So are CTRs placebo effect, or should I run out and get one while I still can?
Firewatch on an HD CRT
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I'm thankful that things like that don't bother me.
Just going to put this out there, the CRT/original hardware crowd tend to be the ones who gravitate towards "games as art" like firewatch or gone home.
They aren't a placebo effect, there is objectively a measurable delay in inputs and refresh rate, and the fact older, sprite based, games were developed with CRTs in mind.
Prove it.
Crash Team Racing was ahead of it's time.
You just proved it for me right there.
The difference is negligible unless you want to play retro games. Even then they're cheap as fuck. I had a Chinese one which worked with PAL and NTSC, and had a weird game built in. As long as they keep making ones like that you shouldn't have to worry about them running out.
Both are hipsters
You guys are faggots.
Wrong. CRT people are the guys who keep posting on /vr/.
That would absolutely be those people
Filters actually aren't the same, since on a 1080p monitor the game would be upscaled. Certain games upscale very well, but for example a GBA game wouldn't.
Filters distort the image, so yes they aren't the same.
Your third point is actually right, that is pretentious reasoning.
Man, are kids these days that stupid?
nice meme
Ok, fags. Go play any lightgun game on your cozyfag HDTVs and set a world record… for losing.
you can't even use a refresh rate argument with this shit because the game doesn't require any fucking twitch reflexes
it's not even fucking good looking either
Nigger, slap all the filters you want on a GBA game, it'll still looks like ass. 2D games simply don't upscale as well as 3D games, and that was my point.
This. I also had to suck up a CRT until 2015 and it was fucking shit.
CRTfags claim that it was just my CRT that was crap, but everyone who is not a CRTfag will tell you they are shit for everything but muh darks (which are indeed much better; I always used light spells while playing in a CRT, but after switching to LCD Oblivion was so light I could simply see in the dark).
That's because 3D models are vector-based, while 2D sprites are rasters. 2D sprites still look good with nearest-neighbor, though.
How people still don't know this in $CURRENT_YEAR, I will never know.
kek, why don't you play some real games, user?
House of the Dead on SEGA Dreamcast is a real game, faggit.
I feel like some faggot with problem glasses just reviewed box wine to me
That's because you haven't properly color and gamma calibrated your screen.
You probably also don't even have full dynamic range enabled, because it's limited by default and washes your colors out and makes your blacks look like shit.
Daily Reminder people who hate CRTs are plebians of the biggest kind. If soemone says they hate CRTs it's a signal that their opinion means literally nothing.
what about people that dont give a fuck about CRT?
What kind of hipster faggot shit is this? CRT is an obsolete technology that was supplanted by something better. Goddammit what's next, crying for CDs?!
(except retro gaming on old consoles, those need tubes)
I feel nothing.
There is no god.
All I know is you need a CRT to play this.
pick one
You can't perceive the input lag any more than you can perceive the difference between 300 and 330 FPS, and modern IPS panels offer superior image quality.
Deal with it.
When playing rythem games like GH i definitly can feel the input delay. It is real, just not to the point where most people can feel it unless they play games with presice inputs.
If the biggest draw of CDs and cassettes was their portability then this kinda makes sense. Though I honestly don't know the audio quality or duration of a vinyl record so I can't really speculate.
I would wager that if you were told to play on three otherwise identical (this is important, as different models can have wildly different visual quality, even among the same reported response times) displays with 1ms, 2ms and 5ms response times, and you weren't told which was which, you could not tell the difference between them.
Now, if I labeled them, you would almost certainly perceive a difference between them that aligns with your beliefs (the 1ms "feels" faster than the 2ms, and so on). Now here's the fun part, if I labeled them incorrectly, you would in all likelihood perceive a difference between them that corresponds to what they had been labeled as (if I had labeled the 5 as the 2, and the 2 as the 1), because your perception is altering your perceived reality.
The sound difference comes from kike record producers, not the medium itself.
CRT TVs are fantastic for old games because they handle a low-res signal in a way that makes it look pretty damn good. FF6 pic related. For something like Firewatch, that is modern and high-res and is not a game, I don't see a point.
Yeah, but i calibrated my GH, and it said it was about a 20ms delay. I played so much bettee aftee. Youre right, i couldnt see it, but i could feel it.
How dare you pollute a CRT thread with such harem filth.
You're full of shit, I have a CRT and LCD plugged in side-by-side (LCDs are better for one thing and one thing only: reading text) and the difference in lag is like night and day.
