Is this going to be SJW trash? It's hard to tell from the summary.
Trump's Titans
Is this meant to be pro or anti Trump, either way it's retarded.
I don't know. Was just scrolling through the releases for the week and saw it. Thought it was weird that it wasn't explicitly negative given the current comic industry. Might flip through it at the store on Wednesday to see.
I tried searching for info about the author and I found out that "John Baron" is supposed pseudonym that Trump used to pose as a publicist to promote himself.
Maybe Trump is writing this comic himself!
Reminds me of that one obscure comic where Reagan wears a bandana and pics up a gun to go fight commies or something.
"Reagan's Raiders", lol.
I have vague recollections of a similar comic, called "Ronnie's Roller", or something, where he had a giant steamroller that he used to crush the enemies of democracy.
It's going to be a parody like Reagan's Raiders before it. In fact, I'm going to say it's a sequel to Raiders. Not only does it feature the secret science lab in the white house, but the cover for the first issue of Trump's Titans is a recreation of the cover for the first issue of Regan's Raiders.
The author of the original Regan's Raiders, the mysterious Monroe Arnold, is probably behind Trump's Titans.
Great. Now we can expect an invasion of thin-skinned Holla Forums fags when this thing hits.
Was Ronald Reagan a vampire? Just wondering.
But they're already here.
What the hell are you going on about?
He means Holla Forums posters here act as butt blasted like SJWs over the dumbest shit
Keenspot publishes actual comics now?
As long as they have fun with it and don't use it as a soapbox for bitter, impotent, and poorly informed whining, like Marvel does, then it might be an okay read. Either way, it's a transparent attempt to gain sales through controversy.
Go find an archive of the Calexit threads. Do you see anything but laughter at the impotent attempt at juxtaposition and political commentary in that comic.
Expect this to be Calexit 2: Drumpf boogaloo.
No one mentioned Holla Forums until you did. Your fears are a self fulfilling prophecy.
Why are people here thinking it might be pro-Trump? I doubt it'd even get published if it was anything but malicious. What's most likely gonna happen is that it's gonna try to parody Trump, only to shit the bed and make the SJWs horrified while the right-wingers love it.
it doesn't matter, I can already tell it's going to be entertaining regardless of whether it's biased for or against him
Already looks to me like it's going to be another try-hard parody loaded with the same stock phrases we've heard since the smear campaign trail, with maybe a few reaction image-worthy panels scattered throughout.
You probably just jinxed yourself.
You obsessed, or something? Sounds to me like you need to take a rest from all this political juncture. Don't let it get to your head.
When this comes out we should storytime it.
Hi, Leftypol!
I guess if people aren't laughing in the specific way you want them to then they were just butthurt all along or something.
Hey Holla Forums
nobody has ever bought that faggoty argument no matter who X was.
RR wasn't even particularly anti-Reagan, it was about as politically charged as an episode of Carson. It was basically not-MAD Magazine doing "what if Reagan was Rambo"