
what the fuck is this shit? am I a millionaire now? is this normal? am I seeing things?

Other urls found in this thread:

what are the chinks up to now?

my coinbase confirms I am not in fact a millionaire, but still, wtf is this shit man?

hiding their money from da guberment


shitcoin will collapse into nothing without warning someday soon.

stick to precious metals, guns and ammunition.

I think the opposite will happen. I think the economy will collapse and people will turn to bitcoin. and the chinese will profit. this is my own speculation and gut instinct, not based on anything really

You expect me to believe you have around 550 bitcoins?

fuck you, you know what I mean

Somebody bought a pizza for 20k butt coins way back.

That shit won't matter either because groups of soldiers that stole heavy weapons and vehicles from military bases will wreck your shit and take whatever they want.

this is good for buttcoin.


Not to knock your shit.
From what I've heard, bitcoin is a speculative bitch that's hard to generate.
Not that I've never did stocks 'n sheit before.
I've probably made $100,000 over the past 5 years by dicking around in penny stocks.


okay, does no one really know what is going on? I need to know because I have a bet with someone. does this count as going over 1.4k??

What the fuck shit is this? It's only at around $1067 according to basically everything else I look at, hell ATH was $1163 roughly.

Looks like a glitch or something with specific graph.

No it doesn't count. I will win faggot

I win, fuck you nigger

After the first crash, people can't cash out in any meaningful way. There's no liquidity, even if it spikes, it'll be just like last time. reddit had a suicide hotline up after the second crash, but before then, everyone was talking about how they couldn't find anyone trustworthy to transfer with. Hilarious stories from Canada of buttcoiners meeting up to trade and the guy that shows up only has coupons or some shit.

It doesn't count as anything until you get actual value from it. Good luck getting delivery. It'll keep spiking as fiat currencies crash, then be worth fucking nothing once we go back to sound money.

Bitcoin is just as much of a ponzi as christianity, and even if it lasts hundreds of years (I doubt it will) doesn't make it any less of a fucking ponzi.

This is about what I expected.

Yeah, but you need ammunition so you can shoot those fuckers and take their guns. It's what they referred to in Disney's Cinderella as the Circle of Life.

All markets are around $1060 for me.

Enjoying being poor.

I'm not sure if other anons understand this or not but there's more than one cryptocurrency that's widely accepted. Just because Bitcoin goes through the roof doesn't mean there aren't opportunities to buy into a decent cryptocurrency at a reasonable price.

Do you even know what a ponzi scheme is? You are misusing the term.

Go read this then come back, you fucking retard. Stop shilling your goddamn ponzi scheme. If I ever have to deal with one of you bitcoin priests IRL I swear to god it will take every ounce of restraint not to tear your lying tongues out of your mouths with my bare hands.


at least you didn't spend 20k of them on a pizza.

Explainable intuition is one thing. Feelings without explanation is what makes the left so manipulable.

Also, if you were in Venezuela right now, would you rather have $1,000,000 in bitcoin, or $1,000,000 weapons/gold?

Bitcoin is good in the short run, but it's as worthless as fiat currency.

I'm truley sorry for your lots.

I get what you're saying, but you need additional resources to make the weapons worthwhile, and the gold to pay for those resources.. In absolute terms, yes having weapons and physical assets like land are preferable, but only if you have the manpower to use them.

tbh, I would swap out the gold for land and food

Considering that Venezuela is currently a failing communist shithole that tries to kill trade, the former. This is in fact what's happening right now and the Venezuelan government doesn't like it at all.

No shit.


You faggots need to get into Ethereum then. No point in missing out on round 2. By the end of the year it will at least be $70+

Bitcoin is just being used as a store of wealth; day by day it's getting worse as a currency with its long transaction times. Of course it will continue to rise as it's all normalfags know.

Reminder that "Bitcoin" and cryptocurrency generally now triggers the shills. I wonder why?

