Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/

"Holla Forums is fucked, famalamadingdong" Edition.

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Other urls found in this thread: offset

Give me an idea for the next hit browser game that everyone wants to play and let's players will make a million videos of


I'll start with this video here, showcasing aim offset working properly this time around, something I've fixed lately.


Hotwheels ate my .mp4 again. Okay, have this link. The video I meant to post here is on the first post. offset


Called dixels, m8s.

Ate my video too.
Something just fucked our shit up again.

You're right.

It does look like Dick.

I'll start with this video here, showcasing aim offset working properly this time around, something I've fixed lately.

using that gif was a mistake


Isn't that how the walker gear works?

Refer to offset

Rixels, actually. Technically also mixels since it pretends to be xboxhueg pixels but has smaller pixels when rotated, see Yoshi's Island for an example of rixels without mixels.

Indeed it was, never do that again. We have enough trouble devving without throwing up.

I don't think that works, user.


Fucking great it ate my MP4… GOD DAMNIT YOU FUCKING KIKE.

I need to try to make this shit make a bit smoother somehow.

Welp have this instead:

That flickering and how much it lags behind your cursor stress my eyes out something fierce.

testing mp4 again

testing random mp4 to make sure i'm not the crazy one here

mhm, at ACS part I used a relative low value for the delay(4); , I am a bit afraid of decreasing it further due to performance issue.

Geh I will try if I can get a Unreal 1/Half-Life 1 styled search light which is more primitive but not a eye sore. It essentially projects a light point in a certain range.

I wonder how hard it'd be to get things permanently synced up to music without implementing some kind of module player.

Maybe you should go test in a different thread and/or board.

no u


You mean coxels.

Hello again; MoM user here, here is the last batch of NPCs I will be showcasing for awhile. A cameo from Terminuses Character Vikenti, from Nocturne in Yellow, makes an appearence at the Inn where a few other NPC's Reside!

The Bard and Barmaid also work at said Inn!

Soon I'll be able to stop fucking around with blueprint in UE4 and get to the good shit. Feels good.

Seriously, what the fuck Godot. It's supposed to be 'stable' and it does shit like this? All I did was try to save the internal camera script to an external file, but for whatever idiotic reason it overwrote my external file.

If you're using Godot, back up ALL your scripts. Because it eats them.

I'm feelin' that progress high, Mega Bro.

Finally taken that step over the edge where I can make models myself now, without constantly consulting tutorials. It's not much, but they're getting better rapidly.


mind linking your devlog?
or do you not have one?

Are the posts not going through, or is this the thing where it posts anyway, but the video doesn't show up?

It may just be because of my background as an artist. But most of what I've learned in Blender has stuck with me. The only problem I have is when something stops working the way it normally does.
I'm sure it's because I accidentally pressed some key that's a hotkey for a function that I'm not looking to use. But the long and short of those situations is I have to start over.

Yup, learning to 3D was definitely a worth move.

I still need to learn a lot of crap, especially concerning texturing and sculpting, but so far I have made some decent progress on the art assets of the game.

Doot doot, I'd like to talk if you want.

You know how to find us

Signed, your least favorite skellington


Hey Hitler Boxing user, I made you an asset.


hmm I wonder how to do the fragment stuff, when I add too much fragments then it would bog down the performance when I use not enough fragments it does jack shit.

Have another.

thanks, now i just need to figure out how to get joints in unity to not act retarded

pffft, good luck.

Thank you merciful god.

mind if i put them in a video, since i can't post mp4s right now

How long did it took you to learn 3D, did you use blender? And what type of game did you want to make or made before?

I'm using Blender. I learned through a book I bought but it's in German. It was a gigantic help to me even though I haven't finished reading it yet.

I bought it a few months ago but I haven't worked on 3D stuff all this time so I'd assume that in total time it might have been more or less 2 weeks or so.

I'm currently working on an erotic economy game with VN elements with my team.

Id post a webm but Im on my tablet. Thoughts?

alright, this time i got a video
so now the ragdoll blends with the animation the entire time, meaning that there's a very minimal amount of "punch through someone's head" moments
i changed things so that depending on your health, your ragdoll becomes more active. so if you hand is at 70/100 health, that means that the weight of your ragdoll layer would be 0.2 (the minimum) + (1-(70/100))/2) (since 0.5 is already near a full ragdoll). before i was just slowing down the animations of the individual limbs
also for some reason when i reset the ragdoll layers, the body does a weird contortion, before it just jittered between it's old and new position. i like it the new way
only downside so far, is that the animations somehow seem to have a smaller framerate, as if they aren't interpolating between each keyframe

i feel your pain

Never considered making game before.
What skills do you need, is it just lrn2C++ ?

There's a million ways to go about it.

You could technically download an engine and start slapping in 3D models and third party scripts without knowing a first thing about programming. Don't get excited though

In the end it depends on what you want to do and what you're interested of doing.

basically this. You can get away with light scripting, but keep in mind, the further off the cookie-cutter path you want to go, the better your programming (and knowledge of things like vectors, geometry, physics, shaders, etc) needs to be.

Dev Blog can be found here!

Talk?… Sure!

Is they anything I can do?

You can send me an user note in that link above!

Oh Lawd


This is why you use git.

Not only that but the godot devs made every file plaintext so that they could easily be tracked with version control. If you're not you really should be.

tfw zipping progress every other night to a backup folder
tfw occasionally uploading latest zip to a service like dropbox or google drive

Just use sourcetree and bitbucket, way simpler

My gay friend and I are making a porn text game on javascript since we both decided the market is oversaturated with faggots.

We have a fuckton of shit involved, some of which (like furry, guro, watersports, scat, loli, etc.) can be turned on and off on the options menu at the begining of the game to give players a meta level of control that helps them be more into the game.

Wish me luck

Why is it important that he's gay?

Because we complement each other, I write straight shit and he writes gay shit.
This way we can completely fulfill everyone's desires.

I'd call you a faggot but these are some impressive numbers

But if you cater to the faggots you'd get more dosh

What are you trying to make?
and what engine did you make this in?

I don't know where it's from, it was primarily used as bait in 4gdg because people always complain about "mixels" and "rixels" and such.

So I started to learn some basic rigging. This rig works alright on this mesh I have now, maybe I'll try to make something more complex tomorrow.

I want to make a 2d game; should I just use gamemaker with code instead of drag and drop, or is there a smarter way of going about this?

Looks alright to me. Which tutorial did you follow?

This tutorial was the one I've used. It's a bit weird because I looked at other tutorials, and this is the first one I've seen that doesn't have the limbs connecting with the spine of the mesh.

someone help me out
i've got my story variales (for the dialogue), each have their own name, type and one int/double/bool/string
i want to only show one value depending on the type
but i can't use a custom Editor because this isn't a monobehaviour script apparently
so i'm using propertydrawer instead
but when i have multiple values, they overlap with the next variable (they're in a list)
wat do
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(StoryVariable))]public class StoryVariableEditor : PropertyDrawer{ public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { // first row EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); // Draw label position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label); // Don't make child fields be indented var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; // Calculate rects var nameRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, 60, position.height); EditorGUI.PropertyField(nameRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("name"), GUIContent.none); var typeRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y + 15, 60, position.height); EditorGUI.PropertyField(typeRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("type"), GUIContent.none); // Set indent back to what it was EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent; EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }}

Yeah, they're a bit of a pain.
This tutorial helped me:

Setting the label width helped me with your issue.

Just fucking kill me, I hate modelling programs so damn much

At least you've got your dubs

Select the front, extrude, scale down, repeat on the other side, remove the smaller faces, and fill the vertices between the front and back?

Where should I look at building an engine for an RPG?
RPG Maker has a bad reputation, and it just makes more sense to build from scratch so you know how everything works.

If nothing else, that's your name for the game or your eventual studio.

no, you see, my stuff is overlapping vertically, not horizontally

for the love of g-d, kill me

RPG maker is perfectly fine for simple rpgs, I think you might have more difficulty in it with first person dungeon crawlers. Can you describe what kind of RPG you wanna make?

