Why aren't you National Socialist?

Hey Holla Forums,

I noticed some of you weren't actually National Socialist. Why would you not be?

Nationalism is only contradicted by Internationalism or Anti-Nationalism.
Why would you be against Nationalism if homogeneity means a safer and less criminal society with increased liberty of thought? Your only commitment would be arguments over what is best for the race. Do you want homomemeity, like a religious commitment to anti-nationalism? With the safety of homogeneity comes increased prosperity as well.

Socialism is only the extreme of ethnic prioritization. There's the spectrum pole of Communism Capitalism. Socialism is a moderated redistribution of wealth for the benefit of healthy women and children.
Why would you be against socialism or be for Capitalism if the capitalists are the ones who are feigning Communism for the sake of their profits? Microsoft w/ Bill Gates recently showed their hand in this. They're importing shitskins from across the world so they can have more consumers, because their profits are being hurt. Bill Gates is probably a useful idiot who thinks he's doing good things for all of humanity - thinking his business will raise the niggers out of being niggers. Banks are trying to get more people of whom to own, because whites aren't reproducing enough and it's bleeding them of debt commitments (no one getting a dead man's debt).

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Holla Forums is infested with libertarian cancer at the moment, as a direct result of trskikery and plebbit the_donald trash. Give them time. There is a Holohoax thread they need to read.

Nazi Metal song

People capable of adhering to natsoc principles should be the custodians of cultural institutions and the leaders of the armed forces, since they have the willpower and the right mentality for those jobs but they should leave me the fuck alone and not demand my money


Because I'm too lazy. I wholeheartedly support NatSocs though.

Fair enough. Just don't ask for help when the Chinese steal your city.

Someone remind me why libertarian/ancap doesn't work again?
Something about 2 other people banding together to initiate force is essentially a government?

Make the leap. Pursue fascism

I have to wonder why white women fall for hating their own mothers and the choices those mothers made, sexually, for the men they had selected, by betraying the race. Kikes really do project their hatred of white women onto white men.

bit too edgy tryhard for my tastes, kind of like those shitty commies who go >gulag XDDDD

Brahmin and Kshatriya.

Because I don't live in a fantasy land where everyone gets long and wants to make their country better. Controlled capitalism like the US has is the best way we currently have to motivate the masses to better their society. National socialism won't work in our world because of laziness and subversionary forces that would destroy it.

It's because no matter how enlightened you think your civilization has become, the world is infested with savages that want to invade your land and take your shit. Individualist survival strategies fall victim to this exploitation and ethnic parasitism. Your civilization and culture is a direct bi-product of the genetic makeup of your people collectively, therefore the only way to maintain order and a prosperous civilization is by banding together collectively to keep out the genetic pollution of the world. That being said, I'm not a totalitarian and neither was Hitler. Markets work best when kept free, but only if outside influences are prevented (i.e., not allowing chinese to buy up commercial real estate in the pacific northwest, not allowing kikes to own banks (or own anything))… and all of these exceptions require the initiation of force.

Not if you base currency off of work hours instead of stupid metals and debt.

Laziness comes from debt

real life contradicts you lad

Because I'm a Republican Monarchist.

Nice communism retard. The work of no two men is equal in value.

I am only concerned with removing shitskins from white countries. I don't care if some shitskin is a natsoc he has to go.

I used to be a libertarian in public until I had no friends anyway. Now i'm a nazi in public. People that aren't white think im kidding or at least ignore it because I don't think they understand what im saying or why. Most of the white people secretly tell me "fuck yeah!" when nobody else is around. It's sad but semi encouraging at the same time.

Libertarians/ancaps/muh freedoms are Vaishyas, not part of the upper castes. National Socialists would be Kshatriyas, and then adepts of the Black Sun would be Brahmins.

Yeah I can't yet say I'm a National Socialist in public but all the Trump normies I'm friends with are okay with it

You do know what "Nationalist" means right?

No wait you're a retard who thinks nationalism=patriotism, thanks jewish education cis-STEM

A few hours of casual debate can make any white who isn't braindead realize why getting rid of non-whites is good and why jews are fucking kikerats.

National Socialism isn't the same kind of socialism you're thinking of or this retard
is thinking of, otherwise Strasserites would not have been killed during the Night of the Long Knives.

Yeah… I'm not going to share my America with POC. To quote the modern day George Lincoln Rockwell, "America belongs to white men" - Richard B. Spencer 卐

Not enough info, seriously, we dont know what happened in that time.

Because am Jewish

Infiltrate the head Jews and take them down from the inside, and you will be given special treatment.

Don't worry according to TRS you can be a NatSoc! Based Israel is NatSoc! Come on schlomo come to the pool party!

chinks? heh
*unsheathes personal ICBM*

Look, I've been steeped in this for quite a while, I've very familiar with pretty much all that NatSoc initiates advocate. I'm just not that eager to "join up" or align myself with its' staunch set of beliefs, I'd rather outsource the important stuff to people who actually have that fire burning inside them. I'll enable you guys to hell and back, but I'll be damned if I give myself a label or an identity based on political doctrine.

I've had some people get super fucking mad at me though, so keep alert even in a casual debate. I even had to kick out my roomates friend from my house before by force because he got so mad he started breaking shit. I kicked his ass and called the cops. top kek I guess because I got to punch him in the face and he was still arrested but he broke my favorite beer glass so it wasn't worth not vetting him before inviting him over.

Try it. See how some people react, they will probably think you're joking or not know what you mean. Explain in calm detail what a national socialist is or why you aren't a crazy guy that wants to gas every single non Aryan person. Tell them about how you should be proud of who you are.

George Lincoln Rockwell - American National Socialism

The left has truly shown that its thirst for anti-tribalism is just, if not more so, as insatiable as the tribalist standard. The difference is that one inspires compromise and ill health and the other challenges to become better and healthier.

Cyber Nazi

You'll be the first to go if we take over.

The entire philosophy of leftism is basically this:

Destruction of future prosperity in order to maximize the freedom and comfort of the currently living individual.

They don't care about their race, they don't care about having children of their own, they care for nothing but themselves. They would burn the world to heat their shivering hands.


Would be a better image if you replaced "Allah" with "Kek"

yes, it's a philosophy of living minute to minute with no thought to the future. pure hedonism

Because I am a Nationalist that supports East Asian Model Capitalism instead

That's bullshit, I'm here for years and the reasons I'm not NatSoc are much more complex. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with 14 words, Hitler was an amazing fellow, would support the forces emerging and everything but NatSoc is not be-all-end-all of philosophy and political thought.

If I were a German and my people were Germans, perhaps I would accept the label as it is. But I am not. I am from one of them small European countries with mixed European influences and more complex identity. So the question is, in NatSoc worldview "who is my nation?" in this genetic turmoil.

NatSoc as you perceive it makes sense when you are (or have potential) to be a world superpower like Germoney or USA with a chance to stand up to the world. Otherwise, issues are more complex.

How do people convince themselves that race isn't real? Physically, mentally, and spiritually, the negroid, mongoloid, and mongrelized races (such as mestizos, indians, etc.) are inferior to Aryans.

If you don't realize why kikes and shitskins are THE problem the reasons for you not being nationalist are not "complex" at all. You are a braindead cuckold.

Honestly, it doesn't even matter who's superior or inferior. What matters is identity. We, as Aryans, need to have one and defend it.

One race the human race am I right?

You noticed shills

I think hes trying to say being pro-white doesn't necessarily mean you have to be anti-other races

The other races don't even matter as long as we take care of our own. What that means for the others.. well, we'll see.


Yeah, and? Those people should be killed for setting foot on our soil.

I personally don't think our race can survive without a massive population reduction of other races, especially those with the ability to use our technology without being responsible. With stuff like super bugs from anti-biotic misuse and the pollution of our oceans, which they can do from anywhere on the planet with coasts or rivers, it's only a matter of time before they doom us collectively. I don't know if colonization would be enough (or worth the cost) to combat these issues, so it might end up being the stick regardless; But whatever happens, our Volk come first.

Western Civilization is waning and will end, like all things. Anything else if pure hubris. I'm just glad it might go out in a blaze of glory rather than leftist degeneracy.

The truth is that we can't "coexist". Non-whites need to be deported to their countries and then once white countries are white again we can start to sterilize the non-whites.

Thanks for the image cuckchan. Kek is our lord and Pepe PBUH and Trump PBUH are his prophets.

They know that the world is zero-sum, that's why they protest white nationalism - it means less for (((them))). Switching between narratives of the world being zero-sum and not so, is how they flip between their arguments.

If people are satisfied, they instinctively become conservative and don't exploit any more than necessary. This isn't (((profitable))).

Shitskins are not a problem here. Kikes are problem only indirectly. My country's problem is it's own leadership that will easily sell out everything to EU for shekels. We are small and therefore we'll get eaten by the big. And when it comes time for us to receive shitskins we'll do so because Merkel wants it and our leadership is made of sellouts.

It is ridiculous to see people here raving about shitskins and Jews when they can't point to one if you paid them.

I know you meant that ironically but if you had actually visited there like I have, it kinda is true in it's own sadistic way.

Your ID has you race, religious and even political affiliation. Non-jews are second class citizens when full Jews receive a mountain load of benefits.

this is right. Not even actual German Nazis HATED all other races, they were just very proud to be who they are, that is enough to preserve your race and accomplish things. You hating other people is a person preference, national socialism means putting your people first, being proud of your people and your nation,wanting white people to be the best they can possibly be. Some of that goes along with denouncing other races and that's how it is, but it's isn't at the core of this.

Fuck off Torfag.

Go masturbate to hard candy /leftyprole/

You might be right but, it's damn sad, innit? I don't have a thing against an abo in abo-land, even if he is basically a monkey. But we have to do whatever we have to do to preserve ourselves.

Satanist ^

Merkel is a kike you fucking retard.

Gas yourself kike

I'm a National Socialist tbh.


Prove me wrong, 999 id.

You're right of course. But how would we do that without dooming ourselves? I shift my feelings around about this a lot actually. It consumes a lot of my thoughts. Sometimes I think whites should just make babies like crazy and nature will deal with the savages and whatnot…but that isn't really realistic. White women that can have children are still about 2-3% of the worlds population right? Something has to give to make way for white people of all sorts. I just don't know what that is. Sometimes I feel like that guy sitting on the sidelines watching all this happen like GLR said.

Might I remind you that Americanism, as a form of nationalism, is alive and well, while national socialism is akin to studying Latin. Even if you take over, you will be doing so under the guise of Americanism and will never stage mass executions. You would legally imprison and deport, for sure, but you won't cross that line.

Fair enough, good Hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.

Honestly it's because I'm a misanthropist. Everything is shit, but NatSoc is less shit and so worthy of support in lieu of an actual solution.

Holla Forums-tier views still has the fundamental problems associated with the human condition:
-We are individuals, and loose cohesion in larger social groups.
-We are individually weak and require large social groups to succeed.
-Genetics is still a toss-up; two smart and successful people aren't guaranteed to have a smart and successful child. Monarchies are BTFO'd.
-A benevolent dictator is the most efficient, but the most likely to fail.
-A robust democracy is the slowest to fail, but the slowest to move when action is needed.
-The 250 year rule.
-The masses seldom desire a revolution, even when they direly need it.
-Shit happens. Sometimes the worse solution succeeds. Errors accumulate.
-Humans cannot be content, we must strive for a better world. A lot of Nazis are too narrow minded in their ideas; what if we could fix kikes and noggers?
-Humans cannot be content, unnecessary effort will always be wasted to entertain our simple minds.

I'm not blackpill; I work to produce an artificial intelligence that could send us into the android age (superintelligence is thermodynamically unfavorable). In the meantime, I accept 侘 寂 and evolution. Today, National Socialism, tomorrow whatever comes.

oh god are you gonna start posting anime girls in here??? Go ahead I guess. We had a good run without the anime fags fagging up the place.

Enjoy getting nuked by the Chinese, India Pakistan and every other non-white nuclear bearing nation on the planet.

What do they teach you kids in school anymore? How to suck cock?

That's pretty much it tbh fam. Damn waste of money.

"Nazi" is a pejorative term created by kikes.

Are you just pretended to be retarded?


Whatever else all non whites have to leave white countries

I am willing to be convinced, but I can't overcome the socialist elements of NatSoc. I know the whole "well socialist is in their name" is a weak argument, but the Third Reich had old-age welfare, wage caps, and public healthcare. Did they allow private entities to offer these services? Didn't they have Keynesian elements of deficit spending? I also hear the "Germans were very poor during these times because of earnings", but weren't a percentage of their population rural?
I always see Tooze cited when it comes to NatSoc economy, but the guy is pretty biased (archive.is/J0BEA).
It seems like the Second WW was avoidable, as the Allies attacked Poland, but Brits didn't declare war.

The biggest issue I have with the free market/capitalism is that it breeds Soros-archetypes who manipulate the people at the excuse of the "free market". There's a market for BLACKED subversion porn, but that doesn't mean it should exist. The state/central power representing the ethnic citizens should destroy these kinds of nonsense businesses.
The "Hoppean snake memes" always talks about Pinochet's helicopters to get rid of Marxist scum; however, if you are forced to go into the "forbidden territory" of large central power to remove those that seek to undermine your future, perhaps that is where your home truly is.

Yes, I haven't switched proxies yet and I wouldn't trust TOR if I were you ;D

How am I a leftist for understanding that high civilizations always end, and have been since even at the end of the last great ice age?

How much do they pay you to post this in ever thread?

Yeah, I got what you were saying you absolute autist. I knew you were sperging out about kikes calling them nazis. Cool your autism. Is it cool now? Ok now fuck off and be autistic somewhere else. Nobody cares.

