Anarcho-nihilism will win

Anarcho-nihilism will win

Now check 'em you optimists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow never expected to see this album here. This was the soundtrack to one of the darker periods of my depression.

Hitler dubs for anarcho-nihilism.
Moldbug was right.

Off yourself if you hate life so much faggot


Loser detected

These posts doesn't sounds like arguments.

You got that pic from Holla Forums, didn't you

Intellectualism is for people that can't succed in real life

never fails, spooked betas are always the fastest to cling to traditionalism as a masculinity supplement

how shallow are you

Why would a true nihilist both to make a post?

optimism doesn't contradict nihilism

Starting a thread…
With a fucking Tripcode.


Ironically, this has the same autistic, self-unaware smugness as the average nihilist.


triggered the breeder

If woman was God's second mistake, then that makes man his first.

Yes, that is the implication. You did it.

What if both the post>leftists and tradcucks are shit and the only ones really bothering with are the platformist anarchists and Leninists, ever think of that? Really makes you think.

Still, no one could rationally see Nietzsche as a misandrist.

What about the syndicalists?

Syndicalists are part of the platformist umbrella; anarchists in favor of organization. I hope that question was ironic.

Every post i make is ironic, also that defintion is just called social/civil anarchism not specificly Platformist. They both are social and forms of anarchism wich embrace mass organisation but Platformism and Syndaclism are seperate in idealogy and form of organisation. (Syndaclism being more Federal and Platformist more central.)

ok there tradcuck

man was god's first fuck up
woman was god's second


Nigga you can't just admit you're here to shitpost good god

Hey, n1x. Can I get a (You)?

I bet that he meant exactly, that but liberals and edgy polacks took this quote at its face value

Can anyone confirm this ?

Take it my fam, it's all yours.

That would imply that this board isnt shit.
Shitposting only happens on boards wich arnt shit.
Anyone have The Antichrist's pdf or a link?

I got u fam

This has The Antichrist in it I believe:

Those are one and the same synonymous terms for organisatory anarchist tendencies, with platformism being the most widely utilized term nowadays, as quite some development has been made in anarchist theory.

If you're here to just be le ironic xd and shout 'only pretending!' whenever you look like a retard you should really reconsider your life choices.

Fuck off plz

It has a bunch of other shit in it and is less than a MB you fucking ingrate :^🍀🍀🍀)

>>>/postleftypol/ is our salvation tbh lads

Actually has the book.

Thanks fam.
Page 1033/1034:
"The old God, all “spirit,” all high priest, all perfection, takes a stroll in his garden; but he is bored. Against boredom even gods struggle in vain. What does he do? He invents man—man is entertaining. But lo and behold! Man too is bored. God’s compassion with the sole distress that distinguishes all paradises knows no limits: soon he creates other animals as well. God’s first mistake: man did not find the animals entertaining; he ruled over them, he did not even want to be “animal.” Consequently God created woman. And indeed, that was the end of boredom—but of other things too! Woman was God’s second mistake."

Lol no refer to post above, making animals is God's first mistake.

And they dont have their own uniqueness… allright yeah, sure. The people who seriousily need to reconsider their life choices is everyone here who preaches about shit they know jack shit about and still feel entitled to have an opinion about it. And the most funny thing is that people take it so extremly seriouse while remaining so fucking ignorant about it. Like come on if this place isnt a parody then i wouldnt be here being ironic.
If you people stop acting like sutch a fucking joke (Its pure parody that you people still go with theThe old left wich has died long ago) then i would stop joking around. Without my stupid shit would this board still be pure horseshit with all the rampant ignorance and all the fucking Holla Forumsbait holy shit.

Na man im fine.

I should point out that there's far more nuance to Nietzsche's treatment of woman and femininity in his works than, "durr Nietzche was a sexist lolololol"

Unfortunately I don't have a .pdf of the book in question that has these essays, but Kofman's "BaubĂ´: Theological Perversion and Fetishism" and Derrida's "The Question of Style" are two good essays that deal with this question.

As with everything else in Nietzsche, never take what he says about women at face value.

Dammit my name and flag unloaded fuck.


Literally all I did was post a quote from this epub lol I'm leaving this is cancer

Your autism aside, 'platformism' became the commonly accepted umbrella term for organistory anarchism incredibly recently. It was literally coined in the late 20th century; many decades after the end of all prior anarchist experiments.

Good, fuck off retard.