What you mean from scratch? An entire engine from scratch? Generally using the engine tools is enough for simple games. If you want something on the level of a pirst person shooter or a 3D brawler with lots of npcs then you need a more powerful engine. Only if you go to the level of complexity of dwarf fortress or kerbal is that you really need to build your stuff to the basic level so you can optimize it.

At least your not running linux and developing on a toaster.

I literally just today started making a train sim.

Don't use RPG Maker, seriously.
It's shit and has been shit for over 13 years, it will obviously hurt the quality of your game and make lots of people(rightfully) not want to play it on principle.

It's not hard to make it impossible to notice that your game was made with RPGM, but it is too hard for the mass of idiots that use it.


I think a working toaster is better than an unpractically large paperweight.

t. gnu/linux-running toaster user

alright, another question
how do i get a value from the original script and use it in here?
they just use property.FindPropertyRelative("type") but i can't convert that to an enum
i need it to see what kind of variable i'm supposed to be displaying

The point of "StoredProperty" objects is that you don't access the variable directly. Otherwise you'd have to take care of undo/redo, marking the scene/property as dirty, etc. yourself.
If you need to access the value of the enumeration, try to use its intValue and cast that. Dunno if it works, but it's worth a shot.

I think it's better in the sense that it forces me to optimize my game as much as possible. Although, on the other hand it feels like I don't have the proper tools/resources to make a quality game.


// Assuming your enumeration is called MyEnumMyEnum shitshitshit = (MyEnum)property.intValue;

EditorGUI.PropertyField(contentPosition, property.FindPropertyRelative("type"), new GUIContent("Type")); StoryVariable.VariableType enumname = (StoryVariable.VariableType)property.intValue;
"type is not a supported int value"
pretty sure it doesn't work like that
is there seriously no way to get a value from the original script when using propertydrawer?

Apparently not and, now that I think about it, I'm not sure it makes sense to let you.

PropertyDrawers are just there to tell Unity how to layout the default inspector for custom datatypes.
Complex stuff is something you do in custom inspectors for the classes that contain said properties.

Oh wait.
This might get you a step closer:

Forgot the link:

Sort of a 4-man party RPG, with you on one side, monsters on the other, some other party members in reserve, and nice effects for the special attacks.
That or a Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem like game.

I've got 2 or 3 different mechanics which may or may not work

RE: The engine, I thought making your own was better than paying licensing to someone else (especially if you are a beginner since you can then learn how it all works from the inside-out)? At least thats what I got from a previous thread

This. I mean the "good" RPG maker games can be counted on one hand- and thats even if you include the ones that look like shit/amateur hour. (though I think I'll have that problem no matter what sort of game I make. Need to find a balance of Good Art and Cheap Artist)

How do I git gud with collisions on Unreal? Overlap is bullshit.

problem is that now it's just treating the script as if it was null.
StoryVariable myDataClass = fieldInfo.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject) as StoryVariable; if (myDataClass != null) switch (myDataClass.type) { case StoryVariable.VariableType.Bool: EditorGUI.PropertyField(contentPosition, property.FindPropertyRelative("BoolVar"), new GUIContent("Type")); break; case StoryVariable.VariableType.Int: EditorGUI.PropertyField(contentPosition, property.FindPropertyRelative("IntVar"), new GUIContent("Type")); break; case StoryVariable.VariableType.Double: EditorGUI.PropertyField(contentPosition, property.FindPropertyRelative("DoubleVar"), new GUIContent("Type")); break; case StoryVariable.VariableType.String: EditorGUI.PropertyField(contentPosition, property.FindPropertyRelative("StringVar"), new GUIContent("Type")); break; }
just in case i'm forgetting to mention something here's storyvariable code
[System.Serializable]public class StoryVariable{ public string name = ""; public int IntVar = 0; public double DoubleVar = 0; public bool BoolVar = false; public string StringVar = ""; public enum VariableType { Int, Double, Bool, String } public VariableType type; //constructors public StoryVariable() { name = ""; IntVar = 0; DoubleVar = 0; BoolVar = false; StringVar = ""; type = VariableType.Int; } public StoryVariable(string _name) { name = _name; IntVar = 0; DoubleVar = 0; BoolVar = false; StringVar = ""; type = VariableType.Int; } public StoryVariable(string _name, int _int) { name = _name; IntVar = _int; DoubleVar = 0; BoolVar = false; StringVar = ""; type = VariableType.Int; } public StoryVariable(string _name, double _double) { name = _name; IntVar = 0; DoubleVar = _double; BoolVar = false; StringVar = ""; type = VariableType.Double; } public StoryVariable(string _name, bool _bool) { name = _name; IntVar = 0; DoubleVar = 0; BoolVar = _bool; StringVar = ""; type = VariableType.Bool; } public StoryVariable(string _name, string _string) { name = _name; IntVar = 0; DoubleVar = 0; BoolVar = false; StringVar = "_string"; type = VariableType.String; }}

sadly CustomEditor doesn't work for non monobehavior scripts

Then redesign your code. Seriously.
I've wasted countless hours making code that I found to be nicely designed without taking Unity's architecture into account.
Care to draw something like a class diagram. Might be something obvious to simplify.

what for, the main thing is just a class that has a list of storyvariables
the storyvariable has a name, an enum and a variable, whose type depends on the enum (in reality it's just 4 different variables)
all i wanted to do was to get storyvariable to not shot 3 out of those 4 variables depending on the enum

to not show*

Considering that this is the first thing that I've ever modeled without direction, and the first thing I've ever textured, it's gone a lot better than expected.

did you paint the shadows onto the texture? isn't any 3d rendering software supposed to automatically do that anyways?

I fiddled with them a bit after the fact, but it was done automatically by Blender.

That's really neato, man.

I haven't even begun trying humanoid shapes yet. Only doing items and tanks so far.

Actually, since we're on the topic, is there a way to prevent Blender's AO baking from arbitrarily putting shadows in weird places, like in the middle of a torso which has nothing blocking it?

Thanks, m80. Nice tank.

Managed to actually finish a model this time, 10k tris. no idea where to use it yet though

Looking good, how long have you learned blender?

Something about him seems off, and I'm not talking about the stylistic choice.
Can't quite put my finger on it.

Not very long. I've "been using it" for months, but the reality is that I only come back and fuck around for a few hours every few weeks. I'd estimate that I've spent about a 12-15 days actively learning it. Everything I've done is in this folder, sans two tutorial-related projects.

Really, I've spent more time posing and trying to animate other people's models than making them myself.

There's a number of problems, mainly involving proportions. Some polys are off, some edges are angled a little wrong, some curves aren't smooth enough. I can't for the life of me get those polygons on his outer leg to subdivide. But hey, not like it's out of the ordinary for there to be strange renditions of Mega Man, right? If you have specific criticisms, I'm all ears.

Yeah, it looks like the edge loop you have going around his leg ends when it gets to the side. Is the polygon there an n-gon? Or maybe there's a duplicate or internal face there that's screwing it up.

Use cut tool to join them

I guess it's general lumpiness. It looks like bulky, clumpy unfitting clothing rather than something more form-fitting or precision metal angles and rounding.

The classic arm tumors look alright, but the rest doesn't have those clean lines and precise, even divisions. The helmet looks like a colored hat and the boots just look like, well, regular boots colored blue.

Cosplay vs super fighting robot.

Well, what I had in mind was that you may (or may not) have chosen a poor data structure to begin with. I had this issue with the way I implemented my items, which made the inventory needlessly complicated.
There might be a way to do the same thing you want to do now, without having to deal with PropertyDrawers like this. Because if you "need" to access the data like this (as you said), you're trying to abuse PropertyDrawers for something they're not meant for. This is a sign that you might be doing things your way, trying to make Unity conform to you, rather than being the flexible one yourself in this scenario.

A bit of context would be nice. What are you trying to do and how have you gone about this (data structure wise)?
I can then tell you how I would have (or even have) done it.
Might help you.

basicly the storyvariable is just a variable that has a name that can be searched. the only reason it exists, is because it has a name that can be searched
i need the searchable name for my dialogue system, when i need to check some variable for a specific character. obviously just having a specific function to get a specific variable would be a lot more optimized, but then i'd have to make a new function for every single variable in a character. so instead i did this, which searches for a variable in a character by it's name, and changes the Int/Double/Bool/String variables depending on the needed type
and now for a bit of ease i wanted to make the unnecessary variables invisible in the inspector

Can't really help you there. Sorry, but I just don't get it. Might have something to do with me programming to the point of absolute retardation today. The easiest tasks somehow became difficult some time ago.