How much do you get paid to try to astroturf?

Because even if the holocaust was exaggerated the Nazis still persecuted people for being of a different race and/or creed, and that's not morally acceptable?

This. Racism is never okay. That's why I'm a based Civic Nationalist.

Victory requires no explanation; defeat allows none.

and what do you mean "TOR can post images" are you so autistic you are implying im using TOR? Prove it, jew. Take your D&C elsewhere. You are a fucking faggot.

He never wrote/designed that cover. Look in the actual book and it doesn't come up.

I don't know many Indians who are national socialist.

I'm pretty sure that everyone on Pol is a nationalist.
We have a lot of people that simply aren't Socialists.
As to why, who knows. Different priorities I suppose.


The Nazis lost.

Well the Japanese already leaked a bunch of nuclear radiation into the Pacific during the Fukushima disaster because they want nuclear power even though their on a dinky island prone to earthquakes. I'm a guy on a Mongolian basket weaving site I don't exactly have plans for war against China. I'm just pointing out the obvious that low IQ populations (and even seemingly higher IQ non-white populations) seem incapable of handling modern technology without destroying nature.

We lost and went away forever, right? That's the story you tell yourself so you can sleep at night… right?

Exactly. Based White Jews don't need to explain anything to you racist retards.

You're still losing. Trump is not on your side. You can never defeat us, we control you cradle to grave.

You're right.

That Hitler died and the Third Reich surrendered seventy-seven years ago was a Jewish hoax.

That's why there's no refugee crisis in Europe.

mediocre larping

oh. Here's the autistic person we were missing. We had autistic purity guy, we were just missing ching chong cartoon posting guy. You showed up in the nick of time. Now post smug anime girl faces to every single one of the posts in this thread, now.

White USA irradiated groundwater decades ago.


I'm AnPrim meets Blood and Soil racialism. Get the fuck out of my tent.

When you have to agitate this hard you already lost. First you win the war, then you fight it. You kikes seem to have forgotten the first step already.

National Socialism is still alive and well though.

What this guy says.

Jews are white, Mexicans are white, Arabs are white. I am sick and tired of you fucking purity spiralers trying to destroy our movement, you're probably feds trying to corrupt the movement tbh.

I'm just stating why I'm not on board with the Nazi hype train.

Pretending they were a perfect people is silly.

We can admit when they were at fault.

What? I'm the kike now agitating? Tippety top. Are you sure you don't wanna post a million anime images to shit up every thread you go into? Because you people shit up every single thread with it, yet you are calling ME an agitator. Wow.

Who are you talking about, Moishe?

Great thread OP. But someone should drop some .pdf's and/or pastebins on the philosophical support of Natsoc. I would, but I am phone posting

So you admit it. I remember a time in my life when I thought jews were smart.

post to every user. your work isn't done. Piss in that Mountain Dew bottle and get BACK TO FUCKING WORK

Our movement obviously, you fucking D&C shill.

Because beauracracy will never be able to compete with the free market. Also, any kind of welfare and public healthcare is ultimately dysgenic.


Sometimes, I think, "man I should go to bed." But apparently it's Tel Aviv in the morning and this is the funniest thing I've done all day.


Keep purity spiraling virgins. This is why you will never amount to anything and the REAL nationalists are out there getting attacked by antifa.


So you are admitting you have the clarity and the debating skills of a 19 year old liberal. lets go to the check list.
And the name calling you are doing is the only thing you except people here to cling to. You are a coward and a faggot enabler.

Why are we even bothering to argue with those purity spiraling virgins?

Hitler came back from the grave to mock you with heil dubs.


Because we took over a superpower while you yids were busy pissing into each other's mother's mouths?

Just ignore his posts. He clearly is a homosexual by the types of images he keeps posting.

I am.

Lmao, go back to /trs/. You think those insults mean anything here? You're very clearly not "one of us".

Because unfortunately they make up most of this board. I hate it. If there were only some way I could be on a board with nothing but non shitskin adults that are national socialists. This board is getting worse by the day.

See this is the face of modern 8/pol/, stupid virgins who masturbate to mlp. 8/pol/ is done, it's a joke now.

triggered? You ever touched a pussy? Doubt it. Kill yourself

Don't ever stop posting.

(((Someone))) wants tor posting disabled pretty badly.

I admire Hitler for the excellent statesmen that he was and the love and admiration he had from his people yet I still can’t buy into the Aryan philosophy behind National Socialism, not to mention the resurgence of paganism that was so rampant within the Third Reich thanks to Himmler. As a person of French ancestry and a devout Christian, I refuse to believe in the pseudoscience surrounding many of the principal philosophies of the Third Reich. For instance, Hitler was a fond supporter of the Studiengruppe an organization that believed that ancient Germanics where the founding race of the whole of human civilization, I don’t know about you but that sounds like some “we was kangz” level of shit.

So am comfortable staying as a Fascist for the time being, it can be applied universally, is staunchly anti-communist, can contain a racial element and is without the pseudo scientific baggage or neo-paganism that comes with National Socialism.

Don't ever stop jerking off to hard candy pedo.

Tell me about all the pussy you're crushing.

I'd like an answer to my legitimate question please.

eff off, we're full.

kek nice try you skinhead LARPer. We're deporting all trs, reddit, and cuckchan faggots after HWNDU wraps up

you mean Hitler gracing me. You faggots will pay soon. You remind me of people laughing at Trump being elected. You too will pay the price, you won't be laughing anymore.

There. Excellent post instead of these closeted homosexuals wanting to be nationalists.

This board has grown passive in the wake of HWNDU. It is now time to purge all of the redditors, TRSodomites, cuckchanners.

I'm not any of that. I've been posting exclusively here for years. Surprise, kiddo! Not everyone is like you! What are you like, 20?

Remember to filter user, it is your friend=


Fascism is fine as long as we're realistic and not LARPers like most of this stupid ass board. As long as we accept minorities and don't oppress them fascism will work. All Americans are Americans, and they're not going anywhere. "Nationalist" LARPers can fuck off and stop trying to destroy our movement and make us look bad.


I'm a Jacksonian Democrat until I find a better fitting fleshlight.

You can spot any of these faggots when they bring up grade school insults. (virgin, underaged, ya mad?)

Yeah you're an idiot. Touching up your swastika tattoo anytime soon?



disable tor posting

This outta scare em off!!! They totally dont see mild gore on their jewish image boards! WOW SO EDGY!!!! Try posting more chinese cartoons. The rest of your autistic friends seem to think that does something.
Jesus christ how low this board has fallen. Kek forgive us. They are just highly autistic, they know not what they do!

not an argument

At least there are some reasonable people like you here. You can stay.

Remember when we tore your bones out of your body, cracked them in our teeth, and sucked out the marrow? No? Oh right, I forgot. That's something that happens in the future. It's so easy to get confused around you people, trying to remember what's fate and what's inevitability.

WatchPeopleDie and ImGoingToHellForThis are the only reasons Reddit should continue to exist.

I still don't know what exactly it is.

Wew, what a coincidence all the sudden after HWNDU there's a bunch of libertarians and other faggots who are now "us" on this board.

It's sad that this place has degenerated into teens just acting edgy to fit in.


The "hewillnotdivideus" streams showing the Holla Forums posters being of varying races proves the whole 'white nationalism' thing isn't an ideal fix. Race shouldn't bar someone from fighting against the elites; that's retarded.

You know that I'm just laughing at you and so is everyone else, right? Like, if you want to dance for my amusement, you're allowed to do so as much as you'd like, but don't pretend you're in charge here.


No we are the real Holla Forums. You people who came in with Project Alamo and DoD shilling are the astroturfers. Go worship your dog emperor and circlejerk about how he'll save the h'wite race. Enjoy being fucked by his cronyist new regime.

You'll never convince them, they're all idpol idiots.

Not really. It showed that a majority non-white city has many non-whites in it. Surprise. Even then the majority of the people from 8/pol/ were white.

Nonwhite detected

Hey niggerfag I never said I was "us". I said I was me, not one of you, so get your nose out of my taint.

0.10 shekelcoins deposited to your account. Good job trying to forge a consensus.

Don't bother. The people here are all closet homosexual who want to "GAS THE FAGGOTS xDDDDDDD" because they're afraid to admit they love cocks.

The fact the most popularized video was a literal pollack instead of a "son of the west" destroys your argument here.

We're in this together whether you like it or not.

What a "surprise"

They're not part of the movement. All these kids do is sit here and LARP about how they "meme'd" the dog emperor and are saving the white race by sitting at their computers and masturbating to cartoons.

Become wise to these shilling tactics.

whooo he must be trying to astroturf. I'm not used to people having other non autistic opinions. WOW you are so smart. You people are pathetic.

We're literally being shilled at 4 o'clock Least Coast time. It's like pottery

Going a bit to far? It isn't like they're supporting fag marriage and need to be disowned. They're just misguided. Better to teach than to write them off.

I came in over Pizzagate. The OPs still bear my contributions.

I also started reading you more when they claimed Stephen Bannon was all kinds of shit he isn't, and even more when the enemy started publicly discussing whether violence was a valid tactic.

I may not agree with you Nazi fucktards but I will be there, heavy, to stop others from throwing the first punch, or to make sure they join Trayvon before it's over. I'm saying, quite literally, that I don't agree with what you say, but I will defend, with my life, your right to say it.

what?? You are a cringy faggot Go away for fucks sake

I'm a Paleocon. It's pretty much the American equivalent just about.

The fact is that WE are out there making america great, WE are out there bringing people into the movement, WE are out there changing the world and these LARPing kids take credit for it. WE got Trump elected and while he may not be a little too extreme he's better than Hillary. WE are the right wing, not these NEET virgins, they disgust me.

175 HWNDU threads, whilst these actual discussion and self improvement threads get shilled to death. And for what? The wannabe HWNDU e-celebs are 90% non-white. Turns out all it takes to get Holla Forums to accept minorities is to have them spout the memes and post here and turn up on a camera IRL. Why is nobody talking about that being a potential jew conspiracy, and these people being paid actors? We just had a month long TRS/Mike Enoch purity spiral because his wife is jewish (and rightfully so), and now this place seems to want to go civic nationalist because of some funny pets. Shills/Non-Whites/TRS plz go.

It's the early morning shift at tel aviv. It's a shame since this could have been a good thread. I think it will make it later when the jews are asleep.

I noe rite. Better drive around in my panzer and mow down jews XDD

We haven't been shilled this hard in a while.

We created the HWNDU threads to bring in 4chan posters since they have more common sense than you idiots and are more diverse and open to our movement. Almost all of the posters in those threads are from 4chan and they have only been making this site better.



Except those virgin NEETs helped a great deal more than you could ever fathom.

Is your only purpose here to destroy like the shitposters are claiming? Because I see no benefit in what your advocating for.

Would you mind telling me who "we" is? Are you from 4chan? In that case, get the fuck out we're full.

Nigger I think you clicked the wrong post.

No faggot cuckchan is full of memers. "hehe i'm a BIG GUY right hahaha" full retard. Civnat is trash because at the end of the day the "good blacks" will always side with the niggers over us

Christ. Cuckchan refugees were a mistake.

We are the right wing movement newfag.

I cringed yet again. The sad part is I have no where else to go. I would love to go to a non ching chong image board where I can't get downvoted, where it isn't reddit or something. These people are too much, this board has turned to trash like every other board before it. It's time to move away, but where?

Take your meds schizo.

And who the fuck are you, torfag? Clearly you don't belong here. Neither do I, but at least I know it. An hero by poking your throat with an olive fork for an hour or two.

You could go to endchan where everybody is a jew and everything is a jewish plot, you'll fit in perfectly

You can call me Crow Poster.

Endchan did nothing wrong.

You're part of the problem. You are pathetic. I'll bet you aren't even white.

Fuck off with your cuck wing t_d tier (((movement)))


I think I'll call you Nigger to the power of Fag minus Kike to the power of Cunt. But that's a lot of typing so just do me a favor and drown yourself in a bowl of prune juice that a homeless guy pissed in.

That explains why you hate anime so much, goon.

Don't move, that's exactly what (((they))) want you to do. They're already in full control of 4cuck, abandoning this place leaves them the means to play both sides and ensure no newcomers ever see the light.

kek you're right i'm actually half spic. But im dicking a white girl if that helps

Wow this was the most reddit post i've seen tonight

They were posting yesterday as well with that same namefagging.

cry harder faggot. YOU ARE THE JEW

Read: I am too much of a pussy to read a fucking book and decide whether or not it's for me.

Why are you even here if you cant make a simple value judgement?

The older NEETS who spent their time shitposting instead of jewing for a job to contribute to the current system, are the ones who provided and created the necessary counter-culture and memes for The Donald and all the right-wingers to slip into when they were faced with an enemy they otherwise would have been wholly unprepared for. If nothing else, they shaped that culture by creating it. So those gamer Holla Forumsirgin White Nationalist "NEETs" really did pave the way for the reaction to the nihilistic globalism of the 'Left'.

That doesn't mean they did all the work, they just pushed the front forward for the normies. The veterans were already 'race realist', 'humanist' eglitarians. They tried it. It didn't work: they were still called racist. So, they just realized that they are racist no matter what to (((those people))), and subsequently concluded the only reason is because they're playing a tribalist/racial politics and not good faith liberal politics. Anyone obsessed with HWNDU is probably a newfag, to 4chan and Holla Forums, from the election of Trump. Obviously, they are like some of us once were and did not want to be 'racist'.

