How many Native Americans were actually killed by Europeans? I regularly get confronted with the claim that European settlers committed genocide on the Native Americans, but I've seen some conflicting reports (pic related) on what the actual cause of the genocide was.
Is the genocide of Native Americans a hoax?
Other urls found in this thread:
The native americans are mongolic people who arrived across the bering straight land bridge, saw an area full of advanced people with roads and farming and actual cities.. then hunted them to the last man, killed them all, ate them, and ground up their bones.
We call those pre-"native" americanoids "the mound builders" and they were likely light-skinned and connected to the meme of a white atlanteon-type society which at one point had many colonies around the world, centered in possibly doggerland.
Mound builders are very likely germanic, and le natives killed by whites is just a distraction to get people to a) feel bad for horse people who invaded north america and ate the actual natives and b) dissuade people from looking more into the history of the contininent
Not so much a hoax just bullshit saying the white man did all this awful shit to the poor peaceful wise indians
Those indians started shit themselves 99% of the time and it was usually really fucking awful, like sacking some small village unprovoked, scalping women and children and enslaving the rest. When the US would push their shit in for it they'd lose even more land.
repeat ad infinitum and here we are today. Where the injuns are as wise and noble as 2 centuries ago. drunk and complaining about how the white man stole their land. even though their people would conquer each other for land and would treat each other much worse than Whites ever did.
fuck indians
also there's no such thing as "small pox blankets". A general under jackson wanted to try something like that but it ended up being ineffective. the indians got their small pox without the blankets.
That explains the somewhat calmer nature of the "natives", they mixed with the other population.
Idyllic conditions were likely present. They didn't have a warfare culture in any way, shape or form. Not a single metal weapon or arrowhead were found in the mound builder cities or tombs, but there is lots of other metal work including tools and decorative objects, so they had the ability to produce such objects.
I don't need to tell you being soft and thinking that peace is a defense is what got them eaten and their culture annihilated.
Not enough.
le argument man had a video on this
I'd believe that if the horse people didn't go to great lengths to pulverize the bones and meticulously destroy all the mound builder's cities and monuments they could find.
they never were. That is gradeschool propoganda. cannabalism was normal amongst indians
this was for
Reminder that smallpox blankets were completely made up by this hippie faggot professor in the 90's and he lost his tenure because of it.
Very, very few. They mostly died of disease that spread well in advance of the settlers, disease that was first introduced by the Vikings and later the Spaniards. This is likely what caused the Mississippian culture to collapse.
And this is exactly right regarding white interactions with Indians. The few good tribes we encountered, mostly in the northeast, integrated into our society long before we had any kind of stupid idea like making "reservations".
Jesus you are retarded. Horses didn't reappear in the Americas until the Spaniards arrived. Literally "We Wuz Kangz" tier.
You should try not being such an obvious shill.
They got eradicated due to diseases spread by (((trade))).
Since they had no immunity to old world diseases and no domesticated animals to get them from, they were sitting ducks.
Europeans were only passively responsible for this, not knowing what germs were(besides some smart people in Renaissance cities.
Saying that it was intentionally genocide is like saying that invasive species brought to Europe via transoceanic trade is Japanese ecological terrorism I'm still watching you mudshits
The dieoffs caused by diseases predate the arrival of the european explorers by atleast 100 years.
We should cull them again
Just cut off their welfare and we'll turn every dindu reserve into amerindian graveyards
Maybe you should try not being an ignoramus.
Not an argument, my dear shill.
I'm sure you'll kvetch and try to hand-wave the mongolian-species horse paintings in north america 6,000 years ago (right around the time they finished off the mound builders) so I'm not going to bother providing you more pictures.
Vikings made an earlier appearance, though they were driven out. Left behind some Western diseases.
How to spot a shill.
You worthless faggot, stop replying to me.
Get fucked, retard.
This is the retard shill trying to convince you there's nothing here but white people bringing disease and death to the poor virtuous natives.
Well, the little Ice Age started at the end of the Middle Ages, which could contribute to it. Since these were Nomads, they were reliant on natural cycles even more. Couple the lowered resistance to diseases due to cold and malnutrition and you've got a superb shitstorm.