Yeah i can also draw on historic context to make the argument in favor or me.

just no faggot

Current year or calling things autistic? Neither are leftypol memes.

NO Uing won't magically make people forget about your blunder bruh.

An unique kidna autism.

Jesus christ so seriouse and still so ignorant.

Anti-natalists are self-defeating in a sense.
Their non-argument goes like this:
"Nobody needs to be born now, since I'm born and don't want children."

If you want to rid the world of humans, start with yourself, you fucking cowards.
I wanna live, and I want the human race to live.

anti natalist are fucking stupid tbh
what is the purpose of promoting less birthrates? that we "save" the planet? for who? birds? elephants?
fuck 'em

Anti natalism believes that having children is unethical because it forces someone to live, and life is more suffering than happiness.

n1x and plebbit are the reasons I'm no longer an anarchist. The idea that an ideology filled with such completely and utterly useless dickheads will ever amount to anything is laughable.

This is the most emo thing I've heard all year.

If my shitposting was enough to make you not an anarchist anymore, then you were probably never that committed to it in the first place and were probably just a LARPer like most of the "anarchists" on Holla Forums.

Ousting you shitheads from the milieu is definitely one of the goals of my shitposting, so good fucking riddance.

nice. purge the liberal roleplayers.

What if I suck at parenting and all my children becomes murderers? That wouldn't have happened if I never had a kid

PLEASE kill yourself.



sorry about being rude t thank you my brother

Ah, the immortal refrain of the brainwashed cultist faced with someone rejecting their faith. Claim that they were not a true believer in the first place. Claim that the ignominy of fringe obscurity is what you desire, while your constant proselytizing declares this to be the lie that is it. Claim to hate LARPers, when your own aspirations amount to no more than idling on irc, contemplating your own navel.

All this salt. I'll be able to season the flesh of slain my enemies for years tbh

I'm glad someone else appreciates my master plan ;^)

Salty? No, I'm laughing at you. You're a joke, son.

t. Every person ever on a *chan who was mad

np glorious islamig gommunism famrade

t. butthurt LARPer desperate to distract from his being completely ineffectual


That was so poorly worded that it's not even worth me addressing the content of your post.

But I mean, let's be honest here: The amount of butthurt directed towards the nihilist shitposters on Holla Forums, and especially people blaming them for actually causing damage the the discourse on this shit board, is pretty effectual I'd say.

It's not that I'm not genuinely a post-left anarcho-nihilist type, it's that you're all fucking manchildren who use your politics as the basis for your personal identity rather than as a guide for any kind of praxis (because none of you fucking do anything for leftism!), and just can't handle the idea that someone would be critical of your precious ideology. The discourse on this board is dead and you basically just invite me to shitpost. It's the only thing that accomplishes anything here when people ignore all discussion and would rather reproduce the same narratives Holla Forums has created at the same bait threads and one-liner newfag threads. It reifies your sense of identity.

It's incredibly ironic, but also very appropriate, that Holla Forums constantly shitposts about identity politics and ideology while being probably one of the worst purveyors of both of those things within the Leftist milieu.


So, your measure of "effectual" is being disruptive on the one board on this site that isn't crawling with overt nazis? Let's be clear, given the choice between outright Hitler worshipping nazis and people disgruntled with identity politics, you chose to attack the second group and ignore the first.

Who is this fucking "you"?
I haven't posted here or months, if even years and just returned 3 days ago.

The thing about Holla Forums is that they don't actually have any power. They think that they do, but as another user put it very nicely today in some other thread on here: Holla Forums is essentially just circlejerking over a zeitgeist that they're all going along with but believing themselves to have actually influenced.

It's amazing to me that I have to remind people that the real world doesn't give a shit about some autistic imageboard that isn't even indexed on Google. No one here, insofar as they limit themselves to posting on Holla Forums, has any fucking influencen on politics. As people who claim to be communists, you should know that the concrete relations of capital are what actually drive world events - not our precious ideological shitposting. Within the context of our petty board drama - which I'd assumed was what you were referring to - I've done fairly well considering that I'm the OG nihilist poster here.

It'd be useless to get into a pissing match over how effectual I am IRL, because it's not like I can prove any of that without doxxing myself.

Then obviously the "you" isn't directed at you individually, my autistic friend.

Kek. Back to Holla Forums now. You very clearly have nothing to offer but sophistry and dissimulation.


The alt-right isn't confined to Holla Forums, nor did it originate from Holla Forums, nor does Holla Forums have any real influence on it, nor does Holla Forums identify with the alt-right.

