Patreon scam

Yesterday I was browsing shit and found a link to the latest version of Breeding Season. So, since it has been over a year since I last heard of it I downloaded it and was surprised that there is literally nothing to play.
The game is based on making the monstergirls mate with other monsters, but there are about 20 animations in the game overall, about a half of them are for the player character. Seriously, you can check the graph here, it's full of empty spaces:

Now, I wouldn't really give a shit one way or the other about an unfinished porn flash but then I checked patreon and saw that they get 29k a month for doing literally fuckall, and have been doing that for about two years now.

Is this the future of porn games, to be put in development hell on purpose to milk more money out of guillible retards? Is there hope?

Other urls found in this thread:

Then again fuck that link. Here is a screencap of it all.

Green are the "finished" animations, yellow are the ones that aren't finished but are present in the game. Blank spaces is the shit that is missing.

"Monstergirls was a mistake"

Hey at least they got one column don-

Its not so much a scam but more so greedy people taking advantage of morons

Money being taken away from retards?

Good, Darwinism is doing its work.

I see nothing rwong here.

I played the "game" for like 10 minutes over a year ago and it looks like virtually nothing got done.

I doubt it'll ever get finished.


Why would they finish it?
They are getting 29k per month for actively not working on their "game"


OP this is a video games board not a shit flash game with shit art that only underaged fucks get off too board

Check em

Patreon is the dark souls of kickstarters

So guys, I was thinking.
What's to stop me from pretending to be a mentally ill tranny and setting up a gofundme to "help with my living situation" and "escape my abusive bigot home"? I've seen tons of these fuckers run these successfully, and they don't require proof. What's to stop me?

to be honest that shitty flash game has tons of furshit. So I dont think /monster/ likes it, everyone there tries to ignore it like CoC.

Atleast monstergirl Island is doing a better job, and will keep snouts out.

You are furries.

You are a newfag, but its expected since I doubt anyone fresh from reddit would see how 2007-2008 /tg/ worked.

So to make easy money just make some shitty furshit game then update it once every five months just to make it seem like you're still working on it?

Please. I remember old /tg/ from before the days of nazimod. You were furries then and when the entropy finally causes the heat death of this universe, you will remain furries. Snouts or not.

even the furshit content is nothing but retarded self-insert "beartiful big-titted tomboyish-yet-pure futa anime fox" waifus that some trust fund millenial shit out

I need to stop with the fucking hyphens.

first off, look at that fucking chart and tell me it's not a scam. They're gonna keep going on forever and they get a fucking salary for years.

yeah, some people are starting to use patreon that way.

bullshit, You would know the janitor hated monstergirls because he was a furry faggot himself. He even got newfags like you to mess with those threads, it seems he has some real estate in your mind.

You act like your little furry dogma wars somehow absolve your essential furry nature. Nazimod was a tin plated tyrant who fucked us all over for petty and mostly incomprehensible reasons. This doesn't change the fact that monsterfags like yourself are self hating furries. Always have been and always will be.

You sound mad. But i would expect a faggot who wears a furred suit would be cranky under all that heat.

grasp at straws some more, your material reeks of reddit since they go nuh hus when they lose.

I was waiting for you to run to your inevitable turtling position of "Only furries say we are furries". Some things never change. Surprised you resisted the urge for 2 posts actually. You should hate yourself for being a furry for they are vile and loathsome faggots but at least they have the balls to own up to it.

nice using goon terms like that.

Furries wear suits and make asses of themselves in public. their fandom is based on narcissim since their identity is tied to their ego and fursona. they suck eachother off In gay pride parades. their costumes are unisex and their first comventions were shilled on gay magazines, giving them that histronic streak you know nowadays.

Monster faggots have waifus and are mostly weeabos. they dont have that percieved problem you are trying to conflate them with. And only girls tend to cosplay as monstergirls.
Its mostly a straight community.

You're just a retard that needs to lurk more. You have no veterancy or any ability for critical thought.

I swear talking to you is like talking to a bernout.

I was there from the begining.

The maker complained about the amount of animations it would take for all the combo's and how adding a new monster greatly increases he amount of work.

Then they added feral variations.
Then genderbent.
Then more monsters
Then a whole lot of pointless shit
Then they focused on HARVESTING animations, instead of breeding (and put them under breeding to pretend they've done more).

This far off, and the starting monstergirl (catgirl) STILL doesn't have a full animation set.