The degeneracy in this thread is off the charts.

oh good, now you anime posters are starting to come forward. You are all non white and fuck white girls….fucking great. Now can you just get banned for that?

Keep your pathetic little fantasies to yourself, you bitter subhuman.

You're going to get the occasional newcomer whether you like it or not, better to redpill them than to allow them to take over the board uncontested.

Mexicans are white you fucking purity spiraling LARPers.


Race mixing isn't degenerate. That's a psyop. Sodomites are the real enemy.


yes it is. Racemixing is disgusting

I partially securing the white race for the future of my children

But I never posted anime. Why would I get banned, the mod is a shitskin

You need to get some sunlight. White chicks are easy as fuck, especially in New York



Mike, is that you?

Sodomy isn't degenerate. My wife loves it when I fuck her shitbox. Kid fuckers are the real enemy.

Today was another good day to be a Nazi.

Why the fuck did you black out the last part faggot

I'm convinced these people are a coodrinated shill group from god knows where. This is retarded, these niggers can't be serious. Please disable tor posting and ban some of these brown stinky faggots.

I'm probably whiter than you purity spiraler.

I'm not mike but Mike Enoch isn't even a racemixer, his wife is white.

If she's a good woman who will serve you, raise your children, share in your religion, and pass down your values, her race shouldn't factor in.

2/10 - there was an attempt


when civil war comes, I will omit you from my groups and demonize anyone that likes chinese shit. Good luck doing the same to me, "uh, chad….uh he's well uh" And good luck hiding it, faggot, I know you people. You will die without your parents, nobody else will help you. You will be prey to real men, in other words, you will be raped at some point.

What are you talking about Goldstein?

Hi, Mike! You fat slob I should I slept you tonight when you showed up at HWNDU with your skinhead fuck buddy you creepy old fuck

Explain what's wrong with my woman sucking my dick, or admit sodomy is a bullshit "concern".

At this point it seems like shills are arguing with each other to attempt to control the narrative of the board.

Hello Goon

Japs ain't Chinks, and don't forget they teamed up with the Nazis.

It's a pretty coordinated consensus cracking effort. I've seen it all across the board too.

You aren't even white, go away nigger

Don't bother trying to reason with these virgins who haven't even seen a vagina irl.

Jews are an European ethnicity like polish or italian, they are definitely white.


Guessing you are still trying to get over your wife being jimpacted by that bald nigger still.

So, you're slowly coming to terms with the wall you're facing, I see.

filthy sodomite!

Because putting labels on your self makes you blind to other opinions that you might disagree on.
I might agree on some things but I might agree with points of other ideologies.
If you can shed your crowd mentality for unbiased logical thinking you can make good decisions.
Following someone without criticism makes you nothing more than a pawn to be disposed of.

Sage for blatant "go back in the line"

Explain to me why reducing your life giving gifts to carnal pleasures is in any way good.

Also, why are you telling me what you do with your wife? Even if you are doing so anonymously, that is not something a man should EVER divulge.

t. literal pedophiles

I bet you would fuck 16 year old girls you pedophile degenerates.

Nice try mordici

Jews are shit skins

I'm a nationalist, not a national socialist.

Nope. It's about quantity of work needed which is not the same. The value of basic goods like food would certainly rise anyway, and that's a good thing (inciting people to grow their own vegetables).

Jews are whiter than you'll ever be pedro, you fucking mestizo piece of shit.

What? I dont like little girl cartoons, so im a kike? You realize you are trash on this board, right? You're basically a nigger.
You're a nigger blight on the face of a white country.

Explain how I'm reducing my life by getting head from my wife.

Now you're demanding trigger warnings, snowflake? Cuckfag alert! Cuckfag in sight!

Do you know who I am?

It's around noon in Israel, typical.

wow this guy said some shit AND he's got a little image to back it up! WHOOO WEEEE look at this shit! Have you ever lived in Japan before? I have.

You know trolling doesn't work when you fail to read what I actually said.

Stop engaging in disgusting shameful behaviors, repent, and sin no more.

You're up late shlomo, don't you have a bar mitzvah to go to tomorrow?

wow, anyone that disagrees with you must be a jew! ITS A MUST


You can't have the nation you want with minorities because of the issues that come with those groups. Blacks are obvious with their IQ and generally across the board inability to function. You then realize each group forms their own ingroups. For example, muslims and their incompatibility to follow laws as they hold sharia higher. Jews are obvious etc. It gets to a point where you end up closer and closer to just whites.

ok whats the deal with you autists and anime? Im too old to care. Do you just fap to it and obsess over it, or??? Why do you people treat anime like it's a religion???

Shoo shoo goon.

Is that a no? You haven't been to Japan?

Hello fellow polster

>mfw my enemies are so desperate and confused they beg me for help fighting me

Yeah you lived in Japan and fucked asians and then come to Holla Forums and virtue signal about how race mixing is the ultimate evil. Nice.

It's impossible to get rid of "muh shitskins" you're not going to do it. Keep living in a LARP fantasy while us real right wingers change the world.

You're not a nazi. You're a virgin with a severe case of the Crazy Jesus. Go wash your magic underwear.


And? In my very first post I made it explicitly clear I wasn't a Nazi. This is Holla Forums, not /natsoc/.

keep mad, i've been here for years.

Wow I should work for jdif. you people are easy to make angry. morriku was right…I hate to say it after all these years…but this board…IS TRASH!

I hate saying that, I really do. But it's like bailing out of a white country full of shitskins. I wanna stay and make it better, but its gone too far. like you people say, a shitskin is your mod

What is it with you people and your obsession with this jew boogeyman.
It's pathetic, you people are seriously mentally ill.

you're another reason this board is shit. Im i Texas. It's 330 in the AM here

For you it's /jailhousegay/. I'm going to go lick some gash. Let me know how that reduces my life apart from making roast beef kinda strange to look at.


Only sodomites like race mixing. Reported.

Nice weather outside. Yet here you are shilling on an otaku debate forum


Man, I can't stand people that say, "Nazism only applies to Germany, you can't be a Nazi waaaaahhhhh!" Most notably, Vox Day.

you are a little faggot and obsess over little girl cartoons. I'm sure your parents are really proud. Wanna open the bedroom door and tell them how proud I am of you?


Only pedophiles are against racemixing and sodomy. Why don't you go fish for 15 year old girls to fuck pedo?

Everyone that say they are not NatSoc are either a shill or a newfag regardless of what they claim.

hhhuurrr israel, there is no way a non jew did this grrr I better screenshot the weather in jew land, that'll teach em.

This really is making me cringe.

Absolutely epic my bro!!! xD
No, but seriously consult your parents since you're too young to be on this website.

Forgot your meme arrows Caleb

Anybody who doesn't jerk it to Disney Princess porn is a Jewggerfag.

This. Holla Forums will turn you into a National Socialist if you've actually been here for over two years.

Did they say "ok"? Did you tell your parents they should be proud and show them your anime collections?

What does it feel like to lose? I haven't known that feeling in quite some time.


It suddenly smells like matzos here

At last I truly see.

Damn you really got your knickers in a twist over cartoon girls, huh champ?

Who? You realistic how insane you people seem when you name people and say all this shit, right?




No, you're all shitskins as proved by hwndu threads. It's all hooked nosed jews, half breeds, and assorted niggers. That's Holla Forums now
Goodnight you disgusting niggers


You're not "winning" anything you fucking parasite. You're a NEET virgin, your life is worthless. You just pretend to be relevant when you're doing nothing for the movement and sitting on your ass jacking off to children. die.

no, actually they did when they posted anime 6 million times


6 people in**


All of them were white. Jews are white and asians and blacks are Honorary Aryans.

Nice try Silversten, Is it your lunch break?

Fine, leave. Go back to TRS you massive butthurt faggot.



im sure they are proud and totally know about your little girl cartoons. Does your father know you fap to cartoons? What about your grandparents? Do they know how much of a winner you are? I'm sure they are so proud.

Nice try. The gook kid, the Arab guy, and the Mexican dude were the only non-whites from Holla Forums I can remember. There were at least 4 other white people from here who went too.

Why are TORgoys the best shitposters?

What is TRS? I kept thinking it was TheRightScoop but that doesn't make sense.


I've never heard of it before here. Stay mad


get angrier. I require more chinese cartoons made for children!

you said you were leaving. Your matzo ball soup is getting cold

I'm just here for fun now. Is that ok with you?? Or do you need to post more anime tiddies to scare me away??

I'm not a nat-soc because Hitler clearly said that national socialism isn't for export. National socialism was for the german people of the time, and if you want to make a movement that can actually succeed you'll want to learn what you can from the natsocs without simply branding yourself one. Claiming to be a nazi and espousing national socialism would be like a german in the weimar republic dressing up in confederate army gear to show how nationalistic they are.

oh just hoping your shitskin mod will come to the rescue?? You people are absolute cuckolds. No wonder antifags are running rampant on you semen drinkers while they are chimping out in the streets in front of cops. Wow, so tough.

Oh, I get it. My use of cartoons distresses you. I understand now.

Then here's something more real for you.

Oh you're done bby grl. I'm going to rub one out to how bad you're fuming right now

TRS stands for The Rape Site. It's a site for these pedophiles to organize kidnapping and raping children. This board is a hive of pedophiles.

Cry harder anti-semite.


This man makes sense. But save it later when the jews go to sleep.

yeah right nigger. You would love to watch me fuck your wife

Where's your friend, chaim?

You claimed jews aren't white you stupid mexican. Die.

What I really don't get is the Jew hatred when it's obvious the muzzie kid fucker head choppers are the ones we should be worried about.

Jews are camel fucking merchants. You camel fucking merchant

These guys get it. National Socialism MIGHT work in a completely homogeneous country like Germany 100 years ago. But such countries simply don't exist anymore. Not a single European country is more than 80% white and America is a melting pot created from immigrants and only 70% white (Mexicans are not white like jews and asians are). You can't just "get rid" of minorieties, that kind of oppression just won't slide in the modern world, it's not 1933, sorry LARPers.

Not a single mexican has blue eyes. Plenty of jews have blue eyes and blonde hair. Jews are whiter than you'll ever be paco.

Nice try modici

I want cuckchan to leave.

Yeah because the average mexican is SO much lighter skinned than that, you stupid subhuman mongrel. That man has whiter skin than you, pedro.


what's going on here?
Also have you tried Fallout 4?

It won like 3000 goty awards and it had literally 200 ending. The team at Bethesda worked really hard it even had interactive voices with over 30 well known VOs.

Except Im not even mexican why you are just a greasy slime kike

You admitted to being Mexican here you fucking subhuman mongrel. Kill yourself.

Natsoc is a consequence of libertarianism under the threat of war.
We need it now, but in the future we need more technocratic libertarianism.

Basically, I want to start architecting a self aware matrix where the people are self aware of the carrots that they're given. Leading people with carrots without telling them is a horrible existence. Same with having no carrots (which cannot sustain the current population levels). So we need to make a compromise - a self aware matrix.

Kids need to learn about social engineering and conditioning from birth, that way they can choose the blue or red pill with full knowledge of what they're doing. The red pill will transform towards the anarchist society. They see the matrix, but would rather die than submit to control.
To put it simply, we those that break the matrix and take the red pill in the future need to be lead around by "hidden carrots" where their "rebellion" is actually exploited.

Holla Forums is becoming at least part of the architect of this world somehow.

You're a terrible troll, but allow me to dissemble your arguments for any cucks browsing.

Wrong, even the worst cases (Sweden, England) are above 80% white.

>America is a melting pot created from by immigrants
Wrong, that was a myth created by a Kike in the early 20th century.

Yes, you can. In fact plenty of nations have done so in the 21st century and we will be doing so (pack your bags, Paco).

Don't steal /brit/ memes without understand them, you cuckold.

Nigger spic means south American you dirty jew

This is why Holla Forums is a hugbox full of teens and LARPers now.

This, I wonder if it would be better if I just checked Iron March so I don't have the overwhelming sense to purge kikes.

It's the same thing you mongrelized mestizo. You will NEVER be as white as George Soros, you subhuman monkey.

Fuck off and die, faggots who respond to bait. I had a legitimate query that was slide by the gargantuan cocksuckers who bait replies. Show solidarity and don't respond to bait.

At least try to construct a counterargument to the valid points that user made

You're not from around here are you?
LARPers is a reddit fucking meme or something. It's there to stop people from doing things actively in your world.
This meme needs to be bannable. It's fucking cancer.

That's where ya wrong kiddo. We can do this two ways:

I want immigrants to leave on their own accord. They are fucking the countries they flee to and the countries they leave have too few soldiers to maintain stability.
tl;dr - shitskins are fucking cowards that won't help stabilise the fucking country. They flee with tails in between their legs while their homeland burns.

White people have no place to flee. We fight. That's why you shitskins will either leave on your own accord, or be forced. This isn't the old "modern world", this is a new day. You're the one living in the past user. Clearly shown by your apathy.

You're the worst shill I've ever seen.
And you're stupid :^)

Nice try shekelberg. Jews are malformed desert kikes.

Why don't you cry to imcucky so he can disable TOR posting then?

bloo bloo bloo

Hitler gave it a bad name of which it can't recover from, which is a shame, people need to move away from National Socialism only by name and symbol, it's a name of which can never recover, a new name with the same values would be more benificial.

Do you know whom is bigger and more powerful than good old georgy?
And they are more whyte than he is.

Yeah Hitler did give it pretty bad PR by genociding 13 million gypsies and jews. Nobody will ever rally around an ideology based on that kind of history.


What are you going to say next, that people didn't come Out Of Africa and that we wuz akhtually alienz frum hyperboria? Take your meds.

