Kikes pushing bullshit with vidya analogies

Friend on faceberg shared this, the title alone makes me mad.

Fucking kikes, man.
Obviously this is pre-GG, but what are your thoughts on using shit analogies like this? Clearly they're trying to make it more palatable to the possible STRAIGHT WHITE MALE reader, but it's still fucking condescending.


Since there are already archives of these posts, I figure they've been talked about, but it's been at least a year or two.
It was shit like this that pushed me toward GG, and later Holla Forums.

Sounds like a Jew name to me, but I'm not sure.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares, they're kikes being kikes. All we can do is fight back with propoganda of our own until the next big recession causes a civil war.

It's like you want the kikes to win.

no fucking chance, can't get them paid subscriptions or micro transactions in rts

Praise Kek.
True, but we need to criticize the kike at every opportunity as well.
I'm sure reading this made more people than me uncomfortable. Especially other

Gotta play objectively good games, with non-shitters. Obviously don't overdo it. Moderation in all things, user.

This isn't about (((Blizzard))), user.

Don't forget to unlock the rest of the game for only 20 easy installments of $14.999 in DLC, goy.

what is wc4 about then?
we already had gamergate on the topic of videao games




They're trying gamergate 2.0

Fucking hell.

Oh yeah I guess I remember hearing about this. Still being pushed, eh?

Warcraft ended right after Arthas became Lich King. There some filler content after that but I don't think it's canon.

Dude, without the Frozen Throne, there would be no WoW… fuck dat image…

Arthas did nothing wrong to be honest. His choices were - let everyone die but become a threat to the rest of his father's kingdom - or make sure everyone dies so that they can no longer be a threat to his father's kingdom.

The Culling of Stratholme was the right move, and if he had the support of Uther and Jaina he would never have been forced to seek out extra power so that he could defend his people. It is because of traitors that he had to risk everything, and pretty much every Warcraft fan I've ever spoken to has taken this view.

… Now yes the stuff that happens next with him being possessed by a demon-worshiping orc is not 'based' or anything.

because it was our freaking childhood, you souless heathen ;)

Don't forget about Illidan getting shat on for pretty much everything.

People think old school RTS games can't be made anymore. What was the last big one, Grey Goo in 2015? All they make now are RTT (real time tactics, i.e base building is hard) and the real money is in ASSFAGGOTS. Just look at how fucking awful Dawn of War 3 is. Three factions! I bet Warcraft4 would go back to just humans and orcs like in WC1 but not in a good way.

Got b& for this post on 4/tg/ as fucked as the tumblr entryists and politicized mods are, /osrg/ is still a golden threat in a thread whose OP was Subject: Cliche Characters, and the text was a long ass greentext list of variations of >straight white human male + classes/builds.

WoW ruined video games. So many newfag SJWs started playing games with WoW because they could do erotic roleplay as elves.

Gamedev user here. Sadly, our industry is pretty pozzed right now. We see this mainly through the influx of millennial shitbags who get jobs as testers (the lowest rung with the lowest entry barrier) and then force their SJW bullshit. Writers are also pretty pozzed. Compounding the problem is that the majority of gamedev studios are along the west coast and in cities like Seattle, LA, and San Fran.

On the upside, as pointed out in another Holla Forums thread, SJW shit is veritable kryptonite to your sales and, without going into a larger discussion about the totally screwed economics of modern vidya development, we need sales more than ever.

Case in point, look at a shitheap like the new Mass Effect game. The creative director, a white-hating asshole named Manveer Heer fucker seriously posts 'white tears' stuff on his Twitter and EA hasn't sacked him yet because Canada rails against whites and all that, but lo and behold EA is putting a white protag (male, I think) right on the front of the box art because they know it won't sell otherwise.

So SJW in modern vidya is a cancer, but it's kept in check by the realities of development. I'm hopeful they'll get pushed out as GenZ starts buying games and will refuse to tolerate their cuckoldry. Assuming the industry doesn't crash first.

Blame those shitheads for entering the internet world and fagging it all up.

Holy shit. I am in Uni as CS and I know exactly who you're fucking talking about.

Wouldn't know, I played horde like a proper person.

It never really was about some game journalist pawns. And i dont even give a fuck what they write.

I guarantee you they will release more with expensive DLCs so they can milk the consumer more. Same thing Total War kikes have been doing since Napoleon Total War.

to bring it back full circle to faggoty elfs, total war : wh DLC is gay wood elves.

I'm kinda okay with it.
I didn't think much of it at the time, but as I look back, compared to most other videogames I've played since WC3, Arthas was cool in some ways.
He never compromised. Not once, not ever.

