Which games have this sexy son of a gun?

Which games have this sexy son of a gun?
Arguably the best gun.

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But user, everyone knows this is the best gun.

You can mod it into Insurgency.

Yeah, no, you're objectively wrong.
To answer to your question, RE5 had the M4 stock version of that rifle.
I'll proceed to post some genuinely sexy guns that are never ever featured on any game.

Top kek.
Seriously though, Sigs are nice.
Also, Toks are nice. Quick little cartridge and a modular trigger group.


actually they did some testing with it and found out its overexpensive piece of shit Swiss uses to sell to countries for mad profit

Hah! I know, right?


Enlighten me, I'm unfamiliar with Japshit.

That's not a MSG90 or a PPC

i think he's trying to communicate with us



seriously, why do people come here to ask stupid questions?

ak74 all day everyday

Guns can't be sexy.

How can anyone be this gay.

Try again.

/k/ nutting on guns proves you're wrong.

Thanks for the webm. You got one for the FAL slow motion video?

gimme a couple of seconds



>being this wrong

Oh shit, thanks user, have this.

Supreme taste.

The Howa Type 89 is the official Japanese service rifle for the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (called "Buddy" by service members).
Unlike most other nations where their service rifle is a variant of the AR-15, the Howa Type 89 is a variant of the AR-18.
Features include:
>And can never be exported due to strict gun laws in Japan

life is suffering

M1, M14, and M16A1 (with chromed barrel) are still the best looking and feeling guns ever made.

The SVT and that German copy are utter trash. Better get the M1, it's superior in literally every way.



and done

Nice, but I prefer the G3 / HK91, mainly for aesthetic reasons

Low capacity internal mag
Not even that good looking

This is bait


Although I respect your opinion I must disagree, user. In my opinion, although the G3 is indeed a very nice looking rifle, the FAL has superior aesthetics.


Work on your aim. Also, internal mag makes the gun jams less.

get /fit/

It's literally one of the most reliable guns ever, especially the garand. SVT is the unreliable trash.

beats importing your gopnik shit

Low test cuckfag confirmed.

I agree, the FAL is aesthetically pleasing in the same way an AK is, it has its own utilitarian beauty. Also, the FAL stays cleaner and doesnt destroy brass.

Nips actually have some pretty great quality fun manufacturing.

He's going all out. Have fun with you bent op rods fagot.

That's wrong.

It "literally" isn't, it has shit reliability, bad design and overly exposed action, everything can get it to stop working. The Garand was considerably worse than the carbine on that aspect too.

It was also stupidly inefficient to manufacture, a really poor design through and through.

Shit bait, m8, just shit.

Short stroke systems are cool.

They sure are. Too bad the FAL is long stroke.

Nope, the gas piston isnt afixed to the carrier and hence, it is short stroke.

What exactly are you trying to pull here? Starting a longstroke vs shortstroke war?

Know the right curve, user.

It doesn't matter for me. Do you love burying your guns?

No point in reasoning with retards.

Holy fuck you guys need to calm your autism. Both the SVT and M1 are very good rifles.

This takes me back to the utterly retarded AR vs. AK shitfests on /k/.

pistolfus eh

imagine if you will a 9mm 1911 designed in switserland and bam spinx sdp compact and standard


So, a Hi power.


Holy shit my dick.

Good taste my man. Pre-B CZ 75s have to be among the sexiest pistols on the planet.

From switserland

also slight ambidexterous controls

Didnt the swiss actually make some hi powers? Also, The Radom Vis is sexy.

Thats hot.

i think turkey did

Someone asked for sexy guns?

Also, P-35 is best hi power.

This is a lot hotter than it has any right to be.

Time for slavshit.

Feels bad man.

/k/ is full of pathetically autistic couch warriors.


Did a /k/ommando shit in your froot loops?

They're working on it.


/k/ucks are fatasses because firing guns isn't real sport.

He isn't wrong

I believe it's a Zastava N-PAP or something along the line. Not sure, though. I didn't save these images with the rifle name because I am dumb.
The wood stock versions are really rare, unfortunately. Really should get one.

You aren't wrong either.

Now skiing cross country and THEN firing guns? That's a sport.


Integral suppression is hot.
Why cant we have cool shit.

