Basic Redpill Argument

When American conservatives insist that the country has "Judeo"-Christian values and invoke the image of the god-fearing Jew, they paint a picture of a humble family man who prays and does good by his neighbor.
But mind you, this is the inversion of real Judaism. Let me demonstrate my meaning with a simple question:
Did God choose Abraham, or did Abraham choose God?
If God chose Abraham, then it means that Abraham's covenant is special and excludes others. It means that through their forefathers, Jews are born initiated into ritualistic relationship that they are obligated to fulfill. This is pure Satanism. Why would God exclude people from his grace, why would he require a ritual - a work of man - to effect salvation.
Instead imagine if Abraham chose God. He, equipped to respond to grace as are the rest of all of us, honored and thanked God. In turn, he was blessed that because of his exceeding righteousness, his children would honor him by also choosing to honor God. By this construction a Jew would say that they love their forefathers and consequently love God, and in this sense are "chosen" or rather blessed, but that of course all of everyone else are in an equal place to recognize and honor God.
Do you see the difference? Do you see the implications for moral philosophy? Politics? Sociology.
Affinity with the "covenant" by the "chosen race" is all of a basic devotion to Satanic doctrines.
Sure, a "Jewish" identity could exist according to the latter of my constructions. A pride of race and heritage only. But that's not what Judaism IS. Historically, theologically, practically. Judaism teaches and IS the idea that God chose Abraham alone. There isn't a Judaism outside of this. As much as there theoretically could be, it would be an entirely different identity.

Other urls found in this thread:

All Semite religions are Jormungand and belong in the trash can. I fly the Raven Banner for Allfather.


No more childbuggering race traitor fag religion. You had your 2000 year fuckup and failed.

Now the blood eagle
With a broad sword
The killer of Sigmund
Carved on the back.
Fewer were more valiant
As the troops dispersed
A chief of people
Who made the raven glad.

We obviously disagree mate, there are plenty of opportunities to discuss this elsewhere. OP has put a bit of effort into the thread and I think we ought to respect that and not derail it. Okay? Every thread on paganism vs christianity goes to the same way with the same worn out arguments and shit flinging.

It just goes on for hundreds of posts, can't we just focus on the OP? Or talk about something we agree on like how much we hate niggers?

Fuck you. Fuck your semitic religion. It's all trash and it has to go.


You don't think we're making a list of you, but we WILL kill you. Every last one, just as soon as we're done with the kikes and the niggers, race traitors are next. I'm talking to YOU, Brian.

Christianity is shit but D&C baiting is even more shit.

Yeah, no, you're going to be burned alive, race traitor.

God I don't actually fucking hate niggers. It's more like I pity them. Imagine it, being trapped in so hideous a body with so weak a mind. For life. Best to send them far away from civilized man.

Now kikes, I fucking hate kikes.

I don't think any one could. It's like imagining being a jackal. No true white could even come close.

The funny part is that Jesus basically rebelled against judaism since he saw how corrupt it became.
Judeo-christian is like saying anarcho-authoritarian. It's retarded for anyone that read the Bible and understood it.

The funny part is that people actually believe this.

Even though repeatedly Yeshua says he's only there to save the jews and doesn't care about anyone else.

There's no one more cucked than a christfag.

Which one is it bagans? Are you greco-roman or norse-germanic? Or are you some faggy new ages going on about how everything but christianity is a valid religion because muh ancesdurrs?

Reported for anti-white propaganda.

reported for nigger-tier reading comprehension.

Enjoy your ban, nigger. :^)

We'll see, kike.

That's all you'll be doing since you won't be able to post.


Still posting.


You'll fit in better there.

Cry more, faggot. If anyone should be going back to cuckchan, it's you and your low quality posts, you d&c Holla Forums kike.
>>>Holla Forums

You're lucky it's early in the morning so the mods aren't awake.

You'll be b& soon enough though.

I will ask again. Are you Greco-roman, norse or a new ager crypto satanist child molestor funded by soros?

Well, y-you're just lucky that my dad isn't here to beat you up.

just report&filter the fucker


Jesus didn't really rebel against judaism. It was more the opposite.

kek stop watching Glenn Beck

As for Norse vs Greco-Roman, it's half a dozen of one or six of the other.

Both come from the same source proto-religion.

Greco-Roman and Norse worship etymologically verfiable and cultural-historically verifiable variants of the same god.


