Whats the best argument against this?

Whats the best argument against this?



Human nature is mutability. Not greed or selfishness. Change the material conditions of Man like say, give the control over the means of production to the community as a whole instead of the individual, thereby largely removing the profit motive, which would allow the mass industrialisation, admittedly brought about by capitalism, to be used to remove the issue of human needs, and his nature will change to suit his environment.

Tell them to read Nietzsche

Tell them to read Kropotkin

Tell them that human nature can be overcome with a sufficient level of state intervention.

Aside from "human nature" being a spook, what other facets of human nature are there? Usually the argument is that people are "too selfish" for socialism to work, that capitalism is the only system that works because it plays off of people's selfishness (conveniently ignoring the thousands of years that society functioned without capitalism).

So why don't we organize our society more around other facets of human nature? Why isn't lying condoned? If people are biologically inclined toward multiple partners, why have monogamy? etc etc

But, seriously. Ask him why he's using reason through language on a technology developed by reason and culture so far removed from immediate animal capacities and desires. He can go fucking eat grubs with the chimps in Tanzania if he's all about "muh nature". Goddam incoherent primitivist cavemen.

Nature can be overcome and influenced by environment so it is irrelevant.

I've never understood that argument.
What is human nature like in their opinion, and how is it in contradiction with democracy in the economy?

"what about human nature ever think about that" is not an argument. "Capitalism is human nature" is an argument, and it can be torn apart, but literally just spouting "muh human nature" doesn't add anything. The proper response to "what about human nature" is "What about it?"

Tell them to read Rousseau

I communism is against human nature, why are there communists?

Existence precedes essence.

Ask them to define human nature or ask a simple "why?". It's a meme response so they likely won't have anything but empty platitudes you can tear apart.

Tell them to read saint max

Read this dashing gentleman.

Communism is retarded. The only truly righteous -ism is Socialism.


Ive seen someone try to use Nietzsche to argue against communism saying that being too comfortable leads to decay.

Marx talks about human nature and it is human nature for the proletariat to want to take state power. People are naturally selfish and the proles want the best for themselves, and the best thing for them is socialism, followed by communism.

this. Socialism is the future. Communists are idealist retards.

There isn't any. you lost.

Enjoy your state capitalism with Asian values

that it's the human nature of assholes and this is a political system that functions to make society materially worse.

also chomsky has all this stuff about how the death of the commons is bullshit. the public loves the commons, unlike Big Oil and Coal.

tell them human nature is just a social construct