But I need to push further. I am so close to finishing the damn item system.
I need items to have properties such as size (for the slots), weight, name, icon, max. stack size, etc. and an efficient GC-free way of retrieving that data for a known item.
I FINALLY got to the point where I have all the data and an editor-script that serializes/deserializes everything. Since Unity doesn't support serializing dictionaries by itself, I stored the data in a list in which every element also includes its key.
All I need to do now is write a code-generator that hard-codes the list as a dictionary for me.
Just how I like it.

its easy mayne
you got your variables for your character like "Strength", "WonFight", "JoinedGym" and each of them is either an Int/Double/Bool/String
and when i need to get the value of one of those variables, i look in the StoryRelatedVariables script, search for the variable by it's name and return the appropriate value, depending on the type of the variable
otherwise i'd have to make a function to return the strength of the boxer, a function to check if he joined the gym, a function to check if he won his last fight, etc. it would be horrible

Looks like despite it being a rectangle, each one of them has eight edges. If I had to guess, it's that. Knowing this, I fucking finally managed to force it by deleting the faces and reforming them manually with Fill.

I tried this, but it wouldn't work, for some reason.

Yeah, I feel you, definitely. I get the feeling I'm looking at a Mii in a costume rather than the real thing. That's the kind of thing I meant when I mentioned proportion gripes.

Six edges, I mean.

Is this a good place to steal look at sprites?

In what sense? I don't know about the site as a whole, but all of the sprites I've stolen looked at from there have worked out well in the project I used them in.

Arent C# dictionaries implemented as a HashSet? You should be able to iterate it as a collection of KVP then fart out the TValue on serialization, no? I swear that dictionary has a serializable attribute or interface, too

Then an engine more powerful than rpgmaker might be better for you then.

If you wanna make a game on this decade you don't need to build your own engine, you are gonna reinvent the wheel, while there are people who already have a wheel with ABS ready for use.

I'm talking about Unity's builtin serialization here. Sadly, it doesn't support them. But solving that is easy. You store it as a list where you added the key as a property of the values and then either

I'm too fucking tired right now, but I'll try tomorrow. It's getting really fucking late around here.

You can generate something called an ambient occlusion map to get better results than that ugly flat shading. Google it. I remember it being relatively easy to generate, but you'll need an obscenely high ray count to get really smooth shading, which will take a few minutes to generate.

Anyone have been using ?
I can't seem to get it to work. I am trying to load GameObjects from inside an AssetBundle and showing in an UI all of the 'placeable' assets (for an 3D tilemap editor).
Tiles are loaded from asset bundles, so that the editor can be easily used for modding

That's what I did to get that. It started at 5 samples, but the guy in the tutorial said I'd probably want to do 20, which is what I did. Took about 2-4 minutes. Vid related is said tutorial.

Nice bike, by the way.

So you do use AO already. Obviously. Because how else would you be painting shadows on your texture?

Anyway, the reason it's flat (I think) is because you have everything set as flat shaded. Set to smooth, then bake AO. Should look better, unless you get that weird artefacting around sharp corners that I don't know how to fix. Have't used blender in a while, I'll admit.

About the weird shading, what you found in was that at some point during your editing, you made a duplicate vertex and built a face out of it. So basically you had a pentagon or more where two verticies were at the exact same coordinate, which fucks with the shading. There's a command somewhere to remove duplicate verticies (verts that are very close to each other). Alternatively you can set your model to see-through (where it's "transparent" and you can select things behind other things, was it X to toggle that mode?), box-select the vert you think is degenerate, then merge at center (it's in the spacebar menu somewhere).

That AO looks far more angular than it should imo. I feel I've gotten better results, but maybe it's not really possible to have it look better at that poly count. I've never done that kind of low-poly so I dunno. It doesn't look bad, I just feel it could look better.

Made a better rig for a human model. IK constraints and poles aren't complete for the upper body, but it's getting there.

Can you import your own libraries into Unity? I've heard a lot of shit about Unity's built in classes and it honestly sounds like a huge pain to constantly work around them.

What do you mean? Importing .dlls that contains functions you built yourself? Then yeah, I'm even compiling using a .txt file and implementing them at runtime

Are there any good books for learning the basics and foundations of GML?

Just, it's like, just change shit until it works

Yeah, but I want to actually know what I'm doing instead of just taking a bunch of other people's codes and niggerrigging them together.

You'll probably be fine if you have a programming background. It's not exactly different from other languages, it's just more flexible I guess

Like if you know your keywords, conditionals, and logic, you'll be good

…. got a good book for that?

I know jack shit but figure I know what's fun, I know what I want from games, and I know what isn't being made any more. I want to be more than an ideas guy but I need to know where to begin.

Thanks for the input.
Manually? Why couldn't you, if you had forever?
I've made more than a few. I've killed them as they've come, but I guess I missed one.
Their commands are W > Remove Doubles, Z, and Alt+M, respectively.
I dunno. I tried toying with it, and changing shading settings like you said, but it still feels similar. Not appreciably different. How many samples should I be using?

Do you want books specifically? Shaun Spalding and Heartbeast's YouTube videos are pretty good about clearly explaining exactly what it is you're doing. As long as you understand programming logic, like said, you'll be fine.

A multiplayer zelda 2 game that plays a little like dork souls

Something that panders to tumblr.
That seems to work.

Try something like KhanAcademy or Codecademy. They're free, online, and interactive.

cool, I'll do that now. I appreciate the help.


Tumblr isn't the market for browser games, though. You just jumped to Tumblr because of Undertale, didn't you?

Generally speaking, the biggest requirement for being picked up by Let's Players is that they're simple. Quick to get started, extremely easy, and produce a spectacle with minimal effort.

9.1/10 it's okay.

right on the money
shit right there lived and died on that cancerous site while raking in the views for huge ass lets players


At this point, I may as well just do all my visual effects with particles

I want to make a 2d action RPG with running, wall jumping, and an open progression system [think Metroid]. I can do music quite well and I'm learning to do sprites. The only thing left is the game itself.

I'm thinking Game Maker. Is it complex enough for a game similar to Super Metroid?


It is possible.
However, GML has some flaws, they may not bother you of course, but you should read up on them a bit(they had DRM last I checked, and hide some basic features regarding sprites behind the paywall).
I'd reccomend you to use Godot myself, or maybe even Love2D.
Still, nothing wrong with GM, Spelunky was made in it.

I guess so. Momodora is kinda shitty but it was done in gamemaker. And it is a metroidvania

Game just feels "off" for some reason, can't quite say why.

Oh shit, I accidentally made a collider

I noticed this too, something about the game just doesn't sit right with me.

Not in like a spooky way, but I just cant get comfy.

Yes, of course.
Just watch a lot of tutorials and make a few demos before starting with your game.

Making something with the art style of DeadBolt?

I don't know what the fuck I'll use this for

Beated the game and felt the same.

My opinion is that the gameplay is not polished, I didn't try hard mode, but normal isn't THAT challenging, for a metroidvania it doesn't reward exploration well, the mechanics are very simple for the genre and the "souls" mechanics didn't fit that well. The world is kinda incoherent, you start in some bright forest and end in a dark city, I know it is videogames, but if you go deeper you end in some catacombs and if you follow some specific path you end in a brighter garden, and you can see a red moon in the background and the dawn sunrays light the whole please, I mean, wasn't it night and weren't you in underground? I know this is pure autism, but I guess this breaks the immersion and the comfy feeling somehow. Musically, the game tries a technique similar to metroid, he starts in complete silence (like a Souls game), gains an ambient when you get past the first area, and the music starts when you go even further, but metroid does this only on the intro, when you return to the starting area it has music, in the case of momodora, each music or lack of one is directly linked to its area, in other words, if you go back to the beginning the music basically gets cut out and you are left in silence, this can break the pace, mainly if you are warping from a place with intense music. Also the narrative is vague, I knew I was seeking the queen or something but I didn't get why I was fighting those girls and monsters in the way to her and why they were there in first place, they seem to fight me for pure hostility, like I was totally out of luck to cross their path, and finally, the characters aren't likable at all for the only exception of that sans-like skeleton, I liked his design and his arc (a little). I feel that the ending lost most of his impact for the lack of plot-building to that point, this could be a great tear-jerker if I gave a single shit to any character in this game.