Pro-tip: Cryptocurrency is the anti-thesis to (((their))) banking system.

Kys boomer

Jesus man, sorry.
Is it bad that I don't feel as terrible now that I know about 20k pizza?

When will you learn? You literally type the same exact word every single thread. You do not understand bitcoin. You are falling behind.

OP is a retarded faggot with a retarded chart. This would be all over plebbit also if it were true.


No OP is a faggot.

Delivery of what? Do you even know what you are saying?
Keep LARPing faggot. I can tell how old you are and you should leave.

Didn't ETH go through several forks now? I was hyped for the community but stopped paying attention after those.

Keep shilling for your ponzi, it'll catch up with you eventually.


Free energy tier. Do you have a cold fusion power plant to sell us too?

wow such argument. much logic.

What the fuck is with all the people shilling their e-currency bullshit here? It's like investing except even less stable, and now definitely isn't the time to buy. And for anyone benefiting from this development, a word of warning. This is almost certainly fuckery, don't expect it to last.

It's worthless as a non-fiat currency. It has no inherent value since it can be seamlessly duplicated.

You should have seen them shilling on cuckchan three years ago. Every. Fucking. Thread.

All of those forks have been planned (except 2 I believe: the DAO fix, and modifying gas prices of certain opcodes). It's been pretty solid since. Price will shoot up IMO when they release version 1.0 of their Mist browser along with the switch to PoS and lowering of the inflation rate.

Are you retarded?

Do you even know what the fuck you are saying?

Bitcoin discussions have an intersection with Holla Forums and Ponzi is to bitcoin as botnet is to software when it comes to these faggots.

Yep, another bitcoin priest. Kill yourself my man!

bitcoin is for fags and holds no real value

For anyone looking to make some quick bux it might be worth looking at Litecoin.

I still recommend buying AT LEAST one Bitcoin so that you own a share of the currency in case it reaches the moon, but it is currently in a stasis. The blocksize, which determines how many transactions Bitcoin is able to handle, is currently at 1MB which allows for roughly 7TPS (transactions per second). This is not enough to scale to general consumer level.

There are two efforts to scale Bitcoin: one is SegWit and the other is Bitcoin Unlimited. However, only one of these can be implemented and that is provided that there is a 95% weigh in on either side on part of the miners (i.e. SegWit will only activate if 95% of the miners choose SegWit and Unlimited will only activate if 95% of the miners choose Unlimited.) Miners cannot choose both, it has to be one or the other.

As an aside, personally, I dislike the Core team (SegWit) as I think they are far too conservative with the blocksize thus thwarting Bitcoin's adoption and setting it back a few years (blocksize should've been increased ages ago - rumor has it that they have bankers in their pockets). I do not, however, have a problem with SegWit itself as it will allow a second layer ("The Lightning Network") which will permit thousands of TPS - provided your Bitcoin is transferred onto the Lightning Network first (think of the Lightning Network as like a "Spending Account" for Bitcoin). Even with the Lightning Network, I still do not think Core's vision of the blocksize will be enough to allow transacting on/off Lightning in the event of mass adoption.

Bitcoin Unlimited is taking a more traditional approach. They take a market-based approach to the Blocksize where miners form a concensus on what the Blocksize should be. Thus, all transactions for the time being will be on-chain. Eventually, something akin to SegWit will probably be developed along with Lightning Network. Under the auspices of the Bitcoin Unlimited team, this may happen faster than it has with the Core Team.

Back to Litecoin…

Litecoin has just recently implemented (but not activated Segwit). This means it may get its own Lightning Network making it suitable for mass adoption (it already can handle 4x transactions of Bitcoin). At the moment, it does not suffer from the same stasis as Bitcoin and is also very affordable (~$4USD) which means that if SegWit activates, it might boom.

CBF writing more, but others which might be worth investing in: Dash, Monero and Ethereum.

How you going there Chaim?

