Tucker takes on mass immigration Kike

Doesn't get past two minutes without "muh holocaust". Blames the 6 bajillion on America.

Smashing Kikes is our main course and daily bread.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is useful as a method of showing the jewish method of 'pilpul' and a good way of dealing with it, he's gotten more used to jewish rhetorical strategies. Bulldoze them when they try to reframe or bring in a wholly different circumstance. Don't let them kvetch. They'll give on every point but contest every step of the conversation, just keep focus.

His interview with the buzzfeed editor is a good example of being taken by surprise by that same pilpul method of debate.

Look at their motto:
Welcome the stranger

This comes directly from the Talmud:
Mishpatim (5768)
Do not ill-treat a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in Egypt.

Do not oppress a stranger; you yourselves know how it feels to be a stranger [literally, “you know the soul of a stranger”], because you were strangers in Egypt.

Mishpatim contains many laws of social justice

"You must always side against the gentile establishment because the gentile establishment was against you at one time"

This is literally a core tenant of their religious worldview.



But remember, the goyim are the unfair persecutors!

I firmly believe in a paradox that only people who believe in projecting are capable of projecting. The jew is insular because their vaunted intelligence doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny. A complete lack of scruples doesn't equal intelligence or cunning, just amorality. The problem with the jew is that it creates a complete vacuum in order to fulfill their mandate to make others subservient while also being like them. They have their ethnocentrism while the subverted society only has nihilism and despair, that leads to their demise as those who don't fall for the lie of a purposeless existence find the cartoonish looking culprit behind most of this abyss.

Tucker's fucking based.

Notice the kike smile every time he gets called out on his bullshit.



Tucker should post a $100,000 reward for any heeb who can come onto his show and directly answer a question of Tuck's choosing. Trump Carlson 2020.

Carlson has got to be /ourguy/

He misses a lot of opportunities to make solid points, and seems to hang with the bants but if you actually watch him its mostly just contradicting his guests. "well I don't see it like that but we've got to go now thanks for coming on" type of shit. He could/should hammer the fact that there are 95+ million people unemployed in this country, but nobody mentions this stat. It makes the case BY ITSELF that we have no room to support a single immigrant whether legal, illegal, refugee, etc… we have no room and they should fuck off. They will immediately land on welfare, and you can look at national debt and entitlement spending and instantly make the case that we can't support the additional load of more people suckling on the government teet.

tl:dr Tucker is either a dope or controlled opposition put in place to make conservatives look like they have no arguments.


Another example:

Freud and his work is actually just an examination of the kike mind. When you think about it that way, everything fits like with the whole pedo incest shit etc.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW, they know how fucking hated they are

This is directly from their website.

Pitches kikes to give money.

Never mind it is referring to the non-Jews living among Jews, as in the Palestinians.

This is a way for kikes to make money. Plain and simple. They take one verse from the Talmud and twist it to create a government funded group supported by Jews. Then they buy a million dollar home in West LA.

They also get to feel morally superior to the very gentiles they live off, while destroying their cultural heritage and taking their nation from them.


He played his hand way too early cause he brings it up again just before the 4 min mark
HAHA, that evil Trump made him work on shabbat.
OOOOOY VEY muh sheckles, dont touch muh sheckles, we do a lot for those sheckles filthy Tucker
Nice one, that Tucked that heeb in, he dropped that shit after that

Yep, too often seeing these tucker clips has me unsatisfied, I'm not exceptional from the rest on /pol, comments regularly hit the mark so imagine if "Holla Forums" were the interviewer.

that's mostly because of time limits due to the nature of having a cable tv show. you can only do so much interviewing a kike in under 10 minutes, most of which is spent wasted on the jew's circular logic and deflection.

besides, we all know that if you hammer directly with the major questions, they'll just go quiet and probably walk off the set.

proper 'interrogation' is the only method of coercing the truth out of the twisted Hebrew mind.


can do all this for shitskins that don't even speak english or love america, but couldn't do it for any of the homeless or destitute already here. fuck all kikes.

Okay, if you want people not to point out this e-celeb nonsense, why do you direct link and not post a webm?

Now I can see why the immigration act is blamed on (((them))).

The kike was priming viewers with the '1965' bullshit, for when they start kvetching about the 1965 act being repealed.