The fuckers are stupid and incompetent.


I don't get why people identify as either.

If the dick likes what the dick likes, then that's all fine and dandy, but why try to justify it by hiding behind a community?

People who identify are either attention whores or self-hating so they need justification and their "community" to feel better.

A furry will say it's all about the community, when it's all about the porn. Monstergirl types are more honest about this.

The only difference between furry and monstergirl is that furry "culture" (aka the porn ratio) is dominated by gays and monstergirl types are straight.

28k a MONTH.


-for basically shitting out one animation per month, sometimes nothing

Bear with me for a moment. There's 53 characters if I didn't miscount, let's round it down to 50 just to make sure we'll be under the actual amount even with all rough simplifications I'll take. If you're trying to make an animation for every possible combination here, that's 50^2 = 2500 animations, but we're counting every animation twice, so the real number is 1250. Assuming maybe 8 frames per animation, which should work for either a decent-looking loop or a cheap-looking loop + finish, you're drawing 10000 individual pictures for the sex animations alone.
For reference, your average chinese cartoon uses, when averaged out, maybe 4 unique animation frames per second and runs for 23 * 60 = 1380 seconds, making for 5120 total pictures. I doubt it's that high, actually. Hentai episodes are below 1000 for sure.
Who in their right mind would plan this out, and decide that their game concept is completely realistic?

People that like degenerate porn are idiots easily separated from their money.

All this desperate justification for the essential truth that you jerk off to animal people. That is what makes you a furry. Not how much you embarrass your family. It never fails to amuse how badly this simple truth gets under your skin. You ran through the whole playbook of calling me a goon, Reddit, newfag, commie, and a furry. When your whole underlying justification for not being a furry is that you aren't quite as embarrassing as the suit wearing faggots and a slew of buzzwords then you should rethink calling anyone else out on a lack of critical thinking. You are a furry user and nothing will ever change that.

wow lad i didint know that these monstergirls were furry!

you lack critical thinking.

You sure are just as insufferable as furries.

and the animations that do exist aren't really that good

Ah yes, monster girls fetishists and their need to make their fetish public. Fetishists that make it their whole identity, fetishists that make monster girl only guilds in everything. Fetishists that cry about "muh monstricution". Wait…


The "Not all niggers smoke crack" defense eh? When the overwhelming majority of your jerk off fodder is animal people, you don't get to sweep it under the rug by trotting out the minority of non furbait examples. Enjoy your furry porn and stop trying to justify yourself on a anonymous imageboard. No one cares that you are a degenerate furfag as long as you don't make a ass of yourself posting it where it doesn't belong.

fuck off furfaggot.

Wow, CoC and TitS are/was more finished than this, and those were blaintly scams

Literally just makeup
Not sure where the "monster" bit is here

What's wrong with those? Not enough fur for you?

Returning to the projection strategy this quickly? I think we are done here. You were a disgusting furfaggot in 2007 and still are in the CURRENT YEAR. Work on them debate skills son. You argue like the newfag you so cavalierly accuse others of.

dont let your fursuit get caught out the way of the door, snout-kike.

You realize that most monster girls are from myths right?

What the fuck is up with all these moralfags? If furries help the world get one step closer to Sodom I welcome our furry overlords.

stay salty furfags and try to contain your autism when you are outside of /furry/

and futa, he is a man of taste.

How do you define what a monster is anyway? vampires and dullahans are considered monsters by most. I'm not sure what the straight jacket girl is though.

I know how /tg/ worked: they're a bunch of furfags user, you seriously don't notice? Fuck you should expect it, DnD and other /tg/ shit intersects heavily with furfaggotry

Monstergirl quest was fucking horrible, How long did it take you to quit the game?


Unless you're offering to jerk me off yourself, you have no say in deciding what I choose to jerk off to.

Cautionary tales about women

Probably. There was a guy I was doing work for who owned a porn site. I did a bit of work for him and he cut and ran without paying.


I think it's universally agreed upon by /monster/ that the porn in monster girl quest is horrible although at the end of the day between monsterfags and furies one is clearly less cancerous than the other.

That really does not scare me, user.

But where's the monster? I look at that vampire and don't see some terrifying creature of the night that with kill you to sustain itself, it looks like some guys idea of what a cute, harmless goth girl would look like. That dullahan doesn't look threatening at all. I doubt it can competently ride a horse. Having 2 heads to carry is just fucking dumb.

