Iceberg thread. Share some obscure games, and maybe their download links as well no dolphin porn pls
Obscure games thread
Well, I played this.
hipster cred thread
Golden Land. 8/10 game at LEAST that nobody fucking knows.
Good times, shame polybius never existed.
I wish Polybius had though.
Yeah it was a decent game. Not sure why it needed its own thread though
No reference to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons for Intellivision (1982) or Archon: The Light and the Dark for C-64 (1983)?
Fucking newfags.
Whoa, is it 2012?
a bunch of the games on the lower tier arent even real
Some sorta obscure games I recall playing and never see mentioned much.
Here are some very primitive RPGs.
Not a single one of you has ever played the original Fig Hunter game from Pseudolonewolf.
and neither have I, because it was taken down before I joined the community
I would sell my soul to see it with my own eyes
Not enough love for Skygunner.
it had a game?
Played the demo but never got to buy it. Never seen a copy of this game.
I think I've seen Skygunner for sale all of once locally and the place wanted $30 for it preowned.
Nigger, you obviously have no idea how autistic racing sims can get.
no you fucking retard
Anyone know where I can download Lostboy?
You are kidding right?
You know it was a RAT virus, right?
You're right, it's 2016 for G-d sakes!
Hipster is a trigger word.
stop bumping this garbage
There was an original that was just a maze with some lame jumpscare. It was after that someone made a RAT trojan and uploaded it in a bait and switch.
War Wind 2
Roland's Curse (I & II )
Chronicles of the Black Moon (it was based on a French or Spaniard comic)
Fuck I just realized I have the disc from the original
wow d00d sick add me on instagram
I'm going to have to play some of these lower games I never heard of.
Most of them aren't even games
can this thread get any worse?
I see it around pretty frequently, but it could just be the same few copies if demand's so low no one's buying them.
What is "kill dad?"
I'm pretty sure Polybius is real, they even talked about it on the Simpsons.
That feeling when looking through old Gamemaker games. I still have some of the hiscores.
of course not
Do you think that will stop me?
It's an urban legend. It has never existed.
These threads always make me want to go back and look for old rpg maker games
Oh fug, i remember this!
whatever happened to all those Japanese horror (and few other genres) rpgmaker games and the people translating em?
it used to be a thing couple of years ago
I remember it was supposed to be an OG Xbox exclusive when the system launched.
I played Polybius
Took me $5 worth of quarters to beat it.
It had a lame ending.
The FBI just wipe your memory
One of my favorite games of all time.
I never see it being talked about, though…
I used to see copies all over the place in the town I used to live in. Eventually I just picked it up on a whim along with Beyond Good and Evil, and it was pretty good for a bargain bin game.
goddamn it, i played ragnarok for like 10 years and i loved this fucking game
I should really go back to it sometime
Where does this go
I always get it from this link, it's been up for ever.
Just go for the bottom of the page.
Dunno if you can easily reach it from google without being BR yourself.
I am a BR actually hue
Don't worry, I have it installed here with the three expansions. It's just that I don't have that drive anymore.
I'll play it again one day
Here's some real obscure ones.
I have yet to find these on shareware sites, or even legitimate physical copies.
Hi, this is Bill Cosby, you better watch from Fat Albert and his gang before they bust you out.
How the hell was Cyberia an obscure game?
You know OP is a fucking faggot when he lists 'Life is Strange' as a videogame
Oh, it had its moments, too.
I guess I fall in the 'The Oldfag' category, then.
Holy shit, I remember these - played only the Sven one, though.
Woah you kids are so hip
I remember playing a Demo of this, but then I never heard of it afterwards.
I've never seen it mentioned anywhere so I assumed I suppose.
For some reason, when I played this as a kid, my favorite thing to do was go straight for that barrel and fuck up the protagonist's hand.
I still find it amazing that the first one had a precursor popular enough to warrant a sequel, yet both have vanished off the net.
I remember an old game that I played sometime in early '00s on Windows 2k, but it probably is much older than that.
It was 2D from top perspective and you controlled a boy or something. I remember that the first thing you did was go over a bridge that started falling apart after you, and then I remember there was a cave and I fell into a hole there. Also I think the boy had a paper cap or something… and that's all I remember. I was too young and didn't understand English then, so I don't know any more about it.