So in the 14. century?
But if you mean the NA indians, those die offs wouldn't be strange since diseases travel very fast by trade. IT could take just a couple of years after the first contact with the Spaniards at the end of the 15. century.
Vikings had almost no colonies. Their impact wouldn't be that big as the later explorers.
yeah another 150-200 years. viruses anf bacteria aren't going to survive that long.
Any other claims?
These god dam Indians need culled hard again.
Disease played a huge part in it.
Some tribes were traders and didn't mind settlers
Other tribes were slavers who would rape the shit out of you and eat you afterwards.
What happened to the Indians is the same thing that happens when you put diverse groups in close together with limited resources- they fight to dominate one another.
Even native-biased scholars have determined the height of NA "native" populations was far before contact with whites, around 1200-1300. They were struck by a 90%+ mortality disease, I forget what it was specifically, but this was the main reason they were so lightly populated in an area they owned themselves for nearly 10 millenium. Why many areas that seemed previously habitated according to basic investigation by the Cortez, it wasn't just him bullshitting and justifying killing babies and raping women like liberals try to tell it. He's actually being serious when he says they were hard-pressed to find ANY people in these recently habitated lands and why they had to walk into Tenochtitlan just to find any sizable number of natives.
Get this nigger shit out of here.
Both black plague and influenza outbreak of 1918 came into Europe from the East. Was that a ruse of arabs and chinese to decimate native Europe population?
BTW, Amerindians were lucky to have Christian whites coming to America first - if it was the mudslimes or some african kanz, they would be exterminated to the last.
molyjew makes some good points here, mainly that Indians have, by far, the highest rates of race mixing of any race in north america. If you add up all the %'s of people who are 2% injun you get almost the exact same number as what has been claimed to be genocided. Well they were genocided to an extent through their own race mixing. I actually know an Indian activist who is half white and only dates white dudes. Next time I get into an argument with her about muh peaceful injuns being genocided I think I'm going to throw the race mixing in her face.
They killed each other. Red niggers are such trash it's not even worth discussing.
USA in rightful white clay.
Do you have any sources?
Honest interest here.
The native americans died out for 2 reasons:
#1: They weren't prepared for European diseases. The stuff about smallpox blankets was one british general trying to stop a shitload of indians trying to burn his fort.
#2: They never united to claim the land for themselves. They never even slowed down the rate at which they slaughtered each other when the Europeans showed up with modern ideas about land rights. Europeans were setting up borders when the best thing the indians had were vague ideas about who's great-great-great-grandfather was gifted this land by the spirits which was also one of the reasons why the indians killed each other with such frequency.
Iirc, smallpox blankets were nothing more than wartime propaganda.
People conveniently forget that the injuns we exterminated in the usa,sided with enemy european nations. The others were rapists, like the sioux.
Your digits confirm,but that doesn't mean we can't use that tactic against mudslimes.
I'd believe it, but do you have said evidence?
Most native americans had already died of a massive outbreak of diseases by the time the settlers got there. When they did, they were violent, aggressive, savage, and generally terrible neighbors. Still, most of them simply gave up being shitty troglodytes and integrated into the new, advanced societies because they didn't die of starvation and hypothermia every year. The Aztecs were a special case because they harvested the organs of their neighbor-tribes and generally treated them like shit, so when the settlers came all the Aztec's vassals saw them as fucking divine saviors from heaven because they WOULDN'T put you on a rock and pull out your heart to keep the sun from exploding.
Essentially most of the natives integrated into European colonies because they were 1000x better, and the rest simply killed any settler they could find and thus were rightly wiped out for being violent animals.
It was never recognized as a genocide.
Genetics,plato, the fuking hopi swastika.
Wiki Clovis Culture.
I don't care
80% were dead by the time the Pilgrims arrived in the mid 1600s from warfare using their new weapon the European horse. They accidentally spread disease from Spaniards too.