But please continue to be a stereotypical Holla Forums poster.

Oh, is it going to be the reddit meme of "anything that disagrees with tumblr is right-wing" now? This is irrelevant though, you just want to slide the topic away from the fact you're the worst LARPer on the board. You've admitted all you want to do is sit on irc because that requires you do as close to nothing as possible. You whine about the "stereotypical Holla Forums poster" because posters here see you as the shit filled self aggrandizer you are and won't bow to your infantile fantasies and snooty sermonizing. You're such a failure you couldn't even manage something as trivial as committing suicide successfully.

kek, there's more than one nihilist poster on the board m8. You seem really upset and are getting kind of irrational. Maybe you show step away from the computer for a bit and go outside. Even glorious heroes of the revolution need to take a break once in a while from demolishing filthy counterrevolutionaries like myself :^)

n1x, that is pathetic.

I agree, your posts are really pathetic. You should stop sometime soon.

trips confirm life is pain

how the fuck does a horse wear flip flops
bronies are the fucking worst

Wow, a "No U!". How the mighty have fallen. Beats the usual pile of sophist horseshit, I suppose.

m8, you'll notice that you're the only one here who is completely assblasted and taking this whole conversation way too seriously.

Next time you try, here's how you can get it right.

tbh I'm legit lol'ing @ u rn

How much longer are you gonna keep responding before you realize that this is completely pointless?

Why would I want to stop doing something that pleases me?

You should only be posting on an imageboard after your testicles descend.

Well at least the feeling is mutual.

Only underaged people do this, y'know ;^)

I'm not the one who thinking it's the height of personal achievement to pretend they're an extra from The Walking Dead.

What you should be ashamed of is that you're never going to achieve anything more with your life.


It's equally useless to get into a pissing match about who is better at life than the other since there's no way to verify that.

Your ideology itself is proves you're going to amount to notihng. What happens to anarchists who take part in direct actions? They go to prison. Got a prison record? Good luck getting a reasonable income and a pleasant life after that.

Or you're actually just a crypto-liberal going through their edgy phase and LARPing. Given your constant apologetics for idpol and your youth, I suspect this latter case to be the truth.

Either way, no systemic change. Nothing achieved.

It's interesting that you think that going to prison for taking part in direct action means that I would have amounted to a failure. The reason for this being, according to you, that I wouldn't be able to get a good job after that. What, then, would constitute being "successful", to you?

Oh boy, he managed to drag the "all feminism is idpol and idpol has singlehandedly destroyed the Left" into this inane conversation.

I know, those fucking millenials amirite? :^)

You think you won't need resources to take meaningful action? Do you think you won't be the first one pulled in by the cops for the slightest little thing once you've got a record?

Not that those questions are relevant to you.

Posting a single post with a link to another board doesn't constitute spam you faggot mods. Do your fucking job and ban Holla Forums shitposters.

That's not what I'm asking though. You seem to be implying that there is indeed some end that I could put my money towards, and that realizing this end would constitute some kind of definition of success. I'm wondering though what exactly this is supposed to be.

I don't need to specify an action. You're just deliberately trying to reverse the burden of proof to avoid facing the fact that if you want to achieve any sort of meaningful change under capitalism, you're going to need substantially more than a subsistence allocation of resources.

This doesn't apply to a LARPer like you though. Cosplaying as a zombie all day, every day, is just going to make people think you're the dickhead you are. :^)

Oh but you do, because you seem to think that there's something I could do that would indeed cause any meaningful change. And having a minimum wage job - or even a job that pays enough for me to be considered part of the "middle class" - wouldn't be anywhere near enough money for an individual to do anything that would actually cause any significant change in capitalism. And how could I, unless I were an industrial proletarian, cause change in the first place when the proletariat is the revolutionary agent under capitalism?

You seem to be very adamant about asserting that I'll never accomplish anything that would make me "successful", yet are assuming some kind of definition of success that seems to have no fucking relationship whatsoever to how capitalism works.

Unlike you, glorious member of the Vanguard, I indeed do not daily agitate at the factory and push the self-interest of the working class. For shame, that I cannot be literally the second coming of Lenin like you :^^^^^^^^^^^)

Yeah, why would I think you're not going to accomplish anything when:

1: You've openly stated you just want to idle on irc and disrupt this board
2: You've literally just posted that you obviously have no idea how to take action of any sort
3: You've also just admitted that you have no intent of even attempting to change they system anyway.

