You Cannot Beat The Left By Using Leftist Language

You Cannot Beat The Left By Using Leftist Language

Among those on the Right, a disturbing tendency appears time and again where we attempt to use the arguments of our enemies against them, but go too far and use their language. To defeat a party by using its own arguments, you must show that your way works better in terms of achieving goals, and also possibly that their way does not achieve its goals. If the mayor says he wants to decrease litter, and he wants to do it by putting more trash cans in the town square, pointing out that most of the littering does not occur there is a winning argument. But Leftist language is not about goals; it is entirely categorical. You are either ideologically correct or the enemy. This is why it tends to operate in binary forms that designate a category of bad things, and an “anti” category for those that oppose them. People signal obedience by belonging to the latter.

For this reason, to use Leftist language is to affirm one side or the other when the actuality of the situation is more complex. Are you an ableist — a Leftist term meaning those who favor physically fit people — or not? Does the world ever fit into such narrow categories? Most people do not take ideological positions, but realistic ones, and the Left forces them into a categorical choice to control them. If you are not an ableist, after all, you agree with the Leftist position against ableism. On the other hand, if you say you are an ableist or try to evade the question, you will be filed in a neat little box of ideas that the Leftists want you to think are socially unacceptable. It is their way of either forcing you to conform or beginning the process of destroying you. Those who are not Leftist can defeat Leftists by rejecting their terms. This is why it is self-defeating (the worst kind of defeat) to use terms and metaphors like the following:

You may recognize the second item as the failed DR3/DemsRtheRealRacists ploy which generally serves more as an indicator of cuckservative intent than a refutation of Leftism.

If you need to call the Left nasty names, try these instead:

Unlike Leftist language, these are descriptive terms based on the behavior of Leftists. They also explain Leftism as a pathology and not an ideology, which is its weakness and why Leftists tend to be so fanatical. It is time to retake language from politics, and stop using it to affirm the Leftist narrative in a misguided attempt to attack Leftism. That never works.

These people are the progressive stack types of the Trump supporters, you can't teach them not to be fucking retarded dems real racist faggots.

Both sides of the coin have fucking retards. It's just a matter of keeping the retards out of spotlight

Good post, except for
that's an insult for coastal leftists, as opposed to the rural white rightists

I see this all the time with normie conservatives on Twitter. They're smart enough to support Trump, but still like to preach anti-racism when someone brings up racial differences in IQ or the JQ. They're also super cucked on Israel.

Can confirm, commie really chafes their bunbuns. I was refuting the "punchin nazis" meme by pointing out how it should also be acceptable to punch commies too then. Boy oh boy did that unhinge the loon. "Out of touch" like "reality denier" worked well in that argument.
it ended in absurdity since he kept deflecting and attempting to sidetrack and not address the issue after I had him pegged. So I went full retard to force him to just end it

Shows Trump's broad appeal and how we can cooperate for the greater good. Just mark the ones who are ripe for a slow redpill. Administer properly. If the lefties get too uppity it may accelerate the pill for many. Look how many are dropping celeb support and calling out the msm.
The IQ thing is the toughest pill to swallow for many. The facts are there they just need some light.

I wasn't 'racist' until the Jews on the Left made it clear there was no way for me not to be without openly hating and genociding whatever kind of person they declared me to be. In this case, it was 'white' 'male' and 'heterosexual'.

When I realized there was no way out of being racist if I was white, I realized this was just tribal and racial/ethnic politics feigning to be for 'humanism'. I then set out to discover which ethnic/racial group was benefiting from this. Typical minorities (Asians, Blacks, Latinos, etc.) were too obviously non-white for their objections to fall on white ears. So, I discovered it was the kikes all along, pretending to be white.

One day I want to compile a list of Leftist Newspeak terms and their definitions, and contrast them with the original meanings. It'll speak to the average person's understanding of reality and what they've always known the terms to truly mean. It's crazy how the Left have normalised terms like "bigot", "racist", "nationalist", "white supremacist" etc. right the way down to "Nazi" in some 5NF level absurdity.

