British Documentary on the Alt-Right
British Documentary on the Alt-Right
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I only came here to tell you I don't even need to watch or read what you say to tell how retarded and cancerous that video will be to watch.
I skimmed through the video and couldn't even keep a straight face, this shit is hilariously bad.
\top keke
you glorious bastard
Is kek communicating through the BBC?
I still don;t know what "fake news" is. I know what it is literally, but the media uses it in ways that don't make sense. When they say fake news, what the fuck are they talking about?
technically the
is actual fake new, but they just want to label everything they don't like fake news
Anything that doesn't follow their globalist narrative is fake news
Look at that fucking tie
I thought old homos were supposed to dress well
What in the fuck
He had socks in 2 tone green to match the colour on the tie so it's not fag. :^|
It's the common purpose colours which is another of the soros ventures and what gave us Tony Blair.
Rip the video, you imbecile.
Not seen but, remix worthy?
This man heads a nightly news programme which has to be a contender for the most pozzed propaganda vehicle on earth. Full of noble wise brown people, compassionate Moslems, fanny jabber and nary a non-evil huwhite male.
Yep, john snow and his son dan (can anyone say nepotism…) are fucking ovenworthy channel 4 libshit cancer.
It seems so.
The only good thing he has ever done is gone to Palestine and not lie when he came back about the Israeli crimes.
The funniest thing from that video is the kikess saying 'B-B-But that's not science' about the bell curve
Basically the MSM launched the term "fake news" as an attempt to de-legitimize dissenting or otherwise inconvenient voices by attacking their journalistic merit and that of their content (anyone reporting on the DNC leaks is fake news because Trump is literally Hitler) but it turned around and started biting them squarely on the ass inside of 24 hours and they've been frantically downplaying it ever since.
You really have to wonder what the fuck they were thinking introducing a phrase like that into the public lexicon at a point in time where the MSM as a whole is basically viewed as Buzfeed-tier clickbait garbage by hundreds of millions of Americans; I'd say they shot themselves in the foot but given the amount of damage done it's more like they shot themselves in the head.
Take pity on the British, for they're a once proud people now broken and confused and shitting curries.
This is hilarious because this is what we would say on raids from 4chan. Decent doc but everyone said they aren't racist lmao
I feel like there's a joke right in front of me that I'm missing because being in the UK Paul is just another name I hear on a daily basis.
Why the giggles?
Paul sounds like Holla Forums I would assume.
holohoax vid on the same day. wew lad.
I guess with an american accent it does, with a british accent Paul is read the same as pool, not poll
I thought he was thinking something along the lines of 'lol, Paul is like a british Pepe' or something
The hilarious thing is Jon Stewart used to call The Daily Show "fake news" all the time and liberals trust him and respect him more than a real news anchor. The way the MSM spergs out over anything alt-right is very similar to the way Fox News used to sperg out over Stewart. They're too out of touch to realize how false their narrative sounds to most people, and sites like Infowars can legitimately claim to be the news that THEY don't want you to see.
No no no no
Holy shit. I was screaming when it came to Pual part
LO fucking L
It's not the first time they've done this.
It's more like "pawl"
I never understand what is so great about posting nigger memes.
Take this altright cancer back to TRS
get out newfag
Embed related is same video,watch from here and don't click on the link unless you want them to know where the traffic is coming from like a cuckchanner.
Funny how Jonestein is at an America First rally, even though he claimed the original America First Committee was a creation of the "New World Order".
Cuckchaner confirmed
Take your epic funny nigger oil meme and your interacial cuckold porn back.
Report the thread then you retarded kike, the BBC is a literal fucking cuckold joke.
Kill yourself
They're still trying to push the "fake news" narrative despite it backfiring on them? They're really reduced to being one trick ponies.
You first schlomo.
I legitimately enjoyed that. Eloquent young whites calmly explaining their alternative point of view. A couple of very obvious Holla Forumsacks too. This kind of thing doesn't hurt either Holla Forums or the "alt-right" in my opinion. It normalises our viewpoints, and seems to me to paint the "alt-right" in a very favourable light. Of course, I don't view it through a normie lens I guess, but there's nothing that I would expect them to consider extreme.
Who is pushing that bullshit opsec that is not opsec?
That guy is not a human being, but is rather a reptilian.
Still better than clicking a website link.
full version
Skip to 12:43 for part 2
embeds load the thumbnails from yt… You might as well be clicking a link.
