WHOSE READY FOR C-E-OOooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Placing Bets whose gonna win
My bets are Armada and #THE Anti
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If anyone wants to Smash post your NNID or Melee netplay code so user's can play some matches
WHOSE READY FOR C-E-OOooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Placing Bets whose gonna win
My bets are Armada and #THE Anti
More Questions
If anyone wants to Smash post your NNID or Melee netplay code so user's can play some matches
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Oh shit forgot to post the news
When's the Melee SD/PM netplay build getting done?
Despite EGLX being a shitshow production-wise and Chibo being retarded, I was actually rather impressed with how M2K and Mango bounced back after Summit 2, despite Juan Cena winning again. I was also reminded of how much of actually scrub leffen is at fighting anything other than Fox and how good Duck is.
I wasn't able to tune in and see it live, even though I was in Toronto this weekend. Where are the archives hosted?
On Clashtournaments' twitch
What's your opinion on this, smashers?
This seems like cool for something at the moment but if esports do get the benefits of being an actual sport then some bad things can happen like unions, and a flood of more esports teams which can lead to over saturation.
Leffen is a retard who thought he could enter the US as an employee of a US company with a tourist's Visa. Now he's making a big deal of it and using the goodwill of the community to fix his mistakes.
I have come to the conclusion that every time a Luigi ditto happens, we discover some new bullshit about Melee that we didn't know before. You can skip to game 2 in this set to see what I mean.
I don't really care either way, but I signed it because the ruling on stuff like this should be consistent. If ASSFAGGOTS are esports, Melee is an esport.
I'm dying laughing, that can't be real
the red yoshi is strong
the guy shouting 'ay' ever time he chucked eggs made that pretty entertaining too
It happened months ago. That's the reason he hasn't been at Summit, Summit 2, Battle of the Five Gods, and why he won't be at Dreamhack Austin.
He can travel to Canada, though. GOML will be awesome.
Is rivals allowed?
Dumping melee hell
Anyone else watch this dude?
That's some sick dedication.
What said - Leffen is a dumbass.
Not that the classification for "eSports" isn't wonky as fuck, especially in legal terms, but Leffen seems to be one of the few people having these troubles. Armada, Amsah, Prof Pro all seem to be just fine with traveling.
I agree, ganon is really fun
for SDremix I'm having some trouble with the stage select screen. might just say fuck it to the netplaycommunity build's stage screen and just use SDremix's/melee's regular one if I don't figure out the shit I need to by the end of the week. no promises. every time I make a promise something goes wrong
for PM I've started to poke at it more again
they really need to make a player association before doing any of this sort of shit.
Oy Vey
ay buddy, don't fret too much. Take your time.
Is Ryu a Lucario skin?
Finally, a reason why I would play as that furshit
streaman getting my ass getting kicked if interested
Link faggot.
says you're offline
try clicking on it twice
WHO'S DOWN FOR SOME MELEE? I have a room open right now. The code is e976ba2e.
If you don't know how to get melee netplay working, follow this guide: smashladder.com
no dice
I just finished it
I can't at the moment, but I would recommend that other people here use Melee SD Remix.
You guys active?
I played it recently with a couple guys. I got bored within the hour, moved onto melee. Got bored of that quickly too. Smash 4 I can apparently never mess up on my attacks. Smash melee I'm merely okay.
you still playing?
I just finished playan against a ganon/link main. I'm probably gonna call it a day.
requesting smash mains template
Give Tourney code for smesh 4
Here ya go fam.
You may just be too used to the input buffer for Sm4sh. Melee requires more precise inputs.
I move too quick between my button presses. As I try to be as accurate as I can with attacks on ground, and mid-air. It's probably just me not used to input buffer.
Stopped reading there. Real sports have accountability for player actions. In eSports if someone does something wrong you just blame the stage and ban it.
Here you go.
nope, he's a completely new character that uses wolf as a base. he has his smash4 moveset, only his specials work like everyone else's in smash. nobody has cared to figure out (or can't) how to make things like a fireball imput work in brawl to make a new move.
lucario in PM was already made to work similar to a fighting game character (certain moves cancel into other moves). to occompany this he was also given a DP for his Fsmash, a tatsu for Nair, as well as having his specials be upgraded/canceled by hitting A and B using up a "aurastock" (which you gain by comboing people similar to a special bar for EX moves). so he was given a Gi by the PM devteam as an alt costume.
Somebody a thread or two back mentioned that Project M turns Subspace Emissary into some near-DMC level cuhrayzee and while it doesn't go anywhere near that it certainly improves the SSE by quite a bit. Not sure if it's because I decided to play on a harder difficulty or because of the game's general changes but I don't think I've seen a time where I've been hit for less than 20% damage by a monster which spices things up a bit.
Though I get hilarity like the Porky boss spouting Knuckles voice-clips because I'm using github.com
Comparing the game to Brawl as well has been fun on its own since I've noticed a lot of things like Diddy's up-B not having any failure chance due to not even having a charge (shoots him off at maybe a half-charge of normal Brawl's up-B) or no transformation for using Samus/ZSS's Final Smash even though she still goes through the armor-shedding/armor-gathering animations.
Also all the Melee model-swaps are fucking hilarious, Fox and Falco look laughably out-of-place with their Melee models and it helps illustrate how damn silly Falco's design is in general.
just wait till you get to duon or taboo, its fucking hilarious
but you can charge diddy's upB, you have to hold B. For samus's finalsmash If you hold B during it you will change, same for zerosuit.
I did hold B which is why I was under the assumption they'd just flatly removed the whole charge mechanic in the name of balance or not having to deal with possibility of failure. Will probably experiment with it more though since I figured out a good number of characters also have addendums to their side-smashes like Snake having a third knife-swipe if you hit A again.
Samus's FS though I didn't know was still present but optional, though being optional in the first place rather than requiring you to weigh using a FS against changing to a totally different character as with standard Brawl is questionable to me.
Rage Lucario is funny to watch
150% max rage kills fox with a side B mid stage at 50-60%
Ganon the blacky?
