There it is… that 6 million number designed to trigger your deeply ingrained emotional response programming.
> … in the country illegally could be considered priorities for deportation, according to calculations by the Los Angeles Times. They were based on interviews with experts who studied the order and two internal documents that signal immigration officials are taking an expansive view of Trump’s directive.
And you thought 2016 was a wild ride, this is going to be beautiful.
8 million isn't nearly enough to fix our demographic crisis, but consider he's only been President for 2 weeks, I've been blown away by the Emperor's rapid pace at implementing his agenda. If 8 million are going to be deported now, 30 million might sound reasonable a year from now.
We have too many subversives and cuckservtives within our own government, like the Washington federal judge who blocked Trump's immigration EO. We need to purge our commies first before Trump's complete agenda can be put into action.
William Wood
That's a good start I suppose.
Xavier Carter
Ann Coulter put the number of illegals at 30 million in Adios America. So, how does Donald intend to make up the difference?
Brayden Ortiz
lel, yeah it's going to be chaos alright.
Oliver Cox
Henry Stewart
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
Gavin Parker
Liam Davis
Have you learned nothing?
Christian Price
Apparently enforcing the law is chaos, not leaving your borders open and letting who the fuck knows have free reign in your country.
Ian Wood
I fucking hate this argument, mostly because I don't like mexican food. “There's nothing good about diversity, other than the food, and we don't need 128 million Mexicans for the restaurants.” IRON ANN SPEAKS TRUTH
Aaron White
gas yourself kike
Evan Reed
There's no way she's wrong on this though since the "11 million number" is decades old.
Jose Perez
Once the gibs stop coming and the criminals get kicked the fuck out the rest will either go home voluntarily or starve.
Juan Barnes
Angel Allen
I laugh every time some libshit brings up "muh food". Burritos and tacos aren't even fucking Mexican food, they're Tex-Mex. Spics eat shit like ant eggs and corn fungus.
Samuel Brooks
Anthony Adams
well even if it was, like I say let chaos rule
Tyler Reed
That's a lot of jobs opening up. (assuming most of those eight million have jobs)
Ryan Jackson
They sure love memeing this chaos bit lately.
Easton Lewis
You better buckle your seat belt then because once he has all of his nominations in place you're going to start seeing 88 EOs per day.
Ayden Adams
How many nominations does he have in place and how many are missing?
Dominic Kelly
Feels So Good knowing We've Gotten The Guy we've been looking for..
Mason Brooks
It's going to be a holocaust folks. Taco joints shut down, temporary shortages of lettuce, angry foreign governments having to repatriate their own citizens. Terrible stuff.
Easton Young
How is this even a conversation on CY+2 pol/
William Cook
He is going to stop the rigging of the silver markets which will make beaners rich in Mexico because they're one of the top silver producers in the world. Spic will be wanting to go home because at the same time things will get shitty here during the global financial reset.
Jose Bell
Sure, but to use Ann Coulter as a source for that is hilariously retarded.
Parker Nelson
Juan Allen
Per month, or per week?
Nathan Gray
Lucas Jones
Oh no, they might have to actually hire American High school or College students for farm jobs like they used to. The horror!
William Smith
Donald promised not to separate families. I was hoping he would have found a work around to deport the families with their illegal relative and strip them of their citizenship as a bonus.
Tyler King
These dumb niggers don't seem to understand that we've been wanting little Juan and Maria pried off the government tit and tossed over the wall for 25 fucking years.
Jose Miller
You’re a retard. It’s only 8 because that’s only the first wave.
Charles Wilson
Yeah no kidding, that point is lost on a lot of people.
Jaxson Carter
I haven't kept track, but I'd take a rough estimate that not even half have been confirmed. It's staggering that his AG Sessions still hasn't been confirmed, and then he has a SCOTUS nominee which will be a dogfight to get through.
Once Trump can appoint another SCOTUS judge or two, however, he will control the courts and there will be literally no opposition to his EO's. (((RGB))) kept falling asleep during the inauguration and there's no way she has 4 years left in her, plus Breyer and Kennedy are both about 80. It is not inconceivable that Trump could appoint 4 judges to the SCOTUS in his first term and inevitable should he win a second.