That doesn't even count the fact that LCDs can't do blacks, can't do consistent colors or grays from the slightest angle, can't do rapid motion without blurry trails, and can't be evenly backlit.
OLED desktop monitors can't come soon enough.
Low end (reported) 8ms monitors spiking into 20ms+ is unfortunately a common occurrence.
ajj lmau
Also much like CRTs, all LCDs are not created equal, so your highly specific anecdotal situation is meaningless in the conversation at hand.
100% right! Also, the people who don't use smartphones are generally the ones who believe the human race is ruled by reptilians and what have you.
enjoy your eye cancer
LCDs are garbage, and their manufacturers know this. I'm sure you're aware of fake bit-depth with "temporal dithering" and the inanity of "infinite contrast" backlights that can be shut off only when the whole screen is black, but the numbers quoted for response times are even less meaningful than you said.
For instance, this is admittedly from 2009, but here's a test showing an "8ms" monitor ghosting a MINIMUM of 16ms, and UP TO 120ms. For perspective that's eight times too slow to cleanly display 60FPS!
If somebody made big, high-PPI eInk desktop monitors, I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
Hopefully SED will come soon.
Why doesn't he just remote play the fucking game on an OLED vita or something. He makes it sound like this is some grand achievement, because it's Firewatch. Is that the new masterpiece for videogame "journalists" or something?
I wish.
Run out and get one, OP. The tech industry is slowly phasing out "dumb" (non-smart) TVs, which will ultimately be weaponized by the Jews to control our thoughts.
I just want to play videogames without input lag
There's nothing wrong with using a CRT but I think you may just be a hipster cunt who wants one to be trendy.
RIP all ghg posts
fuck you OP
So this is what CRT hipsters believe
You could like, I dunno, adjust the brightness or something.
This, it's absolutely retarded when you can display indie trash in the native resolution of your lcd. I only have a hd crt because I want to be able to read the text on my newer consoles as well.
I will
I'd like a CRT for zero input lag. It's why I'll never buy an IPS monitor unless they develop a new IPS panel that brings it down to TN levels. Or better yet, develop a new panel that's better than CRT with zero input lag.
MiniDiscs will make a come back, just watch!
plasma is better for blacks
blacks will take any screen over 30 inches and sell it on craigslist
I bet that game has shit "lolsocool 1980's fake CRT filter" which makes playing the game redundant unless you can turn off the filter.
Anyway, this is bad news. All the hipsters are going to start buying up the CRTs. I blame myself for bragging about them in the old halfchan days. Remember if you want to protect something from normalfags
it will spread to reddit and you know what happens from there.
so CRT confirmed the best for SJW hipster walking simulators?
So fuck is this game about? Is it even wheorth pirating. Funny enough I have crttv
You're a moron.
Go into settings of your LED TV and enable gaming mode.
No need to thank me.
Apparently they think LCD/LED is a conspiracy.
I am old enough to remember CRT:
they were heavy, small screen size, expensive, used lots of power and GAVE YOU A FUCKING HEADACHE.
Goddamned hipsters.
It's like a very short book that you have to read at a snail's pace. If you take it as such and don't expect a videogame, it's not actually bad.
TL;DR: your life sucks and you get a job as a firewatch guy to escape it. You talk to another character through radio, and then spooky/mysterious shit starts happening as you do tasks in your job.
It's a walking simulator
CRTs are trash and they died out for a reason.
If you care about your previous thoughts so hard you shouldn't own a TV in the first place.
Yeah, I am so sick of people ignoring this when talking about lag and latency. Most any half-decent LED TV has some sort of option like this deep in some menu. Turn it on and the lag, which is indeed pretty bad due to to all the post-processing TVs do by default, gets MUCH BETTER. It may not be quite CRT good, but it's at least now in the barely humanly perceptible range. The only problem is that very few people seem to realize this.
Additionally, advances in LED/LCD technology are increasing refresh rates and contrast levels anyway, the gap is pretty small and getting smaller. It often feels like the "CRT ONLY" crowd used one mid-range LED briefly six or more years ago without fiddling with any settings and never tried anything else since then.
Yeah the first few generations of LCD might have been inferior to top of the line CRTs but that was then.
Amusing anecdote:
I remember when the PS3 came out a lot of people didn't have flat screens yet and they all quickly went out to buy one because they couldn't read the text on their CRT.
That's because they didn't have an HD CRT. Otherwise they could have read the tiny ass text just fine.
True, HD became affordable and mainstream thanks to LCD.