You could as well play in a casino, because in any unsecure investment meme, the stakes are always against you. Don't ever be baited with "you can make money fast through this if …", because that's simply advertisement to get people to pay into it and make someone else rich who planned it.
If you invest in something, then only in something that rises secure and steady, where the price is not jumping like a bunny.

When the most notable users of bitcoin are cartels, the chinks, the FBI, goons, and scum like you, even normies know to stay away.

Good rundown. Not a fan of Dash myself because of masternodes.

this is a really nice concise explanation. thank you user

to the rest, I never realized Holla Forums had such a retard tier understanding of economics. it's kind of disappointing. you guys sound like farmers that just discovered the internet yesterday in this thread

BitCoin is operated by Masons as well, google Bruce Fenton.

I have a few coins and I discovered a few things.

1. You can't buy non-hipster, non-faggot food in my state with it.
If I ever had a hankering for half a handful of couscous , crepes and vegan, non-gmo,fully organic pad thai, bitcoin is totally the way to go.

The largest portion of beef I could find was a 20 dollar ,standard sized hotdog.

2. Everything is stolen.
I've never hated Arabs or Jews so much in my life until they tried to convince me that their 4K Tvs, without boxes and wrapped in black tape/bags weren't stolen or damaged.

3. If it's not stolen, the store /shop front owner is eccentric as fuck.

4. The only bitcoin atm in my area is in the shadiest place in the city.I was going to withdraw them and call it a day but in better judgement, I decided not to after looking at the resturant it was located in.

It took me a while to realize it , but this shit is like TF2 hats.
They're valuable and worthless at the same time.
If there's nothing you want or if there's no one around that accepts them, what good are they?


If these fucking liberal shitheads do something and get martial law / curfews declared here, I'll be shit out of luck and will have to rely on cash on hand to escape and there's a good chance that won't be enough.

It's time to go back to the rice standard.

1 gold koban coin = 3 koku
1 koku = amount of rice to feed a man for a year (about 75 American gallons of rice)

I've been wanting to get into bitcoin mining for a while now, but I can never figure out where to start. I always end up at this one site (not linking, but it's usually among the first results when searching Jewgle for anything BC related) that is selling pre-fab miners, but they want what seems like an awful lot of money for their rigs. Plus, not being actively engaged in any kind of "shady" dealings online, I don't know exactly what to do with bitcoins once I have them, anyways. I get that they have value online, in certain circles, but what are their use IRL? Whenever I search for places to use them, all I find is a bunch of articles from like 2013 linking to websites that sell stupid shit nobody really needs.

We went thought this last time when it went parity with gold.

You have a bunch of bit coins…. but you can't sell them to anyone fast enough to make that kinda money.

You have to do person to person, cash for coins, and good luck selling them all at the peak.

This is retarded. I sold 15btc all at once when it first hit 1.1k this January. What I made betting on trump.

Pretty sure he was a shill…

Or if not, just very naive.


Too late for mining to be profitable fam.
And the chinks have tons of them (every block mined is a competition to see who does it faster)
If you really want to, for shits and giggles or w/e, then do GPU mining (since you probably already have one of those anyways) and mine an alt-coin. Litecoin, Dogecoin and others are based on a new algorithm optimized for general purpose-computers, so that CPU and GPU mining remains profitable, so that PFGA and ASIC mining is not as easy or profitable.

You can do either solo or pooled mining. The first means you by yourself, and is like playing lottery with just one big prize.
Pooled means you split the work and rewards with others.

As for value, you can send a wallet over the internet as part of an innocuous looking file or conceal it as a file inside a smartphone/mp3 player or whatever gadget.
You can code it as a few easily memorable words.

No accounts to be locked out of by (((banks))), no limit on the cash you can take out of the country.

>tfw I pool mined 0.34 BTC with a crappy GPU way back over the summer, only to loose them when lightning took out my computer, hard disks and flash drive I was backing up to.
*>tfw idiot friend I forced to mine 2 BTC on his beast of a GPU on a single evening deleted them*