I couldn't recall how well received Nurse Verity was back in the day and instead stumbled on my 2008 threads. I miss old /tg/.

Eternity is only a few thousand years? I think I could learn to deal with that.

Because in the MGE the demon lord turned all the monsters into these forms. They used to be terrifying monsters:

So who's working on this game anyway?

Are you lost?

who cares about what a baord that tries hard to keep tumblr out thinks, like holy shit I've never seen such an autistic board and I like monster girls

I can only imagine how circle jerky their discord is

They are cute girl rendition of monsters, user. I think you're missing the point here, those monster girls are meant to raise a boner not terrify or illicit disgust.

Is it really worth more than a while in purgatory

broquest artist was working on it. i think is name is Shwig's, but the people in the team are flakes.


So your fetish requires worldbuilding to justify? The fuck man, I'm pretty autistic about justifying my fetishes but now we're talking about real world myths BUT SEXY. This is some Halloween bullshit.

These aren't monsters. They're Pokémon with tits.

the broquest artist was always a scammer.

He wanted to use half-chan for level 1 hype for broquest, reach level 2 (reddit) then ditch cuck-chan after they fulfiilled their purpose

He also wanted to leave Broquest in development hell until it reached level 3 exposure.

At least Yandere Dev wants to make a good game, but broquest guy purposedly stalls for exposure/money

I could understand it if they were using discord for like a game or something to communicate, but it's a small fraction of a already small install base

Whats going to happen is people are going to get kicked or leave because they don't play right, and on discord it's not like TS where you have everyone forced into voice so people in the voice channel will form their own clique and rarely communicate with the people who don't use it

MGE lore is dogshit anyways, don't bother most of it is written like a horny 15 year old wrote it, even /monster/ disregards it and only holds it up to "scare away tumblr" but anyone who took 15 seconds to look at their board would realize most of the "OC" there ignores MGE canon

are there any not shit games with monstergirls and monsterboys
nope, its eternal suffering.

you asked where the monsters are user, I just gave you the answer the wiki has
But that's what pokemon are user, pocket monsters, so that analogy doesn't really work.

He failed

I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but when I say I'm into monster girls I pretty much mean I'm into cosplay girls

ITT: retarded furfags who can't tell the difference between girls with monster-like features and anthropomorphic animals

Your scare tactic becomes gradually less effective, christfag. No matter my fapping preferences, it's nothingness before conception and nothingness after death. I can live with that.

You do know the "X is a christian imageboard" is a meme right?

Or ideals for them to aspire to, like Athena or the muses.


We used to be so civil when we were talking about our dicks years ago


Same for the most part. It lacks the thrill only imagination can provide though.

I'm surprised how quickly this devolved into shit

Around furries, leave in a hurry.

Around a furry, leave in a hurry.
Sounds better

That image has 52 rows with 4 as a minimum amount of columns, increasing by one per row. That's 1534 animations total.

That aside, your main error is assuming they're drawing frames. They use paper cutout animation. Of pixelart. Yes, rixels and mixels abound. It's shit.

Why do I still work?

here's a good one

if you wanna get rich, make a shit flash game, steal its content from the community, shun 90% of the community and replace it with 3 close friends and don't do anything.

just make sure whatever little content there is, is furry as fuck and has a horse cock on it.

he still heavily relies on community content for the new game, I presume they don't get any money though

i havent had an off day in four years and these people make my yearly in a month
if my gun wasnt disassembled it would be tantalizing

What the fuck? How the fuck are people still funding that half baked text adventure

also just posting what japanese people make and sell for like 1000-1400 yen (10-15 dollars, give or take) at adult shops and online

one 20 second clip has 200 times the effort than HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PAID FOR 24/7 PRODUCTION FOR 3 YEARS+ STRAIGHT

Mind you, the Japanese people working on these games usually have day jobs they work 4-6 days a week at, either office or retail, and focus on these projects in their off time for a few hours a day/their off day. Anyone who invests in Western porn/production deserves the shit they get.

Furries want to sell a product, theyre now a business. So treat them like a business.

Have they reneged on their promised duties, broken the law, or done some GG worthy?

If this was a normal investor funded project then it would have already been canned due to not meeting any milestones for months.

