Since South Park is foremost a cartoon, I thought this deserved a thread here.
Since South Park is foremost a cartoon, I thought this deserved a thread here
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its ded jim
Doesn't Holla have multiple subreddits dedicated to complaining about SJW games?
Yes, but I dont rexommend reading the article as well. Pure cancer over a fractured ass in denial about only 2 sexes
So they did everything right, pissing off both groups alike.
They are making fun of the dumbasses who think being black makes life difficult you easily triggered snowflakes.
So I take it you never saw the World War Zimmerman episode?
Except there isn't any difference. This is the right being as easily offended as the left once again.
I want this to be a joke but these days it's getting harder to be sure.
The funniest thing about Zoe Quinn and her friends is that they think they are talented.
The depressing thing is that people keep giving them money in spite of their inability to make anything remotely profitable
After the Zimzam episode and an entire season of "totally not shilling against Trump" coupled with the fact these guys work for Viacom, I'm having little doubt that Matt and Trey sincerely believe this.
Did he ever have a non-ginger kid with his ex-Japanese wife?
South Park really is a has-been. Does anyone even use that stupid being black is playing life on hard mode nonsense anymore?
I get the joke, but it's pretty fucking stupid as a game mechanic. Mods when? Does the first one even have mods?
The first one wasn't so bad. Just pirate it, it's decent at worst.
Holla Forums is a board dedicated specifically to complain about SJW.
If the scale is correct, gameplay wise there would be a difference. Although it would be actually really fucking fun if there was no difference, like a middle finger to both sides while you also pissed them off.
How does this piss off sjw again?
They have to get good if they don't want to play as a FUCKING WHITE MALE.
captcha: polcqm
You have to play in the hardest difficulty if you want to be part of diversity bullshit, and we all know that SJW can't play games.
I consider low INT runs in Fallout games to be hard mode in late game, so it's kind of like the same thing.
Journalists are the only ones that play as part of their job, so I guess that technically counts.
Pretty uninspired humor
That seems like it would be an alright line for PC Principal.
He just happens to be the tutorial character who says outrageous things
Yep it's one of those cucks.
I think that at some point after the introduction of the PC principal, Cartman stopped being a Nazi and he became a SJW. I wouldn't know for sure since I've not seen a lot of recent episodes except the safe space one.
Is this ironic or not? I don't think it is considering the south park guys are leftists.
They're backtracking and saying it doesn't actually adjust the difficulty and it's just a joke.. now that the reaction wasn't "HAHA FUCK WHITE PEOPLE YASSS I'M TOTALLY BUYING THIS GAME NOW!"
They are, but they were quoted as saying "We hate conservatives, but we REALLY hate leftists"
Their gimmick was being nihilistic fence-sitting psuedo-libertarians and they said that quote in a very different political environment than the current one. They may or may not have meant it at the time (probably not), but they certainly wouldn't stick by that quote now.
He got a girlfriend and is barely the same character anymore. Then again the same could be said of all other characters, these last two seasons were complete shit.
Watch the Tray Tray Martin episode. If that doesn't show it then nothing will.
After Randy's divorce, I knew everything was going down the gutter.
obsidian made that one
It's sad to think this is probably what they consider "side projects" nowadays. Like they know they can never escape being the "South Park guys".
South Park is a cash cow, and they're owned by Viacom. Matt and Trey don't actually get to make any real decisions anymore, at least not the ones that matter. Remember how Southparkstudios used to stream all the episodes with only like 3 ads per episode? Remember how it got folded into Hulu or some shit?
They say they don't want to make a second movie, but I know they'll be forced to make one under the new leadership. While still spinning it by saying they had an idea of course.
Only a matter of time.
To be honest, I already knew they were cucks literally. I think one guy was left on the altar, while the other caught his wife cheating on him. I don't know which is which, but they are cucks in the most literal sense.
Trump messed them up last season so they're passive aggressively getting back at Trumpers without saying they're going after Trump
totally woke
Do they seriously never make fun of it?!
For fuck's sake this is something South Park would have made fun of years ago. They really should just out the franchise out of it's misery.
We should have known better with what we were dealing with after the PC Principal turned into a good guy at the end of Season 19.
They literally did in a Method so Scathing that its unallowed today.
Their plastic surgery episode from days past is pretty much "Surgery can't make you something else just because you feel like you are one".
How times have changed.
The show was always written by kikes, you naive morons. The job of the kike is to constantly degrade and destroy, to constantly peddle their lies. They just had different targets a decade ago, targets you were okay with. It's not times that have changed, it's the people.
