Hang out here and discuss sportsball propaganda. The game hasn't started yet and niggers are giving us a civil rights lecture.
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By Brian Fagioli
Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and I am so excited. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and bought chicken wings, fried mozzarella sticks, and seven-layer dip. By halftime, I will probably be in a food coma.
As a New Yorker and Jets fan, I don't have a horse in the race, but I do have a team that I am rooting for – the Atlanta Falcons. Why? Because the Patriots have already won many championships, and quite frankly, New York and New England generally have a hardcore sports rivalry. Unfortunately for me and some others, according to Microsoft, Tom Brady and team will be victorious tonight.
You see, the company's "Bing Predicts" functionality from its search engine is using data to determine that the Patriots will be winning Super Bowl LI. To see this for yourself, simply go to Bing.com and do a search for "who will win the super bowl".
Before you lose all hope, Falcons fans, it is important to look at the percentage. Microsoft is saying the Patriots have a mere 52 percent chance of winning. In other words, it is arguably insignificant – Bing is not saying it will be a blowout. Not to mention, while Bing Predicts has a good track record, it is not infallible. Ultimately, this could be a very close game and either team could be victorious.
Do you agree with Microsoft that Tom Brady and the New England Patriots will win Super Bowl 51 tonight? Sound off in the comments.
and counting.
We still don't care. Take this shit to cuckchan, unless they banned you fags again.
This must be how normalfags feel when they hear me talk about the details of my spergy vidya and fa/tg/uy hobbies because this shit is completely lost on me.
Confirmed loosh farm for Cult of Minerva elite occult faggotry.
How many times are you niggers going to keep remaking this thread, /sp/ics?
You are as dumb as those niggers in the field, if you think one of the biggest consumerist holiday shows in America is not worth watching right now, in this "political" climate. The niggerball is a sideshow for normies. The main event will be the propaganda bowl and the swirling horde of barbarian degenerates outside the stadium. May even be a cameo from religion of peace, or who knows what. Whatever your thing is, this year's owl has something for you.
I'm only watching to see to what extent the jews overplay their hand this year. Last year's halftime show was demonic globalist overload, this year shouldn't disappoint.
It's precisely the same sort of feeling, the lack of understanding and lack of interest. The difference being, of course, that your average sportsball normie thinks you're a weird nerd virgin XD for playing games that tend to involve a lot of variables and statistics, while he is completely normal for watching and not playing a game that involves a lot of variables and statistics.
Who's playing?
Anyone have a bingo sheet?
He does it so he can make friends with strangers without talking about the weather. Then there's the minor tribalism aspect. A lesser, underdeveloped mind always seeks the comfort of a group. Handegg is a way for normie males to do this in a "masculine" way (although it is totally femenine in concept, as it is very r-selected.) The more team paraphrenalia someone has plastered on their house or car, the more insecure and weak they are, as they are desperately "group signalling." It is the instinct of herd animals, which is practically what they are.
Still, the likelyhood of something interesting hapening for this one is through the roof, so I for one will be watching, for once.
I think its red team vs blue team IIRC
We already have two confirmed HIV-positive commercials: the Budweiser refugee bullshit & the Audi wage gap cuckshow.
Let's hope Bane crashes the party for once.
As scripted as the WWE.
Already starting out great with (((historically black colleges)))
i like how they make the blonde girl wear yellow as to draw attention to the eye
Did everyone forget fucking Antifa and BLM is going to be there at some point and (((Lady Gaga))) said she is going to get political during her show?
Is there an owl stream?
Not surprised, tbh. Tennis and Golf are the only redpilled and white sports out there.
One way or another, you will watch the Super Bowl too.
I literally just typed it into youtube. Come on user.
http:// web.archive.org/web/20110506024704/http:/www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/apr/28/geneva-gnomes-global-dread/?page=all
Whoops, that's about jews. Here.
Tennis' masters use the nigger Williams sisters as their poster girls, and golf used the nigger/Thai/Redskin Tiger Woods to do the same for almost 20 years. Surely you know this.
off to a great start i see
I raged
All I want for Superb Owl is seeing hundreds of Antifa getting beat up by angry Americans
How can I watch with Holla Forumsacks without giving a dime to the NFL, mainstream media or lady gaga and her merry band of pedophiles?
Watching sports is always cucked, I'm talking about playing.
just about to ask the same.
Well I didn't know if there was a Holla Forums specific one. Thanks though
Pissed me off tol
Cokes commercial just fucked with the "and brotherhood" again too.
