this looks sick as fuck.
fight starts around 3min 05sec
that funky music too
this looks sick as fuck.
fight starts around 3min 05sec
that funky music too
meh I though it was an action game not a bullet hell
Damn, the ending reminds me of Ikaruga.
I haven't played a fast twitch game in a long time
I hope you can turn off the cone of death things, reminds me of an MMO or something as is.
could be fun if i was 12
Your game looks interesting but it should stop moving the camera around and I agree with user here.
The animations themselves should speak for the size and shape of the attack.
this is bad. Artstyle, gameplay, music, all of it.
What's so bad about it?
Shit taste
Ill probably buy it for the Bullet Hell, Synthwave, and Black Samurai asthetics since its getting input by its creator.
looks like a shitty twinstick shooter made in flash
The game looks quite good, would definitely buy if I would actually own a PS4. Are there any games similar to this?
Its not a PS4 exclusive
No thank you. I prefer to play good games. This looks like shit.
This got boring pretty fucking quick.
Where are you seeing that, nigger? Get the fuck out of here.
This looks fucking great
It was the first boss fight doodo
When the first bossfight is shit and the game is just bossfights I stop playing. Besides, the one in the second post looks shit for largely the same reasons.
How about you kill yourself?
A wasted opportunity
If this was develepod by Platinum everyone here would be sucking its dick.
Thats because If it was developed by Platinum it would not look like boring shit.
Sword dueling game is a good idea, but everything else I've seen is not.
take cues from EYE you stupid twats
Looks ok. Like a more polished Nier.
No amount of edge will make the game you're pushing not be obviously shit.
looks cool. reminds me a bit about afro samurai just with a more colorful, futuristic spin.
Doesn't amaze me but it looks at least as good as a Suda game
That animation looks awful, you can tell there was a DMC3 influence and I like the idea, but no thanks
watch the second video
it looks sick!
Instead of bitching and telling people to kill themselves ask for feedback. The music is funky, art style looks nice, but that fucking game play wouldn't be a challenge to a 12 year old and It's obvious that the combat is supposed to be satisfying but when it's piss easy all you're left with is a bad taste in your mouth.
Who even talks like that here
watch this video
it looks sick!
This sudden influx of shills though
I'll watch your video in google™-approved 1080p, only on youtube™
wow man, your game looks dope on PS4™, I'll be sure to grab a copy
Power 4 da players
I'm not the only who sees Jetstream Sam right? Also something made me think of Mdotstrange Mainly the asshole Cyber samurai Jailer and now I'm disappointed this isn't anywhere near that level.
Its the firsf Boss in a game thats only about Boss fights.
This is literally the tutorial.
that dialog is cringy as fuck
pitter patter
Even worse than that. Those cones remind me of AVR, a short-lived mod for WoW that was deliberately broken by blizzard because it made raiding too easy.
So it's not MMO shit, it's shit that MMOs ban because it's too easy for MMO shit.
Also, the player character has WAY too much life. Like instead of 10 bars and 3 dots (so 40 bars) it should have something like 5 bars period. Especially since the boss heals you and doesn't even do a full bar worth of damage.
yep! the first scene is training, the difficulty is progressive!
just admit you are shilling your own game, user
The reception here will be much more better if you are being honest, jesus.
The visuals are disgusting though
You may have hit on something,
What if this is the creators getting his Samurai Jack rip-off into existence? By way of vidya (like how indie and failed movie makers use games).
A game that's just bosses with a (casual) bullet-hell phase? Sounds easy as pie to make popular with the right marketing, art-style, and making the player feel powerful- especially if its all the way through- but why the focus on a story? Even Infinity Blade on smartphones had a story with no cut-scenes explaining why you go from monster to monster killing shit.
I disagreed with you at first, but with the sudden influx of shills and breakdown of what we see, I'm less interested now.
And I don't have- or want- a PS4.
I was moderately excited until the actual gameplay started.
I was expecting MGR with magic, not a fucking bullet hell.
Game is not PS4 exclusive nigger, even Platinum games have cutscenes what the fuck are you on about and why are you comparing this with a shitty mobile game?
Lots of anons posting without knowing fuck all about the game.
What makes you think they wont remove mechanics mid game or this isnt easy mode for the casuals at IGN to actuslly finish the demo?
why can't I just jump like in my Ys games
What makes you think it would be more fun if it wasn't easy mode?
It's not like the devs would actually make the fight harder besides giving him a few more health bars.
This blatant shillinh is making me regret pointing out my grievances with the game.
>the fights are piss easy
What the fuck?
This game has "silent black samurai protagonist with a non-existent wise talking side kick" too?
I'd rather just watch Afro Samurai at this point, shit.
that's not how you spell furry op
if I watch the second video
I'm going to be sick
because the dev can't into gaym design
Feel free to make memes!
The whole cutscene beforehand led me to feel like it was going to be final boss-tier hard. I wanted to see the game look like it was going to kick my shit in at the first boss if I actually played it and shit. It looks incredibly easy to not even get hit once. I was thinking
That was basically it. It looks like it could be fun but, it's nothing I'd pay too much money for. Seems worth about 5 or so bucks but it'll probably be 20 or so, so whatever. I'm satisfied with the games I have already anyways; no need to buy more when I'm happy playing Monhun and Doom and shit.
This looks pretty bad.
What's wrong with you OP?
Granted this one is subjective.
I've seen worse, but there's nothing making me want to buy it.
I'm certainly interested. I'm fucking starved of fast action games that are more about score/survival rather than combos/style. Has there even been one worth playing released all year?
I tried so hard to enjoy that game. At least the soundtrack is good.
The dialogue is shit, the character design is shit, the music is shit and the gameplay is shit. It looks like a cheap ripoff of Afro Samurai with shoot em up elements. Fuck it.
I look at it and feel NOTHING.
This doesn't look bad enough to bash but it's not that great either.
Swordplay looks too simple.
Now, if the shooting and slashing parts were meshed together instead of being apart, it would get kinda interesting.
Looks okay for a tutorial-boss, but this kind of gameplay requires the developers to actually make interesting patterns throughout the entire game, and until I can see that actually being a thing there's no reason for me to be interested in this game. There's too many games out there who have a decent base for gameplay, but then fail to expand on it at all during the entire game.
Also the art style looks pretty shit. YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME was repeated way too much and just screams TAKE THIS GAME SERIOUSLY PLEASE.
The colors also clash way to hard.
polite sage for not impressed
How do you fuck up so hard?