Guys, don't fall for cuckservatives who keep shilling for non-violence, muh moral high ground, etc.
Leftists know very well that violence works, e.g. Stonewall riots, anti-Vietnam War riots, labor riots, Civil Rights riots, you name it. All of these riots led to tons of leftist advancements with regards to legislation, public policy, etc.
Physical pain is the only way to get through to the politicians, journalists, bankers, judges, etc. how angry people are. See also: Jo Cox, or Henriette Reker, cuck mayoress of Cologne knifed to the neck by a disgruntled German.
If we're not safe, they're not safe.
My basis for this: after 25 years of IRA terror in the UK, things changed ONLY ehen the Paddies targeted Downing Street in 1991, and the City of London in 1993. Suddenly - now that people who mattered were being targeted - shit got done.
Preparations, organization, training, certainly. Actual action? I'd say wait a little while until we get the go-ahead from Trump. Don't wanna mess up any 4D plans he has.
Hudson Young
Alexander Ross
OP, quit your day job, you're not even good at it.
Parker Rodriguez
We wait on the orders of the Emperor
Levi Nguyen
Don't start shit. But if shit is started on you, take that as your all clear to permanently fuck up the perp's life forever.
Joseph Watson
Liam Lopez
Mosley did not get into power because communists engaged in violence. It was WW2 that stopped that. Typical commie not knowing history.
Aaron Davis
Connor Clark
Nice try, CTR.
Just kidding, you're fucking trash. Relying on violence is a bigger tactic only Marxists utilize since they have absolutely no philosophical ground for their arguments.
Landon Powell
This. Battle of Cable Street was a tactical error for the left. The fact that Mosley lost in the end is irrelevant.
Andrew Bailey
Hey there FBI-Chan, how are you today?
Brandon Gonzalez
Noah Garcia
Not Holla Forums here. Not Holla Forums either. There are a lot of anti-authoritarian moderates sitting between you guys and Antifa. We're also prepped for this and I shit you not, the first one of you two that pulls a gun, metaphorically speaking, is getting shot.
Don't be stupid. Let Antifa draw first and the moderates will do most of the work for you. If you pull first, all you are doing is saving Antifa from the moderates who are sick of far left bullshit.
Mason Barnes
That Twitter user is an obvious false flag attempt. Srsly? Also I'd bet 99% leftists don't even know who Oswald Mosley is. In fact it's probably OPs Twitter account. Report and hide
Ryder Hughes
Yup. If ANTIFA chimps out they'll be a Militia attacking AMERICANS. ANTIFA is automatically fucked. Govt automatically forced to move in on them. Same goes for us. Sit tight and wait for em to snap.
Joseph Anderson
Hi shill
Context is important. Right now we have /ourguy/ in the WH so if he as well as the general public sees /hisvoters/ being targeted, chances are he will step in with legislation which is better than anything right wing violence could do.
We are the civilized ones. Its your ilk that has to resort to violence. Unorganized political violence has always been from the left and it will stay that way.
I'm still not tired of winning by the way.
William Gomez
Maybe a false flag is in order then?
Seriously though, antifa has already killed a man in Berkeley. If that video ever gains nationwide broadcasting, it could be used to justify the murder of antifa.
Parker Wilson
Was it confirmed that he dies? Everything was memory holed it seems
Jacob Gutierrez
The war is already here. While you bitch about 'muh PR', antifa is already beating people in the street. The only question is, what the fuck are you going to do about it?
Luke Adams
Who won when Roof attacked those NPC's?
When there is early news of an attack do you sit back and hope it was Muslims or hope it was white nationalists?
Clearly there is a time and a place for violence. But America is not ready for the day of the rope. When it is time the population will be cheering us on.
Keep red pilling normies, spread the message. And if you are going to conduct an operation don't fucking target NPC's make sure you select a high value target, someone like a rothschild, a zuckerberg, a Jack Dorsey don't fucking hit a normie synagogue mosque or coon town. If it's easy its not worth doing and will only backfire on us as a whole.
Ayden Stewart
For the reasons I stated above.
No. They scrubbed everything. We still have the short clip, and we can use that as an implication.
Jeremiah Gray
Yes because the Antifa garnered such love and support from the populace after Berkeley.
Fuck off OP, i'm assuming you're GSHQ since Trump is shifting the CIA/FBI to Islamism rather than white nationalism.
Joseph Ortiz
Form 10-20 man Defense Squads on the pretense of offering medical aid to injured Trump supporters. Let ANTIFA assault you, and defend yourself within reason. Beat the fuck out of them in self-defense. Nothing illegal about that.
Cooper Wright
Justin Walker
We know FBI, we are also familiar with the nuance of whether violence furthers our cause or supports the narrative of our enemies. We also do not condone or announce violence of any kind whatsoever and think that hypothetically (I am writing a novel about terrorism, just brainstorming here), lone wolves should maintain opsec, do not announce intent ahead of time and destroy their harddrives before any vicious attacks which we condemn in the strongest possible terms.
Nolan Barnes
Why does an old, tiny asian man have more balls than all of Holla Forums. Shame. You pussies would have been beaten and run away exactly like Spencer.
Julian Williams
The cathartic release of wasting lefties legally is worth waiting for, fam.
Camden Allen
Exactly we already control the executive branch, what system do we want to overthrow?
We won the election we're not an insurgent group or ideology like Antifa is, adopting their tactics would be a massive strategic error.
James Jones
wtf I'm going to screencap, compile and hunt.
Ian Nguyen
GG no re.
Elijah Richardson
Violence is a last resort. Throw the first punch ONLY if you're 100% certain they are about to attack you. Don't run in "protests", it will just get people more amped. Keep in mind the history of a group when considering when to use force. Go tit for tat.