This has been one of biggest fights for about three years now. I have had decent success helping my immediate family across the line and out of the cuckservative mindset, but it's been much more difficult getting through to family friends and uncles. They are so indoctrinated by the left that make the left's arguments even when fighting for Trump. I've found the best course of action has been to be unapologetic, be strong, and using humorous shaming tactics on goybook has won a lot of people over, like for example, "get x some pink hairdye, he sounds like he graduated from the Soros school of social justice."



Don't forget to call them out of touch and anti-science (for saying a man can be a woman if he is one in his mind).

I call them troublemakers. Makes them seem like children, which they essentially are.

Well I have reached my quota for daily retardation with a single image.

You have a quota?

I can only take so much before I shut down these days.

They are not on your side, remember the Trump effect has just:

I was thinking about the 'controversial' stance some companies took for their superbowl ads and it became transparently clear that they were doing it for the negative attention, purposely trying to provoke a response by cashing in on (1) above.

consider the sequence where she pulls the handbrake and drifts around a corner in the Audi commercial. The small legal disclaimer appears "Do not attempt.". This is also a threat, to us-

What are we if not pirates?



>calling Antifa "Fascists"
This is a JIDF tactic to deflect "bad PR" from Marxism/Communism & keep those concepts removed from the minds of the general public. You will find the people doing this are usually jews or their shabbos goyim. They're conditioned to respond to any authoritarianism or political violence by equating it with "Nazis" which serves to keep themselves & others utterly ignorant of Communist violence.

This is to prevent a domino effect redpill. Since if they saw Marxism/Communism influences for what (((they))) are, found that Fascism was opposition to Communism, found the Allies fought on the wrong side allowing Communism to take hold, found that corrosive/genocidal Marxism permeates our dying culture because we sided with marxist Jews to defend our own enslavement, so on & so forth. So you see, Fascism must be associated with Antifa violence to prevent erosion of the good goy conditioning which, to an extent, is already breaking. Cernokike has already had members of the "alt-kike" controlled opposition bend to the will of ADL jews by banning Pepe from the Deploraball. The event itself was swimming with hook-noses & cryptos.

A tactic I might offer to push back against the useful idiots going along with the "Antifa R Real Fascists" narrative. Suggest they are as stupid as Antifa: "When you call Antifa "fascists" you sound as stupid as Antifa" I really think there needs to be more coordinated pushback against "A.R.R.F.". We're seeing the fruits of Marxism via political violence which provides a perfect redpill opportunity, yet no one is seizing it while JIDF effectively deflects it with illogical spin.

I no longer even argue, I argued years ago when I was a silly child, now I just try to get them as booty blasted as possible so that they themselves elevate the conflict to open fighting on the streets.
Fuck them all, if they're willing to live in their retarded reality bubble while they push our race towards oblivion, deriving enjoyment from their tears is probably the most merciful thing I'm willing to do to those fucks. The time for arguments is over.

It is wise to use their language against them, but only if you don't use it yourself as your language.

Using it against them is valuable to break the categorical implications they established. This leaves them confused and lost. Then you show the rational solution.

Ways of using their language against them that work: pointing double-standards, pointing hypocrisy, reductio ad absurdum, banalization of wrong-thoughts and anti-PC taboo, etc.

The pic in OP is of course doing it wrong. He went as far as naming them nazi. This way he confirms this category of wrong-thought for them. Instead, he could/should have only invalidated antifa behavior, there are many ways to do it. it'd work to just point out that they "act just like what they criticize", that they are not freedom guerrillas but magnate funding special interest groups, that what he's funding is violence for the sake of political domination against X groups…. Etc, without naming it something specifically, which would confirm their categorical use of such group's name.

Call it totalitarianism, which is more accurate.

Also this. Just call them communists (or socialists or anarchists).

I definitely understand this as a big play from the left is hijacking and perverting our language, using their bullshit emboldens/validates their attempts to do so.
Some effort needs to be made to just call out their emotional newspeak terminology as "What you're saying doesn't exist and I reject the concept, you do not hold the consensus of the majority to force these concepts."
Big ones are redefining rape, race, racism, and sexism.
These are often done to accommodate their mental gymnastics to win arguments they've previously lost, do not allow it, if permitted they could snowball to dire changes in society that impact laws and ruin lives, look at Europe.
Huge problem is the circles at the top of major dictionaries are virtue signalling to these assholes committing the redefining to paper.
This is not natural language evolution, this is a hijacking by an obnoxious leftist minority, more societal subversion.