They're really going all out with the poz tonight
Wew lads, American anthem in every language. Olympics all over again. Remember to boycott
We should make a list of products to boycott from this superbowl.
Thanks brother.
Bush Sr. Looking pretty rough.
Gonna be a very long list user….
so far we have coke and budweiser
Keep the list going
Bush gets Atlanta to go first. The only good thing he's ever done.
what the actual fuck am I even watching with this surprise Bush sr. doing the coin toss just WOW. also Pence on site
They already parading niggers everywhere, wall to wall commercial… in between the commercials…
Challenge: Watch super bowl and don't become blackpilled. You can't.
This all-encompassing poz is unavoidable with globalism. The "American" corporations (actually multinational) pander to minorities and foreigners to increase market share in their shitty home countries, while telling Whites to go fuck themselves because they assume that Whites will buy their shitty products no matter what.
Blackpill is a thing of the past, user. The real trick is not to get tired of winning
Has budweiser's commercial been on yet? I thought it was about the german immigrant who started the company in the 1920s.
Why is this chink such a lefty pet? Is it the minority combo of chink faggot?
Jap, fag, locked in an internment camp in WWII so victim of white racism, known for Star Trek which is an imaginary future in which racism stops existing and socialism is successful because reasons. There's not a patriotic bone in his body.
Nice way to neutralize all the health benefits of those sardines.
Libs have a shit sense of self-preservation tbqh
What's up with user posting all these faggy pool party videos. Fuck off back to mashable.
White supremacy winning so far
Did anyone catch those Slags singing America the Beautiful slip in "sisterhood" after "crown thy good with brotherhood" or was that just me?
I honestly hope some of them get murdered.
stream just got shoahed
totally worth it to watch roided up monkeys play a with a ball
Report and filter em
Fuck the goddamned Superbowl. Started watching it, but couldn't the moral prosylatizing. It was the Coca-Cola commercial which finally ended it for me.
This will be the first year I've missed the Superbowl in decades. But the moralizing bullshit is waaaayyyy over the top. Too sickening to watch. Fuck it.
Naw it's a great chance to observe the enemy's best tricks and tactics. Watch the whole thing through a Bernasian lens to see how the dark marketing wizards are brainwashing normies.
The night is young, but don't set the standard so specifically. Trust in chaos, memefriend.
Antifa is going to be there, maybe this is where we all come together.
I just laugh and remember that Trump and Pence won
Look at the guy. It's not even like it's just a special occasion so he's going to indulge in some gluttony. Something tells me that his diet would be the same if it was just a random Tuesday.
I hate sports fans. With a burning passion. It's all they know; it's all they'll talk about. And I understand having interests and hobbies.
Something I've never been able to understand since I was young and became aware of such things, is why white people - white men - spend so much time and energy and money and mental effort keeping track of which nigger ran down which designated playing area with which shaped ball.
Ask Thad or Chad or Phillip how many yards Jamal ran with ball in 1982, or how many passes DeQuon intercepted in 1977, and they know that shit, right off the top of their heads. How many home runs did Pedro hit in 2003? Bam - right off the top of their head. How many bases did Jose steal in game 3 of the World Series in 2008? Bam - right off the top of their head. How many free throws did Quantravious Jackson Junior III nail in 2001-2005? Bam - right off the top of their head.
Then ask them the names of the people who represent them in congress. Or ask them to recite the Fourth Amendment. Or ask them what they think of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. Take note of the empty, blank stare on their faces.
So many people exist whose sole purpose in life is to memorize sportsball statistics and turn cheap, watered down swill into piss.
It absolutely boggles the mind.
more gays and nigs and mexicans, thanks google
They can't do anything now, user
Basically it's a hobby of saying: the nogs from my urban hellscape are doing better at sportsball than the nogs from your urban hellscape.
Everyone treats super bowl day as a national holiday.
it is
The avocados can immigrate legally, but california grows avocados too.
The coca cola commercial was the first thing I saw and already we have the "America isn't a nation, it's an idea" propaganda. Jesus christ.
surely there's something here
Report and filter. Move past it.
Is there any stream up?
is gone
President Donald Trump predicted the New England Patriots will win the Super Footballl by 8 points
The coca cola commericial is old from a few years ago. Apparently the goyim didn't get the message from last time.
any word on the "super bowl protests" yet?
This is of the game, if you're interested. I'm keeping it up in the background in case someone snackbars it
Inb4 a Papa John's commercial with a bunch of little kids getting manhandled.
It's rather perplexing. At the heart of it, it has to do with them referring to sports teams in the first person plural. "We" won, etc.
