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Jeff Sessions Nomination

Oh shit waddap?

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Kike Sanders sure is mad as fuck about Sessions.

Warren was banned from the discussion? What did she do?

WRONG! not a muslim ban fucko

If anyone suggests that bernie glassberg was sincere and not just a shekel snorting kike, they are fucking retarded or dishonest

Please let the republic fall


Fuck me.

No idea. I'm hopping through the stream 2x speed trying to catch up.

rain dancing filibuster

This train has no brakes

let me guess… no violence against men act.


He voted against it? Awesome. A strike against (((feminists))) and the (((domestic violence industry))) is always good. The less destruction that they're able to do to the family, the better.

She quoted an attack on Sessions.
www .–KByEaOpk

why dont they just slam it down and accept a similar version of the bill that isn't compromising?

I find it rather fascinating that the person speaking currently is talking about how Sessions opposition towards voting rights for all is a bad thing. Who in their right fucking mind would support everyone having the ability to vote? Any reasonable person would say there should be at least some limitations such as for example being a fucking citizen, not being in prison or being able to prove who you are.

alooooota buzzwords are coming outta that guy's mouth

I've met autists who are better at public speaking than this faggot, me included.

but are illegal immigrants americans according to him?

It also implies children should be allowed to vote.

Can't they silence Al Franken?

This guy sounds drunk.

Senator (((Al Franken)))

They would love that

Today's business

Found the part with the majority leader presenting the business for the day.

Everyone includes, illegals, the not present and dead. The bitch won the popular vote by
Election and voter fraud.

Al Franken(((stein)))

How long is Al going to slur his way through this?

Is this good?

I don't even know what this guy is talking about, he sounds like he's just rambling?
I can't focus on what he's saying.

And I keep typing like I'm drunk for some reason.

This SNL reject is reaching all the way back to the fucking Reagan Administration to look for reasons to bitch about Sessions. Now he's changed from "DAS RAYCIS" to 'He didn't write an essay the way I like it."

This fucking Jew pisses me off to no end.

He's referring to civil rights cases back in the 80's that Sessions definitely did have a lot to do with. Molymeme has a video about the untruths about Jeff Sessions where he cites those cases, and shows that Sessions was at the head of them.

He basically is. It's just filibustering to keep Sessions out of the position for as long as possible.


Overestimated her power in the senate, and got slapped the fuck down.



What does this have to do with Sessions?

Praise kek

You alright there, mate?

Kek is with us


He's just trying to kvetch and shame Sessions. Standard tactics for (((them))).

Not a damn thing. Al is still salty and a little drunk.
This kike is a senator so he's either retarded or a liar.


What will happen once Sessions gets sworn in and begins his new job? I'm asking seriously here.

He way he was stumbling over his sentences makes it seem like a comedy skit.

These jews need to be arrested by master at arms right freaking now!


Almost Surgical Precision

Oy Gevalt, ;^(


But user, muh democracy.


everyone should vote dont check if they are citizens goyim

targeting afircanmerican votershupreshun with sshugical pershishun

Is he having a stroke?

He's doing a great impression of a drunk.

I'd love to see a kike panic if you ever just let him argue then afterwards recite De Sophisticis Elenchis.

He sounds like he needs a shot

He's probably fucked up on pills in attempt to forget he's going to be gassed




Al Franken

"He cant even" user

satan says gas him

Probably a pizzagate investigation, and a very likely prosecution of hillary within the next 4 years

This kike is still talking


Found it. She wanted to read a letter from 1986 where the widow of Martin Nigger King says she doesn't want Sessions to be allowed to hold some position. Warren was told to shut the fuck up. Kikenel Sanders protested by reading the letter.

I wonder how many of those are bollocks

lol he's not getting reelected

u wot m80?


The only thing making me shiver is your kike kvetching…


This is why democracies even republican democracies are weak degenerate feminine things easily subverted ………. We need an an authoritarian dictatorship with 1 party rule (American Nationalist Workers Party) and a purge of these jews, leftists, degenerates and autistic cat ladies.

I think they want him to stop talking.

A good few thousand of them.

Why is he talking about Trump now? Isn't this about Sessions?

Why can't I hold all this virtue signalling and appeal to emotion?

Sounds about right.

What will it take to get this guy to vomit all over himself?

All these fucking pregnant pauses.
Also he's been saying the same shit for the past 25 minutes.
He's mostly just talking about Trump, not Sessions.
Now he's on about some fucking golfer or some shit, I don't even know.

How long has this kike been talking?

Oh fuck he's drunk isn't he

For Trump to show up most likely.
The weak fear the strong.

rolling for bloody vomit

I'm literally chilling.

Some serious meme magic

1996 Me would never have believed that 2017 Me would unironically want National Socialism in America and all Jews deported or executed. But this is where we're at now. We have a Jew Senator telling rambling stories about German golfers for the explicit purpose to wasting everyone's fucking time.

This Republic is on life support. I'm ready for our Julius Caesar.

these people will never pass up a moment to trash "drumpf"


Another shot of Slivovitz


I'm ready for Donald Hitler.

(((Fact Checked)))



Is this the guy who wrote the text for Shillary's website?

(((Doesn't it bother you?)))




He's talking about his impending doom.

Oh my fucking God shut up, this is about swearing in Sessions, stop bitching about Trump.

He knows him and the other kike pedos are fucking done

He will be surrounded by his kike family when he goes.

They will be hanging next to him.

Two questions: Does Sessions have to sit through this shit and how long does this kike get to talk?

Kek has spoken.

DOTR soon, fellow anons.


Is this kike trying to shit on Spicer?

Those dubs don't lie.

Can we give this guy a Cruzifixion too?



Anime is antithetical to bad Jewish comedians.


Jesus Christ these fuckers are so desperate

Except for Putin personally hacking the election himself

This kike reminds me of this character from Monsters. Inc


>www .–KByEaOpk
Did you do the link right?

He should be removed and immediately taking for a drug test. This is fucking ridiculous. How many people would be fired for showing up drunk?


I broke the link.

This is 10/10 doublethink.

Who is this Senator Sheshions he keeps talking about?

I can't wait until he is gone for good.

Also pls no more dubs, I'm tired of winning.


He must really know his people's time is up. All he's doing is virtue signalling and stalling. Most people in the room are probably shaking their heads at this faggot, but he doesn't care because his sole intent is to stall Sessions' swearing in.

No VAWA? Wtf I hate Sessions now.

I always wanted it since I was small…. you can blame my love of history for that one and my dislike and disgust at the fake BS on the TV/ society. That's right the Lügenpresse is so shit that it caused a child some 20 some years ago to go against everything it promoted…

There better be repercussions for this democrat bullshit when Trump gets all his people in!

Yes or Adolf Hitler or Mussolini or a Kaiser/Caesar! I want to start fixing the problems of this society instead of ignoring them and supporting this rotten democracy and our own destruction.