Anyone knows what I'm talking about or is the knowledge completely lost?
There's no way it's that obscure, it's at least in 3rd tier.
Holy shit, me too.
Could it possibly have the server program on it? I've been looking for it everywhere. I even tried emailing them but there was no answer, as you might have guessed
wait there is a gallerians 2?!
I actually inherited a copy of AD&D and a working intellivision a few years back,
AD&D didn't work though, what am i missing out on
I've been trying to find this for years and it's one of the best shooters I ever played yet completely lost track of it. I read there was a decent X360 successor called Project Sylpheed that was pretty good, not sure if anyone here's touched it. I haven't.
I have Project Sylpheed for the 360 (bought it pretty cheap with some other games a few months ago), but I haven't played it yet, so I can't really attest to its quality.
You Are Empty
Mediocre and confusing russian horror game with absolutely no lighting or story to speak of, but an interesting physics engine.
The extremely bad translation is just the cherry on top, but the game does have an upsetting atmosphere and sound design.
Speaking of lost Game Maker games, does anyone have a copy of that Holla Forums game where you killed furries with rocket launchers that shoot chainsaws and dogs that shoot bees out of their mouths?
It was around the same time the harbl hotel game was made.
One of my favorite games is obscure as fuck. I use to shill for it a occasionally on here.
Basically you are in a bunker and you control a squad. You can see each squad member in first person on different monitors. You can switch to each monitor to move a squad member, and you can also hold down a monitor key and issue commands without hvaing to change who you're controlling.
The levels varied drastically. One level you're sneaking along a road on the side of a mountain trying to avoid trucks, that will drop off guards if they see you, another level you're sneaking around through a city with access to the sewers, rooftops, and a good amount of buildings.
So basically it's stealth-micro, which not a lot of people could wrap their heads around and it ended up not getting much praise.
Forgot to mention the name. It's signal ops.
Just learned recently that someone else played this besides me.
Believe it or not, they is an OVA based off the first game, too, which the second game used scenes from as CGI cutscenes.
The weird thing is, I think the OVA came after
Not really a super rare game, but still it is rare to find physical copies.
How is the Vietnam theme handled? nice dubs.
Is Silverladder a video game?
That shit had some really nice music, though the PC88 version somehow sounds better.
Seriously nigger?
It is rare but it's also a shit game, used to pirate it a few years ago
I didn't make the list. I don't agree with a lot of stuff in it, but I gotta start the thread somehow. If anyone has a better iceberg list, feel free to contribute please.
Thanks for the heads up.
I keep seeing Život Nenà Krásný on that list, and its presence keeps puzzling me. It's not that it isn't obscure, but that it never was translated to English - it's a local game series that's fully in Czech, so even if one of you faggots managed to download it (the series has an official sites and all the games are freeware, so it's not even hard), it's not like you could play it unless you were a western slav.
The whole series is kinda shit anyway - the genre tends to vary in between the games (sometimes it's an adventure, sometimes it's an RPG) and the whole theme is just gore, edge, sex, and sometimes racism. The graphics look like they're (and probably are) done in MS paint, and the only real reason to play it is to enjoy some silly grimdark humor. I'll provide a translated description of the first game:
"After 15 years, you got fired from your job. Your boss also stole your girlfriend, which was the last straw. Now, the hero decides to massacre the boss (and the ex-girlfriend, who now lives with him in his villa) and, while he's at i, also rob him. And here come the first problems - fetching a weapon, equipment, getting into the villa, and, without being noticed, killing that bastard"
Pic related shows off the graphics (after killing a hobo)
Do Liero and Stick Soldiers count?
developement hell is a horrid place
I win
10/10 game
Well I don't really answer your question but I'll elaborate anyways
Speaking from memory here, I think it was 5 years ago I last played it
It's fucking shit, generic linear FPS that wants to be classic CoD but fails, weapons are bland, pickups everywhere, enemies are dumb as shit, and I think you can't jump in this game either.
