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Tim made a game about beating up faggots? Nice!
You're late. Try to keep up, leftists.
Man, those celebrity beatup games used to be all the rage
Can we meme this shit?
milo has HIV so a beatdown like that is probably fatal
I call bullshit, Hitler beat up new recruits in the Germany military that defy their superiors. This game is fake and gay because Hitler would be no easy foe nor would he consent to a degenerate and gay boxing club.
Oh American media, will you ever learn?
i never stop feeling conflicted about who's even the good guy in all this
i'd say making a game where the entire point is beating a homosexual to be in poor taste, but for the self appointed moral authorities this is a fun and normal game
A few years ago the libcucks got this game banned from most places on the internet. Not even sure if you can find it anymore.
All those game design degrees finally paying off!
The only thing that annoys me about this is that for some fucked up reason these people believe Milo is actually a Nazi. Like nothing could be further from the truth.
There's still Defend Anita Sarkeesian which is superior tbh.
Only in current year could a black-cock-loving jew be a neonazi.
I made a thread on Holla Forums since you know it's a fucking game and they've been dealing with SJW trash for years know. Mods put it on hidden autosage or whatever that kikery is called.
Why would I want to defend the bitch though?
At least the anita one was an actual photo, not some 8-bit bullshit with plausible deniability.
Holla Forums is a wasteland of nofunallowed. The only good thread is the Fighting Game General.
It's tongue in cheek.
I'll check it out. Thanks, user
Can't we just replace the graphics with pictures of people we'd like to punch?
>>>Holla Forums
I know how unoriginal it is to point this out but I just can't get over how fucking retarded it is.
They are literally homophobes now. The last current year was amazing, but this oneā¦ I hope I'm here to see it through
Remember that artists that Canuckland forbade from going online on any device for three years because he disagreed with some problem glasses cunt's idea to ruin the life of the guy that made this?
Whats the legality of that? If they're profiting off of their image can't they be sued?
Seems to me it's time to report it for hatecrime.
I read that as
They really don't want to let this Nazi thing go, do they? It's their last word. They used up racist, sexist, and everything else. "Nazi" was supposed to be their nuclear bomb, but it turned out to be nothing more than a moderately smelly fart.
I swear to God, these leftists are the dumbest people on Earth.
Someone make an edit
With milo in both positions.
This. The funny part is this can be reported to the FBI as a hate crimes thanks to how they process these kind of things.
These people are absolutely insane.
Yes, they're useful idiots. We win again.
Let the faggots do passive aggressive shit like this. Who gives a fuck?
Stop posting forever.
Wait, the same Super Deluxe that made embed related? Never expected them to be THIS cucked.
Listen you, I know the full history of imageboards, I study where memes originate from and how and where they spread, I track where anons go and know them by writing style and the filenames the use on images they upload and the topics they prefer. I track topics. I don't usually start but I do read countless of the survey threads. I apply advanced analytics, cognitive techniques, and fact-checking to discern a great many things from the posts of anons. I know many different imageboards and what sort of cultural exchanges are happening, when anons are using multiple boards and how frequently, etc. I have been doing this all for a decade now and I work/network with some other anons who do this too. I know so much of the history of these places and I / my group has often been right about future developments well in advance of them taking off. I know the various moderators for different boards, the power exchanges, the dramas, who replaced who, etc.
I know my shit.
lol now do "punch a jew"
We should officially come out in support of this, en masse, on twitter. No reason not to, libs are pretty much dancing on our strings now.
#MakeGayBashingGreat or something.
It'll be hilarious.
Does anyone have a better quality video of this?
Original uploader closed his channel.
Holy shit if i ever see someone playing this game I'm going to virtue signal them so hard. Nothing better than a grovelling leftist.
This is the moment I realized the Left is already dead.
Lol, call Kotaku and tell them there's an anti-semite videogame that needs to be banned.
In what fucking universe am I living in?
Agreed, the cognitive dissonance will be delicious, specially with faggots like implicit dick saying that homosexuality is the last tenet of implicit white male identity.
Sorry for triple posting, but just imagine
What do you think it's like to have literally zero self awareness? At some point the cognitive dissonance has to set off something.
Someone should edit this puting Pence with a electric bat.