It doesn't work even put together.

Can you give the title of the vid so I can search it out?

I. Can't. Believe. He's. Still. Fucking. Talking.


I'm kinda surprised he hasn't mention the holocaust yet. I suppose even the most daft of kikes know that it doesn't work any more.

This kike desperate stalling is just proof the confirmation is in the bag already. This is nothing but the final death throe of a really butthurt yid going all out to piss off the opposition one last time


He's already been confirmed right? This is the final process and nothing can stop it right?



Oh god, this kike.

Another kike…


Yay, another kike takes the other kikes place.

You'd think there were State Troopers with German Shepards and fire hoses outside every polling station the way these melodramatic fags carry on.

oy vey

It really is his death throes too, he knows his goose is cooked when Sessions gets his full powers.


The more he talks the worse he makes his party look. The whole thing is just calling Sessions racist. Did that work against Trump? It's unreal how kikes get so far in white societies. They've really mastered the guilt trip because it seems only white people feel guilt, but when that doesn't work they don't know what to do so they double down.


Oh god, I just caught up with the live stream. This kike just doesn't shut up. It was bearable listening to this shit at 2x speed but holy shit listening to it in real time.

And as I type FUCKING FINALLY!!! Here comes the next kike.

By the time all these kikes finish their whining Spicer will be on.



He was even talking about hoping he doesn't die SOON


Chuck Schumer is so fucking greasy looking


Just tell Schumer to shut the fuck up to, just like his injun bitch.


(((Their))) time is up.


How long till the press briefing?


they fucked themselves by giving in to the TV myth and recording themselves for the world to see. if this shit was still behind closed doors like it used to they'd be in total control.


1:45 pm est

End this kike, the letter means nothing, it should never been allowed in the first place just as a letter from Barney Rubble should not.

New York should fucking kill itself for electing this fucktard.





Turns out they weren't fake after all, Chucky boy is just a whiner



Not even other kikes like this cunt.

He knows about the other dimensions!

Is this about Sessions because the topic seems to be everything other than Sessions? Why the fuck is these idiots using the floor to whine?

Is this a normal thing for Senate hearings?



Chuck Schumer kiking about free speech I think I'm going to fucking explode.

Another guy whining about the president?
This isn't their soapbox, fucking hell.

Doing nothing? Yes. Parasites going to parasite.



Next one will be a kike too?

Schumer fucking preaching about censorship, these fucking dems and globalists have been trying shut us the hell up by all their most expensive product lines. Fucking cunts.



The jew cries out as he strikes you.


kek, Webster, Clay and Calhoun would've beaten this kike within an inch of his life and tossed him out of the Senate.


he means free speech in the same way Obamacare is free healthcare.

No kike can know what this country is about you fucking greasy snake.


This Schumer kike is the same one who sat one the WACO panel and mocked all the murdered people, right?

Hold on he yields the floor?


What the fuck was he there for?

One and the same.

They're just bitching about random shit, it's like none of them want to talk about Sessions.

How much longer will this shit last?

Schumer was quick because he had a kid to go fuck.

Of coursh, that was American values goy.

Is that it? Is there a break?

Thank god (((Schumer))) is done with.

That same kike who said that

Not even the kikes in Jew York like this cancer.


no not hate speech that helps them legitimize that shit instead say that he is defaming someone or inciting terrorism!

What's the next big vote after this, supreme court pick right? When are we looking at that?

They only NOW do a quorum call?

I can't wait for this confirmation.

I hope he hangs.

And now you understand what a filibuster is, congratulations. Every single person who wants to speak right now is going to continue doing this.

Wtf it's prayer time?

A wild prayer appears.

This guy wishes he was James Earl Jones

Who says America isn't a christian nation?

Oh great. a bowtied "godly" nigger has come.


Magickal negro appears

Dumb nigger


Tell me why I knew it was a nigger in a bow-tie before looking.

Will the jews sacrifice people to moloch?


203 years

I bet he screams like a girl


What does Session have to do with Obamacare?

You're a wise and experienced man.

Please no, Obamacare is a problem but this isn't the time for that shit.

Who is this republican? Why is this a session where they talk about everything except Jeff Sessions?

Does every rep just read off a script?


who is "madam president?"

Wait, he's a Republican?

This nigger is way off topic. Madame secretary needs to bumplock his ass.

Not hillary

new to politics? They soapbox 24/7 and have for decades. They also don't show up to work a fuck ton, more than 30%

This is boring. Just get this OVER with.

Spineless cucks need a reason to vote for someone as based as Sessions. They want to tell their constituents "I'm not racist, but I did what needed to be done to lower your premiums".

Are they actually voting today, or are they just going to delay again? Sounds like they're just wasting time.

Based white man makes a good point.

Can we just cut all the colors & jews out?

Maybe the next guy will talk about how rei is best girl.


I saw something that said the actual vote is scheduled for 6:30 pm est. Are they going to ramble the whole time?

Who gives a shit about onigcare

I'll admit, I'm new to politics. I did not know wasting everyone's time with pointless shit was allowed. I thought a filibuster involves at least protesting the action with some sort of meaningful reason or purpose.

This must be infuriating for Trump. Being at a meeting where people ignore the agenda and wastes everyone else's time with off topic shit is the easiest way to piss off a business man.

forgot pic

I think it's related to this -→

The Senate chooses a president pro tempore to preside in the vice president's absence.

I fucking hate this guy. Is there any way we can meme him into committing suicide?

If I were in office and didn't care…….I would use the soap box to talk about what a piece of shit the T-34 was as a WWII tank design , I'd come prepared with charts


Trump isn't watching this nonsense, no President does.

We get it.

Absolutely. Politics is football-tier entertainment I would rather have no part of. I dislike secret societies that prey on children more, so here we are.

Oh yeah man. Welcome to congress. The fun part is they get a pension for this after 5 years.

It sounds retarded, but if we had the kind of government where this was a realistic expectation I bet we'd much better off than we are now.

The Cadillac of automobiles

So even Pence doesn't show up to this shitshow.

It's so obvious when they think they came up with some clever term.


He does for the vote

Fuck democracy,dictatorship needs to happen

Anything is better than kikes talking about their precious shit skinned golems.

Pretty much only to break ties. He's got a lot on his plate.

Trump's term limit amendment can't come sooner.

I didn't realize the veep even did anything.

No shit. Suddenly these confirmations are life and death. For (((them))).

Holy shit, can you imagine what it would be like to have autistic politicians filibustering.

Is that from the barron drawing thread? You got a archive of it?

Those faggots aren't going to fry themselves.

Cornyn being all collegial an sheeit.

It's good to have goals.

is 4141 dubs?


Pence is the whip, he has to fucking slam and cajole these fucks like Ryan and McConnell, he has a fuckload of work to do.

Please don't tease.