Chinese factories made HD LCDs that only cost 600 dollars.
I remember trying to play on my old tube, Prototype was nearly impossible to read shit. Though that was because devs thought tiny text was perfectly acceptable on a TV screen, regardless of CRT or panel.
Its even lower than that now. While small, you can probably get a desk monitor size for less than $300.
Underrated post.
Meh, they already took everything from me. What else do i have for them to steal?
Here's a nice off topic question, what are those string things anime characters are always wearing in their hair? Are they even real?
I am amazed that people today seriously believe this, non-crt displays were not even marketed as better, they have ALWAYS been the cheaper alternative displays straight up, that was the major selling point, they're cheaper, it was never once about anything else. It would be one thing if companies pushed them as better but they never even did that so where is this notion coming from?
LCD displays were worse in a lot of regards earlier on but they were cheaper to produce and ship. Not surprisingly they're better now but still worse when compared to a CRT in every way except for energy efficiency and weight.
The only thing that would have supplanted CRTs were SED and the only reason they didn't is because of Canons desire to stay in their own market while also holding the patent for it and not producing them for a consumer market.
Where the hell are people getting this notion that modern display technology is somehow better, everyone throws around the nostalgia card too like that has some bearing yet you have new tech coming out like OLED and IPS because standard LCD panels are terrible. They don't look good, they're not fast, their resolutions are locked, how is this any better. All the new tech isn't better either, it's all just tradeoffs, do you want it to look good or be fast? Do you want it to be a low resolution or cost a fortune? This shit is absurd.
They're just exaggerated hair ties, either elastic or some kind of ribbon, they look huge probably because of the skewed character proportions.
I'm pretty sure they're just anime barrettes or hair ties.
I figured they were some kind of magical ribbon that stays perfectly in place, but it would've been cool if some weird kind did exist.
The way the guy from Nisekoi wears them they almost looked like clips though too, I guess.
I think they're very cute to be honest.
I seem to recall the size and weight difference being the major selling point. We bought our first LCD screen because it was so incredibly flat and "futuristic" compared to those bag of bricks that were CRT monitors.
Oh, actually, looking up barrettes some look pretty close. I never even knew what those fucking clip things were called. I should order the girls in my family ones that look like fried eggs.
I've never really heard of it, but isn't this the game that Steven Universe shilled?
I find a CRT indispensable for playing Touhou. When I first heard about ghosting, I didn't see it at all. It was only until I tried a CRT that I realized how bad it was and I could never go back. When my last CRT broke, I tried getting used to an LCD, but I ended up getting a new CRT. The long tail behind everything that moves and the way everything blurs together makes me nauseous. My setup is a CRT for video games and an LCD for everything else. I wouldn't recommend a CRT for most games, like ones that take advantage of large screens and don't require quick reactions. A CRT is suitable for a 640x480 game that is based on dodging brutally difficult projectiles.
I should have been more clear with
Good CRTs were pretty heavy, IIRC some Sony studio monitors were 100 pounds and required special treatment when shipping them ("this side up"). These are not consumer problems but they contribute to the consumer cost, smaller and lighter displays were inherently cheaper since it didn't cost a fortune to ship them and they didn't need special treatment to not arrive broken.
The only thing people complain about with CRTs seem to be problems external to the picture display, they focus on the physical display itself and complain about the size, weight, and power consumption but none of this has any bearing on the actual picture itself so I don't know how people come to the conclusion that CRTs are somehow inferior. The only problem I can think of for CRTs is that they're scarce. In addition it's unfortunate that these problems would have been fixed with SED, we could have had thin and light displays that had all the benefits of a CRT without the external problems.
is 35kg
I've fantasised about building my own CRTs and shipping them out to other fags. You can still order tubes wholesale from alibaba and then the chassis with all the electronics is like $20
It won't. The technology is frozen and consumer screens are not considered.
It really was. Any of the two cars could fuse into a unique combination and the tracks had a good variety. It really is a shame that Naughty Dog only does Serious Games for Serious Adults now.
Isn't the patent expiring soon? IIRC Canon liquidated their facilities producing medical SED equipment too. This would allow third parties to potentially resume development, no?
How good are the parts and who's producing them? I've heard rumors that Sony still services their CRT displays if you hound them enough and pay a lot, maybe you need to work for television though for that offer.
If the parts are of a high quality and produce a good picture you'd probably make some money with hobbyists. What kind of resolutions and output methods could you do with something cheap though?
Anybody else find it funny that the technology of mainstream television seemingly progresses backwards, if you were to judge it by sci-fi standards?