Anti-tumblrize him plz.
in smash4? cause lucario doesn't have rage in pm
some people just prefer not using ZSS or vice versa.
If you want to save some time with finding changes or verify something you discovered while playing, the smashwiki has pages on every "official" character (except for knuckles, lyn and issac) that lists the changes from melee and brawl as well as every change they've had through patches.
though its more fun the way you're doing it.
been out of the loop for a hwhile
what happened to Project M?
didn't they start working on new characters and got shut down?
Project M's dev-team shut it the fuck down for reasons that're still unclear to my recollection, PMDT's say on the matter, that PM Buddha guy's say, and general community thought are all in conflict, with PMDT being intentionally vague on absolutely everything, PMB's claim being that the team went into total burnout (which doesn't explain the active attempts on PMDT's part to hush up any and all talk of the mod), and general community thought (that I'm aware of) amounting to that it probably has something to do with Wavedash Games.
Beyond that I don't remember much beyond the hissyfits thrown by PMDT on Reddit because of the dev-build leak which is being patched up by the community at the Github I linked here earlier
I thought Nintendo had interfered or something.
But it's just typical freeware drama.
anyways, thanks
oh sweet, you're adding in some Smash 4 characters. well take your time with it. You gonna add in some other PSA's as well?
I'll keep grinding out changes myself to appease my autism, I figured out the hard way just by comparing moves between Pit and Dark Pit for Smash 4 that they're flat-out fucking identical save for side-Bs and neutral-Bs when a Smashwiki search could've told me that.
I'm surprised by how solid a fighter Knuckles is even though he's just heavy-Sonic, and Lyn being an iai fighter's a wonderful change of pace from the constant fucking regalia sword users with counters for Fire Emblem. Apparently she uses Pit as a code-base since she uses Pit's FS, though I think Snake's codec pegged her as Luigi. Custom characters in general seem to be a bit of a mess since I also caught Pokemon Trainer being identified as Mewtwo when selecting characters for SSE.
It may very well be that some company or another interfered since the original story was that Nintendo ordered a C&D and thought went around that Konami was ordering it through Nintendo because of Snake appearing in Brawl and Konami's general anal-retentiveness towards anybody using characters that aren't theirs without their explicit permission, but that story was passed around during the first days of the initial SHUT IT DOWN and you can probably guess between this post and the one before that my memory's fuzzy on the whole thing and not to be trusted. I'll probably end up brushing up on it sooner or later since modder tantrums amuse me.
Smash 4 Lucario. I still find it funny cause ZeRo still bitches about him
you don't know the half of it man
the ID system for brawl is atrocious, pic related.
I have a cloud one that is practically finished besides special moves still being ike's, a moveset of littlemac that is perfect besides lack of KO punch and needing some speed added to his dash, and a moveset for megaman that needs a bit of work put onto it.
(metalblade moves way too fast, crashbomb is kinda stiff, jumps a little too high ect)
the only problem I've ran into was a issue with ryu vs wolf, were wolf's claw effects ended up being red fireballs for some reason and they would never go away.
kek, zero fucking bitches about any character that takes some dedication to play. how the hell is he still a top player?
I'm still upset that Iwata put him on Smash 4. I just hope tatsumi puts Harada on Smash V instead, but knowing nintendo it'll probably be someone like Sakamoto.
I could certainly do with somebody that isn't Sakurai heading a Smash game for once because how much of Smash 4 was lifted straight from Kid Icarus Uprising is fucking disgraceful, from items to characters (up to and including giving Pit a Raptor Boost with one of KIU's Arm weapons) to the fucking UI and how difficulty is handled for Classic mode.
Sakamoto's iffy for me since he seems to have had high roles in pre-baby Metroid games and then he just blew his fucking load with everything about Other M, he must've had some severe wrangling in since he directed and wrote all internal-Nintendo developed games except the first and Metroid 2. He might do okay if given a supervisory role but not total control of the project.
64: Link
PM: Lucario
4: Ike
he's actually busy on apptendo shit
but i know an similar bad alternative Nintendo will obviously pick for Smash instead.
note: he produced Brawl
Buddha said that the burnout led to it slowing down development, but the leads of the project went ahead with cancelling it outright and consulted that video game lawyer, who then told them to remove all the download links and such. It's why the lead devs that later went to Wavedash Games were so reluctant to acknowledge PM's existence but some of the other devs are still with the PM scene.
the man on the middle-left and his neo-HAL Labs fellows were responsible for all the recent and spectacular 2.5D Kirby games since Kirby GCN was in development and his current masterpiece, Kirby: Planet Robobot.
his name is Shinya Kumazaki, he heavily appreciates both of Masahiro Sakurai and Shimomura's works on Kirby.
-adding/expanding Smash Bros+Super Star mechanics to Kirby
-creating a beloved subgame, a Smash clone, called Kirby Fighters (and it's expanded e-Shop counterpart: Kirby Deluxe Fighters)
the same game that has a stage hazard switch, unlike Smash 4 does due to Sakurai worries for the game being more like PSASBR and the existence of Ω Stages.
he, too, could be a potential replacement director for Sakurai in Smash and would be margins better than Kensuke Tanabe, producer of two known set of Retro Studio-developed games he didn't have major input on aside the storytelling and few gameplay ideas.
can't wait for the SD remix build
That's mod's a blast
current thoughts on Sm4sh modding?
That image is so goddamn cute.
Hopefully they figure out how to add things by themselves instead of replacing something in favor for the mod. Maybe at some point we can add things like how dlc is added to the game.
I would like to see more modding happening on the 3ds though because I'm too cheap to buy a wiiU
but can they do this!?
but no really its awesome that we can already do model edits and not just texture edits for sm4sh.
I never really bought the C&D explanation. PM was going for a long time before with not too much worry and I would ponder that a defense for the game would hold up in court that they never distributed the game, only a patch, and never profited from it.
WHO WANTS TO PLAY MELEE AGAIN? I have a room open right now. The code is 5fa8c123. I have to warn you, though, I'm pretty bad
wish I could
w-why can't you, user?