That's my theory

Started my foray into how I take dynamic objects from map data and handle/draw them in the world in a general manner.
They really thought of everything.

I also started working on the 0.5th dimension. If something is under half a story above the ground the player stands on, they can see it fully. If it's between 50% and 80%, it uses a gradient effect to ease the transition to visibility if, say, you climb up stairs. I have a block cycling through the 0-128 values that compromise one whole story.
Squashed all my major throwing bugs.
Once the above is complete, I have to work out going up and down in 2.5D and all the collisions that entails. That's going to be a hoot and a holler, I can feel it already.

My game is coming together nice-ish but every day I fear my idea isn't as good as I thought and that it'll never come together like I thought


hey bros. I'm making power ups for a low fantasy shmup. I've got rapid fire axes for the blue powerup, spread axes for the red, for purple I got some sort of large slow dark magic like the blue ball attack from radiant silver gun.

What the hell is the green one? I am seriously stumped. it's gotta be something easy to convey and something that a Conan type character would wield

what is your game, what is your worry? don't ask for help without telling us what you need help with

I just tried doing an old model of mine with 32 samples. It doesn't fix the flat shadig, if anything the smoothened gradients accenuates the artefacts. Seems blender just doesn't like edges.

What do you mean? If you mean native plugins (.so/.dll in C/C++), then yes, as already pointed out.

You hear a lot of shit about Unity from people who don't know much about it. Unity has its flaws, like virtually every single piece of software of this complexity. But it's a very good engine and all those shitty cash-grabs are proof of that. What you need to understand is that those idiots who make all those YouTube trash-tier games aren't proper developers. The fact that they were able to produce »something« more or less functioning, speaks volumes about Unity's learning curve.
When I started learning Unity I found that writing a complete game of pong including an enemy AI, scores, sounds, etc. was much less work than merely setting up an empty project for the Source engine (not exaggerating here).

For the most part, Unity's scripting API is top-notch. Input is easy to work with, but inflexible (new input system is in open beta) and the integration of the physics engine leaves a lot to be desired from what I hear, but the rest?

The only part that really annoys me is the garbage collector, but that's not Unity's fault because it's a downside of languages with automatic memory management. If I could program only using C++, I would.

Do you ever have a ton of ideas and inspiration and feel super excited to get to game dev, but when you actually get off from work/whatever, you just have no energy or motivation at all?

Just write your ideas down. IIRC it was scientifically proven that the act of writing your ideas down increases the change of you actually getting there. Had something to do with the fact that a small commitment is still a commitment and merely having ideas in your head is nothing.

Too bad I can't write down my energy levels and read them back into me when I actually have time to use it.

Every single day man. Every single day. It sucks. Moreso the energy than the motivation. On my days off I usually work like a madman at least.

Personally, I prefer to paint that stuff into the texture manually. It gets the shading exactly where you need it, as much as you need it. The perfectly geometrically accurate logic the ambient occlusion applies isn't quite the same thing as doing it with an intelligent human eye, you know?

On a side note, I've noticed that in today's big fancy games, most textures have no painted-in shading at all, but if you ask me, live lighting still isn't to the point where it isn't needed in the least. It should definitely be subtler than in say, the PS2 days, no question. But I think it's still needed.

What texture size is generally advised to have for a sub 2,000 poly model that will be looked at up close?

Generally you're supposed to work with the highest resolution you can get away with. You can always scale it down to something reasonable afterwards, so long your baked maps/working copies are at a higher resolution than what you want in the game.

If you use a too low resolution, you'll have to redo most of the work later.

That could mean anything.

A gun that you hold up on a FPS is different than a character you play in a third person game, but both could count as "looked at up close".

It depends how many of them there needs to be and what exactly "up close" means and how often you're going to look at it up close, but mostly is right. Go as high as you think you can.

kk thanks guess I'll go for 4096x4096 and scale down when the time comes

Yeah my bad, by "up close" I meant in a third person view as opposed to an RTS unit for example

What exactly are you making?

Geez. I still get fussy if I make a spritesheet texture bigger than 512x512

Why does this matter? 4096x4096 is perfectly fine if his computer can handle it (don't know which tools he uses).
Scaling it down to something reasonable is a matter of minutes. If he uses Substance, it's even done for him and he merely needs to select the desired resolution from a dropdown list.

Yeah, if you're not 100% sure, start bigger than you'll probably need and then go smaller. Unless you're ending up really small, like say, 256x256 or less, the resizing probably won't cause any problems. Otherwise, it doesn't look bad when you shrink something down, but it does look bad when you scale it up.

I tried checking the textures I used last time I modeled at that count, and the models were four meshes with 512x512 textures each and that looked plenty good standing next to them, so… 1024x1024 would probably get the job done if it's one texture for the whole thing. So yeah, 4096x4096 would definitely be more than enough to start with.

Nothing I guess. My classes taught me by forcing me to use low poly and small maps first and gradually work my way up as the semester went on. Never once used a 4k texture so it's just strange to me.

I started out the same way, but I don't really think it's necessary in retrospect, especially with what games use now. Kids these days seem to do just fine without ever box modelling at all, they just sculpt from the ground up and retopo that mess.

Though on the other hand, I suspect that's why you see so much bad animation deformation again lately, when you aren't making geometry by hand whatsoever, modelling joints for good deformation is out of the question. Simply having a ton of geometry does not fix the problem.

Well, this approach certainly has a few benefits to it.

This is what mystifies me when those PS3/360 HD upgrades of PS2/Xbox games needed textures redone entirely. The artists seriously didn't make the original textures bigger than shrink them down? Even though if there's developer commentary and stuff it's always about how everything was fancier or more complex at some point and then got cut down for the final game?

Unless you downsample too far. Really tiny textures are borderline pixel art, and that stuff does not scale well.

That's true, but it's a special case. Such special art-styles require a specialized workflow.

That's what I love about Substance (aside from the tools being generally awesome):
I have my textures in 2048x2048 (4096x4096 is a bitch in Painter with only 8GB of RAM), and have them set up in a way that I merely select the resolution I want them to have in the build. When building my game, the engine then scales them down for me.
See pic related.

Can wholeheartedly recommend those tools to everybody. Have a really fucking great license model too.

How do you know? Have you tried it?

Still here. Trying to figure out why some inputs are getting dropped.

That depends on a lot of things.
What's your screen size? How big will the model be on screen? Is it an important object? Does it have a lot of surface area? Can you repeat parts of the texture? Can the texture be shared with something else? What's your target hardware?
You should be trying to figure out the texel density you're going for rather than the size of a single texture sheet.

You can recommend them to me when they're free. ´・ω・`

Reading input in Update()?

Are we poor?

That sounds neat and all, but I've never really had a handle on what all Substance does. I don't think it's for actually making the textures, right? Just managing them?

Are you seriously asking the user that is being chased by debt collectors and might lose internet soon whether he is poor or not?

I'm just teasing him.
It's not like I'm rich either. Not having problems with debt collectors though (I just hope it stays that way).

I seriously doubt anyone is rich here. Otherwise, we'd hire teams and not be here trying to do it all single-handedly. I know I sure would.

Depends what you define as rich. I got enough money to sustain myself for a decade, assuming I live frugally. But then again you don't really need all that much money to live frugally. You just have to be not retarded and actually have savings.

A large part of the population could actually become financially dependent if they weren't fucking retarded with spending money. But I think we all know that will never happen.

Input reading is fine, it's already buffered moves that are getting dropped.

And yes, I owe my corrupt ass city council more than the market value of all my organs, all for the audacious crime of not hanging myself when I turned 18.

I don't owe anything to anyone, but I still regret committing that crime.