If you're going to point out hypocrisy, please go the extra step and explain why your idea works.

"telling migrants that they're welcome encourages them to make a dangerous journey" - you might think you have convinced someone, but they will be thinking about the danger they face at home and how we can make the journey safer.
At best you make both sides seem hopeless, at worst you seem like you haven't thought things through - they try to convince you and an argument starts.

You would need to explain that not all are refugees, the safe neighbouring countries, false promises by people traffickers etc.

Pretty much, calling leftists fascist is like a lefty calling a right-winger "communist". He'd just smirk and look at him like a moron.

It's self-defeating because the leftist acknowledges a part of his own (perceived) group to be the biggest evil there is. "Muh left fascist" is the biggest tactical blunder around for even non-fascist right wingers. It's like an Orthodox Christian calling an atheist "a pope" as an insult, thinking he'd score some points from the enemy or neutral crowd.

Disagreed, your analogy is too forced. I think normies don't have a good idea of what fascism is and can be convinced to hate the left that way. The JQ 1488 stuff is unrealistic larping.

One of the biggest things we have over them is humor. We've grown up on imageboards and we're used to being called every name in the book. We can take it in stride, whereas they get triggered if you misgender someone.
Laughing at someone and being able to take a joke can turn the entire room against them. Remember, you're not trying to convince them. You're trying to convince the listeners. Keep humor in mind.

Hold up, I bet you're also TRS and we should dox Trump, right?

lurk moar


I'm just going to start posting redpills everytime you try and DnC.

Yes you can :^) They HATE being called "jackboots". Any highly physical activity by them, breaking stuff, etc., is obviously jackbooted, and they just get so MAD when you say it. AND you can call 100% of liberals a bunch of jackboots. Say they have a symbiosis with the jackboots. Call them two sides of the same dick.


It really astounds me how a lot of people seem to think "bigot" is synonymous with "person intolerant of leftist client groups."

I think the important part is that adopting leftist language should only be done referring to the leftists you are talking to. Show them that by their own reasoning they are wrong (when and if you can) but always keep in mind that it is their reasoning and realm, not yours. Don't try to prove to other people that "antifa are the real fascists" because that is making their language yours.

For an example of what to do: hypothetically if a member of antifa says "fascists are violent" you can say "I guess that makes you a fascist." The important part is that it must not be you calling them their own slurs and boxes but themselves. You are, in effect, merely holding up a rhetorical mirror, and can be entirely free to attack them on your grounds when they rationalize their way into being an exception to their own rules as they inevitably will.

This is generally not hard because leftists rely on lies, and on top of that very few of them have memorized the complicated explanations for why their logical flaws somehow work out. e.g. "Nonwhite races are oppressed" and "You said races don't exist."

Leftist language does work sometimes you faggot.

Fake news. We ripped it from them and beat them with it.

Because it describes something real and immediately obvious. Everyone knows what fake news is (or would be). Who can say the same of "racism" except that it is supposedly bad?

I'm so sick of this "Antifa R Real Fascists" faggotry I made a thing.

The question should be: What are you trying to achieve in this particular discussion with a leftie? You will never convince most of them that they're wrong anyway. Thus, your goal should be to convince the audience that the Left is wrong. Copying their rhetoric tricks can sometimes work but it is better to point out the inherent subversion of language the Left engages in. Nail them with terms with the clearest meaning possible to prevent any word-mincing on their part.

But Satan, as the left holds near complete control over education, press & entertainment. they can manipulate even the right into accepting their new definitions. This is why you hear fucking idiots in the alt-right calling all political violence "fascism". Therefore, much of the audience you are trying to convince may already be lost to new-speak even if they aren't leftists.

Cernovich is a leftist. He's also a kike.