They would of been no way for a few settlers, even in the 1800s to kill off 100,000,000 people living in say Utah or something. Indians died off from being shitty animals. They were stupid, murderous rapists, cannibals, a lot like modern day Mexican drug cartels. And most tribes when together act the same today after two beers
This, and people don't realize how much they integrated into the colonies. Turns out when given the option between a shitty native culture and a better foreign culture they chose the better culture.
better than mudslimes then
Just look at Eur—oh.
beat me to it
Absolutely. I've seen insane Jews and their useful idiots claim Europeans genocided 100 million Amerindians. Which is fucking ridiculous, because vast majority of the tribes did not even have agriculture or architecture. Nomadic tribes can not sustain populations in the millions.
Truth is that even when accounting Aztec and other middle to south American amerindian civilizations that had buildings and farming (which Aryan Solutreans taught them to do), even then the total population of Amerindians on the continent was under 10 million.
In all of the US and Canadian region, less than a million, because almost all of their population was in South America.
Secondly, there was no genocide, not even unintentional caused by their weakness to ordinary flu. No, they were race mixed out of existence by the Spaniards and Portuguese. If they had near all been genocided, then how come there are such massive amounts of mongrels with Amerindian ancestry.
Hopefully all of them tbh. We were there first.
Look into Native American legends about blonde white skinned giants. They exist. Also, several mummies were found with aforementioned features. Sadly they were memory holed or destroyed by (((someone)))
Here is one of them
Then memory holed
but muh blankets
most of them died on their own from disease and the like because they were primitive savages, more died since from alcohol abuse
Mudslimes are under the delusion that conquered infrastructure will run on its own for ages to come just because there are still kaffir pussies willing to cooperate without resistance for the first couple of decades/centuries.
See "Arab" Golden Age.
You know what's interesting? Only Whites are a group of people who're attacked for using superior technology over other groups of people.
Well ok, but that link says nothing about them being white or European. It says Spanish conquistadors encountered mound builders, and they sound like just a bunch of dumb fucking shitskin natives.
I will show the white man by dying my hair blonde!
Yeah, it's basically a hoax. Lots died from disease, and obviously there was warfare between whites and injuns, but war back then was not about "body count" like in Vietnam or something. Once whites drove off the injuns and erected defenses, the fighting ceased. By the time of Teddy Roosevelt there were more of them alive than when colonists first arrived.
So, much like the holohoax, the result of this fake genocide was an increase in the allegedly genocided population.
That painting is in France.
i think the injuns hunted practically all potentially useful animals to extinction, though the lama and the alpaca survived this i guess
The settlers integrated loads of natives. One of their primary goals was to convert the natives to Christianity. That's why you get so many people who are 1/8 native or whatever, intermarrying was very common. There was fighting of course but a lot of that was between allied tribes and those that were against the pilgrims.
The smallpox blankets thing was nonsense, nobody at the time had a clue what a germ was or that you could spread a disease that way. But the natives hadn't built up immunities to a lot of the nasty shit the ship rats were carrying. Keep in mind that the natives didn't domesticate any animals, witch is one of the best ways to introduce things to your immune system, and there were no trade routes introducing foreign illnesses.
Oh, and then compare these "real genocides" that resulted in population increase for both groups to the "white genocide conspiracy theory" where white populations are actually set to be greatly reduced and/or eliminated from man areas.
If it weren't for white people conquering the natives of north and south America what they'd be doing today would be the same shit they engaged in for millenia before; the conquest and genocide of each other.
Great thread! This pairs with pic related very nicely.
Nice dubs . the Jews All So claim to be Indian, but that's just probably a way to get in on all that casino money.
Probably be getting conquered by the Spanish. Or the Asians.
This trope has power if weaponized by juxtaposing it against
Just one more way to cock block the kike
Protip turkroaches originated from central asia, not Anatolia.
hahahahahhahahaha. Just when i thought these Wikipedia kikes might have been fair about something even as small as this…. I kek'd out loud at the juxtaposition of the last 2 sentences.
It's alright for the Indians to become a minority because there are a few self hating Indians who wanted Indians to become a minority.
you guys are ignorant, from a native in canada that has done is homework for Canadian evidence of systematic slaughter and assimilation of children look up "rez schools" "residential schools" and survivor stories. in the states look up the" mental health asylums" for natives. tonnes of aboriginal women constantly go missing in canada every year. there are reserves that have had boil water advisories for decades.
you're defeated.