Basically a surrogate sense of competitiveness by watching being cucked by others.
Doing the same, but the page doesn't load in the background on my shit mobile, so i have to keep switching back and forth
skittles has a good white family
Thankfully my wife said "that was fucking stupid" after it was over.
Let's play the "how many mixed race couples have you seen?" game.
Is this app some kind of psyop? How the fuck does an app have enough money to have a super bowl commercial?
Your taxes are so complicated. Don't worry our supercomputer will help you.
The skittles one is the only non-pozzed one so far.
Support skittles goyim
Skittles seems to be the only one with a decent, white family in it. Also, the computer doing your taxes seems like the first step for SkyNet.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I think our time would be better spent playing the "which corporation will I never buy from again" game
But wilfred brimley, we'll get DIABEETUS from your jewish sugar pellets
Maybe the Skittles company is uncomfortable being so closely associated with certain other subcultures in America.
How many minutes ago was the pozzed Coca Cola ad?
The public schools force sports worship to infantilize and enforce a social hierarchy based around atavism. White nigger, prussian serfs are the desired product. They're literally the a modern slave race.
please post more tech predictions
t. enthralled /g/ spectator
Mars company took a shot at Don Jr. back when he turned the poison candy meme back around on the liberals. Fuck skittles.
That budweiser commercial was not bad.
Is busch a cool company?
It's no longer owned by the original family. Used to be though.
rickroll, Holla Forums wins the superbowl
And then we're fucked.
Reminder that the falcons are all niggers.
Wow, looks like Reddit saved up enough money to make a commercial.
I think you meant Busch
The Budweiser commercial was pozzed to hell and back
Ah yeah that's right
All owned by a Jew no less
It wasn't even subtle about
At least it was a white guy, but that's kind of the point, they want to meme it's the same thing.
Niggers don't make clean water.
what will the supercomputer do with your finances, DNA and military?
cuckshed commercial
Whatever commercial just showed about the german immigrant in the 1920s wasn't bad. Guess it wasn't budweiser.
#weaccept poz, not even gonna google it.
That wasn't even for a product that was blatant propaganda
The thread got anchored
Looks like both teams have an all nigger defense. Both have some whites on offense. Atlanta is a nog destroyed city though.
Didn't they recently get into some shit because people didn't want to rent out their homes to negroes?
My ancestors have been here since the 1600's. There was no country to "immigrate" to. They were settlers. And if you don't like that, then calll them conquerors.
It's a Trojan horse of sorts, this kind of thing used to pay homage to our European heritage because most of America had a parent or grandparent who came from the old continent. Now they're using it as a guilt-trip, "Your parents were ancestors so you have to let in the Muslims and Africans."
Yeah, not too terribly surprising.
No shocker, political propaganda embedded in a heavily watched event isn't political goys. Ikikephy and therealjewman gotta go.
What the fuck was that #weaccept shit? They didn't even try to sell a product, it was just blatant "ACCEPT EVERY SHITSKIN INTO YOUR COUNTRY GOY" propaganda.
*ancestors = immigrants
migrate to
You're right. They started to penalize home owners that didn't rent out their homes to niggers.
Not a very exciting gameI, but it seems evenly matched, heres to hoping the atlanta giga-niggers put Tom "deflate gate" Brady on the mourge before getting lynched themselves
Migrate to a gas chamber
Even tho Atlanta are Nog's it'd be nice if they put the fucking Yankees in their place
Mods please sticky
At least until the patriots win
Nothing wrong with acknowledging early immigrants who built the country were white.
I didn't see that in this commercial. Only part was him sitting next to the black guy on a boat.
For reference.
Wew lad, I think you stumbled into the wrong place although "stumble" is a funny way to say that you came here intentionally to shill
They already anchored the thread so that tells you what our kosher mods think
Yeah definitely not buying pizza hut anymore.
This Justin Beiber commercial was Reddit: The Phone Commercial
Busch is legit. Look up their commercials from the 80s though.
Stop watching kike owned niggerball.
I didn't see the commercial so I can still get me a combination deep dish. That crust.
buy a crust and make your own pizza, cuck
or at least order from a local small business not a big pizza corporation that sells pizza with 500 (((additives)))
Into the oven you go.
Their pizza has always been complete garbage. But the day they got rid of their breaded wings was the day to never give them another cent ever again.
with my deep dish though, right? i can eat it as i'm burning to death.
