Why is Leftypol and the modern Left so fucked up, insane, paranoid, and politically correct?

I see too many threads with idiots going on about how fun is "evil", and some bourgeoise conspiracy in boardrooms, where executives in Monsanto, Tesla, Nestle, Facebook and other corporations all get together to scheme how to 'sabotage' Leftypol and the modern Left.

That's no different from Holla Forumss "lel Jews and blacks are conspiring against us whites and muslims want to install a global caliphate".

I mean, you are a shitty image board, with maybe 40 autistic, larping, socially retarded, dogmatic losers who either think being some communist/anarchist Rambo in the streets will "fight the man" and overthrow global capitalism. If anything, the police and military would kill you, smash your autistic rebellion and the normal folk watching this would think you are all insane commies/anarchists trying to destroy society.

And this idea that the FBI, CIA really think your are some "great" threat is the paranoid idea promoted by many loser posters here, as it gives you a degree of self worth and importance, for wasting your life on an obscure image board.

The harsh truth is that the majority of the human race is apathetic, they don't give a shit about your "muh ideology" or communism, socialism, anarchism, marxist-leninism or whatever special snowflake leftism you want to force onto billions of people.
Most people are concerned with basic needs like food, housing, clothing, entertainment.
They also want opportunities, being able to move up an economic ladder, be able to make money, start a business.
This autistic notion that you are going to give people labour vouchers or free shit then expect people to actually want to clean sewers, toilets, waste facilities is stupid, unless you have a post scarcity society, then that is possible.

Overall, this board is filled with extremely stupid people that can't seem to grasp that defending Stalin, Mao, Lenin will make you extremely unpopular with the majority of the human race. I don't give two shits about listening to you whine about "american imperialism" or how any criticism of the Soviet Union is "western/bourgeoise" propaganda.
If you people are so willing to deny the Holodomor happening, and the millions of people killed by your dark saviour Stalin, then you deserve to be reviled by billions of people.

You claim you want to protect the proletariat, yet you deny them incentive, the ability to succeed, their individuality, and you obsess and moralize them about how they belong to an amorphous collective blob that demands complete obedience to the whims of the communist party/community, it's leaders.
You cannot claim that communism supports individualism when it requires constant collective action by communities, and constant voting by communities which is inefficient, and any member of the community can become jealous of the more successful members and demand their "fair share" and steal the more productive members surplus value, and then declare it to be the collective good.

As Zizek confesses, envy and violence will explode under communism.

You ignore how most of them do support capitalism and would rather shoot you commies and anarchists and would side with the porkies you despise.

Furthermore, those who work very hard, and i'm not talking about your shitty retail job or landscaping, or being some low level labourer/factory worker. I'm referring to someone working 100+ hours a week running their business or as a lawyer, accountant, engineer, becoming rich, and having jealous, bitter scum like yourselves sore that you aren't rich.

If you hate people who work hard for their wealth because you whine it's "exploitation" and the workers "surplus value was exploited", then you all deserve to die in poverty. Leftypol and the modern left seem to think that no rich person has ever worked for their wealth, yet some retail worker or low level labourer someone deserves to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing simple tasks 40 to 50 hours a day.

Finally, you all are so delusional in thinking the "lel workers revolution will happen any day, just keep vandalizing property, attacking fascists/skinheads that aren't harming people, screaming at normal people about 'oppression' and how their business friends and family are 'exploiting' others" will suddenly give you the support you need.

The labour theory of value is incorrect, and outdated today. This is an age of enormous opportunity, openness and connectivity. More than any other point in history, you can connect to virtually anyone on earth at multiple levels if you have something worth connecting about. The future is going to be very different from the past. Whether you want to feel excited or scared is up to you. But those who still crave for an assembly line job at some factory shed in Detroit or China do so because they are incapable of offering anything better to the society.

Other urls found in this thread:


OP Here

The global economy is idea, connection and innovation driven, rather than labour driven.