Sad state of affairs that this needs to be said on Holla Forums.


blah, blah I hope OP is dying of ass cancer. You defeat the left by putting bullets in the back of their faggot heads.

The point is playing into their moral framing. If you say something like in the OP, you just reinforce the moral framing of the left, that "fascism" is the enemy. At that point you have shot yourself in the foot. This sort of rhetoric is like "Dems are the real racists" (reinforcing leftist moral framing that "racism" is evil) or "real feminism is about equality, not being anti-men" (reinforcing leftist moral framing that equality of the sexes is good).

This is exactly what cuckservatives have been doing forever. They allow the left to set the moral tone and only try to criticize them on not being pure enough to these morals. They never step outside of that and criticize their moral framework itself.

I don't see anti-science or evolution-denier (both in regard to racial/gender equality), or the most important ones: anti-white and/or Europhobe.

You're an idiot.

"Out of touch" is one of my new favorites. If you are reading this, thanks user who made that thread a few days ago.

Bear in mind they might actually be that retarded.

There was a time when /baph/ tried to dox hotwheels in order to send him a birthday cake. It actually seemed like they were genuine.

that being said, this was /baph/ and when al you have is a hammer…

Have those niggers ever actually gotten anything done?

Trump is going with paid anarchists, sounds good to me.

Nice OC

You get it. It makes no sense to keep playing on their terms on their terrain. Instead, turn the tables and redefine the rules.

Come up with new language and we can "define the opposition before they can define themselves", sound familiar? :^)

They are or they idolize the following:

Figure out some catchy words you can call them over and over and build a context around em.

Retards think Fascism means totalitarian.

They don't know what Fascism means or that it's a good thing that describes them.

Back to reddit lad.

Watching my family suffer day by day as they consume leftist media reminds me of that scene from the Prince of Egypt where god is fucking Ramsis up the ass and he has to watch his brother continue acting in a way that warrants ass fucking.


This is some Bernays-tier kikery but it works. This is also why creating the "alt-right" was so important to the left. They named a new generation of conservatives just to be able to talk about it collectively, demonize it and subvert it. Powerful stuff. Without the "alt-right" what do you have? The regular right. The right. Young right wingers. Nothing to cry over.

But the right has some handy granades in their pockets as well:
just to name a few. These are already dirty words but there has to be something like it for these anti-white anti-racist types that have become a big thorn in this countries ass lately.


The explanation is a lot simpler than this: using the language of the enemy simply tells the enemy they've already won. Why else would you integrate *their* language?
This is already occurring on Reddit and other places where our memes have started being used by the left, even if only "ironically".

Hijacking "woke" would be hilarious and effective. A lot of the blacks that use it are already half way there, and considering the power of black twitter it may prove useful.

Stop using literally incorrectly

This. I was actually down with the whole "not being racist" thing until they went beyond that and demanded self-hatred.

"Woke to the JQ" etc
If we can somehow get blacks to realize that Jews aren't white then we instantly win.

There isn't much point in engaging in the leftists' Orwellian language such as when they treat equality as being inequality, but there isn't any real reason to be against talk of racism or elitism.

It only becomes a problem to use English words such as elitist when you start using it the same way leftists do, otherwise there isn't much problem with it and it can help to show the holes in the left's logic.

What needs to be avoided however, is arguing within the left's framework. They depend on leading questions and ignoring most facts in order for their arguments to work. You just need to avoid allowing their dismissal of facts or feeling that it is unnecessary to pose an argument simply slide by.

If you want to argue that the left is being racist it doesn't mean you can't at the same time state they're anti-white, you just don't let the person dodge that issue. Like the DNC is seeming to want to put Keith Ellison in charge who was a part of the Nation of Islam, a cult for black people that centers on hating anyone not black yet especially hating white people.

That's why "alt-right" is so dangerous. They can get rid of that while pushing the regular cucked right, it's even better if they can cuck the alt-right using Milo and others, so when they get rid of that, the right is more leftist than ever because they got pushed to the left by the alt-right.

The right is the right and we will not capitulate or compromise ever again. Gas the Kikes, rope the niggers, this is the definition of the right, Trump is a Leftist by any measure.
