Live Audio of Trump travel ban hearing

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Government lawyer speaking in defense of the order now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not much to add, just thought some would want to hear this.

This is fucking cringy

My ban was removed, neat!
I take that back, the one defending the order is fumbling and it's a bit cringy is what I meant :^)

U.S. Circuit Judge Michelle T. Friedland

They seem to be arguing that the states have standing because businesses in those states are somehow harmed by the lack of muslim immigrants. How the fuck do business profits usurp the president's power to control the borders?

Senior Circuit Judge William C. Canby Jr.

is the guy on the phone Trump's guy?


Last one, this hearing has three judges and the government lawyer.

Senior Circuit Judge Richard R. Clifton

are they seriously trying to frame this as a muslim ban to try and use the 1st amendment against it?

This hearing is entirely by conference call. All four people are in different locations.

Whoops, my mistake, others will be speaking as well.

I'm retarded there are more actors than just four.

8 USC Code 1182 (f) imo.
There's no legal way to make an injunction that's not in contradiction to this law.


By the law the president can ban an entire religion of people from coming to the USA if he wants. By religion, race, political motivation, ANY reason, the president can issue a ban for as long as he wants, and he has the supreme power to do it.


They don't, this whole case is a sham

So many judges are pozzed to hell. I didn't think they could let their personal feelings influence their decisions so much. These fuckers better reinstate keeping the muds out ffs…


Just a note, if you watch the jewtube stream they're flashing who is speaking at top of screen.

It's the (((9th Circuit))) what'd you expect?

t. retard


this guy looks like a fag

No shit.

Because he is.
The Washington fucks that are trying to stop the ban look like Bill Gates, which means their probably family.

God that jewess has such a disgusting voice.

They really are biased towards the left. No court should be allowed to become that partisan.


based Clifton

I have no problem with partisan politics. Now that Trump is in charge and Harry Reid foolishly reduced the appointment vote requirement from 60 to 51, I hope Trump does everything in his power to stack all government and judicial positions with far-right ideologues. Even after his 8 years in office his legacy will continue to buttfuck anti-white libshits.


I'd really love to see them try and frame a concrete travel ban on 7 countries with no written mention of Islam that way. Let's also not forget the fact their own earliest shill tactic of pointing out other Muslim countries not being banned makes it instantly fall apart.

just gonna leave this here

You know it, satan+

it should be renamed the Courtcytus.


Ahhh the Jewdiciary at work. Clifton seems to be asking all the tough questions however.


This, they'll play to win to kill us, we need to play to win also because we're right.


They keep going back to religion. But the pres is allowed to block ANY CLASS OF ALIEN. Foreigners have no constitutional right to enter the US either.

holy fuck this circular logic

These judges are so fucking hostile. How is this fair?

Fuck Clifton is absolutely destroying them right now.

because they're tired of hearing the same two bullshit arguments

Heh. Fair? You expected them to be fair?

Welcome to the 9th circuit. The most reversed circuit in the United States.

They're going to lose if they do. It's only 8 out of 50 muslim majority countries that are banned.

This. People act like entering into America is a God-given right.

Clifton is so based. Friedland or whatever seems very earnest to throw this slimeball a lifesaver.

this guy is getting absolutely rekt, i suggest every user listen for absolute smug feels

Nigger, the solicitor is not on our side here.

Yes and again, the law allows the president to ban an entire religion of people from entering the USA if he so deemes necessary for the interests of USA.

Wait, this is insane.

All I hear is a retarded kike talking.

Judge Clifton blows them the fuck out every time and then (((Judge Friedman))) comes to the rescue "well, you're really arguing this … what you're trying to say is …"


At least 70% is muslim, jews and libshits literally shaking.

It's a fucking shipping label.

You are cargo. You are slaves. Ever wonder why everyone laughs at "sovereign citizens?" Because they cost the system millions each year getting around this fraud.