Adam Bennett
eurofag here, whats the chance of 8 mil. people actually being deported?
Adam Young
Other than Ann's book, are there other sources to what the real number of illegals in America looks like? I know muh 11million is ancient disinfo at this point.
Joseph Brown
You're the one who has to fear the Cartels Paco, you, and your entire extended family HAVE TO GO BACK
Kayden Hill
Very realistic, assuming Trump can get his people in the government and purge the traitors. The popular support is there but it will probably take at least a year to get the proper officials appointed to their positions.
Dylan Hughes
I'm literally salivating at the thought of that many non-pozzed SCOTUS judges.
Eli Richardson
100%. What’s the chance of 12 mil. people actually being deported? 100%. What’s the chance of 17 mil. people actually being deported? 100%. What’s the chance of 22 mil. people actually being deported? 100%. What’s the chance of 30 mil. people actually being deported? 100%.
Luis Gomez
Is it that fucking hard to decapitate someone? Fucking Mexicans are machismo obsessed faggot manlets, holy shit.
Kevin Cox
102%, with a 2% margin of error.
Jonathan Fisher
| | |
As if we can't follow a fucking recipe better than them. Besides it's just like the poo in loos and chinks, the immigrants that open restaurants aren't superstar chefs back in their home countries they are just random swarthy immigrants who are largely uneducated and cook dog shit compared to the authentic dishes.
kys kike
It's possible that many will leave but not forcibly. Perhaps 3-4mill by force and the rest just running away. If they get E-verify implemented it would be 20 mill.
The sources are cited in her book, start there.
Justin Powell
Joshua Wilson
If you cut welfare for all of them and then actually round up 8 million, the rest will self deport. Or they dig in and declare war, in which case we drone them to death.
Mason Jackson
They'll probably go to Canada if you take away welfare.
Ryan Fisher
Speaking of foreign business owners, how in the fuck are so many of them able to open convenience stores, gas stations and tobacco shops? I would be lying if not wanting to hand another dollar over to some smug pajeet or rude mudslime wasn't a huge motivational factor in me quitting smoking.
Ryder Rodriguez
I guess I'll have to buy her book then. I was hoping to get source material sooner than that for argument's sake. Illegal immigrants are a popular topic in the shithole area of the world I am in.
Hudson Garcia
What a terrible follow up suggestion
Xavier Myers
An interesting side effect of this, is that you can now deport illegals just by challenging them to a fight, and beating the shit out of them. Is Trump trying to meme RWDS into reality?
Elijah Brown
We really need to deport about 150 million people.
Gabriel Harris
Slow down cowboy. I'll give you 50 million.
Brandon Ross
Who bets that the people who ever said that Mexican food argument only ate at Taco Bell?
Alexander Peterson
Fine, this is a reasonable compromise. I'll guess we'll keep that extra 100 million and watch the American soap and lampshade industries skyrocket.
Austin King
Chipotle, user. It's always fucking Chipotle.
Hudson Rogers
Austin Allen
When will someone finally call out the kikes on a grand stage again? It's been too long since Uncle Adolf.
Andrew Garcia
inb4 federal judge blocks him on this too. I fucking hate these people.
Kayden Ward
There is going to be a lot of resistance from State governments and authorities but they can be prosecuted for harboring illegals. Its probably going to happen but only after a fuckton of kicking and screaming and the judenpresse whining about the trail of beans 24/7.
Liam Clark
I know it feels good, but you need to STOP MASTURBATING
Asher Campbell
They know not what they meme.
Chaos is our source of strength.
Cameron Mitchell
Honestly I don't understand all the opposition to Calexit. I can guarantee that shitskins and anti-white liberals would flee there en masse to escape Trumps "fascia" America while all non-cucked Cali whites (the few remaining) would come to us. We'll build a giant wall between us and them and within ~5 years when their liberal utopia has collapsed, we can send in our newly rebuilt military and conquer our old territory again.