I agree. He never actually brings up counter arguments, he just prevents the Kike from going full 'OY VEY'

Makes you wonder what Freud was getting at with his theory that his ancient kike ancestors murdered Moses and lied about it

The 1965 immigration act was literally written by jews, completely their bill.

I see no problem. This finesse bullshit is wasting time. In an ideological war you take your strongest points, forge them into the sharpest rhetoric, and repeat them ad nauseum to saturate the collective consciousness of the people. Like I said… controlled opposition.

To be fair he did bring up this bill, but he didn't bring up the fact that Ted Kennedy argued specifically that it would not change the demographics of the United States. He didn't hammer it for being a trojan horse for generating votes for communists stealing from the native population and giving away free shit for votes.


From: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_and_Nationality_Act_of_1965

This guy:

gets it.

You can't debate a Kike. They learn how to deflect, red herring, strawman and perfect every other logical fallacy through their Talmudic head bobbing argumentation sessions. Their religion is to deflect logical argument and hide the truth.

Best thing is to just find their nerve and press on it. Let him squirm and shift but never let go. Keep coming back to the same point for the entire 10 minutes. That is the way you defeat a Jew.

He will never admit defeat, or play by rules, but you have shown the viewer that he is a cheater. That is all that matters. We are not here to help the Jew but to help others see what he is.



I found one in a one search, but if you actually just put some effort into finding noses that are up to coincidences, you will be astonished. Thanks user.

If your bored, download Culture of Critique for an overview of some of the jewish involvement in major (((movements))). It's a decent introduction and you can dive further into specific events.


Holy fuck, how have I not heard of this man. All the Jews started kvetching when he put out the book AND he lives in Commiefornia.


Hard back 1st edition like new will run you a few hundred. I think I paid 3-600. Worth it.

Part 1

Part 2

By allowing the pro-refugee people to speak and act like they care you're allowing them to appear empathetic and caring, humanitarian… like what Chuck Schumer did with his comment about Trumps policy being "mean" while he stood up crying. Jews are actors, and if you give them the chance they will steal the show. You've got to smash it with solid rhetoric and box them in.

Get reading. Also you can look into McCarthy. He was right and kikes took him down because communism is jewish and too many of them were being found. Cohen and another were "helping him" only to subvert it all like usual.

Jesus christ it is exactly this

These fucking kikes:
So what are the American values then? How many refugees should we take?

This kike is getting all of his rhetoric crossed up. Nice job tucker.

Translation: I don't give a fuck about these people I just want to look better than you.

And Tucker told the audience that this kike is getting federal money to bring the animals in. I swear to Kek this is bigger than just Trump being president. You don't set stuff up like with without knowing what's going on and who is behind it. We're watching a civil war being waged without rifles and bombs. It's a war for the minds of white Americans. This entire year is going to big. America is going to be continuously fed red pills from the White House and media sources.



This is why I hate that there's a 'black history' month right after Inauguration.

Top fucking wew

I can't remember the time I saw someone in the MSM grill a kike like this; it seems like Tuck's power level is increasing daily.

I like this thread, but OP is a faggot because he can't inb4.

Here's the fun part though: What exactly has Trump done for black history month besides entertain some negro community kangz? I've only heard some lip service from him and Spicey Spicer:

This the biggest ruse ever. They think everything is business as usual and everyone who is behind Trump is slowly bringing everything the kikes have been doing to the surface. I think that's why were need to be patient. Hit normies with too much info and they'll shut down. Make it obvious what you're doing and kikes with have time to cover.

Uh why doesn't he relocate them in Israel?

Shit dude.

this is good shit

Typical tricks there mer- Schlomo.

Fox News is of the same cloth as CNN

Franklin Roosevelt was a Republican President. Oh wait, no he wasn't. I like how the Washington comPost avoids mentioning who the president was at the time (1933-1945):


Lel, his guests never answer any of his questions.

It's pretty much sophistry, right?

It all began with the bowtie, when he got rid of it his testosterone levels increased.

Don't forget the token " 'but why isn't there a white history month? :^)' [smug/angry nigger reaction]" virtue signaling on social media.

It's like Hitler said. They'll melt into a gel and slip through your fingers, before forming up again on the ground. It's impossible to gain a firm grasp on them without Herculean persistence and strength.