There are anons on here too young to experience the best year videogames ever had: 1998

There are anons on here too young to experience the best year videogames ever had: 1998

I can only feel sorry for these younglings, they didn't choose the horrible time they were born in, to experience a once great medium devolve into crap.

It must be like being born after the fall of rome. You hear stories and you can revisit places and get some sense of what it was like, but its just history, they didnt experience it. A time where people werent scared and angry all the time, it was hopeful, games were not afraid to associate with the term 'arcade' and cutscenes were for introducing bosses, not 40 minutes of tumblr pandering every other room.
It was the year that solidified what a good game means. It took everything of pervious generations and reinvented them in industry defining ways you could never go back from and anything that came after was an imitation or iteration on it. It defined everything.

I'm sorry youngfags. You never deserved this. Its not right.


Other urls found in this thread:


2006 was the best year.

check my dubs, faggot

I feel the best way to keep the spirit of gaming alive in these future troubling times is to keep a tight grip on the classics so they won't be forgotten and they can know when gaming was fun.

Then maybe, we can see a new generation of gaming that might actually move us forward as a medium.

They can fuck with as much shit today as they can, but Metal Gear Solid is untouchable, pristine and untainted.

I'm set for when Windows 7 is discontinued and we no longer have an OS made for gaming.

This is right, but none of the target audience for video games anymore will do this. All we can do is hope for quality indie games that can perhaps shift the industry in the right direction.

This is a dark time.

Fucking incredible

What is this kikery?

My first console was a chink famicom though

It's already discontinued and x86-64 isn't going anywhere soon, no need for a new system. 7 will live long enough for React to catch up.

GNU/Linux has been getting better for gaming, Vulkan will help it in the future as well. other than drivers and games its pretty much superior to Windows.

heres a list of some OSes you can get for free

GNU/Linux based distros

Xubuntu - basically just Ubuntu with the XFCE desktop environment instead of Unity
Lubuntu - basically just Ubuntu with the LXDE desktop environment instead of Unity
Kubuntu - basically just Ubuntu with the KDE desktop environment instead of Unity. KDE is bloaty so not the best for toasters, current version of KDE is probably still buggy.
elementary OS - if you want something similiar to OS X. its based on Ubuntu, uses the Pantheon desktop environment.
openSUSE - nice modern OS, lots of configurability via GUIs as well as the console. essentially a free version of SUSE Enterprise Linux
Debian - Ubuntu is based on this OS, might be a tad harder to use but not really that hard. stable version is ANCIENT
Manjaro - easier Arch Linux so its all about bleeding edge (read: unstable and/or broken) software, don't be surprised when things break.

Direct replacements for some OSes

ReactOS - Windows replacement, its compatible with Windows software, drivers, etc still a work in progress
FreeDOS - its an open source DOS compatible OS, runs DOS games, software, etc
Haiku - BeOS compatible OS, still a work in progress.

Are you fucking serious?

2001 was the year of the devil, the year the Xbox was released and the whole industry went into creative freefall.

I really hope you're trolling, user. I really do.

I was going to say the same.

It was probably the last year of dominance for 2D games.

XP is still pseudo-supported because of the sheer number of offices and other businesses that use it along with the US government, between that, the wild unpopularity of W10 (and W10 software) and W7's own widespread nature you won't have to worry about changing your OS for a long, long time.

Unless Linux suddenly gains the ability to play video games without workarounds and Wine I wouldn't go for it if you've got a clean W7 install with updates off.

I'd say its safe to say some anons here are parents. I feel if rather than raising our kids on new garbage all the time, we be sure to give them the classics, perhaps occasionally dipping their feet into fresh waters when the games are good, so that way, when they're released into the world, we might see improvement. I feel that indie games will probably play a role in this as well, but we need to be taking precautionary steps regardless.

But then the friends of the child will show them pewdiepie and the newest FNAF and all your work will be ruined.

96-99 were great in general. I was 20 years old in 96, and that was the year I got a Sega CD and a PS1. Played Lunar:EB and introduced myself to the first Resident Evil that summer. Then in 98, when I worked a software etc store (Now Gamestop) during the RE2 launch, I got to see 144 copies of it sell out in 2 hours. Good time to be a gamer.

Christmas eve of 1998 was Baldur's Gate 1 for me. Capped off a great year where I also bought Fallout 2.

I will say this, OP, gaming doesn't have that kind of excitement for me anymore. Maybe these kids get excited about Dark Souls 3 and whatever lame ass copy/paste horseshit gets released every few months, but I can't get hyped about it.

You act as if they can't play these games today.

Parents are your biggest role models growing up, seeing mom or dad not impressed by the Swede faggot screaming about rape and fake-reacting leaves an impact

Maybe. Neither of my parents cared about games, it was constantly reinforced that I was an idiot for playing them, etc. That certainly didn't stop me from loving them.

I've seen parents and kids who get along really well, but it does seem to be the exception.

A good relationship with your tyke would definitely impact their own opinion of it even harder, come to think of it, since dad's cool as shit and Jimmy sent me this Pewdiepie thing that was funny but dad also says Pewdiepie's a flaming faggot who screams for money and will be sucking off Muslims to survive in about four years.

2001 marked a huge kike incursion into gaming.

Yeah, I think positive reinforcement can definitely help. If a kid sort of likes something and their parents reinforce it, that can be powerful.

Goddamn, you're a fossil. And here I thought I was the oldest fag here.

Exactly. Show interest in their hobbies and you'll have more say in them.

There's the way to go, tell your kid Pewdiepie's a faggot and show him The Best Gamers or whatever stream it is you watch. Point him towards the good stuff rather than just shoot it down.

Deus Ex came out in 2000.

Why is this not bannable?
Dubs fags ruined the board a long time ago and they still have free reign.

Apparently they're allowed one check per thread.

Just teach them that it's more fun to play video games than to watch faggots play them on the internet

Also it was around that time when Arcades in Japan began to seriously have trouble with the end of the fighting game boom. Card games that were the next boom, were kind of gimmicky.

Because of these



Happyconsolegamer pls stay

98fag here inb4 fuk off

I have an insane boner for 90s games (especially point and click DOS adventure games), but despite my interest in them I don't feel like I missed anything. I mean, I can just pretty much download any game off the internet and play it without any problems thanks to the magic of emulators. I see what are you going for though, it's like being obsessed with 60s music and not being able to expierence the 1969 Woodstock. But 1998 was just a year in which many good games were released, I haven't missed any important events or anything like that (other than the thrill of experiencing the games at their release dates).

The funny thing is that I get nostalgic about 90s games even though I earned full conscience and memory in like 2001. Ever since I was born my family had a winblows 95 PC with some games on it that burned into my mind
These titles include (but are not limited to):
- Red Alert 2 (first game I ever played, I had no fucking idea what was going on in it [i was like 4])
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (the fucking music by alex brandon i swear to god)
- Mystic Towers
- Goblins 3 (responsible for me developing a fetish for adventure games)
- Lion King
and more that aren't coming to my mind right now or are obscure polish games

pic related my small collection of old gams
not bothered to crop and edit the gog library so I scrolled onto some of the more representative titles




I mean it was expected of someone who posts smug animu girls to have shit taste, but this is just a whole new level of bad.