That's autism.

ur mom is autism

Zastava make some damn sexy AK clones, especially for DMR use.

That thing makes my dick hard every time I see it.

Personally, for more accurate nonsense, I'd go with a sexy VEPR in 54R.


holy shit that keyholing

And the calibre is part of what makes it so neat.

Welcome to Century Arms

Its not keyholing, the bullet is just stabilizing. Most small spitzer projectiles do that in the first few feet of flight.

The mechanics are what make the gun.

why are americans such fat pigs

You guys have some weird definitions.

Is a korobov an ak because its chambered for M43?

Why are europoors such unredeemable fags.


You can change the calibre on almost any gun by just slotting in a new barrel and reworking the chamber (provided they're similar in power to work the action).
What makes a gun part of a "family" or a derivative of another gun is how it's designed.
The SKS isn't an AK because they fire the same ammo. The PKM isn't a mosin clone because it fires 7.62x54R.
The galil is AK-based, though, even though it fires multiple different types of ammo.


I always have to use this one in every game they are in.

See you said AK-based, that's how I would describe anything that explicitly uses the AK action but fires anything but 7.62x39mm. AK clones would be anything that fires 7.62x39mm to me.

yfw barrel melts the plastic

Fishgun's German cousin is proof that Germany should have stuck with the G3.



they fixed that awhile ago

The shitty handgaurd would deform if it got too hot.

That was the other reason. Also, there's no point replacing the AR platform, its a good, albeit bass ackwards, design.

Link didnt work, meant for

except they look like shit and feel like cheap crap

Oh okay, that makes your confusion a little less, uh, confusing. Normally saying "AK-clone" just means cloning the AK action, though, and most people use it in a derogatory way to refer to guns like the galil and the RK62.

it was also the best performing gun in some army tests. m4/m16 basically all exploded when shot more then 1 every half minute.



is the shitty bolt fixed yet or is it still plastic and shitty


your thinking of a bolt carrier

Theres no plastic on any of it

aww they fixed it

Do you mean the charging lever? I dont think that was ever plastic except on airguns.

meh i just call it the bolt but yeah looks fixed there where reports of people breaking it off

You do understand the vast difference in the functions of these parts, right.

yeah both can be used to chamber bullets but are named differently

for future reference

No, the charging handle is used to dry cycle the rifle, while the bolt's main function is to lock the chamber shut.

Is the "charger" a separate part, because it just looks like a protrusion from the carrier.

Usually, the G36 integrated it.
Heres an AR15 one, usually its called a charging handle

Charging handle doesn't work without the bolt you retard.

Generally, the term charging handle can be used to refer to any priorusion ised to dry cycle/charge the rifle. Also, while I like the AR, the emphasis on using your left hand fir reloads and charging is annoying. But I guess the AK style right hand emphasis is just more natural for me.

shit its been forever since ive had differentiated between bolt and lever since theyre fuking wielded

how come the charging handle and bolt arent welded together

But that's not a 550

U wat
The bolt need to move so it can lock/unlock. What you're thinking of ts the carrier.

Obviously, some people need this.


these import restrictions need to fuck off

Wood is best.



what foul black magic is this

Whoops, wrong video.
Seems i don't have the gun one.

Here's something unrelated.

I haven't been this erect in years.


You see Ivan, when Sergei makes super sized AVS-36, even muzzle blast destroys enemies.

What libvpx-vp9 is capable of these days will blow your socks off. Depending on the source video I can crank out maybe 20 minutes of pure video at that resolution, and that's without playing around a lot with the real fine-detail stuff like tile-columns/frame-parallel/auto-alt-ref/-lag-in-frames, changing the frame rate, slowing down the encoding, etc.

man, russian webbing gear and gorka suit look way cooler than western stuff

i just realized i confused the firing mechanisms for bolt action rifles with fully automatics i am waaay too tired

ア: 安全
レ: 連発
3: 3点バースト
タ: 単発

This shit is making me drowsy

so g36 have a rotating bolt


most modern rifles do



You lucky little shit.

supreme taste anons

Cyberpunk as fuck nigger
What games let me use that revolver?


if i remember right, about ten years ago they found a mechanical computer dating back to roman times in a sunken ship in a lake or something

basically it had a periscope/"sight" that you would aim at the north star, and belowdecks was a series of mechanisms that would pove a marker on a map based on where the sight was aimed. it was ancient GPS

i have no source because i can't remember where i saw or read it but there you go

my nigga. if i could find a decent vietnam-era m14/m21 i'd go crazy with joy, but every one i can find in my area is absurdly expensive

Larry Vickers was in fucking delta and because of multiple injuries he's now fat. Can't exactly do PT if you're fat.