I wish thump would just call in the army drag these fossils out and shoot them for treason. And proclaim himself emperor.
I don't think everybody should have a voice. That leads to over saturation in discussion.

republicans cucked out as they always do as they are the fake controlled opposition party.

yes immediately!

The most often used and effective filibuster would be Rei vs. Asuka. Nothing would ever get done.

Double singles.

Also checked.

Yes and no.

He's the Vice President, not the Whip.


Blue and red would no longer represent Democrats and Republicans but Reifags and Asukafags. What a world that would be.

He's the Presidents whip, not the Parties.

Just got here. Did I miss anything good?


Nah. This shit is pretty fucking boring tbh.

Dakis are autistic as fuck.


you're waifu a shit

Even better


Requesting music

I have no waifu


There needs to be more deaths by caning in US politics like the old days.

Any of the copypasta would be good. Imagine someone reciting the true lies Jamie Lee Curtiss copypasta.

Lot of smug in that picture

Oh shit human trafficking mention

It still baffles me how filibusters are a thing in so many countries. It's almost unheard of here in Australia on the other hand, we have strictly enforced limits on how long one can speak (of course we have our own problems but at least this isn't one of them).

what what what i missed that looking up fucking jewish music

there have been filibusters where the guy just reads the phone book for hours straight, this is the state of our prestigious legislature. Democracy is Jewish shit, God Emperor now

There isn't enough cane-based action in politics anymore.

Got a link to the archive of his gallery?

I'd bring back the duel too.
Dueling would make jews think twice before trying to push their shit or they would risk getting shot


then you have no move left but to end your laifu

Yeah Dick, there was something substantially wrong with Lynch. She was an unqualified nigger.

They're trying to equate this stalling to AG Lynch's nomination. Lynch, who is the most corrupt piece of shit being compared to Sessions.

Imagine some politician / media faggot, jew, whore,etc. piece of shit trying to talk shit about someone ( insulting honor) they would be worm food. Bring back duels and the cane for that matter!

perfect example they wouldn't open their lying mouths if there was a price to pay for lying.

Trying to read the letter from King again. Someone cane this guy quick.



Dick Durban added to The List

These cucks are starting to sound like Rubio, they are all saying the same phrases repeatedly

Even normies know Dems engage in voter fraud, dead voters and illegal voters.

Showing an I.D. is a ridiculous standard for niggers.

I wonder what would happen if someone brought up the Project Veritas videos where the DNC operatives admitted on camera that they were facilitating vote fraud. They would probably kvetch themselves into simultaneous heart attacks.

how to they function?


kill this cancer already






anyone without the brain functions to get an ID has no right weighing in on politics

Why the fuck are they rambling about random shit?
Why aren't they talking about Sessions?

They don't have any actual arguments

He names Israel's wall all day every day fam. He's done it so often that Bibi's been forced to defend the beaner wall lel

Democrat kikes wasting time

"OY VEY You turn that fake news off right now goyim, the only real news is (((CNN)))"

Is Sessions a billionaire?

libshittalkingpoints.ppt is loaded through their anal media port

probably dating myself

You would think kikes of all would understand how a fucking audit works.

Oh wait, they do. They are just smarmy sophists.

1996 me was dating a fag hag in an "open relationship" too.

Right, in the region where caning, dueling, and so forth was widely accepted and practiced, the Jews never dared to practice their constant schemes and gain total control. Oh, wait, Jews ran the slave trade, comprised much of the plantation owners in the south, and 44% of Jews owned slaves at a time in America when less than 1% of Whites did.

During the Civil War the Jews heavily supported the South, and the globalists would have fully thrown their forces behind the Confederacy, if it was not for the interference of the Russian Tsar, who prevented Britan and France from sending forces to support the Confederates. Those southern values sure did a great job at stopping the Jew, alright.

Get your head out of your asses and realize that the way you defeat the Jew is the way every man, nation, and cause that has succeeded in the past did so. With reason, patience, and open criticism. The Jew thrives in violent, emotional arenas of discourse, and shrivels up into nothingness in the face of unflinching reason and truth.


A lot of Dems become wanted men and women

oh boy here we go

WEBM of this clip?



That "woman" didn't need the jew flag on its phone…. its so jewy that low res photo is enough to identify it as the disgusting goblin creature it is.

Back then I was going to gay chat irc channels and win-nuking them with OOB data to their gay port 139


This guy is talking about Montana but he hasn't mentioned his position of Ben "the ten ton terror of Tel Aviv" Garrison. That's all I care about when I think about Montana.

Reason and truth roll off kikes like nothing. You defeat the jew the way every nation in past has: fucking kill them or run them out of the country at knife point, preferably both.


In case anyone is wondering, yes this is exactly why Hitler purged democracy.

He went to the parliament in the fateful years before the first World War, wanting to see what they were doing in a time when so much hung in the balance. There he saw this shit going on all day every day until he realized all politicians have to go.

rei a shit


Eva is fucking trash in general.
It's absolute 2DEEP4U garbage

No, you misunderstood, I was only fucking girl, the gay friends were just there for her to buy drugs.

It sounds like a writer from buzzfeed fucking wrote this virtue signaling speech. Jesus Christ, this is our senate.


oh in that case


I LOVE YOU Holla Forums


Imagine how bad it's going to get when Millenials and Gen X get into Congress

Hate this bitch.

Who is this Wisconsin cunt


who is this semen demon anyway and where can I find her

This bitch speaks like a robot. Why are Democrats the only ones speaking anyway?

at least she looks like she's over 18

Confirmed. Yoko is best waifu, it's the hotpants I swear.

Will Pence have to step in again to get Session confirmed today?

Tammy Baldwin. Lesbian extraordinaire.

You're still going in the oven you cunt

I can't handle this usless babble. (((Equality))) was a mistake.

Oy vey, the dyke is deebly goncerned.

Yoko Littner

is a false god

This bitch is just afraid he'll take away her Somali play toy isn't she.

That should go without saying, doesn't mean you can't be in on the joke.

Regretfully, I must inform the honorable gentleman from Missouri that his waifu a shit

That would be the best case scenario here tbh.

Kek works in mysterious ways.

Oh man this slut is really bringing the fire

I want to watch someone torture this can't to death.



Non-citizens don't have Constitution protections bitch.

Reason and truth, applied judiciously to the Jews, destroys them. Waking people up to the truth and leading them away from the filth of the Jews is simple, but it requires courage and long, hard work.

Hitler did not save his country by slaughtering all the Jews, he saved them by awakening their higher selves through thought, reason, and the organization of a political movement.

Every time the Jews have lost power throughout history it is because of an organized movement that put their own peoples interests first, thus excising the parasitic control and influence the Jews had over their nation.

