Britpol/ good piece on immigration

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So can someone explain why we should give a shit about these people making a mockery of some of the most important international laws?
They're in a safe country, they should be claiming asylum.

If "my home country has a shit economy" then the working classes of a lot of the west can all claim asylum on the moon or something.

My facebook is full of liberals complaining about the Calais fence…. If migrants (or traffickers working on behalf of them) weren't attacking people, a fence wouldn't be required.

I don't mind immigration, but for fucks sake why would you let it happen outside of a controlled system?

people have a right to live wherever they want

Cool. So let's move all of Africa over to Britain.

From each according to his ability to each according to his need.

If you cannot show solidarity with workers from other countries, why the fuck should I trust you to show solidarity with workers from other cities or even other houses?

Borders are obviously racist you fucking bigot

omg like it's 2016, don't you know

Just stop, i can't even

why don't you move a brain into your head first

Get bent. This is the logical conclusion of what this guy says

Perhaps not just he UK but the developed world surely.

that's the problem with you pinkos, you think niggers are people

Because they enabled the lumpen human traffickers to bring them here. They abandoned their fellow workers, "The proletariat of each country must, of course, first of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie". They are not my comrades

Where is your solidarity with the truck drivers who have had their journeys across the Channel increased immeasurably. Because refugees refuse to claim asylum and risk their lives and driver's lives boarding moving vehicles and throwing rocks at windshields.

it's not in any way logical you stupid asshole

"let's move all of africa to britain" doesn't logically follow "people have the right to live wherever they want"

jesus who let in all these fucking retards

why even try

nice falseflag Holla Forums

Good argument. You twisted my arm.

Only the rich can afford to run.

Can you explain how is he wrong?

Do you really believe those refugees in Calais are somehow beneficial for the proleteriat? Protip, they aren't. And here's a shocker, most of them don't even plan on taking jobs and working. Most of them plan on grabbing welfare and living like parasites on the backs of ACTUAL WORKERS who pay more and more rising taxes to support the parasitic lifestyle of these filthy fucks. A good chunk of them are functionally illiterate, they can barely speak their own language, let alone the language of a country they move to. How are they supposed to find a meaningful employment in a high-tech developed 1st world country?

And you think they will somehow aid your cause? Or maybe you think they will harm the upper classes? No it's literally the opposite, the upper classes will sit comfy in their mansions isolated from the real world while lower classes will suffer from crime, terror and rapes when those animals are moved into their neighborhoods.

You leftists don't know what you're cheering for, you're all literally digging your graves.

As far as I know, immigrants are not eligible for welfare unless they have lived in the host country for at least a certain amount of time. In France, I think it's five years.

You think they know that? You think they give shit? And do you honestly think the process can be normalized now, that someone will care about the actual law, when you've let millions of illegal immigrants across the border, not across one, but across numerous European borders, completely disregarding the law and constitution in favor of politically correct feelings?

Let me give you a little insight on the mindset of these people. To them, western countries are lands of paradise where money grows on trees. An average immigrant who moves into Europe expects free money, free car, free apartment and a free pussy just for being there, in Europe, the land of milk and honey. Don't believe me? Go check the actual comments of actual refugees in Germany, when the government offered them some work they straight refused, claiming that Angela Merkel invited them in Germany, and they are her guests. They believe they are entitled to free things just for being there. This is the mindset of those people.

What is there to explain? It's just anti-immigrant hysterics. There's no reasoning with you, because you aren't using facts, or reason, or anything besides rhetorical indignation to justify your stupid position.

I hope an immigrant rapes every woman in your family and produces scores of mud children that then rob the rest of your family. I hope you come here to complain about it too so I can laugh at you.

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

Legally, they don't. Philosophically, eventually, the probably should.

To expand this, they are not going to pay taxes here, but still use streetlights, roads the NHS etc.

this. I live in the UK and couldn't afford to pay the smuggler fees.

If these people truly are fleeing conflict, but have not claimed asylum, they are setting a dangerous precedent for governments to turn away refugees in the future.
Accepting these people as migrants is basically setting your immigration policy to "whoever has paid most crooks, and whoever can walk" and that is a terrible immigration system.

Honestly i don't know,there is a paradox between being loyal to the workers all over the world and the fact that globalization is useful to the 1%

So they will work illegally with no protection such as the minimum wage. Great for someone and it's not fellow proles. Why would they ever join unions if they aren't even legally allowed in the country, they will hide until they get deported. They will have little money for English lessons and will associate with people similar to those who they left. This will entrench liberal multiculturalism and create de facto slums by living 8 to a house.

Illegal immigration is not beneficial and Lefties are stupid to support it.

I'd like to see some non-anecdotal evidence to back that up.