From the onset of the industrial revolution in Britain, whenever people talk about industry, the first thing coming to the mind is an army of semi-skilled or unskilled labours moving machine parts and arranging stuffs. May be over 80% of the people in an organisation could be good enough just to take clear cut instructions (with little or no possibility of deviation) and then execute it efficiently-that's it. Needless to say, in the absence of automation and digital accounting-this is the class which keeps the wheels of industry turning. Hence this societal class was considered the most useful resource in the industrialisation of any region/country. Now that we know about robotics and automation-this class of labour is becoming increasingly irrelevant. People who have been spoon fed to take instructions and execute are proving to be redundant or marginally relevant in the modern economy. The popular perception of any industry does not only picture it as a producer of goods and services, at the same time, an industry is viewed as a job creator. In fact, because of the continuous rants by politicians, the job creator image of an industry (which comes as a by-product) became far more prominent compared to its primary function-an industry as a provider of affordable goods and services to its target consumer group. With the growth of various industries, people began to take the job creation side for granted, sometimes placing it ahead of an efficient supply chain and logistics.

What are the role of humans then, you ask? To perform things which a robot arm or a hexacore processor cannot do. To create art, to touch, to feel, to build trust, to build connections (between peoples or events or organisations). Can you imagine a robot arm substituting the hand of Picasso, a processor replacing the mind of Euler or Mozart? I cannot. Can you imagine a computer discovering the theory of relativity or the four equations of electromagnetics? (For those who are not physics nerds, these are the equations whose discovery enables you to update your twitter status from your cellphone.) Can anyone imagine a computer conceiving something like facebook or even quora, connecting billions across the planet? These are the kind of things that set a human brain apart, not how fast you can move bolts along an assembly line.



Nice rant

Now back to >>>Holla Forums


tl;dr though

But they do.

If you dismiss every criticism the modern left receives as Holla Forums, then you deserve to forever remain here, whining, screaming, bitching about "muh evil global capitalism", while the world declines, and falls further into authoritarian capitalism.

Had to stop reading right there.
I'm here since the beginning and never saw any stupid thread like this.
Exposed right in the first paragraph shows that you lack trolling skills, try to be more subtle next time.

All muslims?

So office workers don't deserve any wealth, only labourers, ditch diggers, retail workers and any blue collar worker?

Interesting how Leftypol hates white collar workers, and will deny their contribution to higher level work.

It's like if Leftypol and most modern, teenage commies/anarchists want to piss off their white collar parents.

Then you missed this thread:

And this current thread where commies/anarchists bitch about anime, video games "ruining" your revolution.
If you think anime, video games, television and other forms of entertainment is ruining your revolution, the problem is with you and how shit you are at attracting people to your ideas.

Wew lad, nice false dichotomy. I'm specifically talking about what it was contrasted with. But yes, labour is entitled to all it creates. If you're an accountant like you said you exist to manage and absorb other people's capital, adding nothing of one's own.

That first picture, aside from eliminating private ownership, perfectly describes capitalism

nice blog post


it's just one assmad guy and a bunch of shitposters

I'm more annoyed at the horrible things Leftypol advocates for. You think all fun is a "bourgeoise distraction", therefore you would deprive humanity of joy, all so they can work their lives slaving for their communist masters.

Then you support a vanguard party, that kills and kills so many people, billions, just so you can install a permanent communist society.
And the really fucked up thing is, that even if Leftypol killed billions of people, you would claim the moral high ground as "well, we are still better than the capitalists". Or you might not even claim that, and just say that might makes right.



You can't stop us. Historical necessity is on our side.

How about going back to where you came from /s

You can stop baiting any timeā€¦

That's delusional thinking.
You can circle jerk as much as you want about how "the communist revolution will come".
Then whenever a right winger gets into power, or passes reactionary laws, you will whine about how the revolution will never happen.

Capitalism will continue to exist longer after you are all dead.

It's wishful thinking to say the your ideology is a "historical necessity", yet it has a history of failures, mass graves, with salty communists who can't get over the Soviet Union.