I know who you are ;)
That's only like a 1/200 chance, user :^)
This. My biggest gripe for Brawl modding is that you can't add new true projectiles to a character's moveset; instead, you have to make a long animation to emulate a new projectile, and even you couldn't even move your character while the pseudo-projectile is out and you have to wait until the animation ends or the pseudo-projectile hits an opponent. That, and you couldn't add new voices without replacing existing ones.
well people have figured out some ways to add music slots into the game. its only a matter of time.
I chuckled because it reminded me to get around and find a download link to that Captain Falcon OVA.
Did Ninten always have bags under his eyes
It looks like hes been through some shit.
So far the most complex model edit I've seen is this
who /kirby main/ here?
Ayy my boy lets go!
Why should we it's on the 2nd page.
thats actually pretty good
why you mad doe?
go back to the forums
Dark Matter BLADE and Hades in Smash 4 when?
his model (Dark Matter Blade) got recently ripped from the newest Kirby game
here the rest of the unripped assets
you can view them in Ohana3DSRebirth
I dunno. I kind of want to pick up ZSS or just good enough to play her proficiently as a pocket character
Anti-Bayo Squad is literally the cancer killing the smash 4 community.
Smash bros is a party game
It is not designed to be a competitive fighting game
Go browse the fighting game general if you want actual fighting games
Not necesarilly true
But why would anyone here want to discuss fighting games when we're discussing Smash? Why does Smash have to be a fighting game to be a good competitive game? Its like putting down racing games for not being fighting games
It was his first post and a saged one too. He's clearly a shitposter, user.
I mean if they had seen his Lucas in PM, they wouldn't be saying that. I do miss his PM!Lucas, wish he went to more PM events.
Who wants dem mods
Call me when they mod Snake into it.
if it's about "but muh DK and Metroid", just piss off. everyone got tired of the Ridley and K.Rool complaining, and everybody already understood DK had shit music in Sm4sh and Metroid having no new stage that wasn't lava again. rest is shit noone cares about in Sm4sh.
getting sick of the melodrama and the Roster Justice Warrior whining, everything KI had in Smash 4 is fucking trash, hoping mods will fix it:
we only had this all shit because all the spare assets Sakurai can throw into Smash 4, and guess what, most of it is crap.
even Kirby and Zelda has shit representation in Smash, it ain't just about Ganondorf (and fuck off with your Black Shadow, even the people at Smashboards are getting tired of the placeholder moveset shit.)
fuck quantity, i want quality, not trash. i can think of many ways KI can still have good rep in Smash without looming nearly everywhere in Smash outside the roster.
fuck you Sakurai, always treating your own children and adopted child like trash. You deserve getting another beating from your fucking dad.
Such as?
that's one, and we'd be happy with this. Hades as DLC can be a bonus outcome.
Anyone wanna play some melee sd remix netplay? If you don't know what sd remix is, it's a patch that balances melee.
Jesus fuck, M2K, why do you play any character who isn't Marth.
I don't know anything about Uprising. Would Medusa have enough source material for a full moveset? I wouldn't want another Palutena where she just does half her attacks with a shield and has a counter for a down B instead of something interesting.
Sounds just like the actual game it came from. :^)
Not even close. And it's not even an awful stage regardless (pretty much never played on it in Brawl though, found it visually boring).
Which ones? Killer Eye sucks and is just annoying. Regardless it had too many for a series of it's size.
Where you do you make these leaps in logic from? I despise the "muh Black Shadow can be a moveset dumping ground for Falcondorf" types.
thanks to Uprising, she has good enough source material.
have a pic
how i am? i hate the rep quality it got in Sm4sh and want Sakurai to fix that.
Ore Club
Killer Eye
the X-Bomb is fine and should be the only one there.
the floorbreaking shit is fucking annoying
meanwhile user wants it at 1%, i'm trying to be extremely reasonable here. I even suggested DP to be in the AT trashbin instead, OH NO user's pissed KI has 2-3 ATs now, it's not even much. ATs normally a place where beloved one-offs, low-prior, and spinoffs characters gets to shine in battle, they should dump in any fuck in there at any amount for all i care.
low priors = characters like Takamaru and (formerly) Little Mac.
how are you not being a RJW, user? is it because DK/Metroid get theirs? because i'm not against the idea of Rool or Ridley being in smash, both hold major priority than whatever other character in the series. (especially the fact K.Rool had near-playable representation over Dixie and Cranky; which people said they're more likely outcomes than K.Rool due to more relevant priorities).
I'm just sick of the whiny SJW-tiers complaints that fumes in every single discussion and stomping other complaints because DK/Metroid needing their problems fixed first.
no, i'm just referring to fucks that keeps bringing up the black shadow shit. you already have people saying he's his own character too, not a straight expy to Ganondorf.
I'm still upset we didn't get Wonder Red. I love Fire Emblem but Lucina and Corrin were just fucking shameless and unnecessary. Cut Corrin, make Lucina a Marth alt, and let me have Wonder Red, dammit.
What's this "Captain falcon is not viable" meme?
probable the same reason Inklings weren't playable
best to blow your "load" on a bigger game that won't cause development problems
i've said this also for HW went Vaati was confirmed not joining at the time and Groose not coming on a HW game that's mostly for handhald zeldas. especially the fact HWL is neutered as fuck.
Whose got that picture of that smash boards guy saying FE characters in Brawl had no reps.
Fucking hate roster fags.
Probably some le ebin Reddit shit
At least Wizzy is in top 8.
Pic related.
Wrong pic.
Because your response to the reasonable feelings about Hackurai's Uprising shilling was "lol butthurt".
I don't see why the Back Shield should be cut.
Nice strawman. Kid Icarus is a minor series that has only three games under it's belt. Three characters for three games is ridiculous. Six items and more than one AT for such a small series is giving it more than enough representation. It got a unique stage in both versions, while many series that have been around since the first game (so no, not just DK and Metroid) got only one. In Smash Run it has NINETEEN enemies; not even Nintendo's flagship franchise Mario has that many. Palutena is the only character besides the Mii Fighters that gets unique moves for her alternate specials. Kid Icarus got more than it's fair share. Hopefully the next Smash has the decency to prune it back. Nevermind that Uprising was an overrated game with bad writing, dumb plot plagued by filler arcs, and a stupid control scheme.