>>>Holla Forums
Are you stupid? What possible targets they had before? The whole point of the episode was against fucking degradation.
One of the two creators of the fucking show is jewish for fucks sake. He isn't basing this shit off of something unfounded, jews have been show numerous times to love perverting, deforming and degrading human values as a way to get off or just to appease their dark humor. There isn't some big conspiracy here, just a few jews having to change the values they target as the older ones aren't valued in the mainstream normalfag view anymore.
i always laugh at how racist them french bois are (v:
basically, if its not puns about ice like sanstumblr tale, its not funny, eh?
The only difference between this and DSP/Ijustine is the lack of commentary.
I wish.
It actually does "nothing" difficulty-wise, it just changes your starting money (supposedly) and dialogue. Cartman even says "Don’t worry, this doesn’t affect combat. Just every other aspect of your whole life.". It's more like an easter egg than an legit difficulty slider.
Stop being so triggered.
This was almost seen as satire, until I saw this:
I use the term very rarely, but you very much do seem to belong to
And then he changed back anyway
Hey Holla Forums
good thing i never played the first one and watched south park after season 1
It's gotten to the point where I just don't care anymore.
I thought they were not gonna do this shit
Matt and Trey had a years worth of scripts already written out before
Had to ruin it by winning the election. Now the supremely asshurt duo of Jew and Morman have to go back to parceling through newspapers to get ideas for episodes.
So what is the point of it all if the game isn't harder when you play as a nigger?
They said they were not going to mock Trump specifically. That doesn't mean they can't mock white people or le ebil natzis.
It was Matt and Trey showing everyone that they're too cool to take sides once again.
Book of Morman
Jesus fucking christ just let this die already.
A good South Park episode triggers some people. A great episode triggers everyone. Hopefully we all get offended somehow on Wednesday.
Im getting pretty sick of the normal fag mentality that being a centrist fence-sitter on most issues is correct because it's more "balanced".
I like the early seasons mostly because M&T hate them
They do? Why?
I won't believe it until I see footage. This doesn't add up with thie shit Matt & Trey did in even the last two seasons - no, even in the E3 showings for this game where they made jokes about shit like making a female character.
I can believe this will happen. I've read about "jokes" being made at the Marvel Cinematic Universe about how the first few movies are starred by white men and only several years afterwards that minorities and women get to have their own movies.
This is an actual exchange
Wonder Tweek: If we want to make billions of dollars, then I think we should start with the Tupperware movie!
The Coon: Right, start with a black superhero.
SuperCraig: Marvel is making a black superhero movie.
The Coon: Yeah, now! They waited years to get to that! We follow their plan, we do all the real people first, then we sneak the black guy in at Phase 3.
How is that SJW?
This wouldn't have happened if both sides weren't shit.
Because it's implicitly in support of a progressive stack.
It's making a joke that they didn't make a movie with black characters because they're black, not everything has a SJW agenda.
The joke implies that they should make movies with black characters as a moral imperative.
It isn't implying anything, stop being paranoid.
Only after you stop being a cum-guzzling shill
How am I a shill? You are seeing social justice where it isn't there, sound familiar?
You're refusing to acknowledge blatant underlying ideology because you think sitting on a fence and sucking Trey and Matt's chodes makes you somehow above everyone else.
You're seeing the SJW menace in places where it isn't there, South Park makes fun of everything. would SJWs make fun of themselves?
They've been leaning a side too much recently.
They look back at it as being amateurish shit, even if it was a big part of the joke. Hell half of the movie blu-ray commentary is just them saying they could now do better on the show in a week.
>The entire season mocking SJWs as JOCKS instead of the femmy anal-obsessed SanFran cuckolds they are
They make a whole episode expecting Hillary to win, and then, when it falls through, they get so salty the entire new episode is just them using the characters to complain.
And then and and are supposed to be shocks?
As I said, South Park is just "raunchy" Daily Show. Always was.
Anyone who ever legitimately invested themselves into SP thinking it would focus on comedy and mocking everything equally while giving equal credibility to everything is an idiot. You make yourselves into idiots. That's never how it worked, ever. I mean, anyone remember that one episode where they used a character to soapbox about their sociopolitical worldview?
Oh, wait, I'll need to be more specific because they constantly do this every season.
Well, let's see: One side wants to roll things back to the 90's at the bare minimum while the other side promotes laws which state that voicing your instinctive reaction to webm related should lead to you being heavily fined and/or imprisoned.