I am yet to hear a good reason for illegal immigration. Without a good argument, we should not let the people in calais into this country.

I am the only one in this thread who has presented facts, and all i got in rebuttal was "hurr borders bad, immigration good" commie bullshit.

You leftists are braindead, there is no reasoning with you because you always project your urge for destruction that is deeply rooted into your ideology into every single thing you touch.

"Lefties" do not "support" illegal immigration.

Yeah as a Leftist I have to say I don't support massive and/or illegal immigration. I oppose it not out of muh tradition or muh race and heritage, but for practical reasons pertaining to revolution and progress.

Borders may be a spook but they're necessary. Being a fellow prole only gets you so far; if I can't relate to you or even speak your language, you are not helpful, at least in my country.

Just listen to the interviews they give. The reason why they pay so much money to go to Germany and not stay in Southeastern European countries is not because "they don't feel safe" it's because these countries don't offer them free stuff. It's true, you should really watch more videos and judge the situation yourself.

well it won't happen to you cuz your'e most likely some autist who doesn't even care what happens around him so kys
this is how entitled these "refugees" are

Do you have any such video? Are they more than anecdotal?
They just want money for their needs, they're already safe in the first country they come…

Says who? Where does this 'right' come from? Who recognises it? You can't just call something a 'right', you have to actually make a case for it.

There are hundreds of millions of Third World people who would move to Europe if given that freedom. Many times more than enough to overwhelm European infrastructure and drive Europeans to fascism.

The first interviewee does not give any specific reason or detail.

The second interviewee mention social assistance and family reunion.

The third interview is speaking in Arabic and subtitled in Dutch, how am I supposed to make anything out of it?

It is pretty hard for refugees to find a job, so it makes sense that they would choose a country with better social assistance as their host; it isn't really about "free money" (unless you think welfare is nothing but "free money"). Moreover, I certainly didn't hear anything about a "free car", a "free apartment" or a "free pussy".

there is actually a housing crisis right now because they want to go to northwestern europe and they don't want to stay in areas they percive to be poorer
well they just come and take it then since they think miniskirt and lots of makeup = girl is asking to get raped

Implying this is true, this has nothing to do with getting a "free apartment".

The Cologne incident was awful enough, but to pretend sexual aggression is the norm among refugees is nonsense.

houses in Europe now has less value bc of global crisis

Again, implying this is true, this has nothing to do with getting a "free apartment".

honestly,for me the point is not "free apartment" but a false narrative about "Europe, thet they have from their fellows immigrants

You just won't admit that "free apartment" argument was purely and simply bullshit, won't you?

Besides, you haven't provided any serious evidence about that "false narrative" being the one true reason refugees are coming to Europe.


All this hysteria about cheap labor immigration is quite amusing really

solidarity on a national level is illogical to me
as a seller of commodity "concrete labour power" on a market, my interest is that my competitors fuck off

in a nutshell, best outcome for me is if people of the same profession as me will one moment just die
then I can set up monopoly price for a particular kind of concrete labour

it does not at all matters if my competitors are niggers, chinks, pajeets, or aryan cumskins

I want them dead

so, as I'm a skilled professional in my field of occupation, I don't really give a fuck

to me it's all about native unskilled labour vs foreign unskilled labour

man are you stupid or what? read the previous comments,never mentioned this thing,maybe some other user. the narrative that i'm talking about was said to me by refugees themselves (i live in South Italy,first approach for refugees from Africa), and refugees that come in europe find better conditions to live (welfare check and empty houses and buildings,if not squat houses by themselves) and call back to mother africa to tell their friends "COME HERE!!"

is it difficult to understand that some field in working are more difficult to come in because of the huge numbers of graduates?

nobody is "illegal"
these people are fleeing war and poverty its called basic human compassion you fuck



>what? the government is going to put a refugee camp near my house?! my MP's definitely gonna hear about this!

Why would I be upset by having refugees in my town? As it happens theres going to be 100 refugees housed in my town, spaced out over the next four years, if anything I'm disappointed with the council for not taking in more.

Because you're an atomised, deracinated rootless cosmopolitan whose only connection to said town is that you live there. If those "refugees" start up gangs like the Somalis do in the States, you'll just move somewhere else, the proles can deal with it (I mean if they weren't so racist, the refugees wouldn't be driven to crime! Q.E.D.)



Fuck off fash

right in time to sage lel

i'm not inherently against refugee, but keep in mind the refugee status has to be temporary. particularly when those refugee refuse to assimilate.
if your country is declared safe again they have to get the fuck back.


the side effects are a result of government policy, budget cuts to social programs, not building enough houses etc… not the fault of migrants

You need to be stabbed to be honest.

What if the side effects of mass immigration from the Islamic world were due to the variants of Islamic ideology subscribed to by the migrants?