So long as there was no excessive exploitation, apparent nepotism, blanket corruption, or 'anti-State' interests, it was perfectly fine to have private entities of those services. By starting up a company or inventing a new tool, it was expected that you were driven by a desire to lift up and benefit all of your common man, not just yourself. If anything, it was a courtesy.

An ethnic citizenry would be a strong 'immunity response' to subversion, which is why there has been a committed effort to destroying that citizenry: the breakdown of traditional virtues, the splintering of families, the malaise and decay of modernity. All of these things were deliberate, an action to prevent another virulent uprising that could upend the delicate international balance of power. See webm related.

You're a homofag

aaand that explains it

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

[x] Niggers
[x] Cartoonfags

You are consuming JAPANESE culture

Anime retards are going straight into the microwave.

Why doesn't he note down the onion your using? :^)

Stop shitting up the thread faggot.


This thread is dead mods. You need to fix this onion problem.

They'll rally around an ideology similar to Nazism but just NOT Nazism.

This. TORpedos shouldn't be allowed to post, disable TOR please imkampfy our based god emperor.

Stop replying to bait. Just fucking ignore the fuckers in new threads. All they do is argue about pointless shit to destroy the brain of Holla Forums.

Tor I have no problem with faggot, just .onion

Where did all these defeatist shills come from?

I'm guess antifa do not like us tampering with their movement.

Because it posits too much interference in economic life vs Franco style fascism or the old feudalism which both have a record of success. Natsoc was made to counter the kike-bolshevism which ran Weimar. In reality much of the government was run like it was in Bismark's Germany with the new Natsoc veneer. What the new goverment offered was unwavering violent opposition to kikes which gutted the malinvestment which had occurred in Germany. Hilter didn't create an "economic miracle" rather the Weimar economy was so shitty in the same what they the modern economies of liberal cities are so shitty that anything which destroyed the kike power bloc would have made such a turn around. We really didn't get to see Natsoc at work because of the war and the preparations for war which scew everything from 1936 onward.

Because Natsoc doesn't have a track record of success in peacetime and because it was specificdally meant to be a counter to the bolshevism of the 20s and was meant specifically for germans of the post Bismark united Germany rather than the insular and taciturn cavaliers or prussians of America I don't trust it.

It we just enforced the 1790 Naturalization Act and declared all non-whites non-citizens we wouldn't really need Natsoc or even Fascism. Though I would prefer some fascist or feudal addition to the US system so as to prevent undesirable elements from ever gaining power again.

There was no real civilization prior to 4,000 years ago retard, 8,000 at the very earliest.

Don't bother arguing with these conspiritards. They think they wuz alien godz and don't believe in evolution. People evolved from apes and came out of Africa, if they acknowledged their ancestors were black only a few thousand years ago their entire worldview would collapse. The people on this site are subhuman degeneratazis who refuse to face reality.

Guess who also believed in evolution.

Fuck off nazi. :^)

How does it feel to know that the "niggers" you hate so much are your ancestors? Whites, asians, arabs, are all just blacks who adapted to have lighter skin based on their environment. Your hatred of other "races" is ludicrous. There is no such thing as race, just different genetic variation.

Dipshit there are hundreds of generations between whites and their common ancestor with the nigger. Speciation can occur in as little as 30 generations if the selective pressure is great enough.

Confirmed for not knowing shit. Blood from blacks, asians, arabs, jews, whites, it doesn't matter as long as it's the right blood type. The simple fact that so called "races" can breed proves race is a fallacy.

Actually they aren't, chimps aren't a human ancestor either they are just shared a common ancestor 4 million years ago.

Also the mean IQ for whites is 104 and the mean IQ for pure niggers is 75. Breeds of dogs are highly diverse and can be created in as little as 6 generations. The differences between the races are vast and the fact that niggers devoloped from a common ancestor doesn't mean we shouldn't exterminate them. Kikes have some white admixture but their history as outbred then inbred cosmopolitans has made them universally destruct to whatever society hosts them.

So a terrier is identical to a great dane?


Goyim, you are breaching the "dangerous science" area, please refrain from investigating further!

Africans being less intelligent is a myth. Africans score lower on IQ tests due to malnutrition, socioeconomic factors, and systemic oppression.

You just proved my point. Mules are sterile, mulattoes are not.

the only thing that pisses me about national socialism is that around half of you faggots, if not more, are ridiculous germaboos that do mental olympics to justify why [insert your favourite nation] is totally germanic, and then start shitting your pants when someone comes by and says that's not right.

And? The japs screwed up. The whites knew exactly what we were doing and didn't care because it is worthless ground and those aquifers will never be used for anything.


You know how in civilization, the status quo changes? Exactly as we are doing right now. What you may perceive as larping is but an attempt to get into that mindset, to make it our own.

I know you are a lefty and pretty dumb, but I get your feeling somewhat. At times too I think "well most of my feelings are so weird, this is not what I grew up with" and then I realize that through nihilism, my growing up and the trends at that time mean nothing.

Society changes, and peoples perception of reality changes with it. Our clumsy attempts to be like the past societies that were healthy, will not be mocked down. We will persevere.

And the reason why we are doing this is because I personally keep a long checklist in my head, on many scientific and cultural principles and go like "well this feels like larping, but everything checks out. So I guess il still take it serious."

because things like pic related are extremely weird to realize that nobody else knows about them. But it all checks out. So instead of the people around me being healthy, I am, the natsoc are.

Because I'm not insecure about my penis size, faggot

With love, Holla Forums

Right, which means intelligence differences between breeds of dogs don't exist because they can reproduce viable offspring.

Thanks for falling for that trap.

the racial realism thing has been settled 3 years ago, one does not engage with these retards here anymore. One only reports them and tries to make them fuck off.

oh wait, torposters, never mind, fucking lefties.


some dogs are less intelligent than others only because of malnutrition, systemic oppression and socio-economic factors :^)

Evolution makes species diverge in all sorts of things, but not with intelligence in humans. Nope. There it is exactly the same :^)

This is what leftists actually believe

Humans stopped evolving 10,000 years ago. Arabs and Asians have created some of the most impressive civilizations in history. Africans built the pyramids. You're just racists who refuse to face reality.

Am I the only one who sees the 4chan clover on the 4-5th banner on the right?

lol, how does it feel to come to a board where people unapologetically remove you for being a dumb lefty cunt? Srsly, the narrative is ours, we dont want you here, we dont want your friends, nor your kike professors. Oh and besides the not wanting you, we also want to remove you from this earth. But that takes another level of moderators (army generals) to persuade lol.

Franco wasn't a fascist, he betrayed the fascists (The Falange), he was at most a monarchist, which is precisely why he sought to restore the monarchy when he stepped down.

Oh my, that made me burst into laughter.

Because I don't like socialism when the left does it, and I still don't like socialism when the right does it.

Fuck off, the lot of you.


Hitler dubs confirm National Socialism is anti-white.

why is it impossible?

According to the consensus of biological and evolutionary scientists human evolution stopped, yes. You don't care about science you just want to virtue signal and push your racist propaganda.

Just happen to care about individuals and their rights, self-reliance
I generally support NatSoc derived stuff that works but i avoid direct connections to have a bigger impact and get locked down

*not get locked down

I'm part boong, I know how fucking retarded they are as an anomaly from this demographic.

You think that nearly a hundred million people are going to be deported without a fight, they're just going to let you round them up and ship them off? The only thing you can do is kill them and you really think normal people are okay with genocide? It's a fantasy. You have to learn to live with people who look different than you like a big boy.

Also try telling that to American indians and Aboriginal Australians. They hold on to race more than whites. Otherwise their people would cease to exist.

there have been plenty of relocations, expulsions and population exchanges throughout history though. why is it different in the current year?

Lemons are related to oranges and limes - yet we can distinguish their flavour from an estimate threshold of appearance, flavour and use/ability.

Race is just like distinguishing lemons, oranges and limes.
You need to stop living in YOUR fantasy.

The same reason brilliant scientific minds thinks evolution stops somewhere around the time the bible was created (but they're totally scientific, not religious in their claims that evolution stops).

Aboriginals and Native Americans have a distinct CULTURE, and ETHNICITY, not race. They have been destroyed and oppressed by European people like so many others simply because Europeans hate those who are not like them and seek to destroy what they can't understand. European culture is sick and brutish and based on lust, murder, an fucking children. Just look at the abominable history of whites, just 100 years ago they were marrying girls as young as 12, the age of consent should be no lower than 20. People of European ancestry are sick creatures.

Fascinating how this thread about the merits and demerits of being a national socialist devolved so rapidly into a few spergs arguing over nothing with each other.

I wonder why that would be.

My god you are so fucking stupid.

Ethnicity is a combination of ancestry and cultural/inherited values. Race is a bigoted imaginary concept created by imperialists to divide people.

Jesus fuck what is going on in this thread?

If anything, evolution is actually speeding up, you fucking idiot.
Humans in different continents and areas of the globe are becoming increasingly different rather than blanddin up.

Also ethnicity includes similar groupings of genetic traits.
Without these distinctive divisions in organisms we would have no NATURAL SELECTION.

Are you denying darwin now? If so you are just in doublethink land.

Yes, how could we: creators of philosophy and science capable of questioning the foundations of the universe and able to build machines that can travel to other worlds possibly understand finger paintings in caves. It's just so complex.

I sometimes feel bad for you lot. I imagine it's hard for those who just want some land to call their own when their kin are listerine-guzzling, petrol-siphoning, dole bludgers, not to mention the millennial quadroons & octaroons who don't actually give a shit beyond 'muh diversity'.

I imagine it would've been less crushing to pride of the functioning boongs if the British just wiped you out entirely instead of trying to raise your kids themselves, or mixing you with potato-niggers to see what would come out.

Things like hair color, skin color, eye color, these are genetics. If races are real than everyone with different hair color is a race, everyone with different eye color is a race.

Most of the people in the world today are racist. Almost everyone in history has been racist. The greatest minds in history have been racist and antijew(i won't say antisemite because this word like many others are a jew trick).

The jews have a long history of subverting science and history for their own ends and today they have subverted absolutely every field in science from social science to physics; much of the fields you quote to support your inane views. In addition to that the jews are the most racist people in history; hell they made it a religion. That is what their "holy books" are about if youve ever read them and its part and parcel of their so-called "culture" - which is so aligned with their religion that it might as well be synonymous with the word culture for them.

All practical experience gives one the proof that one should be racist and antijew… the only people who are not are the people who have been subverted by the system the jew has made. Total sheep. Total tools.

This is a new one, for me at least. I'm actually impressed. Finally something original from race deniers.

So… a race?

Why do you want to destroy culture so much?
What is wrong with you?

Are you lost? Because as a mixed race person I like to let other people express their cultures. But you want to turn us into a literal fucking matrix of identical robots.

The question comes down to distinguishing thresholds, they are fluid and loosely applied. To apply them discretely is impractical and impossible. To apply non is to deny the patterns of organisms in front of you.

Chaos makes race/ethnicity (they are the same) almost a fluid structure. You have perfect specimens or identities, but in reality they don't exist, you just aim for them.

Why do you want to destroy them so much? Why don't you like the DIVERSITY of cultures user? Are you a bigot?

Why are you retards feeding him?

True global communism cannot be established until the spooks of "race", "religion", "political ideology", "philosophy", "ethics", "morals", are all abolished completely from society and the human consciousness. Once these things have disappeared we can create a more perfect and better world free of hate and struggle. These things have to go for the betterment of the future.

You have no idea. You see them complaining about whitey and you think - well why didn't we fight back? Why did we ignore knowledge? Why didn't we protect our homeland?

I want all cultures to rethink this. I see earth as a hive of cultures and ethnicity for historical preservation as we MIX in space.

He's not going away, might as well "make him think."
Although you should sage.

I've only made like 10 or 15 posts you retard. I'm not the only tor poster.

He used fascism as a means to restore monarchism. I lean more toward feudalism than fascism. But I am also much more hardline on race than Franco or even Hitler. I want all kikes killed, not merely exiled. I want all saracens, mestizos, and niggers exterminated wherever they may be by whatever means are deemed expedient.

Franco put his faith in a weak king rather than trying to make a strong one. That was his failing, but his economic system was perfectly serviceable.

the word "race" has a long history with many different definitions.

the point is that it makes sense to split up people into groups based on genes. it is useful. both for a state and for the individual.

if one wanted to one could split up germans in one racial group, norwegians in another, even subsections of germans could be one group, subsections of norwegians could be another. there ARE big enough differences to warrant doing this. it all comes down to utility – what are you going to DO with the different classifications?

To stop your mental work because you are not a "racist" is the height of foolishness.

On the contrary, it is speeding up. There are numerous studies claiming that we are only a few generations away from being considerably different from our ancestors, thanks to the information age which puts stress of different areas of the brain

Such as? All of them were on par with the civilization of late-medieval Europe, none of them were as impressive as Rome, and none of them managed to transition into modern age without Western help.

By "Africans", you, however, mean people living in Africa, not niggers. Ancient Egyptians weren't black. Also, piling shitloards of stone onto a pile, while using slave labour, isn't really that impressive.

ITT: Bunch of kikerats get triggered by OP's quality post and proceed to shill the thread, only to end up getting repeatedly BTFO

because national socialism is still socialism, and socialism is leftism
lefties must burn
also fuck gestapo

The socialism of National Socialism isn't Marxist socialism.

Why can't we have a global socialist framework with national sovereignties within it.
A republic of ethnic sovereignties that aim for national AND global goals? Where does this stop? I mean we're all related to every organism on the planet so why stop at humans - let every animal into our backyard.
"You cannot sleep next to a savage dog." But you can build a wall and a gate so you can sleep.