The old TVs were based on a vacuum-tube that was connected to an electron cannon that barraged charged nanoparticles at the screen.
A slightly newer TVs were filled with high energy plasma.
Then we turned to screens made out of liquid crystal, and the newest, most popular technology
is a box of really, really small diodes.
I don’t use smartphones because touch screens are a stupid idea. They look really good tho
The parts are typical chinese/90s korean
a lot of what determines the picture quality is actually the input they offer, typical composite TV ports make the picture look like garbage whereas component RGB make it as crisp as a PC monitor. The chassis I'm talking about are actually produced with arcade machine enthusiasts in mind so they already have RGB available, you'd just have to attach some ports for it
What's the most complex is not necessarily the most advanced.
Fuck CRT monitors.
the best part is that we're trusting almost all lcd production on the planet to one tiny country bordering north korea which will certainly be "affected" at some point
Manufacturing processes got more advanced allowing us to simplify inefficient technologies.
For instance, see the difference between SSDs and HDDs, as we moved from the complex, slow, energy inefficient spinning disc to the much more efficient array of chips.
I have a CRT in the living room because i'm too lazy to move it out and get an hd tv. The fuckers like 80 pounds and i'm a lard ass so it'll probably be a cat rest for the rest of my life.
What the fuck are you retards even talking about, CRTs are terrible. They're blurry, noisy, powerhogs that only offer paltry advantages over LCD tvs that're mitigated with OLED tvs.
The only people I ever hear singing their praises are nostalgiafags and people who have never used them.
You obviously don't understand the picture. That's not input lag, which is indeed cause partly by preprocessing, it's the response speed NATIVE TO THE PANEL'S CRYSTAL ROTATION. Response speed contributes to input lag (input lag=everything prior to display+response speed), but response speed also causes problems independant from input lag such as motion blur.
This means LCDs don't just suck for realtime applications like games, they ALSO suck for anything that involves rapid motion, like watching movies.
Literally figuratively kill yourself, marketing drone.
Not true, CRTs always were and still (yes, 3rd-worlders still make and buy them in surprising quantities) are cheaper than LCDs. Even against plasma, big LCDs only beat them on price after production volume tipped the scales.
LCDs won simply on the basis of being percieved as more "modern", "sleek" and "stylish". Look at what, IMHO, epitomizes LCDs as a product: Glossy screens. There is no possible argument in favor of them aside from "Derp, that there looks real purty on the store shelf, I'mma gon' git one, herp herp!".
When I can buy one without sacrificing a kidney, and they're built without terrible laggy LCD-derived support electronics, sure.
I've got a garage full of CRT televisions, monitors, junk computers, laptops friends gave me because they figured I could "find a use" for the parts, and at least two plasma televisions.
The raw materials alone have to be worth at least $200, but I'm too lazy.
I'm not saying they're replacing them, I'm just pointing out a change in technology, calm your tits.
literally no different than the people who insist that FLAC files offer a world of difference in sound quality when the quality is only somewhat better. Unless you're actively listening for differences you won't notice a difference.
if you really want to like something you'll see advantages that don't really exist. The only solid advantage that CRTs had was color quality which has been superseded by OLEDs, now its muh lag that no one ever seems to notice but you.
Interesting stuff, I've always wondered how much it would actually cost to make a CRT in house today that was actually worth using. You see many boards with modern common inputs like DVI or Display port?
The only people I ever see badmouthing crts are the ones that use cheap or old broken TVs. I wouldn't be surprised if the TV looked bad now because it's worn.
Another problem is configuration, I am constantly surprised even today at how much people fuck up their display options (color, contrast, brightness, etc.) a properly configured display shouldn't be blurry.
I always get mad too when people put those stupid distortion filters on things too that emulate the screen curve, as if that's how it was supposed to look, if the image was warped like that someone didn't calibrate the display properly.
I miss my GDM-FW900. I'm on a shitty LCD now and it sucks ass for gaming.
Lot of unemployed anons in here
Nothing "dogmatic" about this. Show me an LCD that can play 70hz tall-pixel VGA games, 160hz Quake 3, and modern 60hz-locked games equally well.
I'm employed. That means I know value of money. Also, value of space. I don't mean to shit on CRTs, they are fine if you like them. But I ain't got space for that shit on my desk, especially for 2 of them, since I can't live without 2 screens.