This nigga gets it. I wish we had genocided them though. Would be a nice addition to history.
youre an utter cunt op asked i gave him at least something ill write a thesis for you when im done worm in 5 hrs you fucking neet anglo cumskin embodiment of cancer
Auspicious integers empower theBifrost.
Fuck off
Rev up those printing presses, it's time to rewrite history as it actually was.
How about you don't be a lazy nigger and present us the evidence yourself?
You are ignorant too, I bet you don't even know that the world is actually flat. look up "flat earth" lol.
What you know as "gravity is actually the upward acceleration of the Earth. The Earth always accelerates upward at 1g, which is equivalent to the gravitational acceleration in the Round Earth model. Like the force of gravity, the Earth's acceleration causes several commonly observed phenomena in our daily lives.
lol, this is all true stuff! look it up! "flat earth" XD
Fuck off JIDF shill, you know that the Earth is flat, you're trying to poison the well though. Fucking Kike.
We, uh, we didn't retroactively, uh, do this…did we?
Go back to freech, shitskin.
All races kill, it's just that whites don't pointlessly. They mainly kill if they see great results from it.
Indians had no concept of collective unity or nation. They couldn't understand that if you fucked with one village, you were fucking with a whole state, and the larger nation in extension. Unity is this regard was/is foreign to them.
Also yes smallpox is transmitted via prolong face-to-face contact
I think this is something worth paying attention to on the grounds that it really goes to show that letting in shitskins is what's going to fuck you over. They were fucking living in a peaceful utopia-esque for the time civilization until the brown murderrapists showed up to shit all over it. Holy fuck, I am miffed.
welcome to post kek pol
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.
More died from disease than anything, but their culture was specifically targeted to be destroyed so they'd never again be a threat to the white settlers. It's fucked up and the French had a much better method of settlement (integration) than the Anglos, but that's mostly because the Anglo settlement methods were directed by jews, since the English Crown has been subverted by kikes for almost 500 years.
The indians weren't peaceful, but I haven't recounted any records where they were completely genocidal outside of South America. The South American indians were crazy fucks and largely got what was coming to them.
I dont know why i have to explain this every few months
the pox blankets were an accident, there was no genocide, the same tribes we warred with were the ones the noble tribes had been warring with for ages, we only defended ourselves
the ONE TIME we acted maliciously towards them was jackson's indian removal act, which legitimately did steal land from the choctaw of the mississippi area, and moved them out west in an event known as the "trail of tears"
thats it, one democrat president, there is no history of violence against them, there was never a genocide.
Germ theory was accepted well after smallpox blankets were allegedly used
In North America, very few. Most of the work was done by disease the Spanish carried and even then the idea that these hunter-gatherers had populations of 200+ million is ridiculous since those levels of population in that kind of landmass requires agriculture far more advanced than any of them had. Only a handful of tribes had any agriculture at all and it was very primitive.
Australia only had something like 75,000 abbos before the British showed up. It almost certainly has more now. Similarly with natives in North America at the very least I wouldn't be surprised if their numbers are now higher than they ever were. In Central/South America though they kind of got mixed into the horrible savage mestizo shitbirds that do all of that cartel stuff you can find gore videos and images about.
"Natives" and "native americans" are misnomers. They are not native to America, they traveled across the bering straight. Not only that, but there is some evidence which suggests that aryans from scandinavian made it to America first but were wiped out by those dirty injun fuckers.
As for "muh genocide", it's just more anti-white jewish lies.
It's as much of a lie as kikes saying those savage fucks were peaceful and at one with the land or whatever bullshit. They behaved much like the tribes of Africa, always warring with each other if they weren't brutally murdering, scalping, and desecrating the corpses of whites (and blacks) in colonial America.
Besides, they sold most of their land and now they get special privileges above other races because jews while still crying that it was taken from them by ebil whyte waycis colonialists.
Germ theory wasn't even proven to be the only correct hypothesis until the 1890s. It was competing with the wacky miasma theory at the time smallpox blankets were allegedly used, and some super religious people still believed disease was caused by evil spirits.
Indians were genocided although not intentionally. Disease and then being pushed off the best land which stifled their population growth. And the mixture of European genes into their population diluted their ethnic core.