My negro.

You are missing out a bit with emulation. Some DOS games were made for particular audio hardware and don't sound like what they were supposed to sound like at all on modern MIDI tables. In some cases it's not a big deal, but in other cases it can drastically transform the game. There's also the LCD/CRT gulf, which is massive, but if you had an old computer with a CRT you were golden.

There's also the big fat manuals we got to read on the way home from the store, but that's a relatively minor thing.

Can't really say I like or didn't like it, since I never owned one. I can only say as a PCfag that the Xbox derailed PC development to a massive degree. This is undeniable, and the PC still hasn't recovered from that blow. Microsoft took a HUGE amount of money and focus out of the PC space, to our detriment.

I'm playing all MS-DOS games on dosbox always with Soundblaster Pro if available. Does the sound font in it differ from the one that would be heard on original hardware?

Also, am I the only one enjoying going thru those SETUP.EXE files on old DOS games and configuring everything?

Yeah, Dosbox's soundfont is TERRIBLE. Basically at one point Windows switched to a soundfont that murders MIDI, and most people just don't realize this. There's supposed to be an emulator for old soundfonts to get gorgeous sound in Dosbox, but it never worked for me.

For most games it isn't the biggest deal, but it can make music switch from a sad series of off-tone beeps to pleasant melodies. And in a few cases it IS gamebreaking, like Might & Magic 3-5, where the "door opening noise" in the soundcards used at the time is now mapped to a RINGING PHONE sound effect. So every time you open a door instead of hearing a pleasant creak, you get a loud ringing.

(vid related)

7th gen is when it really started to accelerate.

The fact that you show interest is good, esp for your generation. Play spyro 1-3, tony hawk pro skater series, syphon filter, metal gear solid, digimon world, twisted metal, LSD dream emuatlor, resident evil, ape escape, g-darius, etc. Enjoy how much more unique games used to be, and when they had remember-able soundtracks.

It started the cancer of DLC and social shit. Kill yourself.

badly formatted post incoming

will do
done ill be hated for this but I liked american wasteland the most the multiplayer was godtier
played one on my psp, I plan to play more
I played and finished and loved every single one with big boss, I'm still trying to get into the original one
ehhhhh idk
done, i love surrealism
if you know more games like it then please do tell
never heard of these actually

The feel and music of the old games is what I love the most. I think the pinnacle of the gaming industry was early 2000s, when devs still had both love and money for video games.
I believe Deus Ex is the most important title and the peak of gaming industry and if not then it's at least the most revolutionary title like Citizen Kane or Space Oddysey revolutionized cinema

wtf hotwheels i just did it 30 mins ago

is this normal? I've been on Holla Forums for a year but I lurk more than post and I have not experienced this yet

It likes to do that when the website is being shitty. Which is all the time now, so enjoy that.

I got into gaymen in 1989 and still think 2000-2005 was the golden age. It was a good mix of devs using what they knew worked and still being willing to try something new.
While the 90s were good there are still more good games released each year now simply because there are 200 times as many games released each year.

Anyone that thinks there are no good vidya today are too stupid to actually look for games instead of just waiting for someone to shill some AAA trash to them.

Kripplekike and the krew are infamous for this site for functioning like shit all the time. It is a way of life for our people. Adjust, goy..

Ape Escape is basically this;

G Darius is a great shoot em up sidescroller;

Little threat of spoilers. Just watch the first few minutes and see if you like them. It's just my opinion man but these two are in my top 15 favourites.

Do you like RPGs?

When using DosBox you can use a general midi device your Windows provides, but it also has a few emulators for certain sound cards integrated.
Most games will support the SoundBlaster cards. Make sure you have set DosBox to the correct SoundBlaster , the SoundBlaster 16 for example isn't compatible with the SoundBlaster Pro.
For Dune you can enable AdLib Gold mode, which is a card similar to the SoundBlaster 16. In other games the AdLib Gold sounds exactly the same as the SoundBlaster 16.
Most modern games sound better on the Gravis Ultrasound, if the game supports it. It can be enabled but needs drivers to work.
For older games that support it, the Roland MT-32 sound way better than the SoundBlaster cards. The emulator for it is not included in the official version and you need two rom files for the emulation to work, but it's worth the effort.

Monkey Island 2 Theme comparison:

The graphical style of a lot of games released in 2003 to 2005 (the later stages of 6th gen) look the best to me, such as Black & White 2, Fable, Hitman SA, etc. Also JSRF even though that was launch-day.

Oddly enough a lot of the launch titles for xbox / GC looked better to me than a lot of the games later on;

Compare metroid prime wind waker and super mario sunshine to Twilight Princess (one of the last games). Anyone else feel this way?

Ape Escape kinda reminds me of Tonic Trouble (another game I remember playing as a wee lad) and the ost seems sweet
I'll try it

that term is so wide these days that I dont know what to say

But yes, I mostly enjoy RPG elements in games. The one of the most classic ones I enjoyed are the Ultima Underworld games, Gothic 1-2, Might & Magic VI, Lands of Lore, Eye of the Beholder, Morrowind best TES imho and so many more I dont know what to list.
I don't enjoy JRPGs.

I actually always stay with Soundblaster or AdLib if possible, I just like the sheer shitiness of its sound

I was going to not suggest any DOS games since you seem to know your shit, but seeing that list, by chance did you ever play Betrayal at Krondor?

If you didn't, you should. It's an incredible game. How you feel about Deus Ex is pretty much how I feel about Betrayal at Krondor. It's one of those games that nails every element. Writing, gameplay, exploration, level design… it's like the virgin birth of open world RPGs.

Looks like you got pretty good taste there. I'll probably get some autists sperging out at me but if you're going to have a PSX collection going, don't forget FF7. 8 is the black sheep of the PSX series, but I still love it. 9 I haven't played much of; Like spoony, I just couldn't get into it.

But tactics is a definite must-have if you like that sort of genre.

Try out Silent Hill, Harvest Moon, Crash bandicoot series, Chrono Chross, Bomberman Collection, Threads of Fate, Rival Schools, Monster Rancher, Medievil.

Look those up and see if they appeal to you. That's about all of the other games I got in my stash.

If they exist, try to get some of the PlaystationPower / PS magazine demo discs if there are ISOs of them.

Happy gaming.

On a side note, anybody played Quest for Glory games here?

I played the first one in VGA, the VGA fan remake of the 2nd one and the 3rd one (and I plan to play the 4th one now)
Holy fucking shit. Why are these games not mentioned more often? I don't think I've played a single game that made me feel that I'm on an adventure more than QFG 3.

The Coles are making a new game, but it doesn't look very good. The closest thing to a new QFG will be probably Mage's Initiation, a game made by the guys who remade QFG 2 and King's Quest 1,2 and 3

That's a bad way to say 1999.

Not sure why anyone would buy old games off gog seeing as most of those game developers are dead and don't get a single penny. Makes sense to buy new games off gog. I bought more than a few gog games because I was totally against piracy, but soon realized it's alright to pirate games whose developers are dead.

I'm still a bit hesitant to pirate new games whose developers are still alright like the Witcher 3 and Dark souls 3, even if it's as shit as everyone says, it doesn't warrant a pirate. Now for shit publishers, I care less, even though at the same time, it's still not right to pirate.