This is where the cognitive dissonance hits the left. Trump is preserving diversity - the left is destroying it for no practical reason.

Furthermore, we are human, not machines, we like our differences in culture and religion, it makes our world interesting.

Would you prefer a society of worker bees or a flock of diverse birds?

You like my bait? I learned it from them. :^)

its still socialism

Stirner was a literal cuckold.

While I understand your dislike for anything socialism, Prussian Socialism is the very, very different of Marxist Socialist.


Spooks are a spook.
Culture is a consequence of the ego. Let is be.
Otherwise you will destroy the colour in our species.

forms of socialism are bad


It's scientifically proven that humans are just bioligical machines. Consciousness is not real, it's religious nonsense. People are tools and should be used to shape the world into the best world it can be. As long as social class, race, philosophy, ideology, morals, ethics, religion, family, exist the world cannot be made perfect.

What in particular is it that you don't like about it? Taxes? The potential for abuse?

the socialism in national socialism does not mean marxist socialism you fucking retard

the more power in the hands of the state the faster will corruption spread, also ineficiency increases
im not ancap, i believe the state is required for a stable society, but something like a federation of city states following a single constitution, but with freedom to make their own laws would be ideal, the state would only deal with the army, infrastructure between cities and foreign policy

The majority of Holla Forums now I think will say it's natsoc, much like how the majority of Holla Forums then would say they were libertarian. Groupthink and peer-pressure and all that. Mainly because I think, deep down, Holla Forumsacks don't really know what to think and are eager to be lead by the hand by whoever they think can make their lives better at the moment.

Just like the 8/pol/ revolution corrupted this board with newfags who legit thought natsoc as great, so too shall the Great Redditing corrupt it further and from it's ashes a new ideology will reign supreme. At the least it will never be the same again.

That's more accurate, he used the fascists to gain support from the more working class elements of Spain which the Falange specifically appealed to, through the use of certain aesthetics and rhetoric but he himself was no fascist, it's even arguably whether or not he wanted Rivera out of the picture.

Have you ever opened a toolbox? Tell me, what do you see?

Holla Forums will turn leftist soon, once they see their great leader trump betray them and turn America into an oligarchy they'll realize the error of their ways

leftism is the future and alt-right is just LARP


im sorry but its inevitable

in 30 years you'll look back and wish you had turned to antifa's side sooner

Please lurk more. We'll talk 2 years from now, ok?

Machines have programs of different natures.

Stop trying to be so super dooper edgy. You live and CONTRIBUTE to this matrix. Once you reject, you stop your contribution. Become a seperate entity if you must, but if you subvert ours then you will be crushed.

Consciousness is not real, it's religious nonsense.
Yet here you are actively talking to me. Consciousness is a feedback response system user. It definitely does exist for a naturally selected purpose. Those beings with consciousness and ADAPTABILITY (a consequence of consciousness) climbed the food chain.
To deny consciousness is to deny your own limbs. You can pretend they're not there, but they will be there anyway.
I think, therefore I am.

It's almost like we are God's consciousness.

You have a 30 year plan involving "us". Lel
We have a 2 year plan involving you.

Guess who is going to be ahead of schedule and under budget?

religion is a lie used by imperialist whites to control us

why do you think atheist jews are so sucessful, it's because they have been enlightened to the truth of the world and know that morality and ethics are just a lie to keep them from succeeding

as long as you care about other people you will never achieve anything

He's exceeding expectations tbh fam.
I didn't expect him to try and act this quickly. There really are no breaks.
And those that can't forgive instances of betrayal end up cacooned in their own hedgehogs dilemma.

As we tell the left constantly, get in the god damn eva shinji.

mom and dad is upstairs.
Dad is watching porn in the bathroom, need to take a shit what do?

Yes, we also invented every religion in the world just to oppress people. Including Umbanda, Candomble and whatever other shitty african religion you choose.

You people really are deluded. Trump's going to be impeached in March, it's over kids.

Africans were atheists when they created the Pyramids. The Romans brought religion to them which led to the downfall of African Civilization and the Trans-African Empire that they had created. Learn history you uneducated prole.

And then they got BTFO by the natural selection of memes

Societies with bad memes perished. Rejection of religion is like rejecting the torch to guide you in the dark.
You can go in the dark if you must, but if you close your third eye you become blind and degenerate until that society ceases to function.

The left think the kings spread those memes to control their wealth. But their wealth aligns with the wealth of the country, the wealth of the people. He's just the architect of the country, he's not a leech (well sometimes they have been and they too degenerated until they were destroyed).

Countries with a strong horse succeed. That is why communists FOLLOWED their leaders.

Communism is an alternative form of the right that has been largely unsuccessful and has become tyranny many times. Natsoc almost won an unwinnable war logistically.

We started far left just like antifa.
Then we realised anarchy lead to militia, the strongest society to sustain that militia prevailed.

Natsoc BTFO countries until America fed the russians. Then they were greatly outnumbered and outgunned.
They shouldn't have come close to winning that war though.

This is what torposters actually believe. Kek have mercy on them all.

Yet you deny race and culture. You deny the very thing that makes human. You indulge on the liberal media, the university agenda and the safespace of your forums. Yet you condemn us for pointing this out, pointing the jewish control of this out and pointing out the fact that most of these protests are run by these sorts of people. You also admit our subversion, yet have the ignorance to reject the possibility of foreign subversion.

This board is the consequence of anarchy user. You're dealing with the strong horse.
You're dealing with the real world now.

I also hope you have guns.

Oh wait, you don't like the 2nd amendment :^)

Fuck off back to reddit.

Because I fear God more than man: w2.vatican.va/content/pius-xi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html

I just lurk here to get 'the other side' of the news that you don't get elsewhere.

You're mentally indoctinated and conditioned to deny this reality.
YOU are brainwashed, not us.

I'll give you an 8.5/10 for this one. Impressive, very elaborate.

But I thought it was the left that cared about the uneducated prole, an easy target for the elites to oppress tbh
shame about spewing all that prejudice there fam

I disagree. Fascist were roundly ridiculed back in the day because fascism is feudalism-light and people realized they didn't want that and it wouldn't be good for the whole of the country to go back to that kind of thinking. That said Holla Forums as a whole has (at least to the best of my knowledge) always been on the right side of the spectrum. From capitalist to libertarian to natsoc and (perhaps) fascist; always on the right.

t. typical plebeian podcast sophist poster

fuck your ivory tower, people like you suffer from Dunning Kruger. You are probably some 20 year old who still has Jews and Sodomites for friends and let your emotional low testosterone sentimentality for these degenerates get in the way of pure reason. Maybe you are a cripple or addicted to porn and know that living up to an ideal is to difficult so you make excuses for your weakness. Or you actually believe the Jewish lies about National Socialism because you have spent to much time sucking off Jew loving Greg Johnson and American Renaissance. Maybe you invested way to much in your persona and your ego gets in the way of truth, so you cry about nuance. You don't even care about your own nation because you would allow ideal to prohibit you from taking real action but likewise let subversion undermine your ideals. If you haven't figured it out in "years" then maybe you should Lurk More.

If you think their is a fundamental distinction between National Socialism and Monarchy because of the spirit of the people, then you don't know what the world ethos means. Maybe you think real National Socialism is Nietzschen and Utilitarian materialism then you are dead wrong. You need to stop getting your information from Gatekeepers and listening to controlled opposition. You need to be a bit more skeptical of people who leaderfag because they are ALWAYS controlled opposition that sell half truths. You have to go to the source of ideas and learn to think for yourself. If you think your Jewed Monarchy still holds some sovereignty tied to divinity and the natural order then you are smoking crack. Yes ideally Monarchy is a virtuous system of government but it was subverted a long time ago, just like how the Catholic Church and Protestantism had been subverted.

Stop being such a blowhard and imbibing alt-kike DnC and actually learn a thing or too before you LARP as a Philosopher king. Stop listening to youtube personalities and for fuck sake stop looking to the internet to build your "community". The internet is not your friend.

No faggot you are the LARPer

You people are so pathetic. When will you realize that it's Holla Forums that was born out of anarchy. WE are winning, WE are in the lead. We killed one of you weak faggots at Berkeley and it won't be the last. You think that you have the lead but you're wrong. After Trump got elected more and more people started joining the left and became more radical. We killed one of you and you won't do shit because you're scared.

Face it you won't go against the system and you won't do shit. Because you're slaves of the system, slaves of society. You have to protect your families, your friends, your communities. We have nothing, we will target the weakest of you, the children, the women, the elderly. We destroy everything you have and in the end we will win. Because we have nothing to lose and you have everything to lose. We are legion.

The state controls the capital and land disposition, not the king.
In fact it differs very little form modern capitalism. The main differences include the bank/capital structure and abolition of interest.

Two things which the banks could not stand for, so they indoctrinate you to believe natsoc is total bollocks and condition from birth that it was unsuccessful.
Had the banks and the west cooperated, there would have been no WWII. Had the (jewish controlled) soviets negotiated properly, there would have been no WWII.

But no, they couldn't stand a goy controlled nation. The REAL matrix couldn't have that.

Have the real red pill.

Have you ever asked why? Oh right see
Well done for proving how brainwashed YOU are.

Holla Forums started with Holla Forums then /new/, some people started asking questions about jews, then we opened pandoras boz to our own conditioning.
Wake up user.

Why can't anarcho capitalists post there then?

So much for anarchy :^)

Oh, and btw, we just got a president. You've got tiny protests and an MSM that is falling to bits.
Whose the indoctrinated one? Whose living a lie?
You are clearly user. You think you're winning when you just LOST the election. Oh and don't start on the popular vote. We caught clinton and soros rigging those booths well before the election started. The popular vote should have gone to Trump too.


this is a shill thread why are u fucking fgts Responding to this trash

I voted for Trump, I voted for accelerationism. The capitalists, bourgeois, upper and middle classes all have to die. Trump will help the left become radical enough to see that happen. Hillary would've made liberals stay with the status quo, now they are coming to our side. And soon this country, and then the world, will burn.

So then the state is the new king? The state is the king who gives his vassals (businesses) special treatment. You've done and said nothing to convince me otherwise.

I have asked why, and the answer is generally that Holla Forums are literally the sheeple with a few strong voices leading the herd. I ridiculed them, personally, because I find fascism fucking retarded.

Also you can use formatting you know.

Why isn't this larping autistic lefty/pol/ kike sperg purged?

Dude you are blaming the jews for actions that you yourself are perpetuating

That was like my 20th post you fucking retard.

You fucking think I've been posting in this thread for 6 hours?

What happened to love trumps hate?

That sounds like something a facist would do user :^)
Oh but you're """anti-facist""" right?

We did do shit, we sent POLICE. You know, the ones WE now control.
You're at war with the state now. Well done. Leave the fucking country to your paradise or do as the romans when in rome.

I'm sorry, did you forget 2016 or something? We've already beaten the system. How? Through participation online.

All you are doing is autistic screeching.

So you call us delusional yet threaten the innocent?
What a moral high horse you are.

You're a walking talking abomination and you love oppression because it makes you feel important.
You're a child that hasn't matured and realised you are just one of many in a state that supports a militia. You act on nothing but impulse. How can you construct a house with out planning and knowledgeable direction?
By destroying the state, you destroy the militia.
Then you'll destroy your lefty ideology while doing so.

Natsoc is a consequence or a function of libertarianism. The alternative is nomadism or true slavery.
The state is the only thing protecting liberal ideology and tolerating your bullshit.
Otherwise you'd live in a real authoritarian regime where you eat/drink the bare minimum and have no room to express your thoughts and creativity.

You are the delusion that plagued the west and almost destroyed it. You are finished.

Didn't notice the torfag ID. Either way into the oven you go

Why? Answer this question for me.

German people are (…) to Polish people.

A. equal
B. superior
C. inferior


i'm liternaly fucking choking

You fucking degenerate.

Pic related. This is your problem. It lacks pragmatism. It's pure insanity.

This problem is corruption, we can tackle it through legislation and enforcement. Cleaning the slate involves innocents going hungry, your way is out of touch.

I will destroy those that kill others. You are the virus that will be crushed imminently.
You're also a very bad shitposter.

How can a concept give and allocate his vassals. The king is the vassals. The king is the people. That is what a state is.

You cannot escape having a king, only redefine who it is.
It can be you alone as an individual if you are nomadic, for example.

Your not even a person, you're just a murderer. You don't help others, you don't empathise, you just destroy everything.
You need the gulag, concentration camp, prison for the safety of others. Control yourself or lose the degree of freedom you already have.
Retain reasonableness, don't seek the black and white. Play with thresholds.

This is why your way will not succeed. You're in denial of your own reality.


Sure it is. Lose the onion then, get a proper id.
Why are you afraid? Pussy.

Two different people.

Subjectively they are both superior to themselves.
That's nationalism.
That doesn't mean they disrespect the other cultures, they observe and interact to experience the different ways of thinking. Different ways of thinking leads to more innovation.
That is one of the main reasons why we need nationalism as a function of a macrocosmic globalist system.

Natsoc is fine but im more kind of esotericist :^)

Not mutually exclusive.

You baka shitposter. :^)

I'm not antifa, let's get that out of the way. You seem to think because I use a Tor ID I am associated with the antifa in the thread. I am not.

Not in feudalism, and I disagree that there can ever be a fascism which both allocates unconditional control of the nation to it's people and perpetuates the kind of control needed for fascism to thrive.

