He's In. Hillary's Going Down. Pedos Weep.
You know what to do, Holla Forums. Comb through (((Facebook))), (((Reddit))), and ((((((((((Twitter)))))))))) for the saltiest bits and we'll all have a good time ITT.
He's In. Hillary's Going Down. Pedos Weep.
You know what to do, Holla Forums. Comb through (((Facebook))), (((Reddit))), and ((((((((((Twitter)))))))))) for the saltiest bits and we'll all have a good time ITT.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll believe it when I see it.
Good to get the first-post blackpill out of the way right up front. Anybody else?
Piss off hillary, you're done.
Hm, I wasn't thinking along those lines but if I had to postulate a blackpill regarding Sessions as AG, perhaps he'll pursue a "law and order" campaign against nonconformist communities like this.
It's kind of hard to find actual plausible downsides here. You made a tough request, OP.
Looks like Manchin has some explaining to do next time he's out with the other gals.
My bad. Looking at the post, I realize it seems like I'm a defeatist shill. I'm not. I'm just a depressed cynic who would love to see her hang for her crimes but is afraid she'll somehow escape the noose.
I figured as much, triple-nickel noice. This is happy time though. Kek blesses Trump, and through him, us.
Your trips redeem you.
Soros is pissing himself
Kek has granted you mercy.
Kek is giving you a sign. Have faith my brother.
I want more than just the Clintons/obamas ( all of them ) to hang… we need to clean house that means removing jews.
Too early fag, the other thread is still going at full steam on salt harvesting
Maybe things will be okay after all.
Survival of the fittest then.
((((((this)))))) (((((meme))))) ((((((is)))))) (((((retarded)))))
Simultaneously complaining about slavery and demonstrating its urgent necessity.
If the writing was on the wall 30 years ago (according to it) then why is that baboon complaining it had 30 years worth of warning to get out… then its confused that this is happening after stating and claiming it was obvious for 30 years
Son, I disapoint
checked for free salt
Oh Sheeeit!
Hop on a plane nigger
I'll halfway back you up and say that overusing the echoes on things that aren't literally jewish waters down the meaning and is the kind of annoying thing that cuckchanners do.
also jews use it to signal being (((establishment climbers)))
"In July 2016, Wikileaks suggested that the parentheses bracketing, or (((echoes))) — a tool used by neo-Nazis to identify Jews on Twitter, appropriated by Jews across the Twittersphere — had been used as a way for "establishment climbers" to identify one another."
glad i didn't waste that get
Apologies. It's from the earliest days of my folder. Come to think of it, it might be time to clean house in there. I have a lot of pictures of Obama crying.
I dont think that is a word
those digits are giving me a sign
Those pics are about as relevant as ever.
Keep the record. You would not have became who you became if you didn't have the history you did.
PizzaGate and AnimeGate pedorings will finally be busted!
There occasionally occur moments of profundity on Holla Forums. If we can just pick through all the faggots cluttering it up.
I just filter you, you know that? Try not being so obvious.
Time to get niggers to riot as anarchists against a new-coming racist state. It's over! OVER! Push it!
Still not tired of winning.
Who is Sessions and what does this mean
its just something shareblue posted
ignore it and move along
Cuckchan is the other way lad.
Is this just going to be the thread for the swearing in?
This is my first and last time posting on this website. My son was in a drunk driving accident yesterday, and his last dying words were: Mom, all hail kek. I did a google research on it and that led me ultimately here.
Looking at your forums for the last hour, I have seen:
Green frogs (named Pepe apparently.)
Many racist remarks to God's Chosen People.
Cartoon women drawn in promiscuous ways
Nazi propaganda
Various drawings of what appears to be an islamic merchant
There is a line between free speech, and insane, disgusting crap that has already been detrimental to the lives of MY children, and I am sure children across the world. I just want you all to know that I have started my campaigning against your "chans" as of today. If you as an online community do not clean up your act, i will be forced to take legal actions against your channel. I myself am a very rich woman, and my husband will be sure to get the best team of lawyers to do the mash, to do the monster mash. The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash.
I'm serious nigger I haven't kept up with these threads.