Jonathan King
Actually we can physically deport 50 million, and the other 100 million may self deport.
Nathan Ramirez
If we deport 8 million and eliminate the benefits, the rest of the illegals would leave on their own accord.
Even these cucurachas don't want their doors kicked in the middle of the night, their dogs killed, slammed to the ground and handcuffed, and thrown in a cold bus and shipped in shackles for 6 hours over the border.
Robert Gomez
should be 88 million
Asher Cruz
The United States is the most powerful nation in the world due in no small part to having two coasts worth of ports and both oceans. Commifornians can fucking leave, but giving up the land itself isn't an option. Americans died to take it, more Americans don't need to die taking it back again.
Jason Harris
Sebastian Clark
I'm no advocate of ceding territory, I just realize that we're in a particularly dire situation and ~50% of our own countrymen voted for the globalist and anti-white policies of Hillary Clinton over Trump. It's a miracle that there were enough real Americans left to elect Trump, but 10 years from now (if current demographic trends continued), it's entirely conceivable that Trump never would have had a shot at winning the Presidency.
Unfortunately there isn't a giant natsoc army at our disposal just waiting to initiate DOTR so we might need to consider pragmatic alternatives to fixing our demographic problems. Emancipating some territory to establish a shitlib paradise could inspire most of our shitskins and liberals to immigrate there voluntarily, and after they fail (it's inevitable), we would re-annex our lost land.
Matthew Jenkins
Just wait until all the hollywood movies come out about the "horrors of the deportation". None of us will see them (unless they're ironically amusing), but look how many paid to see "Hidden Figurers". We're in for some massive cultural clashes.
Leo Hughes
Angel Gutierrez
as if I can't learn how to cook something someone with a 3rd grade education working out of the back of a truck can.
Tyler Richardson
The comments section isn't looking too good for The LA Times editorial line.
Isaiah Richardson
The article is near the top of drudge at the moment.
Oliver Reed
Gabriel Kelly
Of by one fuck me
Lincoln Taylor
Luke Ross
Blocking/Slowing down AG Sessions is probably all about trying to burn and remove all the evidence of the absolute mountain of crimes and insanity the Clintons and many others were hoping to preside over and expand. If true, it's incredibly obvious. And if true, I want Sessions, Trump and Mattis go nuclear and arrest every single one of them going back thirty years or so.
Isaac Morales
kek, that doesn't help either.
Jason Green
Samuel Edwards
O.. okay Jesus.
James Baker
Another benefit of even suggesting enforcement is to show just how many ways these parasitical niggers have their tentacles in the U.S. benefits pie. Joe Normal is struggling to get his kid eyeglasses, pay rent and groceries while these useless invaders feast on the gravy train. Not looking good for the left.
Evan Mitchell
All it takes is for a jihadist to be a little trigger happy to blow away the judge and nullify any further judge interference. And Trump also proved to the MSM and jews that there is no memory holing that'll get past him and the public (i.e. the berkeley riots)
Brayden Fisher
Nathaniel Cook
fuck off, nofap
Henry Martin
Not at all, the cartels are just total fuckwits. They're below even ISIS, at least mudslimes are somewhat organized and know how to kill somebody.
Christian Foster
So 1/3 of the problem at best. Well, at least it's not nothing.
Jose Rivera
Assuming 30 million illegals, and we remove 8 million then a year from now will be 22 million.
That's why it will be another 8 million. Then a year later:
So it will be another 8 million, and a year later it will be:
And those 6 million we will gas as an example to anyone else thinking of coming into and staying illegally in our country.
Jaxson Sanders
Parker Lewis
Wait, are 1/3 of the Mexican population illegal?
Nathaniel Parker
Every illegal and legal immigrant from south of the border, east Asia, and the Middle East needs to be deported.