It's so obvious and my temper is lost



I was expecting the judge to be jewish also and side with this kike.

lol the absolute gall

The libs wouldn't pay attention to stuff like this. It's way beyond their comprehension. They'll just wait for the headline from CNN and then make the rest up in their own heads.

Just say it you motherfuckers.
"Foreign nationals outside the US do not have constitutional rights."


They are playing to win everywhere. I see here and in similar places this unconscious assumption that leftists, or anybody, care about what's "right". They don't. They just want their way. They have no principles at all, unlike us. We need to fucking get that and home in for the kill. Fight fire with fire. NOW.


typical tricks of trying to fit words into their mouth and try and make them go on the defensive.


shit i remember this video before it was a meme and before she took it down and replaced it hhahaa

Sweating while they're trying to scrape up enough shekels to get the rest of the extended family in before the gate slams shut.



they should focus their efforts on getting out while they can still do it alive.

Glad you caught that. I couldn't type it out fast enough.

I'm worried trump might cuck on the travel ban after this. Fact is his ban is completely moderate and doesn't go far enough in venting the people let in under obama.

If the cry about this what's going to happen when we need to start deporting the anchor babies/ non violent illegals?

They are truly ruthless.

I don't think most people are used to people with no moral underpinnings. They are like autistic little machines and no line is not worth crossing. It's pretty sick.

You always double down with extremists.

Why would he? He has complete control now, if he didn't cuck out during the election, why would he now?

It's not about him not doing it, he legally can't. Then the next time the religion of peace strikes, it'd be a big I told you so. Then we win.

What's the point? We all know how she's going to vote.

agreed. Anyone who thinks these Marxist traitors care about anything but they're agenda is foolish. They don't care about the Constitution, laws, precedent etc. They're just trying to figure out how to write up an "opinion" based on what they've already decided, and stick it to Trump. This is all just a kangaroo court.


Well, it fucking doesn't. So what's you point?


Heh. Trump is getting them to take the bait on this moderate ban now so he can go full ban later.

She's been kvetching about that this entire hearing.


This! The jews thought that all this power was going to clinton, and now that we have it it's time to destroy them once and for all.

so how are things looking

How'd you like to walk into a courtroom and see that creature presiding over your case?

Fucking finally


Furries need to yiff in hell.

She looks like a rat/mouse woman.

God I hate this bitch

Anyone's guess it seems like.

Friedland is adamantly against the order while Clifton tries asking questions regarding what reasoning they even have for trying to undo the ban.

jews are rats user.

Tilted two against one, but Canby is wildcard.

who was the guy spamming this link before the chat got (((shut down))) ?

my ass


Good imo. Their arguments are wholly circular and are getting more wobbly every rotation.

and now we wait

ETA on ruling?

There is no standing to undo the ban. Similar travel bans have been enacted by previous administrations. Hell carter banned Iranians in the 70's.


Hearing is over. Wonder how long it will take these heebs to come up with an answer.

I hope he takes that route for the long road.

Retarded amounts of pressure the left are putting on this. They have gone full force on this more than anything I've seen.

Sorry, what can't he legally?

how long will it take for a decision to be reached?

FOR YOU Shlomo.
The anti-Trump kikes got BTFO major league time.

It could be up to the Carter appointee, who sounds extremely old

u wot?

depends. when's the next outbound flight to Qatar?

Just caught the last seconds. How'd it go? Can I get a TL:DL

One of the major arguments brought up is that ALL of foreign policy is based on class, political/religious belief, or nationality of a people. Reagan/Cuba was specifically brought up.

I hope you realize Trump's going to lose. That was pre-determined. This is just a kangaroo court.

Well that was a massive waste of time. Seems like their minds are all already made up, especially that Friedland bitch.

Think about this:
Trump can issue an unlimited amount of EOs, while the courts can only handle so many cases.
Liberal judges will kvetch over every last EO that limits their power.