After that happens, you can consider going further and wiping them out, if the opportunity exists for you to do so. Most of the time, though, like a virus searching for a new host once the immune system begins killing it off in its current host, the Jews will simply scatter to the wind and leave of their own volition. A parasite denied the ability to feed will look elsewhere.

The way to victory lies in the pursuit of the excellence of our own people and nation, this will naturally destroy the schemes of the Jews and expose them for all to see the more they oppose and attempt to interfere.


Yes, with clamps and cattle prods in tow


testing to see palindrome get

11 adopted children goys! All from outside of America of course.



I'm from Wisconsin, and I say "FUCK THOSE CONSTITUENTS!"


Holy shit



I've never wanted to hurt a woman as much as I do this retarded cunt. (Hillary isn't a woman)

I find it amazing, the way in which every single woman like this always speaks in exactly the same way. Stressing the same words, the intentional hint of fear, concern, and sadness in their voice, it's always the exact same act. The same one. Every time.

Thanks user.

take my Holla Forums related waifu as a gift
polite sage for off topic

No webm but its in this speech around the 15 minute mark

I just pull fabrications out of my ass.

Qop of Pain is a shit waifu

Wew, pizza party at the courts

Does anyone know a good sms flooding app or site? I've got a drugged up shitskin calling my phone looking for tupac every other day for 6 months
sage for ot

99% of women can only argue through emotion, they have no logic at all.

But user, she likes the pain
At least it wasn't enchantress :^)

I guess that makes it alright


This dyke's airport announcer voice is starting to grate on my nerves.



If you don't let immigrants in they'll kill you. Totally safe!


It sounds like a 12 year old girls speech. Trying to sound like a "big girl", but just embarassing.

Also, cane her.

born too early for this anime shit





Literal sophistry, holy fuck.


Oh, I thought you were saying we have to reason with and speak truth to kikes which obviously does nothing. Convincing people to gas the kikes using logic and reason, then going and gassing them, is of course the way to go.

All Americans except White Americans, fuck them

this bitch is putting herself to sleep

She sounds like she smoked a g per day since her teenage years.





Stupid bitch needs to be dicked

The confirmation isn't going to happen for another 8 hours it seems


That was the 420th post in this thread.

…just saying.

In the end though didn't Hitler's rise to power have a far worse outcome for Germany and Europe as a whole than what the situation would've been had he not even become a political figure to begin with?

Some things Hitler said and did made sense but getting bogged down in a pointless, costly, and ultimately fucking pointless war against Russia (not to mention the combined might of Britain, France and the USA) while failing at every step of the way to deal with tactical and strategic defeat condemned his people to a fate arguably far worse than it was dealt at the close of WWI.



more asshurt over Warren being told to stfu


disregard, i suck cocks

Silence this racist


Why do her words matter?
Who is she and what has she done?

Some of us are older and have a wide variety of tastes. Ever met an anime fan who also can half-guard bridge sweep 100lbs over my their own weight and does their own carpentry?

Just ignore the anime. Its apart of chan culture.

When will these faggots vote?

It's amazing how they intentionally pretend not to understand the rule, or how it's meant to ensure a logical debate.

Because this is democracy. You can go look at any video stream of any parliament which language you can understand on any day and it is always the same. People rambling for ages about completely irrelevant things in front of empty chairs. The handful of times and actual argument is presented or question asked it is completely ignored by the opposition which will then take their turn rambling about something no one will listen to.

99% of the time it's just people randomly talking to no one, because most of them aren't there and the rest don't care, 1% of the time it's people running their finger down the list to see what they party has told them to vote on some issue.

This is the lie that is the Parliamentary Debate, what we are told is the proof of how great our civilization is. All it is proof of is our complete degeneration as we've enshrine a pile of parasites practicing what is the definition of waste and negligence in what are supposed to be our most important buildings.

Who the fuck cares of that Communist adulterers wife.

he better not say common core

It's not. Voting is not a right. Read the bill of rights, voting is not there.
This bitch, holy shit.

I guarantee you we would be worse off if Hitler did not exist.
Bolsjevism my man, it would have taken us all

I watched some on bootleg VHS I bought from a gook flea market in the 90s. It gets repetitive very quickly. There are around 6 character archetypes they repeat ad nauseam with little to no variation.

It makes for fun memes though.

When the fuck is the vote anyway?

4 hours according to your dubs

When the fuck is this over? I assume minutes after he's sworn in the right wing lawyer squads will descend with arrest warrants.

She can believe it all she wants, doesn't make it true.


this is fucking awful


Non-burger here. What is the point of this? Is there something they can actually accomplish by dragging this out, or are they just delaying the inevitable? Is this just virtue signalling with no real effect?

saw somewhere that the vote is at 6:30pm est

The fuck is this vampire rambling about?

Hitler declared war on the kikes because he had to in order to give Germans any kind of chance. So kikes declared war on Germany. Avoiding conflict with commie Russia was never an option. Avoiding war with any of the ZOGs was never an option.

If it weren't for Hitler nobody would be redpilled and the world would be under total jewish control rather than partial jewish control.


Maybe Germany and the USA along with the nips all would come together to defeat the commies.

Hypothetical arguments are fun but the reality of the situation remains the same; Hitler failed.

Jesus Christ. No way in hell, I'm not going to spend my Wednesday watching kikes virtue signalling for that long.

They are all pandering to their constituents. That's why they get up and soapbox about seemingly random shit.

How much time left till the voting process starts?

That seems to be the long and short of it.

They're filibustering. I assume they're hoping to drag it on long enough to just stop Session's approval by draining everyone's stamina, or they're just retarded and desperately trying to stop Trump from getting his cabinet together so he can MAGA. I assume it's a mixture of both.

I have a rhyme that comes in a riddle.
What's round on the end, high in the middle?

Obstruction of justice, plain and simple

These are "for the record" speeches, so that when historians look at what happened today, these people will be seen as having tried to protect people from the evil Trump.


A cane?

kek, that's probably exactly what they're doing


it's a cane.

Trump needs to sign an executive order banning filibustering.

Your whole argument hinges on whether or not the kikes had the kind of organization, power and influence to mobilize the world's powers against Germany even if Hitler remained peaceful in his dealings with other nations.

What if that wasn't the case?

My dad took me to a DEVO concert (Duty Now for the Future) when I was a kid, it was awesome.

I think you'd need an amendment to the Constitution for that.

How is this guy a Republican?

So they aren't even virtue signalling in the present time anymore. They're virtue signalling to people that don't exist yet. What a petty thing to do.

only If you consider unchallenged bolshevism a good thing

But he did fuck up alot.

Roosevelt was a commie. Stalin was a commie. Chruchill was a commie.
That's all the allies.
And all were bankrolled by the Rothschilds.

Yeah, that's pretty much why the dems have been stalling the fuck out of the proceedings the last weeks.

They couldn't stop DeVos, this is a done deal. They are simply nailing their coffins for us.

