Why is there only a very small handfull of games that let you play as an older women?
I mean Sure there's usually a token milf in some games but most of the time they aren't even an important npc. God forbid they're able to be romanced.
Post your favorite /ara/
/Ara/ in Vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
I dunno. How come there are so few games now where you get to play as little boys?
I picked up Bayonetta the other day and it's fucking great. I'm excited to emulate the second one.
Thats a good question
Why aren't people doing thing differently?
Because it was figured out that little boys don't necessarily identify with or want to BE little boys in their imaginations and little (for lack of better words) power fantasies.
Same thing with mouth breathing dudebros.
Nor do any GURL GAMERZ LOL who would rather play as cutesy animals instead of as a little boy if they only had a choice between the two.
man if the ps4 wasnt shit i probably would have gotten that
Why is /ara/ trying so hard to start porn threads here lately? We don't want old hags and used goods. Keep that shit on your board, and don't leave until you develop some taste.
mushi mushi baitu desu
what does she do to make them feel better?
Because only people with shit tier fetishes and oedipus complexes would give a shit about that.
What's bait about telling you fags to stay on your /ara/ board?
It's like you're trying to force a meme that liking old, fat chicks is a good thing and it's just annoying.
Thank you for coming back after mark the kike deleted previous thread
Stay mad that no one wants your boney hips blistering their skin when you try to snuggle, skele-tan
Pretty fun.
Why did it even get deleted, shit was more vidya than most of the posts on this site
Most people don't want to play as their mother or one of their mothers friends.
best vidya /ara/
She takes them out to get ice cream :)
That got he so hard
Mandatory ara~
I wouldn't want to play as my mom. I would totally play as a hot 2D milf though.
Go home, Marche.
Oh hey, are you the same guy that commissioned the 34-san one?
Does Nyotengu count as Ara?
Would you a game starring Momanon as she explores her way naively through a collection of funalso lewd minigames?
I like my women how I like my vidya backlog: with variety. Borderline braindead moeblob lolis just don't cut it for me anymore.
Is that you Marche?
Isn't Marche just the hivemind that posts that furry from wakfu?
not everybody has an Oedipus complex, user
Eileen the Crow may or may not be a mother but she's definitely an older lady. She says that her age is catching up to her, or something similar.
Most Holla Forums aras come from Nintendo properties.
Fucking U-tan is an ara
A friend of mine is depressed, so if anyone has decent /ara/ stories that would cheer them up. Sage for not contributing.
I could write something if you like
Can Shirona really be considered ara? She just seems like a tall young woman to me. She's probably 25 at the very most, but I guess her real age ranges between 19 and 23.
I meant real ones, or "real" ones, but thanks anyway. If you want to, you could, but you don't need to.
Gross, do you like single mothers or something?
More Camilla 4U.
I am disappoint
Good luck cheering up your friend user
I know it sounds like it's for me, but it isn't. I don't really like 3D myself. I do tend to like /ara/ though.
Thanks for offering.
dubs confirm. this is the taste of a man that tells the truth
Best girl
I see your point. I think she may just be depicted as one in fan works due to her showing up rather frequently since her debut and taking an interest in the younger player character every time.
Thank you bb
You're welcome
In Japan anything above 25 is disgusting.
In anime a character in his thirties is called grandpa.
I have to agree with Japan.
Well yeah, but in Japan anything above 3 years old is already fuckable.
Also, only women that haven't married before 25 are disgusting. If they were married before that age, they are still passable.
fellas, we're going on a trip, an all you can eat buffet with cakes is waiting
Hope you like your cakes with cream in them
3D asian old women aren't curvy or sexy at all. They're just saggy skinnyfat wrecks.
any vidya with romanceable older women that isn't strictly porn?
Like not even animu does this such an unexplored territory tbh
you know it
you gotta know where to look, user
the weird ones do
Wynne was actually one of the characters I liked most in Dragon Age Origins. Shame she's pretty unimportant to it all.
You madr this same template thread yesterday, OP
Confirmed for retarded. Check em, redditfag
oh shut up
that said,
too bad the game isn't as amazing as it should be and the self-insert doesn't have SMT-levels of dialogue choices for every scene like a good JRPG
still better than Awakening, for what it's worth
She isn't even /ara/, you dumb Fatescuck, and Fates is as shit as Awakening and the Japanese voice cast is as shit as the English cast
Best part of Bloodborne was finding a character that could capture your heart stronger than the Souls Game Attendant (in this case the Doll, usually Maiden in Black or the Firekeepers)
is this the disgusting futa scat garbage?
