Holocaust survivor Chaim Ferster, who survived eight Nazi death camps, dies

A Holocaust survivor who cheated death in eight Nazi concentration camps during World War Two has died in hospital.

Chaim Ferster, 94, was forced from his home in Poland by the Nazis and survived Auschwitz, malnutrition and typhus. He later settled in Manchester.

He died from pneumonia and a kidney infection earlier surrounded by his three sons and family, his rabbi said.

Rabbi Arnold Saunders said he "had nine lives and was an inspiration".
Image copyright United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Image caption Child survivors at Auschwitz - still taken from footage recorded by Soviet forces

His sister Manya, 92, who was the only other member of his family to survive the Holocaust, managed to visit him just a few days before he died.

Mr Ferster, who lived in Salford, Greater Manchester was admitted to hospital last week.

He died just after midnight with his three sons at his bedside at North Manchester General Hospital.

His youngest son Stuart Ferster, 61, told the BBC: "His greatest fear was that people would forget the horrors of the Holocaust.

"That is why he spent so much time giving lectures in schools and colleges.

"We are so proud of him and the work he did."
Image caption Mr Ferster was 17 when the war broke out, in 1939
Nazi horrors

Born into an orthodox Jewish family and raised in the Polish town Sosnowiec, Mr Ferster was forced from his home by the Nazis in 1943 aged 20.

He witnessed mass executions, children crying for their murdered parents, bodies being burnt in the gas chambers and survived death marches.

In one camp, Mr Ferster recalled: "There were bodies lying on pallets, six one way, six the other way.

"There were many many pallets with bodies, very, very high."
Image caption His prison number B10924 tattoo on his left arm

He lost 30 relatives in the Holocaust including his mother, father and two sisters.

He later founded a sewing machine manufacturing business in Manchester.

Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: "Chaim Ferster survived the worst horrors known to man, losing almost his entire family.

"In his later years, he dedicated himself to sharing his story of pain and loss with the next generation.

"He reminds us that eyewitnesses to the Holocaust will not be with us forever and that it is up to all of us to keep their legacies alive."
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I won't be satisfied until everyone who lived during that time dies of old age, then the truth can come out

Hmm… how could a kike survive 9 "death camps"?


And six topwise

they were death camps in his mind. he just got moved around a lot

He must have spent a fortune in the gift shops.

Don't forget

8 Camps, wow. How many times did he meet Dr. Mendele and have wood shoved up his ass?

Perhaps these "death camps" weren't that bad if a man can manage to survive eight of them…

wow he survived 8 camps??
Typical chaim claim

I remember being at my friends house, and their grandfather, whom I had just learned was Jewish that night, was telling us the most teeerable story about the holocaust

==I shit you not== he told us he was gassed, but he survived because he was too drunk and the alcohol stopped the kikelon b from reacting with his body. It took all my willpower not to burst out laughing right there.

Also, fuck me on the redtext.

Pay no attention to the constant repetition of six in everything the Jews talk about.

OY VEY GOYIM The keemps were just terwibble. My gefilte feesh they made at the central cafeteria was undacooked and when I took it back for a refund dey said I didn't even hav'ta pay fer it and they just gave me anudda! DOZE BASTIDS!


How could he survive 10 death camps, you say? You fucking anti-semite! It was G-d who saved him from 11 death camps, and don’t you forget it! Germany should pay a billion dollars for each of the 12 death camps in which he was imprisoned!

They didn't bother proofreading this, did they?

15 death camps you say? Oy vey, this sounds like it'd be good on the motion picture, Germany needs to give his family 6,000,000 billion dollars for pain suffering, and movie expenses. Wife book signing when?


underated dubs

and nothing of value was lost

Ze Germans learned efficiency from niggers?

165 death camps, in which he died in all of them.
Hitler himself came to the camp and shot at him but he caught the bullet with his jew gold collection, and found that the bullet was gold too - then they took away all his hard earned gold and violins started playing while he showed a tattoo of a number that he did himself in 1948 under orders from Israel/aka palestein.

Seems legit

Amazing! How inefficient were those Germans that someone survived 8 camps. Guess the Germans simply forgot about him….
Pure Coincidence

underrated post

I heard Joseph Goebbels personally marched down to each of the 6,000,000 camps he was detained at and declared total war on him. Luckily though, every time they tried to gas him the alcohol he previously consumed made him immune to the zyklon b. In fact it's even said that the zyklon b somehow had an adverse reaction, it cured his Typhus and gave him enough nutrition to not starve to death. He then went on to fight with the Soviets and raid Berlin

He must not have received the memo to switch tactics.

That's why you shoot a kike before you gas him.

This is why it's taking for-fucking-ever to undo all the damage. These kikes have stupidly long lives (probably from eating children).


i can see it now, Chaim Ferster has become a dybukk and attached himself to an 8 year old transexual girl who is now reliving the horrors of the holocaust!

the state of israel demands more reparations for these poor souls!

oy vey germany! you are being antisemitic again!

