So not only do you watch strangers play video games instead of playing them yourself, but you can't even comprehend that others on Holla Forums don't do this? Please get the fuck out and go back to whatever shithole you came from.
Entire genres have died since then. Hard to say there are more good vidya today when they don't make the games you like anymore. But go ahead. I sure do love them "earthbound inspired rpgs" and badly made 2D platformers. I mean when you've got FPS and open world action RPGs, who even needs other genres? And we have MOBAS! Why even bother with single player anymore? Or local multiplayer, for that matter.
It has less choice than most. Just admit that.
DLC goes back to before the Dreamcast. But paid DLC was popularized on Xbox. Started on PC, but I'm pretty sure Xbox was the first console with paid DLC, which means it popularized it, since PC games were a niche market in the '90s and early 2000s.
Playing with strangers who are mostly shit. I might as well play by myself. This just gives devs an excuse to release a more barebones game. But hey, they get extra money from the people who buy it so they can play Halo with their friends! Except they're not even there for the game, they're there for their friends, and then they say "I'm such a gamer!" and people start marketing to them instead of us, making shit to pander to these idiots instead of actual good games.
Le epic meme, brosef. Did you hear that on reddit??
So then I might as well be playing single player. At least then maps can be designed around that experience, instead of trying to make it fun for a bunch of people at once, when those other people might as well not exist from my perspective. Plus, then they don't need to invest resources into that whole section of the game that will cease to exist once the servers go down or people simply stop playing.
What? It's the exact opposite of that. When you can only have two guns at once, you are just given the guns for any particular situation, cutting down on your choice and thus giving you less to think about. Having more guns available gives you more to think about and more ways to play. You're an absolute idiot.
If you were talking about the N64 Zeldas, maybe you'd have a point. The rest of the series looks great though, and especially Wind Waker and Skyward Sword.