Been waiting to use this one.
kek, they're local here. One brother of mine once asked what was in it, and my other brother responded "Sm4sh players."
Oh nice, fresh pasta
That's normie tier
Too bad it's not real. That kid sounds based as fuck. It would almost be worth dying to have this be true somewhere in the universe.
Manchin is from WV, Trump won the state with like 70% of the vote. There is absolutely no downside in voting for Sessions and odds are he changes parties before his next election.
I've got some terrible news for them.
Other thread about to cap, you are allowed to keep this one now son
I couldn't resist the "sessions" angle. It's as if Kek willed it.
We didn't ask for our siblings. I have a normalfag Chad older brother who was a cunt to me my whole childhood. Das it mane. /blogpost
I like to refer to him as JEFFERSON BEAUREGARD SESSIONS THE THIRD with a gentlemanly Southern accent.
Your son killed himself because you’re a pathetic bitch. Get the fuck out of politics, whore.
Also reported for obvious copypasta.
Old copypasta is old
it is, she mispelled it, it should be unfathomable
who are all these fucking retards on twatter (and even here)
Sessions confirmation wasn't delayed because whining dems
it was delayed so Sessions as a senator could help confirm other members of the Trump admin
fucking retards
Don't worry, we grew up in way too close proximity due to mutual sheltering yet pitted against eachother at every turn. We ended up ignoring eachother long enough to develop as people thanks to, believe it or not, 4chan. And then we ended up sharing a worldview, interests, and culture in spite of everything.
The culture that extends for most of you only to the edge of your monitors extends for me to parts of my immediate family. I once considered if I should be ashamed for memeposting in real life, but for us it's really just the same culture we happen to share. Family outings are like a thread on wheels.
Nigger what.
Hopefully he shows none for Soros.
Sessions confirmed! Anime and pizza fags will have a hard 2017!
Empathy is a luxury we can ill afford.
The fucking chutzpah.
I honestly thought he was confirmed like two weeks ago. Goddamn.
The Hillary Shoah is coming and it's painfully obvious this whole road block process was an impotent attempt to stop it.
They can't stop it. They won't stop it. They never could stop it. It's mother fucking HAPPENING lads.
.08/10 fanfiction
I have winning insomnia. I can't even get tired anymore.
Winning brings high energy
also apologies for the shit font rendering. fresh install.
Do you suppose that's Mike "Be a Trap, Get a Zap" Pence's secret?
Close. It's actually 1933.
Don't mind me, I'm just pissy I grew up as a single child and I'm a piece of shit self doubting faggot who's slightly socially awkward because of it.
If it makes you feel better, my situation didn't solve any of that. We're still a pile of unresolved neurosis. The solution isn't just in having siblings.
So the Democratic party is longer a politically relevant party in the United States, and their plan for the future is to shit on incumbents and vote for inexperienced nobodies who tow the party line that caused them to lose control in the first place.
Fucking brilliant.
not bad nigger, it's been quite some time since I accidentally ate some pasta.
I'll allow and endorse it. Praise Kek.
Roger that.
I clicked on that spoiler and felt like I was being mentally undressed.
this is pretty good D&C
why aren't these trips checked?
keep meaning to do a sock. is there still a board to add people for legitimacy?
being told to fuck off is also acceptable.
Johnson pls
0/10. This will never
be pasta.
What's really hilarious about all this salt is that Trump and these nominees are the moderates. This is the left's last chance to get their mind right. They have no idea how thin the ice is right now.
McRae trips are solid trips
Nostalgia tbqh
Trips of truth. Soros will be shown no mercy.
Isn't that Libel?
Fox 10 has a heli shot of a protest somewhere. I'd assume it's about Sessions but don't know the location.
I wanna like the salt but it makes me feel sick. They all have a smug tone to their written and are always sarcasticly flippint like a female in a sitcom and it just displays that they genuinely think they know it all but in fact they have arrested development and are spouting platitudes.
Pipeline protest in LA
Ah, nevermind. It's in LA over the Dakota Access Pipeline. Could be good for some head busting though.
Yeah, just heard.
Good goy
My dick is fucking diamonds right now.
BLM niggers rustled over Jeff Sessions plan more monkeyshines. Link is the cancerous Mother Jones so be forewarned.