None of you faggots were in the thread about (((marvel))) comics. Kill yourselves shills.

No sympathy. You're fucking retarded.

You wanna know what's really sad? DotA 2's version of source is basically a more up-to-date version of WC3's engine since they preserved all the shit. Control groups, multiple unit control, etc. You could literally make WC4 in the dota 2 custom game tool.

No one will ever do this though because of fucking valve. Unlike 2004 source, which had a gigantic modding scene. Valve fucking killed the dota 2 custom game scene by jewing too hard.

These 2 things literally killed off a community that had crazy potential. Hopefully valve's skin cash cow fucking shits itself. I hear the last patch was WoW:Cataclysm fucking god-awful.

chills tbh



I unironically like SC2 though honestly , campaigns were fantastic

Have you even tried online dating, its ALWAYS a CGI PR shot one way or another.

Yeah that shit sucks too.

Also the fact you need the game client running to use the various editors is retarded.


Is there a problem, Chaim?

The sheer enthusiasm and desperation to make a mark is gone.
What they did to WoW and what they did to Starcraft are enough reason to hope they never touch any videogames ever again.
There are no more nerds trying to revolutionize a genre and make something they enjoyed to play and giving people the opportunity to make the experience even better.
The communities in Blizzard RTS had such freedom and fucking ran with it all the way to award-winning best-sellers, and modern "advancements" control that back into oblivion.
You will experience their games how they damn well designed it for you to experience, and it's not nearly as interesting if it's a bunch of soulless husks doing the designing.

I hope I am not the only lad who hated what wow did to the lore from WC3 tbh.

king arthur never washed himself

reminder warcraft 3 was degenerate:


Many gamers are competitive and can handle the stress of losing. They learn to try again and improve themselves. It may be better if they focus this energy into sports or less degenerate shit, but they can handle stress and the punishment of failure. Other hobbies, interests, or mediums such as writing, movies, or television have no such "FAILURE" response, and hence do not induce stress to the audience. This stress response, wherever it comes from, can help you see reality better. When you learn that shit can hurt you or cause you stress if you do not perceive or understand it properly you start to get better at perceiving or understanding your world. You learn about traps, hidden dangers, theoretical dangers, and a shit ton of other brain functions that help you "git gud" at games (this may also work for certain sports, or anything with an immediate and logical "FAILURE" response.)

SJWs cannot handle stress and the punishment of failure. They seek to avoid it at all costs. This is why you see walking simulators that you likely cannot fail. Or if you can fail them, the failure is easy to avoid or trivial. The SJW has never learned to fail, and hence cannot change itself because of failure. When it does face stress or failure, it blames others so it does not have to change itself. The SJW is a narcissist and thinks itself perfect, so it does not have to work hard to change itself.

With these points in mind it is easy to understand in hindsight why gamers, including me when I was pre-Holla Forums joined together in GG. Holla Forums wrote them off as degenerates, which can be true to some extent, but due to the specifics of their hobby it is understandable why they bit back. Another part may involve the online setting. SJWs couldn't get real names or offer the gamers sex or fame. The gamers were free to tell the SJWs what they really thought about them.

The retcon'in was getting a bit thick when the fucking space goats and pandas starting showing up. I quit shadow priesting when the old guild was banging our heads on the sun temple thing. You know, the raid that came out when the horde sold out and let the bloodfags in.

You could have saved your self some time and simple said, "git gud"

fucking stop playing computer games

when i have seen all this swede cucks bringing niggers into gaming it was like
wow finally shut in white children will stop playing computer games

you are still playing computer games you loser

Video games aren't good but if you have to play something play Stalker, Metal Gear, and ARMA, it's mature vidya.

I like how he talks about 'stats', this kike doesn't seem to understand that he's basically saying white people are born better.

You do know that everything is the owners fault! The developers are powerless pawns of their masters.
and they are literally a group of jews

Only because they where invented at the absolute worst time in history. Imagine if video games where a thing when artists weren't degenerate faggots and shit like music/movies weren't completely dominated by gigantic monopolies. What's worse the fucking "Games are art" faggots are "Modern artists" who think smearing period blood on shit is art, so they are a literal laughing stock.

It is probably the biggest example of wasted potential in history ever. It's fucking sad that I have to dig up an RTS from the early 2000s to get a good strategy game.

It was actually supposed to be Jews Rule, but they didn't let them do it.

This is incorrect, user.

Activision realized what cunts Vivendi were and bought themselves back several years ago.