Do you want to know what I'd want it at? Two characters (Pit and Palutena), two stages (one for the original and one for Uprising, but only if series bigger than it didn't get less), two or three items, and one AT. A reasonable upgrade from Brawl's KI representation (which was fair since it was long-dead two-game series at that point) and enough new stuff to acknowledge Uprising bringing the IP back to the public eye.
DP should stay where he belongs… as Pit's palette swap. Maybe throw his fan's a bone and give it unique voice clips.
Yeah, and there's bigger series than KI that have less than KI's amount or even none at all. Why don't those series' supporting characters get to shine over someone as minor as Phosphora?
Takamaru being confirmed as an AT was a dark day…
Even if DK and Metroid got the representation they deserved, Kid Icarus would still be overrepped purely on the fact that such a small series got a buttload of content.
If anything Kid Icarus getting more is "SJW-tier" because it is a smaller series and can be seen as a "minority" in this metaphor.
The Fire Emblem roster would have been perfect in Smash 4 if it was Marth, Ike and Robin. Three was the perfect number, but no, Sakurai's clone-boner had to rise. The moment Lucina's gameplay was shown I knew they'd be worse to come. Soon enough, Dark Pit and Dr Mario were leaked.
I would argue that it would be okay with Roy, too. His design got a nice touch up and he got Luigified enough that he's distinct from Marth.
I remember being called a retard not long after the game came out, back on halfchan, for thinking Roy would come back with a redone moveset and a design partway between his FE6 look and his look in the Awakening DLC
Spirit Tracks Overworld
I mean, it's great that you got someone you wanted who was unlikely and proved other people wrong and all, but…
Great use of meme arrows, but you want to actually back that up with anything, or do you just not like him with no real reason? (He is pretty terrible in his own game, though.)
Basically for being Fire Marth (whatever changes Smash 4 added aren't enough) and for only being in Smash in the first place for the sake of advertising an upcoming game (just like Corrin). Also, he's a one-off character so he's pretty irrelevant next to the likes of Marth and Ike.
Yeah, and I don't expect to see him in the next Smash. Was one of my most wanted since I enjoyed Awakening and wanted an FE rep and was strongly against Chrom getting in, but the execution wasn't quite how I wanted it and it'd be hypocritical of me to want him to return yet be against Roy.
I will add though that I always thought Flare Blade was a cool move.
Crap, forgot the important part:
*since I wanted an FE rep that used a weapon besides swords
The only justification for Lucina is babbys first sword character
Other than that shes not really needed at best shes become the Pichu character
I think the changes are a pretty good start.
Sure, the first time. But he's popular enough they wanted him in Brawl, too. At least he's getting touched up and made different from Marth. And, really, a LOT of characters are in for advertising. At the end of the day, that's basically what Smash Bros is. An advertisement for their games.
Okay well I don't know why you're trying to refute arguments I haven't made. I know Robin's an ad but I like his moveset anyway and Awakening was already out so it's not all that bad. Wish we hadn't gotten Lucina too, though. Her fans are obnoxious and she's a very boring character.
Unfortunately the timing's always been off. A few years too early to get Hector or Ephraim for Melee, and Brawl just missed Micaiah who is shit.
Even that's a pretty weak justification because casuals won't even notice the whole Tipper mechanic with Marth.
I forgot to touch on this prior, but another thing about Roy is the majority of people who wanted him back were people who liked him in Smash. In the FE fandom he's one of the most-unpopular lords in the series. If he was never added to Melee to advertise the new FE, I guarantee you demand for him would be minimal.
There's a difference between making people aware of IPs they may not have known about and flat-out adding someone to draw in potential sales for a game that's about to release.
I was just bringing it up in-case someone else did.
I wasn't attacking him for being one-off, just accepting that he'll be cut and that pushing for him to come back while not wanting Roy would be hypocritical of me.
Yeah, she's just as bland as Chrom and stops being relevant to the plot shortly after revealing her identity. Also the whole "Marth" disguise thing was dumb.
I don't think it did. There's many acknowledgements to Radiant Dawn in Brawl; Ike's Theme, Sothe's trophy having his RD design, etc. Maybe Sakurai thought one FE newcomer in Brawl was enough (a thought that should have been made for Smash 4) or that Ike covered both games.
Being unpopular for a lord isn't really saying much, though. They're all fairly popular, Roy's just kind of on the bottom end. At least he's not Eliwood.
wake me up
so, just HAL for 5mash? Like the first two games
i have it
Even his sponsors are mocking him. It's comical, really.
Well there was that rumor that Smash is going to be a launch title for the NX with Namco Bandai working on it. My guess is that if that's true, then it might just be a port of 4, which would just end up screwing over Wii U owners more so than Zelda U/NX.
It would have been beautiful had the up-smash connected.
I can understand a ZeldaU port, but smash?
It's already 1080p 60fps on a series of a few characters on single stages. Will it look that much better?
I am assuming backwards compatibility, too.
HAL+Bamco+Sakurai at a minor role (Supervisor i guess)
piss off, m8.
fuck you too, mark.
if you need help, just ask dude.
i have to admit, most of these characters don't even look like they're from a Metroid/DK game. who are those other characters from the right
I wanted it to connect so badly. Thinking about it makes me jump with glee
I wish for from the next smash to have an F-zero Rep.
One of the well-known pilots that were major players in a few of the games. Jody, Dr. Stewart, Pico, Goroh, ect.