Kayden Peterson
Not all the illegals are Mexican
Jace Smith
Ann Coulter says we're probably talking 20-30 million illegals rather than the 10 million typically cited. She bases her figures on some financial firm's reckoning of things, and since they're playing with their own money and aren't trying to curry political favor, they can give a more realistic assessment of the scope of the problem. And that's before we even start talking about legitimate Mexican-American citizens.
Isaac Brown
All Mexicans are illegal to me.
Cooper Price
Bro there are so many fucking illegals. I live in California and I'd guess at least 10 million here are illegal.
Jordan Clark
What's wrong with nips?
Landon Stewart
TBH not a whole lot, but if we start making exceptions where does it end?
Levi King
I'd say it's somewhat similar to the slothfulness of african jungle niggers vs. Europeans.
Beaners laze around in the Tropics eating fruit with plentiful game and fish. Arabs have it somewhat more difficult trying to stay alive in 50 centigrade deserts along with a homicidal cult driving them. Add in oil dollars buying sophisticated Western killing machines for the past 50 years and they come out way ahead in lethality.
Easton Baker
Ryan Ross
It's all about time preference. Europeans are the people of the winter. They had to store up food and resources all year to make sure they could survive the inevitable hell-freeze. We underwent so much selection pressure during those winters that our skin evolved to fair hues, in order to absorb the tiniest trickle more sunlight in order to keep us from outright dying in those winters. And it wasn't irregular to have a bad harvest year or a freeze that lasted well into late spring. That would probably happen to you a couple times in your life. We are just profoundly different kinds of people and those behavioral differences matter.
Brody Ortiz
Mass deportation of Mexicans has a precedent. Over a million Mexicans were deported in a year with a staff of only 750 men.
8 million looks very doable.
Operation Wetback (1954)
Operation Wetback was a system of tactical control and cooperation within the U.S. Border Patrol and alongside the Mexican government.[26] Planning between the INS, led by Gen. Joseph Swing as appointed by President Eisenhower, and the Mexican government began in early 1954 while the program was formally announced in May 1954.[27] On May 17, command teams of 12 Border Patrol agents, buses, planes, and temporary processing stations began locating, processing, and deporting Mexicans who had illegally entered the United States. A total of 750 immigration and border patrol officers and investigators; 300 jeeps, cars and buses; and seven airplanes were allocated for the operation.[28] Teams were focused on quick processing, as planes were able to coordinate with ground efforts and quickly deport people into Mexico.[29] Those deported were handed off to Mexican officials, who in turn moved them into central Mexico where there were many labor opportunities.[30] While the operation included the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, its main targets were border areas in Texas and California.[29]
Overall, there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback, with 170,000 being rounded up from May to July 1954. In addition, many illegal immigrants fled to Mexico fearing arrest; over half a million from Texas alone.[31] The total number of apprehensions would fall to just 242,608 in 1955, and would continuously decline by year until 1962, when there was a slight rise in apprehended workers.[32]
Jack Williams
this is never going to get through, as much as we want it just the thought of travel restrictions and building a wall was enough to trigger the hell out of sjws just think about what'll happen once he seriously start deporting people by the millions shit will go down
shit will go down HARD i'd be genuinely surprised if there weren't riots all over the country over this that make the riots in the past 2 weeks look like kindergarten fights
Chase Gutierrez
Jesus Christ! Only 750?
Logan Garcia
We know.
Joseph Richardson
Fucking wew lad, this madman I swear. 2 months ago he talked about deporting 3 million and media lost their absolute shit about this, now he's talking about 6-8 million, the mere MARGIN of this number being the 2/3rds of the initial promise.
pls come to Europe papa Trump ;_;
Owen Collins
Whites were fucking feared in 1954 USA. Those beaners packed their shit and left asap and meanwhile there weren't any filthy gommunist protesters gumming up the works either.
Carter Nelson
then the only option will be violence unless you're a fag who wants to keel over and die
Daniel Watson
The muslim ban is already halted.
Jonathan Cooper
Oy Vey! You can't do this goyim!
Jayden James
James Edwards
Brayden Morgan
I read somewhere that families combine their money. But if you were an immigrant, a lot of jobs are closed off to you. I think they did some jobs that paid them secretly and with the money saved not paying taxes, they invested it.