…Yeah, both sides are garbage. Better to firmly affix that wood right in your colon while you sit there looking at both sides with derision.
Then what's the point of it?
Say, did they ever make fun of Communists? Or Hollywood pedophilia? No, Jackson doesn't count.
I'm pretty sure they did but I legitimately can't remember when that happened. Season 7?
Notice how things took a sudden and quick swing after a certain series of events began. Once Trump got into the potentials they realized they needed to kick their lean in hard or else face being labeled as implicit accomplices to him getting elected. If they didn't swing hard and fast then their Viacom pals would start giving them the stink eye for making fun of the group of useful idiots the Dems were abusing to secure power.
Reminds me of how Diversity & Comics mentioned that study on people living in the Soviet state, where you constantly - even unprompted - MUST voice your support for the party or else face the suspicion of your peers and be rabidly attacked.
Just my 2cents
Their idea of being equal opportunity offenders was having HRC and Garrison Trump actually be referred to as "A Turd Sandwich" and "A Giant Douche" throughout. Oh and I guess HRC was a frumpy tool
It's still very particular they didn't write it to make either outcome interchangeable like they did with the last elections
Not to mention this bit here.
If you actually pay attention to what's happening and what's being said you can, with adult mental reasoning, literally hear verbatim the DNC-pusher talking points of
Etc. etc. Unless you're a kid or just got off the boat there's no way you cannot see Daily Show right here.
And I bet you're not thinking about Trevor Noah
Because Trump speaks like a retard and is easy to make fun of, and it's obvious they're saying some of that shit ironically.
How ironic was their Zimmerman episode supposed to be again?
Who thinks about Trevor Noah? It took me a second to even recognize that name.
True but that's not what they did here.
Not even remotely to be seen here. Also
[that Trump would go away, basically]
Oh? Whatever happened to these shmucks having two episodes pre-planned for every election? They've always just "bet the odds", apparently.
You sure about that? Because anyone who was actually watching things saw that things were swinging hard right for Trump right around the time every single media outlet began screeching about possible fraud or shinanigans - after Hillary started it.
Whatever. I'm done. You people parse through the words of these jackasses if you want. I'm sure there'll be plenty of anons going "See~! They were only mad because Trump winning ruined their plotline and story arcs!" except they did not remotely need to make Garrison Trump. It was their childish way of extra-mocking the man without showing his face, which is weird since they always showed the faces of the people they mocked before. Also find it curious that Not-Trump's character arc was to return home and realize he was partially at fault for the division in the school.
Like how Trump is supposedly at fault for dividing America, right? Y-you get it? We're so clever.
Also gotta love this gem
My daughter got to be Ike this season. She did some cussing.
Then they talk about provocative people, where SP is on the spectrum (not autism, but being provocative) how they are "professionals" and what they made was "art".
This season was their art project and their attempt to remain relevant in a world now filled with provocative people.
I'm done. Maybe this will help the more delusional of anons here
That season was really just bunch of ideas stretched out but went nowhere
And that's why Soth Park should just stop with the attempts at overaching plots, just stick to being episodic with the occasional 2 or 3 parter.
This, It makes no sense. I don't dislike their approach to mock everything, like the happening of the month/week, but it makes no sense when you stretch the joke over the whole season, it just doesn't work. After Stan parents divorce and Chef death, that much was clear.
The Lead Narrative Designer for the game seems to be a clique-member. I wonder how many jokes meant to teach Very Important Messages there will be. Or if they'll be noticeable distortions from attempts to ensure it meets Femfreq's ideas of acceptability.
@femfreq "All good things…" Thank you all SO MUCH for developing this vital critical dialogue of games and paving the way for more! 💖
Your move, shills.
Am I reading this right? How does these things have in common?
Both are shit?
There is literally no counter-argument against them nor to those trips.
Except TFA panders to leftists… What Trump did to influence TFA in any way?
That's exactly what they're doing with the next season. No serialization and no Trump jokes.
That joke could have worked on Tumblr
Yes, but how did Trump make TFA?
The context works better in the show, but basically things like Trump's election and the new Star Wars movies are a common (I think the show implies it's misguided; I'm not really sure) effort by the American people to go back to a time of "nostalgia" for everything in the state (old movies, old politics). Trump and Disney's Star Wars aren't linked by anything tangible, but they're linked in a general, nostalgic sense.
for everything in the country*
It is funny that people said Obsidian would cram a bunch SJW shit into the game then the sequel made by another dev had a lot of it.