You know who Vivendi is eying for a hostile takeover? Ubisoft. It was so bad, Ubi went and begged Trudeau to help them with funding. Last I checked, Vivendi was still buying up Ubi shares.

if spore was made just 3 years earlier and by a different developer, maybe it would've been good

Only certain games are pozzed trash, and I'd hope most people on this site have good enough taste to stay away from them.

WoW was where kek came from, shoutouts to the original Warcraft shit is alright, if done properly

Metal Gear Solid 2. You're a child soldier from the Liberian civil war but Kojima made you white as fuck anyway because the nips don't want anybody to have to play as a nog, not playing as Snake would piss you off enough to begin with

Sadly, there are no more Metal Gears, I realized that 2 was a precursor to the meme war and how prophetic Kojima had been but now we live Metal Gear basically.

Think about it, Otakon existed long before the chans did but we all know his character would have come here, and what have we done in our Otakon war? We have battled (for free) against people paid shills sent by evil as fuck new world order politicians all across the internet and the media, even forcing both their press minions and their candidate for the throne to acknowledge us and our mascot, our cartoon frog, and eventually fail at our hands in the most humiliating of ways. Even something as normie as a football game became a metaphor for the election and who was it agreed that they had "Hillary'd" it? The team that choked. She will forever be known as a choke, the crying Michael Jordan on steroids. We are the final boss of the internet and we proved it.

Once upon a time they told us…==DON'T MESS WITH FOOTBALL==

Now, not only did we mess with football, we messed with the sphere of american politics, we messed with who would be our president, and we messed with the course of human history. Well done, lads…our lives are worthy of a video game made about it after all.

That fist pic is the King James Bridge in the Czech Republic. It's sad though because the bridge is so blackened now due to all the foot traffic that they haven't been able to clean it.


This is some old shit.

Also Gamedev user. If things are to get better its to support indies and outlets to promote indies (because the gatekeepers of publicizing indies are largely SJW), and to support Japanese developers by getting their games over here uncensored. Things are gotten better since GG happened, but it must be remembered that the Japanese used to be on top of the video game world, and they don't push SJW shit. If the top studios on the planet continue to be located in LA, SF, and Canada, then obviously we've seen what's come from that. Getting more studios like CD Projekt Red on the world stage puts less power on SJW shit, and even companies like Bioware would eventually have to cut it out.

Ultimately, I feel like games shouldn't even be pushing a political agenda to begin with, but as long as certain devs have the power, they will continue and continue.

Reading this shit made me think of affirmative action.
You want to give retards scholarships based on the color of their skin?
Okay, do you want to admit that maybe then white people inherently are better at certain things in certain fields? No?
Fucking check and mate.

guys am i the only one that isn't convinced overwatch is pandering all that much?

there's a lot of reasons that the characters would have representatives from all over the world, it is literally an international superhero organisation

i was pissed off about sombra not looking similar to reaper, but reaper is "mexican" yet doesn't look like anything so maybe they wanted to add a genuinely brown character

of course tracer was going to be a faggot too, the community art of her is 99% yuri porn with widowmaker

Reminder that Arthas did nothing wrong.
Before Holla Forums :
After Holla Forums :


I can't think of it at the moment, but I remember seeing something a while ago about how Blizzard either isn't pandering or they're sick of SJW bullshit, or something. I honestly can't remember right now.

life lesson: always kill a traitor before an enemy

What was the greatest traitor to us in history, Holla Forums?


Hey, it's cool.

Morning bump.

(((Bethesda))) got caught putting NWO satanist BS into their games. Why am I not surprised?


someone made a texture replacement for that

I'm compiling a list of all the (((companies))) who are involved in this. Feel free to post your findings.

It was one bad goy putting it in, user. Same with Morrowind. And the whole lore is riddled with esoteric inspirations.
And you shouldn't play any of the NWN games for that matter.

Moot. He should be one of us now, he shouldn't be what he is. His existence is a casualty of their system, with many like him out there.


I agree that TES is filled with esoteric Symbols.
So what?
Its a 22 years Old Franchise/World and these Autists behind it keep churning out whole fucking library's of Lore behind it.

So i see no problem of them using Occult Symbols and Mysticism heh as inspiration for their Fantasy World. So long as they do not push a Narrative or Agenda as Hollywood loves to do.

I have played Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. And I dont see them doing that.
But go ahead and correct me here.

Ultra cucked companies:


The only thing to say in this kind of situations is: "if you use videogames and anime to make your point, then you are too mentally "young" to be into politics".

The Herschel Krustovski Story: Chapter One.

Speaking of which, if anyone is thinking of the Enderal mod for Skyrim: it's fucking amazing but it promotes the fedora agenda to spergtacular lengths. If you play it, realize going in that you're going to occasionally be taken out of immersion by a character going from talking about a mission or something to suddenly lecturing you on a complete absence of a deity or deities.