Think how many thousands you pay in taxes in a year. Now multiply that by ten. Let's say $40,000 untaxed within a decade they have to spend.
Do you hate them yet?
Leo Robinson
Come on now. Don't be a faggot. We're just getting started. Nobody said turning around 50+ years of immigration fuckery was going to be easy.
Dylan Perry
Haven't seen this in so long.
Brody Carter
I'll stop masturbating right at the same time you no longer have desperate cravings for cock, i.e. never
Connor Ramirez
We're going to have the BEST deportation force. It's going to be HUGE. Very smart people, and we're going to get it done big league.
Matthew Russell
Isn't knowingly harbouring and providing succour to an illegal immigrant a crime in itself? Just a thought…
Jaxon Parker
It always was and forever will be
Hunter Brooks
I have stopped for two months now. The mountain became climbable.
Isaiah Wood
Because white men don't abandon the land their grandfathers fought for and won or bought fair and square and leave it to a bunch of spices, white men stay and fight.
Michael Davis
by body is ready
Adrian Cox
I just got done explaining this to my family earlier today. I refuse to dishonor those that came before me by sacrificing California to these beaners and chinks.
James Hughes
my i had one chance fuck my life
Nolan Bennett
This. NoFap does some pretty good wonders, people.
Cooper Carter
Our emperor does not need the bleating of plebs to continue making america great. Fuck democracy, we Trumpenreich now, we start re-annexing the world now.
Dylan Powell
Unfortunately I don't think we can deport citizens for committing crimes. On the topic of citizenship, I'm also still hoping Donald gets the courts to update the 14th Amendment. Lincoln didn't intend for opportunistic cunts to run across the boarder and queef out a baby for citizenship perks when he was emancipating slaves.
Jeremiah Williams
Just confirming my NoFap dubs, check em
Adam Roberts
What the fuck is this, week… 2? ish? And we already have a few MILLION possibly lined up for the chopping block. I haven't felt this good about a president in a long time. Even if he doesn't go balls deep, this is a significantly better start than what we would have seen otherwise, with Shillary. MY BODY IS READY
Aiden Jenkins
Dominic Gutierrez
A large chunk of that would be done just by deporting criminals. It's likely why the number is as small as it is, they're focusing on the easy to oust ones first since they're the ones that already get in our jails which makes tossing them into a paddywagon and driving to Mexico pretty easy.
Christian Baker
America has less than half of the voting populating turnout every four years. Hillary also cheated big league with typical Democuck tricks, so there's no way in hell she won the popular vote and there's no way in hell she had or has the support of half the nation. (((Television))) is playing tricks on you.
Jackson Jackson
William White
lets not be wasteful.
Many of these people have perfectly good organs which need to be harvested first.
Isaac Price
If the cartels are that stupid to trigger the level of rage from the entire US Military that would create they deserve the shitstorm that would follow.
Adam Roberts
test posting OC
Jaxon Hall
Only? I thought we had at least 11 million, & that quote was like a decade ago.
Christopher Thomas
I hope you understand that the only reason we don't trust women is because they're not white, or pozzed.
White unpozzed women can and should be trusted. Only an anti-white kike would say otherwise.
Thomas Ramirez
Gnomes have to go back.
Gabriel Scott
Jason Murphy
make it transparent and I'll save. Also make it a cigar not a fucking nigger-stick
Zachary King
FTFY Don't worry, we'll get them, man. We'll fucking get them all.
Evan Hall
I actually believe the 11 mil. estimation. Used to live in california, it's a lot worse than you think, a lot are "legally" here.
Reminder that democracy is suicide.
Joseph Collins
oy vey! are you trying too shoah us?!
Jace Cook
It's actually 50 million when you include anchor babies.
Why can't we deport illegal migrants to Somalia so they can't renter the US?
Brandon Taylor
The Fire Cock does not disappoint. I love this timeline.
Criminally underchecked trips.
The LA Times is saying this many people are priorities. Make no mistake, they all have to go back. We won't be splitting up any families.
