Kung Fu

Let's talk about Kung Fu related vidya.

The Topic:
Why are there so few

cos wites be racis

It takes effort to make it good.
Devs don't want to put effort in.

Unarmed combat is too versatile; a martial art is a whole new can of worms.

But OP shouldn't they put actual fighting techniques in games instead of dancing?

Same reason why there are barely any dinosaur or pirate games I suppose.

On a side note, it would be really cool for them to make a kungfu game starring Donnie Yen.

Kung fu, and martial arts in general, requires a certain fluidity and speed that many devs would have issues implementing in a way that's both fun and intuitive.

In addition, if you want to be faithful to the actual martial arts, Yakuza is so wacky and over the top with it's fight choreography that it doesn't really count, like Sleeping Dogs, you need to spend a lot of time and resources studying and animating all of the intricate moves and flourishes.

It's much easier to just make a third person shooter, or a brawler focused entirely on simple punches, kicks, and throws.

I liked Urban Reign. It was HK cinema: The Game.

You get to throw props, grab people, throw them around into walls.

Erry thread


On the topic of kung fu vidya, anyone remember a PS2 kung fu game with Jackie Chan in it? I remember it being really fun. At least i think it was Jackie


Ye, i think that's it.

Although it looks worse than i remember

The one based off the animation series, with the magic runes and whatnot?

Whelp what ends up happening is, just like in real life, all the cool fancy shit ends up being impractical so you end up just being some boring dickhole. Some people like that kind of thing but it just doesn't really mesh when people what to do some Kung Fu fightan.

The second reason is the utterly horrible control schemes and utterly insane difficulty curves. Some of the games I played had very long meticulous combo streams that you had to do that were inherently unintuitive or awkward to do and the extreme precision and timing in the harder fights making them exponentially difficult to pull off the difficulty would generally be tutorial level easy, decent pace for a bit, then the level where every enemy fights like a boss and the bosses from then on makes Geese Howard look tame in comparison.

Sadly it had its share of problems back in the day. I could see it aging pretty badly.

Thanks user.

So whats the sauce on the second image, he looks like the ipman guy but I never seen him fight apeman before.

Also, I wonder how dated True Crime Streets of LA got.

It's Ipman vs Myke Tyson. They decided that telling his life story was too boring, so he will now fight everybody.
Ipman vs Rocky Balboa when?

On one hand, I am sad that we will never have a decent sequel to one of the few decent wuxia games out there.

On the other hand, I am glad we will never have a EA Bioware sequel to take a massive dump on the corpse of the original.

Did this nigga travel back in time?

I don't know why, but caring about anachronisms (or even relevant time spans) has always seemed far less important to asian films (namely chiniese ones) than it has to western audiences. I have no idea why.

It's just a movie user, I bet you will complain when he will fight frankenstein and godzilla.

Nah, they'd never remake it because:
1) It's not a shooter or Tolkien-like RPG
2) Their tumblr hires would call cultural appropriation
So don't worry, Jade Empire is safe. Dead, but safe.

if only the gameplay outside of the fights was good
minigames were alright

also wish this one was out for pc

I'd watch that or another one like

It is depressing as fuck to think the best thing I can do about a game I love is not say anything about it, not bring up any hype about a possible sequel because of the track record of the people who have it's IP.

what about every single fighting game ever?

Tales of Wuxia on Steam is kinda neat. The translation though is half assed at best since there's still a bunch of untranslated shit in it, and sometimes the text that was translated gets cut off.

it was a pretty badass fight though. Showed me how scary it would be to get rushed down by Myke.

Don't forget shenmue 1 and 2. It's not fancy, but it keep it realistic.


It's strange but the pokemon games come close to kung fu. There are a million different elements to think about in a fight, and in a match of equal strength the winner is the one who adapts to the situation fastest.
Of course overpowering your opponent with brute force is an option too, but much more risky.

Indeed. It is a shame it took so long for us to get an actual Pokemon fighting game. Is Pokkén even any good?

I feel for you buddy.

Yes, it's exceptionally fun.

Could use more modes, activities, and characters though.

An underrated PSX classic.

Shitty chinese MMO. If you look hard enough, you can find some niggas around here with vietnam flashbacks.

An underrated gem about parodying cheap 70's HK kung fu movies
Not heard often due to stereotypes (Luigi dressed as a chinese cowboy-tier, yellowman, ape warrior modeled after a black guy, etc) and being an Xbox exclusive
Great art direction, trademark of Just Add Monsters, better know these days as Ninja Theory before they changed humour with edgy

That Jackie Chan game for ps1 was pretty great.

>tfw did tae kwon do for 5 years

at least i got some exercise out of it

You mean this one?

I couldn't get into it. They've got demos of it at bestbuy and gamestop, make sure you give it a try before buying.

Why are there so few?

>Dead or Alive, or shit.

You want to play Kung Fu?

Bring back the Age of Wushit generals

To think, all this time my favorite Xbox classic was a Ninja Theory title.

What the fuck happened?

Other than Shenmue and Yakuza, what are some open world adventure kung-fu games?
I always loved Shenmue for that, and have been itching for something preferably PC-based

Just end my suffering already.

you always had shit taste

thank god

this is real life trollface

Better taste than you, buttmunch

I remember that game. The final boss was hilarious because I would just keep shooting a fully-upgraded mirabelle at him and I killed him with no damage. Most anti-climactic kung-fu fight ever.

The thing is, EA doesn't want to do a sequel, but the original devs do. They did an interview last year or the year before where they said they spend hours talking about where they'd like to take the sequel if they got the chance to. They have an actual passion for the setting. Remember passion? I don't.

So, maybe, if it ever got made, it might be free of a lot EA meddling and be a craft of love by the developers. I guess we'll never know unless it happens.