Depends where you live. Unless I was to build an illegal house off the grid there's no way I can become financially independent without 10+ years of slavery or getting very lucky with money from deving or some shit. Houses and land are simply too expensive. The rest of the expenses are easily handled through frugal living however.

alrighty cool the textures can be scaled down relatively easily

nothing patreon cant fix :^)

Housing is the only thing that is expensive in the modern day economy, but you can significantly reduce the cost of it through various measures.
To list a couple:

finally got the save/load system to work correctly. saves and loads each players story variables, position,rotation,scene i kind of forgot to save/load the health, but it's usually at max outside of fights, and you can't save during fights
so i think the next things that i need to do are to:
1) get multiple savefiles to work (technically they currently do, but there's just a save/load button that directly opens up SaveFile.sav, instead of a chosen one
2) get the ragdolls to behave differently depending on how strong they were hit. In other words, if you have all your points in Strenght, you should hit really hard. and when you hit someone, they should visibly be shaken by that. As far as i can see, ragdollworkshop already does this, but with layers and/or speed/mass . like if i tell the ragdoll to be hit twice as hard by the layer "TwiceAsStrong" anything in that layer will hit the ragdoll twice as strong. i could just change the layer of my fists depending on the strength, but that just seems like a workaround to me, so i have to figure out how to get that to work
had tons of issues because i have 3 different load functions for different situations
then there were more issues with the loading of boxer stuff, since the player's name isn't hardcoded, and i'm just using the names as IDs
due to my own incompetence it's taken me at least 4 hours to get a bugless version of the game running
now the main issue is that in the built version of the game, the ragdoll seems to have some kind of delayed reaction. like i start to punch, arm starts punching, stops the momentum for a few frames, then continues, might even be going faster afterwards to make up for the lost time. and it feels horrible. i'm noticing it a lot less in the editor though. gonna have to pester someone for that this week
[spoiler] someone please try it and tell me i'm not just going insane
talk to hitler first[/spoiler]

ah fuck me, spoiler is one line only
thought that only applied to redtext

Working on sprites for the next couple weeks, then I'm going to dive into the treacherous world of mapping again.

On that note, is there anyone who does spritework who's looking for a project to join?

If you look at the customize formatting tab in the [options] menu, you can see that only code is multiline, and only headers are entire-line. Not sure if selecting ML for spoilers would work, so **let's
test it.**

Housing price heavily depends on the location within the country. Rural eastern Germany, away from the suburbs, has houses valued at ~20-30k € at times, while Berlin is experiencing ever steeper price hikes because absolutely everyone wants to live here. Fucking hipsters.

What third world shithole do you live in?

i keep telling him to move to another slav country where everything is cheaper like bulgaria

Figured out an issue with my AO bake fucking up. I hadn't realized multiple items in one project, even if hidden, still affected the process. Feel like a dingus, but at least I now know and it's fixed.

Which just goes to show that you have character. Hard times make strong people, you know? Looking at all the social justice wankers and pussies around the world, we can use more of those.

Our situation is far from perfect, too. (Saging for off-topic, but I really want to get this off my chest right now)

My family migrated from Poland to Germany shortly before I was born. "To get a better life". And a better life we've got. The standards of living went up to the the point where I can say that I spend my childhood as a child of a middle-class family. Not upper - far from it actually - but I don't recall money ever being a problem.
Shit went down the drain in the mid-to late 2000s. My father and a couple of his acquaintances got pulled into a business that seemed to flourish. Some new fashion-label that became successful in a couple European countries wanted to expand to Poland. My father knew people, knew how to network, knew how to talk & sell a product. So he went for it. Everything went smooth until the financial crisis of 2008. The company couldn't keep their price-promises any longer, without which they could no longer compete and everything went to shit. The problem was that my father took out a fat loan to kickstart the whole venture. He sold our car and what little there was left. Ever since then the amount of money on our bank account had an ugly little minus in front of it.

Due to our loan we can go up to somewhere between 8000 and 9000 € below zero. Currently we're brushing against that limit by the end of each month. There were months were unexpected expenses forced him to ask some of his friends for money so we could buy food. I don't remember if it was the same financial crisis where he lost his job. Thank fucking god that the people he works with generally like him, so someone from the city council managed to find him another. He's paid less, works more, but at least it's only 5 minutes from home by foot.
Now, it would have been one thing, if this was everything there was to be said. Unfortunately time has worn him down.

Over the last couple of years he got pulled into various "fast ways of making lots of money on the Internet" or in other words: ponzi-schemes, scams.
With two of them we hit fucking gold, which means that we were able to get out more than we put in before the scammers took the money and ran. Of course with the vast, vast, vaaaast majority of them it did not work out like that. What's particularly infuriating is the fact that we made more money than we needed to pay off the debt and get rid of that goddamn loan off those other two. I told him to take the money and pay off the debt first, then come back and keep going once we were safe. He didn't, because he already saw the new car, the house and out new lives in front of his eyes, so he kept "reinvesting" the money he could have paid out. Greed got the better of him and once the pyramids collapsed, we were still where we were before.

Some…let's call them "business-partners" kept coming with new "opportunities". Scam after scam after scam. My father started asking me to look into those "businesses" a good while ago. Don't, for a moment, think that he got careful though. The reason is that after getting scammed by more bastards than I can remember, we got so close to our financial limit, that he simply cannot pour money into every fucking piece of shit "opportunity" his "partners" keep showing him.

After the failure of 2008 and loosing his job, there was a third big incident some months ago.
See, my father doesn't know jackshit about computers, the Internet and the English language, so I was helping him out the whole time. I don't know how many hours I put into all those scams, but I did and I didn't have too big a problem with it. That changed a couple of months ago.
Someone he has known for some time has shown him another "great business opportunity" and he asked me to look into it.
What I found was a letterbox company in the Dominican Republic, laughable "products", a complete megalomaniac of a founder (wanted to build his own city with this company - or at least claimed so) who happened to be a known scammer who's probably well-advised to never set foot in China again, after what he did there. Needless to say my father was extremely grateful and I felt proud because I managed to make our family dodge the bullet. Or at least so I thought.
He called the guy who has shown him this scam and he, of course, said that what I said wasn't true, so my father came right back to me. So I looked further into it and my father told the bastard again. It was a back and forth which eventually escalated into a dispute between my father and me that managed to make my mother cry if memory serves. It was hard facts vs. anecdotes. It was news articles vs. more anecdotes. It was the documented past of a scammer vs. anecdotes about anecdotes.
After all those months I spent helping my father, he managed to wear me down within a couple of days. Not because he chose the words of some stranger over those of his own son - family relations shouldn't play any role in such situations - , but because to him baseless claims had the same weight as evidence backed up by solid proof. He rejected reason.
He didn't enter this scam, but it was too late; The damage has already been done. Ever since then I simply cannot find energy to help him any more than the bare minimum. If he starts talking about whatever new business he's in, I seek to end the discussion/change the topic asap.

A couple of days ago he told me about his newest "business opportunity". When the first word he used was "BitCoin" I rolled my eyes and wondered where he got that from. The time where you can mine BC as a private person are long gone. Now you need the kind of mining farm we couldn't afford, if we were to sell everything we own. I looked into it and the first thing I saw was that it's not BC, it's a new cryptocurrency, complete with a pyramid-system, low-quality presentations that make you want to meet whoever made them, just to ask him how he managed to fill them with so much bullshit, and - of course - no information about who is running the company.
This evidence is nothing compared to what I had back then. How am I supposed to tell my father that this isn't going anywhere? I understand a bit of BC from the technical standpoint, but not enough from the economical/historical one to make a convincing point. He has shown me what it takes to barely convince him and I'm not anywhere near that right now. Furthermore he has already entered and told me to look into the company after the fact.
I guess it's my responsibility to do damage-control now…somehow.

It sure as hell doesn't help that there are talks to push back the start of pension to 70 years. 70. Fucking. Years. I heard numbers that every fifth doesn't live that long and my father has always had health issues; Even back as a kid in Poland. I can see how he would be one of those five. I cannot let that happen, but I know that I will have to take matters into my own hands.
I am working on a quite sophisticated game (by /agdg/ standards) and I know that I can make it. I have all the skills and the skills I lack I am able to learn, once need arises. The only thing that's in my way is time.
The old plan was to build a two-man-studio. That would have been enough, but it isn't anymore. Because once I can afford an employee, my father is going to get the money. I am not going to let him work himself to death in his current job. If this means that I'll have to continue to work alone, then so be it.
Even though I HATE it with every fiber of my body.