Trump could destroy the liberal sect of the judicial branch by issuing massive amounts of "mean" EOs that are perfectly legal, or even reissuing EOs with minor typos.

Fuck he's starting to look rough

The real TLDL is kikes gonna kike

Do you have the video of Sage Cotarelo? I liked the bird

He stopped dyeing his hair, that's all.

I can't believe the amount of fucking leading questions she gave that goddamn shyster.

The last one Hilldawg could catch already went out. If you believe the tabloids, then Hillary has already been stopped from leaving the country. Some tabloids have a better reporting record than the (((MSM)))

the real kicker that many politicians seem to have caught onto is waiting for an allahu ackbar to blow the judge's argument and career out of this galaxy. With that in mind, the kikes will try and do everything in their power to keep their pet ragheads from exploding off leash

That seemed so obvious. There's tons of precedent. It really bugged me that the kike woman judge kept going back to religion though. It doesn't fucking matter if the ban was based on religion, political party, nationality, fucking hair color… the president has the power to prohibit ANY ALIEN CLASS if he deems them a threat.

No wonder courts are so fucked up in this country. Half these activist judges disregard the law and make rulings based on their feelings. That's fucking illegal and needs to be stopped.

They are the most reversed court in America. They are certainly going to go full retard.

The oven dodger was trying to set up a gotcha moment while repeatedly saying "but what about it being a muslim ban" like a broken fucking record. Either by irritation, or trying to catch them off guard to accepting the bait, the kikess had no argument whatsoever and she knew it.

I'm half surprised they didn't issue their ruling half an hour before the hearing began. Brace yourselves. In fact, maybe just >>>8888888

CNN is flipping it's spinning like a top right now. Stream if anyone is interested.

You think that's not completely intentional?
"Hillary is fleeing! Pizzagate is real!" right alongside "We've finally captured Bat Boy!" only serves to reinforce how "silly" and "unrealistic" these events are.

This fighting is done for one of three things, or all three:
1) Chance it will be successful
2) If not successful, tons of excuses for publicity on it, to make a cultural assertion about how the ban was not against Muslims but against terrorists (So right-leaning people can't use it as political/cultural ammo for discrimination and chastising people)
3) Trying to energize the cultural anarchists again through some kind of 'victory' or just 'resistance'

You would have to prove it and the decision will be worded on any shred of precedent or authority they can find. If there isn't any I guess she will just creatively reinterpret the law. Lawyers seem to have a gift for torturing the true meaning of a word on par with leftists.

I think Trump could win this.

The argument against is that "it's a Muslim ban," but the argument fails because the executive order clearly isn't that, nor is there any logical way to frame it as that. Then they talk about past statements made by the president, which are inadmissible.

The executive order could be back in effect soon, potentially.

This is why the Byzantine empire banned jews from legal professions, along with all public offices both civilian and military.

I would normally agree with you, but this is 2017, when the Supreme Court ruled that the Obamacare fine is a "tax."

You would think that. But I would bet they just ignore that fact and paint it with muh religion. Which is funny on its face. Since I am pretty sure he can ban by religion if he can prove that religion is a threat to the US.

If the judiciary is this shortsighted then I hope Trump escalates this to a temporary ban on all immigration.

We are beyond Current Years. We now live in 1 ACY.

Having trouble reading?

They're kvetching hard.

Then why were most of the judges in favor of Trumps ban? Were you even listening? The only one not in favor was the Jewess

This is why Hitler turned them into air pollution.




The Current Year was 2015. So it's CY+2 now.

Sound policy. It's just too bad Vespasian and Titus didn't permanently end the problem before the East/West Empire division.

I can't watch right now. How's it looking?

(checked and heil'd)
The holocaust isn't real but it will be made real.

I didn't imply that at all, but the holohoax still don't real. It was a prophecy

It's over.
Kike will probably win, which means travel ban will be lifted.

kek, some fag claiming this travel ban is a victory for jihadists. This is terminal retardation.