Fuggen Japanese players
Dash Bowman and three shit-tier villains from Star Fox Command, one of them is just another "epic" F-Zero character reference.
only memorable about him that he going to be Andross 2.0 in his ending. he's completely forgettable.
though i guess she'd be a better choice than black pit
i think thats characters from DK barrel blast and star fox command, but im not familiar with either.
thatd be neat, he does apparently have a collection of combat knives. but wed probably get goroh or black shadow. or blood falcon. id actually be fine with any f-zero char, even blood falcon, if hes not a moveset clone.
the thing about Dark Samus v. The Prime/MP3 Hunters that she hold more of a priority than the rest of them. she was the star of the pre-numbered Metroid Prime trilogy, while those are just Ghirahim/Zant-tier villains who only a purpose for one Metroid Prime games.
also, she able to do things beyond just doing enhanced mimicry of Samus' techniques and attacks, but as if already discovered long ago, her AT animations is mostly just borrowed shit from Samus' attacks, seeming like Sakurai sees her like Ganondorf is to him.
even how so potentially unique they are, they're still gonna be waiting right behind Dark Samus, even Ridley himself.
also note the fact Sm4sh has 0 Hunter trophies from Prime 3/Hunters even Anthony Higgs except Dark Samus.
this is just like wanting the Barrel Blast donut steels over Dixie Kong or Dash Bowman or General Scales over Slippy and Wolf just because they're least likely to become last minute-tier clones.
that's actually "Army Hammer Bro."
>did decently in for glory matches
I love the game, I really do, but I'm just not good enough to play at the skill level I want to play at. Anther's ladder isn't that great either with how selective the community is on who they want to play.
Same here, but practice makes perfect. Playing 3ds friendlies on anther's has helped me get a bit better, though I'm still quite bad as I don't practice there often. Ranked is too selective, friendlies should be good enough to help you improve.
Octoman is actually from Fzero and has been in every Fzero game
Apparantly, there appears to be discussion on the fire emblem problem. I propose this:
Keep ike and marth and PM's version of fire marth, drop corrin, lucina, and robin for lyn, hector, and ephraim.
Shhh, at least m2k beat nintendude.
Jason has stated before that in order to play marth, he needs to be in a certain mood, or else he really just can't play marth. Unfortunately, he isn't in the mood where it matters most, like his sets with hbox or icies.
Fuck you I love Corrin in smash 4
The only FE character that is actually different from the rest , Plus he acutally has air combos with his Fair's That his B is actually fun to use.
from what i hear, Command had a ton of F-Zero references and that's just Star Fox homage character to F-Zero.
not Octoman himself.
All Sakurai should do is decide which characters get in
Without the need of a Prince Abu handicap too.
Good job on Wizzrobe for getting 4th too.
Why did you eat my image Hotwheels?
You got double dubs you gotta deliver on the picture dude.
So you just gonna ignore me after I bothered to type out all that about KI?
It seems people still haven't learnt from history.
>still keeping Roy around
Yeah no.
Here. Not sure why I couldn't upload before.
I really think I may or may not be the greatest Ryu player in the country.
There's only 5 people who play Ryu.
you know it's now one of Nintendo's Major IPs, right?
now Sakurai don't have to worry about cutting down in sake of generosity. He can add a ton more KI, Kirby, Pokemon, and more third parties for all i care because i'm already getting Geno next game.
expect at lest 3-4 FE Swordlords more in the next game.
how does it feel, even by next game, Sakurai won't bother to care to add her again?
i wouldn't be surprised if SF Zero and Guard gave Slippy, Wolf, and full body Andross big priorities to join Sma5h ASAP because the "industry trends" excuse Sakurai used for adding Corrin and Robin, despite the shitty reception.
Star Fox doesn't even deserve anything beyond just Fox and Falco at this point. Krystal's more deader than Meme Kuck Rool, fucking Dark Matter came back before twos.
you wanna know who else got namedropped? Retro's CEO on twitter, just because of some blog movement about bringing Gay Rool back.
i hope you enjoy Sakurai staying again for the next big game.
Wew lad, one fallacy at a time….
Expected. Won't be mad but it will be hilarious watching members of the Sakurai Defense Force like you damage control harder when the next game has five KI reps and ten FE swordsmen. And Falcondorf again.
Go play Melee if you like Memebird so much.
Dark Matter ain't getting in Smash unless Sakurai isn't the one deciding the roster. It's obvious that he has a distaste for Kirby games he didn't make.
No matter how hard you shill him, Daddy Saks will never bone you while you dress up as Dark Pit like you are so eager to.
Forgot my reply to
top kek
and you had ridleyfags circlejerking about Other M Ridley for the entire hype, you're right about sakurai having distaste for Shimomura's work.
Sakurai thinks there's more than 2 Ganons in Zelda and he should be represented only how strong he is, he clearly doesn't give a fuck about canonicity. especially when Shulk, Pit, and Ganondorf could take down all the cast in the game with no sweat.
Thanks for proving my point.
But he did in Smash 4. You just mentioned liking his d-air.
Good thing I'm not a Ridleyfag then.
Where'd he say that? And it's true. Ganondorf was reincarnated in Four Swords Adventure so now there has been two Ganons.
What great criticisms you've got there m8.
As usual, Melee Hell outdoes tr4sh babbies.
that's not the point, people immediately thought a false version of Ridley will be used for fighter purposes other than the original (at the end, he's still singled out as 2big), everyone else playable is based on their original, popular, and/or modern designs. Other M Ridley isn't 2/3 of those things.
if this was Dark Matter, it wouldn't be a problem outside the mystery of Sakurai's ignorance of Shimomura Kirby.
pic related, even the japanese dialogue says the same shit.
also check out the other pic, him admitting he had to pull things out of his ass to make them flesh out in Smash. Canoncity was never a big priority in Smash.
also, do you think Smash is canon to anything, user? i really hope not.
And this is relevant to the Dark Matter clone how?
What does making up moves have to with the fact that the legit Dark Matter hasn't appeared since Kirby 64 (there was an appearance in Mass Attack, but that was in a minigame).
even Brawl Falco is better than bumfucko Wolf, piss off m8
never mind that. real reason at the bottom
and the real Ridley hasn't appeared again in since freaking MP3. unless you ignore Metroid Prime, he hasn't appeared again since the Zero Mission retell. Somewhat's he is still relevant due to his finished legacy in Metroid.
wanna go even further? the Ganon that appear in OoT to TP or WW fucked off since the beginning of the Wii, only appearing in the zelda musou spinoff for the time. People expected Ghirahim, FSA Ganon (the brand new Ganon), Pig Ganon (see: ALBW), or Demise to take his place in Sm4sh, Ganondorf, in his TP appearance, still reappeared as a secret character despite being absent and canonically dead for the entire.
if this wasn't a problem to Ganondorf, then it shouldn't be for Dark Matter outside the conspiracy with Sakurai not liking anything that isn't his own works
Ridley's more relevant to Metroid than Dark Matter is to Kirby. He's not the main villain, but he's the most iconic and recurring. Ironically, Kirby's most iconic villain isn't even a villain anymore.