They are mentioned in certain circles. Holla Forums just has a lot of casuals and newfags, it's to be expected.

I played the entire series, but to be honest I am not a fan of 1-3. HOWEVER, I am so much a fan of 4 that it kind of makes up for it. The setting, the FUCKING MUSIC, everything in that game is absolutely perfect. It's the best adventure-adjacent game ever made.

Is that why I could never get .mid to sound good on anything that wasn't an SB16?

Yeah. "General Midi" is of the devil.

Thanks, I'll definitely try them out.

I've bought in on GOG inb4 REEE a few months ago and I still haven't given it a solid whirl, but looking at how the world exploration is solved it might be a great ride.

I enjoy buying old games on GOG just for the sheer idea of promoting the availability of old titles and such, however foolish that may sound.

I still have that game on an original CD though, and there are some workarounds to make it play on Windows 7 without virtual machines

Now I'm even more eager to play it

Another side note: Metropolis Software was working on a Witcher game in the 90s, there are some old screenshots of the prototype. It looks kind of like fantasy Alone in the Dark/Resident Evil game. I can find the screens if you guys want them

Oh what the hell let me post them anyway

You do have a point, GoG makes the effort to retouch the games and make them work for modern computers.

Top kek

Also, pic related is you right now.

There's also this list:

The top contenders are not interesting at all, but as you go down the list you'll find the more obscure games. Basically subtract the usual obvious ones and you will start to find some good options you probably haven't played before.

Definitely give it a shot. It has a very interesting approach to a large world. Your ability to explore that world is defined by the chapter of the game you're in. There's always multiple avenues to go, and the game gets progressively more open as the game goes on. My favorite part is how encounters and areas of the world change as the story progresses–so a place you've been before might suddenly have traps and ambushes set by an invading army, and so forth. It's also got riddle chests. RIDDLE CHESTS. Best chests ever.

I noticed you say Mage's Initiation is the closest thing to QFG we've got now. Does that mean you don't know about Heroine's Quest? I haven't played it myself since I tend to turn my nose up at indie adventures, but people I trust on the Codex say it's really well done. Might have to turn off voice-overs because you always have to do that with indie adventure games, but people say that once you do that it becomes almost as good as legit QFG, and that's saying something.

Forgot the link. Here it is:

You know the MUSTARD RACE came from ex 360 faggots, right? Xbox brought only cancer.
Kill yourself shitstain.

Yet another sidequestion: Do you guys have some high quality old video game posters? There is a cheap printing company nearby and I've already printed:
- Deus Ex
- Duke Nukem 3D
- The Ultimate Doom
- Doom 2
- Might & Magic
- Stalker call of pripyat
- the "Welcome to lordran" dark souls posters
- cs go poster just because it looks cool as fuck
and some more that looked bad after printing and i utilized them
if someone would have some original fallout ad, cover art or poster in high quality I would be glad, I've been looking everywhere.

holy fucking shit this looks cool, thanks chap
i dont know how I missed it

Keep pushing your dank memes while I enjoy my many games that the Xbox does indeed have

So what's the worst year in video games? Besides [CURRENT YEAR] for the past several years.


Damn, look at all that nothing:


now I feel bad

to answer your question, i guess it would be the year devs found the perfect recipe for milking money from mindless crowds, whenever that would be

Here you go autismo:


This is why I fucking love the Fire Emblem oldfags. The series can fall down as many holes as it wants, you'll never take 1-10 and TRS away from me. And the fan translation and hacking scenes have firmly embedded a respect for the older games in most of the pre-Awakening fans.

Keep up that damage control for your ebin meme.


you should get a hobby besides chinese cartoons

It's great you admitted you were wrong with your non-response.

1994 was also a fucking ridiculous year for gaming.

and it was such a nice thread. shame on you two.

Hello "Neutral".

you forgot doom 2 chap

90 games are fucking pathetic amount, not counting them being 90% shovelware. MS fucked the entire industry with their xbox. Calling butthurt mustard race just shows how anaflustered faggot you ar.

I forgot a lot of games.

1994 was that fucking good.

meant for

Fuck you're old. I hope I'm still shitposting when I'm that old.

Do you just buy like no less than 200 games for every console you own?

not even the dead can rest in peace

You still haven't addressed the DLC and social cancer brough by your precious xbawks.


I came to this thread specifically to wish for swift and merciless fury upon these men.

'97 here. Even I grew up with an N64 gifted to me by my dad, with Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, OoT, Banjo-Kazooie, etc.

Didn't have a PC in the home until '02, and even then just played mediocre licensed games (Simpsons Hit & Run comes to mind.)

Even I knew that vidya had gone to shit by 2011, the year I entered HS. Hell, freaking Skyrim came out that year. At least I had more time to focus on school :^)

Was this made after his death?

You mean what the Dreamcast started?

It's only natural a sperg would consider playing with other people a cancer.

Nice cherry-picking, faggot.


Bob passed away is 1995.
I'll have you guess.

Quest for Glory was amazing, though as I guess I'm slightly older than you I always think of it as "Hero's Quest" (and begrudge the VGA remake for messing up a bunch of puzzles and making the dialogue worse.)

There are a couple of other tributes to the series that are decent… Heroine's Quest did the same basic thing but with a female protagonist, and Quest for Infamy flips things so you're working on becoming the best villain ever instead.


DLC of various sorts has existed on consoles for a long-ass time, and is a logical extrapolation of subscriptions of any kind, particularly MMOs. DLC was destined to happen from the first moment a man imagined digital distribution. If DLC is the Dreamcast's fault, then it's also the fault of the cavemen who decided to start farming instead of hunting.

Great pasta, saved as nostalgiafag.txt

For some reason I thought it was much more recent than that. That's pretty fucked up tbh fam.


On a related note to the thread RE2 and Dino Crisis came out in 98, good shit, still the best RE games.

why his family probably gets paid.
When I die I can only hope my family is getting ad revenue for Quiznos going for an even edgier act.

Fuck straight talk and fuck walmart. Cunts.



You don't like Halo, faggot?

Yeah, what about it, memer?

Holla Forums in general has historically not liked Halo, with similar reasons for not liking CoD. It's slow, insultingly easy, put the two-weapon limit in vogue, and the fanbase was absolutely unbearable. It's one thing to be a mediocre game, but when you're selling millions and every other game in the genre starts mindlessly mimicking it, things get fucking unbearable. Thank God it's over.

Xbox started pushing DLC hard and paid online
Playing with other people is different than facebook lite.

This sounds like 360 shit.

Well it looks like we're done here. Don't bother replying, we both know you're a shitposter.

I don't care that Holla Forums thinks it's the authority on gaming. Holla Forums hates everything.

Play on Heroic or Legendary instead of Normal.

I should have added a trigger warning for autism.

This user gets it.

Where do these people come from?

I never heard about Quest for Infamy either. Thanks for the info.

Just because you liked Halo as a kid doesn't make you any less or a moron as an adult.

Learn to read.

Just because you posted a meme character from a game you liked as a kid doesn't make you any less or a moron as an teen.

360 shit
To be fair, a lot of this like Halo 2's DLC was given out for free eventually. And the Xbox certainly wasn't the first console do do this either.