She outright says ara~, and usual gameplay it's almost constantly. It's one of her voice clips.
She's also got the perfect shape and voice of an ara~
Her personality is pretty much "Quite Yandere Ara~"
Your bait needs sharpening
Fates may be shit but at least we got this excellent semen demon from it
There's literally nothing wrong with playing and liking the newer Fire Emblem games (as long as you do not give Nintendo any money and pirate the games that is)
What does the actual word "ara" mean anyway?
I know what it refers to, but not what it means.
Cripple Kike let me post
you seem very invested if you keep posting you fucking nigger
shoo shoo, off to reddit with you>>9164644
that's 99% of what Radiohead does now.
And use that one translation patch that restores the original content.
Demand controls the market.
Demand from otakus is for prepubecent girls. This was mostly caused by "my little can't be this cute"
So until demand canges, pfft hahaha, we are stuck with pedos. Oh sorry have to be oc about that word. They prefer liking, not pedo, lolis.
Oh, I forgot to mention that.
Ohh yea, i was going to replay that game.
Thy not just use the nip one and install the translation patches?
If you say so.
I hope she ended up going back home and living a comfy life.
In Japanese it translates to "Oh, my!"
Is there anything in the pipeline now?
Better Scathach ara
Gay ara?
Fuck off, kike.
This Fire Emblem bitch aint even a mom.
You didn't finish the game, did you?
but you can make her one!
Why not both lolis and /ara/?
that is the biggest fucking amiibo jesus fucking christ
Yara, yara. You're not attracted to an old delinquent like me, are you?
how dead is the /ara/ board?
top tier taste user
What server?
currently 0 PPH and 5 active users, I guess we /ara/ users are scattered around the main boards.
We need some life though.
A-user.. Did you ever talk to Djura?
I'm sure that exists, I'm just to lazy to find it
give source to that
No Wii-U emulator, fam.
Bayo 2 sold like half as much as the first one. Enormous blunder releasing on the Wii-U.
The one poor sap who decides to go third party for Nintendo and wouldn't ya know the sales are nothing. What a rewarding business partnership!
You're wrong.
Nintendo actually is the only reason there is a Bayonetta 2.
There's more to an Ara~ but the defining trait is the age and personality. An Ara~ is either incredibly cute because of how shy she is for being a Christmas Cake or she's sly and seductive.
Virgin Ara~ are best Ara~
She's great, but she's had two kids as of SC3 I think. They star in SCV
Used goods.
Why didn't you post the actually iconic Ara~?
Isabella is a virgin
All of you faggots needs to go back to /ara/ and post stuff in the milfication thread. Do it for your horsemom.
I want a game where you play as really thick milf. Bayonetta too skinny.
I'm surprised the goons havent shown up screaming about templates and spamming dubs until their good goy mod deletes the thread like usual.
But then i remembered its not american hours yet.
It looks like she's just got muscle instead of skin
nonononono, cougars are washed-up whores who are only here for a one night stand. Also, they are ugly and the hide hit under a shit load of makeup.
Aras are not cougars. They are pure and beautiful.
u cheeky cunt m7
Is that "bloody-eyes-ghost-thing" an Ara?
Only one way to find out
I'm just saying that because I'd actually take that to a nice dinner and then bring her home for some hot coffee.
This thread seems to like them fat and washed-up
It seems you are still quite inexperienced by putting cougars and milfs in the same place. I suggest you go to >>>/ara/ to understand the concept of love from another mother.
belongs in the trash
But I always choose Chunners!
Lewd pics of me?!?
Twilight princess goes full ara ara, but only for like 3 minutes
Maybe the one with the shit taste is you, user
user…you are a person after my own heart.
office lady chun when
this shit count?
this shit count?
this shit count?
this shit count?
m8 delete you script
Fucking cripplekike same thing happened to me yesterday couldn't post the fucking pig porn, was trying for like half an hour before I gave up
I deleted the post script for flood detected errors and it works fine for me now. Maybe your toaster needs to be replaced.
The only good thing about Lightning is she was giving the Ara-ara to Hope.
But user
Hope rides alone
But I will say Android and Yakuza are best incarnations of Ara~ in this pic
Pretty sure he wants to ride the lightning
I'm pretty sure the Lightning wants to ride him too….
Then you go
Office lady best lady.
What does a 3dpd Christmas cake look like?