Lincoln Barnes
Yeah, I'm not convinced - For now i'd rather sit back and enjoy winning.
Robert Jenkins
Trips confirm. We will support the Kaiser.
Lincoln Long
Violence works if you can control the narrative of what happens after
9/11 attacks imagine if the media wasn't controlled and you had James Corbett on the day going over it tooth and comb, no wars in Iraq would follow, people would have turned on the governments who perpetrated the attack…
Connor Mitchell
clarity: Violence works if you control the story the public hear about the violence
Its like the UC Berkley riots right now, CNN is reporting as protests and will spin the story in a certain way…people hearing the story who trust CNN believe story.
Sebastian Butler
Zachary Hernandez
Of course they did. OP is part of the group that consistently underestimates their ideological opponents.
Jason Perez
Violence is the last resort when no one will listen to the fact that your people are being genocided for corporate profits.
Jack Ross
I agree as long as you keep it to self-defense only. Learn martial arts, conceal carry, and slaughter any Antifa faggot that even tries to lay a finger on you.
Carter Peterson
Violence works… as an absolute last resort for desperate times. When you CAN'T STOP WINNING, OH GOD PLEASE MR. TRUMP IT'S TOO MUCH, it has the opposite effect. You're an idiot, and it's highly likely that you're actually on the losing side here.
Benjamin Lee
In the video it's stated he's still breathing…
Joshua Campbell
People who are dying are frequently "still breathing".
Adrian Lewis
I don't think you understand that the threat of violence was the only thing which got Trump into the white house. The threat of whites rioting was the only reason any concession was made at all. If you do not keep that pressure up, and Trump actually ends up being a Zionist shill, you're letting their steam release valve do its work.
Are you committed to the 14 words or to PR?
Nolan Allen
When Hillary was threatened to be elected, that was how close we were to desperate times. Now they have taken to outright violence like we would have upon Hillary's election.
Josiah Peterson
And note how Trump has done nothing to protect the very people who voted him in. It's pretty much the same shit that would've happened with Hillary, minus WW3.
Nathaniel Jackson
The dude has admitted in an interview that he's not allowed to fight with the YPG and is just used for photo ops
He's also a part of an American proxy army and thinks he's fighting for socialism. The guy's a fucking retard
Isaiah Rivera
No, people like Jesse Arreguin are doing nothing to protect the people who voted them in. As the tantrums continue, however, support for groups that would associate with the likes of antifa, pozzed universities, and the like are all waning and the justification for the white house to put the nails in their coffin becomes undeniable even to the common man. The people who are failing are exactly the ones that will have the spotlight on them and can be held accountable at the most damning moment.
Andrew Jackson
Starting to think our race is fucked if even the most red-pilled corner of the Internet doesn't realize how much of a crisis we're in.
Christian Myers
The irony is also that Cable Street no longer has a single Jewish or English occupant left in it. It's all fucking Pakis and other shitskins.
Lucas Cruz
You're doing that thing again, faggot. Times may be tough, even desperate, but even in a crisis the last resort is the LAST resort.
yes, violence right now is not the answer. official action from the generals up above will be far more effective than any amount of retaliatory rage. the left is becoming almost impressively efficient at undermining their own platform. every time a bunch of idiots start protesting trump and beating anyone who disagrees with them hordes of rational human beings come to their senses.
'never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.'
Jace Peterson
No shit, that's what's serving to convince people even faster.
Asher Collins
The look of sheer "OY VEY!" on that kike's face is priceless. Shit just got real for him. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of that look very soon.
Caleb White
Bentley King
Praise Kek.
Easton Robinson
This post is absolutely right. Most young rightists have been born into institutionalized leftist violence so they only understand this from the victim perspective. Violence is what created the "silent majority" violence is what created the fear most conservatives feel when they want to speak about their beliefs. Then kill the fucking journalists. You think the left gives a single fuck about this? If they were threatened with bad PR they would jist bomb the CNN buildings not cry like bitches about it.
Parker Russell
Wow just reading this thread these guys wont do shit. It's fucking sad. The party of strength and masculinity is acting like little bitches.
Elijah Edwards
Not enough has been said about this but Roof killed 9 unarmed, old black people in a church and all that happened was leftists took away a flag? The shooting scared leftists and their response was weak because of it. That's the point of violence.
Muslims just got gunned down in Canda by an autistic Holla Forumsack and what happened? Fucking nothing.
WNs have been pushing back the day of le rope since he fucking term was created. Any single day at all would have been a good day but the right is a bunch of soccer mom pussies.
Jose Murphy
Until something is done about all the non-white citizens we're losing. I've seen nothing that would make me think Trump will do anything about those here legally.
Jack Green
Very true. I honestly believe the violence that day affected my generation substantially. We all probably have some form of PTSD and it effects us in ways we don't even know. To be in 5th grade and see people jumping to their deaths and a cloud of smoke filling the city, kids growing up before us have no idea what that's like. And to think boomer assholes wanna tell us how to feel about the world. The old world fuckin died that day. We were all affected.
Gabriel Kelly
This post directly above meant for the top post number. Smartphones are weird for a former Luddite sorry.
David Brown
Modern Knight Hospitaler? Defend the Trump supporters, and provide medical aid.
Carson Gonzalez
Yes, the right wing mostly opperate with independent lone wolves. who need not declare any allegiance and can easily blend into simple criminality. Ofcourse, breaking the law is bad and I strongly advise against it. Especialy against murder roberies, or arson robberies or anything like that.
Jaxon Clark
Whats ironic is that Lenin would've hated him and called him a useful idiot