Ganondorf is the Bowser of his series. Him skipping installments is irrelevant because he is still the most important character in the franchise after Zelda and Link.
And they expected Zant in Brawl. They don't get that one-off Zelda villains are never playable in Smash. Heck, if Sheik wasn't originally tied to Zelda in Melee I doubt we would have gotten her either. The only one-off characters that are playable in Smash are from series with only one rep (Duck Hunt, Ice Climber) or whatever series Nintendo/Sakurai wants to shill at the moment (Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus).
Smash Zelda characters are basically amalgamations of their various appearances. Zelda has her TP design but she uses Ocarina of Time spells and even phantoms for Spirit Tracks. Remember in Brawl that Ganondorf didn't even have the chest wound? Who's to say Ganon in Smash 4 isn't from before he was defeated by Link in TP?
The problem is Dark Matter just isn't getting much exposure for what was basically the main villain after Dedede was made more and more of a good guy in each game. I mean, a minor clone in a bosh rush? When Ganondorf shows up in a Zelda game he's always gonna have a big/important role. Even Ridley's Other M clone did something besides have a boss fight. It doesn't help that Kirby games have a villain of the week formula now and every villain is either one-off or has a minor role in another game but reformed from villainy (Malagor, Daroach).
you know what? forget the roster bickering, didn't came here for this.
what's going on with M2K? he looks depressed
You're kidding me
Did he just lose in that image? Jason really hadn't been winning anything. That could explain it.
Jason is usually stone faced whenever he plays, unless some extremely lol m2k moment happens. Whenever he gets knocked into losers, he typically goes into a slump. It's why he went sheik and fox against armada's peach at summit. It sucks, because m2k has constantly been pitted against hbox, and he always loses that mu. Although he did much better at Austin than usual.
I got into playing Falcon today.
Holy hell, I never realized this character was this much fun.
but I clipped my nails too short so short-hopping is painful
Since Genesis, his mental game has been more noticeable. People asked him about it, and as he's explained a few times on Twitter, he's very volatile when it comes to his Smash mentality. He's the best player in the world when things are going right, but he'll basically defeat himself if he gets bodied or shook.
If you want to see footage of this, look up his and Armada's iron man set at Summit 1. Armada's Fox beats his Marth on FD and he forfeits the entire set even though he's only down by 3 stocks or so.
I love watching character battles in smash
64 is the best for this, but I'd like to see some pros do a sm4sh one
You saw Smash The Record 2015, right?
yes sir
Welcome to the fast side, user.
I think that user - and others, like myself - are confused by your dismissal of an entire character and a sole move by labeling it as "meme", as if that is a legit criticism.
He legit needs to go to the doctor.
He's nearly Shulk-tier memery. Face it, if he debuted in Brawl and Wolf debuted in Melee, you'd all talk about how Falco is the bad one that doesn't matter if he got cut.
Do you even know what this is a reference to? Honest question.
Of course. Wombo Combo.
It was said in that video, but that's not what it's referring to. Zhu made a combo video with Falco called Happy Feet, which is why HMW says "happy feet!" because he wants to see Zhu do something crazy and pull off a huge comeback. Then Phil responds "that ain't Falco!" because Zhu is playing Fox, and thus isn't at his full power.
You don't know anything about memes, or about Falco, or really about Melee. Please refrain from referring to characters as meme characters.
Whose got that post about outsiders on the smash scene
I literally didn't say that. I'm questioning the worth of that "criticism" and why the even matters.
Have you ever considered that the reason people like Falco in Smash and why he became memetic is because people like how he plays and not something quite as arbitrary as just being there?
On top of that, I don't think either characters - Wolf or Falco - should be dropped, so now you have me extra confused with your posts. Check ID's next time before you star mixing up people's comments, halfchan refugee.
I didn't say he was for just being there, but for being top-tier.
I was speaking in general, there was at least two anons spouting "lol Wolf sux" without giving a reason.
Just stop trying hard like this. Accusing people of being Other Site Boogeymen is one of chan culture's dumbest behaviours.
All I can think of is the MSPaint comic that illustrates the death of hobbies, but I'm not sure if that's what you mean.
Yet we have Roy memes despite being low-mid tier. We have Ganondorf and DK memes despite both being mid-tier. We have Kirby and Pichu memes despite being utter low tier. Being top tier is not a qualifier for being "meme-worthy".
And the only reason I referred to you as such is because of your apparent ignorance to IDs.
Aren't all of Roy's memes (besides Roy's Our Boy) revolve around him being compared to high tiers as a joke ("a well-played Roy can beat any Fox") and being a Chrom-level loser for being cut in Brawl?
Expand Dong isn't a Smash meme
Because Pichu's such a pathetic joke of a character. What's the Kirby memes?
The entire point I was making is without his top-tier status in Melee and quotable Brawl lines Falco would be seen as the rather unremarkable character in Smash he truly is.
I'm now convinced that you haven't played or even seen Falco in Melee. Probably not Brawl either for that matter - he's probably one of the only high tier Brawl characters that isn't a bore to play or watch. People like Falco in Smash because he's a fun character. Captain Falcon is the top "meme character" in Smash yet he's not top tier nor does he ever win a major in Melee and is absolute garbage in Brawl. Tiers are for queers, both when playing casually and when "discerning meme-worthiness".
Because the user working on SD Remix/PM netplay builds has not yet finished.
Boring. Uninspired. Clone/Semi-Clone.
It's amazing how wrong someone can be.
Let's be honest here, guys.
Melee kirby has got to be atleast better than melee bowser.