Today, Indians have a birth rate of 1.2 that's lower than the white birth rate. And there's no telling how much of that birth rate is miscegenation. They're a dying people. If we lose Indians will be swallowed up by the mestizo mass or they'll slowly dwindle to nothing if we win. 100 years from now Indians will be virtually extinct.
It's nothing to be ashamed about. If settlers didn't push Indians off the best land and instead mixed with them America would be a mestizo country like the rest of Central and South America.
It's not a genocide by definition if it's unintentional. Shame never enters into it. Get lost, kike.
You can thank the catholic church for wanting to convert muh savages and telling the Spanish and Portuguese to mix with them.
it's called shitposting with a purpose nigger, i was making a point. It doesn't take much to provide evidence for your claims, but if you don't do it, then your word is a good as nothing.
Considering they were successfully fighting the colonists to a stalemate it seems unlikely.
However they are no doubt mostly gone. That much is plainly visible just looking around.
Further, even if we did, why the guilt? They intended the same to us.
Even if we did, so fucking what? History is steeped in the blood of weaker peoples who were subjugated and destroyed by stronger peoples. Take pride in the fact that it was our race that rose above the primitive American Indians.
Yes, and they're murdered by their male partners and relatives, not white guys.
Also, THEY'RE NOT THE NATIVES. WE ARE. Whites came to the Americas thousands of years before the Indioes. Their own stories say so.
We do not care.
There's quite a lot of evidence; both compelling physical artifacts and genetic markers.
The Americas have a mysterious ancient history which we'll hopefully learn more about.
This video series is also related and I found it really interesting:
those native girls go missing because they hitch and whore in areas known to have serial murderers. yeah it's fucked, but it's not exactly white people's fault. the numbers are also not huge. a few thousand over 40 years
the rez schools were fucked, literal nazis who were in Canada as POWs thought it was wrong. stealing children is turk tier. you can't teach whiteness.
the asylum system is misunderstood and actually did a lot of good for Canadian society. now crazy people are fucking everywhere. remember that asian who decapitated someone on a bus? he's been declared not criminally responsible and is totally free to roam.
the other thing that happened was cops picking up drunk natives that were causing problems and dropping them off in the middle of nowhere. not exactly genocide, and none of it would have happened if they weren't chugging listerine and pissing in the meat section of the grocery store.
all the oldest remains I can find reported on the internet are ~10000 yo. are there any ~20000 years old, or will we have to wait
here's an article about the european tools:
and one with a 2/3rds european bone:
I'm too tired to do any more searching, if anyone wants to follow up I'd suggest searching for the scientific papers the articles are written about. free access to all academic papers here:
can someone translate this into english?
Yes, but just like da Shoah, it should have happened. Tipiniggers are subhuman scum
The oldest artifact of European origin in the Americas is around 20,000 years old. I believe it was a spearhead made from a mammoth tusk or something to do with a mammoth tusk. It was mentioned in a talk about Solutreans so I don't have an article.
Might have been a bone.
Is anything in nature not on our side?
Wait. Hold up for one moment, my good sir. Are you insinuating that Europeans were chiefs and defecation?
This is interesting. It explains the Pocahontas exception. Aryans know their own.
There is a book you should read.
>this one guy on 8/pol/ that always starts the "native american" threads on here
when will you stop?
It's mostly bullshit. A lot of dolled-up claims.
For example, you'll see people say "muh 100 million indians" as if hunter gatherers would be able to sustain a population 1/3rd the size of what it is now. Bullshit. There were a couple million, max.
Another claim you'll see is "muh smallpox blankets". And if you trace back the sources on this, it all goes back to one (1) kike historian who just pulls it out his ass. For fucks sake, it doesn't even make any sense. THIS WAS HUNDREDS OF YEARS BEFORE WE EVEN HAD FUCKING GERM THEORY How would we have known about smallpox spores in blankets?
Probably. You can't really trust most recorded history older than 150 years or so.
Where the FUCK did I say they were virtuous, or that whites only bring disease?
Disease spread is a historical event. Once a new disease takes root, it spreads. You only have to introduce it once, just like any other invasive species.
