So when will sessions officially be the attorney general?

Strategy. They need sessions vote for other nominees. Old AG got shitcanned and there is a trump replacement in place, so there is no real hurry.

King Nigger proved you wrong.

Does Sessions get confirmed today?

Typical lazy leftist behavior.


This is true, and unfortunatly the executive branch has been overstepping it's power since Andrew Jackson. Really that's when the Presidency went from being the overseer to the avatar of the people. As much as I love Jackson, and as much as it is and was necessary, it's technically unconstitutional even if for the good of the Union. Obongo and the rest of the traitorous presidents also crossed the constitution but they had the establishment on their side. If Trump does that too soon then it could be bad. That said, such things as the history of foreign owned central banks really illustrates how American needs to be an Empire and not just a republic AND needs to keep the eternal vigil, not just legally but also culturally lest we forget our own laws (as we have.)

>tfw invoking George Washington spirit to to MAGA

I wish a nigga would