That's the spirit lad
Most of what I've seen on twatter has been some pretty sad, low effort gloom and doom. Amazing how crushed they are when the leadership stops tounging nigger, beaner and fag ass.
what's next, a rain watch in Florida?
The salt sustains me
Yeah that's right, hold their feet to the fire by bitching impotently on twitter, I'm sure they'll crack under the pressure.
I would like to submit this for your consideration…
Folks, I give you the left's new participation trophy.
Holy fuck, buzzword overload. None of them even made any arguments or give examples of why they dislike Sessions.
Dubs confirm rando's tweeting alarmism is the most potent form of political terrorism
KKK Klansman, racist, hates niggers, LGBLT community, racist, KKK, KKK, KKK.
The 'examples' sound like a moonman song.
I love how Pepe went from sad to angry to smug, now overtly attacking, and his attacks keep getting more powerful. Praise Kek.
this commie shit
Here's another. I can't figure out if that comment about the late Exalted Cyclops/Kleagle/Senator Byrd is ignorant, stupid, sly, or what.
I keep seeing this, the kikes have gotta be loving all the stupid goyim sheckles flowing in.
She must be really stupid cause Sessions was one of the first to endorse Trump, we knew this was coming and may Jeff's wrath be merciless.
Aaaaand I got banned from Twatter. HA!
That last comment. They are feeling what we felt for 8 years - and were laughed at and ridiculed at for expressing. I have no sympathy whatsoever. They need to be buried for their arrogance.
I agree
Great bantz
Its soon to be less, in the next 2 years 10 senate seats are up for reelection in states Trump won.
Someone is EXTREMELY asshurt.
I now understand why even Holla Forums had to leave plebbit. Literally ALL they do is call racism, its like it is the only criticism they are capable of conjuring up in their limited minds.
kek, 10/10 butt-rustling achieved
These people don't actually follow politics, I doubt they could name 5 policies from anyone in office ever. It's just parroting puppets here to virtue signal because the communist gangster computer god told them that Jeff Sessions is a meanypants.
She mad. Oh, she mad.
We already know they're uncompromising extremists which only use common decency and civility as a tool to knock their opponents over the head with and not as a standard to moderate their anti-European and anti-Men agenda.
In selling classified information for money, children, and I can only assume a mountain of booze.
I remember the Huffington Compost salt after he was nominated. What did it look like when he was confirmed? It's already changed to something else.
She'll be even more mad when she sees this.
soros really has a twatter account? and he is using it now when so many normies are aware of his shenanigans?!
his hubris knows no bounds
He has no cognitive awareness. He thinks it was completely coherent logically to sell out his fellow kikes and lie his way through life.
I haven't heard that derogatory term before. I actually like it
I prefer Redcaps, similar to the fae from legends.
Goblin Christmas soon, Urist.
Plebbit is in full meltdown mode. R8 my find
Same here.
Go back to wizchan.org and never come back, filthy fucking faggot.
The ride never ends, shariablue and the jew crew boogaloo has really done a number on the poor faggots.
Top kek
My sides can't handle this. Please stop.
Holy shit ,for that? I had one account last the entire election and I was shitposting like an absolute madman.That account died when we gave that kike a seizure lel
Excuse me? Twitter bans your account in a nanosecond based off of algorithms that put metrics on wrongspeech
The artist drew it based on the modern interpretation of goblins, but it's a British fae that looks more like a short old man than anything else.
Is fucking happening.
They never b& me and I called current year man out for being a cocksucker.
Especially when you're replying to (((certain people)))
WE HAVE /ourguy/ IN
If you ran film up their ass, they wouldn't be projecting any harder.
so much butthurt, I love it!
I have been looking for that first picture for AGES, thank you.
Is this Poe's Law? I can't tell anymore my sides are disintegrating LMAO
and kekd
They are trying to meme with Demolition Man.
However, that is a story about a man reawakened to hunt a criminal in a pozz'd future that doesn't remember how to be violent to protect themselves, one tightly controlled in a sort of Brave New World with an oppressed, starving underclass literally underneath the city living in the sewers
No one can be that gullible, can they?
Mein fucking sides
Wow. Reddit has gotten so feminized they no longer can spell properly, and people don't correct them.