Holy shit you are retarded.
Horses died out in NA in something like 9000BC, and they were never domesticated there until the Spaniards showed up. Calling the natives "horse people" is fucking retarded. And the vikings didn't have to go all the way to Mississippi. They just had to interact with some northern tribes and it spread from there. Syphilis spread from the natives to the Europeans and then all across the Old World the same way.
Indians had agriculture. Their population probably was 10-15 million at its height, far short of 100 million, but nothing to sneeze at. They just happened to get fuck hard by disease and degenerated into tribes in shithuts, who then stepped up to become nomads when the Spaniards brought horses.
Whites didn't cause the diseases that wiped the horse people of NA out. This is documented, verified, and continuously re-proven because of butthurt faggots like you disputing it.
Of course you'll keep spouting unsubstantiated claims that go against horse evolution and human migratory patterns. I'm sure you believe that those horses you cite aren't of the mongolian breed.
I suspect you're a subhuman yourself.
You're really making a nice list of the stupidest claims I've ever seen made
all before they even showed up or traded with any of them!
Nice, uncited claim.
No, Vikings brought disease to AMERICA in the 800's, and it took several hundred years to spread and wipe out the natives.
You morons are hallucinating as hard as libshits. ANYONE from the Old World who came to America would have spread the exact same diseases.
Stop acting like fucking niggers. Or are you Jews trying to make us look like morons?
Prove it.
There were a series of large volcanic eruptions in this time period, for example Samalas (1257), which resulted in years of abnormal weather, crop failures, and possibly ozone depletion.
They interacted.
For some time.
This is all it takes.
But also:
Mice carry disease, Chaim.
This shit is just like kike holocaust nightmares.
Schlomoberg Bagelstein:
Chief Huffing Gas:
And your missing aboriginal women are missing at 1/3 of the rate of aboriginal men you retard. Two fucking wasteful government inquiries have both confirmed they just get stoned and wander off and freeze to death.
So much this. Those people are referred to (in America) as the Clovis and most scientist agree that they existed right up to before or shortly after the ice age. The "Natives" even admit and have stories of encounters with taller white men before the European or Scandinavians made contact. The thing is, it was so long ago that the mounds and some stone rubble or tools are the only remnants of those people. There was also a huge calamity that set fire to the entire North American continent which wiped them out, along with other Atlantian cultures elsewhere.
Then the ice caps melted, burying and destroying what survived the initial calamity. Time eroded what was left.
If anything I'm very curious if they were the aryan people who were spotted South and settled in Peru. It would make more sense than the pre-viking culture sailing around South America or crossing the Pacific.
I was under the impression that most natives died because europeans sold the guns for fur and they just killed each other and small pox did its number.
By the time it was Trail of Tears they were already going extinct
The biggest killer of Native Americans were other Native Americans… several hundred years before anyone else showed up to colonize the continent.
They were busy raping and killing each other to near-extinction and many historians theorize that there was some kind of mass genocide that took place before the colonists showed up, because the archaeological evidence doesn't reflect the kind of numbers that they actually had around the time Whites started expanding westward.
Again, you claim the Indians had horses before the whites brought them to the Americas, but the cave painting you're trying to pass off as AmerInd is from the chauvet cave paintings in France…a simple image search identifies it.
Time to give it up, pal.
Of course it's bullshit, and there's an easy way you can prove this:
They claim Europeans killed somewhere in the region of 100 million Plains Indians right?
It is biologically and demographically impossible for hunter-gatherer societies to reach these sorts of population levels. They weren't at anything even near the levels of the Roman Empire (40 million), let alone 100 million.
No they fucking aren't retard. The useless fucks have absolutely infested the park near my home thanks to fucking gibs homes built right next to it.
Should have just left it at that.
Weren't a number of the tribes agricultural? Not that I care, the weak were simply conquered by the strong.
1. There's no way the Native population was as high as is claimed among libtards, there is no way a hunter-gatherer population had a population over twice the size of the Roman Empire at its height.
2. They had incredibly high mortality rates. At least 75%.
3. Cortez wasn't bullshitting when he talked about the fact a large portion of the interior of the Mesoamerican region was depopulated.