Jaxson Lee
Who got da get?
Isaac Myers
That implies you're gonna post it either on another site or with another theme. In both cases, fuck you. And here.
Grayson Thomas
Elijah Fisher
aka Current Year Dubs
Logan Rodriguez
This. It's significantly worse than people play it out to be in California. Had my car hit by a kid who immediately fled the country after the police found that he had no license, no English, and no real insurance. He seemed to be transporting someone else's car either to Mexico, or to the state from Mexico. Somehow he still managed to get some one-stop car insurance, but it was beyond expired. I don't know what stupid state regulation allowed him to do that, but he was """legally""" here and eligible for it. I don't think they ever found him. Fucking shithead side swiped me and I paid for the whole thing.
That and there is constant fraud in the construction industry. Lots of Mexicans here getting paid under the table with no work papers, yet they're still able to own property, get gibs, and stay in the US. They need to be purged.
Xavier King
Ayden Kelly
moderate, please go :^)
William Hall
How did this time line become so great?
Angel Roberts
The only good Mexican food mexicans can make are Carnitas
Matthew Ross
Of course this casually ignores the fact that "everybody they can get their hands on" are all criminals by virtue of being in this country illegally.
Brandon Parker
didn't mean to sage
Hudson Morales
THIS I'm so glad that we finally have a president that is going to treat a crime as a crime.
Gabriel Scott
Magic and divine intervention. A god who's main source of energy is smug has a lot more energy to throw around than a god that requires the blood of christian babies to act and spends most of his energy scaring his followers into still following him.
Luis Rogers
when we started praising kek
Jaxson Ortiz
I'm in a city that's 2/3 spic, 1/3 white. Only the gods know how many of the Mestizo squat people in this city are here legally, and that's before even opening the can of worms that's the next question.
Jaxson Morgan
Christopher Flores
feels smug man
Ethan Wright
Christian Thomas
Deport or kill everyone and we'll know.
Henry Johnson
checking those smug dubs
Blake Cooper
William Thomas
Blake Cox
1 Kilo of Cocaine 50k cask, times this by two, get a fucking $800 per month lease, sell vegetables and tequila in the store. I mean is it that difficult to know how they do it?
Ryan Bell
not to mention so many spics selling are fruits on the streets, carts or trucks for double the amount and the cops aren't doing anything about it. It feels like a third world country sometimes
Joshua Martinez
Asher Williams
Jose Robinson
> We all get to joke and tell our kids and grandkids how we were send to FEMA camps…to act as prison guards
Elijah Perry
user, we can't deport them all Some have to get buried at sea
William Ramirez
The federal government will never, ever let calexit happen because of the strategic importance of all of that coastal land + military assets. At most it would escalate into armed confrontation between SoCal Shitlibs and the federal government. As lulzy as that would be, that would play directly into the Color Revolution playbook and go quite far in delegitimizing Trump as someone who causes internal strife and such, if it was a couple Waco type events against the spics and commies I would support it 100 percent but there is no guarantee it would not escalate much further, especially given the fact that the International Jew loves financing "moderate rebels" and handing them weapons.
Josiah Sanders
Look at this fucking faggot.
Hudson Turner
there are some pozzed whites still there, but it would still be worth it to trade them for niggers
Leo Peterson
Fuck, I don't even have anything personal against the spics, as long as they stay on the spic side of the spic line. They came here looking for a better life for their children and for far too long, our politicians bent over and gave them exactly that, but there's a new sheriff in town now. Once we're done deporting the spics we need to start talking about those fucking Canadians. They're allowing massive chink infestations to build up on their property and that's a threat to the whole neighborhood if it doesn't get contained.
Hudson Long
Good, make the fire rise, violent spics terrorizing our country over immigration laws will redpill will make everyone hate them even more, and we can goodify them when they attack whites. If you aren't ready for spic chimpouts and armed for the occasion you are probably gay.
Charles Martin
There are songs sung about killing the boers. If there are any pozzed boers left, and there might be, they deserve their fate.