I've never seen one if i'm going by 2d
Do you have the full pic of the one on the left?
any good chinese cartoons or comics with a 30year old MC looking for some ara love?
maybe asians age better.
From 20 to 50 all asian women don't age. Then they hit 51 and from there until death at 120 they look like gross wrinkle midgets.
My porn is so limited
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I miss Oakland, he was like the only namefag I didn't hate. And he had decent taste in 3D asian christmas cakes/milfs, if I recall.
Aw man thanks for reminding me of him, dook, and FLOAT
You are the cancers.
It's a damn shame this one doesn't do porn.
That said I already came inside my onahole 3 times today watching the few I could find.
Are there any pics of her in more elegant clothing?
No, her facebook posts were rather limited to those.
Pick one Holla Forums
the sofa.
3, 4, or 5 leaning more towards 4
1 on my face and 3 on my cock, duh.
Sofas = best waifus.
Who'd have thought?
I want I to hold me down, kiss my body, play with my butt using a few fingers and then ride me, facing me, to completion. She'd then fall asleep on my chest and I'd wake up to a little drool on my chest where she's lightly breathing with a grin on her face, still passed out.
holy shit.
man i knew that guy on like msn chat back in the day
he had a good stash of porn but holy fuck he was a complete weirdo to actually talk to
Patrician taste, user.
I'd be that spider's loving companion.
don't misunderstand, I like titties a lot, probably even more than you if my 23 gigs of paizuri are to be believed.
there's a line between deliciously big chest and breasts that would better serve as ballasts for a battleship. The kind that go past sexy and into unsightly.
tio tip toes that line constantly. Her art is seriously hit and miss, either the titties look great or they look ghastly, even cerea passes over and has shitty looking scenes, just not as frequently. too bad horse pussy is covered in shit
This man knows his shit.
Too much of a good thing is too much.
Horse pussy is shit. You'd know that if you weren't a closet furry.
Tionishia is also a best, especially after that last chapter
>comparing monstergirls to furfaggotry
>being in denial about your furfaggotry
>thinking feminine dick isn't gay
You're right, horsepussy is closer to straight up bestiality
>implying futa on girl is gay
Monstergirls are just otherkin furries.
I brought it up because it requires similar mental gymnastics to be able to call it something other than it is.
someone post futa monstergirl ara
please my dick is starving
checked for truth.
I'd argue futa on female is less gay to be viewed than normal porn.
/monster/ fucking hates dicks unless it involves alps, so that would be pretty fucking rare. I share your need though
Someone post a fucking vidya ara. This thread's gone too far off track.
Don't judge me. We're all here for a reason.
Right, because this is sure furry, isn't it.
people who like alps need to be thrown in the matango pit.
No, you're right that's not furry.
That's an otherkin necrophiliac fetish.
Which is perhaps the most fucking gayest shit on the planet I can't even figure out the words to describe how much of a special degenerate snowflake you are.
I don't think you even know what "otherkin" means, user.
I'd call it a specialized branch of furrydom.
Here we go with the rationalization.
Are you just reading off random words from tumblr blogs at this point?
pics related faggot
What if I enjoy the matango pit?
I don't, and I don't want to.
Not liking the fact that you're drifting into the tumblrfag spectrum?
To bad, snowflakes.
Better question: how big is the rock you've been living under for the past two decades?
"Ara~ user-kun. Don't you want to lick it like a lollipop?"
I have absolutely no fucking clue what you're getting so salty about.
You're a tumblrfag who belongs on tumblrchan because you have a tumblrkin fetish.
That is absolutely in excess of two big handfuls.
Hush. Ignorance is bliss.
Love the first and second pic..
Not when the ignorant are jabbering their retarded jabbering's around you it's not.
Well you've indeed shown a remarkable desire to remain ignorant and "jabber" like a retard, so I suppose you're correct.
Remember when you were a teenager and thought you knew jack about shit?
They'll grow out of it, or die stupid. Either way, these things have a way of working themselves out in time.
Oh no, a tumblrkin fetishist is calling me ignorant. How will I ever recover from such a deep insult from such a wise and sound mind oh nooooooowait I'm surprisingly unaffected funny that
Forgot my spoiler, but apparently I can't repost what I deleted because it already exists in this thread, somehow.
This site never ceases to shit the bed.
Women in Uniform!
You're trying too hard and it's fucking hilarious. Keep going, but post ara~ vidya.
Here's your reply.
