/r/socialism bravely defends trump from body shaming

/r/socialism bravely defends trump from body shaming



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I am shocked, shocked i say!

But Trump is a white male, they should be joyfull this happen.

What would Marx say if you could travel back in time and show him r/socialism?

Surprised it actually, literally, unironically came down to this.

haha holy fuck

Would it be acceptable to target a reactionary if they were black, or gay? Because that's pretty much the point they seem to be making.

*on the axis of them being black or gay or whatever

oh man I love these comics

imo body shaming isn't comparable to racism or homophobia

I don't think anyone's ever been lynched for having a belly

I guess that's the point but it's fucking Donald Trump

why chose that hill to die on?

"Trump should be murdered, but don't make fun of his body or you're reactionary."

I bet they make fun of his goofy as hair, but his body is off limits?
This shit is why leftist are considered killjoys.

"I was mistaken."

At least Americans know they're going to get fucked over either way this time.
Unlike last time with all that "Change", and things will be better because ma black president.


Killing him doesn't harm other people though

Many workers are overweight because they can't afford healthy food

I wish these people would die already

These people have to be COINTELPRO. The "social justice" shit has pretty much decimated the western Left and made it unappealing to the average person.


victimhood transcends class apparently

This whole thing is silly and juvenile. I'm amazed and disappointed by how many people I know were gleeful about those statues.

They're claiming to be socialist, i don't know what to tell ya.

is this a joke?

It was undoubtedly groups like COINTELPRO who initiated and encouraged the decline of feminism and the left in general into the mire of ever more absurd "social justice". It has been an overwhelmingly successful strategy though, and has grown far beyond what any single agency could accomplish on their own. Their genius was in creating a very virulent meme (literally an idea which can be passed from person to person) which managed to appeal to the insecurities and emotional needs of large swathes of the left while simultaneously being utterly divisive and corrosive to any useful leftist activism.

There's no doubt that some of the people posting the most damaging id-pol are FBI agents, but they could just as easily be deluded college students who have bought into the id-pol narrative.

This is why, personally, I'm a proponent of distancing ourselves as much as possible from the mainstream "left". That can only really be done by dropping words like "socialism" and even "leftist" and adopting new words for our ideas which haven't been tainted.

I missed the part where Marx talked about how constantly fixating on transsexualism helps tear down the capitalist system.

Its distasteful, just like Trump


Let's assume we resurrect Stalin and Mao, which one would attempt suicide first after seeing his XXI century supporters?

I wonder what would Stalin and Mao think of Jason Unruhe and Maoist Rebel News.

Fat people, when surrounded by starving people?

what's the problem here

If you were forced into canibalism, it makes more sense to eat a person that is the most fat.

Being fat is a choice. Being black, gay or (brace yourself) female isn't.
Fuck fatties


Fat is bourgious fun stuff.

Fat among proles is a product of proles being told they need to be bourgious and degenerate.

We should not shame the fat proles, but the fat borgious should be publicly lipo'ed

THINK before you compare capitalists to fat pigs! REACTIONARY SCUM!

What if it's my fetish, though? Don't I as a proletarian have a right to live in a society where fat chicks exist? or at least thick ones

Who cares about fat shaming? Land whales will be useless during the revolution.

Reading those comments really triggered me tbh. The only sane person has -20 points.

If that is Marxism, then I am not a Marxist.

I hope you're fucking joking.
Workers also have something called a sense of humor.

I'm going to go with the first option. People can laugh without being accused of supporting a "violent capitalist, patriarchal, transphobic world" as the author puts it.


So apparently the bum fights guy, or at least his totally woke culture jamming art collective are behind this.

Article >inverse.com/article/19929-naked-donald-trump-emperor-has-no-balls-ryan-mcpherson-indecline

Art collective >thisisindecline.com

The guy has a fantastic sense of humor, pic related.

Communists side with the oppressed against the oppressor.

When Trump is body shamed, she is being patriarchally oppressed (yes she, because people are gendered female when patriarchy oppresses them). In this case, we side with Trump against patriarchy, patriarchal body standards, and the liberals enforcing these standards on her.

We are communists, not liberals.

Hi there, Holla Forums!

Fat shaming Kim Jung un would get you banned from that place in a heartbeat.

r/socialism and r/fullcommunism manifest two shitty and polar opposite issues with the left somehow. They're both extremely idpol and very nostalgic towards the Soviet Union.

Get a better fetish. Being fat is a burden to society.

This left me thinking, when you are a leftist (or at least an anti trump activist) but you are also the kind of guy who arranges bum fights and buys dead babies as a prank, is this what ridding yourself of spooks truly looks like?