/tipping/ Thread

How much did you tip before and after reading Marx?

tfw I tipped a pretty girl at Sonic 7$ and she cupped my face, smiled, and thanked me.

I used to never tip above $5 but now I always go 25% with a minimum of $5 assuming that is greater than 25%

I don't tip because I'm not Murican.

Our service workers receive their wages from their capital oppressors, and not by the customer.

I don't tip because I don't have money

also this

Tipping should not fucking exist

Everyday multiple times a day.

Why not? Tipping is the ultimate form of social etiquette and grace.

kill me

Bartender from a country with a minimum wage here.

It's fine if you don't tip, but even a little bit goes a long way in showing appreciation and getting better service.

Marx didn't change my tipping behaviour, working in a bar did. I always tip as a form of trade solidarity.

I rarely go out because it's too expensive, but when I do its around 20%

I tip just as much as before since I'm not a liberal and know it doesn't change anything about the system.

I don't tip since I became aware of the true value of money

I never tip anything since tipping isn't a thing in my country.

I stole 10$ from her as I noticed she made a mistake.
Thanks Marx, now I see why tipping is useless.

I used to tip but I don't now.

I'm an accelerationist

How about you stop

I am merely empowered by my rational decision to incite class antagonisms. I am sorry that you are so weak you cannot do the same.

We can't all be revolutionaries.

I usually Tip whatever I reasonably can at the time which is usually unfortunately not much
the average I leave is five bucks but sometimes I can only tip 2 or 3 dollars and I feel all bad ;_;

We don't tip here.

Or at least I hope we don't.

That might mean I'm the asshole.

No need to tip in a country where it's not expected, unless you believe that redistribution of wealth starts at the individual level (in which case it wouldn't make sense to give it to someone with a job rather than the homeless and unemployed)


And where do the capital oppressors get their money to pay said wages?

How is that accelerationist? What are you driving the cycle of capital with? Pissing people off isn't accelerationism.

I tip everyone, everywhere I go.

I tip straight to the person but I know of some shady businesses that divide the tip out, between management too, its pretty gross hence me giving it to the person.

I avoid sit down restaurants cause I cant afford to tip


It's not?

No tipping.
I'm an accelerationist.
If you don't tip, they'll have to pay them better or face unions of waiters.

Fucking retarded accelerationists, do you really think that whatever restaurant that employs these waiters gives a shit about them? They're the precariat, they're expendable. There are always dozens of other people who are equally as qualified as them competing for their jobs, and if anyone starts getting uppity the management will just fire them and hire someone who is willing to put up with shit pay just for the sake of having a job.

Why do you think there are no unions for service workers? They don't have any skills and don't occupy a place in the production process that is essential to capitalism. They have no bargaining chips.

I put a 20 dollar tip on a 30 bill because I know that the family I was with couldn't tip for shit so I overcompensated.

That's not how that works. Tips go to the worker. There is nothing incentivizing the employer to pay more.

I tipped my barber today. Not sure if that was dumb or not.

I tip depending on how nice I feel.

Tipping only keeps the same messed up payment practices going. I just tip normal.

No, pissing people off is not acceleration. At all. Acceleration means, effectively, you're making capitalism untenable to maintain by pushing home its contradictions. This means that you'd ultimately want to do things like increase minimum wage laws, forcing the captialist to replace some level of his employees so that he can continue exploiting surplus value, but because this increases the cost of the capital required to maintain a business, the profit margin maintained over the worker's wages is decreased while the capital to perform it has increased.

You're trying to force capitalism to run through itself more quickly, not just make people annoyed so they complain about people acting like assholes. Undirected anger is not revolutionary, especially not while capitalism is still a viable mode of production.

Like taking advantage of an unconditional dependency in a worker's wage? Yeah, no. Maybe when you stop making internet posts about your 12 hour restaurant shifts and start actually doing something, you'll make a difference.

I try to find out how the place's system works. In the US a lot of places deduct tips from the servers' pay, so when you tip you are literally just giving the restaurant a discount.

If I tip, I don't ever put it on the bill; I leave cash so they don't have to report it.

If I pretend to be porky and an asshole, isn't that accelerationism? THen people are going to hate the capitalists, unless they find out I'm false-flagging.

No, accelerationism has to do with the relations of production. Making proles hate bourgies more has nothing to do with it. Accelerationism would be supporting a law that give employers more control over labor negotiations or something.

Which one is it?
Wouldn't the wage cuts be invested into Capital? Is Porky just stupid like people on welfare that need to be kept from burning it all on weed that you have to force him to expand his business by making people unemployable? Makes sense to me, the US only started heavy industrialization after Civil War and China is growing outrageous amounts though state interventionism.
Also can you guys provide me any good readings on Minimum Wages and Social Security? I've been drinking the Lolbert cool-aid for a while so they seem insane to me.

The second one. Raising minimum wage just means the companies take a hit to their profits and shareholders take a hit to their dividendies. Corporations already use the minimum amount of labor they can get away with. Minimum wage is social democracy which props up capitalism. It's the opposite of accelerationism. The idea that porky will fire people when minimum wages go up is a lolbert talking point to scare people away from voting to raise the minimum wage.

So are fastfood workers, but they somehow did it.

Except the the capitalist are banking on you tipping them so they can continue paying them shit.

How is neglecting to pay for what the capitalist is responsible, not pushing the contradiction?

There are. The SEIU represents 1.5 million service workers.
Then why are strikes effective?

She cupped your face? Are you sure it wasn't just a trick to make you come back to the restaurant? I've had waitresses flirt in the past and act in ways that were clearly instructed by management in order to make me the customer come back. One waitress in particular told me out of nowhere that she "liked how positive I was". Needless to say, I'm permanently boycotting that restaurant. Sage for off topic.

I work as a waiter.
I don't mind when people don't tip. It's on my boss to make sure I'm paid well enough, not the costumers.

Thats depressing as fuck

Liberal feminists won't give a shit though, they'll be focusing on electing Killary for president

Based Rosa would be rolling in her grave seeing the 'feminists' today

THIS, to think i used to respect amanda marcotte.

I'm English. We don't tip =(

Anyway, tipping shouldn't exist. It subsidizes unethical business behaviour, just like tax credits.

she cupped YOUR face? did you make out?

from profits made from customers buying food? are you joking?

I live in a country that doesn't shift paying the wages of workers onto consumers, so I have never tipped.



before, 15%
after, 25% or $5, whichever is higher

What does cupping a face mean? Is it like pic. related?

yeah i guess. if someone did that to me irl i'd assume theyre about to cover me in lipstick kisses like a fuckin cartoon character

Why is the waitress allowed to touch the customer? Isn't that horribly unprofessional?

Tip? You want a tip? I'll give you a tip.

Workers of the world, unite!

if somebody cupped my face no matter who it'd honestly make my day