And this is the mentality that will ensure the left will continue to lose, they can't help but divide, they can't help but impose arbitrary ideological purity tests and will gladly eat their own for even the slightest personal or political gain. Put simply their incestuous nature will never allow them to effectively rally behind a central figure due to massive divisions inherently baked into their ideology due to the advent of "diversity", so in an attempt to unite they rally against a designated enemy, rather than for an ally.
Pretty much, here you have your friendly local antifa calling another jew a nazi
That's kinda what gamergate did tho.
without Trump the right would be doing the same to a lesser degree and we really need to be thankful as fuck it didn't happen and not let this opportunity to go to waste.
Gregory Elliott. His accuser was some libshit Toronto whore with a vendetta and friends in high places. On investigation it turned out some of the stuff he was accused of was an account operated by a friend of his accuser deliberately impersonating him.
Fuck Jewgle for allowing this shit to begin with on the Play Store
Do these cunts not realize punching commies is an even bigger american tradition? Also kek at the gay nigger loving jew being a nazi.
I mean Milio is the kind of narcissist who would just get off on the attention and publicity no matter what, so they basically just spend hours of time and effort coding a giant Milo Dick Sucking machine.
GG no RE
Reminder that the same guy who made this also made a Jack Thompson punching game way back.
That was at least a year before Gamergate.
This is news to me, a "where do you think we are" moment in fact.
Is anyone here good at faking a kike voice? It's the one voice I can't mimic myself, not whiny enough.
A few people on the HWNDU stream were good at it.. might be a good place to ask.
make a rape a feminist game in return. quid pro quo.
Antifa chased a clearly jew away while screaming nazi because it wanted to report something and they went out with a camera.
Are.. are we the baddies?
they're being allowed to do this because their masters think it will cause a countermovement from the right that consists of gayloving and kike worshipping.
Looking at the pozzed-right it seems to be working.
I'd like to think that, for the politically astute, whatever your race or religion or choice of fuckhole may be, it's common knowledge by now that expressing any right-wing ideals will get you immediately ejected from the Progressive Stack.
For the lazy bastard.
If dubs, the left will make a game about lynching black right-wingers like Ben Carson.
checked and kek'd
Anyone capable of putting in a friendly Mohammad doing the punching from first player perspective?
This is great, would need someone with good OPSEC, plausible deniability and a neutral distribution platform. It would be difficult to get approved on the app stores, but it wouldn't need to be on their long once you tipped off the kike media to its presence.
Why let a good opportunity go to waste? Go for it, call it Lynch-A-Tom.
Mocking Jeb is easy, after Trump's victory they are trying to pander to butthurt SJW Hillbots
antifa likes to choke on sandnigger's cock. when they punch kikes they always claim that is because "muh palestine" and"muh zionist apartheid"
It's funny because kikes fund antifa.
Taking away the "virtue" that the left is so proud of is robbing them of their latest and greatest gimmick.
Most of us are so desensitized to violence we don't appreciate the effect shit like this has on normalfags. Even die-hard lefties were freaking out about Berkley and defending rule of law.
I was thinking the same thing. The more we radicalize the left the more of the center we will take from them. The center is an apathetic bunch but always follows whomever provides order and security. We're pretty much there already, we just need to use these 8 years to eradicate our opponents and hopefully begin correcting the damage the progs have done to our country these last sixty-some years. If we take back our education/indoctrination system, then the future is ours.
I tried a guy from NES punch out
Nope. We're the goodies. Even if we DO have skulls on our caps.
these kind of games have no real bearing on anything, only, in this case, it makes the left look like the hypocrites they are.
Sometimes I find it hard to tell if it's our hardliners who are making these or their hardliners who are.
Thats Mike tyson.
There is an easy peasy way to get this game shoahed. And the power lies with all of us and the comments/review sections
Watch the liberal try to both defend and degrade Milo in one breathe. Their fucking heads would spin.
This can also be used with anyone else in the game. Just accuse them of being jews and call them dirty kikes even if they aren't. Point out that the game is hateful by just being hateful. I want to see some liberals try to defend it. they can't
pretty sure they'd just delete your comments.
it isn't a gaybashing game, they aren't bashing him for being gay. it's a right or conservative bashing game, because that is why they are bashing him.
you literally bash a gay tho
milo is, first and foremost, a faggot.
Seriously, next time we take on uniforms can we drop the totenkopf? We're ebul notsees, not pirates.