It would be a fool's errand since those are digital and CRT is analogue technology. The conversion is laggy and looks bad. The best you can do is find a graphics card that still has VGA and use a converter to lower the frequency to 44hz so you can plug it into the RGB ports. This doesn't cause lag.
The big difference there is that input lag is something that can actually be objectively measured just like contrast. These are things machines can gauge accurately and objectively and are much less subjective in general. Obviously machines can display more audio range in a file than everyone can hear but given how broad hearing ranges are and how much hearing degrades for individuals versus reaction time and eyesight, I don't think that's a fair comparison.
I'd be willing to bet more people would fail an AB test with flac than they would with display input lag or display picture quality.
its a fucking obsolete technology of course its old.
oh no somebody thinks a thing is good or bad woe is them
truly an adult, well adjusted person will never question practicality or benefits of a piece of technology and will just blindly follow current market trends without thinking twice about anything.
cassette tapes are objectively the best medium to listen to music on.
prove me wrong.
They have a dynamic range of around 56dB, compared with 96dB on a compact disc.
Anything else?
Which is what I'm saying, if you're using some old ass CRT that has been sitting in some living room probably uncleaned and maintained I'm not surprised it looks blurry compared to a younger more maintained model. I'm particularly thinking about studio monitors which were usually encased where most CRT televisions I see have open backs for dust to get all in.
It's like if I compared my old LCD monitor to my current one, the backlight on my old one is way dimmer than when I got it and as a result all the colors look off, it's not a fair assessment of the display.
not maintained*
Or I guess you could just make the screen work with VGA shrug emoticon
but CDs get scratched and don't work.
cassette tapes are clearly superior.
The first LCD screen that I bought was CHEAPER than the tube TV that it replaced and came with HDMI and Dolby virtual and shit.
See in the real world most people didn't have $2000 top of the line Sony CRTs.
LCD was cheaper and easier to manufacture in mass quantities. It was a new technology that had a bright future.
I wasn't badmouthing OLED as a technology. OLED ignition and decay intervals are actually far faster than CRT or plasma phosphors. I was complaining about the fact that the chipsets used in commercially available OLEDs are the same garbage that's used for LCDs, in fact, ALL of their chipsets are among the BOTTOM END (like, REALLY bad, I'm talking 20ms minimum, typically 50ms!) of LCD chipsets since they're TVs rather than computer monitors. Plasma also had this problem, since it was never marketed as a PC display device, all plasma TVs were hideously laggy as well.
Also, there's the fact that OLEDs have only just barely broken the $1k barrier.
It probably wouldn't be that hard to retool the last surviving Asian CRT factories to make awesome flatscreen aperture grille gamer tubes instead of NTSC/PAL/SECAM garbage. Maybe just a kikestarter, it could happen.
Not necessary, there's high-quality external RAMDACs like HDFury, complete with HDCP strippers, that let you plug analog displays into modern digital interfaces. And they're pretty cheap, too, like $20-$120.
And how much did a competitive CRT cost at that time? Less than the LCD.
The magnetic tape on a cassette can easily get damaged or, more commonly, get dirty. Your whole argument is a strawman to begin with, audio technologies are not display technologies, even if you were right in your argument it doesn't relate to this one at all.
Well my definition of "looking bad" was not looking as good as an arcade display. There will be noticeable lag though, that's just the nature of how that process works.
That's what I said though, are you trying to make a point?
The fact that not everyone had high quality CRTs does not mean they didn't exist, it also doesn't mean that they're not better than modern displays.
A top of the line Sony CRT was good then and would still be good today, just because people didn't own them doesn't mean CRTs are inferior to LCDs like the person I'm replying to implied.
No might about it, they definitely were in almost every way. These days though, not nearly so much. In fact, we're pretty much even or better already with OLED screens, only problem is how stupidly expensive they are if you don't want a display for ants.
I'm not even that autistic about lag either, my point of being annoyed is if I can rapidly press left right and what's happening on screen is moving to the left when I'm already pressing right and vice versa
The basic problem here is that user brought up a data-carrier, while we're discussing data displays.
Displays, whether image, sound, text etc. have many more variables, and can therefore be argued to be good or bad on many axes.
Data containers usually just boil down to "how much bits of data does it contain" and "how easy is it to corrupt/destroy".
Tapes contain fewer bits of data than CDs, DVDs or solid state drives, and are very easy to destroy, therefore - are objectively inferior.
CRTs have better color, everything else is better on LCDs.
I worked at a poster / sign printing place and they used CRTs for true color representation. They will continue being used for jobs like this until something has more accurate color.