Yep. Holla Forums does that intentionally :^)
It triggers me too user, but you've gotta lighten up. We can't turn into the racist version of tumblr. The context of the image is funny and any white girl or man mixing with muds is cannon fodder anyways.
Adam's an old brit/pol/ regular, for those who aren't aware. Looks like they used very little footage they took of him. I wonder why.
That nigger needs to learn its place.
The BBC is run by kikes, they probably chose the name on purpose decades ago.
I'm heavily leaning toward sabotage. We must have a shill on the inside.
Close but no cigar. Freddo is the British pepe
The last time I was on TV they used five seconds out of the five minutes I gave them. Before that a few hours interviewing ended up as 30 seconds in a piece and following their narrative, not mine.
Of course I never talk about alt-right issues in the media, this was literally about potholes.
I guess.but i still rather have less niggers and race mixing shit on here.
Adam was scarf boy? He presented the best.
Adam's the guy who said Milo Yiannopoulos is a liberal.
That kid has leadership material. Keep an eye on him.
ok, I'm looking at the
Buckby is not a good front man, but that Nigress was a fucking shambles.
I fucking lost my shit when he bought that book out lmao
Triggered niggers?
thanks doc
"Jakub" at 4:00 is a Pole, I've seen his youtube channel, he doesn't use it anymore
Why break the link?
Mein Kampf and The Bell Curve would scare normies away, they hate reading
youtube can't record where traffic is coming from (8ch)
I hope nobody reading this is stupid enough to allow their browser to leak referral info. There's 6 million addons out there to stop it and other info from being transmitted.
kek try the 1950s, before the long march through the institutions
Top Fucking Kek who is this trickster?
I thought british bad teeth was a meme.
What the hell is wrong with you britfags ?
Pathological fear of dental drill or something ?
I don't have a answer for this.
You know how they're always bragging about getting 'free' socialized medicare?
It doesn't include dental work for the most part.
That's why medical and dental tourism exists, you can go to a cheaper country and get high quality treatment for a lesser price.
Not triggered, it's just funny because there's something so architypal about trying to explain a controversial consept and starting it with 'let me tell you about…'
No thanks.
Good answer.
Those are healthy looking teeth.
Without (((orthodontics))).
Realize that we are also what is being termed as "alt-right". Our foes cannot differentiate between us, despite significant ideological differences. We're all painted with the same brush stroke to them.
Alt-Right is a completely jewish/CIA managed psyop, from it's very inception.
In a few months nobody on here will ever dare openly admit to being sucked into the Trump zionist mindfuck.
He has to wear a mask to hide from the Dubsman.
Originally it was all those ads you see on FB or at the side of major sites that say "Pope endorses Trump!" right next to "You'll never believe what she said about his manhood" and below that "Secrets of the rich they will never tell you". Anybody with half a brain can see they are all fake clickbait articles. Usually it says "sponsored" next to the box the links are in. People on FB would share the pope story as if it were true and thus spread "fake news".
The media didn't like how it was loosing the narrative so it started branding everything not controlled by (((them))) as in the same category as those obvious frauds.
Britain has free healthcare - not dental care :^)
Well how did I get my braces for nothing? How do I get checkups for free?
>Dentistry provided by the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom was originally intended to ensure that dental treatment is available to the whole population. However, for dentistry it has been limited centrally for some time, struggling to even see 55% of the population in a two year period (HSCIC official stats
Dunno, ur mum paid 4 it?
Adam on the programme.
Nah, they trotted out fake news once lugenpresse and lying press started to filter to the Trump normalfags through twitter. It was an intentional decoupling between false information and intent to deceive.
Our foes made up the term alt-right.
It's alright. He hates Holla Forums now. He'd probably rather people didn't link him here.
no he is an arrogant peace of shit
would be a good start to listen to his advice you fucking retard.
Calm yourself. He was in the programme. Regardless of how you feel about him (and there are many relevent criticisms to be made), his word on what went down is relevent to the topic.
Fuck off you kikeshill
Inb4 he gets v& for racism.
webm related.
anyone know this QT3.14's website?
That is because we came up with it
kek so a documentary on people with jobs?
poor lefties
holy shit, that reporter
"but its a theory muh no real science"
shut the fuck up you dumb cunt
Even nips fix their fucking teeth.
This gets into the holocaust and anti-semitism btw.
Yes, he was a Kike too.
Homosexuality, Feminism, and the Holocaust…
How strange that Channel 4 connects these things together, seeing that they all need to be defended in the same breath…
Makes you think…
They're dedicating an entire week to the alt right.