Also worth noting that the console is cheap as dirt and easy to mod for the plethora of actual good games on there, since most of the DLC shit is multiplat crap.

Yeah, because it's fucking limiting and boring, a step back in shooters.

If you're playing for the shitty multiplayer than it's perfectly fine to judge the game based on the community you'll be forced to play with.

Halo is garbage in the multiplayer department, and I only ever cared for it as a Singleplayer/Co-op experience.

We're done here.

You niggers need to learn how to disengage. He's fucking with you.


I'm amazed they are still going, this is some keyboard warrior shit right here.

Except it doesn't matter, most people on consoles don't use a headset to speak, and the ones that do can easily be muted.

I'll give it to you that some people here do, though.
Untrue. I actually do love video games.
The point is that the base skill level is lowered, which encourages other games to do the same. Also, more health is not "harder." While there are AI improvements on harder difficulties, the majority of what makes them "harder" is that you have to empy three magazines to bring down an enemy's shields.
It is bad, almost all of the time. If the player can't have all weapons that they've gathered up to a given point, then all weapons have to be able to get the player through a given area. This leads to all of the guns being made samey and every level being similar, because every gun has to be able to handle every situation. You've sacrificed one of basic, core joys of video games, variety of challenge, for pointless "realism."
Again, you're right on this one, but when a game sells that big, it starts affecting other series, which people didn't like.

What is the god damn point then faggot?

1995-2005 was the best decade.

What really killed most big name vidya was the rise of the 360 and PS3. This forced the cost of AAA development up massively (for a whole variety of reasons) which killed off risk-taking and innovation in the minds of publishers.

The easy access to online play didn't help mind since it led to a casual-dominated market but it was only one factor. makes for an interesting read.

I was orgianlly sent that link by a fairly faggoty friend I know so

No idea if they deserve hits so better to err on the side of caution.

Do you just form all your opinions on Holla Forums's hyperbolic arguments?

You sound like someone who doesn't like any strategy and just wants to play with no effort or thinking. Also ironic how you complain about it being "easy" than demand you have all the guns at once as if that'll make things harder.

Also no, I just played Campaign. Online was never a factor for me.

as turns out there are at least two anons too young to develop a functioning brain sperging over xbox and halo and too blind to notice what the fuck are they doing

I agree, but I'd widen it up to 1992-2007, many interesting titles came out before 1994 including ultima underworld and doom, and the full downfall of quality in video games started somewhere around 2008-2009.

I'm 19 and had an SNES and PSX until I was 5 years old. I wanna get my hands on them again so I can play vidya early in the cool spring morning from my bed on a small ass CRT on top of my dresser so I can pretend like its 2002 all over again

Go be proud of nostalgiafaggorty and hipsterism elsewhere.

And I've been gaming since the SNES. You know nothing about my age.


I don't know, do you put words into the mouths of everyone you argue with? It's a shitty system because you shoot a few mother fuckers then simply hide until you recover, it's campy and slow as fuck.

Are you fucking retarded? Games like Doom and PC arena shooters balanced this shit years before Halo came out. If would definitely make Halo a better game if it's weapons weren't all shit to use thanks to the crappy rng recoil pattern.

Don't bullshit me, the majority of Halo's gamemodes are team based ones. Playing like a lone wolf CoD shitter isn't fun as pub stomping gets old and shitty casual teammates gets even older as it will cost you victories. Especially if the other team IS communicating.
This shit isn't just 1v1 or Deathmatch.

My happiest vidya era was the SNES/Genesis era, personally. Even the shitty games were fun back then, but that's probably just because I was young and thus stupid.

My first console was an NES Nintentoddler.

There's a lot of good shit between 1995-2005, but it's hard to say that it's the best, when it doesn't include 1992-1994.
And probably lots great shit that I'm forgetting. So many GOAT-tier games came out then. It was also when licensed games had a chance of not being shit.

Yes, they can. That's part of what makes it easy. This is exacerbated by the OP-as-fuck magnum being standard.
Much more than they need to be. They have less variety than even Borderlands.

.I agree, but I'd widen it up to 1992-2007, many interesting titles came out before 1994 including ultima underworld and doom, and the full downfall of quality in video games started somewhere around 2008-2009.

If we're going longer than a decade I'll happily include more. Hell there are even occasional big budget games nowadays that aren't terrible. It's just that a decade gives a nice round summary for a golden age and numerically speaking 1995-2005 has the most classics (with pre-95 being 'experimental' and post-05 being the tail end of quality).

Also, I should note that even with Borderlands 2's lacking gun selection, (despite its touted billions,) that the unique abilities on rare weapons can be a joy to use, and I'd like to see more of that kind of thing.

>mfw I have no memory of the last good year for video games: 1997

This, in most cases emulation for PSX games works better on a Linux distro. Atleast the games i've played loaded and ran a lot more stable.

Oh and the logic of 2005 as the end date was also because it covered the 360's launch.

Again what was there was great but in pure numbers it simply cannot compare. Hell the FPS and RTS genres really didn't take off until the second half of the 90s outside of the genre-starters. RPGs, while they were doing fine before 95, also had a lot of classic entries in that time (IE games, Fallout). Certain sub-genres are also entirely non-existent.

The great games of the early 90s (and late 80s) laid the groundwork for the coming golden age certainly.

Oh and FF VI is overrated as all shit.

And if you just had regular health you still somehow wouldn't die if you went out guns blazing?

Bravo genius.

Do you enjoy being wrong? You can't use a sniper well in close quarters, and it's useless on flood levels. Rocket Launcher with low ammo and more noticable projectiles that can be avoided if they see it coming. Shotgun follows the trend of shotguns in games being good close-quarters and useless at distances.

Ah yes, I remember how the Needler and the Sniper Rifle work so similarly. If by similarly you mean "used to kill things".

It is. Just a bunch of autists blabbing on about how "there's no good gaems!", ignore every example that proves them wrong, and act like there wasn't shovelware and mediocre crap ten years ago.

Play Croc as well. Also has toptier music.

I'd honestly pick 2013

2013 mostly for being the year of overhyped and underdelivered games such as Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite and DMC: Devil May Cry and the most blatant example, Gone Home

It was the year when gaming journalists proved they have absolutely no idea of what actual consumers want and started seriously pushing their tumblr-ist agenda into gaming

The most surprising new games since 2013 have been almost exclusively indie titles, since triple-A gaming industry pretty much died after the launch of 7th console generation. 2013 was, of course, also the launch year of the worst console generation so far. Only now, three years later, is the PS4 finally getting SOME games while the XBone is still gathering dust.

Considering Fire Emblem Awakening's english release came out in 2013 I think we might have a winner.

For me it'd be that or 2014 probably siding with 2014.

2013 had some passable titles (Nazi Zombie Army for a budget game, Blood Dragon was fun, Gunslinger was great) while I can't name anything I'd ever play more than once from 2014.


jesus fucking christ you hate fun

Also for 2013:

MGR (not a game I particularly liked personally but many did).

EU:IV (babby's first GSG but not a terrible game).

Brave New World finally making Civ V a 'finished' game.

Metro LL was acceptable if not as good as 2033.

Arma 3 and PoE are fine if you have the type of autism that favours those games (again I don't).