Crowd Funding is done by absolute retards so good luck getting it treated like an actual business

also just posting what japanese people make and sell for like 1000-1400 yen (10-15 dollars, give or take) at adult shops and online

one 20 second clip has 200 times the effort than HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PAID FOR 24/7 PRODUCTION FOR 3 YEARS+ STRAIGHT

Mind you, the Japanese people working on these games usually have day jobs they work 4-6 days a week at, either office or retail, and focus on these projects in their off time for a few hours a day/their off day. Anyone who invests in Western porn/production deserves the shit they get.

That looks great, too bad it'll never get translated. Why do japs hate money?

Don't care if not translated anyone got source?

what's that called by chance if you know?
I forgot to go and look for it.

Holy shit, I recognise that art. It's nanashi.

no, but good guess
It is, fuck you for making me doubt myself and check.

Wew lad./

Because they hate gajin more, seriously. Just look at all the jap games that wont even run on western computers

I was going to ask this a long, long time ago when Holla Forums got kicked from there for adult content or something, but how is this project and artists who draw porn still allowed on there, they claimed its against their terms of service.
Why hasnt some one fucked their shit up by reporting them.

There's a log on here somewhere, but long story short. Shit gets taken down from here all the time.

It's just that most project creators and artists don't care. Holla Forums is such a small part of the net that it won't affect them.

I see from the lack of replies that you devastated the normfags.
Well done.
You're still a faggot though

Ill never forgive him for the potential he destroyed in CoC

The bq game never succeeded because the actual game itself never existed and the people working on it were idea guys, its no wonder the artist left when he realized they didnt know what the fuck they were doing

People that are into monstergirls don't require "worldbuilding" but rather want more interesting "partners".

The common complain about furries is how fucking simple they actually are. Oh wow, it's a cat, but it walks, talks , eats, sleeps and lives like a human. So original.
The few that are actually somewhat interesting at least bother to use the original animal for personality and world-setting, like having bunny girls being incredibly promiscous, bird girls aren't that smart and rarely settle down unless they find a male that builds them a great nest or dog girls that are incredibly loyal to their partner. But for the most part, it's just a cosmetic change.

You can actually see the same problem in Sci-Fi, where alien races are often just humanoid shapes with different colors, often actually just humans with a slight change in the skin. Actually good Sci-Fi movies and games give you widly different races that have a very different organism and way of thinking and it's the clash between them and humans that gives the show\game some entertainment value.

Bit of the same for monstergirls, really.
Thinking about fucking a spidergirl ain't really about your love for spiderfucking, but rather your love for bondage and a very patient but manipulative partner that spends a lot of her time alone but is quite smart.
Thinking about fucking a vampire is often about the dangerous relationship with someone that literally needs you, so you'll end up questioning if she's after your dick, your heart or your blood. And also for hemophiles, I guess.

This is probably the main diference between monstergirl fetishists and furries. They don't beleive they are those species nor do they want to be them. They just like to ponder on impossible but quite interesting scenarios involving dangerous creatures that interact with the human race in a very unique race per monster girl.

Of course, I speak of this as an outside just from what I've observed. Any /monster/ out there feel free to confirm or deny this, please.

Because, and as a Dutch person this completely baffles me, Nipponese just don't speak English.

They're still on their island not connected to the English speaking internet. It's as if commander Perry never happened.

So no they can't TL their porn themselves, you'll have to rely on some autistic user in a basement.

Being more receptive to English sets up your country for leftist infiltration. Not to say they don't have their share, but the lack of english proficiency helps prevent a flood of leftists and leftist dogma into their country.

As a blankedy blank, I think X.
Geen goede woordkeuze maatje

Well holy shit. What a good fellow.

This is pretty accurate for a lot of monster girl enthusiasts.

That's what they are though. Literally just take any girl and put her in a fucking box and you got yourself a fucking mimic to most. Grab a girl and make her have muscles, or fuck just a horn, and you've got an ogre or oni, hell just make a girl tall and that's a giant.
Yakumo Ran, and Chen, are both monster girls and it doesn't matter if they're cute or not. They're monster-girls.