Checked. I think it's a little bit of both. Virtue signalling to the past and present.

Someone make a petition.

What how did Hitler fuck up? Most military failures were because of the older officers (put in by the Weimar Republic) tried to go against Hitler's orders.


Dems need plenty of time to wipe the servers with a cloth

I meant future and present.


wow,i never knew that.

I might be wrong on this, but didn't Hitler suggest that during Operation Barbarossa that they establish supply lines for winter equipment incase they didn't succeed before the start of winter and the Generals got too arrogant and just ignored his suggestion outright?

Hitler is the where the buck stopped though, ultimately he lost. We'll see if Trump can do better.



Yes if I remember right they thought they would have Moscow before winter and so delayed winter clothing until January

Won't happen, filibustering has far too long and storied a history to remove, it's tied to our congress. Also, don't be like dems trying to remove anything as soon as it works against you, filibustering was historically used as a last ditch little man effort to make a sincere appeal - it's just been co-opted by dems in hopes that that heroism might reflect onto them too, and in petty "sit in" blocks to productivity.

Rand Paul's filibuster on NSA and the Patriot Act is how it's supposed to be done.

Fuck this, I'm gonna take a hot shower. Fucking cold fronts.

If these faggots haven't gotten anywhere when I get back I swear on me mum

Did somebody say amendments?

Bill Content Amendment
All bills submitted to Congress shall pertain to one matter and one matter alone, as outlined in the title of the bill. All bills must be read, in full, vocally, within the chamber, before presentation to either the House or the Senate for a vote.

Foreign Powers Amendment
No treaty or executive agreement shall be made abridging or prohibiting the free exercise of the rights of citizens of the United States protected by this Constitution. No treaty or executive agreement shall vest in any international organization or in any foreign power any of the legislative, executive, or judicial powers vested by this Constitution in the Congress, the President, and in the courts of the United States, respectively. No treaty or executive agreement shall alter or abridge the laws of the United States or the Constitution of laws of the several unless, and then only to the extent that, Congress shall so provide by joint resolution.
Executive agreements shall not be made in lieu of treaties. Executive agreements shall, if not sooner terminated, expire automatically one year after the end of the term of office for which the President making the agreement shall have been elected, but the Congress may, at the request of any President, extend for the duration of the term of such President the life of any such agreement made or extended during the next preceding Presidential term. The President shall publish all executive agreements except that those which in his judgment require secrecy shall be submitted to appropriate committees of the Congress in lieu of publication.

Congressional District Amendment
No longer shall Congressional districts be redrawn by sitting state representatives, nor shall they be redrawn under any circumstance other than an official change in population–as defined by the United States Census–of the corresponding districts in the respective states. Congressional districts shall henceforth be redrawn in a manner according to the mathematical Golden Ratio, where physically applicable within the bounds of state geometry.
The center of the smallest district shall be situated in the center of the most populous city in the state at time of ratification and henceforth from the time of finalization of the most recent census. Expansion outward from the first district follows the mathematical Golden Ratio accordingly. New districts formed due to a change in population shall be created by halving the size of the district in which said population has changed.

Senate Restoration Amendment
The Seventeenth Amendment is hereby repealed. All Senators shall be chosen by their state legislatures as prescribed by Article I. This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution. When vacancies occur in the representation of any State in the Senate for more than ninety days, the governor of the State shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. A Senator may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the state legislature.

Federal Spending Amendment
The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed. Congress shall adopt a preliminary fiscal year budget no later than the first Monday in May for the following fiscal year, and submit said budget to the President for consideration. Shall Congress fail to adopt a final fiscal year budget prior to the start of each fiscal year, which shall commence on October 1 of each year, and shall the President fail to sign said budget into law, an automatic, across-the-board, 5 percent reduction in expenditures from the prior year’s fiscal budget shall be imposed for the fiscal year in which a budget has not been adopted.
Total outlays of the federal government for any fiscal year shall not exceed its receipts for the fiscal year. Total outlays of the federal government for each fiscal year shall not exceed 17.5 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product for the previous calendar year. Congress may provide for a one-year suspension of one or more of the preceding sections in this Article by a three-fifths vote of both Houses of Congress, provided the vote is conducted by roll call and sets forth the specific excess of outlays over receipts or outlays over 17.5 percent of the Nation’s gross domestic product. The limit on the debt of the United States held by the public shall not be increased unless three-fifths of both Houses of Congress shall provide for such an increase by roll call vote. This Amendment shall take effect in the fourth fiscal year after its ratification.

Financial Institution Amendment
In the elucidation of Constitution Article 1, Section 8, regarding the power of the United States Congress to coin money, regulate its value, and standardize this valuation against foreign coin, the United States Congress’ power to perform the aforementioned tasks is to be understood as being indelegable. No institution save for the United States government is to be tasked with the coinage and supply of the money of the United States.

Regulation of Congressional Activity Amendment
Congress may not regulate–nor have authority over, save where actions run in contradiction to existing federal law or the Constitution–activities that occur wholly within one state.

Regulation of Executive Activity Amendment
Federal administrative agencies of may not act in such a way that preempts the laws of a state where such action is not already federal law.

Modification of Judicial Powers Amendment
Article I: A decision made by the Supreme Court of the United States may be overruled with a two-thirds majority vote held by the people–or congresses–of the states.
Article II: In order to overturn a law enacted through a plebiscite, the Supreme Court of the United States must vote with a seven justice supermajority.

Modification of Congressional Powers Amendment
A two-thirds majority of the states may override any federal law or regulation.

I like how this guy said that the people are smart and can see through all the theatrics of the dems. Who is he?

Fuck fillbusters and fuck democracy
Heil Trump

It's obviously bullshit that needs to go.

You sure missed the point kike.

I think future generations will see them more like the people who opposed Julius Caesar. They come off as stubborn elites who use the letter of the law to obstruct for their own selfish reasons rather than to try to make things better for the people. Nobody seems to sympathize with Caesar's opponents, and especially not his killers.

Dan Sullivan, from Alaska.

As much as I like Trump and think he was the best choice for this election by a long shot I dont believe he is a great as Hitler maybe Barron. The time isn't right for some one to have the same ideas as Hitler since we aren't a bad a situation as Germany was back in the 1920-30's and Americans are too defensive of jews.


Dont care,change is good if its us doing it.

The memes.

How many politicians are going to act like they knew nothing about pizzagate and it's all such a surprise to them?

He is speaking some great words. He also doesn't seem like a betacuck, like if you put a cane in his hand, he'd know what to do with it.

Are these the actual words said?

He should keep saying that.

Will there be a spicer press conference today?

No. Read about Germany before Hitler, they were quite literally an enslaved people. Children starved to death in the street, money was worthless, other children were enslaved in brothels, and Germany was, in general, a desperate, downtrodden, and destroyed nation.