I already made this point in an old South Park thread. Basically, satire requires some truth to its joke to work. Matt and Trey still get their news from MSM. They still have some common sense like the "fuck the police" mentality is going to lead to more crimes but they still believe Trayvon Martin dindu nuffin. They know that NuGhost Busters sucked but tried to tie that, the Force Awakens and Trump to nostalgia. They acknowledge that SJWs are annoying but ignore why they are actually a problem. PC Principal is depicted to apply his principles fairly to both the boys and the girls despite hypocrisy being one of the defining traits of SJWs.
Before the Onion got pozzed up, (I have a webm but it is on my computer) they released this. It is funny because a Trump supporter wouldn't be persuaded by a queer Feminist paper yet people still still write that crap like it would convince the Trump supporters, the people that they would need to persuade the most. Without some kind of point, it just becomes pointless absurdity.
PC Principal was a big mistake.
Don't know why he needed to be more than a season gag
Christ they aren't even trying.
I miss his onesie
That was pretty much the problem. They were 100% convinced (along with most people) that Trump was going to lose the election. He pulled off a miracle as even his best estimates were around a 30% chance of victory. Since they were able to predict the last two elections and do 'day after' episodes they felt like this time they had it in the bag and could even write an overarching plot involving it. When Trump won I can actually imagine them having to call everyone up and get to the studio to re-do the whole episode and figure out how to end the season.
With their next season I'm pretty sure they're going to just enjoy the same old 'both sides are stupid' fence they've been riding. They'll get called controversial because they'll actually portray Antifa as the terrorists they are, but they won't do anything noteworthy. In fact there's probably a good chance that they'll portray radical illiberals as incompetent and not worthy of concern. Which is a shame because with PC Principal they actually have a really good setup to do a 1 to 1 setup for the real problem of selective enforcement and tacit approval of one side regardless of action that is causing a huge amount of the problems the country faces right now.
Here's hoping they bring back reality.
So how was the new episode?
See if they were smart, they would have made Trump a very small part of the overarching storyline so that no matter what happened it would only effect his b-plot.
A fucking NOTHING Burger. I can't even say it was super pozzed as much as…Just fuck all.
It feels like a Parody they would be doing 15 years ago as a 30 second sketch about a South Park where fuck all happens.
That bad, huh?
To put it simply: The Confederate Tiki Protest…Is about Amazon Alexa (or whatever the fuck it is). Its tangential as fuck.
In terms of pozzness:
It's the same point again as before: "Man you Rednecks don't REALLY want your jobs!"
What the fuck happened to this show? When did Matt and Trey become so goddamn lazy? You watch the older seasons and you're amazed at how little the show actually touched on politics, sure there was one or two political episodes but for the most part episodes involved mocking celebs they didn't like.
Now it's just……I don't even know what, the newer seasons all become dated in a year because of how terribly ripped from the headlines they are (seriously try watching the Facebook or Avatar episodes without cringing) and it has become beyond stale!
South Park, like the Simpsons has long overstayed its welcome and needs to be put down now!
When they released a two part episode about how fucking tired they are of South Park and how this expectation of always being pessimistic downers makes life pretty obnoxious and tiring, especially with the constant repetition.
Like that was literally a thing. And sure on the commentary, they said "Oh we totally didn't mean that we where tired of south park!".
Yeah. Sure.
Wait, the confederate protests? That didn't happen like a month ago? It doesn't surprise me that the episode was bad when the script was probably rushed as fuck
They were so thrilled to finally make ass burgers jokes
Combining seemingly unrelated current things is almost as tired as being overly dramatic about something stupid
People bitch about it but I think that was just about the last episode I saw and liked
I didn't bitch about it. I really respected it and wondered how they got away with it. It's really their most reflective episodes in a way.
Here it is if you want to see how far South Park has fallen.
It sucked but it was not nearly as bad as the last season at least.
Just saw the new episode. It was okay. Not redpilled, but not terrible as I had feared. Just kind of bland.
So this episode is sure to piss off zero tolerance SJWs. Lots of confederate flag waving with no moral outrage or objections. The protestors are not portrayed as Nazis.
Antifa is an elephant in the room that they've chosen to ignore. Is PC principal for or against antifa?
South Park was never "redpilled" you stupid faggot.
It wasn't this bluepilled either.
Stop being a fag
Hey Reddit
Matt & Trey might be on to something here. Protestors being filmed should shout commands to Alexa.
That is a pretty low bar to set.