It has a gunship level as an penultimate level but they blew it anyways by having shit explosion grafix
Almost non-existant, you're a normal GI that got sent in, and that's it. No personal conflict, no war themes or whatever, not even a single character whose traits managed to get past it being other than a talking head that barks orders
Puke Green everywhere
VCs most of the time rushing towards you instead of ambushing
No music that fits the vietnam war theme whatsoever
Chopper sounds are generic
Serviceable, I'll give you that
Other than that, nothing to write home about
So, best left forgotten
And I 'pirated' it because in my country there's this business of pirating games and burning them onto discs, the price varies according to how many disks needed for the game, each disk is less than 2 American dollarydoos. At that time I was naive and internet speed is just above dial-up tier, so yeah go figure
There is way more to the series than your description makes it look. Just the entire concept of the game is unheard of.
Pray tell, because that sounds interesting.
Thanks for fleshing it out. Last year there was a Vietnam turned game going to be released by Tripwire. However it's Tripwire so, that destroyed any hope of a decent balanced game at least story wise. Do you think it would be to ambitious for the user of the developer board?
The concept of the series is being a pissed, violent psycho with a large dosage of dark humour. What exactly is unheard of?
Most obscure game I have.
Exactly. Have you ever seen that in adventure games? Despite that, there is the whole concept of each game representing a year, the series progressing in quality witch each game on a very strange level (from literal toddler graphics to amazing pixel art), the second endings, the really weird fanbase this game had, the creator's old projects being borderline unfindable and the the ending of last game in series being supposed to reveal some big secret. What a shame the series never got finished.
Sounds shit
No, because it's some teenage edgelord kind of shit, which is very appropriate, as it was made by a teenage edgelord! The dude was in his teens, called (and still calls) himself 'Marty', writes every logo in the big blocky street graffiti, and right now runs an e-shop selling fucking hoodies (pic related).
Yeah, because Marty learned how to game dev as he went. The first game of the series literally took him only two days to make, as he admits on his homepage
you mean edgy teens who saw pixelated gore for the first time?
All his projects before ZNK were unfinished games in the same vein, which he lists (sometimes even with a download link) on his homepage. Doesn't sound unfindable and doesn't sound like something I'd like to search for.
It was a fun series if you were in the mood for some edgy shit and dark humour, but you're seriously overrating it
I should still have the second Sven game somewhere, I bought it when I was 11 or 12 years old.
Will have a look and get back to you if the thread is still alive.
You fail to understand the importance of ZNK to the adventure games genre. It filled a hole that no other game dared to fill. It was made during the right time and, more importantly, it was made very well. For how quick the games were made, there was some excellent dialogue and comical writing in them and the puzzles were all logical and nice. Even the music from the fifth game on was great and it was charming because the voice actors were legit just buddies with Marty, yet they did an absolutely excellent job. He even got a popular actor in the game somehow.
And that's the beauty. The first game is still a very solid adventure game and the series just got better and better.
Did you ever visit the game's forums? People there were much more mature than edgy teens and their posts and ideas were much better than what any Holla Forums-fag could come up with. They also made an amazing amout of OC, those fangames were the tits.
I think you yet again missed the point of the chart from OP. It was a chart of games based on their obscurity. ZNK and it's related projects are very obscure. And by that I mean that most of the original material and fangames are all gone and can no longer be found anywhere. It took me forever to find download links for some of Marty's old projects. And it's hard to describe why they are good if you do not see the novelty value in them, just as (I bet) you do not see the novelty value in any of the games put lower on the chart or understand why they are there. ZNK fits between them and if you don't like it I think you just don't like most games. You say that the game is an edgy teen game made and played by edgy teens- but you could say the same thing about games like DOOM or Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. And were those bad? No, in fact they still have fanbases similar to the ZNK one around them. You don't like it and I guess you never will because just like the aforementioned games, the quality of these games is very much in the context and hard to explain.
Are you from gamergate?
Seeing as how we're talking about it in Obscure Games thread, I don't think it was as important as you make it out to be.
I actually do, I just think you're vastly overrrating it.
Anyway, on an unrelated note, seeing as how you're a slav, have you ever played a game called Golden Land? I can't find a dl link for it anywhere, and it seems like next to nobody played it, despite it being one of the best RPG's I've played.
No, why? Are you?
imo more important than most of the games people here are talking about.
I have never played that game, sorry.