Poor show but not as bad as 2014 though 'winning' second worst year in vidya is hardly an achievement.

If you count SJW journalists and the console release 2013 might win but if we're counting meta shit outside of game releases 1983 always wins.

I agree. I honestly think VII was the peak.

2012 might have kickstarted it, but 2013 was also the explosion of Kickstarter, Patreon, and "art" games in general. 2012 was the major reveal of corporate influence and other corruption in journalism. Remember that 2012 was the release of Mass Effect 3: "You're Just Entitled"

I'd like to put everything else aside for a moment to ask what games you think prove them wrong.
Nobody's saying this. They're saying that the ratio was different.

Nope, unless the game is a slow unbalanced piece of shit that uses hitscan weapons commonly.

now and only le 90s kid memers say this
Welp, missed it last year but is this what Summer looks like on 8/v/?

The irony here is amazing.

Oh yeah, we are considering just games but I completely forgot about the feminist outburst. Still, if we count that in I think 2014 wins as the worst year.

No, you hate fun for having aspergers and being butthurt about every single post that is made on here

For comparison 2014's games of note:

Stick of Truth
Luftrausers? I seem to remember Holla Forums talking about it but it really isn't my type of game.
Legend of Grimrock II (though again I haven't gotten around to it).

Maybe Banished or Alien Isolation but that's pushing it.

2014 also has god knows how many terrible youtube bait games. FNAF, I am bread and so on.

I meant all of FF was somewhat overrated though I'll agree VII is the best of what's there.

Every user on Holla Forums has aspergers and gets butthurt about every single post. That's pretty much the reason for Holla Forums's existence.


Oh god, I had that shit happen with an awesome Castlevania MIDI. There was an evil laugh in it, and later it was magically BRRRRRIIIIIING, TE-LE-PHONE!

Everything that's good is. Though that's not to say that it's good right now.

Super Mario Galaxy, Donkey Kong Country Returns/Tropical Freeze, Sonic Generations (and this is coming from someone who hadn't played Sonic prior to it)


You sound pretty butthurt right now. Maybe you're just projecting?

Crap, posted that when I was still writing the list. Posting more games in a sec.

Most, but not all, of what's good often is overrated yes.

There are degrees of overrated user. FF is on the higher end of that scale.

Dead Rising 2, Super Meat Boy, Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101, Bloodborne (even on this cynical board there's many who say it's good).

Quite the opposite, I'm having a chuckle.

You still don't see the problem. Let me put it this way, bluntly:
- You start a "discussion" on a topic completely unrelated to the thread
- When the other guy starts fucking with you you don't drop the topic and go on (although im committing the same sin here)
- You start pointing out weird shit complaints out of your ass at random people for whatever reason maybe you are bating? who knows
- You do all of this in this angry-testosterone-teenage poster kind of speech

Not that I can stop you from doing it. Assuming you are old enough to play the SNES then you are old enough to take care of your life, and continue to use these free-speech multi-minded forums in any way you desire.
Just remember that all others have that freedom as well. Enjoy posting :^)

Weird, I never experienced any sound problems with dosbox. That being said, my old 90s PC died and I have no way of comparing the two.

Are we going to see >215

Wrong. It was started by a "no games" memetard.

That'll be tricky, considering that autosage is at 300 now.

It also had these two games and that for me made it's existence worth it

It started when you got butthurt because someone insulted the xbawks for shitting up game development as a whole.


Why do they pretend munch never happened?

1998 was great, but 2004/2005 was the goddamn golden age.

You mean the things you got proven wrong about because DLC existed before Xbox and the other was you being a moron who thinks playing games online with others is like Facebook.

Just stop kid. People are only replying to your dumbass to see how long you'll argue like a fucking sperg.

Halo 1 was published by fucking Microsoft as an Xbox launch title.

It's about as AAA as they come though admittedly it was maybe of the older 'breed' of AAA.

M$ also had it downgraded from an ambitious game into a limited consolebabby shooter which caused plenty of annoyance at the time (though I rather doubt most of Holla Forums was paying attention back then). First big example of dumbing down a game for the console market really and a sign of what was to come.


Goddamn, no wonder Halo 1 was such a success.

You're so witty, aren't you.

RTS as a genre had existed for maybe 5 years at that point (ignoring crazy outliers) and there was plenty of innovation going on.

That was also a very early build and I was referring to the later ideas which were something more akin to a FC1 style limited open-worlds shooter rather than the limited shooter we got. The fact that you know so little about this tells me you were probably a child at the time it came out.

The one positive was how much it annoyed macfags (some of the ones I know are still upset about it) since shit like Marathon was so dear to them. Bungie being bought about by M$ was not a happy day.

Compared to you, yeah. At least I don't think Halo wasn't the 2001 equivalent of a AAA game.

Also in third-person, if that wasn't clear.

The shooting in Halo might not be terrible as much as bland but given the history of the developer it was, and still is, a massive let-down.

The reason it's referred to as babby's first FPS is because only people who had never played another shooter were impressed by it.

I hope I'm not.

My dad was shitposting back on the BBS boards when we was in his 20s and 30s, and since I inherited his naturally talent for getting tired of shit, I imagine I'll be done with this well before I'm in my 30s.

You should too, if you care about your life.

I just hope I turn into one of those cool guys who barely posts but always has something really insightful to say.

Can only hope.

I hope people like you don't abandon us completely even if they gave up shit posting. The younger and newer the community we get the worse it'll probably get.

Also, only in 1992:
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Monkey Island 2
Alone in the Dark
Console ports of Street Fighter 2
A link to the past
Desert Strike
Contra III
TMNT: Turtles in time
Everybody claims that 1998 of the 90´s was the best year of it´s decade, but 1992 is a serious contender for the title.

I just wish I had been there for the BBS days.

My dad told me about how he and a few friends would tag-team on the old bulletin system games and just annihilate all of the other players in the area (read: all of the other players, since this was pre-internet), and helped pioneer the concept of griefing in video games.

He still played with one of his friends in actual games and stuff well after I was born, especially with co-op or even on the same game. Dogfighting games in particular were made quite effective by having a pilot and a gunner.

Nowadays people don't play video games with people, though. It's all about multiplayer where you don't actually see faces, or singleplayer. The idea of two-four people wanting to play a game is considered a foreign concept now.

I'm glad I was at least raised on older games. I think Oblivion was first game I played within a few weeks of release - and I still enjoyed Morrowind more, even then.

I still have the box, just for the novelty of having a "Rated T" Oblivion.

The other day i saw my cousins both sitting in front of the same ps4 playing minecraft locally in split screen co-op.

They both seemed monumentally confused, but at least they werent saying how shit it was i guess.

I'm glad I had such significant exposure to older games as a kid. I had better taste as a child than I did as a teenager.

This makes me so depressed, when one of the main reasons of owning a console is now hardly even considered. You wont find a better example of this than Halo 5.

Immediately this thread will be inundated with
While I think you post is bait I agree with you.

Practically everything I hate about the industry now didn't even fucking exist.
Every form that nickle and dime shit takes

Patching wasn't a thing so they actually had to beta test games instead of just crapping it onto a disk and saying they'll patch it later.
They couldn't rush games like they do now.
Nobody would stand for that shit.