I don't justify my fetishes by worldbuilding but it's what they are. Personally I'm into monster girls because their personalities appeal to me. I also find the idea of their powers somewhat neat.

nigger that's used in any game where faggots can go full D.

you wish

Jesus Holla Forumseddit surely is pozzed now adays to include demi-sexually dogkin cuck sack wearing mother fuckers to walk free.

what? turtling as far as i know comes from the fighting game scene which is about as far from a goon as you can get

in any case using that as a conversation term is ultra gay

It's actually a very common term in RTS as well, especially since many RTS let you build walls and turrets to hide behind. Essentially the shell you use to "turtle". Do goons even play RTS games?

Stop appropriating my fetish ":V

I wish. They have connections to the fighting game community. They're complete shit but they're there.

They're try everything to shove their dickgirls and gayshit into everything.

This conversation isn't videogames. How does the damned thing play?

The best part of this is that these are just dick-into-hole, pump, and cum animations of two characters standing in place as selected from a menu. Not complex at all.

They'd be done already if they weren't leeching off gullible autists month over month.

Like shit, really.
You get a few animals and you have them fucking with each other or with you. They often make some byproduct as well that you can use like a potion.
You breed them (and there's no pregnancy so it's just sex, no offsprings) by fucking with the right partners to increase their status.
Then you have 3 requests, an easy one, a normal one and an harder one. If one of your critters fullfills the criteria, you can sell it and get cash and some starts to upgrade your facilities. Or simply sell it for cash, buy a new animal and start over.

The strategy is choosing the right partners based on their status, traits and used products, as well as fucking them as much as possible in one day to increase their status.
Also, choosing between "breeding" and "making byproduct", since you can only do one of each in a day for every animal.

The result is that you'll be replaying the same animations many times, over and over, till you get sick and bored of them.
The system is easy to figure out, the RNG is the only "hard" part of the game and the rest is grind and grind and grind, because it's a flash game, what did you expect?

It's your average furry shit flash game, with fetish pandering but no though put behind the "game" part of it. If you expect "Rune Factory, but you fug the monsters for realzies", you'll be sorely disapointed.

Thank you user, that was informative. Is there some way to see this horrid abomination for myself without giving the kike devs any shekels?

i wanna be a patreon scam but i also wanna make good game. it makes more sense to build up hype for the development process though, doesnt it?

The game revolves around you buying monsters, getting them to fuck each other, and filling out requests. Requests are basically just "Hey, I want X monster that's a female with X trait". You earn gold for completing them. You can also harvest them for items, which can then be used to either feed the monsters to get bonuses, or sold for money. The goal of the game is to pay off some debt. In it's current state, it's pretty lax. I never really felt pressured by the the payments. The first payment is only 1,500 gold and you can accumulate that much in a single day if you're good at fishing. The payment after is 3,000 so I assume it keeps doubling. You have a whole in game month to do them so it's not hard at all.

Thank you as well, user. My question posed in still stands, however.

They change the code every once and while so I'm not 100% what it is. I think it's "gallerysecret". Just go into options and there is a way to enter the code and browse through all the scenes. If the thread is up tomorrow I'll just make webms. I can't access the game right now.

Just look it up and play it. Try a site like e621 if you don't even want to visit their website.

That sounds breddy cool of you, user. I was, however asking where I could get a download of the game without giving the devs any direct shekels, or ad shekels.

Fair enough, user.
Latest version. Before you ask, no I didn't pay any shekels.

Go to
They have a sticky for the game

Check the share threads and the Volafile room or something. I played it way back when it was starting because someone shared the links there.
But most likely nobody is gonna bother. At the time, it seemed like it would be a fetish game for Harvest Moon fans, but seeing how little it has evolved, there's probably not a lot of people interested in the game anymore.

Or fuck me with a rusty rake, what do I know about this shit? I usually even defend the furry little shits because I find people going after them are usually just as dumb as them, but it's hard to say with a straight face "fursecution is stupid, stop doing that crap" when someone pulls those numbers.
Then again, fursecution is the number one reason they even reach those numbers so nothing changes…

You three have been most helpful. I appreciate it, anons.

Your heart is in the wrong place user. Spend that mercy on something meaningful than degenerates that even people on niche porn boards and beyond don't like. Their autism is self imploding, so there is no point to get involved and pulled in to stop the implosion.

yeah I can second that, its not really about us being monster girls its more the love and romance between us and them. Furries its more about them than anything else.

Just a reminder to never give money to "artists." And never pay money for an unfinished product.

Kyrieru is currently in the process of ruining his old games, for who the fuck knows what reason.