I saw the episode and it is still pretty fucking bad just not season 20 bad.
Man this was a shit episode.
Spent about all of its time trying to set up some kind of political statement then just turned around and walked away from it. They could at least have the balls to finish something. Though if that were true then Fractured Butt Whole would have been out a year ago.
Nothing in the episode was funny, insightful, or even noteworthy. This is the kind of safetypin show that South Park would have been eviscerating ten years ago.
It happened, South Park turned into the Simpsons then.
I was bored and started watching.
RIGHT at the beginning I was like… ugh… those references to current stop are feeling forced.
And once Cartman's girlfriend showed up, I just turned it off.
I dunno I just don't care whatever the season before built up. That season might have ruined it for me. It felt like an end to that show and it would have been fine like that.
I mean stuff. I had a stroke there or something.
If it makes you feel any better, Cartman and Heidi broke up, so we might not see her again.
I could have sworn seeing memberberries a long fucking time ago, like 2002 long time ago. What the fuck is this shit?
This episode was just lazy. I expected some butthurt over conservatives being depicted as ignorant rednecks again, but there wasn't anything even remotely worth getting offended over in the episode. The only thing I took exception to was the redneck leader strawman complaining that Muslims are trying to kill us. This from the very same people who Muslims threatened to kill for Cartoon Wars and 200/201.
Not quite. When they have celebrity guests every episode and generally start jerking off celebrities and Hollywood culture instead of destroying it like they used to, then they'll be as bad as Zombie Simpsons.
Yeah I could see that from the very first exchange.
And now there isn't even a female character to fap to or something. Bleh.
Yeah they just aren't saying anything anymore. Lately it's just been a whole lot of nothing and half-assed statements that build up into more nothing.
there is no center user
I'm sorry you can't fap to children, user.
What is it with series going fan fic?
Just watched episode 2, and it was much worse than episode 1. A full half-hour peddling CNN's kool-aid.
From what I read, the rednecks will attack you no matter what. Whether you're male gender, female gender, or snowflake gender, they'll say they don't like "your type" around here, and attack you.
I suppose you're also mad that the atheist otters weren't all fat and wearing fedoras, right?
Do you know who likes fucking irony in 2017? People who listen to Chapo Trap House, live in Williamsburg, post hot takes on Twitter about genetics being LITERAL MODERN DAY PHRENOLOGY and who thought paying ten dollars to post on an internet forum would ensue quality.
Irony is fucking cancer.
Everybody knows all the cool kids are into post-irony now anyway. Why like something ironically when you can like it unironically and say it was a joke to save face instead?
Link to either? Sounds like an interesting read.
Shitaku doesn't seem to realize that joke has been around since season 1 of South Park.
Skeeter: "Hey 10 year olds! We don't take kindly to your type around here!"
Stan: "Well we don't take kindly to you!"
Skeeter: "We don't take kindly to folks that don't take kindly!"
Yeah, the hipsters have graduated towards post/meta-irony but CTH led to a resurgence of leftist irony twitter. You know, the same anime-avatared ironic internet maoists that were cancer nearly ten years ago have returned like a bunch of revenants.
Daily reminder that Trey Parker is a literal cuck.
Do people still even care about fidget spinners?
Only autistic people. But I've read that fidget spinners equipped with bluetooth are prone to bursting into flames and exploding, which is kind of funny. South Park should have made a joke about that.
Is this a joke
South Park porn is a thing, user. There is also an ungodly amount of fujos who get off to the boys.
Episode 3 is out!
7/10 episode. It felt good compared to how shitty episode 2 was. Matt & Trey clearly hate what Antifa and BLM have been doing, but they're still dancing around the issue and not naming names. Randy is the only SJW in South Park and nobody else gives a shit about his virtue signalling. PC Principal plays no part in this episode and has no opinion even though Randy bullshit directly impacts the school.
Itll probably progressively get better.
I liked the episode too but let's not kid ourselves.
The kids only cared about not going to school.
The guy was only willing to watch the video when it was shown on TV because he thinks online content is fake news despite the video coming from the Internet.
No PC principal
Good. He was never a good character.
The closest that they ever been to making fun of BLM is the fuck the police mentality. They still think that the police is racist.
The whole point of satire is to reveal some truth by giving a laugh. Matt and Trey only watch mainstream garbage so their satire sucks. Irony itself doesn't make satire.
Trey Parker has a wife's son.
No shit.
Played that game with my wife's son and her boyfriend and we really enjoyed it.