So what happens with the Senate now? How long will it take for Session's replacement to be appointed and are any potential nominees likely to be held hostage by the likes of Murkowski and Collins until that appointment is made?
I love this movie a lot. It's the story of a cop who fought nigger criminals his entire career, reawakened to fight his old nemesis, a nigger who killed a ton of children, and ends in the collapse of a oppressive society, one that superficially seems pleasant yet staggeringly wrong right underneath, controlled by (((elites))) that want to use aforementioned criminal-golem for their own ends that ends up turning on them before that nigger finally is defeated by the hero.
Can they start the arrests tomorrow or do they have to wait until Sessions is sworn in at 11pm?
Goddamn, I can't wait ill these faggots start bombing their own colleges and sanctuary cities.
Careful with that, it's an antique!
Here ya go buddy
he's in this this thread.
Praise him'
this needs to change
This day is almost as important as Trump's election. DC is running scared tonight. Trapped rats. No where to really run. How many will kill themselves before next week?
Not nearly enough, no, not nearly enough.
Well shucks, behind all the virtue signaling they're all so self absorbed and starving for constant attention
well, that's really it, of course. that's what leftism is: moral narcissism and the unfillable need for group validation. i think it's rooted in the insecurity that naturally accompanies having never accomplished anything or overcome any meaningful challenge or stress - in the absence of any actual real-world merit, they are constantly starving to be told they can have the merit of being more tolerant, more inclusive, more progressive and otherwise better than all those mundane generations of humans who formed their opinions on the basis of facts and experience.
get your (((blizzkike))) shit out of here little kid
Basically they can feel good doing the exact opposite of what is difficult to do: just compromising and letting people fuck you over is 'tolerant and progressive'.
I feel like this is a good time to start subverting the left into self destructing and destroying their own sanctuary systems. They are currently paranoid as fuck.
I keep forgetting that's February and that all of this 'good for the white man' stuff is happening.
Truly the best timeline.
Front page of Huffingtonpost .com right now.
It's been 'just the beginning' since November 9th.
These people must really enjoy the smell of their own farts.
Yep, this is what I've always thought anime was, and here you are, proving me right.
I hope Hillary gets put in the nigger wing in jail. After all, Bill was the first black president of the US.
Huffington Post is like those salt licks they make for animals: a nice source of pure salt, always available.
Even elephants would overdose on the amount of salt HuffPo produces every day since Trump got in.
Here is the archive of the article the guy wrote in that article: archive.is
If I die due to salt overdose, it was worth it. It's exactly what I've been craving for almost a decade.
So does this mean that General Lee statue they plan on destroying will be saved??
He was always this. He was just waiting.
Reptile Pepe from Mortal Kombat?
oh baby
Michael Anton
Tonight is a good night
This is fucking badass.
Holy hell, Holla Forums should canonize this guy as a saint.
some pretty smug faces on the left there.
that's crypto for kike, what's the 411 on this guy?
He very well could be Jewish but let's wait and see first.
That spic is making Anton more pissed by the second. Those FEMA camps are going to get so much work.
Ask and you shall receive…a few kek's as well. (over 90 seconds in paint)
How had I not heard of this guy? Based af.
We don't mean prison, if that's what you're worried about.
I didn't imply that you newfriend autist. "Intellectual" is what kikes refer to each other around goys, and they call out goys by labeling them "non-intellectual".
This guy is rad and anyone that thought Trump was a good goy should be feeling pretty stupid right now.
Here is a list of some of the articles he has written: http:// www.claremont.org/crb/contributor-list/49/
Granted, they are book reviews, but they give you an insight to the way that he may think about things in general.
because that worked so well for the other ones. oh wait, this cunt and all these other faggots virtue signalling their asses off voted for other members of trump's cabinet like it was nothing
That was good stuff.
They're dragging Coretta Scott King's corpse around longer than James Byrd. It's weird, because I always though Mrs. King's major talent was smiling in front of cameras and pretending not to know that her husband was dicking every dog and cat in the neighborhood literally within minutes of landing in a new town.
For lulz, just try to imagine what must be in Coretta's private medical history. Think about how many STDs that tom cat must have brought home to her, and how many doses of penicillin she had to take in her life.
