read that "news portal"

Do it, me and some friends were looking through amazon and ebay but all we could find was bad china copies.

Fuck that. Save that "it's inevitable" bullshit for president Hillary. You're in the wrong timeline for that shit.

How much does welfare effect demography?

When we cut it and fight for factories for a renewed industrial job market (e-verify too!) and give some tax relief to working class whites instead: watch a total reversal of demographic trajectory. Lets see if gobacks and dindus keep having babies when they don't get paid for them or if they have to pass a drug test!

Besides immigration with teeth, policies that reward work and punish parasites will destroy this entire r-selection white genocide fetish.

Because beauty isn't kosher goy.

Hey, someone saved my original! Neat.



of course it is.
if there are such things as racial conflicts, why invite this potentiality to an "equal yet opposite force" degree?
if you find yourself restricting the freedom of expression of your citizens to make such a thing work, it is indicative that such a thing does not work.

naturally, there is a healthy rate of change which reflects the changes in the world. there is good will as well as the adoption of certain qualities that other people have. in a reasonable quantity, there can be immigration levels that are healthy. but if you are too progressive, you may end up with a major crisis.

race is a physical quality and belief is a spiritual quality.
bigotry may be transposed to this with even more compelling justification.

yeah that won't cause undesirable consequences of any sort.

HH boys

they can dream in the shithole they came from

Low energy amateur SWAT teams couldn't even kill him so they just lit his house on fire

If ONE MAN can do this, can cause them to use so many resources and man hours, imagine what a dozen or a hundred or a thousand can do.

If you guys want to really start a shoah, go pressure Jeff and Don to have (((Roman Polanski))) extradited and executed for not only being a confirmed pedo trying to evade justice but a rapist pedophile as well. Start by spamming their twitters and then sending them physical mail and phone calls to the AG office. He'll spill the beans on the whole network of Hollywood pedos and then Trump can have his revenge on the whole of Hollywood attempting to shill against him only to fail miserably during the election. It'll be beautiful.

Damn, no wonder FBI cointelpro niggers focus on WN so much.

I remember RedSkull being unintentionally based. Can I get a dump if anyone has the rest of the caps? My old HDD crapped out


When they whine about boats being turned away they never mention context.

Trump should open the door for any white European who's got far-right beliefs to move in and fast track to citizenship. It's the only way.

Thanks user, that was a wonderful way to start the day!


sarcasm is a bannable offense, tread lightly