So all this D&C shit on Paganism doesn't work. We are verified allies in an ancient tradition.

Took your time to switch the proxy i see.

Then what's the point of having zeus and tyr if you have the original indo-european (((religion)))?

Racial conservation. Nordic religion is for Scandinavians.

Yes, according to what I wrote Christianity is a different monster than Judaism, and fits the notion of Abraham choosing God. This is more or less the essence of Paul's innovation. This isn't a defense of Christianity, but Judaism is its own unique beast.

Christianity is more Indo European then you think.
Uranus/Gaia is Logos/Sophia, Demiurge is Cronos, Lucifer is Prometheus, Christ spirit is Zeus. It's the same archetypes.

Let's not forget the Platonic and Aristotelian concepts that were infused into it by Augustine and Aquinas, respectively.

I'm shaking with fear

Is Kekism an acceptable religion to not get hung?

The Judeo-Christian meme is a creation of post-WWII US politics. It can be dispelled easily by simply pointing out that the admitted values and beliefs of practicing Jews are not compatible with any branch of Christianity. Theological arguments about Abraham are better left to experts. Videos and pic related

Give me more. Where did you this stuff?

lmaoing @ u fam

Meanwhile the "rational" socialists laugh while tearing down all religion.

polite sage for off topic - though now I can see why the Christianity-hating Jews are in bed with godless commies

That applies equally to Christians, not just Jews.

Assuming there was a God that rewarded people for doing good and punished them for evil, why would he give a shit about churches? He should be rewarding good people from China and India as well.

All of the Abrahamic religions are shit. They aren't even really religions, but cults.

Why do you even bring it up? It's not a form of (((Abrahamism))).

I'm okay with most White Christians because they're still White, but for you I will make an exception. How much do you weigh, and how tall are you? I need to know so I can measure the length of rope you'll need for your hanging.

Fixed that for you.

Aww, I bet they had a great time at the zoo.

you would judge a religion by its followers and a misinterpretation of a bible quote?
I believe that there is a difference between the flesh and the spirit, and that no matter your race, if you're good enough, The Holy Spirit makes you into an angel after you die, which for all I know is not necessarily visually based on your then-former flesh
you and those other former humans, I'm compelled to think, would be one in Christ Jesus after dying the first death

furthermore, I think that the Argentinean man is not a pastor and was no canonically elected

if you're good enough that is
also there is actually a large number of Catholics who don't like that one guy from Argentina

Judaism is nothing but co-opted Zoroastrianism.

Christianity is nothing but Zoroastrianism for Jews.

Judaism, aside from the Zoroastrian philosophy, is deceptive bullshit; there was no Abraham, no Moses, no David. All lies aside from Zoroastrian spirituality.

An interesting point but Satan is the enemy of God. So this would actually be Christianity and Judaism and Islam but they always refuse to except what they truly are underneath the holy robes

Judaism co-opted a lot of neighboring myths. It's Atenism and El worship

True, but Atenism didn't have the strict monotheistic concept of there only being one supreme, all-powerful God. The Atens only chose to worship one god out of many. The idea of monotheism came from Aryan Persians, not Jews or Egyptians.

pseudo-intellectualism isn't intellectualism

All your memes suck. It's going to be forgotten and replaced with something better.

I can't tell if you are a >>>Holla Forums shill or a christfag that actually believes this.

Genesis Ch 1 is all from a hym to Aten


mods = canca

Christfag pls go, the proper interpretation of your anti-European cuck philosophy is that it's an anti-European cuck philosophy.

pick one, then backstroke into a cement mixer, kike.

Not down in semen?

It made a good point about the chosen status. You're a fucking pleb who shouldn't have control over Holla Forums. It's too intelligent for you.

The Jewish religion is null and void. Jesus Christ gave us a new covenant. Toss the Jew stuff and move on.

You can't have the New Testament without the old

Oh brave new world.

I would judge it overwhelmingly by its history, and to a lesser extent its doctrine. Christianity has been a complete disaster for the European peoples. It's almost shocking how much damage this religion has done to whites, and how little of value it has done in return. Even the things that Christian LARPers on Holla Forums think were positive, like the Crusades, in fact involved the completely pointless slaughter of literally hundreds of thousands of Europeans while overthrowing Byzantium and leaving it a shadow of it self that didn't stand a chance against the Ottomans, who invaded Southeastern Europe after the fall of Constantinople.

Today, this religion is pure poison.