I think this would be the best thing to start doing. Don't even entertain their argument, if they are drawing a comparison between serious real life observation and occurrences and video games (and to a larger extent things like Harry Potter and Star Wars) they are probably the type of person that gets easily flustered when they have their maturity and 'knowledge' called into question. They are already insecure as it is; just treat them like they are a child and admonish them for their child-like sentiments.

If you notice, it isn't a very good spell they cast upon you is it?
You only ever realize later if at all when you have been manipulated.

Retards should get a slight priority on day of the rope 2bh.


Lore-fags are cancer.


Stop this. I am seriously tired of you fags pretending we did fuck all to influence anything beyond being mentioned on the news as retarded frog people. You are promoting sitting on your ass shit posting instead of getting up and going outside to actually fix shit, stop this "WE'VE WON THE WAR YOU CAN LAY DOWN AND SLEEP NOW" horse fuckery because the war is not over. We have not won, it has only just begun.

Daily reminder Trump is only there to make your complacent.

Also shoutout to that one user who said it would all go back to normal once the election was over. I told you it wouldn't. YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED.

I thought I was the only one. Another dev here and I noticed the same thing. It's always QA who are the most pozzed. One of the QA leads at our company is a vocal antifa scumbag. He's a social media normie, been keeping my eyes on him and his extra-curricular activities.

Then the design team is next. Quite a bit of the cancer has gotten in.

Artists can be a mixed bag, some of them are pretty redpilled, but others can be pure cancer. And programmers, most don't give a fuck about muh feels, but many are still liberals who haven't woken up to the redpill yet.


William F. Buckley. He set our forebears down the path of snarky, ineffectual nonresistance which made all of this possible.

The John Birch Society would have fought like strong retards to fight communists everywhere, and vidya would now be based purely on Christian or Norse morality, but Buckler snookered cuckservatives into expelling them.

For decades all cuckservatives did was harp on the media for being biased and pointing out double standards. The left didn't give two shits and just pushed onward.

Trump is not the end. Nor is he the beginning of the end. But he is the end of the beginning.


I was saying that it was good, user. It's a subtle redpill.
I replayed Morrowind just for that to see it with different eye. And I was blown away.
It is said that Kirkbride shut himself into room for a month with Fear&Loathing levels of drugs and many many esoteric books to get in tune with his inner Chim.

The funny thing about Arthas' fall was that it depended entirely on no one stopping or interrupting him. Had anyone either agreed or stopped him (which most character's reaction would be) Arthas fell precisely because of unlikely circumstance where the god guys did NOTHINGNot agreed, not stopped him, just simply walked away from his, as if that solved the kingdom's problems. Their disapproval was shown only in their abandonment of his cause, but they did not prevent any of his actions.

Jaina was right in blaming herself. Uther was the big old failure that pretty much threw away all the mentoring the moment he failed to deal with Arthas in a decisive manner, instead running off.

For us men. The elder scrolls universe is full of great inspiration and imagery.
Surpass the limits of mortality, become gods, etc.

Personally I lost all respect from the guy when he ran off to Mooxico the first time he killed the website after stealing the donation shekels.


sage because I loathe moot too much and remember 2003-4 till day I die

Video games are perversion of media that take away from manhood and give into sloth by simulating relating. It's almost as bad as skipping Mass on Suanday. Who cares what gamers like (((John Scalzi))) have to say about it? They're degenerates commenting on their degeneracy.

I hope that you aren't serious, user.

He's not wrong though, the majority of videogames are pozzed. The sooner the majority demographic cuts them, the better. Buying their shit only encourages their shit propaganda. I wouldn't even pirate them.

you could read wc3 the real way

humans mercilessly persecute neutered orcs who dindu nuffin despite their previous campaign to exterminate the human race, ending in a world full of existential threats to humanity that put people in desperate situations

Didn't imply that he was wrong
Christianity is a weak excuse. I've seen same line used against following:
Anything fun

How the fuck would QA testers have authority to push anything? My impression of poz in vidya is that it started with HR departments like almost every other industry.

I remember when videogames used to be good.
Ah the memories…
pic related, only oldfags will appreciate.


Not quite, I'm 19 and I remember playing through this with a friend well over ten years ago because of a PS2 Capcom collection game.