Also, as a reformed liberal faggot, I have to say that Pocahontas' shameful display over the last year has left me with a real "I can't believe I used to go out with you" feeling. We all know she's positioning to run in 2020, right? That the Democrats will insist on having a wealthy, white, thoroughly corrupted woman next time, and that her campaign slogan is bound to be something Jew-clever like: "Warren/Booker 2020. . . Vision"
Somebody trademark that before the kikes get to it.
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
Please don't secretly be a Jew
I've given tons of threats, slurs, insults, and shit-talking and haven't heard a peep from twatter mods
They're going to run headlong into the freezing water and drown. They're still stuck in this bubble where they've convinced themselves that 50+% of the population are far left like they are. The truth is the most people are just fucking normal, and the more they push this radical agenda the more they bleed out. They have made it very clear that their message is "fuck the american people", and somehow they can't understand that that's turning people off. Fuck em. Good riddance. It will be at least a decade before they finally screw their heads on straight and purge all the marxist refuse from their party.
Man… this guy is gonna give himself an ulcer. He's been raging since 2008, apparently, and now he has a REAL reason to rage. This is what happens if you don't take you politics with a healthy dose of humor. You write angry essays on reddit for 6 hours while accomplishing nothing.
That doesn't even roll off the tongue.
Jesus they're bad at memeing.
Holy shit…this much salt…
Aren't these ME countries supposed to be embraced and assimilated into our own because Diversity is our strength? Why is MegaSansIX being so backwards and racist?
Holy fuck he condensed all of ameri/pol/ into a few paragraphs
i'm dying of hypernatremia mister trump
i can't drink any more tears
Spotted this The other week in L.A.
holy shit it's real
https: //www.yelp.com/biz/pence-electric-corona-del-mar
really? ive been called it a few times, but thats what i get for being on the Left coast near a uni
I know, right? i thought it was just a meme…then the meme became real.
I keep on repeating this to everyone. If they're panicking about this they have no idea what's in store. I seriously think there's some synchronizing of thoughts going on with all these happenings.
Classic case of lurk more.
I fully understand, user. Indeed I can relate with your plight. But there is one thing you need to keep in your mind:
Trump has rocked the nation to its core in his first week. He has SEVEN YEARS AND 50 WEEKS TO GO we've got plenty of time to see Shillary and her kike masters face justice. And we're gonna be here every step of the way to meme it into reality.
Still kind of upholding the liberal foundational beliefs. Probably more like "high iq niggers can come"
I wonder how blacks feel since they've been literally babied for over a decade now and suddenly rules apply to them?
I know, and I think we all know there will eventually be something that will cause butt-agony so bad, they'll literally go insane from it.
I love it
It will be like an 8-year orgasm.
Holy shit! The guy who wrote The Flight 93 Election is working for Trump. Unreal.
haha based
When will the RWDS kill all the faggots, coalburners, and lesbos to cleanse our society anyway?
"No, it says "ree."
"It's a long stor-
wvfag here, can confirm. he's stupid, hasn't really done shit for us, but at least he knows where his gravy train is coming from.
dubs confirm
those dubs agree
Seriously? Super Jew is on there?
I see lots of Polish names. Their retardation is always good for keks.
Yeah these faggots snitch on everything. It's ok, you can buy accounts cheap. Twitter is meaningless to us, but it's these fuckers lives, so I encourage everyone to report the shit out of all these lefty garbage. That's REAL salt mining.
Kek is a merciful god and has granted you his pardon.
It's cute how they think we are EVER letting them reclaim political power in this country.
As their lies melt away the masses are going to become as enraged as we are.
Get with the times nigger, you should be WAY more scared.
Hahaha, too late fuckers we have control of the monster your beloved Obongo created now.
Seems the door is swinging open to us now. At least that guy sounds like a real conservative and not some neocon hack.
Check the comments!
People are roasting Soros alive
That man… I want to hug him.
Never interupt your enemy when they are making misatkes. Don't let this outa the bag.