As for needing a king, a person is their own king. They control how their life turns out. That is only until someone decides they know better than you how you should live your life. For better or worse, Fascism dictates that the people don't know better than the rulers and should be treated as such.

What are you? Communist?
I believe we're heading to a mixture of all ideologies. In fact I believe one day the ideologies wil create distinguishable cultures that may also have their own clay to develop.
As long as that culture isn't Jihad it might work. But only under a larger enforceable global regime.

The UN has taught me the problems with globalism though, but it has also been helpful at allowing trade to prosper.
I think the days of simple currency trading are at an end btw. It seems things might revert to bartering systems or even an international currency used between nations that have their own separate national currency. That international currency may be gold.

This has to happen or these economic issues with currency and capital will not go away.

That's where the truth emerges - we already have it.
We live in technocratic liberatarian systems which can act facist in times of war. In order to get what you want as an individual you must:
1. participate
2. successfully argue or promote your way
The problem with the left for 2. is that they do nothing but autistic screeching. I want mature debate.
Furthermore, there may be a compromise we can reach where two opposites can exist under one banner. I personally see division in the US between left and right states. However, I still feel the left states will crumble because they severely underestimate the needs in their society.

Until they interact with another person. Then they either agree to work together or they attack to the death. That is what a state is, a set of agreements between the parties within a nation to work together under a set of principles.

States compete or align with other states too. In order for a state to survive they must either make deals or keep a militia. That is what a "facist state" is. A state to empower a militia in order to protect that state from foreign threats. That militia protects the ideals of that state.

Here's the thing - the left wants to let in the very thing trying to destroy that set of principles. It also creates all these ethnic tensions which divide the production of the nation on ethnic grounds - some companies stay white, black, indian etc because they merely work from the eye.

This is why racial conformity is important in a state, people are visual based creatures. Even with indoctrination, people overcame it due to what their eyes told them.

That's where natsoc differs, it tries to push people into trying to give a voice and rule. It's a meritocracy. These people are the most developed or experienced for their position. They are kings that are best suited for the throne. They have the best mind.

Here's the thing - they are always trying to listen to their people. That's why they have jesters/fools. The king needs it's people. The people needs it's king.

Social media is the first time where all people can communicate to tell the king it's opinion.
The left doesn't want to give opinions anymore, it just wants to kill the king in it's greed.

ever heard of cultural homophily? it proves racial purity need not be forced by legislature and already happens naturally. what's wrong w/ civic nationalism?

What you fucking stormfags dont get is the interest of the people , if you can´t get that you wont stop being a group of edgy autists without any public support , you talking about fascism like it fucking matters in this day and age , talking about jews being the ones responsible for all the shit in the world when the ones behind are the biggest corporations, causing corruption , pain and blood to gain even more money , at the cost of everyone else, what is worse , is that governments consider them "too big to fail" , bank owners aren´t neccesarily jewish , corporation owners aren´t neccesarily jewish , the ones causing all the pain and suffering on the world aren´t neccesarily jewish , they are the fucking corporate masters, kings of individuality , amassing wealth at the cost of other people , when you wake up of that fascist rethoric bullshit and realize the ones fucking your life dont have to be jewish you could do something more than fucking whining

is that a copypasta? excuse my newfaggotry



Civic nationalism leads to ethnic nationalism.
I think the distinction is fabrication or rather the former leads to creating the latter.
Ethnic nationalism can also have more than one ethnicity. Some say preserve the cultures/ethnicity through legislation or movements, some go as far as to suggest demographic quotas or even barriers.

I would like legislation aiming to preserve the demographic stability and integrity.
I want people of different ethnicities to preserve their ethnicity on their own accord.

Problem: Whites seem to be objectively the best looking. That's why women dye their hair blonde.
So other ethnicities are seduced to mixing by the looks of the other ethnicity which they think is lacking in their own ethnicity.

Little do blacks know that some beautifully coloured creatures are poisonous. Be aware of blondes and redheads, they tend to be venomous and aggressive. That's sorta why white supremacy still exists after all this liberal indoctrination. They're naturally immune to it by their own temperament.

both ideologies are fucking retarded. perhaps socialism only has 2 very opposite flavors: applied to very small societies with no more than 500 members so that the leader can still have decent relations with the population, or globally for the least amount of barriers for trade. idk, just my 2 cents

Choose an ethnicity to align then.
I'm in the same boat, went by looks.

Alternatively, we can just act as mediators.

Talking about racemixing, it isn't degenerated for a man with inferior gene if he racemix with a woman who have a superior gene than him. The only reason for it own degeneracy is a person, holding a a gene of a master race, decided to waste it to an inferior female, and make a further degradation on his own generation if they keep continue racemixing with the inferior. White woman, somehow holding a gene that could make an inferior generation into the path of the master race due to the continue racemixing with the superior one.

Today the Aryan are the only superior race among the humanity, their women, their mother, their sister hold a gene that could purify a whole generation of inferior race. This is why most of us inferior goon want your " White wimmin, because we are all desperate, desperately want our son, our grandson, our whole generation to be purify, we don't want our future son to become a genetic thug, we don't want our son to be an outcast. That's why we choose your race, Aryan race, as a main target to mix our blood into your blood. A man like you don't have a right race mixed with us if your blood is the superior to our, it is his duty to keep his blood out of the blink of extinction. Don't kill off your generation, white man. We want off the degeneration ride.

t. Zipperhead

The voted Trump. We are also the people.

Fuck off.

Then see youtube.com/watch?v=J8cOLIOaikU

The Jews control a disproportionate amount of these industries in key positions. It might be collusion for something, or it might be "oh you're jewish too!"
Point is, everything went to shit when they pulled the strings. This is because they naturally selected to be greedy and pervasive. They were (and still are) the banking elite, the money changers. They're always trying to seek personal profit or retaining their leveraged position. Throughout history they've been killed when they failed to do this enough.

This is their problem. They're a literal naturally selected parasite.

Because they're JIDF, COINTELPRO and Trump marketers.

national socialist? that's a kike thing. patriot? that's a normal thing.

All people need genetic modification if they want to be superior.

We are currently simply apes. All of us. Whites and asians are less simply, that is all.

All need some form of modification, the question is - what parts need modifying? How can we do it while preserving ethnicity and culture?
Modification is a long time away though, so we need to build walls right now and begin reexamining how to preserve the state of the world and fix the poverty.
I fear the answer is becoming recolonization. But as long as we retain ethnic distinction there won't be too many problems.



Instead of addressing you point by point, I think I'll just summarize my thoughts on the matter.

Call me what you will, I only want to see a world where white people are allowed to thrive. Kill a sandnigger; don't kill a pajeet; it doesn't matter. As long as white people can thrive in their own society that's good enough for me. Will that be fascism? I don't think so, but I think that fascists should be allowed to try.

The left has shot itself in the foot, no doubt. However there is one thing you need to ask yourself: is this the true left or the "progressive" left that shot themselves in the foot? Was it the whole of the left ideology or only the hyper-left 'progressive" colored hair freaks that failed? I would even wager that a lot of Holla Forumsacks are left leaning and don't even know it. I think, and certainly hope, that the left of today is destroyed sometime soon. That remains to be seen however. With the antifa riots it could very well turn itself into an underground ideology much like the White Power movement after Hitler. As long as the roots remain intact the weed can continue to grow and spread. Don't get me wrong, I actually see nothing wrong with whites being empowered, just like I see nothing wrong with Africans feeling proud to be black or Chinese for being Asian. Just that the underlying ideology may never go away completely and may make a comeback.

I don't think ideologies are going to mesh, however. This time is perhaps the most divisive our world has been in a long time and while a lot of people have yet to choose a side, they will. The fallout will be quick, brutal and obvious. One ideology will take the world by storm much like Capitalism took the world by storm after WWII or was it earlier?. Yes, the old way is collapsing but I think was most people fail to realize is the tactics that kept the old power structure standing are still alive and healthy today. Perhaps even for many decades/millennia to come.

Frankly, while everyone will always need some guiding hand, I just don't see the need for something like Fascism or, heck, even National Socialism in today's day and age. A meritocracy is nice but both Fascism and National Socialism are a "take the good with the bad" kind of thing and I think we, as a race, as a world, can do better. But, I may end up being wrong.

Gas yourself you malignant tumor.

This looks like botspam.

PROOF that Trump is JEWISH




PROOF that Trump is JEWISH

Donald Trump is being ASTROTURFED by JEWISH interests. He is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and Project Alamo is what made him so popular here. Trump is NOT your ally, he does not care about you, he is a kike.

The USA is technically civic nationalist, isn't it? It's still not exactly ethnic nationalist.

Why do people on here care so much about demographics? Haven't demographics always changed? It's not like all demographics don't have the same origin, ultimately (see map of human migration). Also keep in mind that ethnicity =/= culture. This line of thinking seems common among ethnic nationalists, but a black man can enjoy "white" culture just as much as a white man can enjoy "black" culture. Cultural homophily is a well-founded scientific theory and I have yet to hear one ethnic nationalist rebut it.

That's completely subjective: I don't really have ethnic or racial preferences for the women I'd like to date and instead judge them on a case-by-case basis. Some physical features might look attractive on some women while the opposite might be true for other women. To say that whites are objectively better looking seems a little generalizing.

That last argument seems completely baseless and I don't really see any problem with advocating for liberty and equality (liberalism). No offense, but I was expecting a better response.

I'm looking already at a potential threat of the sky. Call it preparation.
We need numbers and I don't agree with complete abandonment of others. We're the parents of the world right now. Whether we like it or not.
The progressive left. They pushed memes that promoted immigration. Immigration was used to feed the economic ponzi scheme.
The true left hasn't emerge yet, eg:
That's true antifa/left. Not the current movement. It also needs to reduce the control of the militia and agree to maintain it only for the preservation of state sovereignty.
Absolutely, expect raiders IRL from now on. This shit won't go away quickly. Plus, space brings more opportunities for individuals.
Neither, they just disrespect white people's ability to do that. Furthermore they use ethnic oppression as an excuse for their own personal issues, rather than just fix the issues.
Not initially, but eventually, ideologies are going to begin to claim clay, but only at the mercy of the overlaying ideology. Ideologies are more like cultures.
Not quite, it's just transforming. It's fixing itself. Otherwise we'd really have a civil war. Without war it is just correcting itself. I personally see facism intrinsically in libertarianism. Natsoc is the method to which we maintain the best in the seat of the best, rather than just revert to dynastic monarchy.

Not as much as other shills. Plus Trump has been doing a lot more for us than any politician.
I totally agree on this though. Trump is being pulled, but we need to continue to observe and criticize the Iran policy. Iran should be an ally, not an enemy. It only became an enemy when Israel emerged.
Israel needs to be treated toughly from now on. At the same time, we need to recognize the threat from the other side of that wall too.

As I said not yet.



No , you are not also the people , you are a small minority compared to the average citizen , if you look at it from an ironic point of view you are no different from "special nowflakes" asking the bulk of the society to do something in order to satisfy your own point of view . the difference is that they have the support of the media (wich jews are a big part of) and you dont , if you want to change something you need to appeal to the public , entice them to your side , becouse this garbage talk like "naturally selected parasyte" isnt going to convince anyone who is not part of your group already


He's just a deluded trumpkike. Jews are based and he's afraid of them. He's probably a fucking jew himself.


Quotation marks were around black, not culture. Shit bait.

You know exactly what I was saying. The only "culture" niggers have is rape, murder, and blind consumerism. They were making mud huts and crawling in the mud when we found them in apefrica. They're not even human.

I dont know , maybye if you used this imageboard as means of having debates without the drag that supposes having an identity we could reach and agreement

it is worthless ground and those aquifers will never be used for anything.

I'm just pointing out the obvious that low IQ populations (and even seemingly higher IQ non-white populations) seem incapable of handling modern technology without destroying nature.

not same id , thank god

The entire catalog was Trump, we got spammed with the most irrelevant uninteresting shit because the marketers grabbed at whatever straw they could to justifity creating another fucking thread, Trump got plugged in every other thread, every thread got derailed by Trump spam. No discussion possible. They even co-opted memes and tried defacing Hitler with Trump. It was fucking unprecedented insanity.

The rest of your post is typical neo-con bullshit, as if we have anything to fear from a country that hasn't started a war in God knows how long, as opposed to Pissrael that has started them over and over and dragged the US and Europe in. Unbelievable, to concede and then shill for war with Iran again in the same fucking post. Then again, i should've expected Trump marketers to be jews.

Trump is jewish, don't let them convince you otherwise. There is proof that his grandfather was a jew. The people who fell for the trump shills just don't want to admit Trump is controlled opposition and they would've been better with Jeb who is the true hero of the white race.


Because after all this time, this thing became a buzzword, almost no one out there knows exactly what it means, it's extremely bad for publicity, and the whole thing depended on Hitler, well, on fuhrer, and there is no such a man anymore.
Since there are no written doctrines or policies or guidelines or rules anywhere, you need to have a one leader that decides everything..

Do what modern day serious NatSoc's are doing today, retards. Rename it. Like that former SS guy who almost won elections twice in Austria, he named his party simply Freedom Party.

It's sad how many people actually believe this crackpot theory.

Hes talking about the abolition of non-labor income. Pay rates are different, there is just less jewery in the banks and what not since you can only be profitable from honest work.


so the map of human migration is a crackpot theory? k den…

So… a strike would result in a recession?




even the fucking kikepedia page lists it as a theory you inane blubbering sociopathic nigger


trump is a jew

Do you even know what a theory is?

gravity is also a theory. however, you're free to debunk the theory by jumping off your roof and see if you start floating mid-air

you are an autist. Next you're going to tell me to get rid of my tv and car because they were made in Korea. God forbid I have any fun.

imkampfy is a faggot nigger but you have to be a newfag redditor to think this. Anime was from the start a part of imageboard culture.