There's no logical excuse for human trafficking either, user, but that doesn't stop Jews from being Jews.

Torturing an argument to within a shaved whisker of its life is an ancient tradition among Jews. It's the reason "kike" is a verb. It's what the Talmud is all about – taking some heebie bullshit from the Tanach and spinning it a hundred ways until it means the opposite of what it seems to mean. It's like chess for Satan worshippers.

It's the reason our legal system is so convoluted and slow. We spend millions of dollars arguing over whether lethal injection is "cruel and unusual," when what we should be doing is shooting child rapists in the fucking head. Simply cutting the Gordian knot is too obvious for a kike lawyer, so we have to torture every last definition until we're all wearing shoes on our heads and washing ourselves with dirt because logic.

Why do you think (((feminists))) instantly turn into Noah fucking Webster when their religion is challenged? Because they're trained and equipped by Jews to assassinate the white race, and semiotics is the Jew equivalent of a main battle tank; a weapon to be used right out of the gate, right away, and without hesitation.

Fortunately there's an answer to all this Hebraic meandering – see pic related.


I'm just laughing.
I can't take all thses beautiful (((pure coincidences))) serious anymore.

The holohoax was basically jews projecting their own blood libel and other disgusting shit that they themselves do. From turning asians into lampshades (where the kikes got the idea from), to also their blood passover rituals where they kidnap children, torture them, and bleed them out. It's the origin of the child saints.

Sounds like an argument to keep them out.

I don't get how they even have a right to sue. This is the president's JOB. It's like suing a congressman for putting forward a bill. You can fight it, but you can't take legal recourse for them having put it forward to begin with. That this is even happening is 100% kikery.

(((Michelle T. Friedland))) and Richard R. Clifton of the 9th circuit.

CNN jew claims there will probably be a decision by Wednesday or Thursday. fwiw


So once Sessions and Gorsuch are locked in, these fuckers can be replaced right?

It's the judiciary, kikery is what it does.

Somebody should tell these (((lawyers))) that if you argue a case, you lose.

Am I the only one that more repulsed by the female jude? There is just something about them.

Friedman sounds so triggered

I can't believe this man is actually a leader.

That's because she's Jewish user

Was stuttering a lot too.


In order to stall or try to build up a narrative or other fallacy-tier argument.

Oh, he contracted Obongo-mouth did he?

Thankfully only of Canada.

Good thing that's not how the law works.

He's not, he just happens to be PM.

Who are the man on the far left and the woman to the right of Putin.

Does anyone know if a transcript is going to be published? Can't be bothered to listen to it.

Who is the last word on who is a threat to the USA? These judges? The President (who gets all the intel)? The Congress (who even more slowly gets all the details)?

But user, you can't keep them out. That would be discriminating unfairly against their religion.

Once you realize what it is it's hard not to see the mindset applied in all manner of venues. It boils down to endless arguing over minutiae in an effort to obtain shekels.. Well written and deserving of a cap.

We can't be bothered to cater to your ADD.

Theresa May (UK Prime Minister)
François Hollande (President of France soon to be unemployed)



They've not done articles like that in years.

Typically they just do sensationalistic headlines and when you look at the actual article it's a lot more mundane.

Don't get me started on banking and finance. There's a reason compounded interest is a thing.

He's what happens when you give the people the choice of a boring Philosemite and a more Charismatic Philosemite

That was the Weekly World News and its by far the best place to find grade A bull plop. It was the Onion before the Onion.


Didn't Canada just pass some crazy law saying you can't talk about islam?

Tinfoil theory is to memory hole the arguments and put words in the lawyer's mouth that weren't said (eg, why do you think she kept repeating "muslim ban" when it is explicitly not?).

I hope someone saved that vid.

Did anyone save that video?

Youtube isn't working well..

pic related, from earlier. Trying to load (the homepage)