Their wings are total shit. They officially reached rock bottom on every product they have. Stick to local pizza businesses.
off yourself
that crunch tho
The skin is crunchy already
Trips command it
I think we're arguing about different things. The ad had a dude coming from the docks and people telling him to go back. Then goes inside a factory and tells another dude the recipe for Budweiser or whatever.
trips confirm, breaded wings are kikery.
Rolling for quads, breaded wings ftw.
i'll just get back in the oven
Thank you user. Picture was me murdering innocent pizzas but there was no Nigger Ball on in the background.
yes please thank you
shilling for literal shit tier fast food fucking shameful
Oh wait nevermind, thought you meant the company not the pizza
From the same service that made Man in the High Castle.
When the Shoah isn't enough, meme the FemShoah.
He meant the pizza, but it's clear after the shit they just showed at the Superbowl, it's clear their commercials have become trash too.
Why are there so many commercials shilling for transhumanist ideas? Ones like the H&R block Watson is the future ad. Also, the science is the god of the human species commercials are disgusting in general.
I would laugh at you, but being emotionally stunted as you are, you might take it too personally and attempt to doxx me, putting my family at risk for harrassment from autists like you and uncomfortable visits from antifa asshats.
Because millions of normies are watching this and the networks are own by (((them))). It's a perfect opportunity.
because the jewish materialist's endgame is to have all the goyim comfortably plugged into their VR farm while they upload their own brains into computers to live forever.
Hide your kids, hide your wives. Big bad Chad is here.
Everyone except you is here to call out the liberal propaganda in the commercials. I seriously doubt most here care about football.
This board is not for you.
Dubs confirm
This isn't really a sports board, what makes it Holla Forums related? I also have been a TRSodomite, let the zapping cleanse you.
Also it's "dox".
RIP Patriots
No match for a pack of wild niggers.
Boston on suicide watch, major increase of anti-nigger violence along the west coast predicted,Brady's widow rakes in millions after his suicide, seen dating young aryan man, whome she claims can "take care of me". Mass lynching of former Atlanta falcons team as furios New Englanders go on a man hunt for those they claim put brady to the morgue.
Oy vey we can't let a group that calls themselves patriots lose, now can we? I don't even know who's playing.
Meant win. I am not paying attention to what I type.
Uh, last I checked it's the Red Sox versus the Hurricanes.
Who's ready for the poz overload that will be the halftime show?
I hope something hilariously bad happens.
Praying they try shoving the dildo in too far and another few million normies awake from their slumber.
I really hope that Gaga starts sperging out about Trump and redpills millions of people on how batshit insane people in Hollywood and their masters truly are.
Check those dubs for hope
(poker face'd?)
If Lady Gaga redpills the audience, I will never ignore her or any of her stupid antics ever again.
what will the supercomputer do with your finances, DNA and military?
What could go wrong?
It will be some of this
I raise your dubs and remind you this is happening in Texas, where the only thing people love more than football is guns.
Here's to hoping she is met with Boos.
Wow, they really do have their fingers on the pulse of the average American.
why hello satan. you're late. your whore is about to get up on stage and start singing.
Ah, good. She sold her soul to me for this very moment, hope she doesn't screw this up. Hehehe. :^)
Anyone have a stream
wont be shopping at lumber 84 anymore
Come on satan, do something!
y outube.com/watch?v=Ij5fk9YINPc
84 Lumber – instaboycott.
Come on satan, do something?
Stream died when beaners were getting in the truck. What diversity crew commercial did I miss?
Sheboon with a baseball bat
I'm going out tomorrow and buying the first Alfa Romeo I test drive!
If dubs, something happens to redpill the whole audience during halftime.
Here we go!
niggerbowl half-time show
brought to you by jews
Nothing subversive here :^)
if those strings break and she plummets to her death, i will never fap ever again.
nothing to see here
That's quite the price to pay for one whore's death.
Is she saying people should be happy with what they're born with and not be trannies?
in front of national television? it's a price i'm willing to pay.
Just in time to see all her pedo buddies get caught.
Even if we weren't looking at the propaganda and were looking at this from a normalfag point of view, this is just an awful halftime show in terms of aesthetic and her performance is sloppy as hell.
It is just a jumbled up mess of shit music
please leave then
Plus she's pretty fucking disgusting to look at too.
I dunno I'd wear that gold jacket with the spiky shoulderpads. It's like you're the richest person in a Mad Max post-apocalypse.
Holy shit this propaganda
She's better than Kwang of the normalfags Beyoncé, which is their standard. She is actually singing herself and playing instruments herself.