Damn, that's pretty rough. This is going to sound a little shitty, but you don't need to shoulder all the burden for your dad. You can help him out, but from what you said your helping him will only go so far. You gotta take some time for yourself too.

…wow. Visiting /agdg/ never seizes to humble me.

For what it's worth, people like you and tetrachromedev are great sources of inspiration.

I mined some bitcoins back when there was the initial hype. Sold like 3 bitcoins for like 70usd. Good times.
Since then it isn't worth mining them at all. Only if you develop your own top-of-the-line hardware is it worth it, but only if you consider your labor of very little value. And if you can develop shit like that then you can probably get a job at almost every big tech company in your vicinity.

Bitcoin is considered valuable because it is the first, and most used crypto currency.
This is not to say your dad can't make money using another cryptocurrency, but for that to work it would need to be actually backed by something. Once people start using it and mining it, you can cash in on the initial mining you've done and have earned yourself a nice slice of money. Cryptocurrencies are pyramid-esque, so its pretty easy to earn some change with it if you can get the ball rolling. If a company would launch an MMO which has a cryptocurrrency integrated into it, which would be used for the in-game's currency, and the actual game is decent, then I can see that being a thing. Unfortunately, I don't think something like that is the case with your dad, and I think said company is just chasing after the crypto shekel hype much too late.

As for you user, you need to worry less about your father and more about your own position in life.
It may seem cruel, but the reality of the situation is that your father is clearly gambles way too much money on "investments". He's the kind of person that's better of declaring bankruptcy than repeatedly trying to pull shit like this.
And as long as the research you do for your father ends up being ignored, its clear that you shouldn't hold yourself in any way responsible for his debt. Pic related is all he's steering you towards. Maybe you should just show him that picture when he doesn't want to accept your research.

Could be worse.

Thanks for the kind words. People like you are the reason why I love these threads so much (aside from the content). A comfy place to have on-topic discussion about making games, helpful anons and little to no shitposting. I just wish our board would have more activity. I rarely even go there anymore, because Holla Forums's /agdg/-threads are so much faster.

Well, there are some details to my story I didn't post (because it took enough time as it is), but I'm going to think about your post. I need at least one night.

On a different note:
I FINALLY finished rewriting my item management system and even found another reason why C# and Mono piss me off. Turns out that if you have a Dictionary where TK is an enumeration, it will produce garbage whenever you access it. Fucking hell.
The solution is to implement a custom EqualityComparer for your keys:

Now that I've been side-tracked for the last few days, I have no idea where I stopped with my inventory UI though. :/

Made the small mobile laser cutter today.

I'm convinced this is a deliberate trick by my brain to get me to not do work. And it's not lack of sleep; I get anywhere from 7-9 hours typically.


Consider going to bed right after work and waking up at midnight.
I've been feeling a lot better ever since.

You've got some brass, mate, I'll give you that.

I am an inherently problem-solving-oriented person. Crying or being miserable about it is not going to solve anything. I'd rather put the effort other people put into complaining into…say, my game.

Have another asset, Hitlerboxer dude.

please stop, i can't handle such an influx of content
got any contact info?

Yeah, ok. No promises for reliability, though.
Steam ok?


Steam ID in email.

That's my plan, but that honestly does not help in my country. It is fucked beyond measure. I need to look into rural areas a bit more but the cheapest I've been able to find is about 280k AUD. Hearing here about places in East Germany for 30k euro sounds like a wet dream, but I can't leave my home country any time soon.

Hello fellow 'strayan. East coast?

Vicfag. Life here is suffering.

Do these move or are they just static?

You niggas should watch this

You guys think poland/whatever is bad?Try Brazil.
I can't even leave because most countries won't take me in(rightfully).

One last free asset for Hitlerboxer for today.

Static right now. They'll move eventually.
After I'm done remodelling them all, I have to go through and make sure they're all using the same materials, and then I'll animate them. Some time in between writing a large body of code that I've been ignoring for a little while..

Perthfag here.
Noone wants our rocks and life is slowly getting worse here.

Yo, whenever you guys complain about Poland or Brazil remember there are devs here from Romania. I remember one time when I searched what polish people think about Romania and they thought "do they have TV there?", quite funny.

But yeah, Brazil looks pretty damn dangerous, watched a lot of videos with robbers on bikes and machete fights from it. And a few documentaries on favelas, MAN I wouldn't want to go near a favela.

but, don't you need to make the wheels apart from the original model?

Are the housing prices just as bullshit in Perth or are all the wannabe jew investors and foreign chink investors leaving your corner alone?

The favela thing is 100% true to this day my man.
I used to live quite literally in front of a Favela, and there were many days in that I couldn't go to school due to shootings and robberies just outside my house.
And now in my current line of business, I've gotta deal with tourists who often ask for "tours on favelas", it makes my blood boil every single time.

Oh I've seen those favela tourism videos, always made me wonder what kind of idiot would dare try his chances even if it's a guided tour. Brazil has the most violent videos on liveleak, every single day you see some terrible shit happening in Brazil.

From what I know that country has a disproportionate amount of rich vs poor, a lot of poor as fuck people living in favelas and robbing people and a few ones that manage to live very well, I don't know if this is 100% true. But I've also seen that 13 minute video with people getting robbed in broad daylight in Rio, in the same day, in the same area… Jesus!

And also people who literally guard their windows so climbers won't rob an apartment from the window, that's just brutal, and the street justice shit that happens. Doesn't even matter if someone could be innocent, street 'justice' there will leave someone burned, battered and dead.

Anyway I want to say that I've seen a ton of shit like this from Brazil and I feel you, you should really try to get out. Surely the internet doesn't give an accurate view of reality but stereotypes are true most of the time.

And people give advice to any tourist to not look robbers in the eye, give them their stuff and walk off, don't fight back, don't dress nicely, don't take anything expensive, go directly in the bank to take money. It's common sense but if you don't do that there you are a nice target.

That'll happen when I add skeletons to the models. They're just in there for vanity shots at the moment.

They weren't as bullshit as Sydney ever was, but they got really high because of the high amount of FIFO workers making mad cash off of the mining boom and the glut of sub-par mining companies occupying space in the city; the city grew pretty fast. You cannot find a reasonably priced, reasonably sized home anywhere close to the CBD for what it's worth.

Prices have stagnated as the iron ore price crashed. A lot of FIFO workers got made redundant and the companies with ore grades or volumes too low to remain viable have closed shop (along with their contractors). There's now a glut of commercial office space available for rent in the city (and we're building more, thanks Colin), and houses aren't selling as quickly as they used to. The insane premiums they fetched have come down slightly (large expensive houses once worth $1m over a decade ago going for $6m at the peak, now down to about $4m for example). But general affordability, particularly at the lower end of the scale where people with needs, not wants, reside, remains bad, and the city grows and sprawls as more and more cut copy suburbs are being created, all many hours of driving away from the city center. Our population growth hasn't stalled I think, and you can certainly tell when in traffic, for one. Driving home at 6pm and later, you can find long queues of cars choking up many suburban streets because people don't want to use the freeway or highways.

It's bad.

Could be worse. Most Americans probably think you're all vampires or something.

Jesus fuck, are people really that suicidal? Are they rich American liberals who want to feel like they're "part of the solution" or something?

Sounds fairly similar to here, although our issues are not related to mining of course. Best of luck fellow Ausbro, never give up on your deving dreams.

Most of what you said is slightly exaggerated but actually truthful, I'll give you a rough rundown of the place where I live, Rio de Janeiro, which is often considered one of the most dangerous cities of Brazil(I don't live in the most dangerous part of the city though)
Also, there was a law project that would teach kids as low as 5 year old about LGBT bullshit(it was called the gay shit), it thankfully got repelled though.
Sage for massive off-topic

It's always a small group of 20-25 year old hipster-looking faggots.

Hmm, sounds like a pretty bad place. Maybe the street justice stuff was exaggerated then but apparently the broad daylight robberies are true.

Oh and also

Just so you have an idea, I recently bought a low-grade psu(Bronze-Tier, 700w) and it cost me 600R$, which in dollars is 170$.