And you're totally right, that does happen on your standard LCD/LED/Plasma tv right out of the box. Drove me crazy too. But switch to gaming mode or whatever that particular manufacturer calls it and it's 90% better.
Do OLEDs still suffer from ghosting/smearing? I haven't been following development on it closely. Even if you don't care about input lag or gaming or anything like that everyone scrolls text on a screen. Also all these technologies suffer from having native resolutions and a lot of these new ones suffer from a large pricetag.I'm starting to wonder if it would actually be more practical to buy a CRT for anything that wasn't portable, OLED only seems useful for phones, etc.
Response time
Refresh rate
Black level
Viewing angles
Variable resolution
doesn't that defeat the oft touted pro that CRTs last a long time?
LCD screens don't need to be regularly dusted and maintained, they work perfectly fine without constant maintenance.
the problem is you're arguing the visual quality of a CRT is better which is false and instead relying on trivial differences and selling them as making it objectively superior.
you can piss and moan about lag but that doesn't change the fact that CRTs don't display at 1080p or 4k resolutions, the top of the line is that 2000 dollar sony tv that displays at 720p. CRTs are a bulky and expensive display medium that doesn't offer enough benefits to warrant the cost of production.
The reason no one had top of the line sony displays was because you could get higher definition LCD tvs for a fraction of the cost.
I didn't know they ever had ghosting or smearing. The issue I have with them is that if you use them every day it'll wear out in only a couple years.
Oh, I'm laughin'. Lot of non-competitive game players in this thread.
I never raised that as a pro. I can speak only personally on that subject, my CRTs have lasted a long time and still look great, without having done any maintenance, but I also have only ever used them in low traffic cleaner rooms, you said you kept yours in a living room and your cat lays on it.
I feel like lifespan of any electronic is highly personal even forgoing part quality disparities so I would never make an argument that CRTs last longer than anything else. I'm more than familiar with people neglecting their belongings.
Dude come on now. Something nice like a Sony monitor could display at 2304 x 1440 at 80Hrz, I'm pretty sure it could go up more if you lowered the refresh rate. I don't know if that's even the highest resolution consumer CRT either. To say some dumb shit like the max res is 720 or 1080 is just not true. CRTs had much better resolutions and refresh rates than LCD panels of the same size for a long time, hell that beats my current LCD monitor which is only 1080 at 60.
I could deal with playing older games on a LCD with it's shitty blacks and everything if the resolution didn't make it look like complete garbage. Is their a cheaper FrameMeister type product out yet, so I don't need to hang onto a CRT just to play my 5th and 6th gen systems?
On the Vita I like them for little shit like opening a map or healing quickly without having to dig through the menu and touching girls but for everyday use trying to type on a phone or tablet it's annoying as fuck. The blackberry curve (I think it was called) was the last time I truly loved a new phone.
You really blame the CRTs for that and not the company you worked for being retarded? Strangely enough, most people don't have to carry their TV around large distances 250 times in a row.
I think most people don't even play games where they notice it. I think the first time I did was playing a rhythm game.
House of the Dead was on Sega Saturn you double NIGGER!
WTF NIGGER! is wordfiltered to NIGGER!
If you miss CRT or praise them in any way that isn't for blacks, you are a cancer hipster shit that never actually owned one. And don't even try the "your was a cheap old model" because no one will catch that bait
Fuck off back to your Reddit subboard
yes I'm getting madfucking millennialfucking hipster
CRTs are the superior technology, no question.
But CRTs were so heavy, so big, so hot that it kinda sucked. The problem is really that we're still in a recession, and people are paid less (in real dollars, meaning wage less cost of living) that the trend is to make everything cheaper or stay the same price (while going down in quality) because that's all people can afford.
Maybe in 30 years we'll have another economic boom and vidya will be great again.
That's pretty disappointing since OLED is the display type people seem to be most excited about, I can't get excited over something I won't even be able to use long term. I still use one of my CRTs that I got sometime in the 90's, I prefer it to my LCD displays that I got in 2011. Is it naive of me to expect something to last 20 years when a supposed inferior product has done so.
I don't mean to come off sounding like some elitist or anything either, I'm genuinely frustrated at the state of display technologies, we're going backwards and everyone seems to think otherwise despite there being actual technical aspects we can compare. As I said before
It's seeming like it will be if these things are going to be more expensive, less reliable, and not actually better in any way besides size and weight.
Again, even if OLED can get the contrast thing down it has its own problems that CRTs don't. Every one of these new technologies solves some of the problems with LCD but never all of them. Why is it seen as such a bad thing to prefer something that has less limitations?
