
Libtards BTFO!


I love being a Texan.

Beaners BTFO. I'd love to move to a white part of Texas for those proud Texas feels but I just can't stand the heat. How do you Texas lads cope?

Drink lots of water and have a pool for those hot Summer days.


Beer makes you fat. I just take shots of vodka.

Beer won't cut it. It will just make you more dehydrated.

When you drink enough water it doesn't feel that bad.

Also you keep an AC going.

Alcohol is degenerate.

Stick to Lone Star. Decent water substitute.

Ohio has drafted a similar ban. Hope it passes



You stupid goy how can the terrorist take hold of the nuclear facilities in Austin if you ban them? You are ruinning everything goy!



You get used to it. But then you can't stand the cold.

I've already stopped masturbating and smoking. I can do with 1 vice user. Beer is liquid estrogen though and should not be touched under any circumstance. Also can't wait to see Austin chimpout


I just visited San Antonio last week and it was colder than here in San Diego. WTF

Sweet Tea and Sunshine dear

Wew, lefty riots in Austin and Houston when?

Weather in Texas is mixed in the winter. It can be cold one day and it would be the perfect weather the next.

this tbh were being over ran with normie fags

I crap bigger than you.

is there any room for me? any postal jobs open?


Hitler drank alcohol and although he hated smoking he understood taking it away from men at war was foolish. When the War with the left is over I'll stop both.

Will Austin step up to the plate and lose all the gibs?

The Trumpenfuhrer doesn't drink alcohol.

Austin riots where?

Oh wait, they're scared

Yeah because alcoholism runs in his family and it killed his brother. Besides I actually haven't drank alcohol in a long time to expensive.

I highly doubt it, but that will make the salt be epic when they get penalized for not getting rid of them.

so public schools and hospital districts are gonna be packed full of mexicans?

Texas is the greatest state in the union.

So, when do you take Austin back? Or has it always been the cuckshed of Texas? I'm just curious after spending some time there and it being some beautiful country.

Soon user. Our governor just blew them the fuck out and forcing them to either give up funding or give up being a sanctuary city.

Honestly it's the influx of Commiefornians fucking things up more than anything.
The old Austin hippies are breddy cool dudes, and even they hate the CaliCuck fuckbags flooding the area (which speaks volumes).

Don't be ridiculous! They'll be packed full of muz.

So illegal migrants are going to be fake victim, student and sick?

already are


public schools from what I understand are so federally regulated they may not have wanted to touch that hornets nest with a five foot stick

whatever happened to you fags calling us Cuxas/Cucks in the primaries? Look who has egg on their faces now!

Isn't this fuck actually Jewish?


It's just a smokescreen.

you need to understand that throught history every nation have it's version of alchohol be it wine or what have you. Warriors used to drink a lot from the anienct greeks to the fucking vikings and freaking hitler. Everybody.
The degeneracy comes when you dont know when to stop and just do it to get extremely drunk like they do here in britbongistan.

Rabbi Schmuley

Old Austin in general hates the commiefornia plague. I hate visiting Austin because you get 3 flavors of people: commiefornia filth & leftists, old Austin (sad for them), and niggers & browns. States need to work on a bill to exclude all that has moved from commiefornia in the last fifty years.

I live in Texas. FUCKING YES!!!!!!!

Well, Dionysus was reported to hate alcoholics and drunks, essentially anyone who would drink to hide or keep drinking after vomiting.

Still strikes me how that's literally Pepe.

Wait, is that gif real?

Dubs checked, it definitely is.

Yeah Austin became the main college town of the entire state which everyone would go to around that time, so it started having much of its politics affected by the younger kids that began living there as well as those that thought they'd move out there for that young idiot vibe.

After a few years you'd usually find those people would grow up and want to live in an affordable area so they'd move down to Houston where actual jobs were. Houston being the kind of place where down the street from me a guy tried mugging someone and as the mugger was trying to run off with the guy's wallet, got shot/killed, and it was ruled quickly as a case of self defense.

It's mostly people moving to Texas that have been shitting things up, but they don't get to vote so it doesn't affect the politics much if at all. Austin has been fucking retarded though because it's mostly inhabited by kids. This may be due to the fact we have voter ID laws in our state so illegals can't really get away with voting here.

Piece by piece
State by state
Once again

a semite is a semite and an abrahamic is an abrahamic. they all need to go in the ovens

hahaha it can take ages to push these things nation wide,
Texas does it first in state by party lines, woah

Fuck off, we're full.

Tuebor, user. We have niggers to hunt in Detroit and Flint, spics to deport, and leftists to hang.

Cropped and real, Billy and Mandy is a mixed bag. Would not let kids who are dumb watch it without supervision.


Real, but zoomed in and devoid of context. What's actually happening is still weird, but they're not fugging.

You guys were scaring me there for a while, what with almost going blue. Glad to see the Yellow Rose is back in bloom.

Yes, they having hardcore piggyback riding session.

As long as you don't mind working for a fat feminist, and a racist deportable, there's always mail delivery in San Antonio…

Fuck. Not the image I wanted…

I can be proud of my homeland again…

First the sanctuary cities, second the illegals, third…

Whiney cucks in this city (Austin) are already protesting, but lesser liberals are already beginning to complain about the roads being blocked by them and the noise

Desert dry heat isn't the worst thing, it's better than the humid nigger climate of the southeastern US. Just make sure you get some chapstick and stay in the shade, I was surprised how much it cools off at night.