They might want to add it on the chart then
Meant for
I hope so, they only released 1 screenshot so far right? I mean seeing its tripwire they're up against, I think they don't have to try too hard to topple them
One of my first games. I think my actual first may have been Kotor 2 but I waited until I had played the first to finish it.
For some reason the robots at the beginning of Kotor 2 and the Rakgouls in 1 scared the shit out of me, anyone else have an experience like that?
The Diary of Anne Frank Shareware
I saw ads for this all the time when I used to play Adventure Quest. I wouldn't call it obscure, just shitty.
I remember buying this at my school fair along with Pajama Sam. Completely forgot this existed.
My Nigger. sorta scares me a bit, I couldn't find anything about CLASSIC GAME, Dongland 2, nor Lost Media.
I keep meaning to try the multiplayer for that, wonder if it makes it too easy.
that's amazing
Did you know there was a Japan version of the game?
Fine, I'll take the bait.
You get 6 squad members to choose from to make your squad. Your squad is usually 2-3 people, sometimes 4.
You can micro them decently, like if you have one aim down a hallway he'll just shoot whoever comes down there. They all suck with guns though except the shield who you unlock last for firefight missions.
Pretty much all the levels rely on you being tactical or stealthy. If you get caught you usually end up in the cycle where you shoot a guard, guards hear it and more come, and the level has some way to respawn guards (police station, trucks, train). You can arrest people if you sneak up behind them and use, so that's the quiet way to get rid of them. You can do some shooting though but if it gets out of hand you're in a losing fight.
It kinda does, but if you play on the hardest difficulty the game will never be easy.
There's a bolt agent who basically has the radio that gives the signal to your squad that lets you see whats going on.
On easy, the signal is pretty much global.
On medium, the signal is only on bolts radio but he can also make a permanent signal from any power supply.
On hard, it's only bolts radio.
Also bolts radio has a battery life of like 10 seconds, so basically it's enough time to move from power supply to power supply.
You really only get 5 squad members to choose from. Bolt is required in your squad for every level except 2.
This has to be it for me. Classic DOS game
Anybody still playing ?
I'm looking for a browser game in which you crash on some barren planet and must construct robots to explore I also think it was a LEGO technic game but I'm not sure
it was also in an isometric 2D perspective
I'm "Gregor", but just barely.
Mi compadre.
Are they even good?
black widow is my planefu
First one, no
Second one I cant remenber
Probably only Polandfags will remember, but this game was also pretty rad from what I remember.
I remember, and it was
third one was shit tho
I never thought the third one was that bad really, it was just shorter and very different. Although I played it years ago.
Some faggot called "vgperson" still translates Japanese horror RPGMaker games every now and then.
Fellow does add trigger warnings to the individual game pages though, so I don't know how much in faith they are.
I want to remenber a game:
I think it was some interactive story game or educative one. It was about an antromorphic white camel female, and about her daughter, who had like a hyjab, covering her bodie.
Could anyone help me?
Good for you, starting with the fiction genre.
Jesus Christ how terrifying.
One weekend i rented this out, it was a blast
I was stuck on the 4th stage for a while because you had to use water bombs to put out a hay fire and i didn't understand English at the time
Good times
stop giving money to iceland and use you cunt
Never got past the first level because I was a little shit
Dayum, I forgot it even existed
Shit I remember that game
them necks when you're walking underwater
How the fuck do you play Do i really have to get an outdated version of Java? Pic related.
Yep. I just use a Virtual Machine with Windows XP, since I already had one set up.
I've got a friend who is into some obscure shit and I end up learning about some strange games by osmosis or something.
I actually liked pic related quite a bit, it isn't worth money but I appreciated the 21 minutes I spent on it.
It told a very simple but creepy story with zero exposition and the gameplay was deeply intertwined with the story, so I guess in that sense it's better than most games despite being so simple and only lasting 20 minutes.
The game is called "They Breathe" by the way
This one isn't very well known, and it's a damn shame.
This game was shit. So was the DC one.
This is pretty much the only good Berserk game, the DC one is okay I guess, extremely short though. The combat is tight, though aiming is a bit of hit or miss. I get that the whole point of Berserk is the constant feeling of dread and being overwhelmed, but fuck mate those constantly spawning enemies make the game a chore sometimes.
That shit belongs in "that guy who reads HG101/SA Games//vr/" along with all the other Japanese computers