Every time I watched stuff like this, there's this powerful urge in me to delete my casual hookup site profiles and devote more time to making content to help further the cause.
I won't do that because, well, "muh dick" and it's been years since I've gotten laid, but I admire those of you who take a stand for what you believe in.
A lot of the people were cuckold fags, but the overall not bad with gems like
I bet she's a 10/10 in Britannia.
If you're typing "x is y" the most popular results aren't going to be something sugar coated are they? They're going to be controversial and likely looked up by both impartial people and people on both sides of the issue.
It really says nothing at all about anything.
its cringy and of course they paint those kids as misguided but I think its good for the cause
The BBC routinely has scam tut-tut episodes. They operate as a nanny state paternalistic preaching system - the sermons to the common folk are from TV.
An example, a recent doc on the BBC about fake cannabis, which at that time was somewhat legal in the UK. It included the lady host whispering that the people were more stoned than she had ever seen anyone stoned. But I know that was a scam, because that's not even possible.
The BBC lies all the time, and it's amazing how much they lie. An example Alex Jones uses is when the BBC reported WTC 7 had fallen, but it's clearly visible behind the lady reporting. Presumably she was actually in the UK, and just using a blue screen. In any event, fake news it has ever been.
It's just a church with sermons devised to keep the stupid little people in line, the BBC is.
All true, but this particular piece is made my Channel 4, who, like the BBC, are state funded, and partly funded by the EU.
Same shit, different channel, basically.
the girl next door types are freaks in bed,
you can see it in her face when she is talking about the "alt right" … we are exotic to her and get her wet
I thought she was quite cute tbh
The whole show did its best to make everyone look awkward and ugly, even the usually beautiful Adam Wallace.
Important info, thanks!
Also, the reason we don't know that much about your channels is they block US residents from watching, because there are certain lies they tell Brits that they don't want Americans correcting.
Not the point, if you can prevent even slightly the spread of how the machine works, you should do it.
Under 16's have dental work free, those in education and the unemployed too.
Who is the dapper Bell Curve wielding man?
No fear in that laddie.
That was better than expected.
Brits have crooked teeth because of mixing between Saxons and Celts. Celts have small jaws and Saxons have big teeth, and when they mixed following the collapse of the Roman empire they produced a group of people with big teeth crammed into a small jaw. If you try to fit large teeth into a small jaw, you get crooked teeth.
The BBC is heavily occupied and controlled by kikes, and Channel 4 seems to suffer the same problem. They work by promoting fellow tribalists into as many 'opinion forming' rôles as they can, and make heavy use of cryptos and mischlings to cover for this, as well as social and racial (((allies))).
BBC comedy, news and current affairs, history, the arts and music, drama, etc - all controlled by (((them))) as part of a cultural marxist program.
Grace Harper works for the production company CTVC which is run by the Rank Foundation. They are heavy on the migrants/multiculti agenda.
The Rank Foundation is an (((NPO))) affiliated with the family of British film pioneer J Arthur Rank who founded Pinewood studios. Rank's father was likely a jewish convert to Christianity during the late 1800s, a typical practice explaining the cancer of 'Shabbos Goyim' and jewish crypsis throughout British society. The foundation - like so many jew charities - seeks to train and install (((sympathetic))) leaders throughout British society, and with CTVC they do this through people like Grace Harper. What is the betting that Grace is (((sympathetic)))?
Our teeth may look bad but they're actually the healthiest.
The Saxons originally told their people not to mix with the local sub-humans. I guess Britain proves you can make something decent out of trash.
Another (s)hitpiece on a group those in power are trying to co-opt anyway. What a laughable piece of shit.
I've been trying to understand this myself but viewed from any angle it's still the most retarded idea ever. You literally just had a man run a successful presidential campaign while repeatedly calling the media liars, so you then create a meme about fake news? And you expect this to not blow up in your face? It could quite possibly become the most damaging meme to the media that has ever been created, and they did it to themselves.
That lad, big respect for him. He defended himself very well.
Americans get their teeth pulled to get more normal looking ones implanted.
BBC produces some funny ass propaganda
*Australian Pepe
inb4 hur dur dey is nazis
Why man
That's not true at all. Americans get teeth pulled because either they are rotten and broken or they don't fit in the jaw properly (wisdom teeth).
Not fucking cosmetic reasons.
:>when you run out of lies for the establishment
I'm too scared to watch. I don't think I am prepared to cringe hard. I know I will cringe considering the alt-right is a fake label.
its actually pretty funny, it was obviously filmed by a left winger who knows the memes
they are so stupid