Damn, that's really expensive. You guys are like one step away from becoming Venezuela

You guys have insane import fees on stuff too don't you? So you can't even buy it from the US and ship it over for less.

If you import something and they find out, you'll have to pay more than you'd have to if you just bought the product here.
If you got the united states and spend more than 500$ per person on things that are not food and housing, they also fine you.

Not even Germoney? Or Sweden?
Damn dude

Golly gee I wonder why.

thanks cuckope

it gets even better
there is a huge influx of africans who sell all they have to come here and they still get in
what the fuck is going on in yewrop

I also forget to add


I don't get these priveleges because I'm actually white.

What really? How in the fuck, how the fuck is Brazil taking in all those sandniggers when they are themselves poor as fuck? This is fucking surreal.

Because it's the current year.

Threadly reminder that even if you fucking suck, 5 minutes here will make you more professional than any of these faggots

Is that from those extra credits videos or something?

So never ever


It was on a high quality Undertale music remix video


This feels good. Even if my first complete game was is a short, shitty, buggy, poorly optimized Unity engine game with cringe worthy voice acting, no polish, and no code defined win state, at least it was something.

You need to fuck off.
I'll make it very clear now, I'm not the tough guy you think I am, and I'm not going to pretend to be one for a meal, because the expectations will kill me faster than an empty fridge would.
If you agree with one word from that video, find someone else to vicariously live your fantasies through because I'm only going to disappoint you.

Looks like my ID changed.

I was wondering, Tetradev.

Does the game allow you to use guns as a viable main weapon?

I loved Gunslinger Style in DMC3 and didn't like that they nerfed it and the guns in DMC4.

I think that video is more directed towards whiny millenials who think that just because they hit some sort of snag when growing up they're ruined for life and can blame their inadequacies on disadvantages (while guilting anyone who works hard into supporting them because muh privilege).

Returning/boomerang axes?

Finally something to show here. The inventory still is in early WIP, but at least the layout and some basic functionality are in place.

The recording messed with the colors again, but it's not »that« bad this time.

Nobody is in the position to tell you what kind of person you should be. Be who you want to be. If that means being miserable, then go ahead. We won't - or should I say "can't" - stop you.
It would be a real shame though. You're a regular in these threads and quite a few anons (including me) are looking forward to your posts.


that's not the image I used

The lower panels obviously aren't being updated. Well, except for the preview.

I've been reading your posts for a bit now (as I tend to lurk), and I have to say u have some serious issues user.
Also I'm pretty sure you're on the spectrum, kek

Congratulations, you just described 80% of all imageboard regulars.

The last 20% are cp spambots.

The HL2 audience.

That's really more of the dev's fault. The dumpster is way more obvious than the door. It's also bad design to have (infinite?) enemies appear from a place you can't reach.

I'm sure even the bots that post here have developed mental issues by now.

I disagree, and I don't understand why you think that way.

I can understand that the player hasn't the time to look around when he's constantly attacked from above.

I would have solved the issue by having the door locked and then being blown off its hinges and enemies storm the room either once the first wave of enemies is killed or enough time passes.

I would also have the explosion leave a large hole so that even the dumbest players notice it. If that is not enough then having some of the respawning enemies come through should do the trick.

haha, quite right, although the flavors of autism varies a lot. Some are actually good for game dev, but some not so much…

For some reason I could always envision that user going full "phil fish" if they ever get a semblance of popularity.


Makes perfect sense in context.

Same with that episode 2 antlion cave where they discovered players would just run in circles, considering how dull caves in vidya can get, and that it was a test build with geometry and enemies set up but not polish and incomplete decor, the caves just lacked any recognizable landmarks that would have reduced confusion.

(Full disclosure: I am a valvedrone and I spent all my life savings on merch with Gabe Newell photos I buy off r/PCMR and steam games. I can only masturbate to images of fight, bearded men and my desire for Half Life 3 is the only reason I am still alive despite having not eaten in million years. I might be slightly biased)

Well, if you're an observant player, you'll notice that doors that cannot be interacted with don't have hinges/knobs.

Either people really are this retarded or simply unobservant. I love to take in details when playing fun games, look around for goodies. It shouldn't take a player more than a few seconds to realize that he needs to look for another way.

Don't know which.
All I know is that I haven't listened to the Breencast at the beginning of HL2 when I played it for the first time. What a fucking waste. It's so good at setting the scene.


It also fucking pisses me off that Buckshot rounds are clumped when firing in a near absolute Horizontal/Vertical angle, like 90° or so. Funnily enough this same shit is happening on Unreal X gaems.

He know's where he belongs.

To be fair, I doubt the playtesters are very enthusiastic about about "playing" unfinished games everyday for minimum wage. I hear it's not a very good job.

That's why companies are outsourcing and charging people for the privilege.

Define "distance". It's not like you need to get really close to see them.
Then again, I never had problems navigating City 17 and HL2 in general, but according to Valve's playtesters, you cannot expect that of a person.

The version you got was the retard-proof version they made after the playtesters did their retarduty.

Good point.

I just realized what a huge idiot I am.
I rewrote the item system, item-management, inventory system, editor- and inventory UI without every committing any code to my repository.
Well then. Next commit:

I just hope I the code werks now, because git bisect won't help me with this and I can only check out to before I started my coding spree.

Run your tests before committing bro.

When you have so many changes, there's always the possibility that your tests don't cover everything sufficiently.

What's elemental about it?

Elemental as in the scientific term, not the fire/earth/water/wind thing. Like elemental copper, the purest form of copper, this is elemental smug, the purest form of smug.

Have a properly sized deposit of smug.

How's this graphic I made a while ago?
Anyone want it?

Anyone know why I'm getting these crumbs?
I'm using XNA, my sprites are pixel perfect, but I'm them at 4x - there is no rotation


What could you even use it for?

It looks decent, but you rarely need "random pixelart thing" for anything.

Okay nevermind, looks like XNA's texture sampler is shitty and gay

Really feeling burnt out on devving now

Oh, I see. I was just curious, since I made that.

Sounds to me like the real problem here is having loads of fake doors in the first place.

I would think that a door should always be the most interesting thing to a player in a given environment. Not because you've highlighted it in pretty colors, but because of what it represents - progression to the next area, a side path with hidden goodies, a possible entrance for enemies, and so on.

I hope I never make a game that beats down a player's sense of exploration to the point where they see a door and it doesn't even occur to them to look behind it because it doesn't have an arrow pointing to it.

There's also the infamous story of the antlion cave where there was a branch in the path - left continued onward, and right looped around and brought you to a previous room.

One of the playtesters "got lost" and took 30 minutes to solve it.

All my effort and it will amount to nothing


Rip, what happened user?

If I had a biography, that would be the subtitle

The story of the Dishonored testers that didn't go to an area upstairs because a guard told them not to, in a game about sneaking around and killing, always gets me too.
I think I would just have to say fuck designing for those people, they can always consult gamefaqs if they really need step-by-step instructions.

At least you tried

It looks a little too big for use on a character, but maybe it could be used in an inventory system.

Took a break from browsing this thread and I come back to see this. I'm trying to cheer someone up and give him some support and in return I get a bunch of retarded insults from an edgy guy. I've had my own share of problems, you aren't a special snowflake.

If you want to be this type of a whinny shit indie dev go ahead, no one is gonna fucking stop you. I just hope you remember one day when everything will collapse that when some anonymous guy on the internet told you to not give up you acted like a stupid brat.

You're on the path to becoming the typical dev, arrogant, whinny, seeks attention, wants pity from others, will not admit any of his own mistakes, and has an ego of an elephant. Your game still looks pretty cool, I'm not gonna change that one opinion because of your stupidity.

Would you say then, that you're an atypical dev? Not him, I'm just wondering.

I think that you are trying to make my post invalid a bit because I mentioned that he is looking for pity and has a negative edgy douche attitude, and that's how I also view a lot of indie devs these days, and somehow I would be above that group putting myself on a high horse.

I'm not Jesus but I don't go around acting like a piece of shit when someone just wants to see me succeed and has hope and interest for me, or is just interested in my game. He should learn some humility and be thankful that anyone cares about him in the first place. Especially when I'm anonymous and I could be a cunt for no reason but I'm just being honest.