Damn, I'm more of a 90's kid but I played a few 80's old beat 'em ups like Double Dragon.
I remember when I was a kid and used to go to arcades, unfortunatelly they're all closed now. I remember playing Street Fighter 2 in a arcade and then be randomly challenged many times by kids who would my whoop my ass.

pic related, another GOAT tier beat 'em up which only oldfags had the opportunity to play with friends and randoms in an arcade.

mame is a thing. You can also map multiple controllers to the same controller, it helps to make TMNT and other arcade games more lively since it spawns more enemies based on how many players there are.

In retroarch's mame core I mean.

Poetic image. And very true. I was a light gamer, and never did Holla Forums. Much more /k/ and Holla Forums. /K/ focused on prepping because in our hearts we knew we were the last of a dying breed, destined to some dystopia future that we couldn't figure out how to avoid, but openly rejected Holla Forums because we felt it would only bring other men with guns into our lives earlier than needed. Holla Forums was lost in endless arguments and lost hope, with the collapse of Ron Paul and libertarian hope we ended up left wallowing in hopeless despair unable to change what we could see clearly was coming and why. We were trapped and stuck, no way to move forward and simply accept there was no saving what we saw and valued, instead both corners had to turn to a hope of a better world after hell itself comes to cleanse the world of all that we knew.

Then came gamergate. Mostly ignored by us. Those few whom traveled into Holla Forums brought back stories and tells of a new battle. We watched and warned you about what was happening and why, and exactly how and why you would fail. Every misstep we were there to warn you, to inform you, to mock you when it blew up even after all you did. Misery loves company and most of us had lost that spark of hope, instead had come to accept our place was to await an bloody and violent end.

But gamers are a different breed. Min/Max. Play to win. Uncovering every possible exploit. Delving into stories and filling in and growing things beyond some limited developer viewpoint scriptwriting. Your failure in gamer gate brought you and your kind into OUR fold. You energized us in a way that we ourselves never could. You had your new mission. Holla Forums wrote it for you and we didn't even realize we did it. You had your new voice, /k/ had it in strides and an entire normie population that wanted leaders whom didn't cow down before liberals, their ready made patriot grounding gave pride and discipline with a host of legitimacy ready built behind it. And we had our new army. And army made up of NCO's, Officers and support personnel rolled up into each and every person. Self disciplined and motivated and having no need to follow other 'normal' faggots for direction. And we all had our same enemies.

Your loss in gamer gate was sad I am sure. But it was the greatest and most epic win our people have had in over a century. Stories and songs should be sung of that glorious moment in history. That was our Alamo moment. The point future historians should look back onto and say, that is when the tides changed. You completed us. You made us as we are today.

You took those lessons of gamer gate we warned you about and roared forward. A fucking cripple from your esteemed ranks built this place even as half chan Holla Forums floundered knowing our collapse was coming but not capable of moving ourselves. You built this place as a group, made a safe land, a home, a castle to defend and many of us moved here with you inspired. We even cemented our own religion, culture and peoples in so doing. A huge number caught by halfchan's despair were forced here into the ready arms of an group molding itself into a force ready and capable of waging the right kind of war to win our peoples back.

You are the muscle, the machine, the great power behind all of this. They came for you in your safe place. I praise kek today for that moment.

Because in turn, you forged yourselves and us into an Army on the march.

Games can be used to promote nationalist agendas too.



Fuck it, alternate color scheme.

Largely correct, but most of gg that didn't listen and kept hanging around reddit and social media fags all the while pretending they're "winning" on Holla Forums
These people are now just adopting the alt right name and talking points and they will experience the same dilution and ultimate failure that ni/gg/ers did

I am not into esoteric and shit, but just noticed pewdiepie has similar tattoo as this.

Holla Forums needs to create a game that's more in keeping with reality.
Meanwhile, niggers are on easy mode because of "positive discrimination" but still manage to fuck things up with typical nigger behavior and end up in jail (game over).


Eldar confirmed space kikes in that case

I want a left for dead style game where you play as Moonman, Ben, Sam, and a forth.. Ebola-chan maybe. And you defend trumps wall from hordes of beaners.

Maybe race-mixers (even then, just exile them to South America or something), but I see the possibility for much abuse after seeing what the shills have done here. Maybe in the future, producing pornography (white-on-white) or arguing that certain intellectuals who made disagreements as in will be tantamount to treachery. "Killing traitors" would essentially be the next big round of witch hunts–further infighting. I mean, I hear a lot of talk on here already that all homosexuals are race traitors because… well… um… they're cringey. Thus, we become the next Caliphate, where killing homosexuals and political dissidents (free speech isn't recognized) is sanctioned by the state.

We're a big race and we disagree with things. You should be able to talk about whatever to wish. Just don't fucking race-mix or help non-whites kills us or gain a strategic advantage from your own effort (and not negligence or retreat). That's it.