We're well aware user, and I actually explained this in its entirety to my Father. Basically Trump is the Julius Caesar of our age. Actually fairly moderate and likely to relinquish control of the government at the appropriate time. However, the Senators assassinated Julius Caesar and in doing so laid the groundwork for their own destruction. The Senatorial oligarchs expected the people to welcome the "restoration" of the Republic but quickly discovered that populist Caesar had been more in the favor of the people than they ever were.
Trump isn't the God Emperor, he's not our Augustus, he's the man who sacrifices himself to create the framework of Imperium.
So let the left keep wailing and gnashing their teeth. Subtly encourage them to continue to worsen their relations with the police and military. When they do eventually make their move we will be waiting and we've been anticipating this in silence for decades.
There's a reason we don't go out and counter protest faggots like Antifa. And that reason is because we don't need to, we're already on the path to victory.
America über allies?
Reddit logic is worse than I thought.
can someone shoop the disgusted spic's face on that poo in loo?
A tad more. US Congress confirmed for racist-adjacent.
I cast greater smugness. The year of miracles will not disappoint. Shillary is kill for sure.
88 hours in ms paint
What's up /x/?
Bored again?
What is this anime, I need more of it in my life.
Ah, the steely INTJ stare. One of us.
Thanks user, you win this sexy Aryan woman as your prize
INTP masterrace here coming to fuck your bitch
webm related fucking came true
It's been a while since I heard about this one.
Although Greeks talked before about Democracy they never truly implemented it.
America was unique in its creation as the big exception, a nation with no kings.
Now that you have removed ridden the presidency from the powers of evil they will resort to all kinds of tricks and even a full scale war to regain it. For the sake of the rest of the world, you must stop them. If you fall no one will come to your rescue because there is not a second America nor any country that even comes close.
This task was appointed to you and if you do not find a way, no one will.
I wish I lived in the zone so I could ask for their services and keep a card.
I like him more and more every time I see his name.
Sure, if a fucking smirking Establishment traitor is your thing…
bloomberg. com/politics/articles/2017-02-08/prominent-republicans-begin-push-to-tax-carbon-cut-regulations
New wallpaper
I have made sure everyone I know knows I think he needs more people like Bannon and not less. They have no real arguments against Bannon they just regurgitate what they've been told by MSM. But Muh Jews but Muh breitbart. Shove it up your ass. Bannon hates international finance, he knows immigration has been used to divide the country and replace the populace with low IQ subhumans. Bannon is /myguy/ and everyone else can suck a cock
No it isn't, but it's a good sign that the writer of the article is a kike.
Black pill warning:
Its not "noble" or "classy" to stomp on defeated foes. Due to this tradition Hillary is going to go free, imo.
(disclaimer: obviously wanna see her hang).
Goddamn you could have at least tried to hide that you're a reddit shill. Filtered.
When did Roseanne Barr become informed?
o-one of us?
No, she's a kike and as soon as you point out how many kikes are involved she flips out.
Alright so we get as much use out of her as we can before she goes in the oven.
Pretty much. She's a good stepping stone for the old normies who liked her show.
It's like poetry.
Trump loves to get dirty on the blood of his destroyed enemies. He does not have a shred of mercy in him for anyone who opposed him
Democratus himself was critical of what we would call democracy.
It's cool, keks trips vouch for you
Fuxin saved!
Looks like women's March is going to lose nonprofit status.
Not if you had 9 of them like i did.
Let me tell you about CSU Fullerton, user. 5 years ago, I saw maybe, MAYBE 5 total headscarfs. Today? It's like Paris now. There are no white people. It's all muzzies.
For fucks sake guys, not everyone with dark hair and brown eyes is a Jew. Look at his facial features, he is so clearly a white man, just one with Mediterranean ancestry.
How is Sessions a racist? Didnt he absolutely wreck the KKK in his state?
He's a white man from Alabama, who supports Trump. He's literally a KKK Grand Wizard Nazi
You're using the language of the left if you refer to liberal social and cultural goals as "social issues." The chart implies that if you are a right conservative, you don't care about social issues at all. In reality, conservatives care greatly about social issues, they just have the opposite views on them as the left liberals.
: ^ )
He raised his arm high. Finally an AG who's not a limp wristed faggot.
Make it happen, communists dont just report themselves for illegal political activity.