They weren't trying to sell an all-in-one entertainment system to a bunch of fucking jackwagons.
The playstation could play music CD's but for the most part everyone made machines intrinsically designed to play games.

Games were played with controllers that had buttons of them.
No really dumb gimmicks bundled in driving up the cost of systems.

None of this vapid letsplay facebook stream tweet bullshit.
No achievements.

Women didn't pretend to give a fuck about what is ostensibly a medium dominated by the action genera.
Journos didn't resort to trolling feeble-minded twat-mouthed idiots to try and stay relevant.

The dark thought, the thing that makes me stare into the middle distance is that there are a vast majority of people who think that this, all this, is what videogames are.
Videogames are these things that end with numbers because the numbers mean it has stood the test of time and being the latest one means its the best one.
Of course it is, this one has better graphics, I saw it showed off at E3, E3 footage never lies.

Most importantly is that casuals couldn't exist.
People were practically forced to cultivate skills.
Games barred the casual idiot horde from a sense of accomplishment.
You couldn't just go on youtube and watch a walkthough.
They'd say back then
When it wasn't like that at all.
They were just dumb.
They didn't like challenge.

To me the one thing that happened, the one titular change is that those pieces of shit started to buy videogames.
Really dumb easy videogames.
Everything else is a result of apathetic plebeians who are easily manipulated by corporate powers paying into being financially raped and not caring.

I feel like 3 things are responsible for all of this shit:
It created the mindset that you can have everything served to you on silver platter, and everything that is hard or unhandy should not be accepted. Every single thing must be non-opressive and available at a snap of a finger, otherwise it's a problem nowadays.
I'm not trying to be the "hurr grafficks don't matter hurr" guy, but the games have became too visual. There is no place for human imagination or sense of a virtual expierence, everything has to be heartless and realistic at these times.
The main offender. Video games became too much of a business and corporations have turned on the milking machines. Before that games used to be made for, not small, but at least more enclosed community that knew what it wanted. Now you just have this brainless mass throwing their wallets at big name publishers because they are too lazy to get involved in something better than the mass-produced crap.

Video game "journalists" were always shitty people.

They went the route of Richard Garriott. As in they lost their fucking minds. Their last good game was QFG4.

There are anons on here born in the 2000's.

Let that sink in.

There are anons on here born in the 1990's.

Let that sink in.

Are there any free OSes with customer support and automatic updating and whatnot? One of the important aspects of a computer is that shit just works and you don't have to do shit yourself.

Will linux send a repairman to my house?

There are anons here born in the 1970s, and we're too old to even fucking be here.

Thats totally not radical dude.

And here you are, displaying how much you don't fucking know about computers. You build you own fucking rig, install your own OS, and get it to work on your own. Unless your product is a laptop, you shouldn't be fucking with prebuilts.

I'm using a pirated copy of Win 7 Ultimate, and I'm pretty sure customer service wont cover me there.

Dude, you're old enough to be my dad. Though probably not as perverted.

Playing the wrong sound does not qualify as "gamebreaking."

Wind Waker's visual style came from Nintendo realizing how hard it would be to produce a high quality looking Zelda on the gamecube, so they shat out the ugliest cel shaded shit they could while a team worked on the better looking zelda for a long ass time with it eventually being TP.

Wind Waker is nothing but a story of fail. The game is easy with shit exploration, shit water everywhere, shit story, shit looking characters, shit looking art direction, and boring dungeons.

It also sold terribly, with lower sales than Majora's Mask which required buying a ram upgrade for the N64 to even play. So Nintendo got what it deserved for being incompetent and deceitful bastards.

They were deceitful because they showed an entirely different concept for the game at a previous E3 in order to get people excited for it, then pulled a switcheroo on them. Gamecube was the first major middle finger Nintendo gave to its fans. A Mario game that doesn't play much like one and has an overly shitty gimmick and one of the worst Zelda games. It's no wonder they only sold like 20 million Gamecubes.

Found one of the "why didn't they use the super serious art style" turds.
Most of your complaints about the game were subjective as fuck. There weren't enough dungeons and the world was boring as shit to explore, there's your objective criticism.

It is bad, because it is less fun. Games should be about being fun, not just having "realistic" arbitrary limits placed on them. The initial stages of Doom's development had plans for a lot more gimicky "realistic" things in the game like movable office chairs, but they removed them because they decided making a focused FUN game was better.

That's part of why Doom is still popular today. It was made to be fun. It was not made to be "realistic", or "cinematic", or pigeon hole player options.

Doom is focused like all good games have been. Cinematics and "realism" made games that were boring to play through more than once and modern games are even worse, because they're too boring to play through even once.

It looked like shit. It looking like a cartoon wasn't the problem, the art style chosen was low effort trash.

See what I mean, subjective. I thought it looked fine, it was the gameplay that suffered horribly.

Did I say it wasn't subjective? I also listed objective flaws and an objective fact about how unpopular the game was. Gaming journalists and Nintendrones like you with no standards did similar as with DmC. Shifting all the blame on it being cel-shaded.

The game looked like shit. Jet Skate did cel shading better and it was on the Dreamcast, yet Nintendo shits out bland doodle Link on a more powerful system and you want to pretend it looks good or had effort. Or how about Dark Cloud 2's Cel-shading on the PS2? Wind Waker is low effort shit, you're just not willing to admit it.

So not only do you watch strangers play video games instead of playing them yourself, but you can't even comprehend that others on Holla Forums don't do this? Please get the fuck out and go back to whatever shithole you came from.

Entire genres have died since then. Hard to say there are more good vidya today when they don't make the games you like anymore. But go ahead. I sure do love them "earthbound inspired rpgs" and badly made 2D platformers. I mean when you've got FPS and open world action RPGs, who even needs other genres? And we have MOBAS! Why even bother with single player anymore? Or local multiplayer, for that matter.

It has less choice than most. Just admit that.

DLC goes back to before the Dreamcast. But paid DLC was popularized on Xbox. Started on PC, but I'm pretty sure Xbox was the first console with paid DLC, which means it popularized it, since PC games were a niche market in the '90s and early 2000s.

Playing with strangers who are mostly shit. I might as well play by myself. This just gives devs an excuse to release a more barebones game. But hey, they get extra money from the people who buy it so they can play Halo with their friends! Except they're not even there for the game, they're there for their friends, and then they say "I'm such a gamer!" and people start marketing to them instead of us, making shit to pander to these idiots instead of actual good games.

Le epic meme, brosef. Did you hear that on reddit??

So then I might as well be playing single player. At least then maps can be designed around that experience, instead of trying to make it fun for a bunch of people at once, when those other people might as well not exist from my perspective. Plus, then they don't need to invest resources into that whole section of the game that will cease to exist once the servers go down or people simply stop playing.

What? It's the exact opposite of that. When you can only have two guns at once, you are just given the guns for any particular situation, cutting down on your choice and thus giving you less to think about. Having more guns available gives you more to think about and more ways to play. You're an absolute idiot.

If you were talking about the N64 Zeldas, maybe you'd have a point. The rest of the series looks great though, and especially Wind Waker and Skyward Sword.



Yeah the least successful console of the entire generation derailed PC development. It wasn't gangster rappers telling all the normalfag kids to get a playstation 2. Definitely.