Fuck (you) ¡Yeb! No landslide victory for you in this lifetime.
David Baker
What's the support like for a repeal of the 1965 Immigration Ban?
Brandon Young
It turns out, letting a half-nigger do your dirty work isn't exactly the best way to get things done… who knew :'^)
Zachary Nelson
Every boer I know here in the US voted for Hillary, it's like they learn nothing.
Lincoln Howard
I give up, fuck the boers.
Ryder Brooks
8 million? Trump can't just deport 10 million people! How could you round up 15 million people and send all 25 million back to Mexico? He'll be able to deport 40 million in his first term, maximum. The other half of the 100 million will go back in his second term, for a total of 250 million.
Jace Clark
guys I can't even believe this… it is actually working, Trump is saving the european race. Literally.
Julian Sullivan
wew lad, that's quite some (((math)))
Juan Richardson
City or rural? We got them here, farmers are ok but variable, ex-military are fine, but the ones brought over by churches have been cancerous.
Ryan Bell
Stop trying to justify deporting 7 billion people!
Aaron Walker
Suburb, they own some of the aldis stores around here and they are huge fucking faggots
Gabriel Morris
Jayden Robinson
(checked) That's where you're wrong, motherfucker.
Landon Moore
Jackson Cooper
Iron Ann actually seems to have outlined Trump's campaign in Adios America. Even if Trump never read it (though he likely did) he's been following the things in her books.
I can't wait. Kick them out of public schools, too. I don't care if they can learn to read in shitty ESL classes. Mexico should educate its own citizens.
Good on you, user. The filtered Jew has been prematurely killing too many whites.I don't care about the health of niggers, though. I t would be nice if they didn't litter the butts everywhere, but niggers just can't help littering.
What is it with poopdicks and Chipotle, anyways?
Jason Scott
I swear he said he read it but I can't remember where/when.
Anthony Wright
Chipotle is organic and shit, not that organic is bad, but you know how hipster trends are. Chipotle near me is next to a Starbucks as well.
Jonathan Rogers
Don't they not pay shit in taxes for 5 years then just sign it over to their wife or kids afterwards thus not paying shit for another 5 years? This explains why there's always a new street shitter at your corner 7-11 every few years.
Luis Gonzalez
Organic isn't really better for you or the environment though, the natural pesticides they slather on are in many cases more harmful not to mention the amount of land they require.
Jacob Gomez
Elijah Brown
Juan Perry
Adam James
Ya I mean if that happened we would just start killing beaners here and sending videos to the Mexican government.
Caleb Long
Disappointing to hear that. All the SA's I met overseas seemed like they were ready to gas every shitskin off the planet. But my sample were ex-military though.
Cooper Hall
This is only the beginning. With Steve "The illegal-alien cannon" Bannon we're going to tackle the horrible demographic decline in the US.
Hudson Collins
How do I sign up for the deportation squads and will we get cool armbands and hats?
Samuel Hernandez
Join ICE.
Hunter Gray
Grayson Gray
This. I live in a Californian city, I could spend my whole life deporting illegals and not be done with the job. Paycheck and armband pls Trump
Ayden Taylor
here's an updated version of that meme that i made just yesterday
Kayden Wood
Kevin Wood
Don't ICE jobs require a degree?
Dubs confirm.
anyone know how to find WWII german military records?
Jose Roberts
Dunno, maybe? Join the National Guard and wait for Donald's orders to start lighting up cartels then?
Hudson Ortiz
You have to go back your people need you.
Daniel Perez
Well shit
Colton Walker
Gas yourself chemfag
Ryder Perry
looks like he's holding the palette with a penis
David King
who said he wasn't?
Chase Reyes
Capped for posterity. This would make a great children's book.
Once they are detected, they should be made to leave.
David King
when did they get national guard soldiers? is it *our* national guards?
Oliver Walker
He's implying they will. Why? Probably some strange brown pride fantasy he's living.
Ethan Kelly
You know nothing. More like 1k straight outta colombia. 30k max off US streets.