I should add the only responses I ever see to this is
I bet you listen to 120kbps mp3s you fucking niggers.
This isn't an inherent flaw of OLED as a technology, which if configured correctly has far faster response times than LCD or even CRT, but the result of bad design priorities in the programmed behavior of the software, or of those displays' drive electronics regarding motion.
There's two variables that constrain CRT resolution/FPS. First is tube speed, the best Sony probably topped out at almost 400MHz, the fastest ever sold was probably a 550MHz model from Barco. Second is phosphor subpixel pitch, which was usually higher toward the center of the screen than the outside, measured triad-to-triad the best screens averaged about 0.2mm on a somewhat unrelated note, monochrome CRTs, like the kind used in triple-tube projectors, do not have subpixels, and are limited solely by tube speed.
These numbers are far below the technical limit of vacuum tubes and beam restriction in other industries, mostly being a product of the fact that there were no video sources (especially realtime ones like computers) at the time CRTs were discontinued that could drive higher-rez and higher FPS displays of any kind.
Show me these affordable, desktop-sized, low-lag OLED gaming monitors.
I honestly think OLED (if used correctly) has technical advantage over CRTs in every single area aside from native resolution. Even there, if resolution is high enough, competent scaling would basically obviate it. Pricewise, too, if manufacturing were done with something like Phillips' LEP inkjet process, they would obliterate every other display technology.
Whats the best way to organize flac files anyway? Not having tags like mp3s makes it seem like it would be a real bitch to switch over.
CRTs have MUCH better color and virtually 0ms display lag. Plus the high-end Trinitron ones are available in 16:10 master race.
Also, the framerate is different on CRTs. Lower framerates appear to be higher than they are because of the different scanning technology. The only benefit of non-CRTs are the size/weight, and the energy-savings. and cot dumb goyim, enjoy 16:9 cuz thats cheaper
I just edit the tags in foobar.
Flac allows tagging you dipshit. wav doesnt, unless you got a mediaplayer worth shit.
I guess I just need to fuck with it more and get the hang of it. Can you do things like put "ClariS; Soulja Boy" as "contributing artists" on a song, so when I only want to listen to Soulja Boy it gets the song he's featured on my pretend ClariS album too? Is there any way to tag album art also?
1. games ARE art, nothing you can so about it faggot
2. CRTs are great for any game that was made for non-hd resolutions , anything below 720p.
3. that video is pure hipsterism, is pointless to put a game like firewatch on a CRT, when a normal HD monitor/tv can o a better job and do it cheaper.
As far as I can tell it's exactly the same as mp3 tagging. I've never given it any thought. At any rate, it won't cost you anything to download one and try it out.
Why not both? The company for pulling that shit and the retards that cling on to a dead technology.
I only listen to music on my phone while at the gym so I couldn't care less about quality.
So Anti-CRTfags are confirmed fat poor losers?
Unf, give me the name of the model in that second picture.
fuck off op
Okay real talk asshole:
Making a big CRT TV was so fucking expensive and technically unstable. And yeah you can accuse people of being poorfags for not shelling out 2k on a a shitty TV while there were 600dollar LCDs with HDMI coming out that were perfect for the new consoles of the time. I personally don't care for blacks.
Yes? Now kindly drop that monitor on your head.
Well if money is no object I'll have a private movie theatre and Scarlet Johansson to suck my dick.
those Vinyls will out last the CDs. CDs delaminate and an hero eventually.
Little-known fact: Front-projection actually isn't that expensive. You can pick up a decent video projector for about the same price as a midrange TV, and the materials for a projection surface (or a premade screen, if you're lazy) for practically nothing.
Vidya on a screen almost covering an entire wall is an experience I'd strongly recommend you try.
Show me an affordable, desktop-sized CRT. Oh wait, that's an oxymoron, for CRTs, desktop-sized means it will take THE WHOLE desktop.
HD CRTs have the same post processing shit LCDs have.
too bad vinyl still sounds like ass
No I couldn't tell the difference, but I would call you a dumb nigger faggot 14 year old because that's what you are. LCDs do not have 1, 2, or 5ms of lag. They have ~8ms-30ms of lag + 1 full frame delay (minimum).
CRTs present the image information as it is received, in real time, with a very tiny scanline delay and a few ms to reset the guns after a full image is presented.
LCDs also look like shit. even IPS screens (which have more lag) look like shit next to a decent CRT.