Of course she does
of course
I find it depressing that needs to be said, in any other genre this would be unimpressive as shit
Cannot unsee the masonic pillars.
And she came down from the left one.
fucking lucifer.
That's it? That was the most unremarkable halftime show I have ever seen.
Such disappoint. Not enough poz to redpill anyone.
God dammit.
So the performance itself was whatever
but here's a thought
this was the first large scale public test in preparation for as another user said Project Bluebeam, they are able to test capabilities in real time in a public setting
She is doing neither. She is bad at lip sync, this is just her old recorded music playing while she chants what sounds to be hebrew into the mic that you can barely hear
Don't buy anything made by a globally financed and owned corporate entity. Cultural poz is a symptom of global finance. Support your neighbours and local businesses.
Is it just me, or is the NFL shooting themselves in the foot? Their largest demographic is old white men. Who, more than likely, voted Trump. Then they have all these pozzed commercials with niggers that are replacing white guys. And this dumb bitch Gaga makes a political statement about the travel ban (singing "this land is my land, this land is your land").
Why the fuck would a their largest demographic watch their shit if they are just going to be insulted the entire time?
Nice pozzing you got there, Audi
Stream down again
Keep this poz party positive, anons! Where's the fresh link juice?
My gf is pissed of so much right now by that commercial. She's going on a rant as I type.
How are they shooting themselves in the foot? Most old white men who spend their days watching sports (filled with nogs and lacking any transcendental aspect) are not politically conscious enough to stop watching due to something they may think of as just a small nuisance. You are overestimating the average white male.
Audi about 2 years late with the whole equal pay for women BS. Tell your daughter to fuck off audi.
Must have hired some feminists in the marketing department, or some faggot was just a little slow on muh equal pay bandwagon
I was listening and I didn't realize it. I'm not saying that you're lying, but that Joe after 14 beers heard didn't hear shit. With that said, if they're watching it they're probably OK with a lot of poz anyways because there have been enough incidents lately.
Goddamnit, stop depressing me, Holla Forums.
Finally, a commercial that's worth a damn.
this land is my land
it isn't your land
i've got a shotgun
and you ain't got one
if you don't get off
i'll blow your head off
this land is private property
In case anyone doesn't know, Audi shot themselves in the foot on twitter over that commercial when they released it earlier.
No, cuz the whole point is to 'remind' us that we were all immigrants once. "Cool it with the xenophobia, shitlord."
He was always pozzed, faggot. He's always appealed to plebbit and he's right up there with black science man in terms of him trying to appeal to the "internet" crowd
hey Slowpoke, Bill Nye has been pozzed for YEARS.
tippity top kek
Bill Nye is an AIDS fountain of Science-Religion stupidity.
It's trying to equate Northwest-European settlers with niggers and jihadis.
If they were trying to say "stop being xenophobic", they would have made the commercial about some Mexicans running a taco truck or something
What the fuck is this shit about poz? I looked it up and all im getting is gay slang for aids positive assholes who want to hook up.
Newfag detected.
go back to cuckchan
Any beantown burgers confirm the fires rising in beantown as jewbowl turns into complete flop?
Pence is there?
Lurk for two years.
He provided the special effects during Gaga's show.
Zapping some gays he spots in the crowd, most likely.
female comedians only know slapstick and muh vagina jokes
At least the whale scene was accurate.
Should have signed Thad tbh
Its like the broncos from a couple years ago all over again
Some anons are theorizing that the Patriots are throwing the game on purpose because one of their players came out in support of Trump
White Touchdown
Atlanta is building a new stadium right now, they need to put asses in seats so they are going to win because of that. Football kikes only care about money at the end of the day.
Feel bad for anyone thinking this isn't absolutely scripted
Whoa now, user. You're not honestly suggesting professional sports are scripted, are you?
Maybe not scripted, but definately some Tim Donaghy type shit going on.
Even big time wrestling had surprise endings for the participants and crowd.
They at least put up a better illusion about sportsmanship and competition. But it's very obvious that the Patriots are purposely low energy.
Again, at least they try to make it seem dynamic and chaotic
this thread isn't anchored if you wanna go there
This is a sport where teams don't want the best players they want the diverse players. How many times are you going to watch teams blow all their money on hyped up niggers that end up being dead weight? And potential white stars get blacklisted.
New England isn't even trying anymore
It was a pretty good drive, but they needed to play like that for the whole game.
Fuckin hope the blue team wins this year
I can't believe they won. It looked over just a quarter ago
Trump wins again
Another thread
Webmd of 4th qtr?