I will never cease to be amazed by your ability to make up bullshit names for multishining and waveshining.
Brawl players, folks.
DJ Nintendo would disagree. Bowser can at least kill in spite of his bad movement if he wins neutral. Kirby has almost 0 reliable kill potential on top of his bad movement and no control of the neutral.
I will never cease to be amazed by your ability to defend bullshit.
Just what IS your idea of a good fighting game, anyway? Aside from removing all the good attacks and movement from Melee.
hotwheels let me post
I bet you say the same thing about Bayonetta
One job.
Cloud is Good in smash 4. Even though I hated him at first now hes really good
he makes good content.
postan randoms
Everyone with a major sponsor in Melee, except for Mew2king, all those companies are twitch owned or twitch affiliated correct?
Smash 4 doesn't seem to have any interesting stages that are legal competitively. Basically, two smashvilles, battlefield, and fd right?
It was one of the games I was gonna buy a wii U for but decided not to after playing it. Also amiibos.
forgot I had this
I know TSM is sponsored by Twitch, but I don't know of any other connections between Twitch and the different eSports companies.
IIRC there's also Duck Hunt, Dreamland 64, and Lylat Cruise.
smash 4 did SP content shitty
What the hell is with all these Melee Hell watermarks?
Is that community really that obnoxious?
WFX is a twitch affiliate.
EG which Alliance is part of is twitch owned.
I thought C9 was but it's owned by g2a.
Liquid is it's own thing I guess, I spoke to soon.
Yes, I don't know how to be reddit.
why do people still do this
Let go of your anger. Embrace the memes.
Is it me, or does For Glory have a hidden matchmaking system? I've been getting paired with at least decent players a lot.
By the way, this came out a little while ago. We should probably comb through it for 20XX reaction images.
melee bowser has actual kill moves, OoS options, can live longer as well, and has grabs that function properly (he even has 2 more extra ones just because).
I'm already so turned off by the thumbnail
fuck in hell, skinfag
get dunked on, foxfucker
btw does anyone do netplay in these threads?
It's not furry/fetish in the slightest bar one gag, but it's played for laughs it's got a very 80s vibe, sort of like V. It's an interesting watch.
Reaction images? None that spring to my mind.
people gotta post codes and shit.
should probably come up with a day where we have matchmaking or something
OK, maybe 4:45 when Wolf smiles. And the back and forth after that.
Oh and 8:26.
A good fighting wouldn't revolve around spamming exploits and development oversights. The fact you see no balance problems with a move intended for projectile-reflecting being spammed continuously as a attacking move shows how you overlook how unbalanced your precious 14-year old game is.
Ebin meme friend.
Haven't got the DLC yet, but at least she doesn't revolve around exploits and instead actual mechanics.
If Square wanted Geno playable in Smash he wouldn't have been given the "honourable" position of Mii Fighter outfit.
reading the fact you're actually a whiny Krystal/Star Fox fanboy in this thread, may as well. real waste of time.
Oh no, people are doing things in ways the developer did not intend for them to use them, despite how they deliberately put a hitbox on the move and allowed you to cancel it ever since 64, whatever will we do?
You really need to learn to change your tune.
Pic is for you, El Strawmano
More like:
Designing a system, looking at the unexpected results of that system, and saying "ehh, leave it in" is not an oversight.
Keep defending a poorly-playtested game. Keep pretending exploits and oversights make Babby's First Fighting Game any deeper.
that like your opinion man
furiiously posting the waveshine meme over someone's distaste for Krystal isn't proof enough?
also you didn't even deny you were a krystal idiot on this post right here
Thanks for confirming that you know deep down I'm right baout KI and you don't want to admit it.
Learn context, genius.
I guess you're a faggot since you haven't denied it yet.
I hope Husband and Wife do more commentary together. Working my way through the Dreamhack Austin Twitch archives was so easy because they played off each other really well. There were a couple of things they missed (sequences, player mindgames, etc.) but overall their commentary was very strong. Apparently Husband was quite negative when they were doing top 8 at Pound, but from what I've seen people were mostly talking about the set S2J played where he wasn't familiar with the metagame or S2J's playstyle. Their commentary of Hax vs Mango was really good, for instance, and it's a nice change to have someone eloquent like Wife on the mic in contrast to illiterate niggers like TKBreezy and D1.
Either way, Dreamhack is a big improvement over what they did at Pound. I really hope they get billed for more tournaments.
everyone is better then TK and D1
I can usually tolerate D1 if his play-by-play is balanced by a good color commentator like Blur, Scar, etc.
TK is just annoying and painful to listen to, especially after his selling out after being the "voice of PM".
Did he actually call himself that? As in, he branded himself as the voice of that game? I could understand if he was just active in the community and people started calling him that, but you'd have to be astonishingly arrogant to advertise yourself as the voice of anything.
Yeah. May have been because he was one of the biggest advocates for PM and helped get it included in more and more tournaments. Still pretty presumptuous, though, especially with how quick he was to drop it after VGBC stopped hosting it.
Yeah. He does good commentary in tr4sh where commentators have to fill a lot of airtime because the game is so boring, but that's less commentary and more just him shooting the breeze with whoever he's sharing the mic with. Any time he tries to be more "professional," like Battle of the Five Gods, he stutters and trips over all his words. You can make a drinking game out of all the times he says "we're going to be getting right back into it" or something similar.
D1 is similar. He's a good listener, but the cadences of his speech and the way he structures all of his sentences are so corporate it makes me retch.
I never realized a lack of L-cancelling and smash DI would attract faggots so much.
I never heard his commentary outside of smash4 so that's why this was a surprise to me. I hate most smash4 commentators because they parrot the exact same shit (let's go; __boys; we __ those). I guess redditors don't play melee.
I recall that he actually dropped off of commentary for top 8 of BotFG and was replaced by Toph due to some complaints that a big Melee-centric event didn't have commentators primarily focused on Melee.
I remember him being replaced, but I was too busy breathing a sigh of relief to consider the reasoning as to why. I'm surprised the people running the event wouldn't have put Melee pros like Scar, Toph, or even some of the players on the mic. Although it was run by SXSW, so I guess their incompetence shouldn't catch me off guard.