Germany was well on its way to becoming, if it wasn't already, a third world nation, a fate which the rest of Europe viewed in a kind of "serves you right" snobbery. Whilse the Jews and other globalist elements, who had orchestrated this fate for the German people, enjoyed the fruits of their labor living in absolute luxury. There's a reason the child brothels had clients with money to spend, after all.

Go read about Jewish accounts of this Germany. They loved it, many said it was the best and most "advanced" society had ever been. While the German people starved and resorted to crime, prostitution, and all manner of dignity destroying things just to survive, the Jews prospered. It was their dream society, really.

And no one cared about the Germans. They "deserved it" after all, since, because they lost, everyone blamed World War I on them. The Germans felt abandoned, worthless, and hopeless. They had more or less resigned themselves to what had happened, and were becoming so desperate Communism was starting to actually gain ground.

Then, in steps Hitler. He tirelessly campaigns against the powers that be, rejects the notion that Germany was to blame for World War I, praises his people as the greatest in the world, and history, and restores in them love for their people, love for their country, love for themselves. After achieving political power he then sets about building up Germany through a series of social, industrial, scientific and educational reforms that turn them, just a few years prior a tattered, pathetic nation that was viewed with contempt, to the greatest power in the world.

The Germans prosperity from this period was never lost. Even though they lost the war, they retained all of their industry, all of their educated scientists, (many of whom were co opted by the United States, and the Russians to run their own science programs), and their social cohesion. The latter was the most damaged by the denazification programs after the war, but the Jews could never again turn the German people into the battered, shivering wreck that they were after World War I, before Hitler galvanized them.

And much of what the Germans, and by extension Hitler did, is responsible for how wonderful the modern world is today. Many of the scientific achievements that created the modern world came from Germany, and its scientists, and none of those things would exist without Hitlers Germany.

Even many of the social programs, industrial reforms, and environmental understanding came from the Third Reich, and they persist to this today. The 8 hour workday, for example, which is now considered standard in Western countries, was a product of the National Socialist regime. If it was not for Hitlers Germany, we might still be in Industrial Revolution work standards, with people being worked for countless hours every day all for the benefit of those at the top of the company. And this is just one policy that effects the world to this day.

The Third Reich pioneered, for example, industrial reforms in the sense of controlling waste, reducing pollution, and safeguarding natural resources, and areas against industrial waste. A healthy, beautiful country is important for a healthy, happy people, after all, and this idea resonated so strongly with the Aryan peoples across the world, that we all adopted it and avoided the hell that China has now shown us, that would've been our fate had the Jews been able to push on unchecked.

I could go on and on, but to say that Hitlers rise to power was a worse outcome for Germany, Europe, and the world in general is absolutely wrong. Hitler, even in his defeat, did so much to improve the world, and create a better existence for all of humanity, that we cannot overstate the absolutely wonderful effect the brief time he had in power caused in the world. He was a true hero, and his life, his work, and his achievements should remain an inspiration to anyone who studies them.

The US isn't a democracy it's a representative republic. Our system of government actually works quite well but only when government is small and its easy to point the blame of a mistake to just one or two people and kick them out of office.
Unfortunately now our government is a giant spiders web of bureaucracy where mistakes caused by government are no longer caused by one or two retards, but hundreds of them scattered in different alphabet soup agencies making it damn near impossible to figure out who jewed who.

Honestly we just need to burn it down at this point, or just flip to Fascism. Either or.

It's funny watching these kikes scramble to try and delay their fate

Yes,We have it even worse.

Wrong. Kill yourself.

I wonder, since these people are addressing their fellow senators, do they actually believe they can play dumb and pretend that they don't understand the great injustice of a senator getting smacked down for choosing to read an inflammatory opinion that they just so happen to agree with and then hiding behind "oh, but it was someone else who said it, I'm just choosing to repeat it!"

20 minutes.

they know exactly what they are doing. most of them are politicians for a living

wew lad, not even close. read
Losing your earlier government and a forced democracy. The great depression, paying for a war you didn't even start. Having your people that were cut out from your nation because your country was split killed. Jewish communist trying to further split your nation. No we do not have it as bad as Germany did.

not for long!

They're gonna be gone soon. Trump's anti-Corruption promise in his 100 days plan, aka

The fact that Warren was putting up an 80 year old black woman as a decider of what Session's intentions are is absurd. Every Senator that brings up the King letter is throwing away logic and appealing to emotion.


We have it worse.

Every single piece of shit acting incredulous about why that senator got in trouble needs to be barred from holding a political position for life.
No room for illogical debates in my government.

This fag whining about civil rights is getting tiresome..

This, demographics over everything. What percentage of people did hitler have to kick out to make it right again? I was going over this myself today, between asians, blacks, mestizos, jews, Indians both feather and dot, Mena muzzies, blacks domestic and recent, gays, commies, trannies, hardcore papists and other cults, and jews, whew were gotta move like 50 percent of our entire population just to have a country of people all alike amd on board. Gonna take a lot of deportatin'.

fuck this guy he's more concerned with

Fuck this fucking lying piece of shit.
Ten minutes watching a molyjew video and I know this guy is being a lying jew.

Shove em all in Aircraft Carriers, and dump em on the African coast. Ezpz.

They had trans-fag in Germany at that point pedophiles too, murders by communist jews no food. yeah maybe they didn't too many have niggers in Germany. Its like you believe Germany in the 1920-30's was like US during the 50's

Preaching to the choir friendo.

lol I feel this may be going a touch far. kick them out to where exactly?

South and central america, where half of people look like them already

There are lots of myths about Hitler also how and why he lost…. you can thank the jews for the muddy waters however I do recall reading that the trains that they used to supply the army ran on a different rail scale in Europe than those in the east… it took time to get the trains to run on Russian lines causing supplies not to reach the troops that needed them.

Ultimately despite everything Hitler/NSDAP aka True Germany failed because of logistics…. could they have won or fought to a stalemate absolutely. How and where however is unknown as many of the "blunders" cited by hack historians are either untrue or were acts done to save the Wehrmacht from total destruction due to an unacknowledged ( by hack historians) situation…
Hitler and Germany were defeated not through any sort of military mastery or superiority of ideology but by the brute force of numbers and manufacturing ability of 2 very large power house countries ( US and USSR) that did not face the restrictions Germany & many of her allies had to face after WW1. Often people bitch that Hitler planned for a short war …. he in fact did not plan on a war at all the Ribbentrop pact was insurance against that as were all his calls for peace and deescalation of the conflict after Poland ( many peace offers were sent to the British).Even Mussolini know as a bit of a peace maker at that time went to bat for Germany ( as a diplomat) and was repaid by the British with an unprovoked act of war with out the declaration (they seized Italian merchant ships without warning and many were sunk I believe)..