Quite obvious you will never achieve anything as you have openly admitted you have no intent to do so.

Why don't you just give me an answer you autistic fuck?

p ironic that you accuse me of being the one here with no stated ideas on how to accomplish anything when you're the one throughout this whole thing who has yet to present any coherent thoughts on anything other than attacking me. I mean, I don't mind it that much because it's p amusing how seriously you seem to take me and how butthurt you are, but really, you could answer a simple question.

Or maybe you don't understand the concept of a rhetorical question, or a dialogue? I'm trying to suss out something out of you other than "UR JUST A LARPER LOLOLOL U WILL NEVAR ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING", but it seems that you're so blinded by rage at the fact that I exist that you can't even manage to present anything that would demonstrate that you have any idea what you're talking about, and aren't just rabidly defending your safe space from those nasty post-left anarchists.

Anyone who has any chance of ever actually having sex with someone wouldn't be wasting their time in the first place arguing over something as petty as anti-natalism, on a fucking imageboard.

Back to accusing me of being angry, now. Also, that's quite right, you will never accomplish anything. :^)

Oh, it's pretty self-evident from your posts, and how you seem to have basically nothing left to say and falling back on your assumption that I'll never accomplish anything without even being able to say what that would mean ;^)

You need me to explain for you. Looks like having only received opinions has destroyed your capacity for independent thought.

No, the burden of proof isn't on me to explain an idea that you brought into the conversation. You're the one who made the accusation, you've got to back that up with something other than continuously asserting that I can't possibly live up to this mysterious concept of "success" you have.

No, I don't. Your ideology sets the parameters for "success". Are you telling me you don't know your own ideology? n1x acts like a dickhead, as usual.

And your ideology does as well. You can try all you want to hide yourself from any kind of criticism by forcing me into the position of having to defend myself while you continue to attack me, but it's not gonna happen. If you're not gonna provide something, this is just going to amount to you shitposting at me over and over again about how I'll never be "successful". Not really interested in that, and not really interested in justifying myself to an autist like yourself who assumes that my whole existence revolves around shitposting on Holla Forums.

We're talking about you, and how you will never achieve anything by the judgement of your own ideology. That you're a waste of human flesh.

I know for a fact it does, n1x.

lel, you're just a bully. How cute. You must really not like me.

No flesh to waste here my dude ;^)

k fam, guess I don't have a job and don't go to university right? I mean I could probably get documents to prove both those things, but again, I'm not about to dox myself to prove that I'm not only better at life than you, but am also smarter than you, better adjusted than you, better looking than you, actually opposed to capital and not using "leftism" to feel like part of a community, and all around superior to you in every way.

You may think that what you're doing right now is disrupting the most important thing in my life. But if only you knew how much of a worm you are to me, you and the majority of Holla Forums. I have no respect for you, and when this board is dead and gone with the rest of Holla Forums I'll only be glad to see this pathetic cesspit of LARPing, meme-spouting brocialist :^^^^^) shitheads gone and no longer poisoning anyone else's minds with its watered-down "leftist" pure ideology with internalized fascist characteristics.

Suck my bone famaroni ;^)

And you'll be glad that those of us commies with actual decent notions that aren't based on fucking shit have nowhere to go but bunker/tankie pools? Man, that's harsh.

Jesus christ please dont fall into the claims of Ted kaczynski that you leftists are all insecure as fuck.
This is just so pathetic that it isnt even funny anymore.

Post-left is useless lifestylism tho

But I'm not an anarchist…

You cant refute it tho


Revolution is just around the corner bro. You just gotta believe

If you think revolution is impossible just become a reformist or apolitical consumerist like everyone else. Post-leftism is literally the most useless ideology ever conceived.

they have magnet-hooves. Sometimes.
The show inconsistently switches between showing them holding things just glued to their hooves and sometimes in their mouths


This. Anihils have no plans, meanwhile platformist types like anarcho-syndicalists know exactly how to get from point A to point Anarchy

Plans tend to fuck up during phase 1.

Also, ancoms have no plans for how to get to point A to get to point Anarchy.

this is why post-left is bro-tier. They GET it.

Some people shouldn't breed. Genetic undesirables (uggos, retards, people with hereditary diseases) shouldn't be allowed to breed. If they do they should receive no assistance from society.

t. Uggo childless retard

Is there a place in leftism for me?

No, but maybe you should go check out the end of a barrel

Back to your cesspit

Please contain your autism. I wasn't actually answering his question, just telling him to kill himself.