4. They were actually treated very well, all things considered. Compare their treatment to the treatment the Austronesians received at the hands of the Chinese in Taiwan: Hunting them down and skinning them and selling their skin for medicinal purposes in the markets of Kaohsiung.
In Mesoamerica yeah.
So were the Chinampas actually developed by whites? Or were them savages actually smart for once? I recall seeing in an Atlantean thread a story about there being whites that started civilization in South America which then led to the Mayan and Aztec civilizations.
A mix. There were the atlantean refugees, as well as refugees from MU which was wiped out by rising water levels and mismanagement. The MU people were kind of the honary aryans of their day, running an empire from indonesia to easter island, that was created by the lucky occurrance of an ocean current that would take you straight across the pacific without need of sail, and small islands the whole way.
If your cum is pinkish-yellow like white skin, you might have an infection
"Smoke-um crack-pipe."
We really wuz though.
The Vikings did sail down the Mississippi, making it all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. I was part of a dig in Louisiana which definitively proved it with both artifacts and effigies. That was 30 years ago, and the evidence got buried by Univ. Arkansas, Peabody, and Smithsonian. Memory-holing white history in America, this much is a real conspiracy. As for the rest, our history has been so fucked with, it's hard to tell what's happened, but an intentional American Indian 'genocide' is very unlikely. Instead, other factors led to the Indian's tribal absorption/ demise. Many 'white' Americans have some American Indian ancestry.
Jusrt watched this video put out by Stefan Molyneux regarding the American Indian genocide. It correborates what we already knew, though it makes no mention of a few elements known mostly in just academic circles. For what it does mention, it's spot-on.
Hope that helps.
: )
I see the shills are out in full force.
Reported and added to the filter pile.
Finally top comment is best comment.
The smithsonian is hiding giants from us. We need an entire thread dedicated to this topic.
Should we support this point of view though? If we stick to it and some jew researcher proves that it was false then it will backfire a lot. It seems like this is exactly what they want from us.
The tip of South America had Whites and Africans 12,000 years ago.
Hold on, let me check…
The brown mongoloids devoured their rulers who created their monolithic civilizations. I say devour because it was likely due to miscegenation. The then mongrel horde continued the stagnation and decline of these civilizations.
Then the white man returned but instead of merely killing off the mess, he muh dicked his way through the Americas, continuing the "original sin" that is miscegenation. Remember this: muh dick is the cause of Kali Yuga.
I'm starting to think that name is a designated name of evil.
Most died out before any colonization of North America even took place. Read 1491.
Native American here. Please finish the job.
Yes. While there were diseases (and attributing blame for them before microbiology was even understood is retarded) the rate of intermarriage between indians and whites was almost exactly proportional to the rate of their population decline, iirc.
Brazil here, can confirm. To this day we still have cannibal indians living in the amazon, every now and then it is found some person went missing when wandering near those areas.
sauce on webm
This happened in 2009, btw.
I grew up in OK, TX, CO and NM and we still have quite a few.
Plains Indians were nomads and moved with hunting. Their settlements were less permanent and more subject to attack from other hunting tribes that didn't get enough meat, so they were more warlike. Apaches, Comanches, Tonkawa, Cheyenne, Crow, etc.
Those are the assholes that run the lifts at ski resorts and run casinos but most are dead.
Pueblo Indians settled permanently in cliffs or made pueblos. They farmed and ate from local herds but since they had solid food supply and permanent, defensible homes, they didn't have to fight as much so they were placid, sat around making baskets, blankets ant pots. Actually easier to take over but much uglier and fatter and they lived in the worst fucking places. Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Utes - got tons of crappy land
There were some that were kinda in between, not so mean semi-sedentary traders. Osage, Kaw, Pawnee, witchita, etc. have casinos and oil.
My friends/family that still live near any of them - have nothing good to say about the ones "on the res." Any reservation.
user if you are going to make a long winded mentally ill cancers "we wuz" post the least you could do is avoid the childish anachronism.
We whites gave them horses.
Also those "mound people" were fucking brutal scum.
We hadn't invaded earth by that point anyway.
Such a vibrant and beautiful culture
Actually, the indians miscegenated with the colonizers to the dilution.