Hitler was 2/3 jewish and only had one testicle, he had german girls pee on him.

Trump is 1/4 jewish, bald, and had russian girls pee on him.

Every "white" monarch in history was into incest and pedophilia.

Is it pure coincidence? Or could it be that the h'wite race is full of subhuman degenerates?

Whites are garbage, into the trash they go.

No. Mein Kampf is not a political document. Well I mean sure, it is, but it is also an auto biography and basically it has too much stuff in it. I've read the thing, and yes it has the foundations for NatSoc, but no one out there goes around reading that thing.

Rename it Freedom party. Achieving NatSoc is impossible if you call it NatSoc.

Imcucky was right in banning that thread. "Holocaust denial" is jewish language. Get in the oven goon.

tbh im put off by the socialism aspect
plus its a German institution/theory and therefore foreign to me and my country

Who ever spoke about Mein Kampf? ( also he moved from austria to switzerland, from switzerland to germany )

There were a humongous amount of political guidelines created when the NSDAP was ruling. The large majority of these books are still available.

Though I do agree with you on the need for it being renamed, renaming it doesn't mean you're /not/ NatSoc. You either are NatSoc and renamed yourself, or you aren't NatSoc. There is no inbetween. I am the former, be aware what you truly are.

Are you an amerifag? If so, capitalism is foreign to your nation as well, that doesn't mean you can't be a capitalist.

What a retarded post.

This is why the left is losing.

You're just bait, all you do is bait.
Seriously, how much are you paid?

Oh you are a shill.

Because he's the president. And this is political board.
Come on faggots, try harder.

Yeah you keep telling us that. Of course you don't probably think about Machiavelli or anything.

Seriously the shills today are fucking ridiculous.
The onion guy especially, you're fucking obvious, just fucking stop.
Of course you won't because YOU are the real kike

Cause I'm not some bootlicking faggot that would trade my shackles for another set.

You're on a small planet.
Want death? So us all a favour and kill yourself then faggot.

You're so cool.

and no im not american and ive never been to america
and the only americans ive met were obnoxious moron tourists or degenerate wastes of flesh


you giant faggot. Out of Apefrica is a bullshit stupid theory cooked up by kikes who don't even believe it themselves. Fuck you if you actually believe that shit.

Humans originated on the Antarctic Continent while it was still warm


Only cucks would leave America for any reason anyway. Greatest country on earth undisputed. Best nature, best economy, best history. Fuck the rest of the world, USA is number one.


Oh come on, look at ethiopian caucasians. They're probably what caucasian ancestors looked like.
Out of africa is spot on, because that explains why negros are dumb as fuck.

arent they?

My understanding that national socialism has to do with ones nation, hence the name. So it would make sense they would have a resurgence in believes and traditions which come from Germany and Germanic peoples.

Furthermore, I don't see why one can't be a Christian and a national socialist. National socialism is a political frame not a religious one.

Sorry but Antarctica is Hyperborea and humans originated from it.

I was not talking to you. Speak when spoken to child.

oh that I can dispute tbh
200 years doesnt quite count as a 'best history in the world' when the main events are: independence war with assistance from the autocratic empires of western europe, civil war where you kill millions of your own people over niggers and the cotton industry, 50 years of trying to colonise the pacific ocean which directly causes the pacific war, then 50 years of proxy wars with communism while marxists slowly subverted the institutions of government


Slavery or death, hard choice…


wew you convinced me!
Taking for granted your last statement and humoring you. I would ask in response what is wrong with small societies? Balkanization is a good thing, especially if you want to promote segregation. Unfortunately their is no way to do that peacefully. People unite in times of conflict to fight for common ideals.

I was pointing out how 983161 was resorting to ad hominem and false equivocation. If people want to have a "debate" then such lowbrow sophistry is not going to go unchecked. That is unless you where responding to the wrong post.

What does freedom mean to you, and do you have it in your country?



This shitposting is so stale I want to eat sandpaper just to taste something sharper and wittier.

Only if you're degenerate.

Just kill yourself then. Seriously. Why are you killing those willing to participate if you just want death.
Just kill yourself.

Just goes to show how autistic the left is.

I don't understand how some people claiming to be redpilled can shill for international banking, usury, and be against natsoc economy, the only thing fighting against kikes domination in centuries.


Because I am white technocrat.

That's awesome /leftyprole/ tell me more about your special snowflake ideology that works in your mind. I'm really interested in you because you're a very special boy!

Fuck you trumpkike. Enjoy your zionist baby eating jew king. Holla Forums was better before it was chumptarded, I remember not to long ago when Holla Forums ideology was the mainstream viewpoint on Holla Forums. Not this bullshit LARP.

You've been shilling and exploiting the onion ID to shill against the left and right this whole thread.
Mods need to bring back IDs for onions, shills are exploiting them.

I think you're confused.

I could give the dictionary description but I don't think that would do the concept any justice, so idk, I just don't want to be part of some collectivist ideology.

You're both clearly the same fucking person or both fucking shills. You've been trying to manipulate the whole thread.

I dare you to go off your onion. Go on.

This is the funniest shit I read this week.

You anarchist faggots are the worst. No plan for what to do when you finally topple society. Having order is completely against your ideology and since you can't have a functioning society your end game is to have nothing but filth and squalor. The reality is you little shit stains don't actually believe in any of this because if you did you would be posting from a $1,000 dollar laptop your capitalist swine parents bought from your $60,000 a year tuition liberal arts school which your parents are also financing. Nothing but juvenile delinquents regardless of age because your mind is that of a child who was never spanked and never learned to accept authority. You aren't a free thinker, you're a fucking moron whos at the bottom of the food chain and would be the first to go if your wish came true and society collapsed. Because the only thing that keeps people like you alive is the law and order of functioning society,

Ease up user. Most are blackmailed pedos.

Yes because the left is Holla Forums's greatest ally am I right.

Yes i think you should get rid of your TalmudVision,unless of course , you like watching white women getting fucked by Tyrone,you fucking cuckold.

It was never part of Holla Forums's culture.Even before the exodus ,back on cuckchan,we would sage bomb and gore post the anime threads off our board.

Kill yourself.

Your point? You can't be secular because your nation wasn't the first secular nation? Your nation can't have house + senate assembly because another nation had that before hand?

You're just fucking with us. You should have been banned already.
You're not even creating effective new debate. Either you shut the fuck up an lurk more or you should fuck off.

Yeah, you're a brainwashed cuckchan faggot. How about you read a book about the policies of NSDAP and then find out which ones you disagree with. Fucking idiot.

Also I think we now have to migrate to new bunkers.

Congrats, you just moved Holla Forums to places you don't know about. Was that part of your plan?

I have a confession Holla Forums. All of the onion posts in this thread are mine except three or four. I was originally posting legitimately and then got frustrated by shills so I started shitposting. My rampant shitposting drove them off but I continued to shitpost for 6 hours after they left. It was me Holla Forums, it was all me. I have a problem, an addiction to shitposting, a chronic addiction. At least I've only been doing it in this thread.

He's a fucking Holla Forums faggot or something similar. He doesn't want to read anything. He just just fucking shills.
I thought these fuckers would stop after the election. I think we need to hunt these fuckers down personally and beat them to a pulp. They don't learn, they're just fucking with Holla Forums to stop any meaningful discussion.

I'm pretty sure I was those three or four

You're not a shitposter. Your posts are discretely psychological in nature.

can anyone remember the last time a TOR poster actually contributed something to a thread?

Yes the OP of that thread was using normie language.However,Imcuck could have easily edited the post,but instead he chose to ban the op despite the fact that he posted some valuable repills.

Oh,and user,I can't fit into an easy bake oven.You have to learn to use your mother's oven.

But don't worry,I know how to use ovens,and when the time comes , I will not spare you.

my country is old and has experimented in nearly every form of government
most of them dont work
i think senatorial designs are far too corrupt to even begin to function properly
its like electing aristocrats to rule over you
and parliamentary designs are absolutely hopeless unless there is another arm of the government to watch them and curtail them if they stop acting in the interests of the nation

We need to ask serious questions about imkampfy
I think another exodus will occur. Not after a few anthrax letters to leftypol though.

Whoa, calm down dude! Technocracy is a system of governance where the people are chosen based on the merits and experiences. Scientists, engineers, technologists, or other experts with 10 years of military experiences in any field, would compose the governing body, instead of elected politicians. In other words, the society is not run by the elected idiots who don't have a clue to make the society prosper.


Sounds like it would be run by military bureacrats and feminist professors.

That's how it started. Then left faggots started to screech.


Uh huh, so I guess it doesn't matter that I'm not american and am 1488.

The Technocracy movement has similar roots to communism and fascism. In that it was an attempt to come up with a solution for the problems created by the industrialisation of society.

Unlike the other two however technocracy never really took off.
Though it had some interesting ideas and useful principles.

Lolwut. Either I'm getting trolled or you don't know what the 88 in 1488 means

The problem was liberalism spread by freemasonry and the breakdown of natural hierarchy due to Jewish subversion of the authority of moral institutions. Communism was just an acceleration of the Jewish Globalist agenda to centralize power into their oligarchy. Fascism and National Socialism are reactionary movements trying to establish the old order after modernity had robed civilization of these ridiculous brands of hierarchy.

These types will not be efficient, so it is not likely to be accepted into government anyway. Technocracy need someone who knows what they are doing otherwise everything will not run properly. What is good for society will be accepted, but what is bad for society will be removed.

Everything created and born will ultimately decay and die. This was the hardest redpill for me to make as a welder and builder. The truth that everything I create will just slowly rust away hurt bad, but the next truth I learned set me free. While individuality is a good thing, a life lived solely for self is ultimately a waste and inherently degenerate, and this is because the human life is a relatively short experience. To live a good just life (a life even living), one must work for something greater than oneself. Ultimately, when one boils down the meaning of my last sentence what you are left with is living for the betterment of your volk, because that is all we have. This is why I'm a national socialist. 1488

I appreciate the sentiment more than the literal meaning, there are many things hitler did that I can't agree with, like not gassing the kikes.

Various reasons but mainly because of property rights. In a NatSoc country, the women would NOT be the property of men, which is ludicrous. Not sure why a lot of people here are stuck on NatSoc when you can just go full traditionalist it's not that big of a leap.

The 88 doesn't mean Heil Hitler. It refers to David Lane's 88 precepts

sacrificing yourself to kindling the first flame even after knowing frampt had lied to you and forsaking kaathe's nihilism is the reddest of pilled endings to Dark Souls.

because this place is chock full of 15-18 year-old plebbit kids who want to be le edgy nazi's but their kosher brainwashed parents don't allow them to


because this place is chock full of 15-18 year-old plebbit kids who want to be le edgy nazi's but their kosher brainwashed parents don't allow them to

Thank you for your honesty, kike-kun. Ku-ku-ku~

Came here to post exactly this.

Not to mention NatSocs tend to be Germanboos, just like commies tend to be Russiaboos. I won't tolerate that kind of trash in my nation.

Y'all niggas postin' in a goon thread.

2bh I'd support technocracy movement, if there was one around, all it is is simply a more precisely defined meritocracy, and it can always call upon a scientific method and the success of science..
let's face it, out of all things out there the most successful so far was science
trough focusing purely on what works, being impartial, unbiased, continually testing and proving everything, you can not fail
the world is ruled by technocracy anyway
source: all fortune 500 companies being ran by engineers, all relevant armies in the world functioning thanks to satellites and missiles, all relevant politicians negotiating using said armies, all best economies around the world being possible solely thanks to technology


No that was just one of the many problems they had to contend with.

Bretty gud mods

Sort of wish I could read the original OP here, but I can just imagine this shill's anal devastation that his post was edited

Correct, what I have observed has solidified my opinion on the matter. A custom-tailored version of Fascism for my nation is the optimal solution. We are nothing like Germans or Germanics, associating with them in such an intrinsic way as adopting their custom-tailored ideology is nothing short of ridiculous. It feels like LARPing and makes me cringe all the same.

You'll want to read up on Mosley then.
He pointed out that fascism ultimately takes different forms in each nation to match the needs, culture and inclinations of its people.

Hence why British fascism supported the idea of fair trade with the colonies, and workers doing the same job throughout the empire receiving the same compensation.
Because the Brits had different circumstances to Germany and didn't really like the idea of sweatshops and so on.

The only thing industrialization provided more effectively spread Kikes revolutionary propaganda. Facism and National Socialism where not born from the "same source" as Communism and Liberalism. That is unless you mean that they where a reactionary moment in opposition to Communism and Liberalism in which case you are just passing the buck to shirk responsibility for whom is responsible for these historical chain of events.

Communism has little to do with liberalism.
Especially modern liberalism.

Both movements were born of the increasing industrialisation of society and everything it was changing.

Absolutely cucked.

This right here is why I will never become a Communist. It's an ideology based on tearing down degrading not just man, but all of existence. Normies view the Nazis as pure evil, little do they know the National Socialists of Germany had art, they film, they had morals, and they had ethics. The Nazis believed even a rabbit deserved to be treated with dignity and not tortured by inhumane treatment, while the Commies believed that not even man deserved to be treated humanely.

Communists do not believe in good and evil, they don't believe in compassion, so remember Holla Forums, treat them how they plan on treating you. Show them no mercy, for they are not worthy of being called people.


What happened to these fucks?

Which is why it's called "National Socialism" and not "German Socialism". Rockwell, Mosley, and various others all had their variations of National Socialism suited to their nations, and I'm sure plenty here have their own ideas as well.