Captain Obvious here. When these guys support the culture and values that the White man created, what made our country great, then I listen. Otherwise they are just advocating for the degeneration of our culture. If Blacks, Mexicans and any other group want to enjoy the benefits of our greatness, then they have to adopt our ways, no exceptions. Any argument that says we have to lower ourselves to their backwards ways is anti American.

heres a 15 minute video. The scale of degeneracy in Germany before Hitler was surprising even for US in the 90's.


Berlin was degeneracy capital

fug I need sleep after these senator and no Sessions

Sounds like there's still a few hours to go before reaching that decision.

So we still have time to meme him into being confirmed.

Reminder: Jeff Sessions confirmation vote is scheduled for 6:30pm est

6:30 est apparently for the actual vote.

We're still in the liberal virtue signaling for posterity phase.


Yeah, the USSR's whole military strategy was literally just straight up zerg rushing their way to Berlin. A lot of the guys didn't even have fucking rifles.

Also in relation to Hitler trying hard as fuck to get Britain to discuss peace, he actually parachuted a diplomat into Britain so he could personally go to the British parliament because Churchill kept ignoring all Hitler's offers for peace.

see you faggots at 6pm est then

Oh good, so the liberals are prepping a solid victory for us again.


Japan made a similar mistake. By the end of the war US oil production in a 24 hour span was equivalent to what Japan could produce in a year.


My feed just cut to Spicer.

That was Rudolf Hess not just a diplomat
Next to Goebbels here

Capped for posterity. Well written, Anonymous.

10,000 Intel jobs in Arizona

Yep, their usual pre-defeat whining.

Oh right, yeah it was Hess.

You're covered, onii-fam. Don't worry.

This is the Overton Window and Slippery Slope all in one.
What the fuck are they teaching kids in High School, Grade School and College at this point?

Great post user.

Really nice.

I made one for you lazy motherfuckers.

Dubs confirm, mine is bigger.

Just joking.

Are you the same guy who keeps posting Nicola Samori's works? I've seen maybe 3 times in the last 2 weeks his art was on Holla Forums


Holy shit

Rudolf Hess, he was killed by the British after the war they and sealed the body in the coffin . His family was denied permission to have an autopsy performed to determine the cause of death…. as it would the German nationalists a martyr…. that is something (((they))) are afraid of martyrs and monuments of anything related to WWII Germany.

Hitler's factories were not geared for any sort of war in 1939 by 1945 however after much build up Germany was just starting to get their manufacturing up to the point where it needed to be I believe they ended up producing more fighters (even if you only count the Me109 series & no other German fighters) than the USSR or the US/brits.

Yeah one thing that many try to gloss over when you read about WWII Is that….oil
Italy 's Navy was never destroyed by the British at Taranto every ship save one was repaired and place right back into service weeks or months later ( that one ship did not make it due to Sept 1943 betrayal of Italian royals). The real problem for Italy was that its large ships need oil and they started to run out even with Germany supplying them later and new sources being found ( non-military grade) there was never enough oil so the ships had to stay stationed somewhere instead of pressing an attack.

The Germans figured out how to make oil from coal later which helped the situation some but not enough to fuel large warships.

Spicer should never directly answer a question, yes or no. Nearly all of these questions are leading. Instead, Spicer should say whatever he wants to say regarding a topic, not what they want him to say.

and only because this is a 'special occasion' are they even giving those with their own mouths.
most of the time, they'll say about a paragraph of shit, then say that they'd like the remainder of their remarks read into the record. This means that the Congressional Record is about 80% copypasta that they just handed to a clerk and wasn't even said to an empty room.

can't speak for that but I was in high school when Obama was running the first time and it was nothing but "YOU'RE EVIL FOR BEING WHITE KILL YOURSELF" over and over even in rural Georgia.


Aren't Gen X heavily conservative?


Nope. Most got heavily pozzed by their boomer parents.

The young are becoming more and more radical.
In conservatism, liberalism, communism, nationalism, you will find that the ideology becomes stronger as generations progress.
Hitler didn't want to gas Jews, we do.

I am going to ask you a legitimate question and want a legitimate answer.

Have you at least slashed that teacher(s) tires yet, and if not, why?

I had one commie (((History))) teacher and fucked with his car for YEARS after I graduated. After I joined the military and came home on leave I fucked with his house and destroyed his mailbox (right when online whitepages came out and every teacher in the world was legally doxed).

I slashed his tires at least 20 times, put marbles in his exhaust pipe, shoved dogshit into his exhaust pipe so it cooked in the muffler, put tuna juice into the vents below his windshield, put dogshit underneath his door handles, crazy glued his door locks and trunk locks at different times.
My favorite, used a crowbar to pry open his gas tank cover, unscrewed his gas cap, poured a punch of salt BY his car and put the rocksalt bag under his windshield wiper - but didn't actually put any in his gas tank. You can't get sued for any damages other than a $200 fine of criminal mischief compared to $1000 to flush out a fuel system in civil court,

The same condescending black woman playing the race card, every single day. Divisive bitch.

100% smug every time he leaves.

that's the face of him anticipating tomorrow.

She literally said she was playing the card.

Prepared to agree with you.. but who did you kill and steal those dubs from? I smell conspiracy.

Not really, Gen Z supposedly is. Gen X are already in Congress, Gen X are in their mid thirties to lower fifties, not sure what that user was on about.

This guy looks like Ron Paul.



Voter ID is bad goy.


Also the law is against the law and the constitution is unconstitutional




And what if she had aborted him, then what?


Was this because he didn't use lube?

Austin Powers?

These people would flip the fuck out if someone wanted to ban ID checks when it comes to buying weapons yet that would have more constitutional backing.

These degenerates will be kvetching about this until the heat death of the universe. That faggot McConnell and the rest of the cucks better not back down.



Warren doesn't deserve anything except forcible relocation to the Navajo reservation in Arizona to be with her people, joining them in their sacred rituals of drinking alcohol, smoking meth, and beating and molesting their own children, all in the joyous 115 degree heat of summer.

Send them back to China.

No one will be swayed by any of these statements, everyone there already knows who Jeff Sessions is. He's /ourguy/. Just fucking vote already.

FYI - vote is scheduled for 6:50 p.m. EST tonight.

He'll be confirmed of course but at least this part of the shit show will be over.



Mass incarceration=DINDU NUFFIN

They're still going on about the faggot drug user Sheppard who was killed by other drug using fags.

deport this bitch to Mexico

fucking racists

Not sure I can stomach this high yella's moaning. Eight years of King Nigger, down the toilet and the shegro isn't taking it well at all.

She should just come right out and say it, that she thinks Sessions is a racist. All these words to hide the fact that she is mad that Blacks get locked up for crimes they committed.

Woah, they're dragging that back out? Are they going to produce his fat fuck mother to blubber in front of the cameras like she did after he was killed?


They keep bringing it up because Sessions voted against this travesty —→

Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Signed into law by the Kenyan in 2009.