The difference between the Scar & Toph sets vs the TK & D1 sets at BotFG were night and day. The former were really good at reacting to hype plays while still talking about the players and their strategy. TK & D1 just sort of said words back and forth while ignoring the interesting stuff the players were doing.
So this guy is primarily responsible for the shilling of PM at tourneys?
But hes still a great commentator him and EE make me laugh the most. That and when D1 gets drunk on the mic at the foundry once in while
Man why are all the good commentators black
What are you trying to imply here user?
Black people got more style and grace when it comes to commentating
At least Scar makes it Entertaining . Toph sucks though.
The guy is a literal monster with Yoshi, and it's not even because it's a gimmick, he is legitimately on par if not slightly lower than some of the top tier players.
Holla Forumsfaggotry has been shitting up this board so much lately I assumed you were implying it was a bad thing.
Trust me I know they fag up any thread and derail it
But I'm the only group of friends that hates Tophs voice
Husband and Wife are good I feel home-made waffles also gets goes to the mic randomly when ever he feels like it.
Implying husband, wife, scar, and the gods don't exist
But seriously, want to see EE and DJ commentate melee together sometime soon.
It just seems like less because the majority of the time in tourneys, you'll see entire sets being played on only Smashville. There are plenty of legal stages to choose from, but aside from those three stages, they rarely get chosen. It's part of the reason 4 can get so boring to watch.
The tr4sh community is a joke, but I lost any respect I had for them when Delfino got banned. I get that the stage ceiling is janky and enables early kills during the transformations, but it and Halberd (also banned at the same time) were the only stages with soft bottom floors, which made the recover and ledge options a LITTLE more diverse than "up-B to the ledge for free into normal getup." When that ruleset was first showed off at Xanadu and stream viewers complained, I remember one commentator blowing it off because if you weren't actually playing in the tournament, then you shouldn't have a say in the matter and it's wrong of you to care at all.
I see his point, since you don't want a community to be dictated by outsiders, but if there was so much backlash over a stage, then you should at least pause and think about it, you know? Stream/YouTube viewership is how Gimr VGBC makes most of their money, and if the audience is bored because every legal stage is just Smashville, Battlefield, FD, or Lylat, then they aren't going to watch as much. The game is already way too focused on defence; the least you could do is have a couple of marginally wacky stages in the rotation to FORCE the players to move around and approach each other, because God knows they won't do it themselves. If they don't want to get counterpicked there, just fucking strike the stage. If a low ceiling is the only reason you lose to Donkey Kong or Meta Knight, then take your licks and beat him in game 3, holy fuck.
People getting stretcher'd on Town & City is the best for generating salt. The game's so fucking defensive that losing a stock at 90% is the end of the world to them.
I love that stage man. That i hope someone mods the Omega version of Midgar Stage and just adds platforms
I've seen people get salty over counterpicks to Duck Hunt. Fucking Duck Hunt, a flat stage with non-random platforms, is too much for these people because the dog platform can sometimes mess up your techs and stuff on stage, even though it's completely predictable.
If the game had FoD and Yoshi's Story from Melee I'd bet there'd be playing would complain about Randall and the moving platforms. At least when stages were banned in Melee it made sense with how grossly they favored certain characters.
*bet they would
Not sure what happened there.
Since when, and for what? That stage is fun to play on, and there aren't any hazards/walk-offs. It seems to have been carefully made to be tourney legal.
If this game somehow got Fountain of Dreams and found some bullshit excuse to ban it, there would be no hope left for 4.
Since its release, and because SOMETIMES during SOME parts of the stage's progression down the cliffside, there are some SMALL pieces of debris that act as hard ceilings.
Meanwhile, Gamer is apparently one of the most popular stages to play on with a gentleman's agreement.
Not sure how to approach this. I'm much more comfortable with the 3DS verison, though. I just wish the online infrastructure weren't ass.
Holy shit, just play the game. I like Hungrybox's approach.
i.e. Learn to play the game, you lazy faggot.
Set up some smash at your nearest internet cafe/nerdy coffee shop and start playan. Make sure you have extra controllers. Wait for someone to join and you might find a bro to smash with for life (no homo)
Why do you have to be an insufferable faggot?
it literaly is Bair and rest. baiting the other person to do something stupid out of frustration.
maybe getting an uptilt (good luck doing that though), and forcing your will apon your opponent.
you can't write a guide on playing a character that revolves around reacting to your opponent in real time.
Reminder that four out six of Melee's legal stages are Battlefield and Battlefield rip-offs.
Melee is deep enough for something like platform heights (Marth's up tilt on Stadium vs Marth's up tilt on Dream land) to matter. Yoshi's Story also has side platforms which extend past the edges of the stage, which means characters have more recovery options and Fox has another invincible ledge dash option.
Tr4sh lacks the mechanical depth for anything like this to matter. You have so little control over your character and there's so little hitstun that chasing someone around platforms or pressuring them through platforms is impossible because they're never vulnerable. You can't put someone into tumble without swatting them away far enough to give them the opportunity to jump away or air dodge, not counting corner cases and specific %s.
The height of the top platform matters, too. Icies are good on Yoshi's Story and Fountain because they can pressure the top platform with an up air, but they can't do that as well on Battlefield or Dream land. Any relevant character in tr4sh can reach or pressure the top platform on any Battlefield clone.
Exploits don't count as depth.
You're right. Sakurai should have patched that troublesome mechanic wavedashing out of the game. Would have been much more fun :^)
Nothing of value would be lost. It'd remove one of the biggest sources of Melee autism.
Why would you do this to yourself?
You can tell how bad Melee autism is when not supporting it has you painted as a "Brawl autist"
I think I have a masochistic streak. It's cathartic to be proven right repeatedly.
Kinda hard to experience it when that hasn't happened.
How do I git gud with Toon Link?
Oh Watch a Toon Link player from Mexico named Ryuga
That try picking up Jump Canceling glide toss
I hate how in Smash 4 they got rid of Toon Link's bounce with his Down Aerial.