Yeah, okay. Though Kyeiru is only making $800. Not as much as Breeding Season. At one point ILL made more money, now he has only a couple hundred bucks per month for being a useless cunt.

Right one had better potential for sex scenes, I'm just saying.
Chibi porn isn't really all that good, just see Akabur to know what I'm talking about.

Self respect?

Except that left one already had 5 working sex animations.

I'm unaware of this, what's the controversy behind this image?

The original was fine. He just wasted his time saying he didn't want to do the game anymore then reanimates it.

Did he really?

That piece of shit wont ever come out. He should have finished the game mostly THEN became a faggot. I'd hold respect for him if he did, but no. He has to become a faggot before completion.

Shwig/S-Purple is a god damn piece of shit of a human being and is the sole reason Breeding Season is failing. Everyone should have seen this coming when he "fixed" the initial redesigned and brushed it all off as people being huge babies and not understanding art when everyone said the "fixed" art was shit. He's a whiny little piece of shit and I don't doubt all the extra scenes needed with the genderbent was his fault because he needs an excuse to never stop drawing for "improvement"

He is only ever good for short and small projects that can be put out to the public as soon as the required art is done because otherwise he's gonna stall the shit out of it.

paying people before they deliver a product is a huge mistake.
paying people per month to make a product is an even worse idea because you just let them delay it forever to keep the cash flowing.

You can tell at the very least the animator had honest intentions since he did a lot of animations which were good enough before things got "fixed" and ruined, now he's got barely any of them done. It's only bad when you let mentally deranged people like Shwig get on the payroll.

Are furries jews or the jewed?
Can jews jew jews?
Both are defined by their snouts and obsession with money so there's clearly a connection.

That's why Patreon is even worse then Kickstarter when it comes to game development. At least with Kickstarter there is some expectation of a deadline, and they are only paid once to finish the game so they have an incentive to finish it before they run out of money.

Patreon just incentivizes slow development and delays, to milk as much cash as possible.

I'm not sure about all the internal drama but you certainly can't trust people who have never put off any product with any sort of money with no warranties just like that.
I'm sure maybe some of the staff is completely honest people who really want to do their job, hell there might be decent people even in companies like Riot, EA and Blizzard, but you can't just blindly trust people not to jew you out.


Exaclty I can't believe people just fall for that shit.
Why didn't they buy good games like Fallout 4 instead?

So, if you guys wanted to make a porn game, what would it be about?

I'd really love a game about getting stranded on an island, and two tribes; one of catgirls and the other of doggirls start fighting eachother over you because they need a male.

It's not even about defending them, really. It's defending the right to post an anthropomorfic character without being labeled as a fetishist.
I couldn't possibly care less about some dude having to wear a suit and pretend he's a dog to get the juice flowing.

But damn it, I like my lolicatgirls. I find some mice characters endearing and bunny characters often funny. I like cute stuff and a lot of furry porn manages to strike that spot by combining just enough affection with just enough lewd.

So I live in an horrible world where I have idiots that aren't happy just looking at lolicatgirls, they gotta be a "big bad wolf that wants to sex them up" and act like retards. And then come the rest of the stooge brigade that puts me in the same basket as the loonies for posting a lolicatgirl.
I feel like an african american, hearing hip hop on the left and a KKK rally on the right. Can't a nigga get a break? besides the neck?

I'm here for you

Western furry is fucking garbage though


Fuck me I laughed
tfw .swf will never ever work on 8ch ever again

Video games:

Easy game engines (virtually no coding):

Game Maker Studio (2D; free and paid versions)
GameSalad (2D)
RPG Maker (2D; numerous versions ranging from free to $69.99)
Stencyl (2D; free and paid subscription versions)
Scratch (good for kids and is more general; 2D; free)

More difficult game engines:

Unity (lots and lots of platforms; C# and JavaScript script; 2D, 3D, VR; free and paid versions)
Unreal (specializes in graphics; C++ and visual script; 2D, 3D, VR; free with a royalty on successful products)
CryEngine (Lua script; 3D; paid subscription and full license versions)

Mobile game development:

Corona (free and paid subscription versions)
SpriteKit (2D) and SceneKit (3D) which are built into the official compiler to create iOS apps (see iOS apps for more resources)
also all of the above game engines (cross-platform)

Game console development:

Game Maker Studio (with a paid subscription)

Note that games can also be created on more general platforms like iOS and Android apps, but the resources listed above are specialized for game development.