Perhaps he's wondering why you would transfer a man before gassing him out of a material plane.

It's not even subtle.

Tricked the guards to masturbate themselves to death in every single one of them?

You know brothers, this honestly could be spun into one hell of a massive redpill narrative. It would take one very brave user, but imagine a reverse subconscious redpilling by embracing this blatant kikery and getting it to go viral.

As a lie grows it also becomes more transparent as it is stretched thinner and thinner trying to hide the truth. Eventually even normies will be able to see right through this filter that has been laid in front of them their entire lives. I think we should embrace their retarded propaganda and expose it for what it really is. The more we meme the more they scream.

Boy those multifunctional gas chambers, eh?

I bet all eight camps hated him.

Let me guess, by moonwalking out of the shower queues while trying to hold in the diamonds he swallowed.

Fire up those harrowing tales of survival you've heard over the years and post em here goys!

>www .reddit.com/r/news/comments/5sl72n/holocaust_survivor_chaim_ferster_who_faced_eight/


Perhaps he's wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing him into a gas chamber?

If I give you that laxative, will you die?

I heard he formed an underground railway to save all the persecuted jews, using spare parts from the rollercoaster that Himmler built which was disguised as a fun attraction but at the end of each ride the carriage tipped into a furnace where the riders were burnt along with the carriage.
This meant they had to carefully engineer a new carriage for each victim.
Luckily, he collected enough spare parts, hidden in his pipe-stem, that he built a network between 90% of the 924 trillion death camps that he escaped from, apart from they were inescapable.
Stalin himself presented him with a medal for services to zion, and he went to america to open a museum to let everyone know about what really happened, for 50 dollars an entrance.
He made 6 billion, mostly from compulsory school trips, during which the teachers wept so many years that the new Orleans flood was caused, in Idaho.

this went too long with no check

Oy vey a real hero he was!
Make sure the germans pay for a 10m tall gold statue for him in Tel Aviv!

It would not last ten seconds there.

Giftgas = poison gas.

yup, surprising considering
there must be at least one of the 6 remaining death camps in which he came back to be holocoasted more than once

Remember this?


No, but it would be very painful when the diamonds came out

How many centimeters of wood was shoved up his grandson's ass?

He developed immunity to zyklon B after being gassed countless times, and the evil nazis let him go.


I figure it went something like this:

Schlomo: I survived Aushwitz!
Shekelsberg: Dat's nothing Schlomo. I survived two death camps!
Rabbi Goldstein: Oy vey. That's almost as bad as what I went through. I survived three death camps. It was terrible.
Schlomo: Oy gevault. I just remembered the other four death camps I survived. I survived five death camps in total. It was a miracle.
Rabbi Goldsberg: That's almost as bad as what my cousin Shekelstein went through. He survived '''seven'
Shekelstein: Wow! That's only one less than me!

6 million hours in MS Paint. Does it need a merchant somewhere?

jews hated manual labor so much they called them death camps.

explains how he survived typhus

The weirdest thing about the (((holocaust))) is the inefficiency. Why use wartime fuel to burn the bodies and then bury some? Why starve them, but you give them water? Why only give tattoos at one of the concentration camps to some of the prisoners, but not the others. Honestly, for all the fear the left hold of the holocaust, it seems you have a higher chance of dying from high blood pressure if you're able to survive all of them.

Favorite hobby caused by this place: documenting the false claims

I laugh everytime

Oh I get it, the Kike was the fifth diamond, brave little diamond shitter

Are all of those actual claims? I recognize some but a lot of those l have never heard of.


maybe she washed the poopy diamonds by partially turning herself into soap after seeing the Nazis do it

Is he responsible for all of the kiked-up first posts?

How far exactly would that be?


the tattoos was because Auschwitz was a larger camp and had to deal with tons of soviet prisoners. smaller camps could get away with numbering their clothes

i'm told that they used some kind of very efficient cremation oven, but that still sounds like a waste of fuel.

because you're out of food due to end of war logistics issues but don't want to just kill all the prisoners


He won´t escape cremation this time.

well you can go from beijing to moscow in about five days on the normal speed train… granted maybe it was slow as shit train cause carrying muh six billion.

Are you sure that he was Jewish and not just an old guard polack pulling your leg?

On a second note, who the fuck knows:

This the ten inches of cellulose up the pooper guy btw

Shortly afterwards (he is/was a fag):

Wait so the camps gave out boozes? Or did they make their own out of feces?



By doing the lightbulb trick?


No, there was 1506 quadrillion death camps, and each of the carriages was built out of jew gold and diamonds.

I know, right? Where jews were shot, gassed, burned and, worst of all, actually forced to shower for once in their life.



On a 100MB/month data cap. Living is suffering.

holy shit, i thought OP was adding some artistic flair, but that's actually the fucking headline. Do people really believe this shit? How does that kike live with himself? Don't even Jews admit that there were only like 4 camps where actual "extermination" took place? wtf

how the fuck user, I can fly past that in less than 10 seconds.