Politics Bannon film outline warned U.S. could turn into ‘Islamic States of America’
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Yay for media eating itself alive trying to go into damage control overdrive.
the more I read about this guy, the better I feel about him working for Trump.
We can only hope the MSM condemns the crusades in their efforts to defend this.
Trump's strategist named the jew. Certainly encourages one to contemplate.
Shills on fucking suicide watch. These two weeks have been fucking amazing.
The roads to hell are often paved with the
But the roads to heaven are paved with
The narrative has been maneuvering this week into casting Bannon as the evil mastermind who controls the childish and ignorant Drumpf. There's one article out there calling him The Second Most Powerful Man In America.
It's time to stop playing around and finish the job.
Looking around at the UK, France and Germany this isn't exactly a far fetched idea is it? At this rate I'm praying for the day the Washington Post is bulldozed into a landfill.
And this is why democracy is such a post term abortion dying on the beach in front of us.
Yeah but gas kikes now?
enablers among us. I don't know any ISIS enablers. Jew enablers OTOH…
We're already the Jewnited states.
I don't discriminate, gas all Semites.
Tolerance is our strength.
Does the gassing happen before or after the race war? I always thought it should be done in parallel.
True, we need high tolerance steel.
Pick one.
kek from the Times of Israel article:
>Before joining Trump’s campaign last summer, Bannon helmed Breitbart News, a site that is stridently pro-Israel, but which also has featured white nationalists and which Bannon once described as a platform for the “alt-right,” a loose-knit alliance that includes within it anti-Semites as well as right-wing Jews.
"Jewish community … appeasing jihadists aiming to create an Islamic republic"
That's pretty explicit.
NYT just went with "President Bannon"
I get what you're getting at but it's pretty clear what he meant. Come on man.
at this point whats the difference really?
Yeah, he obviously meant that it's the "self-hating liberal jews" and not the heroic Zionist jews. It's literally a JDL talking point.
Bannon ran Kikebart and praised Pamela Gellar, who called for the destruction of Europe if Israel's ever falling. He's not secretly jew-wise, nor is he on our side. He's another Kushner.
He described them as the "jewish community", not liberal or anti-zionist jews, but a whole community of kikes. And unfortunately we live in a society where direct criticism or even the naming of the jew is extremely stigmatized. Saying that they were acting with "the best intentions" before stating that the "jewish community wanted to create an islamic republic" is pure lipservice kind of like Trump praising spics as "wonderful people" before saying they have to go back.
Bannon has really impressed me and I'm happy he has Trump's ear. I think Trump's administration knows the proper pace to push the Overton Window without it blowing up in our faces, and the momentum he has built in just 2 weeks is nothing short of extraordinary.
Why are Jewish elites in the press so determined to undermine white self determination and interest?
I find myself despising them and viewing them as an enemy within who will need to be violently silenced and removed if they continue to enable the people who wish to undermine, subvert, destroy and conquer us as a society and civilization.
The recent video here of the Jewish man with the "white men against Trump" sign who mocked the idea of white identity with his snarky "I have to stand in solidartiy with my people!" remark made my blood boil. I am at the point of violence towards these individuals, and so long as they continue without disavowal, towards this group at large in this country.
First week on Holla Forums, huh? Jews are simply a fiercely ethnocentric in-group who consider themselves "God's chosen people" while everyone else in the world are goyim, or cattle. Jews realize they will always be a minority in America/Europe/etc so they push for open borders and mass immigration so that they can blend in among many minority groups and there won't be any dominant race to persecute them. However, in Israel where they constitute the majority race, jews suddenly become fiercely nationalistic and anti-immigrant and ban all refugees + non-jew immigration to preserve their homogeneity. Logically this strategy makes a ton of sense from their perspective, but jews are a cancer destroying white countries from within, and it is their hedonism and willingness to destroy whites for their own personal gain that they must always be our eternal enemy.
I agree and have come to the same conclusion based on my review of the literature and history.
Ave Maria!
To add to this, I can't think of a single Jewish warrior, a single Jewish inventor, a single Jewish athlete, etc. These THINGS are vermin. They cannot create, they cannot accomplish. The only thing they're capable of is parasitism. They can't think ahead, and in their hubris they work to destroy the only host that can sustain them.
They haven't already? The crusades have been a target of disdain for a while now. The crusaders have been painted as falling into one of two categories: the ignoramus who acts on faith and the opportunist seeking to plunder foreign wealth. They completely ignore the broader historical context; they forget that the Middle East was once Christian and that it was through conquest and slavery that Islam came to dominate the region.
Neurosis. They grew up being told that they're God's chosen and that they must always maintain constant vigilance lest they fall prey to a pogrom lead by the wicked goyim. Each small slight is used as evidence to support these two positions. When some punk kids drew a sloppy swastika because they knew it would get a rise out of someone, it's turned into proof that some comic book tier super-villain is out to get them. They then overreact, which encourages more people to take the piss out of them. This creates an unhealthy feedback loop which historically has ended with expulsion.
Einstein was Jewish, but he stole his ideas from goyim scientists.
He was never credited for inventing anything. All he is credited for is establishing some physics equations (that are incomplete). Also fuck Edison.
I hope San Francisco and Jew York becomes Islamic states just to see Jews and feminists get a taste of the reality they brought on themselves
There are not enough skyscrapers in San-Fag to throw the faggots off of.
Hey, i could get on board with this equal opportunity gassing.
Holla Forums has produced a shitload of Sean Spicer memes, Pence memes, etc. but there is a severe shortage of Bannon memes. Bannon is a literal white nationalist and Trump's right hand man, and we've failed to send him meme magic.
Get on it Holla Forums, send Bannon your meme magic.
Wonder if Matea Gold is related to Mike Enoch's jew wife?