LCDs are lighter, smaller, use less power, are cheaper to manufacture and ship, look like shit, and are shit for video games.
no thanks
True, nobody sells digital projection systems without typically horrendous HDTV controller chipsets regardless of the underlying technology's response speed, for some bizarre reason. But direct view LCD TVs are no less laggy, and their picture quality is completely inferior to projection. And if you're picky about lag, you can get CRT projectors, though they require a lot of fine tuning.
Why do people who have no interest in old tech have such vocal opinions on it?
They're fucking youngfags or just plain retarded
I'd own a CRT to play old games from the sixth generation all the way down to the first.
LCD's are fine as well if you want 1080p. But jesus christ these anti-crt fags are a whole new level of retarded.
You can also get special paint that makes your walls into a good projection surface.
Sadly, my landlady won't go for that any more than a discreet ceiling anchor for my projector.
This would be like someone releasing 'It Follows' on VHS.
Jesus why are people this stupid?
God, you just don't understand! It literally sounds so much better!
1. HD CRTs, depending on what you play them on, still have some processing input lag. If you play retro on them, you're gonna get lag end of story. You play anything from the PS2 or GC and you're golden.
2. You're just posting hipster autism. That video doesn't represent most of the /crt/ autism you keep seeing. It's just some shitter playing a walking sim.
Literally the only reason to own a CRT is for Melee
I have a rear projection CRT WEGA. Has S-Video, Component and HDMI inputs. It's nice and comfy, but it can only really use it outdoors at night.
CRTfags are just hipsters unless they're on an old console, making use of high frame rates (160, 200, 240hz) or a poor photo editing fag who needs a cheap rig with high color accuracy
and rhythm games
Be glad you don't move drywall and concrete forms. I used to load and unload 2 tons of that shit a day.
Literally any 144hz monitor will meet my Quake 3 needs. The difference between 144 and 160 is unnoticeable.
hipsters get out.
they're more widespread than reddit by now
I just want a decent widescreen CRT for rhythm games and old vidya, nothing else really.
Not with that attitude, you won't.
This guys channel is full on bullshit. All he does is upload videos that are shoved with useless buzzwords and set to some inspirational music like some kind of art house hipster. The guy isn't even at the age of 18 yet and yet he will go on and on about how amazing old shit is while he probably wasn't even shitting in diapers at the time of it's popularity. He also uses a mac so go figure.
There is no reason to use a CRT unless you are playing games below the ps2 console generation.
or if you want to play Wii games
Even then it's a no since the Wii has a 480p output option that works on many LCDs.
Can you guys name a good crt tv then?
There are many different kind of crt's and for most people it falls to preference
It would still look better in it's native resolution. Does it have an option to make it smaller and do that for people playing on HD displays? I've actually been thinking about getting into Wii games for awhile now. I own one just never even hooked it up.
What the fuck? You mean to tell me you'd rather have your money siphoned away by the digital Jew because "m-muh convenience" rather than people getting an actual product when they pay for music? You'd think people would think this was a good thing, but of course that means people at Apple are losing at least some chunk of digital sales so they get the media to go out there and call people who still want a real product millennial hipsters.
It makes even less sense when you can just rip the fucking CD yourself, choosing what bitrate and format and everything you want anyway. I understand the Vinyl hate, but CDs? C'mon.
It's probably because they chose vinyl over CDs you fucking imbecile.
480p is a native resolution, it's like the Xbox. It was built with it in mind.
Oh nigga, homebrew that shit. I'm sure there's a Wii games list or Wii thread around here somewhere…
There is literally nothing wrong with listening to music on vinyl, user
I guess, 480 isn't that low that on a 720p display you'd hardly notice the difference anyway, but I just meant a lower resolution might still look better than having a higher one stretched. I don't really know enough about this to be sure if what I'm thinking is correct though anyway.
Looks fine on my 1080p display, and I own a 40' TV. Regular AV cords however look like complete shit, so I keep a tiny CRT around for older games. The higher resolution fits the screen almost perfectly.
I've heard that if they actually tried to they could get rid of input lag in flat screens. However it just is not a priority for enough people to justify the R&D cost.
There's two sources of input lag in flat panels:
1. Preprocessing: This is what you're thinking of, good support electronics attached directly to the SDI/DVI/DP/HDMI interface could indeed eliminate this.
2. Response time: This is inherent to the display technology, and can not be fixed. LCDs have poor response time, other technologies like OLED and plasma have excellent response times.
Fuck yes. Today was a good day.