I know how to make video games, I just don't want to make porn games right now.

Get started, and good luck.
Just make a demo level and put it on patreon, I'd bet you get tons of bucks.

That's the reality of patreon, you're paid for being a faggot.

>looking forward to some music
Deceitful bastard.

Artificial Academy meets Hogwarts, basically.

I mean, the base game is actually fairly disapointing. I get the appeal of the game for the sex, but does that really mean the rest of the gameplay has to be so bad? I was expecting a simple "Physics contest between rapist and victim to determin sucess odds" for the Force option, so that Physic actually had some gameplay purpose, but not even that is there. I mean, not even a mod!

I'd very much like a game where you are placed as a student in a school for gifted children and not that kind of gifted. You'd have some sort of supernatural power you had to learn how to control, while also learning a few other disciplines for aditional skills. The gameplay would revolve around you going to class and studying to keep learning new things or maintain your current skills, ala Bully.
However, every few days, you and 4 other students are sent on missions to the nearby cave\forest\village and you have to use your powers and learned skills to solve it.

Of fucking course this is just an excuse to have your average japanese highschool, but set in a creepy old castle. You'd still be free to woo all the other classmates and even the teachers, but with supernatural powers to the fray. Witches using love potions, Androids going around barely naked, Vampires forming their own covens, Scientists being ronnery all the time…

But something this complicated would probably never be done for the simple reason adult games don't sell. I mean, I know people would buy the shit out of a game like this, but there's little to no outlet for that kind of stuff on the level it would require just to break even from production costs. Offbeatr is nice, but it's basically Kickstarter for kinky stuff. Really wish Steam or GoG actually had an Adult section, or there was a decent similar alternative.

fucking site eats everyone's images but mine, even when I don't want to post them…

No one cares what kind of porn game you want furshitter.

To be fair, monstergirls are fucking shit.
For the vast majority, they're literally just cosplaying girls, and nothing more.

That ain't attractive. That's boring.

Humans are boring/unattractive?


If I was getting paid that much, I'd drag on the release as long as possible too.

If patreon is being used for the type of project that has 1 big release you're probably going to be scammed.

What's in the box?

You fags are just as degenerate as the yiffers. Worse actually, because you think you aren't.

fuck off furfaggot.

9 years later and furries haven't gotten any better.

Would you smite it with your Rod of Might, Holla Forums?

A cat is fine too.

Don't worry user. I know you are different from furries. When the day of the rope comes we will be sure to hang you from a different gallows than the furfags. Never let it be said that Holla Forums is not merciful.


adorable, would kill

Everything about this girl makes me want to punch her.

Is this really the first time you see Nagatoro?

I know what it is, I'd just either punch her or walk away if she tried to pull any of the shit she does on me

Look at this faggot right here he likes [thing]

Well, death by snu-snu is also one way to kill someone

Even when they get translated, sells in the west are small compared to Japanese sales and the "hardcore" western buyers will buy the untranslated version anyway. Plus, some of them genuinely don't want to sell to westerners.

All his games so far were decent. He may be a crazy autist who delays his games for years for no reason but I trust him to deliver a good game eventually I didn't give him any money though

I just hope they finish the neotenous designs. Fuck the rest of the game.

What could go wrong?

You don't have to pay money for those, though

It didn't work too well for Korea and China. Korea is SJW central and China was literally Jew'ed.

like that will happen, you should go back to whatever board you came from perhaps leftypol or baphomet because you dont even type like a Holla Forumslack.

Nah, that's fucking boring and probably gay.


People like you annoy me. You really don't get it, do you?

Crowdfunding is fucking cancer. It is basically what every lazy scumbag who didn't want to work for a paycheck has ever wanted. Some of the people who start these projects are too young to know that they're these types of people before they get involved in a project where they get paid top tier dosh for doing nothing.

Think about it. If you are getting 29k a month to continue working on a game, in what universe does it make sense to actually finish the game?

It's not the furries, it's fucking crowdfunding. Don't treat crowdfunding like legitimate business. The only way that crowdfunding will come close to working is if a platform is used where you can't donate more than the funding goal.

As an user who spent many teenage years raiding the shit out of furries back in the day, I can honestly tell you that furries are in fact slightly better nowadays. Mainly just because they don't intrude as directly, or as much, but also because the victim complex has died down a significant bit.

