All this for McDonalds' sauce


The chinaman in his natural habitat.


Satire is dead.

Really is brony level autism and in such a short amount of time.


How the fuck did Rick and Morty fans exceed the autism of bronies in a matter of months?

Those faces look so cringy. Wonder what that chick looks like when she's normal.

She looks like the girl from the newest Mass Effect.

scene from the upcoming reddit version of Falling Down

that's my fetish

We are overdue for nuclear annihilation

americans are not human


Seriously, what the fuck happened? Who let these people in in the wait for season 3? People used to understand that it was just a cartoon. Now it's "the smartest show on TV", a politcal movement, and a religion.

People living completely without meaning are prone to turn frivolous things into religion-like fads to have something to spend their time on before they die.

When are we getting the awkward school presentations on how Rick and Morty is VERY WELL ANIMATED, and references REAL SCIENCE.

The first time I ever heard about rick and morty was reading a title of one of h3h3's podcasts (Youtube recommended it to me for no fucking reason, I didn't fucking click on it just read the title, fuck that Jew) and then a few months later it went to shit, further cementing in my mind that Ethan Klein is a slimy Jew fuck with the worst fucking fan base on youtube bar maybe the "Skeptic" community's followers.

Fuck I remember that shit. Not the same but pertinent to the OP nonetheless. The brony is a funny creature, and it's a shame around the time GG started was when people stopped documenting their encounters in the wild. Call him a cancer, a faggot and he will revel in it like a masochist, but point out that it was made by a kike and intended for impressionable young children and he will shrink back and start throwing a spergout tantrum with a predetermined set of statements and video clips. If you know those arguments like the back of your hand and call those out before he has the chance to use them, he'll realize he has nothing and posts an argumentless piece of content, i.e.

Eating McDonalds food is degenerate.

By the "reeeeeeeeeeee" looks like one of ours, undercover.


what the fuck does "get shwifty" even mean?

so this is what caused this autism?

"ree" has been a reddit meme since like 2015

Degeneracy aside, it's fucking funny to see those faggots falling for such an obvious marketing ploy AND consuming a product, while actually believing they are smart, anti-establishment individuals for watching a fucking cartoon.

gee i sure hate rick and morty
lets talk about rick and morty

thank capitalism

This is how I feel when talking to a rightist cuck, funny enough.

that's pink guy

Capitalism is just one brand of materialism, but you are right, it's to blame here.

Yeeeeeeeeeeah, no.

It's corporate marxism which is to blame tbh.

See you at starbucks, fuckboi.

Listening to a capcuck truly is embarrassing.


this is the cringiest thing Holla Forums has done

I see that you have never read a bible in your life, and I'm not even christian.

when does the comedy start?

during the first two seconds of the first episode

I hope somebody stabbed him.

Why didn't Invader Zim spawn a legion of iamverysmart retards? It had just as much REAL SCIENCE in it. I guess it wasn't pre-chewed up enough for the pod people.

This possibly the worst attempt at comedy I've ever seen in my life. Maybe it's just too subtle for me.

Hi reddipol, make sure to edit more Holla Forums memes into vague communist garbage.

The problem is spiritual.
The west is dying in that regard, and would die with communism just the same.
Materialist communism is just as bad as materialist capitalism and consumerism.
The left wants to outright kill spirituality and the right doesn't care.
The true way is accepting monarchism as the objectively best system of government. Economic system comes later.


Invader Zim ended before smartphones became ridiculously widespread and allowed normalfags to spread shitty cancerous memes between one another.
The IZ fanbase is still cancerous as shit though, but they were able to remain contained to shitholes like deviantart and myspace.
I guarantee you if it was released today it would have a fanbase autistic enough to dwarf R&M and MLP combined.


in every fucking thread, really makes you think. paid shill for trump's corporate establishment, or doing it for free!?

You cant defend capitalism and be Christian, it makes no sense. It's like saying 'oh I'm a satanist christian'. Nonsense.

Is this the part where you go full fedora because you don't want to acknowledge that spirituality is a thing that people need on a subconscious level and the lack thereof has lead directly to the cult-like organizations and fanbases we have today?

pfffffffff whadda cuck

you cant be communist (materialist) and Christian (spiritualist) at the same time

Nice try sudocuck.
How's that usurping the BO coming along btw?
Are you getting help from your drunk shitty waifu?

Yeah I figured that's what you were about to do.
Cuckime enthusiasts are the most predictable retards.

Satanism is christianism, it is based on the same narrative, it just supports different characters, and they in fact don't even hate christ or anything, and to some extent worship him as well.

I'm glad they keep mocking you at this point.

they are just egoist edgy atheists


They like to believe they are Atheists, but they are far from it.



Like pottery, its made of clay

Religiousness is the natural state of the human, its not easy at all to leave it and those stupid teens certainly do not have enough grasp of reality to actually stop their magical thinking over things that are not mundane.

see their american website, they outright state it there


Thas' rite



Look, cuckiweeb, you don't need us to give you replies if all you want to do is dump cuckime cuckireaction images.

you're thinking of idiots, not rational people like me


what does that image mean, that it's a tranny?

This is some good level 3 trolling right there.

Like all those miracles around us. Just the other day, my brother was mangled in a car accident but a priest was passing by and invoked God's intercession and BAM! pillar of light, and my brother came back to life.

Or that time I prayed the Lord's Prayer and I had an audible conversion with Almighty God himself.

Oh, and I just read in the newspaper that a woman spent 40 minutes in a coma and when she came back, she could draw detailed plans of a car-engine-sized fusion engine.

animeposters truly are the cancer of imageboards

Are you a writer for the Rick & Morty show?

neetsocs need to believe in fairy tales. like their basement dwelling asses being the master race.

That's funny because it wasn't

This, not even memeing

This is the level of argumentation to which christtards have been reduced. In the past, your theologians would try to come up with cogent arguments instead of "you watch le dumb cartoons amirite guys".