You're retarded.

If you're just here to sperg out at everyone purely for the sake of arguing you might as well list shit I actually said.

Did I say to not share your opinion? I'm only disagreeing with you here.
If you think it's subjective then stop trying to force your fucking opinion on me.

How did it do the cel shading better?

you with no standards did similar as with DmC. Shifting all the blame on it being cel-shaded.
Again, what? Can you fucking read you autist? I said the gameplay suffered horrible, I shat on the lack of dungeons, and the crappy exploration and you think I'm defending this game?

Again, you're clearly just here to argue for the hell of it.

pretty gay thread, op. pls check

pretty much any GNU/Linux distro will be able to do this, you'll probably have to turn it on though. i think it nags by default in ubuntu based distros.
because these OSes actually use package managers (unlike Windows does on most versions), you will update pretty much all your software via the package manager instead of fiddling with a browser. on Ubuntu based distros a good graphical package management program to use is Synaptic.
theres official documentation for most major OSes, and theres websites where people usually answer your questions like
does the NT kernel send a repairman to your house?

but seriously, does Microsoft even do that? pretty sure they just do customer support via call centers, emails and their websites. i strongly recommend becoming competent in solving your own computer issues over trying to delegate it to "repairmen", what they do is usually what you'd end up doing if you actually bothered to read manuals, instructions and/or googled shit. also worth mentioning that computer hardware repair has literally no repairing involved, its replacement of parts.

rarely does on any software until its quite stable. you're just not exposed to it because you delegated it to other people and/or are sitting on a pretty stable version of an OS. it got pretty stable by a whole shitload of bugfixing and QA. Windows 95, Windows 8, Windows Vista, and so on all had a notorious period of instability. it doesn't help that Windows isn't really well designed at all compared to unix-likes like GNU/Linux.

The only one sperging out here is you because I dared to point out how shit WW is.

Repeatedly pointing out subjective things that I said without any other context is you bitching about me stating them. I.e. you're assmad I insulted your childhood game.

The art wasn't lazy shit.

Blame for WW not being popular and splitting the fanbase back in the day was shifted entirely to it being "cel-shaded" similar to DmC's criticism being shifted to "not having white hair." In both cases there were a lot more criticisms, in particular Wind Waker looked like shit independent of being cel-shaded. It's art style was a problem. Now due to normalfag nerd culture WW has risen to heights of glory it never deserved.

What are you even arguing then, faggot? You took offense at my saying the game looked like shit, and it does indeed look like low effort shit. Pretty much everything about the game is low effort.

These pictures right here show how shoddy and low effort Wind Waker's art style is. If you took "Link" there back 3 years before WW came out and didn't bother to tell anyone who it was, most people wouldn't have guessed it was link. They would have thought maybe it was a shitty ripoff of link, based on the clothes and etc., but they would never have thought Nintendo would shit out such an ugly abomination. Yet fast forward to all the kiddies having their first Zelda on gamecube, and journos shifting blame entirely to anti-cel shading "realism gamers" and that abomination became "acceptable." Nintendo has even managed to use the same low effort shitty art style in two other games, because their hardcore fans are such retarded no standards cucks.

That's all beside the point that the game itself is also shit, but that is a given with how little effort they put into it. Wind Waker was the first title that Miyamoto had pretty much no involvement with the development of, and the team that did work on it had to rush it since the game they had promised was going to be too hard for them to have done at a reasonable time. So they shit out Wind Waker.

That was my point. The game is low effort trash that rides on the Zelda trappings, nostalgia, and the "hardcore" fans that never want to call any Zelda bad. Same shit for Skyward Sword another low effort game that sucked but gets defended all the time by nintendrones.

Have some fucking standards for once you faggots.

>Born in 98

it had objectively the greatest japanese import exclusive of all time.

I've been chasing a cheap xbox for this game alone for years now.

No nigger, I just didn't grow up rich and didn't get my first PC/console until I was old enough to buy one myself.

golden age was from 1998 to 2007, but not because of the weeb shit you casual fags are probably thinking about

What a shit fucking thread. You done signalling your autism? Find somewhere else to have someone suck your dick simply because you tastes aren't as bad as the majority.


i'm pretty fucking sure games of the past don't suddenly disappear and/or self-destruct just because you were born after their generation

or else I wouldn't have had a used, beat to shit Master System as a kid

No I only defended the art style.

Well for starters, I've never played WW for longer than 5 minutes at a time and for the first time last year when a friend of mine was playing it and it was emulated. I agreed that the game was bad though and just argued the point on the art style.

How so? It's literally the only thing I ever liked about the game, which is why I never bothered to go out of my way to play it.

Fuck you, I was livid over that shit. To this day I can't stand the look of that mother fucker they replaced Dante with, and the piece of shit game they stuffed him into.

Yeah, Zelda is always one of the first games poser faggots jump do when it comes to dishing their "gamer cred" out. I think a lot of WW love has to due with nostalgiafags though.

Haha, no. You are more ass flustered right now than Trigglypuff, to the point that you can't even read properly and see Nintendofags in everything.

But how? Do you think it doesn't blend right? Is there jarring out of place textures and anatomy that doesn't fit with it? You never fucking explained this shit. Posting two different examples of art style and saying one is better without exampling why is retarded.

Makes sense, I agree completely.

I thought even normalfags hated Skyward Sword, Nintoddlers will literally defend dogshit though. Just look at any Star Fox Zero thread, always one or two of them.

All you're doing is repeating what I've been telling the Splatoon faggots. "Hurr it's just new figurines, it's not affecting the gameplay."
I am seriously not your enemy here.

the biggest problem is the publishers

for years they thought ripping off CoD will make them CoD numbers. But what they don't seem to get is why would anyone buy a CoD rip off when they can just Buy CoD.

but lately CoD seems to be getting less yearly sales so I'm slightly interested in seeing whats going to happen

or at least what new thing is going to get ripped off for the next couple of years

I'm guessing, Souls games.
So far we've only seen Ni-Oh, but I'm pretty sure that isn't the last we've seen of that cash cow.

if the past two years indicate anything, it's that more publishers are going to demand for more TF2 clones and ASSFAGGOTS

I'm 18 today. I was born in 1998

The blatant scarcity of games makes this seem like a lie.

>Current gen consoles released three fucking years ago
The Bloodbornestation has about three games, and the Xbone has about zero. No fucking way these consoles are three years old.

They frequently do if they have online focus. Or if they were distributed in weird ways. You will never play the Satellaview sequels to Link to the Past or Super Mario USA in their intended ways, with full voice acting and shit.



I turned 18 two months ago, user.

>Three years later

I mean, the PS3 took forever to be worthwhile, but at least the Wii enough games to justify it by this point (whereas the Wii U doesn't), and last gen was usually long for a console lifespan. We're due for a new generation soon, and this crop of consoles has figuratively (literally in the Xbone's case) zero video games. What the blueberry fuck gives?

There was a time when magazines like PC Gamer and Amiga Power were decent. Now the mags are all garbage.


but Marvel 2 and SNK 2 hadn't come out yet, nor Third Strike

or viewtiful joe

or devil may cry

or phoenix wright

hell, Sonic adventure 1 JUST came out and jet set radio is nowhere on the horizon

Not even SSX or NBA Street was made

holy shit get it together OP

OSX is trash too you cucks.