Ayy, now you're learning.
Requesting police uniforms if you've got any.
Thank you. It's all I ever wanted.
I know what he's talking about and he's absolutely correct, even if he's being faggy about it.
You'd know too, if you were old enough to lurk for longer than just last year.
Just as much as time spent doing anything else.
There's no shame in admitting to being a newfriend.
Inter(national)pol(ice) Chunners
Reminder to all those who are saying fire emblem
im want to know too, but something that isnt lewd centered.
Both of you get out.
I came here when 4 Holla Forums and 8 Holla Forums was doing some swag chaos engines in besiege alpha 0.02
So am i oldfag or newfriend?
I knew someone would apreciate it
Scathach is my go to in so many SMT games
Please help
1 Delia the best
You know what to do, user
She's like twice my age man, and she gives me pie.
Well shove your cock in her fucking pie
I'm not following here, I don't think that's how you use pie.
Was success part of your plan?
She wants it user, consider yourself lucky. You have a thirsty milf right next door who enjoys giving you pie.
You should offer to do some yardwork for her or help her move furniture around. I'd have no doubts the sight/scent of a sweaty, hardworking younger man flexing what he's got right in front of a thirsty af ara will get her gushing.
Holy fuck you sound like the average shota.
Yeah, nah, put me off of Sophitia forever.
Both are shit, just like Polt. It's simply a moneygrab maneuver by creators to include furry part of the market.
where da hot mommies at
as long as it's just 2D women and nothing else
Le pickle man so randumn rawr XDDDDDD
This shit writes itself
Couch is better
Dude, if the scenery is decent enough, you should go for it.
This thread both makes me happy and sad that /ara/'s a thing and that it will continue to be a dead board.
How about mama Dhalsim?
Outside of all of this shitposting and lewd dumping, I really do want an cake or even a warrior milf motivated by motherly instinct.
Like seriously, I would love a full-fledged game, especially an RPG or action adventure with this concept. No highschool kids tagging along, just a beautiful grown woman doing the right thing.
Most older women that you can even perceive to be older are usually villainess sorceresses.
Now give her a creampie in return.
I liek mudkipz
End my life
I could be convinced to swap I and III, or IV and V.
You look like you would enjoy a camping trip. Kindly get >>>/out/
Great taste, user!
A shame, isn't it? There's so much shit taste out there and they need to come into ara/monstergirl threads to try and spread it.
definitely I
friendly reminder that if the ara doesn't have jeans (shorts optional but recommended), a sweater, or a uniform, it's a shit ara
Yukata's/kimonos are great
Clothes do not maketh the milf
hell yeah!
Oh, the things I'd do to her. Like run my fingers through that lovely silky looking hair.
She looks like she could do voice acting.
Best girl
She's in Super Robot Wars so she counts.
damn right
Don't forget she's already married to a guy who can kill you without breaking a sweat.
Plus that comic showing how they met, holy fuck that was beautiful
I love it when you guys do this. Trying to deny that people are into Lamias and shit like that by bringing up ghosts or things that look humans. Just admit that you like weird stuff. Even the Dullahan is pretty weird.
/monster/ is so autistic that they are trying to "fix" Cu Sith by making her look like Cheshire Cat.
Gabh transna ort fhéin, cacceannri
I didn't mean it like that. I mean that they are using the same style of design as stuff like Hellhound and Cheshire Cat.
I've fapped to a lot of horrible shit over the years, but bringing that up with a happily married couple is over the line. Report to your nearest gas chamber for a free trial.
I've always wanted your mom in Pokemon to play a bigger role. Instead of just seeing you off and giving you shoes she would be a capable trainer that helped you along the way, even fighting the enemy team with you in double battles.
I thought it would be cool if one of the plot twists was that in the end your mom is actually the Champion of the region.
This thread needs more Miranda pictures
It does but then id be doing a image dump and thats just lame
Maybe take a look at my board
Ara, ara~
Where's my bara?
Got a source for that, brudder?
Happy Ara Ara day
definitely better than default /ara/
I'm surprised that this thread is still alive.
Good to see more /ara/ in games.
Requesting source
Nice! How about /ara/ with massive dicks using lolis like onahole fairies?
Christmas cake nigger.
Fuck I need to learn to draw
Don't listen to the other anons
Make sure you try to use a condom and if she tries to wiggle out of it she's trying to get pregnant.
It's anecdote like this that motivate me to meditate and concentrate so I can attain this myself