OP has clearly never wagecucked in his life and thinks that people who use their inherited capital to exploit others from less muh privileged backgrounds are just being hard workers and good moral capitalists. never mind that said businesses are frequently run stupidly while the onus of making the bottom line falls on those at the bottom of the hiearchy.

i'd say most or all of us would have no problem working extremely long hours if we liked the job and were commeasurately rewarded. i do just that as an unpaid advocate. however we are not willing to bust our asses at a shitty minimum wage job with no room for advancement.

donald trump is probably a successful entrepreneur by your standards.

only for people with the right educational pedigree and sufficient capital. if i thought i could find a career by simply learning a skill without the bullshit piece of paper to prove it, i'd jump on that bandwagon right away.

your ideology is bankrupt, Holla Forums, no one believes you anymore. the youth have spoken, it's only downhill for porky from hereon out.

jesus christ stop trolling

You make some fair points, OP. The pervasiveness of ideology as it exists today prevents the sort of overt militant vanguardism you describe, or at least makes it incredibly cumbersome and difficult. Some may say that's 'revisionist' but I call it evaluating our circumstances and acting accordingly.
But the base-superstructure model is not universal. Even if the material base of society (the means of production) cannot be seized directly, the ideological superstructure maintains the base to an extent. So, by embedding subversion into the prevailing narrative and the referents used to maintain that narrative, we can still shape the foundations of society indirectly - to the point where an alternative society along leftist lines is a viable possibility.

Then again, Debord, Deleuze & Guattari, and Gramsci are better references on the topic than I am, lol.


This literally refutes OP and his samefagging entirely. I'd take OP at his word if the current system allowed workers to retrain towards the careers he mentioned WITHOUT GOING INTO CRIPPLING DEBT AND MORTGAGING THEIR ENTIRE FUTURE.

That plus the attitude towards students in the hundred-level "mass classes" designed to wash them out with fucked up curricula that don't prepare them.

And how much of STEM isn't just memorization and not synthesis?
Nigger have you compared the tuition of American universities with their European counterparts? I doubt you will make half of it back within 5-6 years. Will you keep the same place of employment that long? How do you know that? Once the debt strike hits, the economy all you businessfags worship will tumble like the clay-footed statue it is. You won't get credit to start your business. You won't get contracts to keep it running, let alone profitable. No one will have money to buy your products and credit will disappear. It only takes 16 percent of a population of debtors for the pool of collateralized debt to go subprime. Who's going to buy it? Who's going to collect on it? You? Me? The feds? I guarantee that as soon as the crisis hits a critical mass of white middle class faggots like you, where they'll stuff you into prisons on a pretext to make you work making products for your precious corporations, heads are going to roll. You fuckers are your own millstone around your necks.

Also LTV is God-tier. All socially valuable goods had to be worked to be even acceptably valuable.

he lost me about halfway thru when he went on complaining about how retail workers don't deserve a decent wage because the work is simple and the entry requirement low.

the truth is these industries are very strict with their employees, placing undue expectations upon them (never make a mistake giving out change, never hit the void key, never sit down) and having a monotonous job is stressful.

my dad is a doctor and his job is intellectually easier than any of mine, albeit most of the difficulty lay in playing politics well enough not to get fired.

the first is impossible since they own the government and thereby the public coffers. the second is already happening lol. the economy is already switching to luxury goods, babara ehrenreich remarked on this in "nickle and dimed" a decade ago.

but yeah, the middle class is next, in fact ows was the signal that this squeeze is already happening.

Marx didn't fight at all

You should realize that socialism was never tried in a developed first world country. The shitholes that you find in Russia and China were there before Socialism, and are still there now, after Socialism. I'd advocate that if there was no revolution, some of those places would have been even worse off or at least less industrialized (and your precious entertainment industry wouldn't exist at all either) The conclusion you draw that communism = commie blocks is wrong. While it's true that now in some Sibirian dystopian towns you can stream a hollywood movie, life isn't exactly colorful or vivid there regardless of capitalism or communism.