Patreon is a fucking scam in general and does nothing but instill a general sense of apathy in communities that used to do things for free as a hobby. Why bother working on something for free when you could work on it a tiny, minuscule amount, release an "update", and rake in an extra hundo from morons too stupid to take their credit card off?

Fuck Patreon, I refuse to follow any artist who uses this shit service and the moment they even consider it they are lost to me. Nothing good comes from this shit pool, it just kills communities.

they get asshurt if you dont want anything to do with them. Snout is a trigger word that reminds them of their fursecution bullshit.

you should probably step back and look at what you just posted because there's evidence that contradicts your claims on this thread alone.

No, you don't understand. This is still better than it was.

that looks really thick

is forcing a billion fetishes into your shit just a substitute for actual quality

The fursecution needs to come faster.

You know, I'm not too sure. On the one hand they mostly stick to their own boards now, but on the other you hear much more often about the actual sickening degeneracy that happens within that fandom.

I think that may be in part the the oppression thirsty attentionwhores now opt for Tumblrism-styled insanity names like "Otherkin" rather then Furries since Furries have a established bad reputation now, so the ratio of people who know they are degenerate and fap anyway and then drop it after cumming versus the ones trying to use it as a Minority- label "lifestyle" is slowly moving in favor for the former.

Basically, the people who would been covered Furries and folded into that "Sub-culture" 10 years ago just get the Tumblrite stamp and fold in with the Tumblrinas,Twitterettes and other assorted SJW hugboxes.


nah its not. Holla Forums is too pozzed to throw out the /socfur/ retards. hell even 4chans tumblr mods have stopped giving a shit because sjws and furries are mods now.

they will still feel bad if you reject them, they will even pretend to not be furries so they could whiteknight their faggotry.

furfags have only gotten worse mostly because people are telling them to fuck off less because the hate isn't so fresh anymore and furries have become more subversive.

Of course it is, where have you been? In the US alone, even the smallest niche fetish has hundreds of thousands of people starving for content, many of which are desperate enough to pay big bucks or it. At such a number, one fetish isn't quite a big enough demographic to be worth it, but if you make promises to every fetish that you can, and then do the bare minimum to deliver on them, you're in for a shitload of money.

Remember how desperate people were to throw money at Mighty No. 9? Imagine if you could siphon the money like that, but from the fanbase of every single niche game that didn't get a sequel, simultaneously. That's collective fetish games.

You're retarded, nigga.

This is mostly what I'm talking about. It used to be that furries would try to hijack unrelated threads, on unrelated boards, which had ongoing, on-topic discussion in them.

I know that a lot of them assimilated into Tumblr at some point, but I've also heard that there have been migrations among their larger community sites because of some drama shit. (FURRIES ARE EMBROILED IN DRAMA, WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN?) Though that was some time ago, so I don't know where most of them are now. What's amazing is that even as obnoxious as they are, they're still not the loudest "minority" on Tumblr. I wonder how many have been co-opted into various SJW denominations thinking that it's a path into earning their "rights."

if they stick to their boards, why do they invest themselves in monstergirl threads?

point is, they act like sjws when it comes to that artstyle, because their furshit identity has no place there. but then again you aren't reading between the lines and choose to ignore this.

Don't deny that the artwork in Kurovadis wasn't complete shit.

But yeah he really should finish his current game before fucking around with his older ones.

99% is best human

If you wanna sleep with animals, kill yourself and pray you get re-incarnated as a spider or whatever sick animal fetish you have

17 hours
1 minute
What are you sliding kike?


wait, people actually pay money for games? fucking faggots

No, OP. Don't give your money to that.

Give your shillings to this garbage instead.

Top tier waifu

That sounds like Harry Potter with dating modded into it.

Why should I back this patreon


Harvest Moon on an island with girls instead of cat and sheep people.

I want to kill Nagotoro.

This fucker makes 200k a fucking year. I work my ass off studying for a college degree I don't want just so I can hope to make 40k in a blue collar job. I was late to see how much of a faggot this guy was but every time I see more of him it just pisses me off more and more.

Seriously this world is an unfair piece of shit. In a just society consumers would tell him to fix his shit and fuck off instead of blindly hoping for something to happen while spending 20 bucks a month on nothing.

i bet you defend Cath/Cu Sith

200k a year to not do any work, all he does is input community content and takes credit with a "contributed by [x]" that's as small as possible.