That is the first time I have ever read something not degenerate and retarded in regards to a deviant art post.

It wasn't exactly a bad idea.

BEcause if the workers in say India need to be paid what an English worker is paid then there's no incentive for the capitalist to run to India to replace English workers with Indian ones.

If conditions in the colonies are decent then the colonial citizens won't revolt meaning no loss of British life keeping them in line.

The BUF's position was based on the fact that Britain ruled a global empire at the time.
Compared to Germany which had a single sausage factory in Africa somewhere.

Kike-kun must be so embarrassed. It sure would be a shame if the thread got bumped and more people saw the OP. Afu-fu-fu~



False, you're just a lolberg faggot.

wow, your nose is unusually large

Fucking /thread

Anime autists need to realize that even if anime was part of the board culture, that does not justify using it if you are a real National Socialist/white nationalist. If you say you're a NatSoc and you post anime, then honestly kill yourself, you're just worthless trash that compares something so magnificent as National Socialism to sexualized garbage tier cartoons.

Call me a goon, because that's all you pathetic losers can do :^)

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the pool party is two blocks down.

Looks like anime is the new gore since it makes retards go apeshit for hours on end.

wew natsoc purists really feel the need to tell fellow nationalists to kill themselves and be even more demoralising
because commies and libshits are totally not gonna outnumber the natsoc purists 100,000 to 1 after all the other nationalist/fascist goys have committed suicide


you are not as clever as you invasion yourself.

The blood on their hands will never wash off. I piss on their graves.


You're a few years late to the party, buddy.

I think you mean Nubians, my dude.


The jew fears the samurai.


say something bad about jews. I dare you.


We'll trade. I'll tell you that kikes are the root cancer exploiting and deconstructing european civilizations for millenia… and you tell me samurai… when they existed… were homosexuals

What's your question?

Hoppe is good shit, my eye caught on your post because hoppean snek memes have potential but the faceberg namefagging over it annoys the shit out of me. Helicopter meme is a good one as well, but just like TRS fags most of those people don't know when to let up and aren't fully behind what they espouse.

" Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

dis gonna be gud

So every last jew should be killed, right?

Definitely, and all weebs sucking tiny gook anime dick.

And then there's this faggot.

Pretty easy to see who is who.

because individualism is always defeated by group interest and the problem with the economic calculation problem only applies to a system where natural price mechanism are entirely abandoned and value is determined by the state. Moreover, Business cycle theory is based on the premises that Interest rates aka usury is valid and justifiable. Morality and ethics must come form a Higher order that is transcendental of man's law and must be immutable for justice to be measured. The state is the is the institution that enforces these ethical standards and for a nation to be just it must have a righteous leader. If that leader is not righteous then it is the moral duty of the strong men of the society to kill the corrupt and replace them with a new institution. Liberal Democracy, which enforces capitalism does not have the is built on a foundation of sand and their is no way of preserving any form of ethical enforcement of law which benefits those that exploit the system and covertly act in their group interest. That moral order comes form God. Under National socialism, that states roll is to enforce the ethical principles that is best suited for the people, if for a particular group.

That's wrong


Holla Forums was a place for redpilling folks',
then the jews came and fucked it up.
they weren't banned 'cos our mod is a kike and th' other a negro.

now it's redpilling days are mostly over
and left in it's wake are hate and larpers
larping day in and day out while staying
in their cave.

i wish, i wish for the old days, when there
were less hate and more thirst for knowledge.


The reason it seemed less hateful is that there weren't people shilling Holla Forums all the time trying to convince us we are something we're not, and we could have fun with it. It only seemed less hateful, but don't mistake it for actually being less hateful. Alll fucking niggers must fucking hang. Gas the kikes, race war now. Now that we have a flood of civic nationalist cuckolds, and anime has fused with mgtow cancer (years ago) and we don't have legitimate mods… hostility is rising and the hate is less playful.

that's why i try to get people to realise we need a new board. i bet you even israeli ip's aren't even banned here.

I agree. The economics of it are the only problem. Anyone could write this site in a week, but its expensive to maintain and pay for data. Same problem as always.

and this is now also a board of hate. the kikes want the white man to hate everything, that is why they larp as muslims for example. that is why they conduct false flags on behalf of them.

you don't have to "like" everyone of all races. but when everything turns into hate, everything turns to shit. we wouldnt even have much of a problem, or we wouldnt care, if muslims stayed in their countries… but the jew had to fuck that up. he got us to bomb their countries and in their countries he spread propaganda so that they would come to the west.

i constantly try to get people to realise: we have to fix the jewish problem first. the other issues can come afterwards. if you take a cue from the natsocs it wasnt a movement filled with hate. they had alliances with all kinds of people, muslims included. it was focused on the jew.

Where do you think you are?

learn to d&c you mouthbreathing fuck

Or we would create a website specifically just for one board?

You're a fucking idiot.


There is no longer a concensus here, it was cracked years ago. mgtow, anime, civic nationalism, trump, kek, magic, religion, etc… this board has been divided for probably longer than you've been here.

Not an argument.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

(108) :^)

when was civic nationalism taken seriously?

It's not concensus cracking if there is no concensus to crack moron.

Literally people in this thread preaching about "the good nigger" or "the good jews"… the shills have been shilling so hard and long people look at this as a "realistic" or "pragmatic" position… and regard anything to the contrary as purity spiraling.

ahh right
yeah i get that
i mostly see 'good jews' shite from Christians tbh

You get two responses because of how fucking stupid your post was.

I don't know. This has been a fun read, it's like that final solution sticky.
What the shills still don't understand is that no matter what they do they cannot stop it.
In this matter causality flows both ways and there is far to much pent up energy to turn this around. It's like those leftist fools think they would last seconds against the national guard.
We on the right actually have knowledge of tactics, strategy, weapons, explosives and the like. We also have all the guns.

I'm sorry, but high point doesn't count as a firearm.
And we would help the military in such a situation!
Yet they continue to double down.
They assume military support, and that they will know how to use guns.
This is the epitome of stupid.
Best timeline ever.

The only thing wrong with Holla Forums are the kikes that invade and post pro-nigger/pro-faggot/pro-kike fucking trash.

TRS, Murdoch Murdoch and other e-celeb faggots must fucking die

p o l c h a n . x y z
Oh it already existed. Thank for the link dude.

lol that post right after yours

It's light shilling at best. I've seen so much worse.

It's true. At this point a well informed moderate would likely begin to advocate for genocide.
The Jews have wronged us.

no im not and ive seen that video before. its quite good. ive also read a lot of books about national socialism, jews, etc. Have you read anything or are you just a memechild? i would think so because you are focusing on one thing you think iv'e got wrong instead of being constructive and talking about needing a new board… Are you a kike? Do you like our mod situation? Do you not think the kike in charge could do a better job of banning kikes? there's never, ever been as many kikes on the board as now. it's completely insane. we are subverted. we better just admit it and move on.

also, alliances with every other peoples against the jew should be encouraged. if there's one thing that will make the normie see the enemy of the whole world, it is something like that. do you think hitler was a i-hate-everything redneck on speed like the people here?? No, he wasn't, he didnt shy away from speaking truth about races or anything else, but his hate was mostly reserved for the infiltrators.

now all the normies see are unintelligent insane haters on a board the jews will paint as virgin basement-dwelling losers and we will have gained nothing.

you can't be pro-white without being anti-everyone else. Tribalism is a zero sum game, either your tribe is dominant and conquering others or its submissive and being dominated by others. Aryan supremacism is significantly more honest and powerful of a mindset than low energy white nationalism. Holla Forums is falling behind twittwr and other forums of NRx thought in this regard

I want to kill them

user. We are actually kek wizards

The very basis of Aryanism is the idea that aryans are the spiritual caste of humanity. The evolutionary apex race, therefore its their right to rule and inhabit the lands being occupied by mongrel races atm. Mass genocide will become the only solution when resource wars and bio weapons get out of hand. Coming to terms with mass genocide now is the only way forward.

Yes, and soon you will have a chance. Africa will be the battleground for proxy wars between Asia and the West.

You misunderstand. The only ones we want and NEED to kill are the filthy greasy judes.
Once the kikes are all dead, the rest can either fuck off and leave us alone or die where they stand.

You need a fucking gas chamber badly.


finally someone who gets it. one dont fight multiple wars at once, especially not with people who have the same enemy as you.

I don't think core Holla Forums is behind in this regard its just that we're being drowned out by all the noise here. I've argued here before, if we actually embraced the pursuit of our own excellence it would preclude wasting resources on other races. Every other race is simply consuming resources and suckling off of the fruits of white achievement. Chinks are civilizational scavengers, and kikes are parasites… I can imagine India would be the same as chinks if the poo in loos ever got going. Niggers are just animals and would die off without intervention, but in the even that we needed resources from Africa, India, or China we should wipe them out and take what we need. Imperium.


This is a better one.
Also why dont you know how to embed nigger faggot


nonwhites, in my opinion, are fine if they stay in their own territories, india for the indians, africa for the africans, asia for the asians, white countries for whites, etc. etc.

Genocide and extinction have been common for 200k years of our history (especially 11,000 years ago). It will happen again and it won't even have to come from us, likely an asteroid and a big shrink extinction level event (hopefull on China) to reset all of this. The edge in the future will be obtained by those races which can pass knowledge through the big shrink effectively… meaning that it must lay dormant for thousands of years and be rediscovered again once civilization recovers.

But they don't so, you being "ok" with an unreal situation is fucking meaningless. Go be an egalitarian faggot somewhere else imo.

>The latest wave of 4cuck refugees respond to shills and baitposts

I wonder how many times this cycle occurred.

Likely dozens, which is why you have symbols of previous aryan races found in archeological dig sites all over the world. This is likely the first time we've had the technology we have now though, to intervene and steer these asteroids away. For example, there are no other rovers on the moon unless buried under moon dust. Thankfully all of those resources are neglected and ignored, so we won't be able to stop it. The only thinks that have survived are stones and genes.

Is isolationism egalitarianism now?

I wonder what the limit is. What if we're never supposed to leave earth? What if civilization is a mistake?

I do not believe National Socialism is perfect or even ideal. But I want an end to degeneracy, disgenics, usury, and globalism; and National Socialism seems to be our best chance for achieving those goals. It seems only fascist doctrines even acknowledge these as problems at all. Thus, NatSoc, or at least some form of fascism is necessary to get us out of the mess (((democracy))) has made, so I still support it. I would gladly fight and die for fascism. My only real issue thoush is with government having that kind of power, who's to stop subversives from infiltrating and hijacking it a generation or two down the road? I never see anyone discuss this. It's the main problem of virtually all political systems. Service before citizenship would be a good start but that's not foolproof either. Any system will require extensive education to fully saturate the people with awareness of jewry, and its history, so that it can never come back rebranded. I can't see any other solution.

They're actually the offspring of prostitutes, like this author describes in pic related. That is why tribal affiliation is decided through matrilineal succession - because the race of the father was typically unknown.
Of course you would know this if you had been here longer than a month.

Modernity is absolutely a mistake, civilization is inevitable. Modernity is a consequence of civilizations degenerating into a materialistic mode abandoning the spiritual/traditional solar orientation. I think its possible to have the tech we have now without losing our identity, but its very hard. Holla Forums is the closest to finding this balance of anyone on the planet.

Maybe that's why they're so submissive to women.

Civilization seems like an outgrowth of the need to defend the race/tribe against war.

Nah, civilization is a phenomenon of our nature as social creatures and our search for collective knowledge and wisdom and the cultivation of and participation in culture. We also naturally want to make life easier and come together and solve problems (i.e., technology). The only thing pushing against this is the concept of ritual… why we do things the way we do them and should not "make them better." Culture is an accumulation of all the components of how we do things (ignore all the modern instances of this).

Are you me? Am more in tune with your line of thinking, this is pretty much the same issues I’ve had with National Socialism. The way I see it is If only Germans are Aryans, then what about other Europeans? What about the Slavs or the Mediterraneans are they inferior? Or what about those whites who are unfortunate enough to have jewish or shitskin ancensry, yet outwardly look white?

Not to to mention, what about the past? The “Aryan peoples” who historically lived in the area now know as Germany were fucking literal barbarians, while the so called inferior “Non-aryan” Mediterraneans had nearly the whole of Europe under it’s yolk?

And don’t even get me started with the paganism dude

It really is “we waz kangz” level of tom foolery

Just kill commies, deport non-whites from Europe and problem solved. If National Socialism didn’t rely so heavily on pseudoscience and historical revisionism then I would of gladly declared myself one a long time ago.

according to archaeologists and anthropologists civilization requires two different tribes/peoples to come into contact with one another in order to develop
ironically the very first 'modern' city was built when a nomadic semitic tribe migrated into the region where an indo-aryan tribe had settled




Implying barbarians are bad. You've only confessed your bias for materialistic comforts.

I think civilization is a combination of three factors: reproduction, war, and intelligence. If you combine reproduction and intelligence, you will get civilization eventually, because humans will be able to overcome almost every natural check on the number of individuals that a species can sustain. If you add war to the equation, the process is greatly accelerated.

Just as I've suspected. Civilization is a semitic concept.

What else where they 2,000 years ago?

Fuck that disgusting hive of liberal filth

Get the fuck outta here communist pig!

Its as if you can't not redditpost.

Even though people still don't notice, you are correct…thus far. It is however amusing, that you do not understand the weaknesses of your leaders' plot; biased by your own dumb beliefs.

You're a skilled shill, aren't you? faggot

Hi Goon-kun