If he is above trying to overcome obstacles and wants to stay down then let him stay down, I'm sure people have disadvantages, and I have a lot myself but complaining all day about it and then shitting on people who try to help isn't gonna do much, that is just r9k attitude. And I'm also pretty damn sure a lot of us here had some hard times in life, he isn't that unique that somehow he should get shit on a plate.

In either case, if my assumption was wrong about your post, I just want to say that I'm trying to be honest, that would be pretty atypical for an indie dev these days, probably.

The video is just professional bullshit done for a living. No different from SJW cancer. I told user to fuck off with that. Now he's trying to browbeat me into playing along. What a nice and well meaning guy.

Been thinking about that, but I'm not sure where to put it on the controller.

You could use some self-awareness.

As for all the other things, you literally just made all that up. You know, I thought that I overreacted for a second there, but you're really a faggot. I occasionally joke about or bring up my situation so that I don't get asked why I tend to disappear once in a while. This started one day when I really thought this is it, and came to say goodbye.
As I said, I'm not going to pretend everything is okay just to gain some user's approval, especially not one who basically tells me to my face that he doesn't care. I'm not that desperate. Find someone else to validate your life choices.
Just because you're subtle doesn't mean you get to talk shit and act all hurt later. If you really like what I'm doing, don't waste my time with this shit ever again.
fucking normalfags

How does it work right now? What's the controller layout?

Perhaps I can help with ideas.

Alright then, if that's your attitude then continue to be a shitty person, You can complain about normalfags and people who give advice for a living all you want, you are not better. I remember your sob story of how you were supposed to be in dept and kept thinking how you are gonna make money, if you should use patreon or kickstarter, don't be a fucking hypocrite. You want to do the same thing.

The only difference between you and that normalfag is that he tries to help people and you try to be ask for pity. Don't just fucking say that you don't want user's approval after blogposts in different agdg threads about your fucking life. You want to stay down and complain then fucking do it, you want to act like a complete faggot towards people who are trying to be nice to you then good. I won't waste your precious complaining time again, stupid to see anyone even replying to you when you have such a big ego.

I just want to sum this up before I'm leaving so it doesn't get confusing:

And that's it, not worth replying to his pity begging posts ever. I can take a joke insult or banter, but this is just fucking retarded.

Actually, it was other anons that told him to set up a donation paypal or patreon. All Tetrachromedev himself has done is work on his game instead of jumping at the opportunity for handouts.

Combine you being plain wrong, with the overly sensitive "ZOMG ARE YOU TRYING TO ATTACK ME?!!?!?!1?" from and and the repeated doubleposts and whining you did purely because someone didn't like your youtube feelgood video, I'm afraid I have to inform you that you're the one being a whiny retard here.

L1 is for locking on. When locked, left/right/front/back can be used as modifiers for input.
R1 is for shooting. Can be held down for a charge up.
I don't want to put anything important on L2/R2.
X is for jumps and evades only.
Circle is the shield, triangle is the sword. Round and pointy, you know.

That leaves us square, which is used for all the other things like gliding and interaction. Idle square is unused and a good candidate for extra gun/melee moves. But direction+square is currently reserved for dashes, and holding square makes you sprint if you have the ability.
Suppose I reworked the booster to work without a button, Metroid Fusion style. What about dashes? I still want to have these. Could just replace regular evades with those, or make it color-specific; but then again I don't want to make any single color less fun than the others, because the player will be forced to use each of them at some point.

If you think I'm a professional victim, why are you giving me ammo?

I don't think that's true, actually.
The way I see it, there is at the very least three groups of indie devs these days.

The group that makes games like Hotline Miami, Shovel Knight and Amnesia. Like the games or not, but it's undeniable that their developers actually care about the games they make. Those are few and far between.

The group of arrogant assholes, SJW-indie-darlings and other untalented hacks that you are thinking about. I won't deny that group B is far bigger than group A, but I don't think they're the norm.

The group of indie devs that produce games that are rarely even worth talking about. Their games may be shit, or may be decent and the devs themselves don't go out of their way to be assholes, so they just fly under the radar for most of the time.

Considering the sheer volume of indie games on Steam, I am reasonably certain that the typical (read: the majority of) indie devs belong to the the third group. The point being that we only ever talk about really the good games/devs (A) or the really shit ones (B). If we'd have a thread for every indie game on Steam and their developers, Holla Forums would probably collapse under the weight of Holla Forums alone.

Oh, and one more thing regarding who you're talking to.
I don't really remember him being an ass about his work, which is a condition for being part of group B. The whole criticism = harassment nonsense.
You don't have to have a heart of gold to make good games.

Also, is right.

It's only a matter of time before we have our own rotatedevs and mothdans and googums that never leave the lips of these threads.

Personally I don't like this idea. DMC4 had you sprint if you held down a direction long enough while outside of combat. I think most FPS games on console have sprint bound to pressing the movement analog stick but I'm not sure if that would work well with a 3rd person spectacle game.
Here's an idea. How about having dash tied to the right analog stick? Pressing it makes you dash, pointing it in a direction determines where you dash to. If you don't push in a direction she dashes upwards.
Now this might be a problem if you are planning on putting target switch on the right analog stick but perhaps that is only if you use lock on. I think Blood Borne did something similar in where you would only roll if you were not in lock-on.

Another idea is having Shields and Guns use the same slot so that Circle is either used for blocking or shooting. I think that sounds neat but I'm not sure if that is the direction you wanna go and how you imagine the equipment system to work.

But if you put the dashes on the right analog stick instead like I suggested then I see nothing wrong with putting extra actions on Square.

Target switching is L2/R2 at the moment.
However, the right stick is used for the camera, whenever it isn't static.

How's this?
>L2+R2 zooms in and lets you look around freely maybe aim freely too
Only issue is that gliding is now unbound, unless it stays on square and there simply aren't any square moves in the air.

[…]is for kicking, point blank shots and other things that don't fit anywhere else.

If you have plenty of unused sprites, just dump them onto

Seems a bit archaic and inflexible but can work

Similar as above but I think it would work fine. Can also double as "reset camera".

So basically context sensitive action? Maybe dependent on weapon or as a grapple? Sounds good. Reminds me of the Style Action button in DMC3 and 4.

Sounds very good.

I don't think that's a good idea. You might dash or move by accident (assuming you mean pressing the analog sticks).
Do you mean L3 chooses next target on the left and R3 on the right or do you mean it switches in general?
Perhaps you can move right analog stick to switch targets but pressing it does the evasion… I have no idea to be honest. It all sounds somewhat flawed.

Yes, a light tap could do that.

Target cycling is rarely used in general, often releasing and pressing lock again works better. DMC has L3 only, it's not that big of a deal.

I wouldn't want to make square too context sensitive, or ape the style button thing entirely. Just keep it as unarmed/other, and as the default action button for interacting with things.
While full on luchador style grappling combat doesn't seem too fitting, things like swapping places with an enemy or piledriving them into the ground sound like a nice fit for the L+square+direction slots. But only for one of the styles. Maybe I should just ape the style system after all.

The final question is, what's gonna happen with the right stick once you have the dashes? Regular evades are still accessible if you don't hold L, but what if that ends up being too clunky to use? You would still be able to choose the direction simply by choosing a "forward" with the left stick first, but would that be intuitive enough?

How about making them two very distinctive and different evasion styles?
Perhaps the default one could be her doing rolls, flips or cart wheels which not only give her invuln frames but also can do some light damage and stun to enemies if you ram into them or if her legs hit.

The other with the wings could be more like a blink or short teleport which is basically her just doing a very fast move, kinda like that disappearing shit that they always used in Dragon Ball Z so they didn't have to animate. It could make her move further but at the same time that means that she might end up being a bit too far away or maybe she has a small moment of vulnerability after her move.

Yeah, that's kinda what I meant. Also throws and execution moves on stunned enemies if that will be a thing.

I like the style system but maybe if you're too concerned about it seeming like a direct copy then maybe you can instead make it equipment specific. Like each secondary or main weapon has a specific move that can be used with that button.


did you really need to bring nine hours dead drama back?

Fresh baguette when?

I went ahead and baked