They act like Yates was gunned down in the street by Trump himself. Invoking her name like she is the ultimate example of justice. Sickening.

Didn't that shit happen 20 years ago? They're falling behind on the kike playbook. Normalfags have been conditioned not to care about shit that happened more that 1-2 years ago.

Supposedly voting very soon, per stream owner

Well the fag expired from natural causes in 1998 but the legislation didn't get passed until 2009 by ex-King Nigger. So I guess the average person is supposed to still be offended that Sessions defied the will of the chimp.

It's all bullshit anyways, and I'd say the attention span of normalfags is measured in weeks at best.

I heard it wasn't until like 7pm EST

yeah i read 6:30pm est, but the streamer at watch?v=1TTvV5PFT4U claims he has sources that say the vote is soon. who knows.

I agree wholeheartedly with that. But, they are supposed to feel whatever emotion has been programmed into them for at least a year or two beyond that when they hear the trigger.

I just listened again, he said there's no set time for the vote and his sources say it could start soon. ABC Jews said it was scheduled for 6:50 p.m. EST so who knows at this point.

The chamber is empty atm.



Someone's up there yakking about the importance of some un-elected nigger preacher who died 49 years ago.


More "muh voter suppression!" bullshit.

Low energy voters SHOULD be suppressed.

Yeah, that's another huge problem as well Bill.

senator botox looks like fire marshall bill



Are we fucking /confirmed/ yet or what the fuck?

He's not even aware of himself anymore, just a rambling machine reciting some tired speech he's probably giving thousands of times.

Expected around 7:00 PM. You're in for a wait.

Did they let Warren back in just to Trail of Tears her again?

Kek. I made the same mistake.

Bill Nelson is a complete windbag. He's been going on about voting rights for what…15 minutes now and hasn't even mentioned Sessions.

all of these useless fucks are windbags.

Have some OC.


Bretty good.

He doesn't have to. He just has to cry and snivel about poll taxes, literacy tests and Jim Crow, then point at Sessions and say look! He''ll do the same thing!

That's all this entire speech is about.

Holy shit, it's still going on?

professional windbags


I've been here for 5 minutes and already want to chokeslam this cunt into a deep fryer.

This isnt your action amines, son.

These could actually be spiced up with a few ki attacks thrown around occasionally.

He has a point about Citizens United

this is actually going about at the same pace as DBZ.

Can we meme the Senate into being renamed Namek?

Your dubs say yes.

Is a "no" good or bad?


Bad for Sessions, good for globalists.

For the newfriends who don't want to read the whole thread,

The Sessions confirmation vote itself is scheduled for 6:50 PM EST tonight, that is, in two and a half hours. They'll likely keep blabbering until then.

O shit

They think they've learned how to meme.

The Atlantic: 'Nevertheless, She Persisted' and the Age of the Weaponized Meme

Welp I'm gonna eat some chikuns and watch plinketto until something actually happens.

Damn, son.

So that guy said all those thing and then said "no", what the logic in that.

Bless you user for enabling my post-waking listlessness.

Namek it is. Whoever makes the OP for thread 2, please take note.


It's been 20 days into the Trump presidency. Where is the holocoaster?

She read a letter by an MLK relative that shit-talked sessions and then shit-talked sessions

So they're just going to circle kvetch for another hour and a half until Sessions gets confirmed?

The debate finishes at 7:30 EST afaik

Holocauster huh?

"Now I'm just an old fashion Southern Senator."

I could listen to this John Kennedy talk about politics all day.



This guy socks so many cocks. Holy fuck. His stomach is full of cum.

What have you done to me Holla Forums now I'm watching and enjoying Senate debates on cabinet nominations.

Echo Chambers

Conservacucks just had to force colored people in.

This really is turning into a shitty anime, Basketball Guy is giving his backstory monologue.


I wish I had the frame from One Punch Man about the protagonist telling another character "go away, think about what it is you want to say, and come back to explain it in ten words or less" when confronted with a longwinded dramatic origin story.



It's funny because the Democrats have promoting single parent households for years with gibs.

Where is this nigger going with this?



It just keep going and going and going…


Oh this nigger is helping Jeff alright.



also, trash taste. watch a real anime you manbaby

Aw shit this nigger is going redpill.

idk, we never got Hillary to shit herself

that we know of

Sad that the best speaker yet with actual good points is a jogger.


It's fine he will be a king in Liberia.

His purple tie triggerred me but he seems cool

All this talk is nothing more than how little can you do for Whites and how far are you going to bend over for the jews and their hordes.

Spicer was wearing a purple tie I think the Republicans are using it to fuck with the left now.

Although i agree with this negro i still think he should be in his own nation.

Sorry I'm late!


no you are not

The Nigger is trying to get the last word in so that the libs can't make up more bullshit.

checking with best girl

Are retards still trying to push the "hurr trump is going to deport everyone" meme? I mean John Oliver should be deported, but he should only be talking about it if he's an illegal immigrant.

Have they just been rambling at each other for 5 or 6 hours? Is there going to be a vote at all?

Vote was set for 6:30 est, not sure if they can go earlier or late though.

Yeah those digits are cool, but check these

We didn't do nothing esse.



Why would they reference TRS?

They're never going to recover are they?

Approaching post limit, please bake new bread soon!

see , there's still like an hour and a half left until the vote.




What is this guy screeching autistically about?

Damn, this thread is blessed.

Jesus christ, dude. Go home, you're drunk, you're embarrassing the Senate. It's fine, you don't have to be so upset anymore, you won't get re-elected.


He sounds really drunk.

Remember Jeb's plan for immigration, they pay a fine then they're A-OK? That was his bill and Sessions opposed it so he's badwrong.

Saying Sessions is racist because he didn't vote in favor of his bill which would have given citizenship to a ton of nigger, and defending it by saying some good things were wrapped in with it.

so how many kids has this guy done?

Oh that's why he is so mad.

he's a chicken lover

They aren't Americans you drunk faggot.

Can we dig info on this guy he seems to really like Pizza.

Are they filibustering?


He's mad Sessions torpedo'd his child-fucker bill lmao


Hitler rose and saved Germany and Western Europe from Communism, and through a monkey wrench into the plans of the global (((elite))) which has taken them almost a century to unfuck. And all the while, the message of Adolf Hitler spreads and lights a fire in the hearts of all Sons and Daughters of Europe.

So no, his death was unfortunate, but in the end, his sacrifice will be our saving grace. He gave us knowledge and the time to digest it. He's a hero

High quality post, user. Thank you

I'm thinking of the sake of our White children

Muh po keeds

What a poor sperg.


ruined dubs by shitty grammar. forgive me kek



Uh oh, pocket Constitution!

wtf I want free candy

Is he jewish?

Our courts totally aren't political goys, unbiased!


Thing is, they are supposed to be apolitical, but they arent.