Why are foreigners such fucking noguns?


Nice meme.
Wehrberichts 2015 proves that to be bullshit.
And I never had any issues with it.

t.Landser with 2 tours in Afghanistan



Resident Evil 5 gives you a SIG 552 iirc


Wood is pretty shit, user.

I'm currently looking at a good poly replacement for my garand's stock. Fuck wood.


I want to fuck that gun



It's almost like Arnie wants 72 virgins prematurely.

you have to go back

That's not a FN Fal


What's a good babby's first gun? I like the way they look, and shooting seems like a fun hobby, but I've never shot anything. Are there classes?


Any .22LR bolt-action, lad.

You bet there's classes.

If you're afraid of breaking your gun, get a Mosin-Nagant. Those things were made for illiterate peasants and soaked in preservative grease. Just get one, clean it out, lube it up, and you've got a fully functional rifle that'll kill anything in the North American continent.

Depends on what you plan on using it for and your price range. Good centerfire handguns start around $500. Good AKMs/ARs around $1000, good shotguns around $350.

Don't listen get tricked by reddit-tier memesters into buying a nagant.

Tons. Every non-shit shooting range is going to offer a variety of classes, from teachings nogunz proper firearm safety and basic shooting techniques, to tacticool advanced carbine courses.

Yall niggas need to play 7.62 high calbre

5.56 isn't bad. .22 is a step up from airshit.

Why not just go for 5.45x39?

Why not just go for 7.62x39?

Barrier blind and significantly more common.

I would if it didn't bug out or crash every ten minutes.

It's like you don't like having a bruised shoulder.

Keep your shit memes in /k/

Keep your shit taste on reddit.

Fuck of /k/uck

no u

See, if you weren't a retard memer you'd know that because of dipshits like you the price shoot up way to high to justify it for such a shit gun.
You'd also know that you could spend 50 bucks more to get an SKS, which is already a huge improvement, or spend about 400 bucks to get a cheap, but totally adequate AR built.

Boy you are one stupid nigger.


Can you actually address the points, /k/uckhold?
Of course not.
Gas yourself

You didn't make any points you just called it a shit meme, retard.

I called it overprized, fuckface, which it objectively is

Because Obongo made it impossible to get more you stupid nigger, I already refuted that point here>>9239500


Also it's overpriced you illiterate.

I want you to steer clear of that boy son. He's a manlicker, scout.

Fine, faggot.

Maybe I want to kill bigger shit than an SKS can. Maybe I just plain enjoy larger-caliber weapons. Maybe I'm not interested in maintaining a gas system.

Same above applies. Besides, some people live in jewed states where ARs are so fucking terrible due to legislation that they're not worth owning at all. Not to mention an AR-15 is tougher to maintain than a Mosin/SKS.

Point is, different people want different things from their arsenal. Telling someone that a gun sucks and they should get another gun that suits a completely different use case is pants-on-head retarded.

clangity clang




gunz has them, or at least has the design of that revolver.
they're ussually used by tryhards, since you'll never hit anything with them

This thread was /k/ from the start

Every time someone mentions guns anywhere in the thread, let alone in the OP, it derails into off-topic /k/ shitposting

I mean, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but that's just how it is

/k/ *offtopic
/k/ itself isn't really considered shitposting

More games should feature the best gun.

I'd consider it shitposting, seeing as how 95% of this thread clearly has nothing to do with video games

Just imagine if instead of guns people were posting pictures of their waifu and other assorted smug anime girls and discussing those instead. Same exact thread, just with a different topic and less asshurt.

Like I said though, I'm not complaining. I love it when Uncle /k/ visits.




The fucking clockwork bullshit inside says otherwise. How did that thing even get into the design phase? Didn't they think that having a super complex gun would be a huge problem if it malfunctions on the battlefield?

Also the fucking magazines are gigantic how did they expect soldiers to carry more than the one in the gun?

My raifus right here