OG Xbox didn't have paid DLC nigger faggot.

And PC gaming wasn't niche in the late 90s. Fuck off underage.

Stop pushing the golden age up nigger faggot.

Nigger, I''ve experienced the 90s in its entirety.

Nice shitposting retard.

They were amazing. Slow internet was a pain, tho.

ps2 generation was better. most of the games that came from the n64, and ps1 don't hold up aside from the noteworthy ones. Fuck their are games from the ps2 generation I've never even heard of at the moment, that are probably 10/10

I don't know, I think 2010-2011 was when many of the tepid sequels and shit started getting flooded (Dead Space 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, etc.) along with shitty DLC and DRM practices, the cementing of Steam's digital monopoly, and the beginnings of many of the indie "devs" rise. Along with the ground being laid on the SJW shit in video games that would allow all that garbage to take root.


Well, you're persistent. I'll give ya that.
Are you who I think you are?

It helps to have an easy .exe install that cuts out all the patching and setting up.
You can tweak it after that, and it's pretty easy to share.
I know I can just pirate the games, but with the UK shutting down access to pirate sites left right and center, it's getting easier just to shell out £2-5 here and there for when I can't find a working torrent.

Oh, believe me, I have a very tight grip on the classics.

I'm not going to explain why you shouldn't like the art. It looks like shit.

I had nintendrones responding as soon as I posted about WW being shit, and it happens everytime.

Why do I need to explain why the art looks like shit? I posted a picture of WW's Link and a comparisson of some actual good cel shading. Nintendo put out low effort shit, that's all it is. It's five minute doodle in video game form.

are you sure?

The UK is a slave to American corporate interests. There is now a 10 year prison sentence for piracy!

Solution: get a seedbox. They can't track that and it is pretty cheap.

They probably have been for a long as time.
>Solution: get a seedbox. They can't track that. They can't trace that back to you easily. It would require either A) a warrent or your reginal equivilant, B) the host to keep logs of connected IP during downloading/account stuff, C) You paying via credit card or other easy to trace methods like direct money transfere, D) Using real infomation when signing up . There is probably more that at have missed.


What game?

The UK is a slave to Rothschilds

Right off the bat the author makes themselves look childish and undermines their own shit.

You sound desperate and I have no idea what you're even talking about.

My problem is simply put, if your caveat emptor is to deflect all criticism or questions with "LOOK AT THE MONKEY" then you've already reduced your own argument to childish rambling. Everyone agrees that there's people who are fucking up the world, that's not in question. But to argue that the reason you're right is because "we can say JFK, therefore, we are automatically right and you are automatically wrong" to people who have questions or criticisms, it makes you insufferable and unable to handle criticism and shows that you have so little faith in your shit that you won't even stand by it on its own merits and feel the need to prop it up with "A IS A BUT ALSO THEREFORE B."

You make your argument, and then you shut the fuck up and let people discuss. But trying to preemptively stifle people with "JFK IS DEAD, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID" as an opening statement – nah, fuck you. I ain't even saying what he wrote is wrong, I'm saying don't be a fucking child and try to create a dismissal defense.

Now shut the fuck up.

Yeah, no, I am a functioning reasoning adult who doesn't want to be condescended.

Yeah you're really desperate and nobody knows what you're talking about. Fuck off jew.

I lost my little sister to this shit. What are you on about?


Is this just a variation of "my uncle died that way" or do you have a story to tell us?

She's just addicted to youtube and the family has given up on getting her to play good vidya. I've seen her spend all day watching a faggot play when there's a fucking computer in the living room.

I wish people would stop this shit. You are responsible for your own opinions and a fucking Mandarin Hieroglyphics board isn't something you can hide behind to claim you have some perceived consensus when your taste in games is likely just as shit as that other guy.

No, I'm Holla Forums!

How old is she? Maybe it's not too late after all.

I've given up. The best we've managed to accomplish is shaming her out of playing minecraft.

This game is shit, far more shitty than minecraft ever was. All you're really doing is destroying video games for her, and she'll come to hate them altogether later in life now because of your fucked up family.

What game?

Oh wait, you meant She's not even playing it. just watching a faggot play it. I've gotten her to play better games, but nothing keeps her interest.

Is this it?
Is this what we do to our heroes? Our role models?
Do we not let their name remain in our heart and let corporations bastardize their names and legacy?
Is there a point in fame or being a model for everyone to look up to if it ends in this?

Probably because you already showed that you're a bit of an overbearing asshole?

You have done irreparable fucking harm.

I know it's casual stuff but heck, even sport-games were better in the late 90's. Now they are just way too fast with people flying around in collective messes, no actual strategy or any resemblance of skill going on these days.

No wonder why they are so popular nowadays, even a 4 year old kid can play those games at a good level.

Dead Rising 2 was a good game, even if Off the Record is the superior version.

Sorry Satan, stopped reading there.

Betrayal at Krondor was good shit.

those who would turn a blind eye deserve this future


I don't have an issue with what's said, I only have an issue with childish faggots who try to make their argument bulletproof by saying stupid shit like "JFK therefore I win!"

The fact of the matter is, we do have a secret cult in the world who does make up fucked up decisions, and while you have total freedom to make your own decisions, the outcome of your decisions might be decided in secret by someone who wants to use you like a game piece.

These people are not above fucking with you regardless of how famous or how unknown you are. Mel Gibson spoke out of turn, and now he doesn't make movies, because he went against what they told him to do.

Mel Gibson? You mean the guy that fucked himself with more than one PR nightmare due to drinking?
Especially in a Jew heavy community like Hollywood, of course he's not making shit anymore.


there is no god: the level

i miss the golden age of gaming so much Holla Forums
hold me

I hope age cures my autism

Giraffe level is easy but as a kid i'd get stuck on the fucking cave coyotes

turok 2

so many classics

From Atari 520/ST till the Xbox era when everything went to liquid shit.

Born 1997 here.

Literally the first console I owned was an N64 and one of the first games I played on it was Ocarina of Time. So overall I think I did pretty well.

Were Spyro and MGS 1998 as well?
I can't remember for sure.

Look, if you don't like weebshit that's fine, but at least calm your autism and don't go spouting "weebshit is objectively bad".

1998 was nothing special

.t oldfag

As a youngfag I can confirm that by 20 most people who are still playing vidya only get hyped for one or two games a year. Unfortunately it's for shit like Fallout 4 and The Division. I personally haven't been hyped for a new game since Other M broke my spirit.

I'm a Melee autist, which means if I want to play the game I have to play it locally for a quality experience. When I talk to other college students and they ask "how do you get good" and I respond "go to tournaments and play with people" they all think it's weird. They're missing out on the fun of getting together with your friends, shooting the shit and playing vidya. I blame ASSFAGGOTS for this.

feels good

do you want me to fucking post it, user?

You're a faggot for asking for permission so you might as well be an even bigger faggot and post it


Not sure what you mean

I know that fucking feel user. I lost my little brother to that shit around the same time my sister grew out of that stuff.

Same age, started with my parents' NES. I still play mainly retro games.


Who cares about being too old.